tv Good Morning America ABC February 28, 2018 7:00am-9:00am EST
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good morning, america. breaking news as we come on the air the students of marjory stoneman douglas return to school for the first time since the massacre and this morning the ceo of the nation's largest sporting goods retailer here live with a major announcement about guns in his stores first on "gma." security crackdown. jared kushner, the president's senior adviser and son-in-law stripped of his top secret security clearance. now new concerns. were foreign countries trying to manipulate him? is his job in jeopardy. deadly school bus crash. new video showing kids scrambling to escape after this bus flipped on its side. now the driver on trial. was he distracted by his phone? and carry on clash. a passenger going head-to-head with a united employee over this
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bag. >> you telling me this doesn't fit in here. >> the new black eye for the airline this morning. ♪ the royal fab four on their first official outing of the year. what kate is saying about william and baby number three and the new details on prince harry and meghan markle's wedding. what we're now learning about the spice girls. ♪ friendships never end and good morning, america. it will be an emotional one down in parkland today. we'll see the students and teachers right there returning to marjory stoneman douglas high school for their first day of classes since that horrific shooting two weeks ago. >> and we're going to talk to some of the students and parents ahead. there are a lot of words of encouragement and support coming in from around the globe. >> so many of them know their lives will never be the same but getting back to normal will provide a little comfort. "gma" viewers sending their love
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and support and they have inspired a major announcement from the largest sporting goods retailer. we'll have that in a moment. first victor oquendo is in parkland as students return. victor, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, paula. it has been exactly two weeks since the shooting. the memorials outside stoneman douglas high have gotten a huge amount of support. as students return the principal making clear it's not about the curriculum but the healing process today. just hours before classes resume here at marjory stoneman douglas high school students from other area schools are gathering to pay tribute and wish them well. >> a big message they're not alone. >> reporter: students will pass through this growing memorial on their way in to school and administers are opening the outpouring might quell some fears. the principal tweeted out our focus is on emotional readiness and comfort not curriculum. many may not be ready, they say.
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>> i don't think anyone is physically or mentally prepared to walk into those red gates. >> reporter: senior julian decosti whose best friend was killed isn't sure he'll ever go back. not ready for it. >> no. like say i do go back to the school and like sometimes i go to the bathroom -- i would be scared to go to the bathroom and just stay in class all day. >> it is customary we observe a moment of silence. >> reporter: making it clear they never want to see a mass 14509ing in a high school classroom again the county commissioners urged federal and state lawmakers toward a commonsense gun control policy requesting federal funds to demolish the building where the shooting happened and creating a memorial. >> we will not be allowed to be defined by this tragedy but our response to it. >> reporter: governor rick scott vowing to crack down on school security. >> this state will never be the
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same. >> reporter: it includes increased police presence at all public schools along with metal detectors, bulletproof class, steel doors and upgraded locks. i asked the superintendent how he feels about arming teachers. how do you feel about arming teachers in i am opposed to it. our teachers are here to teach. they have a very challenging job as it is. we don't need to give them another responsibility. i don't think the solution is introducing more guns in schools. >> reporter: the superintendent has been firmly against arming teachers since day one. this morning he is also confirming reports that the shooter tried to fire through a third story window which would have made fleeing students possible targets. >> thanks very much. want to go to our interview with ed stack. he's the chairman and ceo of dick's sporting good, the nation's largest sporting goods retailer and he released an open letter announcing dick's will no longer sell assault style rives
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or no longer sell firearms to anyone under 21 or no longer sell high capacity magazines. a dramatic move. why are you taking it. >> thanks for having me today to talk about this and as we -- as we looked at what happened down in parkland and we were so disturbed and saddened by what happened, we felt we needed to do something and so we've decided not to sell these assault weapons any longer in any of our stores and the other things we talked about. >> yeah, and the shooter down in parkland actually bought a gun at a dick's store, not the assault weapon. >> right, he did and he bought a shotgun from us back in november. and it wasn't the gun nor was it the type of gun that he used in the shooting, but when that happened, we realized that the system -- and we did everything by the book. we did everything that the law required and still he was able to buy a gun. he was still able to buy a gun and when we looked at that, we
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said the system that is are in place across the board just aren't effective enough to keep us from selling someone a gun like that. and so we decided we wouldn't sell assault-style rives. >> any regret you didn't take a move like this sooner. after newtown you had a temporary shutdown of it. >> we said we would temporarily take them out of the dick's sporting goods stores. they haven't been back but in 2013 we developed a chain field and stream, full on complete hunting and outdoor store and put them in those stores but based on what's happened and looking at those kids and parents, it moved us all unimaginably and to think about the loss and the grief that those kids and those parents had, we said we need to do something and we're taking these guns out of all of our stores permanently. >> though chance you'll reverse this. >> never. >> are you ready for the backlash? >> we are and we know this isn't going to make everyone happy but
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when we take a look at what those kids and the parents and the heroes in the school, what they did and our view was if the kids can be brave enough to organize like this we can be brave enough to take them out of here. >> you want congress to act as well. >> we do and we hope they'll act and pull "together forevesometh. we don't want one side espousing their position and the other side espousing theirs and they never do anything. we hope congress will come together. it's a complex issue. it's about mental health reform and it's around background checks and we hope they come together with the intent of really finding a solution to this problem as opposed to just talking about it knowing that they're never going to do anything, just speak to their base. >> it's clear you believe right now you can support the second amendment, still do more to protect schools. >> yeah.
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we are staunch supporters of it and oil a gun owner myself but decided based on what happened and with these guns we don't want to be a part of this story and we've eliminated these guns permanently. >> a big move, ed stack, thanks for sharing that with us. as the students return to marjory stoneman douglas high school this morning we're joined by leni steinhardt, a sophomore in chemistry class when the shooting happened and joining us with her father, neil. thank you both for joining us. leni, i have a question, how does it feel to be on campus getting ready for class? >> it's definitely weird. i definitely have a pit in my stomach knowing what happened here. i can't speak for the rest of my classmates but i'm definitely eager to hug my friends and thank the teachers who saved my life that day. >> yeah, i'm pretty sure every -- >> but it's hard -- >> no, go ahead. i'm sorry. >> well, it's haeartbreaking to
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know 17 people won't get the chance to do that. >> i'm sure everybody is eager to see each other and give each other hugs to show support. leni, you were pulled to safety in the teacher's lounge by two librarians. have you had a chance to see them since then? >> at the memorial i ran into one of them and i made sure to give her the biggest hug i possibly could. i have yet to see on the other librarian and hoping i'll see her today. >> you like so many other students are at your school and around the country have been proactive. i know you wrote a letter to your congressman. what did you write in the letter? what were some questioned you asked? >> well, after this i just -- i was left with so many questions that my parents couldn't answer, my counselors couldn't answer, my teachers couldn't answer and i think reaching out to them firsthand was the only chance i really got to not feel helpless and i was just trying to make sure to tell them school
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shouldn't be a war zone. you shouldn't associate like guns and bullets with a school. it should never be in the same sentence. i just made sure they knew that. >> well, i'm sure there are so many who are in agreement with you on that, leni. neil, i wanted to ask you, your son also goes to the school as well and lost a friend in this tragedy and how is he doing? >> he's taking it pretty hard, i think like most of the students are, you know, this is kind of above our pay grade on how to ham a tragedy such as this. >> it seems like there were so many warning sceigns that were missed. how are you feeling about sending your kids back to school this morning? >> well, i think, you know, clearly we can make schools safer and that's been shown, you know, today there's so many police here this is probably the safest block in florida but on a
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go forward process we have to start to change the conversation. >> i'm sure you're there, many parent there is. kids are going to school all around the country. but how do you help your kids there at school today to get back into the groove of returning? >> well, i think part of it is communication and to talk about their feelings. everybody's feelings are valid and part of it is just to be there and support them. routine helps too. so it's been really disruptive for the past two weeks and i think turning the page a little bit and starting to move forward, you know, we're not going to get over this. everybody is transformed by this experience but going forward, this is the first step and we have to take it. >> and, neil, you also said this turned your home into a single issue household and we just saw the ceo of dick's, ed stack, he said no more assault rifles will be sold in dick's. they'll raise the age to 21. do you think this is a step in the right direction in terms of
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being a single family household and the way you're thinking right now? >> i think it's fantastic and, you know, honestly, you know, i didn't do anything after columbine and didn't do anything after sandy hook and now that this has hit close to home, you know, like you said i'm a single issue voter. if we can't keep our kids safe then none of the other issues matter so i think the move by dick's is well -- it's a fantastic step and looking forward to more positive change in the future. >> and, leni, there are so many people from around the world sending their love and support to you and all the students there at your school and i wanted to know if you have a little message you would like to share with them. >> what recently happened to us isn't going to bring us down. we're going to fight until -- to make sure this is the last school shooting to happen. we're going to make sure it's the last one. >> well, leni and neil, want to thank you both so much for joining us this morning and we hope you have a great day at
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school and we really do send our love and support to you and all the other students there at your school as well. thank you guys so much and have a great day. >> thank you. >> thank you. tough situation i'm pretty sure for these kids and parents go back to school and for the parents not to want to hover over them in so many questions that her parents couldn't answer and turned to the school's counselors but her dad said getting back into the routine is so important. the white house and new trouble for one of the president's inner circle, his son-in-law jared kushner has been stripped of his top secret security clearance amid questions about his foreign contacts and business dealings and new questions though whether he can hold on to his high-level role in the white house. cecilia vega has the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. he might be the president's son-in-law but this morning jared kushner is facing uncertainty about just how long he might stay in this white house.
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on capitol hill jared kushner racing past the cameras, no comment on those bombshell allegations. "the washington post" reporting that officials from multiple foreign countries have discussed ways to manipul taking advantage of his complex business arrangements, financial difficulties and lack of foreign policy experience. abc news has learned that in a highly unusual move, some of kushner's contacts with foreign officials were never disclosed to the national security council or officially reported at all. and discussions by foreign officials about their meetings with kushner made their way into national security adviser h.r. mcmaster's top secret daily intelligence briefings. >> my name is jared kushner. i am senior adviser to president donald j. trump. >> reporter: according to "the washington post" concerns about those contacts is one reason kushner has been unable to obtain a permanent security clearance. in a new blow his access to highly classified information cut off.
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the white house stripping him of his temporary top secret security clearance as part of a crackdown by chief of staff john kelly. he had been working on a temporary security clearance since the inauguration. his application under fbi review for nearly 15 months. kushner updating it several times after failing to disclose multiple foreign contacts before he entered the administration. kushner's tanked with a vast portfolio including solving peace in the middle east. >> well, jared has done an outstanding job and treated unfairly. he is a high quality person. he works for nothing just so, you know, nobody ever reports that but he gets zero. >> reporter: but now questions not just about whether kushner can still do his job with a downgraded security clearance, but whether he stays on the job at all. >> he's a valued member of the team and he will continue to do the important work that he's been doing since he started in the administration. >> reporter: now multiple sores inside and outside of the white
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house say this downgrade cuts off kushner's access to the daily presidential briefing, the top secret presidential daily briefing and will cut him out of very important conversations inside that oval office, george. we have also learned that chief of staff john kelly wants kushner out very much but every white house source i have spoken to says the president is not going to fire his son-in-law. >> a lot of in-fighting. meantime, cecilia, hope hicks up on capitol hill for eight hours before the house intelligence committee. pretty remarkable admission behind closed doors that she said that sometimes her job for president trump requires her to lie. >> reporter: yeah, "the new york times" is reporting that hope hicks told the congressional investigators she sometimes has to tell white lies on behalf of the president and say in that more than eight hours of testimony that she didn't answer very many key questions, namely about that trump tower meeting, george. >> okay, cecilia, thanks very much. let's bring in dan abrams for more on all this and start with jared kushner. you know, you saw this "the washington post" report, foreign officials discussing his
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vulnerabilities among themselves. this could be an avenue that the special counsel robert mueller takes up. >> absolutely. they'll be looking into any of his efforts to raise money for his business from foreign sources. particularly during the transition period. why? because then in theory he could be beholden to one of these foreign nations. you also have the question of why didn't he disclose this on his security clearance at the outset? was it intentional or accidental? >> we have seen in reporting that mueller's team is asking questions about president trump's dealings in moscow. this is a red line, his businesses but explain why it could be relevant to mueller. >> because you have to understand the context of trump's relationship with russia. i mean, if you're investigating russian meddling in the election and possible relationships between trump, the campaign and the russians, you have to go back a little bit to understand what was the relationship to start with? were there financial ties there?
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those are important questions. that doesn't mean they're implicating him. it just means you have to figure out is it important? >> real quickly no such thing as a white lie to investigators. >> well, it's a white lie but do you look fat in those pants but it's not a white lie when it comes to something material about anything related to the investigation. >> dan abrams, thanks very much. >> good morning, michael. this one is going right over floodedders. let's get a check of your local forecast in 30 seconds but right now it's time for your rainy cities brought to you by sensodyne.
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>> hi everybody. storm tracker6 live double scan, we are dry this morning. taking a look outside, we've got some early sunshine but you can obviously see more clouds out there today than what we had yesterday which was essentially no clouds. a little bit cool. most of us in the upper 30's, some spots getting into the low 40's. this afternoon more clouds than yesterday. it will get a little bit cloudier in fact as the day goes on but it's still a mild day with a high of 58 and dry in case you got plans. then tomorrow rain arrives in the afternoon. gets heavy at times. rainy and windy on friday, an accuweather alert. he school bus crash. the driver on trial. was he distracted by his phone. counterfeit products sold on amazon and walmart when we come back on this wednesday morning. alice is living with metastatic breast cancer,
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>> ♪ >> good morning, i'm tamala edwards. it's 7:23 on this wednesday, february 28th. let's head over to karen rogers. she's got your "action news" traffic report. she's starting with the schuylkill. good morning. >> yeah, before the clouds take over you're going to get some sun glare out there and we're seeing a slow go of it on the schuylkill expressway eastbound as you drive into the sun, you're jammed from the blue route to the curve and past city avenue to girard. no accidents on the schuylkill or major problems there but a big issue on the pennsylvania turnpike. two separate accidents. we're hearing reports they're considering shutting the turnpike down. we've got an accident on the turnpike westbound approaching fort washington. that blocks the left lane. seeing 6 miles an hour approaching it but a multi-vehicle accident. we're hearing this is involving three cars and an overturned pickup truck. a horrible accident scene westbound approaching norristown with debris on the road here so watch for lots of delays on the turnpike
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>> looking forward to that flower show this year. 39 degrees right now in philadelphia. and we have some sun mixing with clouds early so starting out fairly bright. just 33 in allentown. your seven-day from accuweather shows another mild day. we'll get up to 58 degrees but we are going to have more clouds than yesterday and then tomorrow rain arrives during the day and gets steady to heavy at times during the afternoon and night. a high of 54. and overnight into friday the winds pick up. it's still raining and we might even see a change to wet snow in the afternoon so i've got that accuweather alert up for friday. it does look like we're in the mid 40's for the weekend, though. >> thank you david. that's it for now. back to "gma."
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♪ working 9 to 5 what a way to make a living ♪ welcome back to "gma." that's dolly parton's hit. what do you call it. >> "9 to 5." >> you were singing it. >> ♪ 9 to 5 >> dolly parton is here live, everybody, but it's before 9:00 in the morning. the country music legend, she just hit a major milestone. helping kids all around the world. i love what she did for so many kids around the world. can't wait to talk to her and we'll hear her perform. >> she's been brightening up our hallways all morning long. a lot going on including president trump, his head of the national security agency mike rogers is warning vladimir putin is still trying to meddle in american elections but he also told congress that president trump has not ordered him to
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take action to counter it. as students return to marjory stoneman douglas high school for the first time since the shooting getting support from a big basketball star, dwyane wade of the miami heat said he's dedicating his season to shooting victim joaquin oliver. he was buried in wade's number 3 jersey. wade wrote joaquin's name on his shoe and then hit this game-winning shot. >> wade tweeted this is why we won't just shut up and dribble leading that that conversation. to that video showing moments of panic when a school bus crashed in tennessee killing six children in 2016. now that driver is on trial. linsey davis has the latest. >> reporter: good morning. the video of that fatal bus crash played out in court in chattanooga, tennessee, tuesday and it was so difficult to watch several of the victims' family members had to leave the courtroom to get back their composure. at issue whether he caused it in
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part because of being on a cell phone. this school bus wrapped around the tree gripped the country. now this morning new video of what happened inside. elementary schoolstudents scrambling to escape out the front windshield. six children sitting in the middle died. >> the six that chose those unfortunate middle seats, they're crushed. >> reporter: the man who was driving the bus in that 2016 crash, 25-year-old johnthony walker, seen here running to the back. the bus trying to save lives. this morning, walker faces 34 charges including six counts of vehicular homicide. >> six kids all gone, all because johnthony walker wasn't going the speed limit and wouldn't get off his phone. >> reporter: prosecutors say walker was driving off route and traveling 50 miles per hour in a 30-mile-per-hour zone with 37 elementary students on board. they say cellular data shows
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walker answered a call on his control phone at 3:17 p.m. that lasted until around 3:21 p.m. the first 911 calls came this around 3:20 p.m., they say, suggesting he was on the phone at the time of the crash. >> the bus has flipped over. it's occupied with children relationship the woman who called walker testified the call wasn't that long and she was unaware of a crash. >> i didn't say anything after are you driving. he said, yes then there was nothing. i said, be careful and i hung up. >> reporter: this video from earlier that day, children walking on the bus and walker seemingly on his phone. walker has pleaded not guilty according to his attorney, a second vehicle may have caused walker to swerve and ultimately crash. >> it's easy to jump to conclusions. it is municipal, much harder work to listen to all the evidence. don't take that easy jump. >> reporter: walker's defense attorney says there was actually an eyewitness to the crash and
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she claims that the chattanooga police never investigated that witness who said that walker swerved to avoid hitting another car and that is what caused the crash. >> ha can you tell us about the alleged behavioral issues he had on the bus prior. >> at this point the jurors will never hear that if the prosecution decides and can poff to the judge that it's relevant to this crash, for example, there's testimony that on prior occasions he had cursed at some. the students. if they're able to prove to the judge it's relevant then they'll allow jurors to hear that. >> thank you. now to a new government warning about shopping online. the report finds that some cosmetics and electronics and other items sold through amazon and walmart were counterfeit and rebecca jarvis here with the details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this is important because we are spending billions of dollars every year as consumers online, 96% of americans shop online but that report says many of those products sold on popular websites could actually be fakes. now, the most commonly
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frequently counterfeited items are travel mugs, cost met is and phone chargers. and some of the country's biggest companies named in the report are amazon, ebay, walmart and sears marketplace. it's important to note that all the fakes that come on those websites are sold by third party sellers, not by the websites directly. these websites act like marketplace, many of the products are not sold directly by those retailers and the independent sellers are known as third party sellers. you can figure it out on amazon. if it says ships by or sold by and there is a hyperlink that will tell you who is actually the real seller. >> we all need to know when you're buying a fake when you're getting something from a third party seller. >> it is so important and by the way, not all third party sellers are selling fakes but it's important to look and see and there's a couple of telltale signs that will tell you whether or not you might be buying a fake. for example, those reviews. they often have a lot of clues inside of the reviews. especially if you see a lot of
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unverified reviews. if you're on amazon you can see if someone is a verified purchaser if they've bought the product that they're reviewing. if you see very positive or very negative reviews from unverified purchasers, all of a sudden that should be a red flag, also price point, we know what things should be priced. if it's too good to be true, it's too good to be true, guys. >> oldest lesson in the world. makes a lot of sense. >> if it's too good to be true i had a really good coupon and looking for that sale and got it for 90% off. >> you got to be careful and be care felton. don't pay them directly. if someone says let's make a deal offline that should be a red flag too. >> thanks, rebecca. >> going to save us money there, rebecca. coming up, everybody, how driverless cars could change the future of pizza deliveries. >> are we getting a pizza? >> you don't have to tip. >> no. >> oh, man. k and his father drank before he met your grandmother this is the pepsi for this model
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we're back now with what could be the future of pizza delivery. this all happened on the roads in miami. ford is working with domino's testing out self-driving cars to make deliveries. gio benitez has the story. good morning, gio. >> reporter: hey, michael. good morning. listen, it's rush hour here in new york city and right now, of course, only human drivers flood these streets but that could change in just a few years. >> are you guys okay? >> that 30 minutes just went by so fast. >> reporter: domino's promises
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piping hot pizza delivered in 30 minutes or less. >> i could take a trip around the block to give you time. >> nope. >> reporter: but it might not be loan before that delivery person is out of a job. ford announcing tuesday it's teaming up with domino's to test out self-driving pizza delivery cars in miami. here's how it works. some customers who order their pizza digitally are given a self-driving delivery option. if they select yes, they receive a series of text updates this will their pizza arrives outside their home in this state-of-the-art ford fusion. they enter a code into the tablet and they've got a pizza. >> you got it. >> reporter: for now ford is manning these autonomous car models with drivers to map out the city and perfect their technology. but the car giant telling abc news it hopes to have fully autonomous cars on the road by 2021. >> it certainly could be the technology has the potential to be amazing, to be life-saving. the question is, is it ready today? does it need to be on the roads immediately? >> reporter: experts say the
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driverless technology is in demand so much and has come dough far. even the california dmv announced monday it will allow companies to test their self-driving cars on its roads without any backup safety driver behind that wheel starting in april. >> if something goes wrong at this stage in the development of self-driving vehicles, it could set back the technology and consumer acceptance of the technology decades. >> reporter: ford telling abc news, safety is the top priority. adding that the self-driving software goes through a rigorous process of testing on test tracks and in simulation to achieve an appropriate level of readiness. by the way, ford says its biggest challenge is going to be getting people out of the door off that couch and outside to get that pizza. michael. >> all right, thank you so much, gio. and you know what, that is literally why you order pizza in in new york city. i don't want to get off the couch. >> i don't want to get out of my pajamas. >> now i have to go downstairs
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to get it 30 minutes or less in traffic. >> we need to get little caesars on board then we're talking. coming up, the carry-on battle caught on camera. an airline worker and passenger going head-to-head over this bag. what do you think? does it fit, michael. >> if it fit, i think it does. got to squeeze it in there. s, i think it does. got to squeeze it in there. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, ... with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. tell your doctor if these occur. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history
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that won't fit. >> i'm not checking my bag, okay. >> that is -- >> come on. we've all been there. >> it seemed the last flight i was on. >> it's called a carry-on. they sold it to me as a carry-on. that's from "meet the parents." we've all been there struggling to fit it in the overhead bin and one woman's frustration caught on camera battling with a united airlines employee and david kerley is at reagan national with the story. good morning, david. >> reporter: michael, good morning. it is the battle over the bags. it's only intensified since at the started charging for luggage and here is the problem where it can start. with bag fitting kiosk. dogs it actually fit? >> reporter: it took a bit of effort but natal ra said mean this didn't convince a gate agent. >> you're telling me this bag doesn't fit in here. >> reporter: the 27-year-old and her mom stopped by an agent.
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>> you're telling me this bag, this purse here doesn't fit in here. this is what you're telling me. >> no, it doesn't fit. >> as they try to check in heading to newark with her mom's purse. >> this is mine. i already checked my bag. this is my mom's purse. >> reporter: the agent claiming the bag doesn't just slide in. >> we're sticking by the rules. >> you're telling me it doesn't fit in here. >> that fits. >> what are you talking about? this bag fits. >> with the employee about to leave -- >> the conversation is done. man, let's go. >> reporter: an apparent supervisor steps in. >> you can't force it down. >> i am not forcing it down. >> ultimately what's involved is training. training people not just to follow the rules absolutely but to train them to understand that their customer is the most important element here. >> reporter: this following a year of public relation troubles for the chicago-based airline. >> oh, my god.
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>> reporter: after dr. david dao was forcely removed from a flight after refusing to give up his seat. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: in the battle over the bag the second agent allows the women to head to the gate with their bag. >> she can't check this. it's a personal bag. >> okay, so why wasn't that in there before? that's fine. >> reporter: so they got on the plane with the bag, united airlines said it reached out directly to the customer to learn from the incident and exactly what happened so they can better deal with these kind of situations. don't forget, make sure your bag fits. >> can't shove it in there. >> thank you so much, david. >> did you think it fit? >> i thought it did. >> it did but she had to push it in there. >> george, have you ever traveled with me? i've almost taken off the whole overhead rack trying to get a bag in there. >> i stuff it in there too. >> but it all worked out in the end. >> that awkward shove. >> exactly. coming up no limits. what happens when one family lets their kids use their
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devices as much as they want. the surprising ruts of our experiment and what happens when they try to take them away. plus, get ready for the legendary dolly parton. she is here live. >> are you singing? ♪ 9 to 5 what a way to make a living ♪ d a peck" by doris day) ♪ (whispering) i'm on the phone! ♪ towel please! (laughing) ♪ while other insurance companies just see a house, state farm sees the home you've worked really hard for. so why not give it the protection it deserves. state farm. ♪ ride a train in the sky...d say hi to a giraffe. and visit far away galaxies.
7:51 am
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contrave is believed to work on two areas of the brain: your hunger center... i'm so hungry. (avo) and your reward system... ice cream. french fries. (avo) to help control cravings. one ingredient in contrave may increase suicidal thoughts or actions in some children, teens, and young adults in the first few months. serious side effects are mood changes like depression and mania, seizures, increased blood pressure or heart rate, liver damage, glaucoma, allergic reactions, and hypoglycemia. not for patients with uncontrolled blood pressure, seizure history, anorexia, bulimia, drug or alcohol withdrawal, on bupropion, opioids, maois, allergy to the ingredients, or pregnant. may cause nausea, constipation, headache, and vomiting. reduce hunger, help control cravings with contrave. now you an talk to a doctor online and get free shipping at aour dryers come with a "laundry can wait" feature. (dog barking)
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the sierras as well. this is the strongest for california. heavy rain across the coast and could see five inches. in the mountains over five or six feet of snow and desperately need that. not just for the ski resorts but for the rainfall and for the drinking water this summer. severe thunderstorms today across the midsection of the country and this is across parts of the areas flooded then for the northeast friday looks to be a mess. where this low sets up is key. either way big coastal impacts. maybe some snow as well. this weathercast brought to you by general electric.
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>> ♪ >> good morning, i'm tamala edwards. it's 7:56 here on this wednesday february 28th. let's go over to karen rogers. she's starting on the and 309. good morning. >> good morning, tam. we're looking live here in upper dublin. we're watching 309. we have an accident that's been pushed to the shoulder. traffic is moving a lot better now than it was a few minutes ago. 309 heading southbound towards the turnpike south of susquehanna road. we've got an accident here causing some slowing from norristown road to past susquehanna road. but the big accident is right on the pennsylvania turnpike. we've got an accident involving three vehicles here. and an overturned pickup causing big problems. eight, 5 miles an hour. look at this jam. it has grown. it's now past bensalem to approaching norristown. on the schuylkill expressway, nothing major happening. no accidents. but you know it's jammed. and at this point it's both direction and eastbound and westbound, 30, 32 minute ride
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between the blue route and the vine tam. >> a live view across the ben franklin bridge. beautiful but it is chilly out there david. >> yeah, starting out a little bit cool. we've got some high clouds filtering in too. for now the sun is breaking through. we're at 41 degrees in philadelphia. allentown is climbing north of the freezing mark at this point and this afternoon it is going to be mild. we'll all be in the 50's. 58 in philadelphia but cloudier than yesterday. and then tomorrow rain arrives during the day. gets steady to heavy at times during the afternoon and at night 54. overnight thursday into friday the winds also pick up so we've got an accuweather alert on friday for strong blustery winds, some additional rain that could change over to wet snow before the day is done and a not so pleasant high of 44 degrees. hey, tam, we're dry for the first weekend in a long time this weekend but it will be chilly with highs in the mid 40's. >> thank you david. fire destroyed a house in south jersey early this morning. crews arrived to find fierce flames on the 100 block of wyndmere drive in moorestown. the fire was so intense it burned the siding off of a house next door. there are no reports, though,
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good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. and the students of marjory stoneman douglas high school in florida going back to class for the first time since that deadly school shooting. what parents and kids are saying about this emotional morning as words of encouragement and support come in from around the globe. addicted to tech. >> turn it off. >> stop, stop, stop. >> what happens when you roll back all the rules when it comes to your kids and devices? no limits, no bedtime. the surprising results of our 48-hour experiment. and what every parent should know. and new this morning, the royal fab four. william, kate, harry and meghan stepping out together for their first official engagement as new details emerge about the upcoming wedding. that spice girl speculation.
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we know harry is a fan. ♪ working 9 to 5 >> pour yourself a cup of ambition. dolly parton is here live. she's got us all working 9 to 5 this morning. her blockbuster new milestone and live performance just ahead. ♪ we are family >> celebrating sally-ann. robin one-on-one with her sister about starting new chapters in life, finding your own destiny and celebrating a remarkable 40 years as a journalist. >> i'm here in new orleans with my sister for her final show. sallie-anne, anything you want to say. >> good morning, america. >> 40. mwah. ♪ we are family and good morning, sally-ann and good morning, america. boy, she looks happy. i cannot believe this will be her last day. we have a lot to celebrate and to congratulate her on today. >> celebrating 40 years on the air and robin right there right next to her sister celebrating
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the retirement. we'll have much more on that major milestone. >> so happy robin can be there with her. big, big day. but first before we get to that we're going to talk about the students at marjory stoneman douglas heading back to school this morning. an emotional first day of class exactly two weeks after the shooting. let's go back to victor oquendo in parkland, florida, with more. good morning, victor. >> reporter: good morning, michael. stoneman douglas high school here in parkland is officially open. the students have made their way back onto campus and the first thing they'll notice the massive police presence. the union has called on all off-duty officers to come out and show their support making everyone feel safe. in the wake of the shooting that left 17 dead the ceo of dick's sporting goods saying they will no longer sell assault rifles in any of their schools. >> the shooter down in parkland actually bought a gun at a dick's store, not the assault weapon. >> we did everything the law required and still he was able to buy a gun.
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he was still able to buy a gun. when we looked at that we said the systems that are in place across the board just aren't effective enough to keep us from selling a gun like that so decided we're not going to sell the assault type rifles any longer. >> reporter: the principal making it clear it's not about the curriculum for the students here. it is actually about the healing process. the incredible outpouring of support, we can tell you about this. the official go fund me page for the victims now totaling more than $2.5 million. michael. >> all right, thank you so much, victor. definitely about the students and the healing. you're right about that. have a great day. new trouble for the president's son-in-law. close adviser jared kushner. he is now getting stripped of his top secret security clearance and back to cecilia vega at the white house. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: good morning to you. the security clearance downgrade means that the president's son-in-law and senior adviser will no longer have access to some highly classified information here in the white house. this is all part of a crackdown
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in the west wing on staffers with temporarily security clearances. this crackdown by chief of staff john kelly, kushner, of course, oversees a vast portfolio including bringing peace to the middle east. now, kushner's lawyer says that this downgrade is not going to impact his job but we know that kushner will no longer be able to see that top secret presidential daily briefing and that he'll be excluded from very important oval office conversations. also this morning, "the washington post" is reporting that multiple foreign governments have discussed ways to manipulate kushner by taking advantage of things like his financial difficulties and lack of foreign policy experience, sources are telling us that some of those contacts that kushner had with foreign official, george, were never actually disclosed to the national security council or even officially reported at all. that is a highly, highly unusual move. >> what's so train about it, startling detail, the national security adviser was reading intelligence reports about kushner in his daily brief. we haven't seen anything like that before. >> reporter: no, we haven't, george. this is catching a lot of people
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here in this white house off guard this morning. >> okay, cecilia vega, thanks very much. paula. we mentioned the queen is in the house. none of us will ever be the same. now to a milestone for dolly parton. she's been donating free books to young children from her imagination library, global charity, for more than 20 years and yesterday she donated her 100 millionth book. yes. that's a lot of books so her 100 millionth written by dolly herself called "coat of many colors" enshrined in the library of congress. the children call her the book lady and you can really see why. she loves the moments with the kids. she's coming up chatting and performing one of her classics called "coat of many colors." >> amazing. 100 millionth book. >> 100 millionth. i met her and very rarely am i taken aback. i had nothing to say, but, oh, my gosh, it's dolly parton. i think i completely embarrassed myself in front of her. >> you're not the first or the last to do that, trust me. trust me. >> cannot wait to talk to her.
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a lot else coming up. some more information on screen time. how much is too much for your kids. we have an experiment that shows what happens when they're the ones in control. and the royals on their first official outing together this year. call them the fab four. plus, new details about the royal wedding and the spice girls. and lara is upstairs with someone we cannot wait to see. >> i mean -- [ cheers and applause ] the one and only dolly parton and not only is dolly parton going to sing for us, we have so much to celebrate. a giant milestone, the audience cannot wait so don't you go anywhere. guys, get up here. [ applause ] me, your to-do list just keeps growing. (laughs desperately) it never stops. which is why the online financing application at is so convenient. get some of that finance stuff out of the way from wherever you are, at the doctor's office, karate practice or my favorite... back at the doctor's office. knowing before you go means more quality time
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welcome back to "gma." fonsi quieting them down. it's a great audience. there we go. we have a big surprise. welcome to all of you. there are three lucky people in the audience right now who are about to get the oscar red carpet ambush makeover. [ applause ] so look under your chairs. let's see who's got it. check under your chairs. >> not under my chair. >> no, not under yours. >> we're not eligible. >> what is supposed to be under the chairy anybody got it yet. >> did anybody find anything under their chair. >> i think there's one. there's a golden ticket. >> two. >> anybody else. >> there they go. >> we've got two -- three. >> they're going to get their makeover. 30 minutes to make it happen.
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>> only 30 minutes to get red carpet ready. >> you've seen our makeovers. 30 minutes, here we go. i don't have 30 minutes, thought i'd try. should we place our bets on who will win the oscars. anybody have a big favorite? do you have a best movie you love that you think is going to sweep. >> i think "darkest hour" will win. >> that's a very safe bet, paula. according to a new survey by fandango. it will go to "the shape of water." over 7,000 moviegoers were polled and they also picked the director of that film, guillermo del toro as best director. lead actor prediction gary oldman. i think the odds on him are pretty -- >> he swept all of the awards. >> frances mcdormand. >> amazing.
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>> "three billboards outside ebbing, missouri." you can see if these moviegoers got it right at the 90th annual oscars sunday 8:00 p.m. eastern, 5:00 p.m. pacific right here on abc. >> you'll be there? >> i will be there. >> did you pick your outfit? >> not yet. now you're putting pressure on me. >> everybody, tune in to see what michael is wearing. hey, so this billboard thing is taking off. we sold you yesterday that some philly fans took inspiration from the oscar nominated movie "three billboards outside ebbing, missouri," well, now sorensen williams' husband alexis ohanian is doing the same thing welcoming her back to tennis in dramatic fashion with not three but four huge billboards on the highway leading into indian wells, california, where sorensen will be competing next month. the four proclaim greatest momma
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of all time. >> i love that. >> and then one final one. gmoat, greatest mama of all time. he said that he designed the billboards with some help from junior and sorensen loved them and replied on instagram lite l literally am crying this. is so sweet. i love you. we love you, sorensen. the tournament in indian wells is her next step in the 23-time grand slam winner's tennis comeback tour. it's her first tournament since january. we will be watching. >> this is officially a thing. philadelphia yesterday and lebron james. >> the billboard industry is loving it. >> did i hear you say 23-time -- >> yeah. >> what? unreal. >> yeah, she's amazing. so we'll be watching out and then also, do you guys love your dog enough to clone it? >> no. >> i know what you're going to say. >> do you? >> ask ali. >> i can't clone them all but barbra streisand does.
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the recording and screen legend revealing in the new issue of "variety" she could not bear the thought of losing her pet samantha and had it replicated. here's the result, not one but two clone, miss scarlet and miss violet and miss fannie a distant cousin of samanthas. when she got them shedressed them in scarlet and violet and named the third on her character fanny brice. it could cost $50,000 to $100,000. >> cute dog. >> 20 clone your dogs and that, my friends, is "pop news." >> thanks. >> i don't know. >> i would feel weird bit. there are so many great dogs to rescue out there. just please rescue. that's all. >> thank you, great job at "pop news" as always, lara spencer. and now we're going to go to our "gma" cover story, the so-called royal fab four making
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their first public appearance of the year as we learn new details about harry and meghan's wedding. eva pilgrim has the latest. >> reporter: the fab four making their first official royal outing a joint appearance at the royal foundation forum. >> catherine, harry and i are collided to delighted to be here. >> duchess indicate sharing her mission. >> all these underlying causes across so many different sectors and mental health just kept on coming up every time. >> reporter: and meghan markle saying women need to use their voice. >> women don't need to find a voice. they have a voice. they need to feel empowered to use it. >> reporter: prince harry acknowledging they have a lot going on. >> we're pretty tied up with planning a wedding at the moment. >> reporter: as we learn new details about the hottest wedding ticket of the year. invitations for the wing are out. mel b. calling them proper, but not divulging any other details
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about the nuptials. well, except -- >> well, the spice girl, will they be performing at the reception? >> reporter: the spice girls' rep bursting the bubble saying there is no plan for the group to perform. prince harry in this throwback picture from 1997 looks pretty smitten on the gal group. >> the spice girls are good friends with prince william and prince harry from back in the day. >> reporter: speculation growing that meghan has made one of the biggest decisions for her big day. her wedding dress designer. could longtime friend and london designer rowland be on the short list? and prince harry just said he's extremely excited and proud that my soon-to-be wife will join him in trying to make a difference. girls around the world are going, ah. >> so exciting. thank you. >> thanks, eva. now to our experiment with screen time and kids and becky worley took a look at what happens when kids call shots.
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>> reporter: in the hardy household angie and chad are trying to keep screen time under control. >> the pediatrician would ask how many hours of screen time are they getting and i was like, what's the right answer? >> reporter: no matter how hard they try to be the screentime police, there are always infractions. >> are you going to go from the xbox to your ipad and back? >> reporter: in a dream world kids would self-regulate and use screens in moderation. could that dream ever be a reality? we decided to find out. for 48 hours the family let their kids manage their own screen time. >> what other things might you do? all ipad. >>. examinebecomes. >> youtube on computer. >> no bedtime. no limits. night one, the kids indulge. >> it's an hour and a half past his bedtime. and he's been on screen for almost five hours straight. are you going to give yourself a limit? are you just going to go to bed when you get tired? >> tired. >> usually when i get up on
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saturday mornings i'll see who is still sleeping. no one is in bed. >> guess how long i stayed up? >> how long did you stay up? >> 2:30. >> reporter: three hours later cooper still hasn't moved from the couch and his brother's basketball game he can't take his eyes off the screen. >> hey, coop, what are you doing? did you notice there is a basketball game going on. >> reporter: saturday night, the kids are glued to their devices. >> good night. have fun tonight. what are you guys going to do? >> ipads, what else? >> reporter: on sunday -- >> we're turing it off. >> the meltdowns begin. >> stop, stop, stop. >> stop it! >> cooper. ow. >> stop! >> ow. >> reporter: using tracking software and logs their parents kept a sally of their hours. they often used two screens at once which bumped their numbers up but still the results were eye opening. 6-year-old cooper racking up a total of 35 years. 9-year-old spencer had 46 total
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hours. and the 11-year-old twins caitlyn with 29 hours and jackson with 16 hours. and while jackson used the least amount of screens -- >> when you finally get off it you suddenly think, i'm thirsty, i'm hungry. i need to go to the bathroom and things like that but you don't feel those while you're on screens. >> reporter: on sunday when the 48-hour experiment was up, if you could choose would you do it like that every weekend. >> yes. >> reporter: but the older kids understand the need for limits. >> i was doing it. it's addicting but it's not exactly fun. >> i had more fun sunday afternoon than i did the entire weekend. >> i am so grateful to this brave family and great kids who let us watch this screen time unlimited challenge unfold. boy, i learned a lot. >> boy. something you think we would know but stunning to see it. >> it is. >> kids need structure and
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>> look at the kids behind me. you guys are behaving. nobody is on their phones and everybody is tuned into "gma." at home on your tablet or phone put it down it's time for your local forecast right now. >> all right, guys, nothing showing on storm tracker6 live double scan right now. as we take a look outside we do have sky6 showing some lingering sunshine across the region. it's starting to get into the 40's in a lot of spots. not much wind out there. those clouds will have a tendency to get thicker later today though. it still will be mild with a high of 58 and dry. tomorrow rain moves in during the day and in the afternoon it could be steady at times, 54. overnight more rain. stronger winds. and an accuweather alert for wind rain and maybe wet snow friday. sister sally-ann as sally-ann begins a new chapter stepping down if journalism after 40 years before sally-ann's big day robin sat down with her to talk about the
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lessons she's learned and her adventures ahead. >> sally-ann roberts, channel 4, eyewitness news. >> those stories and lots more coming up tonight at 10:00. >> good morning, everyone and welcome to the 6:30 half hour. >> why is the time right now for you to start this new chapter. >> i can do nothing but start this new chapter. when it's time you just know it. >> how did you make this decision? >> i made it with a lot of prayer. i just asked god to make it clear to me. i went in and i spoke to the general manager and i told him that i wanted to leave my contract early and after we finished having our conversation i went across the treat to the book store and there was a lady there and that said sally-ann, it's time for you to retire of she said, wow, you're young and still have your youth, you got to enjoy life. i didn't say anything to her but other than saying, thank you but i was saying thank you, lord. for confirmation. >> what do you say to somebody who is struggling with the
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decision to embark on the next chapter in their life? >> there are times when we wait on god and there are times when god waits on us. >> amen. >> so what i say to someone afraid, first of all, you need to pray over it. whatever your faith may be, pray. >> he'll close as many doors as he will open. >> oh, yes, speak it, sister. oh, preach, sister. yes, he'll close the doors you shouldn't go lew and open the doors you should and when you step out, realize that he is there in it in whatever you're afraid of. ordinary people throughout history have done extraordinary things because they didn't let fear stop them. don't let your fear keep you from your destiny. >> one of your favorite sayings, your power is on. >> uh-huh. >> your power is on. >> your power is on. i just believe that if we were just to take time to sit and listen we would find that power
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to do what we need to do. he's not going to ask us to do something we're incapable of. >> my big sister is a virtually perfect match for me. >> i remember the morning when i announced that i had mds and you were there in the studio with me. some people will sign up to be a donor but when they get the call for whatever reason they decide not to. i remember what you said. >> i was born for this. i believe that all of us are on a mission when we come into this life. and my mission was to help you. >> help us. help us now to go through everything we need to. every step of the way. >> we need you. it's like, oh, back again. ♪ we need thee >> you love to sing. >> get me out of here. get me out of here. >> always a song in your heart. >> there's joy in singing. oh, let me see, the song i want to sing right now is --
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>> i can't believe you have to sing right now. >> now you asked. i'm going to go there but you, you know, i just found a song actually that mom sang. ♪ and he knows yes he knows ♪ just how much we can bear >> and the song goes on to say -- ♪ we are heavenly father's children ♪ ♪ and we all know that he loves us one and all ♪ >> and you know what, that's the message i want to do in my remaining years on this earth, i just want to spread a message of love, of acceptance. dr. king said it best. you cannot fight hatred and we've got enough hatred in the world. only way to fight hatred is not with more hatred but with love and i want to -- whatever time i have left i want to work 24/7 for the one who has given us
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everything that we have. mentor hiplet is something i will be out there trying to get more mentors for children like our mother had a mentor. i want to be of support to military members and their families because when i see a military family i think of the roberts family and i feel a kinship with them. we can't do everything, but we can do something. whatever it is you're called to do, do it in life. [ applause ] >> there it is right there up on the jumbotron. congratulations, sally-ann roberts. boy, there is a woman who does not know the meaning of the word retire. >> nope. >> that was so inspiring. >> so good. >> we'll be right back. >> congratulations, sally-ann. [ applause ]
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>> ♪ >> good morning, it's 8:27 on this wednesday, february 28th. i'm tamala edwards. let's start out with a look at your traffic with karen rogers. good morning. >> good morning, tam. we noticed some slow speeds on the schuylkill again. looking outside live at montgomery drive check out that travel time a 42 minute ride from the blue route to the vine. we had an earlier disabled vehicle stuck in a lane. it has cleared. heavy from the blue route to the curve past city avenue to girard. on the schuylkill the big issue really has been on the pennsylvania turnpike. a multi-vehicle accident involving an overturned pickup truck. the right lane and both shoulders are blocked and look at the jam as i step aside you can see we're jammed from past bensalem to approaching norristown with speeds in the single digits. and in upper dublin montgomery county we had an accident here on 309 southbound here past susquehanna road. it has since cleared.
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the delay is getting a little better on 309, tam. >> thank you, karen. now let's go over to dave murphy to take a look at that accuweather. good morning. >> good morning, tamala. right now we've got some sun with some high clouds filtering through. 41 degrees in philadelphia so temperatures are starting to improve. and this afternoon we're going for a high of 58 degrees. it will still be mild but we'll have more clouds in place today than what we had yesterday and then tomorrow a cloudy start with rain arriving especially during the afternoon. could be steady at times. 54 the high. then the rain and the wind begin to build overnight and on friday an accuweather alert for the combination of pockets of rain strong blustery winds maybe some coastal flooding and later in the day there could even be some mixing and a changeover to wet snow for a time. 44 degrees, too, so it will be cool and fairly uncomfortable on friday. then saturday we're dry but brisk and chilly, a high of 46 and 45 for a high on sunday, lots of sun but obviously still chilly there as well. tam. >> okay, thank you, david. coming up on "gma" the one, the only dolly parton. we'll see you back here in 30.
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life's bleachable moments need clorox bleach. welcome back, everybody. we have a very excited and great audience with us this morning and they should be because dolly parton is about to perform live. yes. but before she does that, we're going to check in with paula who is backstage in the makeup room with our three lucky audience members getting the ultimate red carpet treatment. mally, how is it going. >> it's interesting. we're going. it's a little frenzied and a little crazy but i think we'll make it. i'm not quite sure. he's sweating. >> mally, chuck, you really are sweating. she thinks you're going to make it. >> this is how much time we usually have with celebrities. >> 30 minutes.
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>> sometimes even ten. >> if you had michael you'd have at least seven minutes. guys, back to you and i know you have the queen next to you. >> we do. [ applause ] >> dolly was showing us. the one and only dolly. >> hello, hello. >> all show we have to celebrate a major milestone with you. she is the most honored female country performer of all time. [ applause ] >> that's because i've been arou around. >> making great music. >> well, i've been loving it all these years. >> so as you might have heard it's oscar week. >> oh, yeah, i'm sure. >> we wanted to get your perspective. you've been there. >> nominated a few times. it's exciting to see the shows and it's exciting to get nominated. i'm sure it would be terrific to win as well. one day maybe i will. >> i bet you will. >> what do you think the --
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what's the feeling in the nominees' heads as they head into the final days. >> there's a lot of nerves in your stomach and excitement and wishing, hoping, dreaming as the old song goes, but i'm sure they all hope to win but i'm sure they're like me if they don't great to still be nominated. nothing like winning but a wonderful compliment to know you've done something so good people would recognize you for it. >> are there any favorites out there you could be rooting for this year. >> no, i like them all and even if i did, i wouldn't say it. >> too classy. >> you know how i am, neutral. >> you've always been an icon to all of us and did you happen to catch adele? hopefully we have a picture. >> oh, yes. >> your signature look. >> i saw her, yeah. i thought it was me for a minute. and i really did because that's really how big i used to wear my hair. i of course aed where she got the outfit. >> did you? >> i went on and shouted back, you know.
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i saw it. it was a nice compliment. i asked her where she got my hair and clothes. i thought she had been to my museum and took it out. >> and a big congratulations are in order. we talked about it earlier, imagination library. 100 millionth book. >> wow, that's a lot of books. i'm very proud of that. [ applause ] >> you help so many kids out there. what inspired you to even start this? >> well, this actually started many years ago when my dad was still alive. as you know i'm from a big family, country people and all the people in that area usually they don't get to go to school -- especially during my dad's time. my dad was from a big old family and didn't go to go to school so daddy couldn't read and write and always troubled him and bothered him so i wanted to do something special for him so i got the idea to start this program and let my dad help me with it and he got to live long enough to hear the kids call me the book lady. seeing it do good, so, yesterday when i was at the library of
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congress, i donated the little book called "coat of many colors" that is going to be there forever and that's a story about my mom, a true story from my childhood, the coat of many colors where she made a coat and told me the story of joseph from the bible to make me proud of the ragged coat so yesterday when we put the book in the library of congress and that whole 100 millionth book i really felt like mom and daddy was just up there looking down thinking, you go, you know, and so i felt really proud that i could honor momma and daddy with that whole thing yesterday. but the imagination library is a wonderful thing. [ applause ] >> donating books to the library of congress. >> it felt good. when you're younger in the business you never know how you're going to turn out and what's going to happen in your life and what good you hope you leave behind. but when -- when things like that happen it makes you feel proud, it makes me feel proud of who i am, where i'm from and of my people and the fact that i am in a position to help people and
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especially the kids, because i love kids and if kids can learn to read like my dad, you know, if he could have read, even if he couldn't afford to go to college or anything, you can find a book on anything you're interested in if you can read. so that's why it's so important to me because if you can teach children to read they can dream and if you dream you can be successful and if you're successful you have a good life ahead of you so hopefully this will all work. >> dolly, the book is so beautiful. such a beautiful story. and dolly wanted everybody in our audience to have a copy so you're all going home. >> yay. [ applause ] >> "coat of many colors." >> and the book, but the book was inspired by a song of the same name. >> yes. >> and can we hear a little bit of it. >> this old song has just lived on forever and it's really a kind of about anti-bullying. about acceptance and all that, so if y'all are ready. >> we're ready. >> okay.
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>> oh, my mike. i get i need a mike. i'm miked here so i just thought i could sing through that. i guess they'll turn this one off and leave this one on. >> i meant these two. not these two. [ applause ] okay. okay. i got a lot of stuff to do with here. okay, so i'm ready now. >> okay. >> here we go. ♪ ♪ back through the years i go wondering once again ♪ ♪ back to the seasons of my youth ♪ ♪ and i recall a box of rags someone gave us and how my momma put the rags to use ♪ ♪ there were rags of many colors
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but every piece was small ♪ ♪ i didn't have a coat and it was way down in the fall ♪ ♪ momma sewed the rags together sewing every piece with love ♪ ♪ she made my coat of many colors that i was so proud of ♪ ♪ while momma sewed she told a story from the bible she had read ♪ ♪ about a coat of many colors joseph wore and then she said ♪ ♪ i hope this coat will bring you good luck and happiness ♪ ♪ and i just couldn't wait to wear it and momma blessed it with a kiss ♪ ♪ my coat of many colors that my momma made for me ♪ ♪ was made only from rags but i wore it so proudly ♪ ♪ and although we had no money i
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was rich as i could be ♪ ♪ in my coat of many colors my momma made for me ♪ ♪ and so with patches on my britches holes in both my shoes ♪ ♪ in my coat of many colors i hurried off to school ♪ ♪ just to find the others laughing and making fun of me ♪ ♪ in my coat of many colors momma made for me ♪ ♪ and oh i couldn't understand that 'cause i felt i was rich ♪ ♪ and i told them of the love my momma sewed in every stitch ♪ ♪ i even told them all that story that momma told me while she sewed ♪ ♪ and why my coat of many colors was worth their all their
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clothes ♪ ♪ but they didn't understand it and i tried to make them see ♪ ♪ that one is only poor only if they choose to be ♪ ♪ oh it's true we had no money but i was rich as i could be ♪ ♪ in my coat of many colors momma made for me ♪ ♪ 'cause she made it just for me ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. thank you. >> ah. >> i was crying when i sang that. >> oh, man. >> it's a beautiful song. >> thank you. >> always thinking of momma but that song has meant so much to so many people because so many people have been made fun of and it's not good to make fun. i had a little album, children's album called "i believe in you" and one of the songs is about anti-bullying based on story like making fun ain't funny.
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don't make fun of people but accept them for however you are. we are all god's children. >> incredible. you are an incredible person. dolly, we love you. thank you very much. >> does that mean you're running me off? >> no, don't go anywhere. >> you're not going anywhere. we'll be right back. [ applause ] >> oh, wow. you are so hot. >> social media kicks off with a curvy bride who wants to display on her wedding day. ♪ ♪ i can do more to lower my a1c. and i can do it with what's already within me. because my body can still make its own insulin.
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and once-weekly trulicity activates my body to release it. trulicity is not insulin. it comes in a once-weekly, truly easy-to-use pen. it works 24/7, and you don't have to see or handle a needle. trulicity is a once-weekly injectable medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take trulicity if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, if you have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you're allergic to trulicity. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or symptoms like itching, rash, or trouble breathing. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting,
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decreased appetite, and indigestion. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. i choose once-weekly trulicity to activate my within. if you need help lowering your a1c and blood sugar, activate your within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. >> welcome back to "gma." time for an exclusive sneak
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peek of the trailer for ralph breaks the internet. wreck-it-ralph two. >> what is the internet? >> holy cow. look at all this stuff. >> ♪ >> congratulations. you're a winner. >> really? >> number six will amaze you. >> that sounds interesting. >> ralph come on. >> holy cow, look at all that stuff. ralph breaks the internet, wreck-it-ralph two hits theaters nationwide. you want to see that. >> yes, that's a good answer. >> a look at your local forecast. >> all right, rob storm tracker6 live double scan we're dry. your exclusive accuweather 7-day we'll see clouds increasing today. we're moving from the 40's to a high of 58. then tomorrow rain arrives during the day. gets heavy at times especially at night. windy on friday. back up to you,
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>> it is time for our series celeb your life. fitness edition. this morning, dwayne "the rock" johnson's nutritionist george farah is sharing his secrets of getting in shape. one of our viewers is brave enough to try them out. with rock hard abs. >> you're welcome. >> and bulging biceps. >> grab my hand. >> reporter: action star dwayne johnson has one of the buffest bods in hollywood and chronicles them -- >> i just wrapped an extremely challenging legworkout. >> reporter: george farah is his trainer and nutritionist. >> when you start making changes here and there, it's going to pay back big time. >> reporter: johnson trains relentlessly every day including an hour of cardio and 90 minutes pumping iron to stay fueled, he eats every three hours seven
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times a day. each meal is a mix of carb, proteins and vegetables. so just how hard is it to get and maintain a bod like the rock's? >> hey. >> my man. >> what's going on? >> 35-year-old randy scott from morgantown, west virginia, volunteered to live like the rock for three weeks. >> keep your elbow forward. >> reporter: he got 9 full download from george. >> trying to just be the best me i can be. so i can live healthier lifestyle in general. >> reporter: for three weeks he chronicled workouts and mees. >> i'm about to get enough food to feed a small army. understand why they get personal chefs the hardest thing i have had to face now is finding the time in the day to eat. my new favorite thing is stoplights and stop signs because at each and every one of those i get to eat more. >> reporter: entering day ten scott was still committed. >> i have a day full of meetings
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so want to hurry up and eat my morning fish and eggs and then run to the gym. >> reporter: how is scott feeling now after the three weeks? find out live. [ cheers and applause ] we're now joined by george and randy and let's take a look at what was accomplished over three weeks. 7,003 grams of protein consumed. 126 meals and 31.5 hours of cardio. wow. >> it was insane. >> wow. wow. and, george, looking at all this food and that seems like so much food to eat. what do you tell your clients about food? >> you know basically people as soon as you give them diet they're afraid because diet is from death. so i tell them it's living. let's live life. you know what i'm saying so what i do, i take them back when they were kids and when they eat whatever they want and never gain any weight so that's what we do. we keep a little carb in each meal with the protein to make it
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a complete meal and that way you keep the furnace going. >> i like that. diet has the word dye in it. i will never die yet again. the rock eats seven meals. this is six. you had six a day. you had supplements. >> could you have squeezed in one more. >> yeah, like 2:00 in the morning, no. i mean this is plenty. this is plenty. >> this is plenty but we're going to look at the results. we have the before and after of you brave man who took this challenge on. there you are before and there you are after. you look lean. >> a little bit. a little bit. leaned out. >> you leaned out. what did you lose? >> ten pounds in three week. >> ten pounds in three weeks. you going to keep it up. >> absolutely, absolutely. >> nice. i'll work out with you and i'll let you be my nutritionist. man, get me in shape. >> anybody from the giant is okay with me. >> perfect, thank you.
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the oscars just four days away. earlier we surprised three audience members with ambush makeovers getting them red carpet ready in just 30 minutes. now they were outfitted by rent the runway and glammed out by celebrity hairstylist chuck and mally roncal. here's what the ladies looked like before. now the big reveal that we've all been waiting for all of 30 minutes. ladies, come on out. >> yes! drum roll. [ applause ] oh!
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>> work it. oh, work it. >> my word. i cannot believe you did this in 30 minutes. 30 minutes. okay. your makeup looks gorgeous. what did you do? >> we wanted her to be very old hollywood. liquid liner. nude lip and evened out that skin tone. all about the glow. you need to have the glow so a little highlighter works wonder. >> you had no idea this was coming. how do you feel? >> nervous. when i saw my ticket i was like aaagh. >> do you feel great? >> yes. it was amazing. it really, really was. >> i can't believe you did that. chuck is still sweating over here. >> yes. >> so rhonda's hair transformation is unbelievable. what did you do. >> we just gave her pins at the crown to give her a regal look and she has great length in her braids so thought that would be great. >> i saw you working that red carpet. how do you feel?
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>> oscar ready. >> oscar ready. >> extra ticket, rhonda wants it. finally michele, you are looking fierce. >> thank you. >> okay, chuck and mally, what's the one thing you don't want to leave behind? you want to take with you. >> a great mattifier for the skin. translucent powders are sometimes heavy so you want something nice and pretty and put it over and not look shiny. >> we need a little on chuck right now. >> the one thing you can't leave behind. >> hair spray. a little -- a small travel size. to rub your handsing to and smooth sides and lift hair and bounce curls. >> how do you feel. >> like a celebrity. >> yes. >> red carpet ready. a big thanks to rent the runway and mally and chuck and we'll be right back. you guys are owning
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"good morning america" is brought to you by edward jones, because understanding what's important to you matters. all right, so before we go, katy perry is sharing these shelfies. it's a selfie with a book. it aims to donate a million books to kids in need. you guys can get in on the action. post your shelfie, if you will, with the #magicofstorytelling and disney will donate a book to
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a child in need. please get involved. >> give it up for dolly's 100 million. hope you had a good time. >> a million books. thank you, dolly. >> ♪ >> good morning, it's 8:56 on this wednesday, february 28th. i'm tamala edwards. let's head over to karen rogers. she's starting on the vine. good morning. >> good morning. seeing a disabled vehicle here and a jam on the vine.
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this is the eastbound vine approaching broad street jammed from the schuylkill to this point so watch for that one. in chester county, we're taking a live look at the 30 bypass. 322, that's your eastbound traffic headed towards exton. we had a disabled vehicle that just cleared but we're nonetheless jammed eastbound on the 30 bypass from 340 to approaching route 100. and this overturned truck in king of prussia causing problems near radnor chester road. watch for slow speeds right here. we're hearing someone's trapped in the wreckage of this so emergency workers coming to the scene right now. so watch for that accident. also brought down some wires. still problems on the turnpike westbound. we're jammed from bensalem to approaching norristown with this multi-vehicle accident, tam. >> thank you, karen. now we head outside to meteorologist, david murphy and enjoy the sun while you can. >> yeah, some sun still getting through the clouds but the clouds starting to get a bit thicker. temperature has jumped 5 degrees. up to 46 in philadelphia. with a southerly flow in play today yeah we'll increase the
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clouds but we're still going to be mild with a high of 58. tomorrow rain arrives during the day. really gets a little steadier in the afternoon and at night, 54 degrees is the high. and overnight thursday into friday, a coastal low forms and really starts kicking up winds. i've got an accuweather alert on friday for the combination of gusty winds rain and maybe even a change to wet snow later in the day a high of 44. dry for the weekend but chilly tam. >> thank you david. coming up at noon the latest on a tense standoff in burlington county. a suspected gunman has taken his own life after shooting a woman in edgewater park. we'll have a live report with new details on how this barricade situation finally came to an end. but right now it's time for live with ryan and kelly. i'm tamala edwards. have a great wednesday. >> ♪
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>> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" today, from the new film "i can only imagine," dennis quaid. and the shib sibs, bronze medal figure skaters maia and alex shibutani. and we continue the oscar countdown games. all next on "live!" ♪ [cheers and applause] and now, here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> ryan: good morning! what's up? hi, guys.
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