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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  October 7, 2017 2:10am-2:40am EDT

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tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." >> look at this. >> a menace on the road is followed pi people in another car. >> they actually get on the phone with police. >> why a driver keeps going until the wheel falls off and what happens when he runs out of steam? >> oh! >> finally. incredible footage of an unconscious deer getting -- >> mouth-to-mouth. >> the moment the startled patient comes to. >> did you just have your mouth on my -- a woman watches a movie while having brain surgery. >> oh yeah, she's awake.
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>> see what she chose to keep her mind occupied. and a 2020 olympic hopeful tries to show how olympic he can be, jeans and all. how nuland mantross stuck the landing in a bad way. this is all taking place in the fillage of oswego just outside of chicago. the problem is this maroon car right here. see all the smoke coming up? >> that's slowing everybody out the guy with at flat tire. he isn't slowing down. >> in fact he's speeding up. [ bleep ]. >> the guys inside are obviously concerned this is going to be dangerous. >> oh my god this dude is going to cause an accident. >> bearing that in mind they actually get on the phone with police and try to direct them in to help. >> hi, i'm headed on route 25, i'm going -- >> as he's talking on the phone a bit of the car falls offonto
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the side. do you so he that? that smoking bit of debris on the side of the road and it looks like things are all going to calm down because we approach a red light. you can clearly see the grooves in the ground. this is no longer a flat tire. this is a rim. >> that thing we saw on the grass was probably a hunk of the burning smoking tire. >> they stop at the red light and then it looks like he's going to hit him. [ bleep ]. >> damn it, he's reversing, at least send somebody. >> listen to this. >> holy [ bleep ]. >> why won't this person stop? >> they are confused as to what is going on, as is everyone else around. >> that is really dangerous now, because this is clearly not a normal driver. >> right, and it's going to take its toll on the car. >> oh my god. >> remember that burning bit of debris i pointed out earlier, this is about five minutes later. look ahead. >> look at that fire from the
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tire that flew off it's on fire now. >> just a few seconds later the driver of this car takes this turn slowly, but clearly speed is not a factor because -- >> finally. >> ends up banging into that support wire for whatever is there, spinning the wheels, and that's when the driver ryan scott jumps out, runs over and confronts the guy. >> that's dangerous. >> another person comes over to help as well, they start giving it to this guy. >> get out of the car! >> eventually he goes inside, takes the keys out of the car and kills the ignition. we to see the police turn up. we reached out to the police from the village of oswego and they told us this driver was arrested and charged for dui. >> yeah. and unfortunately, people continue to do this. >> finally. technology has made it possible for us to watch movies anybr. could you watch movies on your phone, could you watch movies on your laptop, in the airport if you're delayed or you could watch in when you're having brain surgery, that's what's
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happening here. >> this person is awake? >> yeah, she's awake. this woman is 43-year-old, a head nurse but she was suffering from seizures, so she went in to get checked and they discovered she had a tumor on her left sensory cortex. doctors said yes you do have to undergo brain surgery but have to have a local anesthetic. you have to be awake while this happens. this woman wanted to watch her favorite movie. guess what that movie was? ♪ >> this is like the biggest movie that came out in bollywood, right, the monster. >> this is bolly bolly 2. you can see from the set the action, the romance. it was a big one. oli, biggest grossing indian film of all-time, $137 million this movie took in. she was watching this while having surgery and after the surgery was over she said she was a little upset because the surgery was only an hour and a half and she didn't get to watch the whole film.
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>> what about the surgery made it okay for her to be awake while it was happening? >> sometimes with brain surgery they have to keep you awake with a local anesthetic. they have to communicate with you or there's certain medical reasons why you're required to be awake and that's what it was in her case so she decided to watch a movie. >> it is really amazing they can basically pop the lid off, go tinkering around and the thing that makes everything else work and not have to just put you out. it's like working on a car that's running. >> the mother of the victim involved in this video is angry, because her son and his friend were here at this fast food restaurant when suddenly they get mobbed by several other young people. >> oh no. >> they drag her son to the ground by his hair, they start kicking and beating him and then suddenly they steal his tennis shoes, that are worth about $180. >> there's like a mob of a dozen kids, there's no way her son could have protected himself. >> they stole a few other things herself. her son is traumatized.
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they did end up robbing some other people. her son suffered cuts and grazes to his back, hands, knees and face and mom is concerned about the psychological trauma that comes with all of this. one-year-old has been charged with two counts of aggravated robbery but as for the others they're still out there, police are looking for them. let's head over to russia to this situation, also completely out of control, this dude walks into this store, doesn't have on a shirt, just shorts, walked behind the counter not only reaches for the register but then he punches one woman in the head, and swings on the other one, knocking her to the ground. she's trying to protect herself, puts what looks like a basket up over her head. >> who is the guy in the black, step in? >> that's the security guard. >> are you kidding? >> he's a useless security guard just standing there. >> the entire time he does just that. people in line share your sentiment but others don't. some say what are you here for? that's your job. others say perhaps they don't pay him enough for him to get in the way of a would-be robber and
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risk his life. >> protect the two employees getting beaten, put yourself in the way, take the money. it's insured. i don't care about that but stop the assault. >> or call somebody, call authorities. in this case it looks like he just kind of froze. these guys in mexico ran into an incident with a poor little deer. >> what on earth. >> you see in this moment one of those men is giving that deer mouth-to-mouth. >> what happened to the deer? did they hit it with a car? what happened? >> no, they spotted it in the water, and they noticed that it was drowning. they managed to get it out of the water, and started trying to resuscitate this deer. >> looks pretty young. i wonder if it overestimated its ability to get across that body of water. >> these guys are relentless. the guy giving the deer mouth-to-mouth does not stop. he wants to be sure that there is nothing else they can do for
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this thing, and before you know it, watch this. >> get out of here. >> it's moving a little. look at that. >> the deer starts moving. he's like hey, what's going on here? >> did you just have your mouth on my -- >> you could tell the deer is coming back to obviously somewhat disoriented, but the guys are not stopping, and watch just a few seconds later, after a few more breaths. the deer is alive. >> are they convinced that it was, you know, dead, unconscious or was it exhausted and finally was like, stop blowing in the nose! >> he does say in the video in spanish obviously he did believe the deer was dead. obviously not completely, so it was worth taking the chance to try to revive it. you see that the deer eventually gets up and all it wants to do is run away. >> i wonder why. the deer is probably like i don't know what's coming next but i want to get out of here.
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it's racing red bull style. this is a hard enduro style race. watch it from g from hard to nearly impossible. plus time to get crafty with jessica horde. >> the first thing you need is a craft pumpkin. >> find out where this is going. so i mowed the lawn, put up all the decorations. i thought i got everything. almost everything! you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to $13,000. but for only $7 a month, rid-x is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. rid-x. the #1 brand used by septic professionals in their own tanks.
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ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x.
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closed captioning provided by -- three vitamins. gold bond. the coastal town of kaymer, turkey, is beautiful, like the turkish ririviera. maybe skip this weekend, though, because once a year they do the red bull c2 sky race, things get a little loud. three days of all-out racing madness, and it is spectacular.
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the first day starts off with a beach session racing on the sand, then day two, they continue the race, whoever scored highest in the beach race determines the starting order of the forest racing section, and then day three is the toughest of them all, the olympus mountain racing section. it gets crazy. this is a hard enduro style race. >> can you imagine being able to do this, be one of the participants that manages all three sections? >> no, i can't imagine, because some of this stuff looks absolutely unrideable, nevermind raceable. >> can i say just leave it there or do i have to go through with it and try it odo this? this would be something i would love to say i did at 60. >> graham jarvis is 42 years old. he's won the race five times, he finished the mountain section the hardest and longest of day
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three in three hours and 45 minutes. hats off to these guys, seriously true hard core athletes. i was in the gym this morning and thinking it's about that time of year jessica usually turns up with some holiday themed creation. weirdly enough, guess what? yep, it's official. jessica's lost her mind. >> i'm so excited for halloween. >> we can't tell. >> and just as excited for what we'ring if e going to do today pumpkin diorama. >> get yourself a craft pumpkin. >> using a carving kit or knife or craft knife. >> get some foam that's the base you're going to build on. then get some modeling clay and that's going to create the ground or the floor in this case, a little hill because she has a plan for that. >> i'm so eager to see what she does. >> we'll put some moss on top.
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>> hot glue it down and start building your scene. she's got all kinds of goodies. >> we've seen these for christmas but i've never seen one for halloween. love it. >> i'm putting these things together and you know what else will have one putting one together? >> there you go. there's some crazy pumpkin lady behind me. >> um-hum. >> come on in, jessica. there's something different about you. we get to build our own. >> you get to build your own. >> my creative juices are like flowing right now. >> let them flow all over it. >> i'll put the house in there. >> you guys all have little things to put in. >> oh the house has light. nice. >> i'm big into my gardening. >> i love all the glitter. >> christian, this is a cool new thing like the christmas traditions of putting your figurines out. you can do this with halloween, too. >> she's the drunk witch. here we go. >> you can shove it in there. >> there we go. >> come on. >> i want to do the other leg.
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>> ooh. >> this witch was partying hard so she's going to go -- >> the cool thing is, too, you can let your kids help, and it won't rot. >> it's still going to be there next year. >> exactly. you guys should make a pumpkin world at our home, go to our website and click on "tv show" or go to the mobile app for step-by-step instructions. he used mom's pot, but not for cooking. >> oh! >> why removing a pot from your head is more complicated than you may think. >> no, no. plus the academic got very creative with a facebook live broadcast. >> as you know, there's a delay and they decided to use that delay for music. >> see it take shape in one take. e. rich matte lipstick. 16 shades pulse with lush comfort. non-drying. never flat. it's addictive. matte addiction.
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new color riche matte. from l'oreal paris. ialmost everything. you know, ke 1 i n 10 houses could get hit by an expensive septic disaster. but for only $7 a month, rid-x helps break down waste. avoid a septic disaster with rid-x. because progresso soup is full of elegant ingredients, i like to use elegant words to describe it. splifinditiously good chicken. fabtoulasiously hot broth. scrumtilious celery. boy, i hope i'm using these right. progresso soup, you simply must taste it. your toilet is germ-ridden with mineral buildup. clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match against limescale. but lysol power toilet bowl cleaner has 10x more cleaning power against limescale. so switch to lysol.
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new lash paradise mascara. from l'oreal paris. promotional considerations provided by -- o sleepless nigh. so try unisom sleeptabs to fall asleep 33% faster and get all the benefits of a good night's rest. take control of your sleep with unisom. whenfrom eczema, akout i feel like i'm in this shell. gold bond eczema relief relieves five frustrating symptoms of eczema. my skin's back. the academic got creative with a facebook live broadcast. as you know there's a delay and they decided to use that delay to hear music.
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watch what they do. >> hey, oh! >> now you've seen the background the loop's already begun. >> so this is like a feedback loop. >> exactly. >> cool. >> another guy comes in. with a shaker. in the background you see the singer come in, that's a live broadcast people are seeing. >> oh. >> you see where this is going? >> yes. >> you start layering piece by piece. their song "bear claws." ♪ as the loop gets deeper it moves further back. >> holy smokes. >> don't forget, they're doing this live. in one take, for their fans on facebook. >> no snap. >> suddenly the song is taking shape. ♪ midnight girl, never really loved you ♪ >> wow. before you know it, it's just a full-on live performance with themselves backing themselves up
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from before. my brain hurts. ♪ midnight girl, never really loved you ♪ >> pretty incredible way of getting your song out there. >> it's like they're time traveling. >> yes. it's mental, isn't it? they've layered the sound really well. >> i think the light something really clever because you can see all the different light changes. >> i need time to process. >> i know. >> listen to this song. ♪ hey, oh, i'll never let you go ♪ >> this could easily launch a band. look what happened to ok go. they it h groundbreaking music videos and launched them. this could do the same thing for them. they say in lifetiming is everything. keep an eye on this security footage in belarus. number of people are casually walking on the sidewalk. >> he almost got 86'd.
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>> as he's walking up he looks up probably because he hears the slab of concrete that's about to fall on him and manages to run out of the way just in time to miss getting hit by it. >> i love everyone else's reaction which is literally just bust a 180 and continue on their day. no, don't need that anymore. >> i'll go this way. >> we don't see any more incidents fortunately in this viral video and everybody appears to be okay. over to brazil where this next video is taking place. you think mom's pots and pans are for cooking. no. they're not. they're for wearing as a hat, like this little boy thought. the little-year-old boy was stuck in what reports say is a pressure cooker. so they had an especially difficult time trying to get him out. you say they used some kind of tool to cut into this pot, and they used what looks like the jaws of life to pry it open.
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this little boy stayed calm the entire time. reports say he even fell asleep at some point in the middle of the rescue, but it sounds like he's not injured. you see right about here, they're finally able to remove this thing. he's prepping for the 2020 olympics. >> landed it. >> see how the rest of his training goes. >> oh! >> i think we might have to.
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>> i want to try this. >> this is one we might be able to do. it may seem a little early to you, but the 2020 olympic team is already taking shape. audition videos are a thing at least for nuland mantrose. >> this is my 2020 olympic audition tape. >> which discipline is he looking at? >> he's got several. first, we're going to tackle olympic stretching and nuland is going to show us how olympic he can be. jeans and all. >> jeans are very stretchy. oh. >> he got some help. >> okay. >> i really appreciate that
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nuland didn't cut anything out. nuland put everything in, so maybe stretching isn't his thing. nuland can jump. >> landed it. goes around a boxing gym, can he wreak havoc? >> it's hard to disguise my than barnett, the very physical comedian behind this character of nuland. >> he is the underdog. we love underdogs. >> he even went and tried those, as he calls it, the curtain things. >> landed it. >> good luck to you, my friend. put it all out there. maybe the olympic committee will notice you and give you a spot.
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why not? >> he needs a spot the way he fell on his space. >> if you want to see nuland's entire video go to and click on "tv show" or check it out on our mobile app. that's our show. we'll see you next time. the service was beautiful. amazing turnout. chief spoke really well.
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yeah. yeah, amazingly well. i almost didn't know who he was talking about. "what a noble death, what an outstanding citizen." it's just the thing is, no one was actually talking about jerry. jerry... who, uh, couldn't pronounce "nanaimo." who liked to go for pedicures with his mother. jerry who proposed to me by engraving it on the back of a knife. this is jerry. (whispers) oh, my god. i gotta go, guys. um, frank's in the car with the baby. (siren wailing in distance) i'm gonna go now, too. see you at the station.
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you know what? we can stay here the whole day if we want. yeah. yeah. 'cause you know what? today's a good day. it is. it is. tomorrow's gonna be much... much different. yesterday we had the wake. today, the funeral. tomorrow, there's nothing left to do. tomorrow we're gonna wake up, and the-- the world's going to expect it to be... like any other day. (nick) tracy kept it together somehow. she helped jerry's mom make it through the service,


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