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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  November 3, 2017 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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♪ tv's number one daily viral video "right this minute." >> hey -- >> a fast-moving avalanche careers sheer terror. >> this one is massive. >> the moment you realize what's directly in the path of the monster. >> oh, no. mommy reads the note on the door -- >> it says logan, walk inside for your special surprise. >> what? >> see the paper trail leading to the thrill of a life time. >> yeah! a dog's owners moved away -- >> but left him behind. >> see the saving grace of a sweetheart named pumba. pluz the buzz word for your shot to earn an ipad mini. we break down the best on the web, including look who is hanging with the harlem
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globetrotte globetrotters. >> of course, we had to create a little competition. >> oh! >> see who comes out on top in the battle of the extreme ball handlers. >> you win. >> little bit of a chill in the air, going across the country, getting into that time of year where we have to start taking seriously the possibilities of avalanches. we have a huge one here, starting to rumble down the peek in kerg stan. >> you never know how big they are. the sense of scale when you're looking at these. they could be tiny. they could be massive. >> this thing building speed, building power as it's coming down. now let me help you understand the scale of this and the severity of this. >> see right here? >> oh, no. >> yeah. those aren't rocks. those are people. eight hikers are directly in the path of this avalanche. you see them trying to scamper out of the way. >> there's nowhere to go. >> all the people here at base camp can do is simply watch and
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try and pinpoint where the people are that got buried. this happened back in july. the video getting lots of attention now, but remarkably and amazingly all eight climbers made it out of this thing with no injuries. >> wow. >> were completely fine. the only draw back they just lost some of their gear. >> have the gear. >> yeah. >> they don't go into detail as to how they recovered the hikers, only that they were okay. but, man, it's just a slow motion disaster that you can see coming for a good 15 to 20 seconds before it happens. we need groups like hopes for paws because they go out there and rescue the animals that are left behind, sometimes left behind intentionally. that's what happened with this senior dog. that dog they named pumba. his owners moved away but left him behind.
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>> how do you do that? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> that dog has been on his own for about a year now. so, lisa and joe ann from hope for paws have gone in to go get him. >> deploy cheese burger. >> first they deployed the cage and put the food in it and the dog just casually walked across the street because if i was that dog, i would have trust issues with humans, too. >> but it was the smell that induced him to walk back across and he does go into the cage, but the cage is not exactly conducive to his size. >> too small for him. >> see. >> that's a big boy there. >> come on. >> he kind of runs away, so one of them goes across the street and says, okay, maybe just some good old loving, good old pets will work, and eventually that does. >> there we go. >> gets the lucky leash around pumba and these ladies lift him up, not exactly light to lift, but they get him into the car.
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they take him to the hospital. look at how he's leaning up. you know a dog likes you when they're leaning up against you, can you scratch me up here, scratch me up here. that's what they're doing. >> hi, honey. hi. >> he's now with a foster family. you can see right there that tail is wagging. they say he's a very, very happy boy. loves attention. is playing with the other dogs. there's only one thing this dog needs. >> a forever home? >> yes, he does need a forever home. >> you're awfully happy. zara elise is an instagram model, has hundreds of thousands of models. you can see why. she is a beautiful woman, very curvacious. you can see why she attracts a lot of attention not just online, but trying to buy stuff to eat in the grocery store. that's her in the hooded sweatshirt. the man next to her has reportedly been following her into the store around the store,
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trying to get her to give him a hug. this is the part that got me. she said she finally agreed to give the guy a hug because she felt bad and didn't want to come across as a queen b. but watch this. as she finally decides to give him a one-armed hug, just to get him off her back, keep an eye on his left hand. >> yeah. >> did you see that. >> yeah. >> he reaches for her bottom and grabs it. that's when she finally had enough. you can see that she pushes him off. you can see him running away, putting a hoodie over his head and it even looks like he's cracking up. >> yeah, it's not funny, but i like she struck back like that. even just watches this makes me so angry. a lot of us have been in situations where you're perceived to be not nice or the person goes after you and makes you feel afraid. in that moment, it could have been fear or anger, but either way she went after him. that's what he gets. >> what drives me crazy is that we just seen it for ourselves with our eyes and still people
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going, no. equality is done. all women, every single one is putting up with this kind of behavior. >> i guarantee there's someone looking at this video saying, he just grabbed her butt. it's not okay. even following her and harassing her the way he did is not okay. so don't do it. >> it's time to give away another ipad mini. >> the only friday buzz word, 21 years of age and legal resident of the united states or canada. >> the buzz word is coming up in just a little bit. >> stand by for the rpm ipad mini give away. his mom picked him up, walking up to the house there's a little note on the door. >> it says, logan, walk inside for your special surprise. >> they got him a house? >> well, kind of because this is their new family home. >> they hand him the mortgage. >> you see his mom jess and here her man brian. >> walk inside.
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>> go ahead. >> there's another note. >> what? >> check out your monster surprise in the living room. >> monster surprise? the monster truck? >> oh, i don't know what it could be. it's in the living room, though. >> what? >> what is that? >> there's balloons, suitcases and another note attached to mini mouse. >> you want me to read the note. >> yeah. >> okay. it says let's go. grab your things. mommy and brian are -- ♪ taking you to disney! >> he takes a moment. >> i can't use bags that big. what am i going to do with all that luggage. >> he turns around. >> what! >> right now. we're going. >> this is why you always see these videos where they say, we're going to disney right now. because you tell them they're going in two weeks all you'll hear for two weeks is it time to go to disney yet? is it time to go to disney yet? is it time to go to disney yet? >> they did it right.
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>> all your stuff is ready to go. >> exactly? >> yes. are you so excited? >> yeah. >> i love that. in all of this, all he wanted today was this balloon. >> look at him jumping up and down. that's got to be really cool for them to see. >> he's going to have a great time on his way to disney. a brave guy decides to take a ride on -- >> the wall of death. >> oh, yeah. >> see what it's like to go for the ultimate spin. and taking a closer look at how -- >> diamond rings are made. >> the fascinating process that makes for some beautiful bling. >> and my oh my do you have something for the rest of your life, if all goes well. brought to you by -- starting at $9.99. come in for over 100 combinations of pastas, sauces and toppings. with everyone's favorite, chicken alfredo.
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plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. only for a limited time, at olive garden. hershey's miniatures. we pour 'em! we pass 'em! we pick 'em! delicious fun for everyone. hershey's miniatures are mine, yours, our chocolate.
2:40 pm
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watch what he can do on his indians motorcycle. he's doing a pretty darn impressive job. he just continues spinning and spinning as people are watching. look, mom, no hands. >> how do you not get nauseated doing that? >> you know, when you love this, you build tolerance. >> classic side show, classic stunt. still cool, though. >> not everybody could do it, i think. >> give it a try. >> no, i'm good for now. start at the bottom you see that little ramp, at the very bottom. that's where you start -- >> you can't second guess it. >> once you're on it, you have to go. you have to stick to it. otherwise you're going to probably fall in your head. >> i think we need to update this. i think we need to build a wall of death that spins. so when his motorcycle gets up to speed and matches the spinning wall, he'll just sit there. >> will he? >> or spin in place?
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>> nope. >> he would fall. >> next, let's dress him up like a hamster. put him on a hamster wheel. >> that would be really funny. a message.o send him >> sleep tight. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> with so many proposal videos on this show, i think it's about time we learn how -- >> diamond rings are made. >> we go over to carbon an elite
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boutique in california. first you have to get the sketch. yes, i like that ring. pick the design, then they send it off to have it 3d printed in wax. they melt away the wax. put it into a plaster cast and heat it up. that heat melts away the wax. now they've got an open cast in the middle of that plaster. now it's time to select your metal, gold, silver, platinum, whatever. melt it down. fill that plaster cast with the metal. it goes all into the nooks and crannies where the wax was. now you've got it. this is the cool part. i really love this. they cool down the cast and snip them off one by one and now it's time to start the finishing process. >> there are so many lives, so many couples. >> neat way to think about it. now they start the process of polishing it down. >> then the fun part. >> the diamond baby. >> picking out the ice, what kind of cut do you want?
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do you want cushion, princess, pear, round. >> there's so many. that's the problem. >> this is a pretty interesting part, too, that you don't see very often. the jeweler holds on to the ring while he sets the different diamonds in place. once that's done, final polish. and my oh my have you got something for the rest of your life, if all goes well. >> 30% chance of that. ♪ >> fun flight until -- >> restricted air space. >> that's a no-no. >> see what happens next "right this minute." and still to come, some of rtm's hit the court to find out what it takes -- >> to be a harlem globe trotter. >> see what happens when it's time to give it a real shot. >> wham. >> what the heck of what? >> i tried. plus, we've got the friday buzz word you need for your chance to score an ipad mini.
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excellence haircolor by l'oréal. it colors. with pro-keratine complex rich, radiant color and it cares for my hair. no color protects better. or covers gray better. so much care in one little box. excellence crème from l'oréal paris.
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>> announcer: promotional considerations provided by -- selsun blue® targets the source- wiping out flakes and itch. selsun blue®. freedom from dandruff. years in the sun causing dark spots? gold bond dark spot minimizing cream. 81% saw improvement in the appearance of sun-damaged skin. gold bond. i love the harlem globetrotters. we love seeing your videos on
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our show. when they were in town and created an opportunity for me to come kick it with them, i was all in, except i'm not very good at basketball even though i love it, so i decided to invite the one person who might be a little bit worse than me at the sport. ♪ >> yeah. >> we wanted to figure out what it took to be a harlem globe trotter, so our new homey fire fly decided to show us and then put us to the test. of course, we had to create a little competition. >> who you got? >> all right. >> you better answer correctly. who do you think is going to win? >> fire fly chose me. >> no pressure, though. >> so up first is the classic harlem globetrotters trick. >> to be a harlem globe trotter, we need to spin the ball on our finger. >> he showed us the technique. >> we nailed it. >> i can do my thumb. how about that? >> oh! >> oh. all right. >> of course you're the only weird-o walking down the court with your thumb.
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>> all right. my turn. >> yeah. >> you quite literally nailed it. >> yes, i did. >> so at this point, i've got a point, i have nothing. the next part of the conversation was a little bit interesting. >> how about going around the legs, like this. >> but that's not fair. i have extra girth and size. >> they know what i'm talking about. >> there you go. going around. whoa. >> we're just going to go with -- i'm not very good at this. >> do i switch hands? okay. >> because he doesn't have the extra -- you win. >> my chicken legs. >> up next. head to the free-throw line. >> flick of the wrist. >> yeah, there you go. >> i think one of your nails came off. >> look deep into my eyes, bailey. this one is for you. >> oh! >> so close. >> right about here.
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>> it's rough. >> oh. >> he scored on me. but there is one thing that he can never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever take me out on, this little booty bump. >> that hit me right in the face. that would have stood there like -- >> bam. >> what the heck was that? >> all right. and now comes the tiebreaker. >> this will determine who the winner is. >> oh. >> we decided to call it even. the harlem globetrotters put on a great show and fire fly was a great coach. they'll be in salt lake city next. if you want to catch the world tour -- >> you're good. >> you're good. >> what about my ball? >> on the job.
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♪ ♪ it's that time boys and girls. time to give away another ipad mini. >> you have to be a legal resident of the united states or canada and be legal age. >> enter the buzz word on facebook, twitter or both and you can enter on each everyday. >> so let's reveal friday's buzz words. it's -- >> dual. >> so head on other to and enter friday's buzz word. d-u-e-l. >> good luck, everybody.
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>> this thing is going up into space. >> see the gender reveal that's truly out of this
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why are south jerseyans turning against steve sweeney? it's because sweeney's been exposed as a double dipping pension padder. caught spending campaign money on lavish dinners and fine cigars for his pals. investigated for being a lobbyist and a senator at the same time. sweeney voted to raise taxes 145 times while our economy continues to struggle. south jersey is a mess, and it's time to take out the trash. on november 7th, make a change. dump sweeney.
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>> i'm surprised the dog was looking at that ball. the gender reveal. we've seen every kind of gender reveal on earth. there's nothing left. so they decided -- >> why not send up a weather balloon. this thing is going up into space and it is taking with it spunky, which is a hilarious name for this animal. we have multiple angles of it. they're looking straight up at the weather balloon. straight down at earth. this picturesque mating the arrival date of said trial. >> i really like this. >> are these people rocket scientists of some point? >> they have just seen all of the same gender reveal videos that we've seen. they wanted to do something original. you have to give them credit. they found it. already, 33,000 feet, 52,000, getting higher before you know it you're starting to see planet
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earth just get smaller and smaller. 81,000 feet. 108,000 feet. that's basically -- >> 20 miles high. eventually we get to look straight up towards the balloon. >> before you know. >> suddenly the pressure on the outside of the balloon drops to such a level that expands. then this is where it starts tumbling back towards earth. this is the gender reveal. >> stick with it. you have to look up. this is where they deploy parachutes with a very special message on it. it's a boy. tesla will be the name, i guess. kind of appropriate to name it after a famous scientist, but that's pretty awesome. launched into the stratosphere. it eventually blew up. they capture it and all these different angles and had to go and find the cameras to get this footage to up load. >> it's pretty dope. >> it is pretty dope. >> thanks for joining us today. we appreciate it. check out and catch
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joseph, i'm steve. how are you? nice to meet you sir. nice to meet you. how's it going man? the yankees? come on. [ laughing ] look at the smiles and the hard work that the people here are doing. it's like making mini sandwiches. they're no different than anyone else. they just want a job. they want respect and they want dignity. this is a nice place. yeah. he plays basketball with lauren. steve called, fairly frantic. you know, he had a premature baby and i think he had just
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been given the diagnosis that she had down syndrome. lauren brought out the best in me. she made me a different person. deep down in his heart he feels for people who are disadvantaged. lauren's a light in everybody eye. she's the spark that has started the fire. the goal is to keep places like this open so all people, regardless of disability, have an opportunity for employment. see, i love you. i love you guys too. you know that. yeah. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help.
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we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. [ elevator dings ] well, hello, dr, munro. going my way? ah, ms. jerome. i'm so sorry. did we have plans today? no, no. [ laughing ] we... [ laughs ] no, believe it or not, not everything i do is about you. oh. no, i'm just here for a follow-up. my doctors wanted to be sure that there weren't any side effects to the treatment that i got in st. petersburg. and...? and i'm fine -- i mean, so they say. actually, the plastics department were pretty impressed with dr. klein's results. it's just a pity he didn't finish what he started. well, that's the trouble with doctors that operate in unlicensed clinics. they're only so reliable. yeah, yeah. i'll remember that the next time. [ laughs ] and meanwhile, since his methods aren't approved here in these parts, this is me. what you see is what you get. ava, what i see...


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