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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 6, 2018 7:00am-9:00am EST

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good morning, america. winter whiteout. a new nor'easter is on the way. bringing up to a foot of snow no new york city. as a blizzard barrels through the midwest. sparking hundreds of accidents. trucks sliding off roads. and now 21 states are on alert. breaking news. new moves from north korea on nuclear weapons. kim jong-un makes a rare appearance at a high-stakes meeting with south korea. are peace talks with the u.s. on the table? bizarre twist in the russia investigation. former trump aide sam nunberg says he believes trump may have done something wrong on the campaign. and betrayed by "the bachelor." the stuping proposal. >> becca, will you marry me? >> of course.
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>> then shocking split. >> i've had a change of heart. >> was this the biggest twist in "bachelor" history? chris harrison will talk about one of the most controversial endings ever. grabbing the gold. >> the this is mine. >> this man caught on camera, charged with trying to steal frances mcdormand's oscar. snapping selfies. what we're now learning about his past. and we do say good morning, america. great to have you with us on this tuesday morning, can you imagine that? you win an oscar in moments later, poof, it's gone. >> and then shows up on television, as well. a very, very vang story. more on that coming up. breaking news this morning. news out of the koreas president that north korea may be willing to stop nuclear testing.
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michael, the major storm here at home. >> affecting 50 million americans. heavy snow and strong winds expected. the's coast is bracing for another nor easter as the midwest faces a blizzard. abc's clayton sandell is in minneapolis with more. >> reporter: good morning, michael the. people in the twin cities are waking up to a fresh round of snow. about seven inches falling overnight. the big problem is the commute. the roads are slick. state patrol reports 700 spinouts and crashes in the last 4 hours. this morning, the midwest is reeling after a fierce storm, heavy snow, freezing rain, and gale-force winds. parts of the dakotas and minnesota blanketed. the roads a mess. in north dakota, watch as this garbage truck slides sideways down the road. >> that is not good. >> superslippery. stay inside. >> reporter: at the minneapolis-st. paul airport,
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whiteout. plows moving faster than planes. in hazelon the, iowa, 50-mile-an-hour winds. the storm now heading east. where they're still recovering from a deadly nor easter that pummeled the eastern seaboard, killing nine. the full fury of mother nature as giant waves crash over scituate's sea wall. a section of the wall collapsing. >> never seen this bad. i'm kind of in awe. just looking how bad it was and how close we were to it all. >> we did lose heat. i have about 4 1/2 feet of water in my basement right now. >> reporter: and this dash cam video. showing a large branch falling on to power lines as rescuers respond to an accident. a near miss showing routine calls can turn dangerous in an instant. this storm is not done. here there is a lot of digging
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out from the heavy, wet snow. michael? >> thank you, clayton. the storm is heading to the northeast. rob, you're tracking it. what can we expect? >> another nor'easter. like the one we had last week. this thing is spinning up here. that part of the storm is maturing. this is what it's done in parts of western minnesota. 14 inches of snow. blizzard warnings out for the plains. this energy will be kicked to a coastal low. we have winter storm warnings posted for the northeast. these two lows interchange. by the time it get off the carolina coastline, during the day tomorrow, rain, wind, snow, heavy at times. snow along the i-95 corridor. we could see six to 12 inches of it. less in the bigger cities. a high-impact event. some schools will be closed. more on this lout the show. you know, i'm wait for rob to say, we're going have 6 to 12 days of straight sunshine. >> keep waiting on that. >> coming in june or may.
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>> come on. not until then. we have the breaking news overseas now. the leader of nofrt korea making a rare appearance at a high-stakes meeting with south korea. signaling what could be a major change on nuclear weapons. our chief foreign correspondent terry moran has the latest. >> reporter: this looks like major break through. this morning, south korean officials returning from talks in north korea, including the meeting with kim jong-un himself. the north korean regime wants to talk directly with the u.s. government to discuss denuclearization on the korean men nins la and normalizing relations. during negotiations, north korea will halt additional nuclear and missile tests. third, the north has pledged to never use nuclear or conventi conventional weapons with south korea. a direct hotline will be set up between the leaders of north and south korea. the south korean delegation was
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told north korea believes if military threats are removed, they have no need for nuclear weapons. >> all of this sounds good. the u.s. government has to be wary. >> reporter: they will certainly start from a position of suspicion, robin. suspicion that kim jong-un is trying to peel korea away from the eye lines with the u.s. make no mistake, what happened today, somewhat happening today, represents an extraordinary new chapter in the tense standoff between the u.s. and north korea. and maybe, just maybe, robin, a hopeful chapter. >> it's promising. >> we'll watch for the president's response. now to the bizarre turn in the russia investigation. former trump aide sam nunberg refuses to appear before the special counsel. but he says he believes mueller may have something on president trump. pierre thomas has the litest. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: good morning, george. a little known adviser to
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president trump's campaign who was fired, dominated the headlines yesterday. appearances so odd, he was asked if he was intoxicated. by tend of the day it came to this for sam nunberg. a past political adviser. >> i have smelled alcohol on your breath. >> i have not had a drink. no, i have not. >> anything else? >> no. >> reporter: in day of accusations at one point, nunberg suggesting on cnn that the president knew about the trump tower meeting with the russians set up to get dirt on candidate hillary clinton before it happened. >> there's been a consistent message from team trump, which is that donald trump himself did not know about this meeting. >> what do you think? >> you tell me. >> i mean, it's -- the you see there's something he said, i already saw, that within a week, or he said something, we're going find something out about hillary clinton within a week. i don't know why he couldn't just admit he knew about this meeting. >> you believe he knew about
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that meeting? >> i think he knew it. >> reporter: nunberg said trump may have done something wrong during the campaign. >> you to think they have something on the president? >> i think they may. >> why? >> i think he may have done something during the election. but i don't know that. for sure. >> why do you think that? >> i can't explain it unless you were in there. >> reporter: the white house having to quickly respond. dismissing nunberg, again saying there was no collusion with the russians. >> as we have said many times before, there was no collusion with the trump campaign. anything further on what his action are, he hasn't worked at the white house. soy certainly can't speak to him or the lack of knowledge he clir laz. >> reporter: nunberg offered no evidence to back up his claims. he says mueller has subpoenaed any communications, text, messages, and otherwise. any communications he may have had. >> they sent me a subpoena where
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they asked me after november 1, 2015, did acommunicate with carter page, corey lewandowski? i mean, i despid corey. why would i communicate with him. >> reporter: nunberg said last night mueller had offered immunity but he was frustrated with the special counsel. all day, he said he would refuse to turn over documents and would not testify. at one point saying, arrest me. but by last night, he was suggesting he would end up cooperating. at this point, who knows what's going to happen? >> who knows? thank you, pierre. let's talk about it with dan abrams. he has to cooperate. if he doesn't, he's going to jail. >> that's right. it would be civil contempt. meaning the the idea would be, you've got the key to get out of jail. as soon as you decide to cooperate, as soon as you decide to do what you're legally required to do, you can get out. it's not intended to be a punishment. it's intended to get someone to do it. they would have to go to court. a court would order it.
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that's where he would end up. i don't think he'll go to that length. >> nunberg may not be the most reliable nabable narrator. the president has said for months, no collusion. it is clear from the questions mueller is investigating that. >> that's right. you can ignore everything he's saying about the analysis. you can't ignore what he's saying he's being asked to turn over. that tells us what is going on in robert mueller's head. if mueller is asking these sorts of questions, it means he is invest giting possible collusion. with the trump campaign. we've known that. this is further evidence of that. it means this investigation is heating up the. >> so much focus on the trump tower meeting in june of 2016. again, nunberg not the most reliable narrater. what would it mean if president trump knew about that meeting ahead of time? >> this is the single most
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important meeting that we know about. it was preplanned. it was to get information about hillary clinton. >> on hillary clinton. >> and, so -- and it's with the russians. and so, if he knew about that meeting, that would be a very important point. in the context of this investigation. i think a lot of this investigation starts from the point of that meeting. who knew about it? why did they go? what were they expecting? how was it set up? why was it set up? what information did they have up to that point? >> and whether, because we know from the questions nunberg talks about, people speaking russian in trump tower. questions about president trump's business interests. 2 he was pursuing this moscow tower. >> that's why, again, they're asking questions. about president trump's relationship with russia before 2016 when it comes to financial connections. because you have to be able to look at this as to pieces in a puzzle.
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>> clear the scope of this investigation is wide. dan, thank you. >> we stay with politic. this morning marks a crucial day for the midterm elections. voters are going to the polls in texas to vote in the first primaries. the lone star state kicking off the battle for control of congress. this year, more than 50 women are running in texas. mary bruce sat down with some of them. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, robin. welcome to primary season. both parties are closely watching tgs texas this morning, to see how the battle for congress may play out come november. democrats are hoping to seize on enthusiasm. republicans hoping the state will stick to its red roots. deep in the heart of texas this morning, the official kickoff. >> i learned then what it takes to fight back. >> that's why i'm running for congress. >> reporter: democrats are hoping to turn this deep red state blue, fueled by a wave of female candidates. democrat judy canales gets
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emotional thinking about the moment a friend convinced her to run. >> they said to me, you said you always wanted to run. and i said, you're right. i did. and i thought, wow. i think this is it. so i thought -- i'm going to go for it. i'm going to go for it. and here i am. sorry about this. >> reporter: no, it's okay. more than 50 women are running for congress. in texas alone. across the country, more than 400 female congressional candidates. that's double the number that ran in 2016. >> we feel like it's time for our voices to be heard and for us to have a seat at the table. >> reporter: this is a critical test. a year ago, democrat gina ortiz jones was working for the trump administration. now she's running against his agenda. >> it can't be surprising the the number of women run, the number of women of color running. that the people that have the most to lose. you cannot be surprised that they have stepped up and said, i'm done assuming somebody is
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going to do for me that which i can do for myself. >> reporter: democrats are eyeing the texas seat of senator ted cruz. democrat beto o'rourke has been drawing big crowds and big bucks. the morning, they do have reason to be optimistic. early voter numbers show democratic turnout is skyrocketing. the big question, will all of this enthusiasm stick come november? robin? >> thank you, mary. now to the newly discovered video showing life inside the so-called california house of horrors, where police say 12 children were held captive. one of the daughters appears to post videos on youtube under a different name. >> reporter: good morning, michael. on the face of it, the videos seem like typical teenage stuff. until you learn they were kree kated by the 17-year-old daughter who broke out of the house and alerted authorities
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just days after what appears to be this experimentation we have discovered on youtube. ♪ i didn't even know >> reporter: this morning, that surprising first glimpse into the home where police say 12 children were tortured and systematically starved for years. that view courtesy of david and louise turpin's 17-year-old daughter. she posted these videos to youtube under an alias. mostly, they're songs she says she wrote herself. we have concealed her identity because she's a minor. ♪ there is a treatment ♪ where is the dream >> reporter: the most recent clip posted just seven days before police say she broke out of the perris, california, home where she and her siblings were, at times, allegedly shackled to beds. she called 911 and alerted authorities who you see many in
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this video rescuing the children and arresting their children. you discussed the heroics of the 17-year-old girl. >> she has the person that willty that she's going to -- going to risk herself for others. and she did that. and she managed to get out. and -- we're very glad she did. >> reporter: there's also this video, in which she's playing with one of the family's dogs. it shows the doors smudged with grime. the clothes pild in the back of the room. authorities say those two dogs and the turpin's youngest child, were the only ones who did not suffer from chronic malnutrition when they finally entered the house. their parents, david and louise, face up to life in prison if convicted of a combined 82 charges. now the 17-year-old also appears to have had an instagram account. it has more selfies a couple of pictures of foxes. and of justin bieber.
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now, an attorney for some of the siblings says they're recovering physically and are working on their life skills and their dreams. some hope to become doctors, nurses, even investigators. michael? >> thank you, matt. we hope they can become anything they want to become. they deserve it. we turn now to tense moments on plane as passenger tries to open a door mid flight. video shows over passengers quickly wrestling the woman to the floor of the plane. this happened on a skywest flight from san francisco to boise, idaho. the woman may have been in mental distress and was taken for an evaluation when the plane landed. the police are still investigating. back to rob now with more on the nor'easter. rob? >> there's still a quarter million people without power. those same areas will get more wind from this developing nor'easter. by tomorrow afternoon already gusting to 50 miles an hour in atlantic city through tomorrow night. 50 plus there on the eastern
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coast of massachusetts and looks like this may hang around a little bit longer as well with snow to boot somewhere places over a foot of snow. your local forecast just 30 seconds away. right now your tuesday trivia brought to you by bounty >> good morning, everybody. i'm meteorologist karen rogers. we're dry right now. let's show you what it looks like. it's beautiful shot. we've got sunshine to start our day. a cold temperature of 30 degrees. here's your accuweather
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forecast. high of 47 but it's turning cloudy today with some light precipitation arriving late this evening and tonight. tomorrow is the day the nor'easter hits us with heavy wet snow. the worst time period about 10 a. a.m. to 6:00 p.m. frosty, here in utah? you have to embrace winter. he's going to hold on to it as long as he can. >> i'm sorry, frosty. >> we're all feeling that. thank you so much, rob. coming up, how did her oscar end up in the hands of someone else? what we're learning about that man's past. and -- i know you watched "the bachelor" last night. i was up late. i was blind sided like the the rest of you. we're going talk to chris harrison when we come back. he'll tell us all about it. i wish i could wake up and say hi to a giraffe.
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so you can too. >> ♪ >> good morning, i'm tamala edwards. 7:23 on this tuesday march sixth. let's head over to matt pelman. he's taking a look at 422. good morning. >> yeah, some traffic troubles for that tuesday trip to work tam including this one a crash on 422 eastbound just past oaks. we're in the red zone because of it. jam starts back around royersford. looking at speeds in the teens into route 23. in chester county, three separate accidents. one in upper uwchlan involves a school bus. we're hearing there were no kids on the bus luckily. happened along em hurts drive. radnor township a bunch of issues because of the storm. portions of gulph creek king of prussia road and darby paoli road remain blocked. traffic lights still not working along kelly drive.
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a pothole on 95 and southbound near girard. it's a whole potpourri of issues this morning. tam. >> thank you, matt. we'll take a short break and come back to your accuweather. >> ♪ i see other carriers touting
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latest on any changes to the storm's track. back now to "gma." >> ♪
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start your used car search and get free carfax reports at the all-new ♪ ♪ and take you down welcome back to "gma." that's country star luke bryan rocking a special "gma" concert. singing "my kind of night." that was at the the grand ole opry. now he's on to something else. he's taking on "american idol." he's a judge on the hit show this season. he'll be live to tell us all about it. >> we love luke. >> i love him. can't wait. >> we have both been to his place in tennessee. >> the cat fish farm. >> no catfish today. also right now. east coast bracing for another nor'easter. 1 states under alert for dangerous snow, rain, and wind. more than 200,000 customers
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stilt without power. florida state senate passed a wide-ranging bill that includes increased funding for gun and school safety. and mental health resources. raises the age to guy a gun to1. and a voluntary program to arm certain school employees. the senate did reject a ban on assault weapons. we begin with the oscar heist. frances mcdormand, delivering the powerful oscar speech. she put her statue on the ground, not realizing she would be separated from it later at the governor's ball. this is the man who swiped it and posted a video of it online before being arrested. >> just hours from the oscar win and the speech, he statue was toll frn her. we're learning more about the man that stole it. claiming he won the award for categories that don't exist. it was an ending only hollywood
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could write. just hours later, here oscar not in her hands but with this man. >> look it, baby! i got this tonight. >> reporter: that's 47-year-old terry bryant in a facebook live video accepting congratulations. >> congratulations. >> thank you, thank you. >> reporter: letting odd party goers pose. >> this is so heavy. this is the real deal. >> reporter: and ready to head to the next party. is there where is the jimmy kimmel party at? >> reporter: bryant, an aspiring dee ya, no stranger to the red carpet. ? >> after the guy snachd it, he did the smart thing. immediately made a video of himself and put it on facebook. >> reporter: and at the governor's ball. winners have their statues engraved. at 10:05 p.m., her oscar is
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being engraved. at 10:35 p.m., the the first reports that her oscar is missing. >> i left my oscar. i lost my oscar. >> reporter: the oscar-winner not yet too worried. shortly after, bryant begins streaming the facebook live video. >> governor's ball, baby. >> reporter: he reportedly bragged he won for best producer and music. >> academy awards, baby, for music! >> reporter: by 11:550 p.m., he's leaving with oscar. shortly after, he's arrest frd grand theft by the lapd. according to his rap sheet, not his first brush with the law. an academy official gave mcdormand's missing oscar back to best actor gary oldman. the academy telling abc news in a statement that mcdormand and her oscar were happily reunited after a brief separation. now apparently gary oldman was not able to find mcdormand at the governor's ball.
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he handed it back to an academy official who, yes, reunited the star with her oz car. how did bryant, a convicted felon, get a legitimate ticket to one of hollywood's most exclusive parties? >> do we know it was legitimate? let's bring back dan abrams and larry hackett. we have been to the governor's ball. people walking around. the oscars getting engraved. it's not out of the realm of possibility to see something like this happen. >> oh, no, no. the security is at the front end. it's conceivable somebody had a separate ticket that was at the show. didn't want to go. he got hold of it. you have people sitting down for 3 1/2 hours who are starving and 1500 people moving from one room to another. >> it's chaotic. frances got her oscar back.
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didn't want to press charges. >> it could play into it. but it won't decide what happens to him. they have the video. they have him on the video holding it. they have enough evidence now to move forward against him. everyone if she said, you know what? i don't want to move forward. she could still be called to testify. et cetera. this is not necessarily one of those situations where they'll leave it up to her. they'll consult with her. >> not the first time he's had a brush with the law. >> that's why they may want to send a message here. this is the case that ends in a plea, right? this is the kind of case they talk to her. shea says, come on, let's make this go away. they offer him a misdemeanor, something, just make this this go away. this thing ends. >> he's having a good time. taking pictures. sflit ends in plea. and the first joke for next year's oscar awards. jimmie kimmel has the opening joke. >> what do you make of him making himself at home?
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>> there's 1500 people. they're all wandering around. it's an enormous room. i have gone in there hungry, gone up to celebrities, and said, hey, can i touch that? i asked. >> he didn't try to walk out with it. as far as we know. ? once you're inside, it's not that hard. >> we're making light of it. i'm glad everything worked out. but security, in the times that we're living in right now, dan. >> no, it's important. and i do think that this is going to lead them to re-evaluate who gets tickets, how they get tickets, how tickets get transferred. it will be important to confirm he had a legitimate ticket. >> going to the event is difficult. you have to put your name in months ahead of time. >> it's the not an easy ticket. >> no. >> thank you, gentlemen. michael? >> thank you, robin. not an easy ticket. not easy to find love.
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question have that "bachelor" breakup coming up. stunning fans, including myself. chris harrison is here. we'll tell you what he's revealing when we come back on "gma." ♪ jen, i've got questions. boots or flip-flops? boot! great. smokey or natural eye? ugh, natural. good choice. how about calling or texting? definitely calling. puppies or kitties? sorry, cats. dry eyes or artificial tears? wait, that's a trick question. because they can both get in your way. that's why it is super-important to chat with your eye doctor if you're using artificial tears a lot and your eyes still feel dry. next question. guys, it's time for some eyelove! oatscalled beta-glucan.fiber this fiber really doesn't like cholesterol. so, it shows it a thing or two. which makes quaker oats a delicious part of a heart-healthy diet. high five, fiber!
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those who've had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can do more with my family talk to your doctor today. see if lyrica can help. we're back now with the stunning turn of events on "the bachelor." i admit, i stayed up late to watch it. it sucked me in. >> joyou're still stunned by it.
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>> i am. arie proposing to becca. then he changed his mind. >> the nerve. >> wow. >> i'm not going the say what i was saying to the tv last night. linsey davis is here with the story. linsey, we don't know how this all ends yet. >> reporter: good morning, michael the. you're right. you can file this one undersay what? prior to the episode, they said it would roch "bash lor yts nation to its core. two women. >> i'm very much in love with arie. i know that he is the guy that i want to be with. >> i have never doubted him and his integrity and what he's saying for a second. >> reporter: alalong with millis of viewers, driven to the brink by a shockingly callous bachelor. >> i don't think you have anything else to say. like -- i'm not the one for you. i want you to go. >> reporter: during last night's finale, ar i e, known as the kissing bandit, sent lauren
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packing. >> i'm so sorry. >> reporter: choosing becca to have and to hold until his dying day. >> becca, will you marry me? >> of course. >> reporter: then, he did the unthinkable. >> i'm just -- um -- i've had a change of heart. >> you're making me really nervous right now. what's up? >> reporter: a move so bold, it retired a split screen. >> i don't want to have this conversation. the more i hung out with you, the more i felt like i was losing the possibility of maybe reconciling things are lauren. >> so, what? do you want to be back with her? >> i want to see if there's that possibility. >> are you [ bleep ] kidding me? i hate talking about lauren. >> that was wild. 16 years of this and that was --
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breathtaking. um -- it's going take a little bit of time to process that, everyone for myself. >> i'm not going hug you good-bye. >> i'm not, i'm just -- >> i feel like my future was ripped away. i can't imagine my life without you. oh, my god. >> i wanted those things for us, too. and i just can't give those to you if i'm in love with someone else. >> there was no way arie was going to do this and look great. but, in my opinion, you don't get to just tell the fairytales. >> now, etch though this all took place in one action-packed episode, arie's change of heart happened over a series of several weeks. >> oh, that's a lot better. >> it one just one day. chris harrison said when they left production in peru, they all thought they were happily this love.
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he got the call a weeks later. i was still thinking about lauren. >> and chris is going, fantastic! >> i stayed up late. they give us another day tomorrow. now i have to stay up tonight. >> stay tuned, right? >> listen. i'll be nutuned in. we'll have more with chris harrison. you try to get away from it. >> hold me back. get away there that remote. we'll be right back. acronyms are fun. lol laugh out loud, btw by the way, and of course, wbyceiydbo we'll buy your car even if you don't buy ours hey, what if i wanted to sell my car? wbyceiydbo! wbyceiydbo? we'll buy your car even if you don't buy ours wbyceiydbo wbyceiydbo!! wbyceiydbo wbyceiydbo!! wbyceiydbo! wbyceiydbo!!! wbyceiydbo!!! no, no, we're cool. i got you. ok. it's the right thing to do.
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oh no. oh no. i hate this belt. man oh man. mom, we have a situation. life's bleachable moments need clorox bleach.
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they are still talking about "the bachelor." just so you know. >> sorry. >> t.j. had a lot of questions. he's here to taukt the backlash over bonuses at united. united was proposing a lottery to decide who won the rewards. if i were working there, i would be upset. >> everybody at home who has a job, $1500 your guaranteed bonus, would you prefer that or a chance at getting a $100,000 bonus? what would you do? 1500. >> guaranteed. >> everybody gets it. not a lottery system. zplat's part of the issue. united wants to put nerve a pool where you would get bigger prizes. fewer people would get them. you could get a mercedes. a $2,000 to $5,000 bonus. one m ploy yi would get a
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$100,000 bonus. the idea is to insent vise you to say fewer get bigger prizes. a you will of you, some of you miss out. >> didn't they say attendance. >> perfect attendance. >> they saved money. >> let's get to the real issue, right? >> we're talking about potentially millions being saved. why a lot of employees said, you're trying to scam us. make me excited to get $100,000. i'm getting nothing. online, a revolt. i would be embarrassed and mortified to win this lottery. i win at the expense of tens of thousands of fellow emmoi yis? no thanks. someone said, i can't imagine driving the mercedes into the employ eye lot while everyone around me is looking at me. if i wanted to play a lottery, i would go to my local 7-eleven. sounds like a game show. hay said they put a pause on it. to you want the $1500 or would
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you like a chance at a new car? >> what are they going to do is this what's the future? stick with this? >> you tell me what this statement from the ceo says. our intention was to induce a better, more exciting program. we misjudged how these changes would be received by many of you. so we are pressing the pause button on these changes to review your feedback and consider the right way to move ahead. >> a lot of employees said, first, the morale was good. the intent. now with this, the opposite. >> it's tied to company bench marks. you're working hard for the company to do better. you only get a chance at a bonus. >> it was a revolt here at the desk. >> yeah. sure was. coming up, a "gma" parenting alert. the possible long-term risk of talking dieting with your teen. d. ashton weighs in. about your brokerage fees. say carl, wn fees? what did you have in mind? i don't know. $4.95 per trade?
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uhhh. and i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee? guarantee? where we can get our fees and commissions back if we're not happy. so can you offer me what schwab is offering? what's with all the questions? ask your broker if they're offering $4.95 online equity trades and a satisfaction guarantee. if you don't like their answer, ask again at schwab. before people invite something they want to know who you are. we're almond breeze. and we only use california-grown blue diamond almonds in our almondmilk. cared for by our family of almond growers. blue diamond almond breeze. the best almonds make the best almondmilk. ♪ ♪ i can do more to lower my a1c. and i can do it with what's already within me. because my body can still make its own insulin.
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for beautifully nourished skin. new nivea oil infused lotion. and they're off. the ceremonial start of the iditarod in anchorage over the weekend. a thousand dogs and their best friends going for it. squaw valley. the snow. cutting the freshie ek s with the fat skis. gorgeous. blue skies. winds coming to the plains with our system heading toward the nort
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>> ♪ >> good morning, i'm tamala edwards. 7:56 on this tuesday march sixth. let's go see what the schuylkill looks like with matt pelman. good morning. >> yeah, it's the calm before the latest storm but it's still not so calm tam here along 76. westbound side is plenty busy from passyunk through this point at south street. have a couple disabled disabled vehicles here off to the side. a broken down vehicle on the tacony-palmyra bridge jersey bound. one lane out of commission. might want to use the betsy ross instead. sitting in normal southbound delays along 95 and this morning there's a pothole right in the work zone at girard avenue. kind of an extra dangerous situation there. traffic lights still not working in spots along kelly drive and there's still a downed tree along lincoln drive near johnson street. had a broken down vehicle on the northeast extension southbound past lansdale taking out a lane. speeds in the 40's coming down from quakertown. and a whole bunch of crashes in south jersey including one in blackwood along chews
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landing road, tam. >> thank you, matt. now let's go and take a live look there out across center city. that's the view from sky6. beautiful tuesday morning but will that skyline change? i bet it will, karen rogers. >> certainly will but it is nice to start, isn't it? let's take a look at the timeline of this storm. i was just doing a facebook live. a lot of people concerned about it. the timeline of this storm from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. light rain wet snow arriving. tomorrow's commute snowing north and west. the city itself light rain and a little bit of a mix and rain south and east. and then it's really wednesday through the afternoon into the evening where that windy condition set up, the heavy wet snow that make it difficult to drive in so be careful and we'll be around the clock with updates, tam. >> thank you, karen. a tractor-trailer smashed into an overpass at 12th and callowhill streets which ripped the roof off the trailer. the driver didn't stop. he kept going. dragging the roof for 3 miles through the tight streets of
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philadelphia. the truck finally stopped at 21st street and point breeze avenue where the truck enforcement department fined the driver. that's it for now. we'll see you back here in 30 minutes. >> ♪
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good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. two powerful storms about to pack a punch. a new nor'easter on the way. half a foot of snow coming to new york city. a full-blown blizzard slams the northwest. parenting alert. why telling your teens to die y t could be doing long-term harm. the lemon challenge. we put out the call. eating the lemons to raise awareness about bone marrow donations. this morning, we're sharing the block buster response from the rock. ♪ is this the biggest betrayal in "bachelor" history? the jaw-dropping breakup playing out in real time. "bachelor" nation in an uproar moments after last night's live
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show. chris harrison one on one in front of our cameras. what really happened? and why the long-time host says it's not all about the fairytale. country music superstar luke bri yan shaking things up on "american idol." and he's here to say -- >> good morning, america. >> yeah. good morning, america. big rning here. on "gma." we love luke bryan. he's here gearing up for the debut of "american idol" finally this weekend, on sunday. >> michael has to get over "the bachelor" first. i hear the passion and the shock in your voice. you're not alone. check out ben and jason, two former "bachelors" here they are watching. their reaction in real time. when they saw the betrayal go down. >> they couldn't believe what arie did either, george. before we get to that, we are going to get to the powerful
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storm. 50 million americans in the path. the east coast bracing for another nor'easter as the midwest faces a blizzard. back to clayton sandell in minneapolis. good morning again, clayton. >> reporter: hey, good morning, michael. they're digging out from about seven inches of new snow that fell here overnight. not good news on the morning commute. the rods are icy and slick. over 700 spin outs and crashes in just the last 24 hours. this storm is moving to the east. it's expected to become another nor easter by tomorrow, bringing up to a foot of snow. 21 states from the midwest to the northeast are under winter storm alerts. michael? >> thank you so much, clayton. as he was telling us, winter storm alerts from montana to maine. let's go to rob who is tracking the system for us. >> over 200,000 people without
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power in the northeast. philly. the same area under a winter storm warning. areas that will see the nor'easter crank up. noon time tomorrow, heavy rain along the coast. widespread snow with the event as we go through time. compared to there's welast week. a fair apt of wind and coastal damage. thursday among, with the wind and snow, 6 to 12 inches just offshore upstate from i-95. the bigger cities see a high-impact event with schools maybe closed tomorrow. robin back to you. more on the new measures to make schools safer after the shooting in florida. overnight, the state senate passed a bill. approved some measures. opposed others. victor oquendo has more. >> reporter: it's been nearly three weeks since the shooting. senators worked all through the weekend trying to get this done. late monday nigs, they passed the marjory stoneman douglas
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high school public safety act. it includes increased funding for gun and school safety and mental health resources. it establishes a three-day waiting period for most firearm purchases. bans bump stocks. raiseses the age to purchase guns to 21. there are a pro vision in the bill to arm certain school employees. that program is named after andy feis, the hero coach at stoneman douglas who died shielding students from gunfire. there were proposals to ban all assault-style rifles. those were rejected. this bill goes to the house. the legislative session ends on friday. >> they have work to do. victor, thank you. how about a heart-warming moment on the basketball court. fairfield university's tyler nelson. played his last game last night after a standout career. he's the school's all-time leading scorer. he ran off the court. the fans were cheering. this is the moment. his coach.
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his head coach. sidney johnson. the tears flowing. >> oh. >> that's -- you know -- athletics, sports, especially collegiate sports, why i love it so much. and march madness. unfortunately, fairfield is not advancing to the big dance. they're winners with that emotion they showed on the court. >> yeah. >> touching. >> very touching. coming up. that parenting alert. the possible long-term risks of talking diets with your teens. the new research and the right way to do it. >> all right. the big "bachelor" twist. the reaction in real time. chris harrison taking us behind the scenes. and lara, what's going on upstairs? >> robin, what's going on is right here. and right here. i'll take that. i'll take a little bit of that. i'm with country music superstar brand-new "idol" judge luke
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bryan. some stand ins for his fellow yujs. we'll talk about that and so much more. get up here, you guys. y'all ready? you ready? >> i'm ready. >> let's do it. hey allergy muddlers: are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® zyrtec® starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec®. muddle no more®. and try children's zyrtec® for consistently powerful relief of your kid's allergies. ifwhat would it say?ash tag 80% glowing 50% freckles no matter your skin type, all skin deserves gentleness. that's why dove is sulfate free. the #1 body wash recommended by dermatologists. so this guy brought one to lighten up this watch party.
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let's go to sumatra. where's sumatra? good question. this is win. and that's win's goat, adi. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing. making the coffee erupt with flavor. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. that erupts with even more flavor. which helps provide for win's family. and adi the goat's family too. because his kids eat a lot. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters. packed with goodness. sarge, i just got a tip. that'll crack this case wide open! turns out the prints at the crime scene- awwwww...did mcgruffy wuffy get a tippy wippy? i'm serious! we gotta move fast before- who's a good boy? is him a good boy? erg...i'm just gonna go. oh, you wanna go outside? you gotta go tinky poo-poo? i already went, ok? in the bathroom! as long as people talk baby-talk to dogs, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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[ cheers and applause ] all right. great crowd here. on a tuesday. lovely. thank y'all very much. time for "pop news" fresh from l.a., lara spencer. >> use that term loosely. i'm a lot of things. not fresh. no one can call al sion janney a slacker.
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she won the academy award sunday night. as promised, celebrated into the wee hours. that did not stop her from making to it her day job. an 11:00 a.m. reading monday morning for her sitcom, "mom." a crew member gave her her wardrobe for the day. it reads, i survived awards season and all i got was this lousy t-shirt. complete with a bird representing her character from "i,tonya." she got more than a t-shirt. which she brought braugt to work. there's co-star ana faris. i can't read on camera how heavy that little guy really is. >> that's not what she really said. >> nope, nope. i thought i would spare ya. a cute tweet, though. also in the news this morning. you remember our lemons for leukemia challenge we did last week. a lot of puckered lips in the studio. and all over the country. george, classic moment.
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you'll see that video a lot throughout the year. after we took the challenge, we each challenged a celeb. i can decided to take on the rock. as it turns out, the rock was watching. take a look. >> i just happened to have a cool knife in a lemon. i'm going to eat it like this. no, i'm not. that's dangerous. here we go. this is a lemon. here's the thing. for a great cause. lemons for leukemia. why eat an amazing tasting orange or grape when you can eat an awful tasting lemon for a great cause. thank you, lara. i'm going to -- you're going to pay for the challenge. >> he did it three times. >> he did. he did. >> there's part where he says, you're going pay dearly for this challenge. >> i was glad. the audience was clapping. obviously, when the rock threatens you, be afraid. >> very, very afraid. >> d.j., thank you. that video racking up more than
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100,000 views. the lemons for leukemia challenge breaking a record. getting more team to sign up to be the match. and, you know, what's great, robin? in that video, he sew delivered. he gave a shoutout to chris betancourt, who is battling leukemia and created the %-pcha. that is the kind of guy dwayne johnson is. a popped collar to the rescue? the french polo shirt brand, lacoste, has come up with a limited line to save endangered species. replacing the the croc logo with ten animals. including the california condor. the burmese roofed turtle. the original idea was to offer only as many of the shirts as remain of that piece is sis in the wild.
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i'm happy to say, the line ran out so quickly, it had to be restocked. if only we could have the endangered species be restocked. >> support it by going online. >> absolutely. we applaud. wanted to share wit you. that's it. all done. >> thank you, lara. "gma" cover story. we cannot get enough of this "bachelor" betrayal last night. new backlash developing over arie. the host, chris harrison, who talked to us said it was a little much. diane ma sicedo is here with th story. >> reporter: after the big engage m, the couple usually has privacy. this time around, the the cameras kept rolling. the result was an awkward breakup some say shouldn't have been on television. before last night, the the craziest moment in history was jason mesnick breaking up with
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melissa and reuniting with molly on national tv. >> it's been a long time. >> yeah, it has. >> reporter: now, "bachelor" nation is stunned over last night's cliff hanger. "gma" caught up with chris harrison after the show. >> that was wild. 16 years of this. that was breathtaking. it was a lot etch for me. it's a lot to take in. >> reporter: he reveals more about what happened behind the scenes. >> it was about six to eight weeks ar i e was struggling on this. he was about to go to another happy couple weenend in los angeles. he came to me and said, i can't fake this for another weekend. i know i really care about lauren. and i -- i want to give this a shot. and that's when he made the choice. >> reporter: the result was "bachelor" arie breaking up with becca in a jaw-dropping, unedited scene. an unprecedented and uncomfortable move in reality television. our "gma" producer snapped this
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picture of jason and ben in the green room. as perhaps the most awkward breakup ever played out for viewers to see. the backlash swift and furious. even past bachelors are calling out the show. ben writes, how did this breakup end on camera? we don't belong. sean lowe posted, make it stop? will lauren take him back? harrison has hosted "the bachelor" for 16 years. but he says showing it's not all roses is important. >> i pekt to catch some heat from this. in my opinion, you don't get to just tell the fairytales. that's not real life. that's not how it works. it's not how my life worked. it's not all about the fairytales. there's stuff like the this. real life happens. it's probably what stirs everybody up. it draws something inside of all of us that we can all -- we have all been there. >> reporter: now, we should point out the last time this happened, molly did take jason
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back. they've been together eight years with two kids and his exfiance melissa is married nine years with two kids. a hop pi ending is possible. we'll see how it resolves tonight. >> i got my popcorn ready. the "gma" parenting alert. a new study says parents telling their teens to diet could lead to life-long problems with eating and weight. dr. jennifer ashton is here the to explain. tell us about the research. >> michael, it's been known for some times that when parents encourage teens to diet, it can lead to unhealthy behaviors and unhealthy emotional outcomes. this study showed that when parents encouraged their teens to diet, not only does it have short-term effects but long-term effects for the children when they become adults, 15 years later, and intergenerationally, meaning it affects their offspring as well.
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this is significant. this domino effect goes way into the future. this is occurring at a time where the primary stage of development for teens so to become comfortable with the changing body. it becomes like a moving target for them. >> why? why is talking to your kids about dieting, food, how does that affect them in such a long-term way? >> i think we don't know the answer. if you look at their image with multiple factors inputting, there's communication, behavior, self-consciousness, peer pressure, social media. everything that they're bombarded with. you take one of their primary influencers, their parents, and say, you need to diet, you need to take your body and actually make less of it, even when that's medically indicated, it can be very disruptive for them. >> you have a degree in nutrition. how to you talk to your kids about it if they need to lose weight? >> that's the million dollar question. ask for professional help.
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i think we need to realize that there's the potential for diet to be a four-letter word for our children. and parents need to be aware of that. the other thing is, we need to emphasize this is about inner health. not a number on the scale. or noeszly what you can see. most importantly, you know as parent, i know as a parent, children are looking at our behaviors as well as listening to what we say. we have to walk the walk. >> you think of dieting, young girls. it affects young men as well. >> 100%. >> all right, michael, you know, you think we've had winter bad here in the states. i mean, europe has really had it bad as well as the. uk. your "gma" moment. glasgow scotland, isn't that freaky? that will wake you up in a heartbeat. yeah, go for it. that's it. that's what happens when you're dying to play golf in
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saint andrew the snow won't stop coming. that's what's happening in scotland. time now for a look at your local weather forecaster. >> all my years of snow reporting i never thought to stick my face in it. i'm doing that tomorrow. white now we're dry. let's check the forecast for you. looking beautiful right now but sunshine will fade behind clouds today. a high of 47. here's your accuweather forecast. precipitation arrives late tonight. it starts off light. even tomorrow morning's commute it will be snow in the northwest but kind of a rain wintry mix philadelphia and south and east. changing to heavy snow in the afternoon and evening, 37 for your high. thank you, rob. what a great crowd we have with us. look at the little ones. march is women's history month. we're celebrating barrier breakers around the globe. former first daughter and busy mother of two, chelsea clinton is here. her new children's book -- yeah.
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her new book, "she persisted around the world" features 13 incredible women's stories. there was no applause sign. that came from the heart from the people here. >> thank you, robin. so happy to be here with you. my first interview since book came out today. and just to share these remarkable stories of 13 women who have changed the the world for the better for all of the the children you see today and -- >> some of the women they will know. some not. was there a story that surprised you? >> thank you, robin. a story i've been thinking about a lot this week is viola desmond. considered the rosa parks of canada. her ground breaking molt came in 1946, before rosa parks. famously and thankfully stayed seated on the bus in montgomery. viola desmond, who helped cat liz the women's rights movement in canada, this week, will be
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announced, unvald on the $10 billion in canada. i'm really excited that canada is doing that. >> i can't wait for my nieces and nephews to read this book. did being a mom inspire you to do this? >> oh, completely. being a mom inspires me to do everything in my life. charlotte and aiden are the most important part of my life. one of the the most gratifying moments the for me as an author is the little boys coming up and telling me the stories of fierce, remarkable women. >> they need to know these stories as well as the precious little girls. your son a little young. charlotte is a little older. have you read it to her? >> i have. she loves both books, thankfully. she's not old enough to be deceitful. so i know she's telling me the truth. she's not even 3 1/2. the story she couldn't get over was that of cici. the first captain of the
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brazilian women's song soccer team. they couldn't play soccer in brazil, women, until 1979. she had to play soccer in secret. and then she kind of helped create the greatest soccer culture for girls, arguably, in the world. my daughter kept saying, but mom, i play soccer. i know. you play soccer because women like cici fought for your right and their right to play soccer. >> y'all, the book is absolutely beautiful. your editor. the ill straugss. what we're learning. it's a history lesson. told through these beautiful, beautiful stories from women all around the the world. >> i'm so grateful for my extraordinary illustrator alexandra. thank you for talking about her work. she does help the stories be so inspirational. but also approachable. i want little girls and buys to
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see themselves in these stories. as they imagine what they want to be and do in the world. >> i know you said after the election that your mother had some extra time. she was really enjoying being a grandmother. and spending time. how is she doing? >> she's great. aiden calls her gaga. he can't get grandmother yet. it's so meaningful for me to watch the relationship my children are developing with my mother because i was so close to my grandmother. >> you dedicate the book to her. dorothy. you have been the same advocate for women and girls. seeing the me too movement and time's up, what does that mean to you? >> that hopefully the little girls here won't have that moment. their voices will be so valid and listened to. >> you want to hear from them? >> yes. >> i was tough.
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they can be tough. damiana, where are you? oh, i know this one. uh-oh. what's your question. >> can you share a story about how you didn't take no for an answer? >> that is a great question. that is a great question. i will say, i'm really lucky to have had parents and my grandmother who always told me that everything just should be yes. but for me, i loved ballet when i was little. i took ball l lballet all the w through school i wasn't going to be that good. no matter how hard i worked, i could never excel. i was lucky enough to have parents who told me, if that's what i loved, it was okay that i wasn't the best. if that gave me joy, i should be doing that. so -- i heard no, but i just decided to answer yes. instead. >> yes.
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all right. we vom a little time left. 12-year-old emma. emma? where are you? emma? okay. what's your question? >> how can kids our age use our voice to create change? >> oh. >> well, i would say, whatever issue you really care about, that you're passionate about, is the issue you should start on. the fact that you're here on live television asking a question says to me that you are using your voice already. so just keep using it. stand up for whatever sit you think is right. whether that's at school, in your community, in our country. and make sure you vote when you turn 18. >> all right. thank you, chelsea. beautiful answer. thank y'all very much.
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>> ♪ >> good morning, it's 8:27 on this tuesday march sixth. i'm tamala edwards. let's head over to matt pelman. this time he's starting in new jersey on 42. good morning. >> yeah, and still dry for now, tam, but also still slow. plenty slow here on 42 northbound side from college drive through this point at creek road up 295. just normal morning delays here in south jersey. but in chester county near west chester, this is abnormal. a crash along 202 southbound side just south of route 100. you can see emergency crews on the scene and only the left lane is getting by. coming south of exton along 202 it's an extra slow go this morning. still a lot of storm damage in delco. radnor township specifically. portions of gulph creek road king of prussia road and darby paoli road all remain blocked but at least 320 is reopened this morning. on the pennsylvania turnpike westbound side approaching willow grove there's a crash
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now on the shoulder but speeds are still really slow, in the 20's, low 20's coming west of bensalem. tam. >> okay, thank you,. let's go over to karen rogers. we're just waiting on this next round of the nor'easter to come in. >> in the meantime feels good in the sun. let's track the timeline of this next storm. you can really see what we're anticipating. from 7 o'clock to 10 o'clock tonight we get light rain, wet snow arriving. tomorrow morning it's light snow north and west, light rain south and east. it might not be terrible during your morning commute but the trouble is really by the midday and afternoon with windy heavy wet snow and looking at the totals what we can expect, a general six to 12-inches through philadelphia and north and west, tam. >> thank you, karen. that's it for us right now. we'll have ava duverney and wrinkle in time coming up on "gma" and we'll see you back here in 30. >> ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] welcome back. i'm excited. >> really? >> we have an incredible audience. i have to play the drums with them. yes. welcome back to "gma," everybody. we do have -- you've been incredible. >> everybody. >> really have. >> we have to point out. this lovely couple from north carolina. they were here yesterday. and -- they were expecting to be on and something happened. and they changed their flight so they could stay with us and be here today. i know. so that -- that means a lot. >> don't clap for yourself. we're clapping for you. >> are you worried about getting back to north carolina with the weather? no. good? >> not at all. no. >> he's very --
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>> stay with us. >> you're welcome. >> thank you, for staying over. we appreciate that. means a lot to us. and -- just for you two. we have a special guest, y'all. and the way i said that. >> oh, please. >> a hint. country superstar always wows the crowds. one of the judges on the highly anticipated "american idol." give it up for the one, the only luke bryan. >> mwah. >> hey, george. how are you? >> oh, yeah. >> how are you? >> good to see you. >> i'll spare you. >> yeah. >> whoo! >> welcome, man. >> that was for you, ashley. the shake was for you. >> i was like, shake it for me, shake it for me, shake it for me. >> we cannot wait for "american
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idol." it look like you're having so much fun. you crashed a wedding. >> yes, we crashed a wedding in savannah. and, by the way it is -- we -- we're having a blast with this. you don't expect all the emotions that you -- i have laid awake -- lied awake, laid awake, whatever it is, worrying about did i make the right decision with some of these contestants. >> because you know what a difference it can make in their lives. >> it's so critical. we were -- back to the wedding. we were in savannah, georgia. and i've gt a lot of roots down in savannah. we heard there was a wedding in a -- in like a reception area of right down the road. so we took the camera crews, ran in there, had some fun. they played "country girl shake it for me" there i ham. dancing with the -- dancing with the bride. chpz hpz. >> always having a good time.
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>> so much great buzz about your partners. lionel richie. katy perry. we have a sur rise for you. guys, can we find them? we have a purr prize for you. they're here. they're here, everybody. >> you had me there. >> they have the hardest job of palm staying completely still. >> you have had good time with them. can you share with us something we don't know about these two? >> well, lionel, lionel is like our dad. he has to -- rein us back in. katy keeps sacks in stashed behind the -- she's got like -- >> what is her snack of choice? >> oh, gosh, like the ritz. the little ones with the cheese. me, i'm telling, katy is going to be so mad at me. she literally, we can see katy, when it's snack time. like, i need my snacks.
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and lionel is -- >> does she get hangry? >> she gets hangry. and lionel is, you know, he's just -- he's lionel richie. >> he's a legend. he's a legend. >> yeah. >> you started with him. were you a little intimidated? >> i have worked with him in the past. the first time i met him, i had to perform with him on the stage at the ryman in nashville. i'm not like a sweater. i'm lucky in that. like i don't, when i walked in and saw lionel richie like -- i had, like -- and lionel is like, what's wrong with you, brother? i'm like, man, i am about to faint. i'm about to faint being around you. but since then, i mean, once you get to know lionel, he's like -- i mean, he's literally the most genuine, kindest person. watching him interact with these kids. i mean, and he's n i was in --
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whitney and diana sing and we're like. he drops these names that -- you know, that -- it's normal like, normal life for lionel. it for judge? >> it's an interesting -- you know, it's a little out of my comfort zone to just -- pick people apart. you know, but, it -- but you have to. it's what you signed up for. and, uh, i remember -- you know, i remember our first day on set. we were actually in new york city. and, when somebody doesn't need to make it through, that's no way around you got to say no. and that is so -- i mean, i'm like. oh, god, i gotta tell them no. i gotta tell them no. when you learn, after 14-hour days of filming, you're like, no, that's. next. but, it's been a learning experience for me. it's been inspirational for me.
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it makes me want to get back in the studio and work harder because you see you see truly wonderfully talented people and you're like, it inspires you. >> we have a little bit of a sneak peek. let's take a look. >> where are you from, who are you? >> i'm from livingston, louisiana. >> you to hunt gator? >> sometimes. >> have you ever caught one on a top water plug? >> no, i haven't. >> have you ever caught an ail garret on a top water plug snrnlgts i don't know what you're talking about. >> it's bass bait. i'm checking this boy's -- i'm getting the this boy's country cred. please be able to sing. >> a top water plug? >> so -- he is -- that's lane. and lane is from the bayous in louisiana. soy was -- he told us he had -- experienced some alligator time. when i was a little boy in
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georgia, you go bass fishing, a top water plug is a lure that you use to catch bass. but, we would get gators little baby gators will eat them, too. soy was just checking the old boy. sizing him up. >> his country cred. >> making sure he wasn't fibbing on us up there. >> never. >> i'll tell you what. we weren't fibbing when we said we cannot wait to see this show. the anticipation is so high for us and everybody out there. "american idol" sunday night. right here on abc. check it out. after all this work. coming up, "a wrinkle in time" director ava duvernay is here live. going to talk to robin.
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back now with an exclusive
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>> ♪ >> how good is that? how good does that look, too? a wrinkle in time opens nationwide and the soundtrack will be released this friday and we'll hear from the director in just a moment but first let's get a check on your local weather forecast right now. >> thanks rob. i'm meteorologist karen rogers. we have a few snowflakes trying to reach ground near baltimore but not happening just yet. let's take a look at your forecast. it does turn cloudy today. we have light precipitation that arrives later tonight and then tomorrow heavy wet snow at times. robin? >> rob, rob. oscar mf nominated director ava duvernay. her new project bringing the classic children's book "a wrinkle in time" to the screen. with an amazing cast.
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we have been waiting -- waiting for this. >> yes. >> an embarrassment of riches. oprah, reese, mindy. working with all of them. >> good people. good spirits. a warm vibe on set is what they brought. it translates to the picture. when you see it. you can tell they were having fun. >> hat is your role, partly, as a director. the chemistry to bring them all together. is there t >> the directors make all of the decisions. part of it is to create the environment. people are pretending to be other people. it gets awkward sometime ifs you don't feel comfortable. that's my job. >> i love what jimmy kimmel said, because it's a fantasy world, you can cast it however you want. >> he did say that. that's right. people have been so beautiful fans of the book and embracing the idea of a meg of a different
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color. it's time for everyone to see themselves in movies. >> for people not familiar, tell them about the the story. >> it's about love and -- tapping into who you are. to overcome whatever darkness is in your life. it's a little girl, meg murray. on a journey to find her father. she's hopping planets through the universe. >> and bring a child to see this movie. bring a child to see this. >> absolutely. >> i love how you had a pop-up theater in compton. >> i'm from compton. it was important to take the film there. there are no movie theaters there. we had to create a pop-up theater there. it's really important to let kids who otherwise wouldn't see it, see it. questlove, the leader of the roots, we just did a challenge this morning on give a child a univer you can go in and buy a ticket
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for a kid who otherwise won't see it. >> i love that. i love that. would you like to see a little bit right now? here it is. >> tessering is almost nearly perfectly natural. >> tessering? >> almost? >> wait, what's happening? wait, wait, wait, don't go over there. >> no time to waste, meg. come on. >> you just have to find the right frequency. and have faith in who you are. >> oh, my gosh. girl, you are brilliant. you're -- do we have some aspiring film makers. people from brooklyn's life academy high school for film and music. sierra. somewhat your question? >> ohhing okay. at what point in time did you
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realize that film maiking was more of a career decision than a hobby? >> i didn't pick up a camera until i was 3years old. that's really old. and, um, it shows that you can start at any time. but, you're so lucky. you all know what you want to do and what your passion is early in life. that's what the film is about. tapping into your light. letting it shine. >> tapping into it. you have a question. what is your name? >> raven. my question is, what would you say is the hard ets part about your job? >> i'm like a president of a small company. there are hundreds of people that work to put those scenes together. just making sure you're listening to everyone and be kind to everyone all the time. >> that's a big, big thing. >> yeah. you know,y movies, tv smoep didn't you hook up request jay z. didn't he have you do a video? >> owe know. i'm the biggest nerd. when the biggest sing per the
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world said, do you want to do a video? you drop everything and say yes. i did a video with he and beyonce and their beautiful daughter. they're nice people. >> as are you. so happy. you're one of the people we cheer and are so grateful for. i love it. girl! "a wrinkle in time" hits theaters on friday. everyone, wait main out. everyone in the audience going home with i-max tickets. you're going home with tickets. did you hear me? you got tickets. val is here live coming back. there's val.
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hey, what are you guys doing here? we're voya. we stay with you to and through retirement. so you'll still be here to help me make smart choices? well, with your finances that is. we had nothing to do with that tie. voya. helping you to and through retirement. back now with two-time "dancing with the stars" mirrorball champ val
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chmerkovskiy. our pal has written a new memoir. i want to start by saying hi, how are you? >> thank you so much. >> great to see you, my friend. very proud of you. >> thank you. it feels weird not to be in a sparkling shirt and just -- in the middle of a dance. >> i'm walgt for you to whip that off and there's something underfooet. stay tuned for that. ah your book, "i'll never change my name." talk about the title. >> it's very special. it's no secret. whichmerkovskiy is a mouthful f everybody to say. i'm so grateful that's not a house hold name. i ran into different scenarios in my life. and one of the things that i discovered on "dancing with the stars," after living in this country for 15 years, competing for the -- under the american flag for so long, i found myself in the conversation of being the russian kid. >> did anybody ever ask you to change your name? >> it was the easier thing to do.
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especially going into hollywood. but, within the context of a conversation, you know, chmerkovskiy will never sound less foreign. it doesn't make me less american or less proud to be an american. this is -- this is i guess the -- you know, the american dream story told through a different narrater. >> i was so surprised to read. i doint realize you have only been here 15 years. right? >> well now, 2years. >> you were in third grade. he didn't know a single word of english. you communicated through dance. >> it was my language. my forum. like i said, the show has aloud me this incredible platform. the motivation behind the book is it will hopefully inspire people to continue to pursue their -- uniqueness. their weirdness. their accent. their weird last name. those are all the things that make people special.
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>> there's tidbits about that guy, what's his name? maks? big brother? you're saying he was timid. i'm not buying it. >> leabelieve it or not. our roles have switched. completely opposite once he joined "dancing with the stars," it brought out a different person in him. somebody that we knew he was -- was this there all along. >> i'll say. in there just waiting to get out. >> your mom, has -- has been told many times, wow, you're so lucky. two handsome, talented young men as sons. she doesn't always see it that way, apparently? >> no, and this is again this is an insight into what it takes to raise two brothers that love each other and work hard together. you know, i'm a testament to my parents and my mentors. that's another motivation behind the book. i waned to give credit to the people that made this incredible life happen. the fact that i'm here on "gma" talking to you. >> part of our family. >> yeah, i take a lot of pride
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in that. i can't take it all on my own. so my mom is in hair salons and, that's really a popular show to be watch in hair salons. a lot of women are watching. >> more than just hair salons. a few of us watch. >> she was my chauffeur most of my life. >> they're tell megai have to go. if you don't want to read this book, you will now. you say about ginger zee, if we met ten years elderier, different life, different circumstances, i would have probably married her? >> just a quick shoutout to her husband, ben. on the very different circumstances. if he weren't in the picture. ginger and i became incredible friends. she's taught me a lot. this experience has been incredible to go on dwts kts with her as a new mom and helped empower her and find her
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confidence was awesome. >> it must be hard not the get close to the women that you mentor. >> whether it's women or men, you know, for me, mentorship is important. again, i'm a testament to some great teachers and great parenting. and i just want to shout out my parents. but also all the parents. >> it's a great read. you do not hold back. as i just tried to show you. we love you, val. >> thank you so much. >> ginger and ben love you. it's "never change my name" our it's "never change my name" our audience gets a copy of it. ♪ ♪ i can do more to lower my a1c. because my body can still make its own insulin. and i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release it, like it's supposed to. trulicity is not insulin. it comes in a once-weekly, truly easy-to-use pen. the pen where you don't have to see or handle a needle. and it works 24/7.
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it's great to have val here. he can dance. he can write. the man, he can do it all. tomorrow, everybody. the "the bachelor" himself is here live. >> ♪ >> good morning, it's 8:56 on this tuesday march sixth. i'm tamala edwards. let's see what's going on on route one in bucks county, matt pelman. >> we've got one of those bucks county backups this morning, tam, because right behind the tree, right there,
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can you see, a disabled vehicle on the northbound side of the not so super highway near neshaminy north of the pennsylvania turnpike. so, coming north of northeast philadelphia, you're encountering a jam along route one. on the turnpike itself, we've had two separate westbound accidents. bottom line is at at this pointa lot of speeds are in the 20's between bensalem and plymouth meeting. a crash in horsham along dresher road and gibraltar. pothole on 95 southbound at girard. trenton 29 northbound near lalor a crash just 10 miles per hour on the approach to that. tam. >> thank you, matt. let's head out to karen rogers. we want to know when this storm comes in. >> it's a beautiful start to the day. we've got gorgeous sunshine. let's check the timeline. i know that's what everybody needs to know from 7 o'clock to 10 o'clock light rain, wet snow north and west. tomorrow morning's commute
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it's snowing north and west and the city it's a mix of rain and a wintry mix with rain in south jersey, south and east. so that's tomorrow morning's commute. it doesn't really get nasty until later in the day. most especially the afternoon and early evening it's windy with that heavy wet snow. with a good portion of our area seeing six to 12-inches. >> thank you, karen. a bizarre ride through philadelphia. we're learning more about why a truck driver kept on going even after he smashed into an overpass and had the entire 50 feet of the top of his roof behind him he just dragged it for 3 miles. "live with kelly and ryan" next here on 6abc. i'm tamala edwards. have a great tuesday. >> ♪ me too. you want clean, get a cleaner with bleach in it. clorox means clean.
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>> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" today, recording artist and "american idol" judge, luke bryan. and one of the stars of the hit series, "empire," jussie smollett. plus, will take a look back at today's big after oscars show. all next on "live" ." and now, here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest! [cheers and applause] ♪


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