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tv   World News Now  ABC  March 2, 2018 2:40am-4:00am EST

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great idea. i like that one. >> i really do like that idea. that's pretty fun. >> there's all kinds of wedding traditions. this one is a classic. that plays into what happens next. >> it's a baby girl. >> did a pregnancy reveal at a wedding. >> actually he did. there he is with the baby. >> and then rugby. >> they found out they were having a baby. recently found out it was going to be a little girl. and he decided to have a little bit of fun so he snuck up with
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the baby under his shirt. that's why you see it on her face. she's like, what is going on? as you can hear from everybody involved, they loved it. in this next one we have the beautiful bride making her way downstairs. the perfect dress, the perfect flowers. not quite the perfect day, though, because she was so bummed that her sons couldn't make it. one lives in atlanta and the other lives in florida, she's just going to have to make due. >> they got her good. >> her eyes just bugged out. >> credit to whoever is behind the camera though. because she says, stay focused. stay focused. >> don't you start crying now. we have to get down this aisle. >> she has her eyes closed. >> i got to give her that. >> she holds it all together, gets down. hugs all around.
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>> her special day made that much better. >> walking her down the aisle. a beautiful surprise. well executed and you saw how much it meant to her. >> thanks for joining us today. we'll
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we're getting our first look at bike cam video. >> he says he was going over 20 miles per hour on an electric assisted bike when the driver cut imhad off. he says the driver did stop up to help him. >> but he says he's sharing the video just to remind drivers to check for bicyclists before moving in a bike lane. >> and watch out for stepping in
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the street on that too. one city is deploying what they call the fire engine of the future. >> nick watt road along for a demonstration. >> reporter: en2016 alone there were an estimated 15,000 collisions. now psa's like this in minnesota. >> you'd think one of our biggest fear sz running into a building on fire. when in reality it's being struck by a distracted driver. >> reporter: in san francisco a city famed for the steep and narrow streets, its fire department has a simple solution, smaller, smarter fire engines. so this engine is shorter, narrower. >> we really use a lot of newer technology to make it more maneuverable. >> reporter: we're putting them
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through two every day challenges. first up the dreaded u-turn. the older engine requires the crew to jump out and help back up the engine. the new one. it's also directional so other drivers really know where it's coming from. which brings us to our second demo, the invisible cyclist. >> i can see it on my 360, so there's no blind spot. the fire engine of the future. >> reporter: working with departments across the country. >> we were asked by a number of fire departments to help them to reduce the number of crashes they had. >> he says there are ways driver kz help firefighters do their job safely. >> they need slow down and pull over to the right.
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coming up. the stars of "a wrinkle in time." sit down to discuss the power. i was wondering if an electric toothbrush really cleans better than a manual. and my hygienist says it does but they're not all the same. who knew? i had no idea. so she said, look for one that's shaped like a dental tool with a round brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to gently remove more plaque. and unlike sonicare, oral-b is the only electric toothbrush brand accepted by the american dental association for its effectiveness and safety. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b. oral-b. brush like a pro.
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oprah winfrey and the stars from "a wrinkle in time" aren't just actresses, they're moguls. >> they're using the power to show inclusion. >> this is the backyard for the murrays. >> reporter: this interview with four of hollywood's most powerful women. these women are more than stars of the film. >> be a warrior. >> reporter: they've formed a sister hood bridging age and race. "a wrinkle in time."
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the children's classic about a girl named megand her quest to cross the universe to find her dad and her self confidence. >> epic fight of good verses eval. is this a paraable for our time? >> it's really a love letter to young people about finding the light within yourself in these dark and devisive times. >> duber nay presided over the massive operation. >> like being a general of an army. there's 900 people she's in charge of. >> reporter: she's the first woman of color with a large budget film. her first statement, casting the young actress. >> we don't see that hardly enou enough.
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>> 24/7 inspration. >> reporter: this is what's it. >> no, mrs. whatsit. >> the supernatural gods. you guys are hollywood power houses. how does that reflect on the movie and reflect back on you? >> i was ecstatic when i knew i was working with these two because they are the definition for that. >> reporter: their intricate costumes and makeup channelling the character's powers. >> from the first time we saw our costumes we went i want that doll. now they have one. >> oprah is really enjoying playing with her doll. >> reporter: and inclusion matters most where communities may not be able to buy tickets. which is why color of change is offering free screenings.
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>> you're talkling about how ato get the kids to see the empowering images, you've got to go to the grass roots. >> i was thinking of not just her but all the brown girls around the world who will see this incredible image and images of adventure and wonder and empowerment in a way that no one's experienced before and those images are just incredible. she said she loved her costume that much. >> it got all these sparkly diamond. our thanks by the way for that. i got to tell you it's so amazing how much attention she paid to oprah. but they joked about running her campaign. so she's got a campaign manager. that's all you need. >> two action flicks are
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barrelling into theaters this weekend. ♪harry's meeting clients...♪ ♪...from far away. but they only see his wrinkles.♪ ♪he's gotta play it cool to seal the deal.♪ ♪better find a way to smooth things over.♪ ♪if only harry used some... ♪...bounce, to dry. ♪yeah! ♪he would be a less wrinkly, and winning at life.♪
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it's funny really, nobody ever does iti didn't do itppens. and of course it's the really tough stains that nobody ever does ready? really? i didn't do it so when i heard they added ultra oxi to the cleaning power of tide, i knew it was just what we needed so now we can undo all the tough stains that nobody did dad? i didn't do it huh, he didn't do it
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introducing new tide ultra oxi; it's got to be tide
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time now for insomniac theater. >> bruce willis stars in "death wish." a revamping off a man turning into a vigil ante killing machine after his family is attacked. >> can you help had me with this. >> why are you moving this? >> because i need you to come over here. i just saw someone run by. >> run by here? >> dad, why are you putting me under the stairs? dad, please be careful. >> dial 91 within. >> 911, what is your emergency? >> they're on my front lawn.
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i think they're here. >> "death wish" scoring just 9% on rotten tomatoes. never flatlined but never delivers the thrills you expect to see in this type of genre piece. it's the 2018 version is riddled with more plot holes than bullet holes. that's not the review you want. >> next red sparrow, jennifer lawrence is playing a russian ballerina who sursuffers a career ending injury. and she meets a cia agent who tries to convince her he's the only person she can trust. >> did you want me to know you're following me or are you just clum zae? >> you always want tuse think we're so interested, don't you?
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>> my uncle helped me get the job. >> your uncle is a very poreful man. >> in my country if you don't matter to a man in power, you do not matter. >> i want to see you again. >> why? are we going to become friends? >> if you do not matter to the men in power, you do not patter. i leak it. the critics don't. "it was like watching a laughably bad movie from the late 1980s and sitting through it." >> that seems leak it's worse than "death wish." >> but no fun accents. that's fun. that's gratuitous. what happened here? this is part of pou
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i'm alex trebek, here to tell you about the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. the three what? the three p's? what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54 and i was a smoker but quit. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65, retired, and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80 and i'm on a fixed income. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan, available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month.
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that's less than 35 cents a day. you cannot be turned down because of your health. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. options start at $9.95 a month. plus you get a 30 day money back guarantee. so call now for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. use this valuable guide to record your important information and give helpful direction to your loved ones with your final wishes. and it's yours free just for calling. so call now.
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this morning on "world news now" the dangerous storm hit hadding right now. >> millions bracing for snow and hurricane force winds. in the west, watching the mud slide areas as a powerful system isn't done yet. and the fate of h.r. mcmaster in question. so could he be the next departure from the white house. is kushner is becoming a distraction for the president? and is someone trying to kill the queen? warren beatty and fay done away could be given another chance.
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it's friday, march 2nd. >> from abc news this is "world news now." >> it feels so good. i'm glad to be give an second chance like warren and fay. >> luckily you didn't make as big a blunder as they did. we can see what you have enstore for us today. >> good to be back. >> we're going to start things off with two life threatening storm systems. >> two storms are merging to create a monster nor'easter. it's packing hurricane forced winds and raen. >> drenching rain is expected to last all day. >> this is bringing scores of flight delays. we're talking major slow downs from bausn to washington. we begin our coverage on the south shore of boston.
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>> reporter: residents are racing to build sand bags with a massive nor'easter bearing down. officials warning. >> we expect to lose homes during this storm. if you're in one of those areas, you need to get out. >> reporter: january's nor'easter brought massive waves and devastating flooding from record tides, even breaching sea walls and they're worried this one will be worse. >> people should be concerned. this is going to be a long duration storm. we're expecting three high tides with the accompanied winds. >> and hoping it will keep her salon business dry. >> trying a little harder this time. >> reporter: much of the nor'easter's energy coming from strong storms shutting down roadways in arkansas. water rescues. the national weather service says this could be a matter of
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life or death. so big serious warning here on the massachusetts coast. abc news. one of the strongest storms of the season is battering the west. >> in the northern sierra whiteout conditions could last all day. >> and emergency officials have ordered mandatory evacuations and julia wieden is here. >> rain continues in southern california. we're going to see it dropping down through l.a. and san diego as well. big concerns, especially in the mountains where we're expecting feet of snow. so still a big issue on the west coast. another issue on the east coast. a strong storm system continues to intensify. we're talking heavy snow, flooding rain along the west and those winds are going to be
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gusting up to 80 miles per hour in spots. and into the cape of massachusetts talking about power outages, damage to trees and also damage to water front properties. those winds will finally letup on saturday. >> and we've been watching overseas stocks. >> markets in japan, and hong kong lost ground as a possible trade war. nikkei average suffered the biggest losses there. and the dow lost more than 400 points. the president says starting next week, they will slap tariffs on steel imports and 10% on alum nume. he says the aim is to protect those industries from unfair competition. >> we're going to build our steel industry back and we're going to build our aluminum industry back.
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the fact is we weren't treated and haven't been treated fairly by other countries but i don't blame the other countries. . >> they're expected to raise prices on everything from cola to beer. the tariffs imposed by president bush lost jobs. now to the blurred lines surrounding the president's son in law, we're learning the securities and exchange commission dropped into a major equity firm. the head of that company is one of two chief executives whose white house meet gds are raising concerns. >> with the white house in turmoil, the president's own son in law is facing scrutiny. two major wall street companies loaned kushner's family business
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more than $500 million. one even discussed the possibility of a white house job. a spokesman says the president's senior advisor has had no role since joining it government. adding that kushner has followed the ethics device which includes recusals when appropriate. but he rarely speaks publicly. >> i have not shot the spotlight. first in business and now in public service. >> but in recent days he hasn't been able to avoid that spotlight. frrsh as part off a west wing shake up, kushner lost his top security clearance and according to the washington post officials from multiple foreign governments by taking advantage of his lack of experience and financial trouble.
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they're struggling to raise money for the manhattan sky scraper that jared kushner bought for a record $2 billion. is jared kushner becoming a distraction given all the controversies he's been at the center of? >> he's going to continue to focus on the work that he's been doing. >> reporter: engulfing the white house not just about kushner. hope hicks resigned as new questions about the fate of jeff sessions. after the president once again lashed out at his attorney general on twitter, this time sessions fired right back, defending his integrity and he was photographed at dinner with deputy attorney general, rod rosenstein. washington dubbing it a show of solidarity. >> does the president want to get rid of his attorney general? >> reporter: he's furious at sessions behind closed doors. and now talk of another possible
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departure. sources tell us national security advisor h.r. mcmaster is expected to leave this spring. there have been clashes over what many view as mcmaster's abrasive style. they had recently a meeting where president trump tried to down grade it saying mcmaster is doing a good job. thank you. and a massachusetts man accused of sending white powder and a threatening letter to don jr. are under arrest. the substance turned out to be harmless. they say he sent similar packages to four others. if convicted, he could face up to 10 years in prison. and the pentagon says discussions about a military parade are moving forward. he got the idea while attendling
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france's bastille day. and it might be posable to hold it in conjunction with the anniversary for world war i. graham's body is back at his library in charlotte, north carolina after lying in honor. president trump is among the guests returning at noon with the reverend franklin graham delivering the funeral address. >> and we're having our own honor here. the honor of ryan smith being back. what have you been up to? >> so i used to -- i love the slow clap. it is the highlight of my life. i've been anchoring outside it lines. i'm also a correspondent there and i still work on 2020, still on gma and i'm a legal analyst
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from both networks. . >> do you ever sleep? >> i do not. but it's fun. it's a lot of fun. when you talk about anything that fans don't like on espn, you get a lot of hate mail. it's fun. >> speaking of fun, we found out something you did not that long ago. want to tell us about the monster jam. >> yes, i took the kids to monster truck rally. this is the monster truck rally. look at him clapping every time. they were totally into this for a half hour and then they started freaking out because it was too loud. they were like we got to go, we got to go. and there were 30 other kids down there, screaming, crying. it was hilarious. >> and yet you didn't take them home because you were having more fun than they were.
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>> but as i was leaving the security guard was like yeah, there's been about 150 leaving. they love it for five minutes. >> and stay for your own injoimnt. >> how they plan to address the #me too movement sweeping hollywood and warren beatty possibly returning. and later in the mix proving age is just a number. what he just accomp arsh hadded at age 99.
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well, a very, very high in the sky. what's described as one of the most advanced satellites. they'll keep an eye on the western u.s. and it will reach orbit in a few weeks and up and running by the end of the year. >> and children put into protective custody after they descovered him living in a box. >> with their three children age
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11, 13 and 14 without electricity or water amid feces and about 40 cats. it faces charges of willful cruelty to children. and the search for a young mother in virginia who's been missing since tuesday morning. they say a suspect is charged with her murder. here's abc's lindsey janice. >> reporter: a tragic end to the search for this virginia mother of two. >> they've switched gears from a missing person's report of a suspicious nature to a homicide. >> they say they were led to the body of st. john to a suspect now in custody. >> it was positively identified approximately 20 feet off the road. >> the young mother vanishing from her home early tuesday morning while she was getting ready to take her kids to day care. her front door left wide open. they say the suspect told
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deputies he strangled the mother until she stopped breathing. they say they contacked keyser, describes as an acquaint innocence of st. john's after he made incriminating statements to police. he's been charged with first degree murder. abc news, new york. frm we're hearing for the first time about an attempt to assassinate queen elizabeth. >> this happened in 1981. the documents reveal a mentally disturbed 17 year old fired a single shot towards the queen's car. >> at the time they explained away the gun shots as a sign falling over. documents suggest they were worried news of the assassination might ruin future visits.
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>> apparently they're launching an investigation into the criminal investigation and all of this. but it's really interesting to find this out for 30 years later. coming up in our next half hour, cabinet secretary ben carson, what he's doing after lavish complaints. >> and that's next on "world news now." hey, are you taking the tissue test? yep, and my teeth are yellow. i mean i knew they weren't perfect, but, ugh. oh well, all hope is lost! oh thanks! clearly my whitening toothpaste is not cutting it. time for whitestrips. crest glamorous white whitestrips are the only ada-accepted whitening strips proven to be safe and effective. they work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. hey, nice smile! thanks! i crushed the tissue test! yeah you did! crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life.
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♪ get ready everybody. we're taking a live look outside laucoutside los angeles where they are busy preparing for the 90th annual academy awards. we also have oscar breaking news for you. we're finding out who will present the best picture award. >> faye dunaway and warren beatty are getting a second chance. on thursday they say we won't
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screw up twice. >> how much do you have to practice to open and read. >> we sat down with some of the show's producers to see what they do when things don't go as planned. >> reporter: last year's oscar show was memorable from jimmy. >> i've never been to the oscars before. >> reporter: to justin to just hold on a men minute here. >> there's a mistake. "moonlight" you just won big picture. producer jennifer todd is back for the 90th academy awards and the unexpected is definitely in store. what can you tell us about what kind of surprises we might see? >> they won't be surprise physical i don't tell you. gemmy has a lot of great stuff
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planned. it's also a show that's making plans to acknowledge a cultural transformation now sweeping through hollywood and beyond. how do you expect the ceremony to pay tribute to honor the #me too movement. >> we've been talking about how to address it in a moment or two in the show but obviously we want the it show to be about entertainment. >> nonetheless expect to see m kimmel size comedy in the show. >> my two rules are a lot of jimmy. analysts say you have to get them off the stage. >> so when we might not expect to see him -- >> i'll show up somewhere unexpected. >> that sounds like a surprise. >> abc news los angeles. coming up you're never too old to break a world record.
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why did we re-engineer america's #1 detergent?
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because no matter what life brings, our commitment to clean remains the same. now with 10x the cleaning power. tide, america's #1 detergent
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oh, yes, the mix. i miss the mix. and i'm so excited to do this i'm going to put on my glasses which i almost never do. elhaddo everybody. can we show this video. this guy is 99 years old. wednesday he broke the world record for the 53. smashed the world record by 20 seconds, by the way, smashed it. only competitor in the 100 to 104 age group, even though he's 99 but that's okay. it's amazing what you can do even at the ripe old age of 99. >> eat your heart out queen elizabeth. and for the world's tallest hat.
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it's about 18 feetd, nine inches tall. it's name is odalon ozare in tampa. he builds it in seven weeks. rhinestones, ribbons and bird decorations. >> if you're watching, i want that hat. how can i get it? you've put all of her favorite thingsany at. ♪ politics and all the weather all it scores ♪ ♪ tahat's the "world news now" polka it's late at night you're wide awake ♪ ♪ and you're not wearing pants so grab your "world news now" mug and grab your pants ♪ ♪ have some fun be a pal do the
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"world news now" polka ♪ >> i'll teach them all right. i'll teach them the "world news now" polka is what i mean. >> insomniacs only. ♪ that's the "world news now" polka ♪ ♪ who cares what they think they're a goofy crew ♪ ♪ tell them it's news to me that's the "world news now" polka ♪ ♪ they make us work the grave yard shift five whole days every week ♪ ♪ we're here with the tongue and cheek that's the show so polka ♪ ♪ that's "world news now" folkau ♪ >> information at weird have a great day we'll see you monday.
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this morning on " this morning on "world news now" the president reacts after the president announces tariffs. overseas stock markerates falling right now. plus could it trump plan lead to higher prices on everything from soda to cars. >> powerful and dangerous storms are hitting. winds up to 70 miles per hour. in the west authorities are taking no chances in ordering evacuations after deadly mud slides. and new this half hour a member of president trump's cabinet under fire. >> ben carson is canceling a dining room set after the purchase made headlines this week and he's not the only cabinet official announcing spending changes.
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jay-z just topped another chart and well on his way to becoming a billionaire, not a businessman, he's a business, man. like that. coming up on the skinny. it's friday, march 2nd. >> announcer: from abc news this is "world news now." >> don't pretend to be well behaved. i like that i'm a business, man. you're going to steal that. >> oh, yeah, i say it all the time. >> we're going to start things off with president trump's plan to slapitaryfes on steel and aluminum emports. japan's major average was down sharpest but there were also losses in china and hong kong. >> all three major outages dropped by 5%. and companies especially hit hard.
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but he said the tariffs will offer protection from unfair trade practices. reports on the company's benefits and where we might start seeing higher prices. >> reporter: while this is helpful to u.s. steel and aluminum companies surge, it also means the cost for manufacturers go up and that could get passed along. and the transmission is made here. it's assembled here. but some of the aluminum in that car comes from canada. and as that price goes up, the company ultimately has to make a decision. do we pass that cost along to consumers. beer, soda, think of building materials. are had of those costs start to go up in the case of these tariffs. >> our thanks to rebecca jarvis and several republicans have come out against the plan.
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house speaker paul ryan says senator ben sass called it a massive tax increase on american families. president trump has met again with leaders of the national rifle association at it white house. the president seemed to back several gun control measures during a meeting with law makers wednesday. >> he called last night's meeting with nra great. and nra tweeted they both don't want gun control. the issue of due process was a steking point befwetween it president and vice president. >> and president trump is suggesting the drug dealers should get the death penalty. the president -- oepiopioids were claims for 32,000 deaths. and the president talked about suing opioid makers and
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distributors. >> the drug dealers, drug pushers are -- they're really doing damage. they're really doing damage. some countries have a very, very tough penalty, the ultimate penalty and by the way they have much less off a drug problem than we do. so we're going to have to be very strong on penalties. >> first lady melania trump opened the summit. national security advisor, h.r. mcmaster may be the next to leave the trump administration. the white house as been preparing for his departure. he's had tension with what they describe as mcmaster's abrasive style. but it president recently said he's doing a good job. russian president vladimir putin, backed by bombs on the
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u.s. says he's building an arsenal of unbeatable weapons. >> reporter: putin's annual state of the nation was provocative and threatening. giant screens showing missiles raining down on florida and what was billed as an invincible nunt intercontinental cruise mesal which putin claimed could travel around any obstacle and for antiballistic missile systems, he claimed, unstoppable. the missile shown headed towards the west coast of the united states. no one as listened to us, putin said. you'll listen to us now. a u.s. official tells abc news the missile is not yet enproduction but the chairman of the joint chiefs stlez are concerns. >> they've obtained a high assurance their tax would be successful by coming from deferent directions.
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>> of course president trump has done lettal to turn down the heat. >> i want this, our nuclear arsenal to be the biggest and the finest in the world. >> reporter: putin's announcement comes just days after the national security agency said the u.s. as not done enough to punish russia over meddling. >> they haven't paid a price significant enough to get them to change their behavior. >> reporter: they fear it could turn into a cold war but neither country really wants that to happen again and for putin's part this is about appearing strong domestdly. the presidential election in russia is just weeks away. russia's leader insists thursday's announcement does not signal the start of a new cold war. he told megyn kelly the arms race ended when the u.s. backed out of the missile treaty in
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2002 and putin described tests as excellent though said some systems have to be fine tuned. and the radar is tracking the system which extends from the carolinas up to maine. thfrmths rain pounding new york city with gusts up to 60 miles per hour. accuweather meteorologist here with the forecast. >> reporter: the big story for the northeast is the storm moving through today. new york setty going to see about one to three inches of snow. wind gusts up to 80 miles per hour. central new york will be the big winner when it comes to snowfall totals. a foot 1/2 off it. out west it's soaking rains as far south as l.a. and san diego with feet of snow in the mountains by the end of the weekend. >> julia, thank you. well, general john kelly's
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time has been eventful. >> you could say that. and he's finally opening up about what it's like on the inside. speaking to former colleagues that department of homeland security, kelly joked someone is trying to tell him heicide stay put. >> i missed everyone of you every day. six months the last thing i wanted to do was walk away from being homeland security and god punished me. >> he's getting a lot of attention particularly for that beautiful eye roll. can we take look at that one more time. did he really -- >> what my life is like right now. one of the most memorable
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moments is him holding his head after trump went off script following charlottesville tragedies. he's had so many of those moments where that's his go-to move. >> he is a busy man. coming up cabinet secretaries are under fire for their spending of taxpayer money. what ben carson says about the $31,000 dining room set. and weird al is out with a new song. it just dropped at midnight. we have it for you. but first a look at today's forecast. ♪ i'm white and dirty i want to roll with the gangstas ♪ ♪ but so far they got me ridin dirty ♪ ridin' dirty ♪ why did we re-engineer america's #1 detergent?
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because performance clothes have changed, but the challenge remains the same. and the generation may be different, but the color needs to endure. and the toughest stains come with their own rewards. we've re-engineered tide because no matter what life brings, our commitment to clean remains the same. now with 10x the cleaning power. tide, america's #1 detergent.
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natural gas natural gas suervices shut down after a explosion caused the death of a 12-year-old girl. residents will be without gas for about three weeks while they replace and repair it it damaged system. a former school bus driver in a crash that killed children.
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>> he was talk when he veered. they found walker guilty of six counts of criminally negligent homicide. >> and west virginia teacher strike will keep schools closed for a seventh day today. a promised deal of 5% raises is stalled then legislature. teachers are bucking their own union leadership and returning to the pecicket lines. >> just two days after the news off the $31,000 deaning set, that order has been canceled. >> but it's only the latest enwhat appears to be a chronic misuse of taxpayer dollars by tax pay orficials. >> reporter: it's the department that's supposed to look out for the poorest americans. but it's under fire for its own
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alleged lavish spending. housing secretary ben carson didn't ask for his staff to spend more than $31,000 on opulent dining set. he's one of six officials under scrutiny. even a $30,000 secure phone booth for an office. just weeks ago a scathing report found veteran's affair caused taxpayers $122,000 on a european tour. in july he and his wife travelled to copenhagen and london. three 1/2 did notock myself in the hotel room. i went out and went to various historic and other sites. every penny was paid for by me. >> they treated one staffer as a
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personal travel concierkaung co. roman baths and baths. then there's treasury secretary who took this costly government jet to kentucky where they viewed the eclipse. abc news, capitol hill. >> 31,0$31,00500 for dining roo furniture. consumers might be outraged by the concept of spending 31,005en had but quote this furniture will last 50 plus years of daily rugged use. because i eat like this and i like the cut my food really hard so i need really good furniture. and i don't like washing plates. >> what are we doing there? we'll have to brain storm on
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that one. but when we come back we have a look at the wealthiest artists in hip-hop. >> the skinny's next. p artist. ant to find a used car without getting ripped off. you could start your search at the all-new that might help. show me the carfax. now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. show me used trucks with one owner. pretty cool. [laughs] ah... ahem... show me the carfax. start your used car search and get free carfax reports at the all-new
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♪ big pimpin' up in nyc it is time for the skinny and we have a new king for the top of forbes annual list. for the first time since the list was created seven years ago, diddy has been dethroned. diddy is taking the top spot. >> networth jumped from 810 million to a whopping 900 million over the last year. but the bump comes not from his music but from moves. his stakes enchampagne and cognac companies are doing pretty well i think. reigning champ drops to number two. it's also worth noting he too has major investments in liquor. >> i think diddy's got to step
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it up aand ranks third with $770 million. and a tie for fourth place with dre and eminem. about 100 million east. >> drake's the youngest on the list. dr. dre, the most of his wealth comes from the beats head phone line. >> can i be leak seventh on the list? anything, i will take it all. a friend of the show, weird al ya yankovic dropped a new song, the hamilton polka. it goes along with hamill drops which are remakes from the hit broad wae show. >> the two even performed together a few years ago. ♪ my name is alexander hamilton
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and there's a million things i haven't done ♪ ♪ but just you wait wait for wait for it ♪ ♪ i'm it one thing in life i can't control ♪ ♪ lin-manuel shared pictures off his friends reacting. >> the room where it happened, the skiler sisters, my shot,bate for it and a bunch of other shots from the show in a way only weird al yankovic. >> does that inmean lin-manuel is a friend of the show? >> exactly. i like to teng we inspired all of this because we got weird al to do the "world news now" polka. >> hamilton will be performing live in the studio then next year. >> and you're welcome to our
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contribution to that master piece. and an unusual new venue. >> he decided to throw on a hoody and sunglasses and head to the subway. the disguise seemed to work until he started singing. ♪ tonight tonight come on now tonight tonight ♪ >> a large crowd surrounded sandler as he performed a medley of original songs. >> but here's the thing. there's a bunch of people gathering but many still had no clue who he was. many even tipping him. >> by the way steph curry, use too ed to breaking records. he was in the hotel room practicing his golf swing then that happened.
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your digestive system has billions of bacteria, but life can throw them off balance. try align extra strength, the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. with 5 times the good bacteria to re-align your system. re-align yourself, with align.
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it's b it's been quite week for our country. time for your weekly friday rewind. >> we begin with the week lee res ugingination. she is now stepping down. she told house investigators she had occasionally told white lies for the president. the white house says the time sg coincidental. >> shocking law makers in this bipartisan meeting, calling for wide ranging gun control measures. >> it's going to have to be you that brings the republicans to the table because right now the gun lobby would stop it in its tracks. >> it's time that a president stepped up. >> we're punishing law abiding americans, stripping from them a right without due process. >> the students of marjory
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stoneman douglas. >> everyone stared at each other and we all kind of reun eited. >> a massive nor'easter bearing down on the east coast. the national weather service now says this could be a matter of life or death. southwest airlines flight was forced to return to salt lake city 20 minutes after take off after one of its engines caught fire. >> i said there's a problem with the engine. it only suffered a performance issue. all the passengers got to lauchgerous. >> we're going to turn now to the men's curling team. they're back in minnesota for the olympics where they overcome early losses. i guarantee you curling enrollments and classes.
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>> one day the curling party don't stop. >> jimmy kimmel is gearing up for the big night. >> you don't want things to go perfectly. you secretly want the wheels to fall off a little bit. at least one. you kind of thrive on the chaos. >> i do when it kind of stays on your toes. >> it's kind of nice when a wheel falls off every now and then. we also have the razzies and the oscars are on sunday which means the "world news now" skers are on sunday. >> i'm going for best supporting anchor. >> announcer: this is abc news "world news now" infor
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>> good morning it is 4:00 a.m. on this friday, march 2. tam is off, jeanette reyes joins us this is an accuweather alert day which is why we're starting an half-hour early. >> the rain has been falling most of the night, the storm is getting stronger and could bring potentially destructive winds. >> there are concerns along the jersey shore where there is a threat of flooding and beach erosion. >> we have more as the communities brace for the nor'easter, bob brooks is in --


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