tv World News Now ABC February 7, 2018 2:40am-4:00am EST
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are on strike now. four minutes, 22 seconds and a little change. >> how do you keep that down? for you. >> what? >> it's awesome getting surprise gifts for mo reason. this guy in phoenix, arizona, is getting a gift from his lady. >> for what? >> just open it. >> for nothing? >> what did you do? >> that is the first thought. >> well, in this case she did do something, and so did he. >> what am i forgetting? >> it's a shirt. when he opens it up the shirt reads, "dad bod." ha, ha, ha, real funny, i work at the gym. >> the bust is about to hit him. >> the bust is going to hit him hard. >> what do you think that means? >> what? >> sir, focus. >> finally, just like that, he realizes, oh, snap, i'm going to
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be a dad. >> oh, my god! oh my god, no, you're not. >> yes, we know you put two and two together. >> he's real excited about being a dad or really relieved oh, she still thinks i'm in good shape. the coolness continues into the next video. the couple is having din we are the parents. >> looks so good. >> oh, the table is all set up. all nice. what's for dinner? it looks really delicious. >> oh that's so cute, honey, a bib. dad pulls out a onesie, that's so cute. >> not going to fit us, but thanks. >> they haven't figured it out yet? >> no clue at all. if that doesn't do for you, a pregnancy test, right? they pick up the tests and they put them back down, they don't know what it is. finally there are two tests in there and they hand one to mom
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and one to dad. >> read it. >> read it. >> at this rate, the baby is going to be born and they're going to go, oh! >> it says pregnant. >> whoa! >> that woke him up. >> they weren't shocked when they first saw the bib and the onesie because the couple is going through ivf and they didn't know what a pregnancy test looked like so they didn't pay attention, you can tell just how happy they are. no more "rtm" for today but check out for plenty more fun and entertaining videos and catch us on the next brand new episode of "rtm." he dade cartwheel for police. small chardanea bottle. he failed a sobriety test and was taken to jail. >> very agile in his state.
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they arrived just in the nick of time on the british coast. >> the tide rolled in, submerging her vehicle. the scariest part, she can't swim. she was treated for hypothermia, but otherwise, she's fine. lucky her. in medical news, there's been a significant advance in concussion research. three women athletes for the olympics are donating their brains after they die. among them are two americans. new woman 's brains react differently but not enough are donated for research and they hope other female athletes will now step forward. and far more american children may have been affected by their mother's drinking during pregnancy than they previously thought. children with the fetal alcohol syndrome disorders often have
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physical, cognitive and social challenges throughout their lives. >> one of the tried and true ways to protect yourself is to use your hands of course. >> it's also important to use hand sanitizer but which is better? with the worst flu on record in at least a decade and 53 child deaths across the country, they're zeroing in on simple hygiene saying it can help curb the virus. >> so not just kids wash your hands before dinner but wash pretty frequently during the day from touching things. >> reporter: hand washing things and sanitizer both ways to p protect the flu. we coated some volunteer's hands then press their hands to petri dishes and put it in two days to
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watch what grows from dirty hands. then we tested two sanitizers, one with hand sanitizer and the other natural. the alcohol-based showed far fewer germ colonies than those taken without any cleaning at all. the formula without alcohol, look how many germs are left behind compared to no sanitizer at all. but doctors say washing with soap is tried and true but you have to do it correctly. when we tested a five-second wash, just look at the germs it didn't remove. you have to wash for a full 20 seconds to get the bugs off. abc news, new york. >> say happy birthday twice. >> and not like a really quick happy birthday. i try to be a doc in the er
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scrubbing. >> i don't wash my hands ever. >> ew. >> just kidding. just wanted to see how bad i could gross you out. coming up meet the inventor and master of snow art. >> his work has been seen in national parks and stadiums. so how does he do that? ey only see his wrinkles. if only harry used some... ...bounce, to dry. he would be a less wrinkly, winning guy.
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♪ and the sky is a hazy shade of winter ♪ ♪ hazy shade of winter indeed. may be a beautiful shade of winter if this guy has a say. he's a map maker who hated his job and one day he stumbled into a new form of art. >> he creates these elaborate gemetric patterns using only the heat out in the cold. her >> reporter: in the beginning his canvas is as pure as driven
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snow. placing one foot in front of the other, 45,000 times. to bring what only exists in his mind to light. this is simon beck, dubbed the world's first snow artist. >> it hasn't been done before. i feel like i won the lottery. it's incredible. >> reporter: snow art, transfixing murals. simon beck's work shared and sought after around the globe. it's geometry reaches the power of the internet. and an oxford trained engineer who hated his day job, suddenly a new career doing what he loves. >> i decided to make a drawing. areas of level snow. >> what happened that day an astounding design he later saw
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from a ski lift. >> i really had had no idea how good it would look and -- >> reporter: over time beck's snow shoes taking him on a palace trek from around the world. from advanced national park to summit pattern in utah. to minneapolis, minnesota. welcoming to the great northern. the great ticket item is the 276th drive. he secures the snow shoes for his painter's brush. along the way training his mind with complex designs. the work can take hours, even days. this installation will take roughly 10 hours to complete. so i'm off to help. >> well on the way to be completed. the boundary in the shaded area
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and unshaded area. >> and this is the shaded area and the unshaded. flat is the unshaded. >> it's a nice curve along the edge of the boundary. >> it reminds me of hiking. >> it's actually really nice. it's nice to do something simple in creating something beautiful. >> and 45,000 steps later, the vision in simon beck's mind has come to life. i'm gloria riviera in minneapolis. >> that is incredible. how can you draw such perfect shapes without being able to see them. it's enough to do a snow angel and get out of it successfully. >> wait, it's posable to do that? is it? we'll vesearch it.
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it's amazing. it means it's getting a little weirder than normal. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan, available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month.
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okay - let's try this. it says you apply the blue one to me. here? no... make every day valentine's day with k-y yours and mine. two sensations. one great way to discover new feelings together. jimmy's gotten used to his whole yup, he's gone noseblind. odors. he thinks it smells fine, but his mom smells this... luckily there's febreze fabric refresher for all the things you can't wash. it finds odors trapped in fabrics and washes them away as it dries. and try pluggable febreze to continuously eliminate odors for up to 45 days of freshness.
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pluggable febreze and fabric refresher. two more ways to breathe happy. time for us to do weird science, starting with the successful launch. spacex's falcon heavy rocket. >> it was the second largest live stream event with 2.3 million concurrent views coming in second to a 2012 stunt that racked up 8 million views. >> i remember watching that stunt. >> people were pumped about this space shuttle, space rocket. >> yes. it's taller than the space shuttle. we're all had excited about it. it has a lot of 31st, some 5 million 31sts, which i guess is a lot. and it got delayed for a couple
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of hours. at the last end of the window, look at that. >> and the rocket isn't the only thing in space. it brought with it a tesla and the tesla spaceman. >> it's the world's coolest car commercial. >> pretty much. >> so elon musk says the tesla is headed to deep space with space men along for the ride. and now to space bay, shall we? a sophomore engineer. he worked as spacex since 2011. he was part of the telecast of the launch. now he has a fan club. >> you know people, seriously, he has a brain. it is rocket science. he's not just braun and babe. >> he's the full package.
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>> he's the full package. after you said you don't wash your hand? >> let's move on from that end of space where the space man is to uranus. apparently at the core is ice and it's not ice, it's not water, it's a mixture of both. >> there's a mixture of ice and water in the center of uranus. >> scientists called it super ionic ice. >> we don't know yet. we probably got to uranus. >> might be able to get it out. this guy. >> i love ow the director's
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this morning on "world news now" will the government shut down again? >> will the senate agree? the president says he wants a shut down with the deadline looming tomorrow at midnight, plus a first of its kind military parade in washington and joe biden weighs in on trump's first year. >> also happening now overseas markets and the dow gained more than 500 points just a day after its biggest loss ever. what's in store for today? and successful launch for spacex. the world's most powerful rocket slifts off, sending a tesla to journey in deep space. and if you're looking to buy your own jet but worried about the upkeep, then allow me to
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show you the priceiest first class ticket that money can buy. my whirlwind trip ends. >> from abc news "world news now." that's what i've been wondering. >> we may have found it. by far our biggest, biggest lifestyle of the biggest kendis left. but the poslktd of a government shut down, the president calling for it if he doesn't get his way on immigration. >> as house republicans approved a temporary spending bill and they're making progress on a long-term deal. white house chief of staff, john kelly, also took a head hard line, saying some immigrants failed to sign up for it
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d.a.c.a. program out of laziness. >> reporter: president trump stunned even members of his own party when he declared bring on a shut down. >> we'll do a shut down. >> reporter: it was during a meeting on ms 13 gang vile ngs, the president saying he wants tougher restrictions or else. >> i'd love to see a shut down and if we have to shut it down because the democrats don't want safety, then shut it down. we'll go with another shut down. >> reporter: again and again the president went there. >> without borders, we don't have a country. so when i shut it down over this issue, yes. >> we don't need a government shut down on this. i think both sides have learned that a government shut down was bad. it it wasn't good for them -- >> we're not getting support from the democrats. you can say what you want. we're not getting support -- >> reporter: but even as the
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president spoke, over at it the capitol, both parties said they're close to a deal that will prevent the recuring shut down. >> reporter: white house doing damage control. >> we are not advocating for the shut down. i don't think we expect the budget deal to include specifics on the immigration reform. >> the shut down not the only looming deadline. in less than a month protections begin to retire for those undocumented immigrants who came as children. more than 690,000 dreamers signed up for those protections. the president wants to offer a path to more than double that number. his chief of staff, john kelly under fire. >> the difference was some were too afraid to sign up or others
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were too lazy. >> reporter: is that the view that they're lazy? >> i think who's lazy is the democrats who won't come to the table? >> john kelly told reporters he actually very much doubts president trump will make that extension saying he would advise against doing so, saying anytime you give this institution time and this is a white house that very much wants to put the pressure on this issue and law makers are nowhere close to a deal. so president trump has also asked the pentagon to plan an elaborate military parade in washington this year. >> they tell the washington post the marching orders were quoting here. i want a parade like one in
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france. a reference to the holiday he attended last year. they say it's an opportunity for americans to show their appreciation. it could cost millions to send tanks and other military equipment there. former vice president joe biden calling the president a joke. >> biden told cnn the attacks on the fbi is doing everything russian president vladimir putin erv wanted. like so in doubt in our justice system and said democrats were treasonous for refusing to applaud at his had state of the union address. >> i just marvel at some of the things he says and does. two days ago anyone who didn't stand up and clap for him is unamerican. tongue and cheek, democrats can't take a joke. >> well, let me tell you he's a joke. >> he said if he were it president's lawyer he would
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advise him against talking to mueller. out of fear he might say something not true. investor sent the dow plunging but then bargain hunt hadders rushed back into the market, setting off ailate afternoon rally. by the close the dow had had gained 557 points. markets will be opening up yesterday. >> but you'll still need your pepto bizmal. and they're investigating a train traveling 125 miles per hour in maryland. passengers said they felt a sudden jolt when two of the train's cars separated. they're making sure the problem doesn't happen again. passengers think trains at the station and continued their trip to new york. meanwhile, spacex had a much
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better day launching a big new rocket from the kennedy space center. >> the falcon heavy is the most powerful rocket in use today, able to lift twice as much as other rockets and listen to those proud people cheering it on there. three of the boosters landed upright, just like that. something spacex and tesla founder called the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. >> carrying a tesla roaster -- roadster, not a roaster. that would be smaller. and inside is starman. musk talked about the car which he says is heading to deep space. >> it's kind of silly and fun but i think that's -- silly fun things are import ntd. just going to be out there in deep space for maybe millions of years, maybe by a future alien race and what were these guys
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doing? did they worship that car? >> the person who put it there does. >> the falcon heavy could pave the way for bigger, more powerful rockets and that could help fulfill musk's dream of helping send people to mars. it allows spacex to launch larger spy satellites. >> what a day for elon musk and spac spacex. >> a great day for america. the space wars are back on. >> he said it's not possible. >> but when they have the live image of the space man throughout, it looks fake, doesn't it? like the flat earth. >> that moon landing. >> and that earth is round. is this a live picture in the overnight hours? it is. it said as soon as it runs out of battery, they'll no longer
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show it. but this is from deep space, beyond mars. >> but the wheels aren't even turning. clearly. they've uncovered it. investigative journalism. >> but the light is moving. so you really are looking into this. coming up another false alarm. >> the tsunami warning that was supposed to be a test and now two weather services pointing the blame at each other. rngts and kendis manages to get the priceiest air ticket around. >> but that didn't guarantee they wouldn't kick me off the flight and abc.
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>> more than 200 others are injured. others critically. it's also left 30,000 household hads without water. they're full this morning. and accuweather is blaming a miscoded message for a false tsunami warning in parts of the u.s. they say the national weather service sent acuweth cuweather . the national weather service denies making a coding mistake. everyone's doing this, that guy. coming up lifestyles of the rich and kendis. >> yes. but first when traveling the world means it doesn't matter where you land but how you fly. my luxurious adventure into the middle east next. powerful skincare, now light-as-air
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of course aladen because we're kicking off the firsted a adventure to arabian peninsula. >> arab emirates invited us for the most exclusive and expensive ever. >> the largest airline. a double decker and emirates has more of these big boys than any other airline in the world. its first class suite often rated among the top in the industry and today -- >> thank you. >> reporter: i get a sneak peek at what it's like to climb these stairs and inter first class heaven. >> is that a $2,000 bottle of hennie? >> reporter: albeit, temporary. 82 inches long. the round trip to dubai will
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cost you about $28,000. you are the best "world news now" anchor since -- >> reporter: but after getting a sneak peek before the flight, i know my place. the entire lower floor of the economy seat, even those aren't too bad. >> knowing how these segments go, we'll have to ask to deplane. this is me. >> let me take you to first class. >> i'm moving to first class? >> yes, you are. >> i'm moving to first class? we're going to new york. now that flight is taking off a.
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flying in emirates first class. it's the stuff of dreams and jennifer aniston . oh, hi hathere. i have enough glass of champagne. i probably shouldn't as i will be flying the plane. >> reporter: and now back to reality, i still couldn't believe it. especially as the security walked by. the food and beverage service starts early and is frequent. these flight attendants have 250 graduate a special emirates university just to be here. >> we will practice the rest of the service. emirates has the highest, highest standards.
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for three months until we're allowed to let loose and take care of you guys. >> reporter: i would fail? my dinner service includes a choice of high-end beverages including dom pair yawn champagne of course and seared prawns and that's just one course. but keeping with tradition, i'm not going to eat on camera. who had i kidding? i'm in first class. we're going to eat. a whole lot of cream. the food is where the airlines distinging withuished themselve. they flagged the entertainment as a bonus.
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hundreds of movies in show. and experience something very rare in the air. you got to go. all right. all showered. time for bed. bedtime stories hopefully in first class. time to sleep. of course the bed lies flat and there's even twinkling ceiling stars to help those dreams and voila. just like that we're back in new york city. what a day. ♪ first class i'm reaching for the heights ♪ ♪ and when they let you in you'll get up off the ground ♪
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♪ it's another one to town. >> there is so much that went into that. it's awesome. gamble who was there by the way, and don in graphics, they did a great job. but you might not have been able to tell but there's a certain background singer. >> i don't know if i want to take credit for this. in that last bit. >> reaching are the heights and facing all the flights with wine. >> you had had it though. >> and when they let you in, you'll get up off the ground.
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that's awesome. perfect, but, ugh. oh well, all hope is lost! oh thanks! clearly my whitening toothpaste is not cutting it. time for whitestrips. crest glamorous white whitestrips are the only ada-accepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. they work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. hey, nice smile! thanks! i crushed the tissue test! yeah you did! crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. (male #1) it's a little something i've done every night since i was a kid, empty my pocket change into this old jar. it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar.
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and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program. imagine people our age getting life insurance at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300. now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. your premium never goes up and your benefit never goes down due to age. plus, your coverage builds cash value over time. call now for free information and a free gift. all i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the colonial penn program were answered. it couldn't have been any easier
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and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. mm-hm, with change to spare. (laughing) (colonial penn jingle) okay - let's try this. it says you apply the blue one to me. here? no... make every day valentine's day with k-y yours and mine. two sensations. one great way to discover new feelings together.
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so eagles fans of course are still basking in the glow of the victory. they have their big victory parade tomorrow but there's still one sports anchor that caught my eye in tulsa, oklahoma. he was broadcasting at it time on the competing station. here's his reaction. they go straight to him in sports. >> is he okay? >> hopefully he comes on camera -- he's a big eagles fan. you've been hyperventilating.
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he was watching the game frame by frame. i think he was brought to tears. >> he can't get the broadcast out, he can't speak. >> oh, my god and little does he realize that you're in oklahoma. you might want to talk about that game behind you on the graphic. the oklahoma game. he's still going by the way. >> that's awesome. over to the mystery in missouri. forget about why did the chicken cross the road. how did the corgi get on the pony? this video was shot by cally, she pulled into her driveway to find the neighbor's corgi just chilling on her pony. >> no way. >> no one knows how they got on there or if these two have a habit of a rendezvous in this way. but the pony doesn't seem to
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mind. >> another interesting sight. this time coming from new york city area. new york has as many mass areas. so this graphic artist winston sang decided he will be honest with new yorkers. he put this up that says your train is delayed.dates, january december 31st. so pretty much every day your train is going to be delayed. in response somebody said whoever made this, please reveal yourself so we can honor you the right way. and now we'll end things on a light note, a floaty note, you might say. here's what happens when a cheerful chihuahua encounters bubbles. bubbles, bubbles, bubbles.
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>> important message for women and men ages 50 to 85. please write down this toll-free number now. right now, in areas like yours, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you're on a fixed income or concerned about rising prices, learn about affordable whole life insurance with a lifetime rate lock that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information, or if you misplaced it, call this number now and we'll rush it to you. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. please stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek and the announcement you just heard is for a popular and affordable life insurance plan with a rate lock guarantee. that means your rate is locked in for life and can never increase. did you get your free information kit in the mail?
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if not, please call this toll-free number now. in the last month alone, thousands have called about this plan with the rate lock guarantee through the colonial penn program, and here's why. this plan is affordable, with coverage options for just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate is locked in and can never go up, and your acceptance is guaranteed. you cannot be turned down because of your health. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. don't wait, call today. ♪
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♪ this morning on "world news now" history, at cape canaveral. sending a giant rocket and tesla to space. what it means for american space progr program. the president wants a big military parade in washington like those in france and even north korea. hear why some in d.c. are against it. and new this half hour adding more than insult to injury. >> rob gronkowski returns home from losing the super bowl to find his house had been broken into. and we're fatening up the skinny giving our fan favorite segment a little face lift and putting a fresh new spin on the theme song. billboard 100, look out. just give me the skinny just
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moments away. it is february 7th. ♪ >> announcer: from abc news this is "world news now." >> definitely topping the charts with that one. >> oh, my god, we live in great times. the car is now floating in space and a brand new skinny. surprise. america. >> we hope you are not disappointed. we'll have that coming up for you but we're going to start things off awith what's being called america's new space age. >> both companies started of course by billionaire elon musk and video from space shows a dummy named starman behind the wheel. >> thousands watched from nearby beaches and roads, just like the u.s. space shuttle launches, here with more. >> reporter: from the same launch pad america sent men to the moon, elon musk's spacex
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ignited it falcon heavy, the biggest rocket in the world. actually three rockets strapped together. the three boosters recycled. cheers as they pull away from the $90 million vehicle. those boosters slowing reentry with another engine firing and a nearly synchronized landing. >> and the falcon has landed. >> reporter: and then the big reveal of the cargo. musk's very own roadster from his own company, tesla. in the driver's seat a dummy in a space suit and a message on the dash. don't panic, the playful test car accompanied by music from david bowie. the plan is to send it tesla towards mars. but first remarkable pictures of the dummy dubbed star man with a glorious background of earth. what did you learn?
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what did falcon heavy teach you? >> i guess taught me like crazy things can come true. i didn't really think this would work. when i say rocket lift off, i see a thousand things that could not work and it's amazing when they do. >> reporter: the big rocket means much heavier cargo, satellites can be carried to space and gets musk closer to his dream of going to mars, even colinizing the red planet. musk, who said there was only a 50/50 chance of this working has an amazing launch. you could feel the funder as the rocket was up in the air. as for the core, it slammed in to the ocean next to the drone ship. a minor setback considering the spectacular day and the pictures of the roadster from space.
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it was quite a scene. center. >> and must had tweeted overnight that that rocket is still with the roadster still moving past mars at this hour. >> oh, yeah, they're going to deep space, baby. >> yeah, with spaceman on board. absolutely amazing. and i love that dashboard says don't panic. there are people who are a little bit panicking when it comes to washington d.c. right now. because law makers have left some 48 hours to agree on a spinding bill that would keep the government running. >> agreeing to shut it down if he doesn't get the deal on immigration. and kelly says -- and he's under fire for saying some were too scared or lazy to sign
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up for the program. >> reporter: at the white house the president played hardball with democrats. he wants funding for his had boarder wall and open to a government shut down if the democrats don't agree. >> i'd love to see a shut down if we don't get this taken care of. >> reporter: they're on the verge of striking a spending deal but their focus has been on spending caps. there is little talk on the hill about a shut down. their goal is to keep the government they're firing back. >> we had had had one trump shut down, nobody else wants one except him. >> we don't want a government shut down on this. i think both sides haveut down bad. and we do have bipartisan support. >> we're not getting support from the democrats on mislegislation. >> reporter: president trump wants to call what he calls
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immigration loopholes. he says if he gets these big ticket items, he'll give amnesty to the dreamers. there were 1.8 million brought to the country as children. and kelly says he won't give congress more time to find a solution for the dreamers. the deadline expires march fifth. and preparing for a grand military parade. sources say the president told top military brass quote i want a parade like the one in france. the white house says it's an opportunity for americans to show their appreciation but it would cost taxpayers millions of dollars. clearing the way for students to get most of their money back. the president and his defunct company have promised to teach
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his success in real estate. there was no admission of wrong doing in that settlement. they say the nation's deadly flu epidemic could last until may. nearly 1500 people have been hospit hospitalized since november. that's the biggest number ever. they're scrubbing everything across schools in michigan. schools are closed yet again today but planning to reopen tomorrow. a catholic school is closed and a quarter of the students are out sick. that's incredible. meantime nearly half the country is under winter weather alerts. >> another storm is moving eastward through the great lakes. >> and hundreds of flights have already been canceled. from accuweather's paul williams. good morning, paul.
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we have an icy mix of a mess, southern ohio. pennsylvania, going if had to virginia. including philadelphia, new york, even up to boston. and then let's talk about the snow. we're expecting a foot of snow throughout northern pennsylvania, new hampshire, even maine and this is part of a two-headed monster spreading east of the mississippi. >> and philadelphia and super bowl that some poor massachusetts law maker had to do the walk of shame. >> he lost his bet with philly area representative bob brady and that's why congressman spent tuesday wearing a eagles helmet around the hill. >> he even appointed the larger than whatever it is helmet. he went all out. >> my favorite out of all of
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that is you saw there taking a selfie with him in the background. >> here's the thing though. brady, the congressman, not the quarterback. said pay back was sweet because 13 years ago he had to wear patriots uniform. >> so he's been waiting 13 years. coming up what it sounds like to lose the super bowl and have your house robbed. gronk's 911 call just ahead. and later the buzz surrounding the next big movie of 2018. "black panther" is wowing critics and fans alike. lamar.
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(male #1) it's a little something i've done every night since i was a kid, empty my pocket change into this old jar. it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program. imagine people our age getting life insurance at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300.
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now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. your premium never goes up and your benefit never goes down due to age. plus, your coverage builds cash value over time. call now for free information and a free gift. all i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the colonial penn program were answered. it couldn't have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. mm-hm, with change to spare. (laughing) (colonial penn jingle)
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okay - let's try this. it says you apply the blue one to me. here? no... make every day valentine's day with k-y yours and mine. two sensations. one great way to discover new feelings together. check out the check out the mayhem of high school basketball. it start would two players, then the crowd rushed the floor. police actually used pepper spray to break things up. one officer and one player were injured. breaking overnight, steve wynn have resigned as chairman and ceo of his own company.
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he's been under increasing pressure since reports of sexual harassment claims against him. >> he says he believes they're part of a campaign led by his ex-wife. she denies any responsibility. he resigned from the republican national committee a day after it alligations. he's seen as a guy who kind of remade las vegas in the '90s and 2000s. and we have new information now on the other law by rob gronkowski over the weekend. >> he discovered his home was burglarized while he was at the super bowl. from our station in boston. >> where is your emergency? >> this isn't an emergency. this is rob gorronkowski callin. while i was gone my whole house got rubed while i was at the
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have bowl trip. i just got back. >> reporter: thieves gained access by breaking a window. gronk and his house mates arrived home and discovered they had had been burglarized. >> speak with the home owner while he was away on his trip, his house was broken into, possible guns taken. >> we're not commenting on the nature of the items stolen, only to protect the integrity of the criminal investigation we expect to bring to a conclusion. >> surveillance cameras and fences -- they're not saying if he has a security system that was active at the time of the investigation. >> and then to get home and be a victim of this kind of crime. >> that's too bad. >> it is. but i do like that he's very calm. same way he is on the football field. >> he's used to being under
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pressure. when we come back it's the biggest story in the skinny history. >> and we're not over selling it at all. hil history. sometimes a cough gets in the way of a good night's sleep. that's when he needs vicks vaporub. proven cough medicine. with 8 hours of vapors. so he can sleep. vicks vaporub. goodnight coughs.
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that's my favorite part. >> i love it. >> welcome back to skinny land or maybe the skinny cafe. we haven't quite worked out what we're calling it but we're debuting a brand new look and sound for the skinny. and they're making us get up. they help stay awake, i guess. about that new theme song, the skinny will always be so skinny but our new jam is in just give me the skinny. can we drop that beat again. ♪ skinny the skinny the skinny >> and that voice it sounds
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familiar. is it pink with the flu? >> maybe. >> lady gaga? >> definitely not. >> our own diane macedo? >> what? >> what was that about? >> what? recording it? our producer bryan said he wanted to do a new skinny song and went through a bunch of different options and gave me the sound and asked me to record something over, some lyrics and do something with it and that's what we came up with. this is the really high budget recording process. so my head stone is attached to an actual phone, which has the music on it because we can't see through the actual recording head phones. >> and it's going to be available on title friday morning? >> absolutely. we're already tapping into billboard.
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>> we're so happy to have the new look, feel, music. and now to the hype for "black panther". >> so critics have been able to screen the movie from our parent company, disney and can barely contain their excitement. >> it has a 100% perfect score on rotten tomatoes. >> and we have video for the sound track's lead single, all the stars features grammy winner, kendrick lamar and zsa in their first collaboration together. >> the movie hits theaters next friday and the music video is almost as cool as the one we shot for the skinny. and speaking of super heroes and movies, would you like the welcome ryan to our new staff? >> thank you for being here.
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>> ryan says he has pretty big news as well, by the way. "deadpool" 2's release date has been confirmed as well as all had things '80s. >> reference the last dance instead of water, he's being shower would shell casings. >> and while the news has everyone talking, what fans really want is a trailer. come on, when is it happening? >> have we not seen a trailer for it? he's heard so much about it. you don't even like ryan. >> i was trying to get him to know who the trailer is. >> well, next to the kardashian baby boom and new mom, kylie jenner who just welcomed a new mom in the world. she kept the pregnancy
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relatively private and now she and rapper travis scott have now announced the baby's name. >> the baby stormi webster. she posted to instagram along with a picture of the baby holding mom's hand with a fresh many of course. >> big sister, kim kardashian tweeted her approval of sorts with a single storm emoji. >> kim named and kanye named their baby chicago. khloe is pregnant with her first kid. there's got to be a kardashian not pregnant with a kid that you know of. carson wentz, the quarterback for the eagles -- of course we're not talking about nick foles. he was there as a back up and mvp. but it's complicated. >> but it was sidelined 14 weeks
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actress nicole eggert who accused scott baio of molesting her has reportedly filed a police report. she went to repeat any claims she made last month that she was sexually abused on the set of "charles in charge" while she was a minor. >> she was accompanied to the station by fellow cast member who claimed to have witnessed some of the alleged incidents. a repfor baio says he's pleased she went to authorities with what they call her quote ever
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changing story. and uma thurman pressured into a stunt. >> reporter: director quinton tarantino calling his decision to pressure uma thurman to drive in this famous "kill bill' scene the biggest regret of his life. she showed video showing her struggling to control the blue convertible as it careens off athe road, smashing into a tree. >> tarantino believed he believed the car was safe but the actress saying she didn't want to drive what she called a death box. the crash left her with permanent injuries to her knees. and he appears to defend roman
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polanski. >> he didn't rape a 13 year old. it was statutory rape. look, she was down with it. >> reporter: he has not responded to request for comments. as for the crash, she's proud of tarantino for eventually giving her the footage. >> this is more than a decade in the making. the actress dianne krulger saying this is an important moment in time and my heart goes tout uma and anyone who's ever been a victim of sexual assault. coming up we have more news for you. also don't miss our updates on facebook. s on facebook.
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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning everyone. it's 4 o'clock on this wednesday february 7th. we're on half hour early to get you ready for a wintry mix that that be arriving soon. >> storm tracker shows you that system that will bring snow and freezing rain to parts of the area and just lane in other parts. >> the action cam caught penndot crews preparing the roads for what could be a slippery commute. >> the city of philadelphia is also getting ready to host millions of people for a super bowl victory parade. >> so, first up, we have meteorologist, david murphy and karen rogers. good morning to you both. >> good morning. this is the quiet befo
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