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tv   Action News 1130PM  ABC  March 3, 2018 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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clouds, seasonably chilly. lancaster, 45. 46 philadelphia, 49 dover, 45 toms arrive and allentown, the lehigh valley, 42-degrees. dry on monday, and for the first half of tuesday, we get to tuesday afternoon into wednesday, tracking potentially another system that wants to set up across the region, starting as rain. there could be snow wednesday for parts along way away tracking for the middle laugh of next week. in the poconos, a lot of rain. not as windy tomorrow, breezy, and 46 for the high. sunshine and clouds for monday,. tuesday, 47. turning cloudy tuesday afternoon. rain late tuesday continuing
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late into tuesday with wet snow north and west. if anything changes, we'll keep you posted. 44 for the high, temperatures in the 40s, as we get to next thursday into next weekend, walter. >> spring is coming. >> eventually. >> thank you, melissa. cherry blossom lovers that flock to see them are in for a treat. they expect blooms to peak between march 27-30th. they are considered peak bloom when the blooms are open. the capital weather gang predicts that take between the 23rd and 27th, still ahead of schedule. >> it was a special trip to the movies for local girls. thomas oliver, a film producer from philadelphia donated 20 tickets so the girls could enjoy
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black panther. he wasn't able to be there in person but sherry williams was there. they enjoyed the river view theater. black panther has been number one at the box office since it opened two week ago. much more to come. the eagles had a meet and greet. hear fomby on the fans birds the best. ♪ ♪ ig...
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(yelling) [n s our little puppy? - sweethgot you a new. sweetheart? - woo! - [narrator] get 100 towing miles and free emergency gas delivery. when going big is best. aaa. go ahead.ter heat? it's around here somewhere. nope. huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you
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>> okay, jeff skversky has sports. the flyers let one get away today. >> they did. they had a team they wanted to beat badly. they are two points out of first place. 13 goals combined today against tampa bay, flyers blow a two goal lead twice. here you go, yuri closes his eyes and shoots here. not bad. flyers up 5-3 in the third.
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they blow it. steven stan cros beats moravik. in a shootout, sand coast wins it. back-to-back games for the first time in a month. >> eagle fans live and die with this team. if fletcher cox didn't know that, he found out today when a fan told him, i can die now that the eagles won the superbowl. eagle fans thanking cox and the eagles all day long. >> 35, 45 years -- it's a
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blessing. >> eagle receiver torrey smith throwing out the first pitch. smith throwing no sit stuff. hernandez down on strike. reece hoskins down. phillys go down. they have lost eight of ten in florida. union kicking off the season against new england who they have more wins against than any other team in soccer. union fans braving the bitter cold in chester. tonight, first half against new england, new kid anthony fontana from newark delaware. second half, corey burke to cj, union wins, 2-0. how about that for an opener? we are right back.
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coach jay wright says theylook . bridges and hunt player of the year. donte can solve two. villanova wins 97-73, tied for the most wins in school history. finish 27-4. we are a team trying to get our chemistry back. >> roman >> kathryn: catholic grad, facg purdue.
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lle, the hawk will never die. misses, gets the ball wins penn atn. sixhre ivy league title for th first time in 11 years. drexel with a ten point lead to madison. main isabel on the three scoring, 24. delaware beats elon aell. >> ma march madness ready to get going. >> even the nor'easter couldn't
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damage the middle school's determination to do good. they held the brewery bash, students danced and played raising $67,000 for the four diamond fund to help families with expenses due to pediatric cancer. the event is named fo time teener that away with cancer.buried alive and lio in an avalanche. that's when we come back.
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>> "action news" continues. >> saturday night. i'm walter perez. here's what's happening at trees remain on roads and homes and crews continue to repair power outages. also, the oscars are 24 hours away. there were terrifying moments at a ski resort out west when good aried ali huncovered a it g eht livesghe way.
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we see how dtructive th this house chipmunk lane had a tree fall on top of it in nobody was injured.also, a huges falling on along the front lawn of sycamore avenue. and reinforcements brought in for power. we caught up with crews working in wood payne county. they were working to restore utility poles that snapped. hada consider amount of debri said, e forecast with melissa magee. >> winds blustery earlier today are starting to diminish. the winds at 18 miles per hour,
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winds clocking in, in the city high as 55 miles per hour. there is improvement on the way tonight. 25 miles per hour in reading, nine in lancaster and 12 miles per hour in cape may at the coast. satellite 6 showing you this is what's left of the nor'easter on the screen here as it continues to travel out to the atlantic. we have high pressure over the great lakes and ohio valley as we get to the second half the weekend. concern at the coast, looking ah expect, we have a coastal flood rning across areas of showt souh jersey. bree tonight and winds gusting 25 to 30 miles per hour and temperatures near normal. we have you covered wh your tomorrow.ers he day te 35, 41 at 10:00 in the morning, 46 at1:00d
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the winds slowing down as well. ils in for from central michigan university murder.shooting his parents has this was 12th school shooting in the u.s. this year. linda lopez has more. >> an all out manhunt ending early saturday in michigan for james eric davis jr. suspected . >> i never would have guessed. he was a good kid.
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police finding the bodies. the suspect slipped away. >> he came into the residence hall with a weapon to the fourth floor where he shot and killed his father and his mother. they picked up their son from the hospital and brought him to the dorm room to pick up his belongings. a day earlier he forced campus police to take him to hospital. >> the gun was registered to his father. the father was an illinois police officer. family in illinois, in disbelief. he was proud of his son going to school, going to michigan. >> i never knew of problems. if there were problem, there were kept within the family. police returned to theez, as, ne
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family of victims from lation year's lafertion massacre has raised $31 million. loved ones will receive $275,000 and survivors will also receive financial help. distribution is scheduled to begin monday. >> a man shot himself to death outside of the white house causing a stir. around 11:45 this morning he approached the north fence, removed a handgun and several rounds before tak his own life. no el was injured. >> on to los angeles where the oscars will be held and police will be out in full force during
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e00 will be out in full force duhe l firefighters, private security guards and police helicopters. officialssay this is out of an abundance of caution. >> a reminder, all of the oscar excitement begins tomorrow night with a red carpet special live on 6abc. live coverage at 6:30 and the main event, beginning at 8:00. after the final statue is handed out, watch action news at 11:00. much more to come, waves crashing high as rooftops of the homes. back home union fans come out for the home opener. it's a cold way to start the soccer season. those stories and more when
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"action news" coming right back.
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>> there were desperate moments at a ski resort in california when an avalanche buried a skier alive. >> trying tos dug him out with uncover a skier buried alive
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during an avalanche. >> i looked back and saw an eight foot wall of snow and a second later, it hit us. >> heather brushing the snow off his face, making sure he could breathe. the avalanche camcrashing down. you see her crawling through the snow trying to reach the stranded boarder. >> we started to hear a woman scream for her husband. that's when your heart starts racing. >> a hundred rescuers and rescue dogs responding to the area. after a few long moments someone spotted a life-saving crew. >>r eventually snowboarded with
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his wife back down the mountain to safety. >> we are super stoked to be alive. >> one man was hospitalized. the ski resort is back ohm tonight. open tonight. >> in massachusetts, the governor declared a state of emergency. the waves were big and angry as they pounded the coast. power is a big problem as well. at least a dozen communities across southeastern massachusetts reported every home without power. time for a check of the forecast with meteorologist melissa magee, things improving, which is not saying much from yesterday. >> if you are without power or trying to clean up from downed trees, we have dry conditions on the way, walter. sky 6 live and hd in chester.
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our philadelphia union won 2-0. it's going to be a good season. i'm feeling lucky. storm tracker 6, we are dry, not tracking precipitation right now. wind diminish across the lehigh valley. philadelphia, 38. windchill 28. because of winds out of the northwest at 20 miles per hour, sustained with slightly higher gusts. it's on the rise with high pressure out of the great lakes and heads to the mid-atlantic region. lancaster, 29. the coach in beach haven, 29. dover, the temperature at 39-degrees. the winds are gusting across portions of the region.
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not everyone is finding the gusts currently. that seems to be the case philadelphia and trenton, gusting 25 miles per hour, allentown, same for dover and wilmington, clocking at 28 miles per hour in reading. as we go throughout the rest of the night and the area of low pressure loses the grip across the region, the winds continue to die down. the rain, snow, winds, that continues to head east, high pres continues to drift further east as well. we have a partly cloudy sky on the way tonight, lots of sunshine sunday. we are keeping a watchful eye ot g, hei to cape may. the surge two to two and a half feet and waves 8 to 14 feet
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high. something worth tracking overnight hours. of tonight, pay cloudy and cold, 34 in philadelphia, 30 in allentown, 34 in dover. the overnight low in cape may, 35. 30 in lancaster. wind gusts across the region throughout the overnight hours, upper 20s and 30s in the overnight. tomorrow morning, a breeze with constant northerly wind on the way through. sunday night into monday, slacking. sunday, 35. by 1:00 tomorrow afternoon, anymore in the middle and upper 40s. the seven-day forecast, not as windy tomorrow, but plenty of sun, 4 46 for the high. sunshine and clouds monday with a temperature of 45.
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cloudy tuesday late tuesday, rain develops, and we are tracking another system if it develops on the track it is currently. rain on wednesday. changes on the keep youposted. thursday, sunny and 43. next saturday, we have a highth. backseat could be a choice.unbe eight times more likely to be killed in a crash. 28% of people say't routinely buckle up in back. >> stop a
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yellow fever outbreak.
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