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tv   America This Morning  ABC  March 5, 2018 4:00am-4:28am EST

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making news in america this morning -- hollywood's big fight. the academy awards shining a light on the me too movement. >> if i fall over pick me up cause i've got some things to say. and the oscar goes to -- >> the moment of redemption for faye donea jn fayedunaway and warren beatty. why host jimmy kimmel was giving away a jet ski. we're live in hollywood. the russia investigation. special council robert mueller may be expanding his focus. why money from the middle east and jared kushner are turned microscope. parts of the the eparalyzed after a nor'easter
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brings historic power outagesd flooding. the epic buzzer-batter at a high school basketball game. and why clothing line la coste is changing its iconic alligator logo. a good monday morning to you all. we begin with the biggest winners in hollywood as the stars mark oscar night with a callr equality and inclusion. "the shape of water" beat out the fan favorite "get out." the show had its funny parts. it had a more serious tone than last year. abc's danya bacchus joins us with more. >> reporter: good morning to you, kendis and diane. i have to wonder if if you were watching the show kind of secretly hoping for some more envelope drama. while that didn't happen this year's show did not disappoint. as you mentioned, it continued the the political tone set at other awards shows.
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it shaped up to be a great night for "the shape of water." the mow mantic monster fable winnin for besture. presenters faye acing the presentation after last year's flub. ♪90rs oforld is watching us. >> reporter: a chance for hollywood to tackle deeper problems. >> the changes we're witnessing are being driven by the powerful sound of new soiss. joining together if a mighty chorus that is finally saying, time's up. >> reporter: jimmy kimmel hosting for the second year in a row. >> our plan is to shine a light on films, each and every one of which got crushed by "black panther" this weekend. >> reporter: frances mcdormand paying tribute to those this the room. >> if i may be so honored to have ale the female nominees stand with me in the room tonight. come on.
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>> reporter: while three widely admired oscars. >> and the winner is gary oldman, "darkest hour." >> put the kettle on. i'm bringing oscar home. >> reporter: sam rockwell for actor. >> i would like to thank the academy. >> reporter: and allisonja clinching the best supporting actress category. >> i did it allmyself. >> reporter: jordan peele making history history, too. and the running joke at this year's show was just how long the oscars usually run. to speed things up jimmy kimmel offered a jet ski and a trip to lake havasu for the person with the shortest acceptance speech. >> it didn't work. it still ended up being a minute and a half. many funny moments, including when he went to the theater right next door to the dolby that a lot of people are talk about this morning.
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>> reporter: that's right. they surprised in the middle of the show surprised a group of movie goers who thought they were seeing a special screening forcan you imagine, you're in the theater, watching the movie, in walks gal gadot, lupita nyong'o, mark hammill.o the a funny show this evening. >> i think that was the first time a lot of us saw a hot dog cannon. but i liked it. >> in a movie teeter. >> we're going to be so disappointed next time we go to the movies and none of this happens. >> a love story between a sea monster, and a human, based on a true story wins the the academy awards. we'll have much more in a moment. but to our other big story. the major developments in the russiaen vest gags. >> robert mueller has reportedly subpoenaed all community occasions between an unnamed witness and ten other people.
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>> a report says mueller is expands hi focus into other areas. arlette saenz joins was the details. good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning, kendis and diane. president trump mingled with the media at the gridiron dinner over the weekend. he joked about the state of affairs in the west wing saying it was ootd calm week in the white house. new signs are e emerging that the special counsel investigation is ramping up. robert mueller is reportedly expanding his probe to look at potential influence peddling not from russia but from the middle east. is reportedly focusing in on george nader. he had frequent meetings at the white house last year ahead of president trump's with steve bannon and jared curb merkushner, among others. the son-in-law has had
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downgraded security clearance. >> jared's done an outstanding job. think he's been treated very unfairly. >> reporter: at the gridiron dinner the president cracked a joke at his expense, saying they were late to the dinner because jared could not get through security. he made light of his attorney general who last week defended himself following critical tweets from the president. mr. trump joked he offered jeff sessions a ride to the dinner but sessions recused himself. >> i don't thing it would be good for the president for attorney general sessions to leave. i don't think the president has made it his mind about how he feels about the recusal. he feels like that was the the first sin, the original sin. >> reporter: the president will meet with the prime minister of israel today. his decision to imposear on has put him at odds with officials in his own administray without school for west ients. the state's teachers entered the 11th d refused to
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approve a 5% pay increase. tate senate but west virginia's teachers are among the lowest paid in the country. are scram bing to to the northeast before the storm arrives. woaway canada working to fix the damage. let's take a look at your monday morning forecast. ♪ good morning. a blizzard going to strike north, south dakota parts of it striking minnesota, as well as my my. along with very high winds. 55 to 65-mile-per-hour winds for tuesday, going into tuesday into nebraska as well as south dakota as well as perhaps 18 inches of snow. wednesday going into thursday. another nor'easter strikes the east coast. heavy snowfall and pow ore outages along the northeast. i'm accuweather meteorologist paul williams.
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well still ahead right here why the clothing line company lacoste is making a change to its iconic logo. caught on camera an airport's roof comes crashing down. what causes this this to happen. and a snowboarder
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oh! the sights and sounds of a partial roof collapse at an airport in southeast china. rain and winds of nearly 70 miles an hour thankfully, nobody was injured. some cars were damaged. what's being described as a security threat has closed the u.s. embassy in turkey's capital indefinitely. they didn't provide specifics. u.s. citizens in turkey are being advised to avoid large crowds and heighten their personal security awareness.
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at home florida lawmakers are expect 20d pass a school safety bill today. it does not ban assault rifls. state senators rejected the ban but they did vote to raise the minimum age to purchase guns to 21. the bill includes new security measures and mental health programs in schools. it must be passed by the florida house. and the national rifle association has seen a huge surge in interest since the florida shooting. google searches for memberships are up nearly 5,000% seance the attacks. according to the chicago united is getting rid of employee bonuses for reaching quarterly goals. instead, workers names will be drawn for cash and prizes. what? amount is 2% of worse c breather. created a
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limited edition of polo shirts including ten of the world's most endangered species. proceeds from the shirts will be go toward animal conservation. when we come back the desperate seven for an nfl player. and the the dramatic moment car ran down a soldier. and we return to the os xarps the moment nicole kidman full actress who the same dress she osly abreva can in the fst sign.k immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. nothing heals a cold sore faster. and because abreva acts on it... you can too. act on it, with abreva.
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we're back with this scene in israel where police are investigating that terror attack. the suspect slamming into a police officer as well as two soldiers before another soldier reportedly opened fire on him. the custod uffere um series of avenue lanchts across . poli and crashed down on five people. >> i looked behind me. there was a ten-foot wall of snow coming at feltt come turned into tos rbout tt up five or six minutes later after they uncovered my face. another avalanche at mammothly fell over three days. oakland raiders player aldon smith is inled out a using the fire escape. he hasn't played an nfl game in
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over two years. he has other legal problems. a week if now, we'll noefr every team playing in march madness the. >> some have alreadyplace. let's get the highlights from espn. good morning, america. it's kenny. it's john. it's the tournament. you'll have to get your bracket red zi did i soon. we have five. >> you to know where radford is? in the ncaa tournament. also in virginia. jones. fred brown range. the three is good at the buzzer. libber thety goes down. and radford going to the tournament. one more look. jones, the pullup three. the stunned faces. and then the happy radford folk. radford wins the big south tournament 55-5 on to the ncaas. >> did you know dave o be the sois of radford?
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wgc mexico championship. phil mickelson, justin thomas in a playoff. phil for the first win since the open championship in 2013. no. for birdie. e he doesn't have to wait long to get it afterwards. thomas makes bogey on the first playoff hole and phil, his4 h 3rd career n. it just took him tournaments to get there. >> he was hoping thomas would miss. >> he did. >> enjoy your news. up next in the pulse, the amazing and kobe bryant wins another trophy. why is he so excited about this particular one. >> plus our first look at the new "mary poppins" movie. all coming up. stick around. before you aeumatologist move to another treatment, ask ifu. for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. it can reduce pain swelling and further joint damage even without methotrexate.
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xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened.tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz xr can reduce the symptoms of ra, even without methotrexate. ask your rheumatologist about xeljanz xr. ♪ ♪ let your inner light loose with one a day women's. ♪ ♪ a complete multivitamin specially formulated with key nutrients olay regenerist shatters the competition. hydrating skin better than prestige creamsing over $100, $200, and even $400.oks younger than it should. fact check this ad in good housekeeping.ay regenerist. agere that we can strengthen and re-harden that tooth surfa
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the ir paties' teg and bright.eir pa time to check "the pulse." starting with memorable moments from the oscars last night. before the show nicole kid man gave a group of tourists a surprise they won't soon forget. and blew them some kisses to the fans on a tour bus. rita moreno sparklinged in a recycled dress. it'se gown she wor in side > and kobe bryant has an oscar. he took home the award for a short film titled dear basketball. >> she said it was better than wing any of the championships he won. jimmy kimmel made good on
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his promise. the jet ski went to the phantom thread costume mark brpoke for seconds. and helen mirren went along for the ride. >> she was acting as the spokes model. just after emily blount and others walked the red carpet our parent company disney surprised us. >> here's a look see at "mary poppins returns 37" ♪ >> mary it is wonderful toyou. >> y >> that'st 25 years after -- >> did you start reading that with an accent? >> i did. >> 25 years the >> any way, it's that
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time of shots. >> it's march madew york. high school. down two to tappan zee high. that's julian. a big man on campus ey in. p in college. he was their it d it. >>fficer yudsing his ice off your car before >>is. rstroket valve problem.s. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin plus had less major bleeding th r doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usualfor any bleeding to op. cr s g fo my b m il blue diamond almond breeze. the best almonds make the best almondmilk. adv but he never c if your d isn't a lawy llegalzoey a wll
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anim are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the and live claritin clear. elp get us moving.feel more strength and energy in just two weeks! i'll take that. -yeeeeeah! ensure high protein. with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. ensure. always be you. >> good morning everyone, i'm matt 4:27 a.m. a firefightre po several s we have the impact of friday's cosby returns to a courtroom this morning. f big we're next don't go tiffany haddish and m rudolph might some day host the oscars themselves. >> after this segment that a lot of people are talkingrning. >> we are so happen here but our feet hurt. >> i had to take my shoes off. >> me too, girl. i have been wearing these shoes since 11:00 this morning. how long you been wearing these shoes? >> since the people's choice
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awards. >> girl my pink quito fell off. a few years altogether people said oscars where so white. since then some real progress has been made. >> mm-hmm. but when we came out together, we snow someknow some of you were thinking to say, don't worry, there are so many more white come. >> many.therthere.m. >> under d not just ith clipboards. i'm personally not fan of white people with clipboards. i'm always wondering what are they writing down about me? >> oh yeah. i'm sorry, you're not on the list. and they didn't check autothe pages, i'm likes, hey, white dude with the clipboard, check all the pages. >> ooh, what about when they're on the headset, you're like who are they talking to? >> are you talking tome?okay >> know. i'm very comfy now. >> you wear uggs during the commercial breaks. >> this is come preetly
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irrelevant. >> that was the highlight for me. you wanted to see them as a host of the show. perhaps it will come next year. >> the big partyf the night, governor's ball. where everyone who is everyone was mingling. there's frances mcdormand. >> guillermo dell toro. >> gary y. >> good morning everyone, it is 4:30 a.m., march 5. hospital. many schools are closed and thousands are in the dark threeer the nte blew through. >> oscars take hollywood's
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serious issues head on. we'll have a look along with the big winners. matt pellman is in for david
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