tv Right This Minute ABC October 2, 2017 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT
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tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." hard to believe this bro moment is inside a prison where -- >> off he got four guards and two prisoners hanging out. >> see the terrifying scene as the criminals show their true colors. >> no way. >> oh my gosh. >> a woman learns her devoted dog needs surgery. >> that would cost $50,000. >> the genius plan to save little snoopy's life. a motorcyclist does a little lane splitting on his way to -- >> a red light with a flashing yellow. >> what happens when the green gets him another red. >> oh. >> dang. we've got christian, oli,
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charity, nick and gayle breaking down the best on the web including -- motor my wife gonna help me diet ♪ >> the parody with a point. ♪ i'm ready for bacon, i was hungry ♪ >> able to do fun stuff when we're old. >> no, he wanted bacon. trust is something that you earn, right? it looks like these guys all trust each other, a couple dudes just broing out, hanging out, rough housing there. when you look closer you begin to notice this isn't just some hangout session. you've got four guards and two prisoners hanging out and obviously they've got some rapport. you can see this guard come out with almost the exact hair style of that one prisoner. looks like these guys have really built up a rapport with their captors, so to speak. >> that's very interesting prisoner attire, too. >> this is a maximum security prison. >> doesn't look very maximum right now. >> sure doesn't.
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>> right, because they're pretty much just chilling. >> that trust goes out the window right here. when amel pulls out a handgun on the same guard that earlier had given the old bro handshake. he forces his way out one gate, he points the gun at his buddy/guard, get him down on the ground. when he can't get that gate open in that sallyport he starts to shoot. >> to way. >> oh my gosh. >> tries to shoot out that door, which houses the override switch for this gate. that doesn't work. he forces his guard buddy to stick his hand through the door, the gate opens and he slips out. he's been gone for nearly a month, and this guy is no friendly suspect. he's been in custody since 2015, accused of killing a cyclist in the cross-fire of a very violent bank robbery. >> wow, this guy cannot be on the street. >> thankfully he didn't injure anybody in this incident.
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four prison employees and seven other people have been arrested, believed to have some sort of involvement with helping this guy escape. so far, local reports don't have any clue as to where he actually got the gun. that's still a mystery. two years can seem like an eternity. >> ha, ha, ha! >> well, this marine has been gone for a few years and pops up on his family and they just go wild. looks like they're having a family cookout of some sort. >> her mind is blown. mind blown. >> that's mama there. >> go hug him! >> he's so fierce now, she's running away. >> well, he walks up on her and gives her a hug, because nick i think you're right, he knows if he lets her, she's just keep running around. >> oh my god! >> now come the tears, yeah. >> oh, yeah. she lets them roll.
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>> that's her baby, man. she's gonna cry, she has to. it's required. >> i haven't seen him in two years. >> oh my god. >> she gathers herself, who all knew about this and why didn't y'all tell me. well ma'am, they couldn't blow the surprise but your baby is home and they seem excited about it. this next fellow in the navy shah ra shad. the plaidy he's about to sneak up on has no idea. nice and stealth. that's his mom and her friend. the story goes that we told her that he was coming home earlier for her birthday, but because of the hurricanes in florida he wasn't able to do so. so she's sitting there hanging out when he sneaks up behind her, wraps his arms around her and she is super excited. her baby's been gone about a year and well, that's a fact. moments on the road, caught on video. this first one is from dashcam owners australia, keep an eye on
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that truck up ahead pulling what looks like a trailer, some kind of a storage container. as soon as they drive past that cement barrier to the right, watch what happens. >> wake uhm, wake up, wake up! >> wow, that's taking out all the fencing. what happened? did they happen to go off the side of the road or something wrong with the dreefr iver? >> no word. the tires were violently shredded as it was going over this fence. >> here is the thing about that. ironically it looks like the cable barrier did what it was supposed to do and keep it from going into oncoming traffic on the other side. >> amazing neither the van or whatever it was carrying didn't turn over. over to england this guy on his motorcycle is coming up to a light on the road, and there's a red light with a flashing yellow, which apparently meensz the light's about to turn green. this guy keeps going and going. >> oh!
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>> dang. >> that guy still had a chance to turn. you know when the light turns red somebody's making that turn, they can still go >> this say really scary situation. >> that's why you don't try and jump those lights. you never know if somebody is finishing their turn or not. dangerous especially if you're on a bike. >> if even if you have the right of way on the bike you have to slow down, take that extra second just to be sure. >> clear the intersection there. >> yep. my dog snoopy and he means the world to me. he's like my son >> snoopy is a yorkie mix but snoopy had a heart problem doctors said gave him less than a year to live. he needed a life-saving surgery, a surgery that would cost $50,000. >> 50,000 bucks is a lot of money. i ain't got that. >> it's still a very difficult decision though. that hurts it's. it's a heartbreaker. >> that vet is charging $50,000. we need to get a couple extra
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opinions. >> three vets working on him to give him the life-saving surgery. she spent her savings, she got a loan and go fund me page was only asking for $23,000, but she was able to get $28,000. >> $28,000 is a lot of money. >> i'm impressed she was able to raise $28,000 for this life-saving surgery. again, these were donations on go fund me for this. >> who is this woman? she has famous friends, steven hawking and members of queen. >> they never say. she also sold t-shirts and was able to raise more than half of the money she needed but she did sell some of her possessions. >> hash hash sa#savesnoopy, eve meaters. >> now she has to get rid of some of her furniture. can he no longer jump so she doesn't want him to jump on the chairs or the table so she's
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moving those out and putting her mattress on the floor just to make sure the rest of his life is okay. this woman changed her life around for that little dog. if she was able to get more than half of it paid for, good for her. a lady is so buried in her phone that -- >> she doesn't know her friend moved the chair. >> why she's about to learn a hard lesson. >> that's cool-blooded. and abigail doesn't know it. >> this is about to be the happiest memory on earth. >> the magic moment that has her feeling like a princess. >> is he crying? he can't even get the words out. . >> brought to you by target. get new lower prices on thousands of items. target run. you need anything? toilet paper. cereal. maybe some chew toys. got it. get new lower prices on thousands of items. target run and done. this is a payday bar.
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on n n n n n n th air right no because presisint trump and melania trump are about a appear in the white house garden for the victims of the dead lliest shooting in american history that happened last night. the color guard coming out right now as well and here comes president trump and the first lady. vice president pence and his wife, karen, there as well.
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the president and the first lady, the vice president pence and wife karen going back into the white house. that is was memory of the 58 dead and the over 400 injured. white house staff flanked on the lawn there as well. brian ross, and we're learning much more now about the shooter, stephen paddock. 64, acted alone and killed himself. still searching for a motive. >> we know he spent several weeks stockpiling weapons and ammunition. got a very hard to attain automatic weapon. but he was a very unremarkable person at age 64 he moved to a retirement community outside of
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las vegas. his brother says he was not political, he had some money and lived mostly to play video poker. >> unremarkable, perhaps, but pierre thomas, a man that built up quite an arsenal. 19 guns in the room that we see the window blown out right there. >> he came armed to kill. our sources telling us roughly 20 guns, 19 guns i was specially told in that room as he fired down on those unsuspecting people trying to enjoy a beautiful sunday night of a conce concert, george. law enforcement trying to determine where the guns came from. trying to determine if they were bought automatic, if they were augmented to become automatic. a huge investigation right now. nothing remarkable in his
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criminal background to suggest he would do anything like this. >> the authorities have knocked down a claim of responsibility from an isis website. we want to go to matt gutman who is on the scene. this was a scene of pure terror and panic that unfolded about 10:07 las vegas time. >> george, we were able to see down into the concert venue, and what we saw was incredibly disturbing. the debris of what hundreds and thousands of people left behind. there was stretchesbandages on distance between where the shooter was and the concert
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venue. we think about the mass amount of bullets and fire fired in there. it was deadly accurate and astonishing given the vast distance between those two sites and the types of weapons, the ar type rivafles. very disturbing. there are first responders going through and coming through and forensic teams trying to find whatever evidence they can and pick up any pieces they can. >> surveillance video likely to pick up more evidence in the coming days as well. this moment of silence for the victims. lindsey davis is at the hospital where they took in hundreds of victims. you have every hospital in the area dealing with this trauma. >> yes, 515 people injured. we just moved away, but umc is just across the street over
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here, in this parking lot they brought in a bunch of rv's, and this is a pop up, impromptu blood drive. we're told at some locations there is a five hour wait, right now they're at capacity. it's just one way that the community is rallying around the victims just across the street we have about a dozen people still fighting fir theor their . 12 people still in critical condition. >> the drtrauma from this day wl last well beyond as well. the families of the victims, those victims on the scene, lindsey. >> you're exactly right. i think that is the large thing so impressive about the community is they're eager do whatever is takes. there is a go fund me page, givigiv
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giving donations to the victims, free food and charging stations, trying to erase some of the ugliness of the day. >> okay, thank you lindsey davis, no words from the president at that moment of silence honoring the victims earlier in the day. he call it'd an act of pure evil and called on all miles per hours to come together at this moment. >> yes, this is a day for consoling the sir vurvivoir viu has ordered all flags fly at half-staff today. the white house briefing just ended moments ago, and there was a number of questions in there for sarah sanders about the president's position on gun control given what happened in las vegas today. they say this is not the place or time for political debate. surely this is a question that will continue to come back at this white house.
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i also asked sarah sanders if he considers it an act of domestic terrorism. they say it is premature. this is an emotional moment for those in the white house is an under statement. sarah had sanders had a very emotional in a moment. >> so many people today. david muir will be in las vegas tonight for a special edition of to fall asleep 33% faster and get all the benefits of a good night's rest. take control of your sleep with unisom. psoriasis relief. salicylic acid controls recurrence of psoriasis symptoms. plus intensive moisturizers.
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new gold bond psoriasis relief. in the lotion aisle. if you're a fan of gravity and speed there are a few better places to marry those two places together than at the fall free ride. this is daniel ed monson climbing along his longboard and setting off down the mountain in goldendale, washington. >> that looks cool. i love those rolling hills. >> daniel used to skate earlier in his youth and then got out of it a little bit. after his amputation, he climbed back onto the skateboard and here he is looking pretty expert on this downhill route. >> the center of gravity is lower as well. i wonder if that helps. >> exactly what i was thinking as well. >> to answer some of the questions daniel is joining us "right this minute" via skype. what's happening, brother? >> yeah!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> daniel, first of all, tell us what happened. what was your accident? >> i was run over by a train. i was train hopping and i fell and it ran me over and i lost both legs below the knee. >> crikey! >> how long ago was that, talk about your recovery and how it got you to this point in skateboarding? >> been an amputee four years and skateboarding as an amputee three and a half. that night was a howl at the moon situation, i was searching for an adrenalin rush and i hopped on the train. i slipped and fell directly onto the tracks. it removed my legs but i've been a skateboarder for all my life and now it's become more of a passion. learning how to adapt is more than just learning how to walk on prosthetics. it's also enjoying the activities and i realized that skateboarding is one of those things that i could do with my prosthetic legs or not. that's the first time i've done downhill without my prosthetics.
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it was fun. the problem with downhill is if i go by myself and i ride down the hill with my prosthetics on i can walk back up. if i take them off, then it's much harder to are me to get back up the hill for a second run. but they have u-hauls going every 40 minutes so i get to go up the hill as many times as i want. >> you're part of a collective called a.s.k. >> we help people with disabilities and anybody that wants to get on a skateboard get on a skateboard or wcmx, wheelchair motocross, riding a wheelchair at the skate park. look at me i'm missing both legs and i'm a downhill skateboarder. we want people to realize this is an option for them. not everybody with a disability wants to be a track and field star. people want to enjoy different hobbies and things and downhill skateboarding should not be excluding them because of a disability.
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dogs are supposed to be loyal. they're supposed to have your back. in this case, that hound and the other dog in this household decided to open the door to this house and welcome the world in. >> there seem to be a bit of a situation in the kitchen. >> oh my gosh. >> chickens and ducks. >> this house is full of chickens. >> and mess all over the place, too. that's gross, in your kitchen. does she say how long the chickens were in the house? >> no, i think she's still getting over the shock. >> you guys made such a mess. get out. everybody out of the kitchen. >> this next video we have a gorge us shiba enu playing around in the snow. the owner tells the dog to walk over that log there but he also wa warned the dog don't fall, it will be a fiasco. >> poor guy! oh my goodness! i'm glad they got like a heavy coat. >> the dog falls right in the water, but you also see the dog crawling out of the water to the
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other side. >> well he made it to the other side. >> i feel bad for that dog. >> you'll probably feel bad for this dog as well. kiki was trying to pull a houdini and squeeze out of this collar. unfortunately, you see that the collar is now stuck in its mouth. >> and kiki is acting like there's nothing to see here, folks. >> before the video starts rolling mom caught the dog, kiki, trying to squeeze out of it. that's what we see in the video a humiliated embarrassed dog. >> hi, kiki. you want me to take it off of you? ben holderness knows. >> any time your wife is on a healthy diet -- >> you're on the healthy diet, too. ♪ >> hear his hilarious tune about the meal time struggle. ♪
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and this one in the studio, ken holderness has written a song dedicated to you. ♪ i woke up kinda late this sunday ♪ ♪ ready for bacon, i was hungry ♪ ♪ i smelled something else, it made me nervous ♪ ♪ i went downstairs she made me breakfast ♪ ♪ my wife gonna help me diet >> any time your wife is on a healthy diet -- >> you're on the healthy diet, too. >> i don't mind but always seems to go from normal living to all of a sudden, no meat. wait, what? >> why not just jump right in. >> that's pinpoint exactly. ♪ lunch time in brazil, and she said it will make you fit and full of muscle ♪ >> up next, you know what that
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means. ♪ >> they're green. he didn't look and say thanks, babe, for paying so much attention and wanting us to be healthy to grow old together. >> no. he wanted bacon. ♪ my wife gonna help me diet ♪ swiss chard i thought i'd try it ♪ ♪ now my butt is no longer quiet ♪ >> that's why i'm telling you, you got to ease into these things. you can't just upset the system so quickly. ♪ ♪ >> well that was fun. we'll do it all again next time.
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plus tv and phone for just $79.99 per month. he's a double-dipping mepension padder.y. double-dipping pension padder! he had two government jobs, two paychecks and padded his pension along the way. he's a double-dipping pension padder! now he's making over $300,000 a year as a lobbyist and a senator. double-dipping pension padder! so he's all set - thanks to you, the taxpayer. which is why steve sweeney had no problem voting to raise your taxes 145 times, including the largest gas tax hike in history. sounds about right, coming from a.... double-dipping pension padder! ♪ ♪ at ikea, we believe that for every busy day there should be a cozy dream bedroom. ♪ ♪ that you can find the comfort you're looking for at a price you've been waiting for. ♪ ♪ that the cost of a good night's sleep shouldn't keep you up at night. ♪ ♪ and we believe... that cozy should never be costly. ♪ ♪
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michael! hey, what a surprise. get in here. i, uh -- i have a couple minutes before i have to get back to work. then, uh, hopefully we can get this cleared up by then. get what cleared up? why you lied. ♪ [ exhales sharply ] dr. bensch? alexis, hello. still here? i just wanted to talk to you for a second about -- ♪ [ chuckles ] my mom is a hot mess. jason: what? yeah, i'll -- i'll explain it to you later. how was the appointment? well, i'm toxo-free. i'm just waiting for one more test, and then i'm gonna head home to you. that is great. hey, uh, i got to go. i have a visitor. okay. i'll see you soon. i'm good. really? yeah, it's my shoe.
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