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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  February 9, 2018 11:40pm-12:42am EST

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had to say because he tweeted "somebody please inform jay-z that because of my policies black unemployment has just been reported to be at the lowest rate ever recorded." i don't know what policy he's talking about. he didn't even get a piece of major legislation passed until december and black unemployment has been going down in pretty much a straight line since 2010. in other words, the credit for lower black unemployment ironically goes to an unemployed black guy. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] we've got a new twitter feud. it's jay-z versus crazy. [ laughter ] they should solve this with a rap battle, winner gets to be president. i think that's the way to go. donald trump is right now gearing up for his first state of the union speech. it's tomorrow night. state of the union is the one day of the year presidents are supposed to brag about their accomplishments. so he's been training for this really for his whole life. the theme of this speech is they released the theme today, it's safe, strong, proud. based on the three words he never heard from his father.
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[ laughter ] which i think is a nice personal touch. that's who's responsible. [ laughter ] fred trump. and this is funny. they hand out tickets for this event. they hand out actual hard tickets. these are the tickets they handed out. you see right there you're invited to the address to the congress on the state of the "uniom." [ laughter ] so we're already off to a good start. [ laughter ] if i'm not mistaken, the uniom was the side that won the civil warm. isn't that right? [ laughter ] is there nothing they can't screw up? that's because we're real americans, not some pansy-ass spellers. [ cheers and applause ] there's a good chance trump thinks the state of the union means he gets to present the award for his favorite state tomorrow. and the state of the union is florida. congratulations florida. i'll see you all at mar-a-lago.
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[ applause ] donald trump will deliver the state of the union at 9:00 tomorrow night, and at 10:00 melania trump will give us an update on the state of their union. [ laughter ] and then i've got stormy daniels on our show tomorrow. porn star. [ applause ] the "wall street journal" says trump paid off. i have a lot of questions for stormy. people are excited about this. i got a number of e-mails from a number of envious fellow late-night talk show hosts about this booking. but stormy daniels will be on our show after the state of the union tomorrow night. this will be the president's second major presentation this week. he was in davos, switzerland over the weekend speaking at the world economic forum. and also he was there to share his message of peace, prosperity, and humility. >> my message is peace and prosperity. that's what we have. and we have a tremendous crowd. and a crowd like they've never had before. they tell me this is a crowd like they have never had before in davos. including all of you people like
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they've never had before. that's good. i assume they're here because of klaus. >> jimmy: poor klaus. are we sure klaus is okay? [ laughter ] while he was in davos trump sat down with cnbc where i think he made what was a bombshell admission. >> reciprocal. i want reciprocal. if they're going to charge 100% for a motorcycle it should be 100% the other way too. and you know, when you mention attacks at the border, a 10% tax on the border for everything coming in, i'm a free trader. totally. i'm a fair trader. i'm all kinds of trader. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: as if that wasn't enough, the president also did an interview with piers morgan while he was overseas, which is funny because you know, piers morgan was on the "celebrity apprentice." this was a bit of a reunion for them. last time they were together trump was choosing between piers
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and trace adkins for the title of celebrity apprentice. piers is back in england now, where trump is not well liked. 63% of brits disapprove of the job he's doing. but it seems that nobody passed that note to donald. >> a lot of stuff has been going on between you and my country. which has been -- >> i think it's good. i think i'm very popular in your country. >> let's not be too hasty, mr. president. >> but i believe that. i really do. i get so much fan mail from people in your country. >> jimmy: fan mail. was that fan mail all in handwriting that is suspiciously similar to kellyanne conway's? [ laughter ] [ applause ] fan mail. meanwhile, one prominent former trump staffer, omarosa, has a new job. she will be joining the cast of "celebrity big brother." aka "get out 2." [ laughter ] insiders say she left the white house for "big brother" because she wanted a more stable work environment. and this is a start because
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omarosa could become the first person ever eliminated from "the apprentice," the trump administration, and "celebrity big brother." i like this idea. i have to say i think "big brother" should be nothing but former members of the trump administration. >> announcer: they went from the white house to our house. join seven ousted trump staffers. omarosa, sean spicer, steve bannon, anthony scaramucci, james comey, michael flynn and sally yates. locked inside the "big brother" house for three months of drama. >> it's a pretty close-knit group. >> he's a total and complete phony. >> backstabbing. >> where i grew up in the neighborhood i'm from we're front stabbers. >> and revenge. >> i'm going to go after her with a vengeance of all of omarosa. >> with 76 cameras and 100 microphones capturing their every move. >> lordy, i hope there are tapes. >> and the winner gets to move back into the white house. >> it's never going to happen. never going to happen. >> "bigly brother" tuesdays at 8:00. followed by chris christie's "my 600-pound life." only on cbs. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i want to see both of those.
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we're going to take a break. when we come back, we have a new episode of "the bachelor" to rip to bits and a new dating app you will want to download immediately. so stick around. i'll tell you about that. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: abc's "jimmy kimmel live," brought to you by chevrolet. ught to you by chevrolet. when i get into my car, i want to know it's going to get me from point a to point b. well, then i have some good news. chevy's the only brand to receive j.d. power dependability awards for cars, trucks and suvs two years in a row. get 0% financing for 60 months. or $2,250 total cash allowance on this equinox lt when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer
11:47 pm
( ♪ ) join t-mobile today, and get an unlimited family plan with netflix included. wow. plus, when you buy an iphone, get an iphone for your bff on us. i like it. all on america's best unlimited network.
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pizza pringles. you made bbq, pizza. wow. add a jalapeño. spicy, bbq, pizza. wow. wow. wowwww. woww. wawawawow. wow. woww. stack flavors. make new ones.
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>> jimmy: welcome back. chadwick boseman. music from zz ward and fitz. and dave salmoni and wild animals are on the way. let's check in with dave salmoni in his dressing room. oh, look at that. what is that? how are you doing? >> it's a north american porcupine, and i'm doing great. >> jimmy: oh, great.
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it looks kind of furry. doesn't look spiky. >> no, it's completely spiky. i'll show you him later, but these are a little softer quills, and then deep in there are the hard ones that are the big defense. >> jimmy: and what about the hair on your head? is that -- >> it's hard now but that's more product-related. i won't prick you with my quills. >> jimmy: be very careful when you get here. dave has all kinds of animals and he will be here later. speaking of adorable animals, have you seen the video of the rat taking a shower yet? if you haven't, you're going to. it's got about 2 million views on twitter right now. well, if you've never seen a rodent lather up before, allow me to present the shower rat. [ laughter ] it's like stuart little for
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real. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] get that rat a deal with head & shoulders. i don't think that's a rat. i think that may be a good metaphor for 2018. you know? earlier tonight here on abc the love gods showered us with a new episode of "the bachelor." arie and the women went to ft. lauderdale because that city doesn't get enough stds during spring break. once again the star of the show tonight was krystal. i know you haven't seen the show yet but basically what happened was they split the women into teams, they all went bowling, and the idea was whichever team won was supposed to get time with arie and the losers would get sent home. so krystal's team won but then arie changed his mind and invited the losing team to come out too because he felt bad and that's when krystal lost it and barricaded herself in the room which did not make her a favorite with the other ladies. but krystal doesn't care because she thinks she is better than the other ladies. >> i'm sorry, i just -- i feel like a lot of the girls here don't operate at my level and
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i'm tired of lowering myself to try to stoop to theirs. like i'm done. done. that was glitter. glitter. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: exactly. what? let's see that again. because -- >> that was glitter. glitter. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what does that -- is that a thing? that was glitter? no. it doesn't mean anything. but that is how i'm going to end every argument from now on. [ laughter ] that was glitter. [ applause ] and you know, while it might seem like krystal was being petty by staying in her room and refusing to be part of the group date according to krystal that's not at all what was going on in the room. >> yesterday i wasn't hiding in my room. i was investing in myself. and growing from the struggle that happened and the challenge. like there was discovery. >> jimmy: right. she was investing in herself and discovering.
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[ laughter ] she could be the next white house press secretary. that's a hell of a spin. [ cheers and applause ] that's a world-class spin. so the big question is after all that the hysterics, the arrogance, the immature behavior, did arie send krystal home? and the answer is no of course he didn't. krystal got a rose. she's still in. i don't know, maybe arie's scared to cut her loose. breaking up is hard to do. it's a big reason people stay in bad relationships, they're afraid to break up. but now there's an app that if you do find yourself in a romantic situation you want to get out of this app will help you get out of it fast. >> dating is hard. telling a guy you don't want to sedate him anymore is even harder. >> some cheeses make me sweat. >> interesting. >> now there's an app for that. introducing harisn. the easy way to end it. >> arthur, please take a moment and say your good-byes. >> what? we haven't even ordered. >> that's not necessary. you're incredibly boring.
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so if you would, let's go. >> you haven't met my pet rats. >> you're only making it worse. >> the harisn app was designed by miserable women for miserable women. [ knock at door ] [ laughter ] >> oh, hell no. >> don't delay the inevitable. say adios with harisn. >> oh, no, no, no. just take a moment, say your good-byes. >> who the hell are you? >> i am chris mother [ bleep ] harisn. [ laughter ] intermission, bitch. now, beat it. >> the harisn app. we'll say good-bye so you don't have to. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight on the show we have music from zz ward with fitz from fitz and the tantrums. dave salmoni is here. and we'll be right back with chadwick boseman. [ cheers and applause ]
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11:58 pm
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12:00 am
it's funny really, nobody ever does iti didn't do itppens. and of course it's the really tough stains that nobody ever does ready? really? i didn't do it so when i heard they added ultra oxi to the cleaning power of tide, i knew it was just what we needed so now we can undo all the tough stains that nobody did dad? i didn't do it huh, he didn't do it introducing new tide ultra oxi; it's got to be tide
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight, from "animal planet," dave salmoni is here with his wild animal friends. dave brought -- let's see. dave brought a hedgehog, a six-foot monitor lizard, and a cinereous vulture with him. they'll be inside the building. then, her latest album is called "the storm." zz ward with fitz of fitz and the tantrums from the mercedes-benz stage. later this week, we'll be joined by jamie dornan, lupita nyong'o, danai gurira, billy eichner, and we'll have music from russell dickerson, ty segall and rick springfield. and tomorrow night, kerry washington and stormy daniels will be with us. they're here to promote "scandals" of a different type.
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so please join us for that after the state of the union. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest tonight stars as the classic marvel comics hero known as t'challa, also known as black panther. >> uh! >> turn on the train on the bottom track. >> you are without protection. >> neither will he. >> okay. >> jimmy: "black panther" opens in theaters february 16th. please welcome chadwick boseman. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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how are you? i like that you're in all black. it makes me feel like the black panther is here. >> well, you know, this is the first stop for the premiere night. it's a big night. >> jimmy: it's i big night. the premiere is right across the street from our theater. you mentioned you have like 41 first cousins or something the last time you were here. >> on one side. >> jimmy: on one side. how many family members did you have to bring to this premiere? >> have to bring? >> jimmy: how many family members did you bring willingly and delightedly to this premiere? >> i think eight or nine. i don't want to say because everybody didn't get to come and i feel bad about it. >> jimmy: oh, really? [ laughter ] so you got a lot of calls and you had to say no, i'm sorry, there's not enough room? >> yeah, but you know, what they'll see it -- you will see it. where can i look right in the camera? >> jimmy: right behind you. >> right behind me?
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[ laughter ] you will see it like in atlanta or new york or -- >> jimmy: anywhere where you're not, they will see it, right? [ laughter ] >> yes. no, i'll be in new york. >> jimmy: you will be in new york. then will you have another batch of family members in new york? >> yes. >> jimmy: i love that. then you're going to south korea to promote, right? >> that's right. >> jimmy: do you have family in south korea? >> no. >> jimmy: no, you do not. >> actually, i do. >> jimmy: you do. >> i'm joking. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: who knows with you? you've got a lot of family members. >> i probably do. >> jimmy: are you going to be there for the olympics? will you be there at that time? >> i think we will for maybe part of it. >> jimmy: oh, that's fun. do you think you'll get to go to anything? >> no. >> jimmy: you won't get to see -- >> only when you travel with robert downey do you get to see anything. >> jimmy: is that true? >> yeah. because he puts in days where you can see some things. >> jimmy: i like that. that's smart. he has the clout to do that. >> he's ironman. >> jimmy: he's ironman. [ laughter ] so you'll go there -- but you won't be with robert downey. >> we will not. >> jimmy: that's unfortunate. maybe ask him to come along.
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>> michael, lupita. we don't have that same clout yet. >> jimmy: you will have it soon. i saw the movie, and i loved it. i thought it was great. "black panther." the music is great and the whole thing is great. and all i could think of the whole time is i wish i was black panther. [ laughter ] >> you know, maybe we can arrange the suit or something. >> jimmy: i don't think i'll fit in the suit. i think the suit would look a little like a balloon animal if i was in it. [ laughter ] >> you know, they make it to fit whatever -- i don't know what it's going to look like but they'll make it to fit you. >> jimmy: it's not going to look good. let's just say that. [ laughter ] in the suit itself -- do you have the suit? did you keep the suit? >> no. >> jimmy: you did not. >> i wouldn't even want it because you know, marvel is so tight with their secrets. i wouldn't want somebody to come in and steal it from me or something and you know -- >> jimmy: are they worried like kim jong un is going to get the technology and make his own black panther over there? >> yeah, i think so. [ laughter ] i think so. >> jimmy: have you seen the movie in a theater yet? like with a crowd. >> i have not. tonight will be the first time.
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>> jimmy: that's exciting. is that the best thing about -- i mean, maybe it's not. but to me i think the best thing about being an actor, especially in a big action movie like this, would be watching it for the first time with all the people. >> yes and no. it's really -- it's scary sometimes to see it with people because you don't know how they're going to respond. i usually see it at the premiere. and then after that i don't watch any of the other screenings while we're on the press tour until much later i'll go in and see it with a regular audience. >> jimmy: that's great. do they ever spot you when you're in the theater? >> not if i don't want them to. >> jimmy: are there times where you want them to? >> no. >> jimmy: no, never? >> no. >> jimmy: see first, was black panther in the middle of the movie, i'd jump right on the stage. i'd be like hey, everybody, look who's here. [ laughter ] and then i'd race oust theater just to freak them out. >> no. >> jimmy: before they can get their phones out. then nobody would believe them. you don't do stuff like that. >> no. i don't want to disturb their experience. >> jimmy: you're the black panther and i'm not i guess
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really in a way. by the way, i thought this is very interesting. you were named -- you got the award for most popular u.s. actor in china. and this is a photograph of -- [ cheers and applause ] the presentation. now, may i ask, first of all, how is it possible that you are the most popular u.s. actor in china? which of your movies did they really latch on to? >> i don't know. "marshall." >> jimmy: they love thurgood marshall in china. it's unbelievable. >> it has to be panther. i don't know. i want to know how they -- you know what was weird about that experience? >> jimmy: it looks like everything, based on this photo. [ laughter ] >> yeah. i didn't understand anything that was going on. >> jimmy: it was all in chinese? >> it was all in chinese. all of a sudden it's all chinese and you hear your name. you're like oh, my god, it's my turn. and then i was like i'm not
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supposed to speak. the language barrier was crazy for me. >> jimmy: yeah, well, sure. >> but it was a fun experience, and i still don't know how i got it. >> jimmy: were you confused when they called you and told you about this? >> yeah. i said i'm going to accept it, you know. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: did you go to china for this to -- >> no. it was right down the street. [ laughter ] they came here. >> jimmy: china came here to give you this trophy. >> it was right on vine street. >> jimmy: are you sure this wasn't a prank? [ laughter ] >> hey. if it was, it was a really good one. >> jimmy: it was really well done. >> it's still going. >> jimmy: well, that's why you're here. i'm here to tell you that -- [ laughter ] chadwick, you -- that was a prank. we have the tape. no, i'm just kidding. [ laughter ] i wish i'd thought of it, though. >> you could have used that.
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>> jimmy: i know. you know, we should do that to matt damon. be like "oh, they loved new great wall. you were fantastic." [ laughter ] >> ooh. ooh. >> jimmy: it'll be all right. are you kidding? you're my henchman in this one. i hope everybody goes to see this movie. it's so much fun. and as a long-time marvel comics fan, i mean, i remember black panther when i was a kid was one of the coolest heroes in the world that they created, is excellent and well worth seeing. chadwick boseman, everybody. "black panther" opens in theaters and imax february 16th. we'll be right back with wild animals. at ally, we offer low-cost trades and high-yield savings. but if that's not enough, we offer innovative investing tools to prepare you for the future. looks like you hooked it. and if that's not enough, we'll help your kid prepare for the future.
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trapped in a man's body trapped in sheep's clothing. but hey, at least my taxes are free.
12:13 am
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12:14 am
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>> jimmy: we're back. still to come, music from zz ward and fitz. when our next guest found out black panther was on the show tonight, he turned up with a duffel bag full of raw antelope meat. [ laughter ] but he was sadly mistaken. he is the large predator expert for animal planet, where on sunday you can watch "puppy bowl 14." please say hello to the canadian tarzan. dave salmoni, everybody. dave? [ cheers and applause ]
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hi, dave. great to see you. how are you? >> great. yourself? >> jimmy: who's your friend? >> this is an asian water monitor. have a seat. >> jimmy: oh. [ laughter ] >> here you go, big guy. >> jimmy: these are dangerous. i know these are dangerous. >> i would never bring you anything dangerous. >> jimmy: you many times brought me dangerous things. >> i sometimes bring you dangerous things. but this guy is great. have a seat there. today i'm going to show you all kinds of adaptations. and this guy's perfectly -- >> jimmy: look at that, he's licking zz ward right now. [ laughter ] >> first thing you're going to notice is his camouflage. he can hide with this. so anything smaller than it he can grab a hold of and it becomes food. >> jimmy: mm-hmm. >> tail. look at his tail. come over look at his tail. >> jimmy: i'm worried about his head. i'm not worried about the tail. >> let's turn him around.
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here you go. there you go. so let's talk about head now. >> jimmy: this is worse now, by the way. [ laughter ] >> no, this is better. come on, big guy. you can pet him. >> jimmy: i don't want to pet him. why would i want to pet him? he doesn't want me to put him. you think he likes to be petted? >> he does. i'm going to show you. like a puppy you go right under -- >> jimmy: like a puppy. >> you grab him like this. you can give him nice hard pats. >> how about if i give him a nice pat way in the back? >> he loves that. hi, big guy. >> jimmy: you think he really loves it? >> i know he loves it. he's going to lean into it. it helps calm him down. >> jimmy: what are you going to do to help calm me down? >> i could give you some meat. would you like some meat? >> jimmy: just pet me a little bit. do you want to feed this guy? >> jimmy: no, not at all. no, i don't. >> i want you to take this. >> jimmy: what is that? >> it's a piece of meat. come around to his face. you're going to show it to him.
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>> jimmy: he'll eat that big piece of meat? oh, he would easily eat my hand. >> you do it. >> jimmy: oh, no. just give it to him. >> hold it in your hand. >> jimmy: there you go. hey. hey. >> there you go. >> jimmy: wow. [ applause ] >> one of the things you're going to notice with this guy -- have a seat back down here. you can continue to pet him. >> jimmy: he's not going to get in a frenzy now, is he? >> he's not going to go in a frenzy. he's perfectly calm, relax. he knows that's his meat. he's fast and he's strong. when he gets a hold of something he wants to eat he use that's big bite. he's got a really strong bite. his cousin is the komodo dragon and they kill such big things that they actually have venom sachs. >> jimmy: oh. >> you're focused. >> jimmy: he doesn't have venom? >> he doesn't have venom. his jaw is very strong. >> jimmy: hey, chew it, man. you don't swallow like that. you're going to choke. he just swallowed it. he usually eats live animals. >> he's a predator. he'll eat anything you feed him. >> jimmy: do you know this guy? [ laughter ] we had a dragon stolen.
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[ laughter ] [ applause ] >> you want some gloves? >> jimmy: this one i need gloves. yeah, i'll wear gloves. >> put your gloves on. >> jimmy: this one i need gloves? >> you don't have to. >> jimmy: i do want to put gloves on, yeah. [ laughter ] >> take your gloves off. >> jimmy: i'm going to keep the gloves on. >> or keep your gloves on. this is a hedgehog. as we talk about adaptations. this is a lazier one. this is a busier one. the number one adaptation is he's got quills. you feel those quills? >> jimmy: i can't. i have gloves on. >> if he feels a predator is coming he'll roll into a nice ball like that. >> jimmy: it why does he sound like he's about to explode? >> that's part of his defense. he wants to remind you, he's not really good at fighting away predators in any other way except for poking with quills. he makes a noise, jumps and hopes the predator goes that's too spiky. >> jimmy: do the quills jump off his body is it. >> no. >> jimmy: and porcupines, can they throw theirs? >> no.
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everyone thinks they can but they cannot. >> jimmy: because we watch cartoons. >> i always try to tell people, these don't make good pets. all the animals you see me bring out, they're gun pets. this is one where people think they're awesome pets, they're nocturnal, they don't want to play with you during the day. >> jimmy: but on late-night shows they like to be -- >> they don't mind because they know they're going to get tons of snacks. when they come here they get overfed. >> jimmy: this is what the flintstones used to use to clean their pots and pans, right? >> that's exactly right. as you see as they're about to go away, they have nice short arms for digging holes. >> jimmy: feed this to the lizard. [ laughter ] >> so jimmy, i'm going to need you to come around -- >> jimmy: hakuna matata. >> take your gloves op. now i want you to come around. >> jimmy: god only knows what is about to come out now. holy -- oh, my god. he's coming at us! [ laughter ] >> there you go, big guy. >> jimmy: why did he come at us like that?
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>> this is his stump. this is where he likes to be. come on with me. >> jimmy: i don't want to be that close to him. >> just in case didn't tell you already he's a vulture. >> jimmy: now, they only eat dead things, right? >> right. they're scavengers. we're talking adaptations, we're trying to -- >> jimmy: when he says you're a scavenger, it's not an insult. it's just a technical term. >> he's one best scavengers in the world. >> jimmy: you're one of the best scavengers in the world. [ laughter ] >> the things he's adapted -- hey, big guy. >> jimmy: what kind of beef is that? >> just regular old lean beef. >> jimmy: smells like a horse. >> anytime we bring animals out here we want them to be rewarded and have fun. come on, i want you to face the cameras. >> jimmy: why do they eat dead things only? can they eat live things? >> they're not great hunters. they're very slow. what they've adapted to do is they eat off of other things that the predators leave behind. so a big lion will eat a carcass and there's still lots of meat. you see that big beak he has. that's perfect for picking meat off bones. another thing i think is super
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cool is they can smell a carcass from a mile away. so they use those big wings. you see those big wings? those big flight feathers on the back, they've adopted for them to be up soaring miles in the sky, they soar around, they don't even have to flap, they see something or smell something, they come down on it, and then they wait until the predator's gone. >> jimmy: it's kind of a good-looking animal, actually. i'm complimenting you. >> they're beautiful. >> jimmy: what's his name? >> dexter. >> jimmy: oh, good. you named him after a serial killer. [ laughter ] he wasn't creepy enough. >> hey, big guy. >> jimmy: all right. well, let's take a break and let this guy go out in the parking lot and eat somebody or something. [ laughter ] i assume you have other horrors. >> i have wonderful things for you. >> jimmy: dave salmoni is here. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] blapz blapz
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yeahhh! try directv now for $10 a month for 3 months. no satellite needed. ♪ baby, ♪ i'm losing myust memind just a little ♪♪ ♪ so, why don't you just meet me in the middle ♪
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aah! ...i would have said you were crazy. but so began the year of me. i discovered the true meaning of paperless discounts... and the indescribable rush of saving drivers an average of $620. why does fear feel so good? i fell in love three times -- once with a woman, once with a country, and finally... with myself. -so, do you have anything to declare or not? -isn't that what i'm doing? >> jimmy: we are back with dave salmoni. puppy bowl 14 is during the super bowl on animal planet. >> it's one of our best shows. it's puppies playing. there's kitty halftime.
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>> jimmy: is the porcupine on? >> the porcupine is not on it. but any animal's a good animal in my book. this is a north american porcupine. we're talking adaptations. we're trying to teach people how awesome conservation is. these guys are awesome. if you feel -- >> jimmy: those are spikes, right? >> these are a lot softer. if you see, on the head up here see those smaller spiky ones. and then back in the tail there, there are the weapons. the big spiky ones are here. you see those there? but if you were to pet him this way you'll get a sense for how soft he is. >> jimmy: he wouldn't do anything weird? >> nice and gentle. >> jimmy: do people use these quills for anything? >> decoration for sure. >> jimmy: he's very soft. >> it's only a defense. they don't want to get you. this guy's super sweet. >> jimmy: how do you know that? >> that he's sweet? >> jimmy: if i was a porcupine i'd want to get people. >> they don't want to start a confrontation. they want to warn everybody i'm dangerous, just don't come near me. so if something does -- we
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talked about before, they don't throw their quills, they jam their quills. these quills actually go in very smooth. you try to pull them out, there's barbs. once they're in they're in. they're staying in. >> jimmy: is this more pork or more pine? [ laughter ] we're going to leave the porcupine here. we have some other animals you're going to show us. these animals are adorable. oh, now this is up my alley. this is the kind of animal i like. >> now, these are potbellied pigs. do you want to hold one? >> jimmy: yeah, i'll hold a big. >> put your arm like a football. >> jimmy: oh, not like a football. don't say football. >> hold them nice and tight to your body. you'll see they're super comfortable. >> jimmy: oh, my god. they're so cute. >> we were talking about the puppy bowl. these guys are the cheerleaders. we have pigs as cheerleaders. >> jimmy: do they know they're cheerleaders for the puppy bowl? >> yeah, it's a big honor. >> jimmy: eating my shoe.
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>> pigs are omnivorous. they'll eat almost anything. >> jimmy: don't eat my shoe, guys. how big will these pigs get? >> these ones are potbellied. maximum 20 pounds. but some pigs, they can grow over 500, 600 pounds. >> jimmy: why are they potbellied? do they drink? >> when they get old they actually do get a pot belly. >> jimmy: you guys are going to be the cheerleaders, huh? can you do a pyramid? whoa. he answered me. they are smart, right, pigs? >> pigs are really smart. they're even smarter than dogs. people say they're easily trained. people often even have them in their house. you see this guy's talking. >> jimmy: could you take this on an airplane as a comfort animal? >> i think you probably could. oh, i know. >> jimmy: you don't want to go on an airplane? what are you saying? is dave squeezing you too hard? [ laughter ] yes, you don't want to be on the puppy bowl? you want to be on the -- well, they hear the word pigskin and i'm sure they're not that thrilled.
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well, the puppy bowl airs -- puppy bowl 14, sunday 3:00 eastern on animal planet. dave salmoni. thank you, dave. we'll be right back with zz ward and fitz. [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. when you have a cold, pain from a headache can make this... ...feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol®.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank chadwick boseman, dave salmoni, the animals. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next. but first, her tour starts tomorrow in salt lake city. the song is called "domino." with some help from fitz, zz ward! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i close my eyes like i don't know i count the hours 'til the sun's burning gold ♪ ♪ i fill your bed so it ain't cold i know that heartbreak is the loneliest road ♪ ♪ i think about it all through the night all through the night
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whoa ♪ ♪ all through the night all through the night whoa ♪ ♪ all through the night all through the night whoa ♪ ♪ one by one they fall so fast i let 'em go ♪ ♪ domino domino ♪ i close my eyes don't wanna read between the lines you keep on keeping from me ♪ ♪ i fill your bed it's getting old i know that heartbreak is the loneliest road ♪ ♪ i think about it all through the night all through the night whoa ♪ ♪ all through the night all through the night whoa ♪ ♪ all through the night all through the night whoa ♪ ♪ one by one they fall so fast i let 'em go ♪ ♪ domino domino ♪ domino domino
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♪ woo, woo ♪ i close my eyes like i don't know i count the hours 'til the sun's burning gold ♪ ♪ i fill your bed so it ain't cold i know that heartbreak is the loneliest road ♪ ♪ i line 'em up they're tumbling down and when they leave ♪ ♪ the truth is getting too loud ♪ ♪ 'cause when you start can't stop the train on broken tracks it's all feeling the same ♪ ♪ all through the night all through the night all through the night all through the night ♪ ♪ all through the night all through the night one by one they fall so fast ♪ ♪ i let 'em go domino domino ♪ domino
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♪ domino ♪ domino ♪ domino ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ domino ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ one by one they fall so fast ♪ i let 'em go ♪ domino ♪ i let 'em go ♪ domino ♪ whoa, yeah [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ this "nightline." >> tonight. white house trouble. a close aid auto to he president trump stepping down on multiple accusations of domestic violence. one describing the abuse to "washington post". >> he pulled me out of the shower in a rage. >> the president's response. >> he said he is innocent have to remember that. >> who knew about the story and what. >> and plus kate upton saying me too. >> i had to go through this moment i go it's not my fault it's his fault. >> alleged paul masiana sexually
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assaulted her when she was just 18 but he denies the allegations. >> and the 17-year-old the new face of snowboarding. >> i'm a snow boarder, not like a celebrity or anything. >> but first the "nightline" five. more and more student debt is keeping people from doing what they love. (horn sound) ♪ ♪ like buying a home.
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♪ ♪ (knocking sound) traveling. ♪ ♪ even getting married. ♪ ♪ at citizens bank we can help you refinance both your federal and private student loans. so you can start saving and get on with your life. ask a leader in student lending how we can help you reach your potential.
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♪ good evening, thanks for joining us. tonight a cloud of domestic abuse accusations looming over the trump administration, one stepping down after can al zb s allegations that he denies. another close aide rob porter reigniting the president. >> he says he's innocent and you have to remember that. he said very strongly yesterday that he's innocent. >> three days after rob porter's exwife staffer surfaced the president responded. >> i found out and was surprised by it but we certainly wish him
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well it's obviously a tough time for him. he did a very good job when he was in the white house. and we hope he has a wonderful career and hopefully he will have a great career ahead of him. >> three days. that's how long it took president trump to break his silence on rob porter and when he finally did he praised his former aide didn't say one word about any of the women. >> it's that response that has many talking. >> it was a lost opportunity for the leader of our country to not take this opportunity when so many are talking about sexual assault and violence to talk about these serious allegationss. >> what was response in the oval office to trump today. >> it was especially difficult response especially in the scheme of the #metoo moving for
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the president of the united states to recuse him. >> and that tweet saying it is not normal or acceptable and this -- and former vice president joe biden weighing in. >> wishes him luck -- he has so much talent. that's like saying, that axe murderer out there, he's a great painter. >> this is not the first time president trump has come to defense of a man accused of violence against woman. he endorsed roy moore in the face of the sexual allegations. >> he totally denies it. says it didn't happen. you have to say of listen to him also. >> he was accused of molesting young girls over the years. >> roy moore denies


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