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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  August 23, 2017 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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tv's number one daily viral video show "right this minute." a tornado tears up the land taking -- >> everything it gets its grips on. >> the scene near the eye of the storm. after a husband and wife stopped at a food cart -- >> he wanted to live stream their wait in the line. >> but find out the moment a fun night out turns terrifying. do assumptions get in the way of relationships? >> you are 24 years old. >> house a guessing game between strangers leads to all kinds of awkward. we've got christian, oli, charity, nick, and gayle breaking down the best on the web including a prankster mom makes the little one think it's back to the grind. >> he completely committed to
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it. >> what happens when the little ones catch onto the fake school run. whenever i see a video of a tornado or a twister, i automatically assume it's video from the u.s. there's something so intrins intrinsically american about them. but this comes from china. it got a lot of people's attention because we can see this from multiple angles. in the first part, it's heading towards this building. then you see electrical sparks and it's tearing apart anything it can get its grips on. >> there's lots of sparks over there. >> lots of sparks. lots of debris as well in the air. you can see the clearing through what looks like a construction zone. yes, we get a real up close look at it. all sorts of bits of wood and construction material now in the air. these people are like, maybe we should step away from the window. >> yeah. it's flying at them. >> that crane managed to stay up? >> i don't see any craning get pulled down. i don't think it's too forceful of a tornado. but we do get some incredible
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shots of the shapes of the funnel as it curves its way through the sky. especially here. look at this. >> wow. >> listen to the sound as well. it's really incredible. it's amazing curvings around. there is some footage of the damage. it did damage and destroy a number of homes. but there were no casualties in this situation. you hear them buzzing. you see them swarming. then you think, gosh, do we have a problem here? the honey bees can swarm in neighborhoods. it's not unusual. but when this happens, you think maybe we need this taken care of. we don't want to spray it all down with pesticide. honey bees are good. so here the folks have called in a local beekeeper. he's using a simple method. he's got himself a bucket. he puts the bucket right beneath
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the beehive and shakes it into the bucket. all of this very nonchalantly even with the kids right standing nearby. we seem to fear bees. this irrational fear of bees like they're going to kill us. if you have an allergy to bees, i get it. in this case the family is not freaking out one bit. even when the younger guy comes walking up to investigate. >> back up. >> in my opinion, it's a good little learning experience. >> knowledge is power. the more you know about something, the less you are afraid of it. i think in this situation, the confidence of that person is permeating out to the people around. understand this guy knows what he's doing. let's just listen to him. >> if the queen is in there, they'll all go in there. >> all that being said, as the parent at the table, i wouldn't have had my kids that close. i would have had them inside. kids get involved or push something or grab something, i would always keep them away. >> they're actually going in. >> totally would agree with you watching this video. i thought it was interesting that the family treated this
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respectfully and didn't freak out and panic. anything could happen. you could wind up with a whole bunch of stings and wind up in the hospital. but this was just an interesting way to go about it. 26-year-old emory is with his wife. they just pull upd with their motorcycle to this joint. they were on their way home, decided to take a little pit stop. he doesn't generally do this, but in this case he wanted to live stream their wait in the line. they're there waiting. you can see them chatting it up. and then they get on the sidewalk because they are parked on the street. now, if you go to other countries, there are oftentimes carts right on the veet and you're on the street while getting your food. it's not uncommon. you see a car just made a left turn onto the street they're on. got a little wobbly. >> fish tailed. yeah. it like drifted around this corner. easy, tiger. >> it does make you a little nervous, right?
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for some reason right about here they decided to get back on the street. unfortunately -- >> look out. >> oh! >> oh, poor guy. they just drove straight at him. >> after this impact, he was left in critical condition. he's been fighting for his life because the injuries were so severe. fortunately his wife was actually okay. emergency services responded right away. they took him to the hospital. the driver did pull over. the impact was so strong that it burst one of his tires and that's when the wife apparently had a verbal altercation with the driver. it sounds like he was taken into custody. but we have no information in terms of what charges or legal action he's going to be facing. this edition of tell my story proves why you should never assume especially on a date.
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they start off with the basics but flip it. >> you are 24 years old. for work you are a lawyer or paralegal. cultural or ethnic background is persian. >> he's just guessing? >> is he mad libbing this? >> yes. >> that's a fun game to tell. >> now she'll tell him if it's true. >> i'm 28. i work as a production coordinator. my cultural background is persian. >> he did get the background correct. >> your name is john. you are 29 years old. for work you are in i.t. >> let's see what he has to say. >> my name is grant. the beard confuses people. i'm actually 21. >> oh. >> it does. the beard ages you. >> well, he happens to work in i.t. though. >> i do like computer programming and app development and stuff. john, average white guy name. >> first date questions. >> i'm going to say that you have wanted to be in a band. >> i actually was in a band for a year and a half in japan.
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in a japanese band. >> i think your guilty music pleasure is, like, singing in your car. >> justin bieber. >> oh. >> sorry, cut the tape. we're done. sorry. >> your guilty musical pleasure is gangster rap. >> he does like rap music. >> i'll pick up songs quickly and rap with them. >> will you rap something for me? >> he's like i'll rap for you but you got to provide a beat. >> just sitting here in two different chairs. sitting here without a care. got the black wall here and the white wall there and she's got some pretty nice hair. >> oh, thank you. >> points for you, boo. >> that was dope. >> he gave her a good compliment and he made her laugh. here's where things get serious. because they start to talk about religion. >> in your family growing up, you practiced -- i'm going to go with something interesting. and your current relationship with god or a creator is strong but independent.
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>> in my family, i grew up practicing islam. i'm spiritual. >> outside of all this, this is a great icebreaker. >> yeah. i was thinking the same thing. fun first date. >> i would go on a second date or date with you. >> i would go out with you. i just wanted to scribble to scare you. >> yeah, she just wanted to toy with him a little bit. but it's a match. this soldier is reenlisting in the armed forces. >> he's become a part of the family. part of this community. and he wants some more. >> but he's also signing up for something more long-term. >> oh, no you didn't. that was good. >> yes. and it's the oh my burger challenge. >> he's got 55 minutes to take down this eight pound burger. >> watch him chow down. >> come on. you got a minute. >> come on. you can do it! >> there's no way.
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doing more. one is promoting soldiers, deserving soldiers. the second is reenlisting quality human beings, quality soldiers to stay on. >> the young fella is standing at ease in front of the stars and stripes is reenlisting in the armed forces. he originally thought he was going to sign up for school years and get the benefits and get out. no. he's become part of the family, part of this community, and he wants some more. after a speech from this fella. >> i devon fuller do solemnly swear -- >> once he's done swearing, the crowd goes wild. he's also prepared a speech. >> this morning represents a personal milestone for myself. representing commitment. something i've struggled with in the past. >> you're not struggling with it now. you signed up for many more years in the armed forces. but there's more. calls somebody up to join him. >> i'd like maggie to step
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forward. >> that's his maggie in the beautiful dress and he has lovely things to stay about her. >> she's the reason i'm able to make it through each day. she has a little surprise and i'm going to have her pick it up and show you guys. >> you're like, okay. picks up the sign. right now what she's holding up, she thinks it's says that it's four years. >> before she can take a peek, you're like, no, no, no. what does it say? it's going to become clearer. can i just hand off that sign there and actually does it. he's signing up for a few years of something else. >> will you marry me? >> nice move. >> such a military move too. just create a diversion. surprise. got you. >> congratulations, guys. >> i don't know how to end it. i don't know how to -- i'm going to do a burger challenge. >> he's up for the challenge. that's the oh my burger challenge. here he is walking into oh my
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burger in los angeles. >> i really want a burger right now. >> well, you let me know if you still want one when we're done. he's got 55 minutes to take down this eight pound burger. you'll notice it comes with ten quarter pound patties, five slices of american cheese, ten slices of bacon. >> oh, my gosh. >> a half pound of pastrami. fries. onion rings on the side and top of it. his goal is complete the challenge in 30 minutes. he says only two other people have completed the challenge. one of them is his friend. >> i just found out my good friend did this challenge in 15 minutes. >> 15. so saddle up, fellas. eric sets his timer and it's go time. he starts with the onion rings on top. he dismantles the burger. and patty by patty, he chows down. >> for me it's the fries and the shake. filling up something so full. >> he may not get through all
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this frin 15 minutes. but ten minutes, the burger is gone. >> time for the fries and to finish off that shake. >> come on. you got a minute. >> you can do it! >> there's no way. >> he's making good time though. because if you recall, his goal was to do it within the 20 to 30-minute time frame. he tips the cup, finishes the shake. >> 18 minutes and we finished the burgers, fries, and shake. >> if he's anything like me, he'll be hungry in about an hour and a half. >> you guys want burgers tonight for dinner? >> yeah. >> moment on the lips, lifetime on the hips, nick calderone. >> that was absolutely vicious. they're crashing weddings again. >> the bridesmaids are like they better not have better legs than me. >> next "right this minute." and still to come -- ♪ there's more to what we could be ♪ >> karen southern shares her latest youtube video.
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>> she is incorporating her own talents with artificial intelligence to create this competition. >> hear this creative process come together. >> i'm not sure how i feel about all this. plus, time for long board racing. >> sanctioned event, closed course. plenty of safety protocols in place. >> now watch them in action. >> oh! day 13. if only this were as easy as saving $600 when you switch to progressive. winds stirring. too treacherous for a selfie. [ camera shutter clicks ] sure, i've taken discounts to new heights with safe driver and paperless billing. but the prize at the top is worth every last breath. here we go. [ grunts ] got 'em. ahh. wait a minute. whole wheat waffles? [ crying ] why! wait a minute. whole wheat waffles? because your carpet there's resolve carpet care. it lifts more dirt and pet hair versus vacuuming alone.
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resolve carpet care with five times benefits all you expect from theive skin. number-one-recommended by dermatologists. all free clear is free of dyes and perfumes and has powerful stainlifters to help get your whole wash clean. it's all good.
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promotional considerations provided by -- albreakthrough withyou back. non-drowsy allegra® for fast 5-in-1 multi-symptom relief. breakthrough allergies with allegra®. this is the official music video to terrence southern's "break free." >> i like this girl. she's talented. >> she is incorporating her own
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talents with artificial intelligence to create this composition. ♪ i wish i could see beyond what i can see ♪ >> this is a song collaboration between taryn and a.i. software. >> you mean artificial intelligence versus somebody's stage name. >> yes i mean artificial intelligence. ♪ i wish i could imagine >> she provided parameters for the song's tempo, the rhythm, instrumentation. then the wrote the vocal melodies for. >> if you want a rock tune on the album, you change the parameters and it spits out a song. >> yep. >> i don't know how i feel about all this. >> producers and engineers are
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at home like huh-uh. >> now everybody can just have an app. >> i disagree. i think it's just a neat demonstration she's showing off. >> she says this allows her to focus on her creative process without having to worry about all the other elements that she's not necessarily good at. but it allows her to focus on her art. ♪ more to who we are ♪ there's more to what we could be ♪ >> it's great she could go ahead and take care of it herself. but there's this process that happens with writers and producers and sound engengineer. you get this beautiful music of people coming together. >> she has a huge following that already links her as an artist. this is a project she's trying because it is so unique that i think she may actually be opening the door for other people to try. >> if her voice can make you love the song, then i think she's done her job. huge fan of racing. especially when you do it like this. sanctioned event, closed course, plenty of safety protocols put
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in place. these guys on their long boards. they tuck down and the speed starts ramping up quickly. first hard right turn, guy goes in too tight. they all have these pucks on their hands to put on the ground to help stability. now our guy with the helmet camera gets real close. and then we'll slingshot around just like nascar drivers do. >> you can tell the respect as well. these guys know the abilities of the people around them. they're able to get real close without scaring each other. >> it's so funk when you pay attention to even their foot placement and how they move their bodies when they're trying to turn or pick up speed or slow down. >> you're right. looks like all of their weight is in the front foot and their back is being used to steer. >> now you've got to be careful where you place that weight. sometimes you may get grip you didn't expect. >> oh!
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>> he's out of the game. looks to me like this is just a practice run. not an official race. the guys having a great time though. this is at the devil's peak downhill. mom is waking up the girls -- >> kids, it's the first day of school! get excited! >> wahoo! >> except it's not. >> it's not the first day of school? lion with.
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>> happy birthday, joseph. i need a bigger boat. ♪ kids, it's the first day of school get excited! amanda sets up the camera. she's about to wake the girls up. time to go. >> it's the first day of school. come on. >> look how nice she is waking them up. i remember hey, it's time to go.
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>> she's got one up. now the other. >> are you excited for the first day of school? >> mom, by the way, i just woke up, can we ease up on the camera for a minute? can i have my toothpaste first? >> now she's got those two taken care of, time to wake up the third child. >> it's the first day of school. yes, it is. >> she's got some discrepancies. she's like, it's not the first day of school. but amanda insists it is the first day of school, girl. >> how long have i been asleep? >> all summer. >> it's not a prank. >> she's adamant about it. she's older, too, so i think she knows about the calendar. she's had it out and she's like, first day of school, last day of school, spring break. mark them down. >> got to get ready for school. okay? >> finally she gives in, okay, fine. i'll get in the shower. >> you look so pretty. >> and it's off they go. they pull up to the school and get out. >> and there's nobody else here. what?
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>> exactly, nick. >> the shutters are even closed on the school. >> there are no teachers or buses. >> what? >> she peers into the car, i told you. >> it's not the first day of school? >> amanda, this is not funny. >> hold up. is this all just a big prank on the kids? >> it's all just a big prank. in fact, amanda set all this up the night before. she laid out their clothes. >> okay. i was kind of thinking this was going to a prank, but then i expected mom to be like, prize, we're going to disney world. you're dressed and ready no. no? >> no. >> that is cold. >> and she committed to it. >> are you guys mad at me? >> yes! >> you know what? there's three of them, and they're going to learn to prank back. thanks for spending part of your day with us today. we appreciate it. go to to check out more fun stuff or catch us on the next all new
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hi. hi. what's going on with you? i've missed being here with you. i've missed being everywhere with you. you know what i mean. surrounded by all this art and creativity... feels like home. i think you should start painting again. [ laughs ] right. with all my free time between the hospital and the boys? i'm serious. you should think of this studio as your studio. doesn't have to be just a dream. thank you. but for now, i'll just live vicariously through you, my brilliant and talented boyfriend. live-in boyfriend. right. who, uh, maybe is not as brilliant as everybody says. [ laughter ] come on. don't be so modest. there's a reason you're famous.


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