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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  September 11, 2017 11:35pm-12:37am EDT

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>> dicky: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- larry david, dave salmoni and animals, kristen bell, live from florida, plus the finale of baby bachelor in paradise. and now get this, here's jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: that's very nice.
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hello, everybody. very kind and i appreciate it. i'm jimmy and i'm the host. thank you very much and thanks for coming. and of course on behalf of -- have nice. on behalf of everyone here at the show, the affected by hurricane irma. it has been downgraded to a tropical storm which is good recovery efforts are underway. this is crazy. florida is the best. a die in daytona beach. i don't know if you saw this, as a squoek he posted a campaign for his fellow floridaens to fire guns at the hurricane to let irma know we shoot first. some people took it seriously to the point where the pasco county sheriff's department posted this stern warning, do not shoot
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weapons at irma, you won't make it turn around and it will have very dangerous side effects. they made a graphic to show you it might come back at you. in other words if you shoopt at a hurricane, it will shoot you back. always try to negotiate with a hurricane, first. this is unprecedented, who shoots at weather? i mean, even in the middle of a natural disaster, florida is still as floridaish as it can be. not everybody chose to obey the evacuation orders. some local residents decided to hang outside and take it in. >> once it starts raining, everyone runs home. the issue becomes once it starts -- clearing up, people start showing up. look at these gentlemen here. what did you come out to do? >> we wanted to experience the weather.
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>> just to experience the weather? >> we heard about all the evaculation going on. but we just decided to come out and experience the weather. >> well, you do have to -- sometimes those evaculations can be premature and you have trouble. every time you turned on the tv you saw a reporter getting hosed by rain. people were worried, all of a sudden people start caring about weathermen. usually we treat them like traffic cones. a lot of them are orange. it's kind of like -- we don't pay much attention to them any more because we get the weather on our phones. it's already in our pants. so as a result, weather is unnecessary on television now. you might as well be announcing
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what time it is. you might as well put a clock on the wall and say it's 8:14 and we're looking at a chance of 8:30. but this is why -- [ cheers and applause ] -- this is why -- this is why weather people are all good look now. they have no information to give us any more. but then the hurricane comes and the news channels send them into it and it's like, be careful with my waeteather guy. he could get killed out there. it's important to recognize that these brave men and women risk everything for no good reason at all. this is a good story. one of the many people stranded in florida is christen bell, the actress. she was shooting a movie in orlando and they evacuated two big groups of nursing home residents and moved them into her hotel. she decided to make it fun for
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them. she wrote there are a few thousand senior residents who were evacuated. we are going to make lemonade out of irma. and i'm calling a few hours of bingo. they had a bingo game for them. they had wheelchair races at midnight. she ate with them. there she is dining with her new friends. their grandkids are going to be jealous. anyway, we contacted kristen. he is still in the hotel and the senior citizens are still in the hotel. do we have her live? yes. there she is. how are you? >> i'm good. >> jimmy: how's it going? >> pretty good. we have been making the most of a crazy situation. >> jimmy: it sounds like you are. is everybody okay there right now? >> everybody's fine. we have gotten through it really well mainly because of glaary.
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we're at walt disney world swan and dolphin report and gary has been running toilet paper to people's rooms at 2:00 in the morning. handing out water. >> yeah. >> jimmy: nicely done, gary. running toilet paper to people's rooms. >> it's so full service here. when is the last time you slept? >> friday night. woke up saturday morning. we have been at the hotel ever since. >> he has been up for like 72 hours, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: gary, are people asking for toilet paper or are you just delirious and running it to their room? >> just running to the rooms, now. >> jimmy: i recognize the gentleman to your right is that the guy you sang with on the video? >> this is john. this is my side piece here in orlando, jimmy.
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you want to say hi to my friend jimmy? >> yes, where are you? >> jimmy: i'm in california. how are you? >> oh. i'm swamped under with beautiful women. >> did you hear what he said. beautiful women. >> yes. >> jimmy: this hurricane is work out beautifully for john, i tell you that. >> i'll never be the same. >> john's been serenading us. we have everyone here from atria senior sr. assisted living. we have so many people and it's not just seniors here. >> wow. that is -- and you are really the best. that is unbelievable that you're doing all this stuff for everyone. >> we got dogs here, families, everybody. >> jimmy: all right, well, please give our love to all the families and dogs. maybe you could do a duet for
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us. >> i told him you were johnny carson because he didn't know who you were. do you want to sing some? >> thank you all for being here. and we hope you enjoy the show. >> and you can have us singing and run our video. i posted something on instagram of us singing. >> jimmy: thank you. we send our love. >> thank you, guys. >> that's kristen bell in orlando. here's another light moment that came out of a serious situation. this is from florida governor rick scott's press conference on saturday. pay attention to the man on the right. the sign language interpret whoever gave 110%. >> the threat of storm surge has increased. and 6 to 12 feet. think about that. 6 to 12 feet have impacts above ground level is now probable. this will cover your house.
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have you ever been watched how a storm surge works it flows in fast, very fast and then it flows out. you will not survive. all this storm surge. this is a life threatening situation. if you've been ordered to evacuate you need to leave now. do not wait. evacuate. not tonight, not in an hour, you need to go right now. >> jimmy: okay. [ cheers and applause ] that's good stuff. someone please track that man down. because oh, by the way, i want to -- guillermo bring me that e-mail for a second. larry david is here tonight. dave salmoni is here tonight. larry david they won't have a david. dave is the one that loves animals, larry hates people, okay? so, dave brought a venomous
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snake tonight. and an e-mail to all "jimmy kimmel live" staff, subject, animal determine knmo today. there are venomous snakes present for today seen animal determi demo. only personnel essential to the scene will be allowed within 50 feet. and rehearsal is closed to nonpersonnel. guess who is only person who didn't get this e-mail is? the nonessential personnel. that's who. thanks for alerting me, guillermo. >> welcome. >> jimmy: anyway, who is ready to be within 50 feet of a venomous snake tonight? we're going to take a break. when we come back we'll update you on the finale of bachelor in
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paradise and the finale of baby bachelor in paradise. we'll be right back. my great granddaughter, you may never know me, but when i look at you, i look back on my life and i know what it was for. so you could have the childhood they said i couldn't have... in the places they said i couldn't go... in the words they said i couldn't speak. how i've imagined your life between my shifts, in my studies, in books and pages; in nights so late i've seen your face in definitions. but what if i struggled and sacrificed and swore i'd succeed, so you could wake up one day with the choice to be anything you wanted? well then, my great granddaughter... it would all be worth it.
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i want ycome on mom!t easy. go slow. ♪ let's go! ♪ mom! slow down! for the ones who keep pushing. always unstoppable.
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so, i was at mom and dad's ♪ and found this. cd's, baseball cards... your old magic set? and this wrestling ticket... which you still owe me for. seriously? $25? i didn't even want to go. ahhh, your diary. "mom says it's totally natural..." $25 is nothing. abracadabra, bro. the bank of america mobile banking app. the fast, secure and simple way to send money. your date with destiny has arrived. let's do this! new cinnamon frosted flakes are finally here.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back to the show. larry david, dave salmoni, and his animal friends are on the way. first tonight here on abc, the season finale of bachelor in paradise. what a season this was and what a show this is, is it a show, really? one of the more colorful characters is a woman named christen. they called her scallop fingers. a bunch went out to dinner and christen ordered scallops to go and ate them in the car on the way home. and there are others in the car who claims she wiped her scallop
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fingers on another woman, alexis, the woman who dressed like a dolphin. and as a result everyone started calling her scallop fingers to her back. and every time she is on camera, they put scallop fingers under it like it's her job or something and they started calling her scallop fingers to her face and now i'm explaining this nonsense on television. while she did not seem to be bothered by not ending up with someone. >> i would have been wigging out if i left here as a couple. thank you, it's a no. scallop fingers out. >> i think for scallops this just wasn't her habitat and she's home now and free. ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's like the weather channel. so another season of bip comes
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to a close. while it may be over for the contestants, the friendships they made and stds they contract will last a lifetime. it's been an amazing journey so far. and tonight it's the romantic conclusion to baby bachelor in paradise. previously on the most shocking season of any show in the history of television. some of the kids found love and some -- >> hey ladies -- who wants a date. >> jimmy: found themselves alone and weird. dylan tried his best to woo the girls. >> any of you want to -- >> no, thanks. >> no, i'm good. >> i'll pass. >> you're too old. >> you're missing out. >> jimmy: i sat down for a one-on-one with the most rejected contestant in baby bachelor history. can i ask you a personal question. >> yes. >> jimmy: how long have you had
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that mustache? >> it grew and got bigger and bigger and then i got some beard in my head. >> jimmy: do you shave every day? >> yeah. >> caller: ju >> jimmy: your face or your chest too? >> my whole body. >> jimmy: does that take a lot of time? >> it takes a thousand times. >> jimmy: and why do you shave your body? >> because i shave my face and shoe and my eyes. >> jimmy: dylan, i can see your mustache is starting to come off. so i'm going to let you enjoy the house with the other kids. >> great idea. more of the girls are wearing mustaches, right? >> four of the girls. >> and my mom. >> jimmy: your mom has a mustache? >> a bombshell. >> jimmy: she'll be delighted to hear that. >> she'll be super delighted.
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>> jimmy: as the sunset over paradise it was time to force these children to get engaged. kennedy and aidan hit it off from the start and no amount of chad or ethan could come between their love. >> will you be my bride? >> is there any -- >> i got one too. >> pretty. >> jimmy: for them, the decision was delicious. >> can you believe these two? yeah? how old are you anyways? you got a full mustache. >> i'm five inches. >> five inches? >> i mean zero inches. >> you got a cool mustache, though. >> jimmy: bella had a hard time making a connection but sometimes love is right behind you holding a boom mike. michael the sound guy was bad at
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his job but great with the ladies and he wasn't afraid to fight for what he wanted. >>. [ crying ] i wanted to give you this. >> okay. >> i -- guy. >> reporter: for other babies it was more complicated. >> i feel a lot of pressure to marry mason. >> marry. >> here, i get to see her. >> he better give me that ring. >> i can't do it. >> give me that ring! >> jimmy: would brandon give in to macy's ultimatum or walk away with his dignity. >> give me that ring.
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>> i'll give you the box. ♪ >> this is the best box i ever got. >> jimmy: and then there was charlie. after her recent split with commitme commitment-faux brendan would she take the plunge with clyde? >> this is for you. >> i love you. >> i love you too. >> i'm getting married. >> jimmy: bad boy alex made it clear he'd stop at nothing to win cosette's heart including attempting to murder dominic. but what the producers want is the only thing that matters. so they got engaged. >> i want you to have this. >> i so happy.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> it's heavy. >> there you go. >> jimmy: with love in the air, so ends the most dramatic, shocking, unbelievable and to reiterate dramatic and shocking first and final season of baby bachelor in paradise ever before. [ cheers and applause ] coming up next stay tuned for the season premier of baby wipeout. >> that looks good. we have a good show tonight. dave salmoni and his wild animal friends are here. and we'll be right back with larry david. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> jimmy: did you flee florida or here on a planned vacation? is fleed the proper -- you fled is what happened, yeah.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back to the show. tonight, one of the great animal handlers in all of the world. if you are an animal, his are the hands you want. from animal planet, dave salmoni is here. dave brought a mountain lion cub, hedgehogs, a bald eagle, and a very poisonous viper. but don't worry, dave tweeted this, he wrote, learning to handle venomous snakes today. that was yesterday. so he has at least 24 hours'
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experience with them. tomorrow night michael keaton will be here. from cnn van jones will be here. we'll have music from the lone bellow. music from 21 savage and dustin lynch. the host of the emmys, stephen colbert, new american us open champ sloane stephens, nina dobrev will be here. and on wednesday, former white house press secretary sean spicer will be here in this chair and question -- i've been thinking about it. question number one: did donald trump ever kick or bite you? and then we'll go from there. all right. for six long years we've been forced to rely on real life to provide us for uncomfortable experiences. but on october 1st we turn to television again as "curb your enthusiasm" returns to hbo, please welcome larry david. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> stop it! does this bother you at all? is this okay? i don't like to get too close to people. you know, i keep a distance. >> jimmy: i see that. it's okay. we can do it like this. >> i'll come over. >> jimmy: come over. i think -- last time you were here you sat in the right chair. thank you for coming back. >> i'll tell you what the problem is. you want to know what the problem is? last time -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> you came into the room and said hello, like a person. okay? what? did the oscar stuff is in your head now? >> jimmy: can i be honest with you? >> i wish you would.
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>> jimmy: last time, they said, larry is not sure he wants to be here -- >> larry wasn't sure this time either. >> jimmy: and the reason i don't go back there. i know this sounds ridiculous is it makes me feel stupid when i say hello for the second time in ten minutes. >> the double hello. of course! >> jimmy: you understand this. >> totally! >> jimmy: i'm glad you understand it. >> the double hello. i'm so glad i brought it up. >> jimmy: i'm glad too. >> now i know you don't want to do a double hello. you know what is worse than a double hello? the double good-bye. we did that on the show. i left a watch. it was a horrible situation. i broke a lamp and a woman was yelling at me and i left and then i -- two minutes lauter aleft mych and had to go back in for the double good-bye.
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>> jimmy: you never want to go back in. >> no. >> jimmy: first of all, let me say, you know we got snakes back stage and stuff. are you an animal guy? >> am i an animal guy? no, not even close. no! i hate them almost as much as people. you know? and that's saying something. >> reporter: that-- >> jimmy: that's fair. >> i'm not an animal person or a people person. and very few of us are there. >> jimmy: you didn't have pets or don't have pets? >> when i was married i had pets. i had dogs. i didn't buy them. she bought them for the kids. i've never seen -- depressed animals like that in my life. i couldn't look at them. they were so depressed. you know, they wanted somebody to play with them, i guess.
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don't look at me. i felt so bad every now and then i would give them a guilty pet. hello, there boy. hi, boy. that was enough. 20 seconds of betting. what am i going to do? >> jimmy: as a child were you the same way? >> i've always been the i feel like i've been this way since i'm 2. but the good thing about the dog is when i came home, somebody gave me a greeting, the dog, you know? >> jimmy: they wouldn't say anything. >> you love a good greeting. >> jimmy: of course. i would get a good greeting from the dog, that was nice. >> reporter: -- >> jimmy: no plans for dogs in the future? >> no. >> jimmy: do people come to your
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house? do you have guests or parties? >> have you lost your mind? guests or parties? no, no. when i was in new york i had a tiny apartment and my mother gave me all the dishes. and i had a lot of dishes. and you know, who wants to clean up? so they would pile up in the sink. and then i -- then i have to wash all the dishes and i go what the hell do i need these dishes and silver ware for? it's in the sink and all dirty. and every two weeks i would have to clean it all. i threw it all out except one plate, one knife, one fork and one spoon. it was >> jimmy: that is the saddest thing i have ever heard. >> it was fantastic. no dish pile up. >> jimmy: you forced yourself to wash them after every thing. >> before the next meal, yeah. >> jimmy: very practical and really kind of the machinations of a lunatic in a way, yes?
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>> i love the word machinations. i love the word. you pronounced it correctly. a lot of people say machinations. >> jimmy: we have too much in common, i'm sure. >> i'm not so here about that. >> jimmy: when we come back -- >> we're coming back? >> jimmy: we'll talk about the new program and i am on the show this season. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: larry david is here. we'll be right back. are you ok? what happened? dad kinda walked into my swing. huh? don't you mean dad kind of ruined our hawaii fund? i thud go to the thothpital. there goes the airfair. i don't think health insurance will cover all... of that. buth my fathe! without that cash from - aflac! - we might have to choose between hawaii or your face. hawaii! what? haha...hawaii! you might have less coverage than you think. visit and keep your lifestyle healthy.
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ughh. wow. that's just not fair. does she have to? she doesn't have to! oh, i don't? no, but it's a tough choice, isn't it? yes. well luckily, chevy makes it a little easier. cause it's the only brand to earn j.d. power dependability awards for cars, trucks and suvs - two years in a row. that's amazing. chevy's a name you can trust!
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♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> i can't look at that. take it away. hi. trying to work. >> sorry. what's your problem? >> no one wants to see this. very disturbing. >> two people aren't allowed to be happy? >> you're allowed to be happy but not in front of me. so let's move it down. >> all right. >> thank you. >> jimmy: that's larry david and
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"curb your enthusiasm" which is finally coming back. >> larry: you don't do that. that's a -- that's no way for adults to behave, is it? >> jimmy: you are genuinely, that is something that bothers you when you see it? >> larry: nauseating, yeah. cannot stand it. >> jimmy: people tell you that they are just like you all the time. they feel like a bond with you as far as these strong opinions you have about seemingly innocent things? >> larry: yes. jewish people. jewish people think that it's an in-road to having a good chat with me. >> jimmy: i see. >> larry: they will come up to me and go, hey, i'm a jew. really? congratulations to you. what do you know about that? >> reporte >> jimmy: and it's not a good inroad. are there any really? >> larry: not especially.
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>> jimmy: why did you decide to do the show again after six years of not? >> larry: i don't see how that's any of your business. i really don't. >> jimmy: you're right. >> larry: i think it's a personal question. am i on barbara walters here? >> jimmy: she's retired. >> larry: don't probe. i just thought, i -- >> jimmy: has tv larry changed in any way on the show? >> larry: what's changed is the way that people yell at me. every show someone's yelling, cursing, everything. you know, you usually -- it's your bald bastard, things like that. you bald [ bleep ], i can't say that, that will be bleeped. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> larry: and it always made me laugh. and the show hasn't been on for five or six years. and now instead of a bald
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bastard they're calling me an old bastard. an old [ bleep ] bastard. the bald bastard used to make me laugh. >> jimmy: the show is basically improved and people have altered their insult to suit what they think -- >> larry: i'm older now. >> jimmy: maybe you could ask them to stop that. >> larry: i miss being called bald. >> jimmy: were you self conscious about being bald? >> larry: no, no. i never did a comb over. >> jimmy: you never did that. >> larry: i never flirted with a toupee. never flirted. i did go to the dermatologist and ask him a few questions. >> jimmy: and he -- >> larry: is it going to keep getting worse?
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but you know what i have to say about the whole thing? >> jimmy: what? >> larry: i'm proud of myself for the way i accepted my baldness. i am. i'm proud of myself. [ cheers and applause ] it's the only demonstration of character i've ever displayed in my life. >> jimmy: really? >> larry: in my entire life. i'm amazed i did it like that. i amazed myself. >> jimmy: you think tha in gene? >> larry: no. no. my best -- that's a good quality. that was good. but i think my best quality is that i'm a great person to break up with. >> jimmy: really? >> larry: so fantastic. no histo no histrionics. lair larry, i'm so sorry, i don't
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think we should see each other any more. okay, okay, that's good. that's good. that's real good. >> jimmy: that's your best quality. >> larry: that's great. and i'll tell you another great quality. >> jimmy: what is it? >> larry: i'm a terrific mourner. >> jimmy: really when someone passes away. >> larry: i'm an approachable mourner. >> jimmy: how do you do it? >> larry: i make it comfortable for people to come up to me. so sorry about your loss. oh, yeah, go have some deli, you know, go eat, go eat. >> jimmy: what is your worst quality? >> larry: not good in hospitals. >> jimmy: good mourner but bad hospital visitor. why? >> larry: i can't hide the pity. they see through the pity. if they didn't know they were dying before i got there, they know when they look at my face.
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yeah. >> jimmy: there you go. >> larry: i can't -- i cannot -- i cannot pity bluff. i can't bluff it. i look at them i go -- how you doing? okay. i'm sorry, i just -- you're not feeling well. >> jimmy: once they die, no problem. you're more comfortable almost with the dead than the living. speaking of the dead we have a snake coming out here do. you want to stay and experience the wild animals along with me? [ cheers and applause ] >> larry: i'm going to do it. >> jimmy: i'm shocked and delighted. larry david is here. "curb your enthusiasm" is here october 1st on hbo. we'll be right back with animals. check it out! self-appendectomy! oh, that's really attached. that's why i rent from national. where i get the control to choose any car
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in the aisle i want, not some car they choose for me. which makes me one smooth operator. ah! still a little tender. (vo) go national. go like a pro. ♪ ♪ where do you want to go next? ♪ ♪ because there's always more world, there's platinum. backed by the service and security of american express. because there's always more world, there's platinum. ♪ depression is a tangle of multiple symptoms. ♪ that's why the's trintellix, a prescription medication for depression. trintellix may help you take a step forward in improving your depression. tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens and ung adults. do not take with maois. tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric
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and depression medications, to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. increased risk of bleeding or bruising may occur, especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin or blood thinners. manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. may cause low sodium levels. the most common side effects were nausea, constipation and vomiting. trintellix had no significant impact on weight in clinical trials. it all started when sophia stopped into marshalls and found a mug for surprisingly little green. she paired that with some succulents. and suddenly something clicked. that surprise led to a stylish wood mirror, soothing lavender oils, a party llama... or is that an alpaca? super soft towels, and an enchanting vase that magically tied it all together. she arranged it all into the greatest guest bathroom ever. did sophia expect to get so much bang for so few bucks? no. but great things happen when you choose surprise. marshalls. your surprise is waiting.
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but great things happen whenoh, you yeah!ht butch. (butch growls at man) he's looking at me right now, isn't he? yup. (butch barks at man) butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. (laughs) (vo) you can never have too many faithful companions. introducing the all-new crosstrek. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. your date with destiny has arrived. let's do this! new cinnamon frosted flakes are finally here. sweet cinnamon and the frosted crunch you love. well? tastes like victory t. tastes like victory. they're great!
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♪ >> jimmy: hi there, we are back. larry david is here. each time our next guest pays a visit to this show, he risks life and limb, specifically my life and limb.
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he's a beastmaster who's handy with a hammer, too. his new special "pet nation renovation" premieres wednesday night on animal planet. here he is, the canadian tarzan, dave salmoni. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ what is this? >> larry: okay. >> jimmy: already the animals are out of control. >> you're all right. you're all right. >> jimmy: that way. >> you're all right. >> jimmy: say good-bye to larry, everybody. oh, my god! good night, everybody. i'm going to leave, too. >> this is a mountain lion. >> jimmy: no kidding. >> hi, sweetheart. >> jimmy: he should be in the mountains. are you bleeding already? while why are you bleeding every
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time you come out here. >> it's for dramatic effect. >> jimmy: how old is this guy? >> he's 4-month-old. do you want to hold him? >> jimmy: no. >> probably a good instinct. >> jimmy: probably nothing less i want to than to hold him. >> a mountain lion or a cougar -- >> jimmy: he's looking at guillermo in a bad way. >> first thing you might have noticed is he has spots still. babies are born with light blue eyes. can i show your eyes. >> jimmy: just like human babies. and human babies -- and when they are teenagers, they have spots on their faces, too. >> he has these spots because all -- >> jimmy: he does not want any part of you. >> he wants all the parts of you. >> jimmy: i guess he does, yeah. >> these spots are going to help him because at this age he is
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going to sihide when mom is hunting. he needs to hide from predators who might hurt him. >> jimmy: he looks happy, though. >> he is happy. the difference between happy and unhappy is his ears would be further back. >> jimmy: is that when we should be worried? >> no, in these situations it's not a matter of worried. quit showing off. lost that. >> jimmy: that's probably a good idea. >> lost his leash. >> jimmy: god only knows what is in that box. >> i need some things. >> jimmy: i did not order on this on amazon. i'm going to tell you that right now. >> why don't you come into this chair. go sit there. >> jimm this is one of the most venomous snakes in the world. you can see i'm not going the touch the box because it has the
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largest fangs in the world of any snake and therefore -- i need you to be stationary. is that your spot? okay. that's your spot. as you suggested i'm fairly new at this. >> jimmy: i saw that on your twitter or whatever. >> i'm going to use these sticks here. >> jimmy: yeah? >> these sticks are going to help me keep my hands and away. >> two shish kabobs the only thing to keep you from getting bit. it's a fat little snake. >> he's a very, very heavy snake. i'm a little bit new at this. i'm going to be watching him more than you. this is a bone viper. you can come close for you like. you are perfectly safe. one of the things i love about these guys although it is the biggest fangs. you can see the venom sack on
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the side of his head. it's the largest venom sack of any venomous snake. he is one of the fastest strikers. this one could strike behind himself. so even though he is a very dangerous snake, he's super calm. he's chilling out and relaxed. people have this general fear of snakes and one of the biggest problems is that when people see these snakes they kill them. this guy has no interest in hurting anyone. >> jimmy: how do we know, though? >> if he was going to hurt someone he would be striking at me. >> jimmy: maybe he doesn't want to hurt people on tv. because word gets around. >> these are things i've not thought about. something else i want to show you about the bone viper is you see this beautiful coloration here on his back. >> jimmy: don't poke him.
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he is tasting the air now. >> he is always sensing. he likes to hunt. he will strike if he gets at something he could strike at. he could sit on top of the leaf litter and nothing would see it and a rodent would come past and he would use those long fangs. and he has a venom that is going to attack the cells and the cells start to swell and stop working. and he lets it pass away and eats it. >> jimmy: that's great. i hear they love being in a box. [ laughter ] isn't that true? >> they do. >> jimmy: you want to see that snake get in that box? that would be -- i would love that. why don't we take a break and put the snake where it wants to go which is in the box. >> that is fair to me. >> jimmy: and we'll continue with something else terrible. dave salmoni is here. we'll be right back. ah, dinner.
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when you ache and haven't you're not you. tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol®. >> jimmy: we're back with dave
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salmoni. dave's show is called "pet nation renovation" you fix up animal shelters. >> we just make sure that the shelter matches their heart. >> jimmy: did they have bald eagles in their shelters? >> they don't. but we are trying to make lives better which is a good example for this guy. he was marked for destruction because it was injured and couldn't go back in the wild. patty is the mom. she said, i'll give him one more try and he comes out here and teaches people how amazing these animals are. >> jimmy: he looks smart. do these birds look like they know they're on the money? >> they're proud. the white hair is why it's bald. a bald eagle. >> jimmy: but not actually bald. more feathers on the head than a usual bird. >> there are feathers that are coming out the side.
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he is molting. so once a year he drops his feather and gets new feathers. >> jimmy: do you make a pillow out of them? >> no one i hang out with. and you see these talons, that's how they hunt. >> jimmy: they will take human baby. >> typically fish. they can take things as big as baby deer. this guy's about 8 1/2 feet. >> jimmy: can we see the wingspan of -- >> there he goes. there he goes. >> jimmy: wow, yeah. that is -- >> beautiful animal. one of my favorite birds. >> jimmy: and abreeze, too. you don't have a ceiling fan this would be nice to have in your home. thank you very much. thank you to the eagle as well. i want to thank larry david. apologizes to matt damon w run out of him tonight.
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thanks to kristen bell as well. "nightline" is next. good night. tonight on a special edition of "nightline," florida overtaken. the monster storm irma battering homes, ripping up roads, snapping power lines. more than half the state in the dark. inside the places hit the hardest. we have a first look at the florida keys, where even residents have been blocked from returning home. and tracking the storm, moving north tonight. plus caribbean islands blown away, racing to evacuate stranded americans while residents wait basic supplies. now reports of looting. >> they beat up a tour itmoving and cruise ships


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