tv Sunday Morning NBC January 31, 2016 9:00am-10:30am EST
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ho captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family haveeen a tradition for generations >> osgood: good morning. i'm charles osgood and this is sunday morning. by one critical measure the world's economy is on a slippery slope, a downward slope greased by many millions of barrels of surplus oil. the excess production means rock bottom prices. a good thing, right? not necessarily-- as martha teichner will explain in our cover story. >> reporter: the good news: prices at the pump are way down. >> i am thrilled.
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prices at the pump are way down. >> what does this symbolize? >> the crash. >> thanks to $30 a barrel oil, this is what a few hundred million dollars worth of idle texas. >> ahead on sunday morning, the flip side of low oil prices. >> the busy bee we are watching this morning is samantha bee, she is preparing for her debut as a late night tv host. yet still foundnd timspeaths. dee i wher womave dared t go. finally a woman in the boy's club of late night television. lik knowh ites to the hkindf my but i just got all my haircut off.
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>> samantha bee's "full frontal" approach to comedy. after we finish our tea, merlot. >> the rock group coldplay is warming up for a very high profile performance next sunday night. and they are leaving nothing to chance as anthony mason will show us. >> on an la soundstage, coldplay has been rehearsing for next sunday's super bowl halftime show. >> you basically create the stage the same size it is a super bowl stage? >> yes, hopefully. >> later on sunday morning -- >> the audience, a ga million son three. >> i think three gazillion actually. >> watching coldplay get ready for the biggest gig of their career. >> . >> talk about a big break, actor bob odenkirk made the jump from
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>> osgood: for people in the petroleum business it has been a slippery slope, a plunge in oil prices that is a boon for most of us is a calamity for others. and it is not just producers overseas taking the hit. our cover story is reported now by martha teichner. >> reporter: hallelujah. >> it is great, you know, a lot less coming out of my pocket. >> i love it. >> gas under $2 a gallon.
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>> under a dollar 50. >> last year, pump prices put an extra $115 billion in american's pockets. >> the price of oil has dipped below $30 a barrel. it is all good, right? one big boost to the economy. >> what does this symbolize? >> the crash. >> well, not so fast. >> in west texas, $30 a barrel oil means a deepening economic disaster. >> what is this? >> it is a drilling contractor's yard. >> now, during the boom, what would this have looked like? >> empty. completely empty. >> oil field consultant mike rasco, this parking lot for drilling rigs symbolizes the american oil and gas industry going broke. in just the last year, more than
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total, down 60 percent. >> so each one of these rigs represents how many unemployed people? >> i would say 1,000 each. >> each one? >> absolutely. >> and how many do you think are sitting here? >> we quit counting when they got into the 30s. >> on the road between midland and odessa, it is all there to see, the collateral damage caused by low price oil. >> the auction lots for heavy equipment no longer needed. for the repossessed cars and trucks of the people who have lost their jobs. the pump jacks that aren't pumping. >> a gallon of water is worth more than a gallon of crude oil right now. >> really? >> yeah. absolutely. >> that's another drilling rig that is north of town. >> until he was laid off last spring, mike rasco made 17, 1,800 dollars a day overseeing
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>> worldwide, the oil and gas industry has cut more than 275,000 jobs, since oil prices peaked at over $100 a barrel in mid 2014. >> why? for starters, demand for oil fell. in the past, opec has cut production in response. not this time. >> before the oil price collapsed, the assumption was that opec would underpin the oil price by cutting production, but the key oil producers in the gulf, saudi arabia a and the other gulf states said we won't cut unless other people cut. >> daniel yergin is vice chairman of ihs, an international information company, and the pulitzer prize winning author of the prize, a history ofil. >> saudi arabia's basic strategy is to maintain its market share in a global oil market, and is actually a starting point for them.
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else? >> yes. >> so began a huge game of chicken, with saudi arabia and its opec partners pumping full blast, russia too. >> and the united states. you heard of bracken pumping water into shale formations to free hard to get at oil and gas. oil fracking, meant that the united states suddenly was producing a lot more oil. so much that for the first time in 40 years we are exporting it. >> u.s. oil production went from 5 million barrels a day in 2008 to 9.7 million bears a day in april of 2015, in other words, u.s. oil production almost doubled in a matter of just a few years.
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midland and odessa texas -- same story in north dakota. >> based on $100 a barrel oil, entrepreneurs borrowed billion dollars of dollars to buy into the bonanza. >> workers knocked to the oil patch. >> i heard about all of this big money, so i thought i could get a little piece of that pie, i suppose. >> so many they had to live in trailer camps, on cots in church halls. >> then the price crashed. thanks in large part to china's slowing economy. >> the saudis and their gulf state neighbors with their deep pockets and low cost oil production kept pumping and settled into waitto >> if prices continue to be low, we would be able to w >> the chairman of aramco the saudi state owned oil company earlier this month.
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to the united states, russia and venezuela. and the saudis hope iran, about to come back into the oil market in a big way after the lifting of sanctions. >> the gulf countries are convinced that iran has a plot to encircle them and so this is really not just about oil that is going on but it is really about the future of the middle east. >> meanwhile, every day the world is producing something like a million and a hal me barrels of oil than it needs. there is an ocean of it out there. in massive storage tanks, and right now, at least 100 million barrels are sitting in tankers parked at sea. >> this past week, the price of crude rose to nearly $36 a barrel, on the merest possibility that the russians and saudis might talk about cutting production.
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up that surplus will take time, which oil field consultant mike rasco knows only too well. >> you joke around here saying things are picking up, they are picking up the house, they are picking up the car, you know. it is everybody just, it hits everybody just as hard but maybe in different ways. >> what is your situation? >> they picked up the truck. what i do my business out of, my pickup, it's gone. my wife is stressed, she has been hospitalized over all of this. >> mike rasco just wants to hang on to his home. he never lived lavishly, even when he could have. so he could weather the bad times. born and raised in west texas, this is the fourth bust he has lived through. >> he knows it will end. as he looks for work every day, he just wonders when. >> how hard is it to keep your morale up?
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and top rint . z cawer yoability to fight infectiincltubeis. seri som ta lyma,r cahavened. t stxeljan youan ion. blood cell couhi velsved. yo docldperford te foretart ile xel nitor certain test ll youctor if yowe in onwhngal fectnsre cmoand havtb,hes b or afectioanz cace e sy of witethotre. as rheis about xeljanz. >> osgood: in this campaign season, trust me is the message of every company's tvd.oposn deanldssts i
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ortito tseseeenimy making political ads for more than a decade, he was behind one of hillary clinton's most memorable ads in 2008. >> >> i am looking out for you. >> and he said he genyimprd host g il fht appr whatever it is my wife is about to read off this teleprompter. >> the acting, okay? convincing? >> yeah, i mean, actually i'd like to have him as a company. i think there are places in the country he could win. >> this presidential election is expected to be the most
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three additional new body types, curvy, tall, and petite. >> she is also being offered in seven different skin tones, 22 eye colors, and 24 hairstyles. >> the makeover is a response to criticism that the original barbie doesn't look like a lot of little girls these days. the change also appears to be a response to declining sales found, down every year since 2012. even so, some barbie critics already are saying the new so-called fashionista line still puts too much emphasis on fashion and appearance. >> so will the new fashions sell? as we say in the news biz, only
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>>have you had your picture taken with a black person yet? >> well, i don't think so, but i wouldn't mind doing it. >> that's something you would be willing to try. >> why, certainly. >> there are plenty of them. >> i know. >> do you have any of them up in montana. >> you know, we don't. >> it is sunday morning and here again is charles osgood.
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samantha bee, the former is a hair-raising prospect some might say. altschul tracks her down. >> here she comes. here comes the beauty shot, oh, yes. >> to promote her day debut as one of the few women on late might tv -- >> oh, my gosh. that looks so good. >> former daily show correspondent samantha bee to bone oys. >> fin a wom theoys ate tion, jung. w tha
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2. >> that solid number 2 is her actual husband, actor and producer jason jones. they met 20 years ago. it was jones who convinced her to join a sketch comedy troupe. >> i did it and i loved it. >> daily show producers came to toronto looking for new talent. she signed on as one of its comedic reporters in 2003. >> so you can't even go on the radio anymore and condemn a whole set of people to hell without getting some blowback. >> well, when you put it that way it does sound rather arrogant and myopic, narrow-minded, bigoted. >> good, then i've done my job. >> jason jones came on board two years later. >> we with have talked about this, you can't come to work without patent. we talked about this. >> bee says she learned a lot from jon stewart. >> his work ethic is impeccable, he really is the first person to
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leave. and i think we had a kind of freedom that is really unparalleled in that world to really explore what we thought was funny and to go out in the world. how long have you been married. >> ? like a thousand years. >> we really should practice second base. >> both bee and jones left the show last year, not long before stewart himself moved on. >> didn't she deserve a shot at the daily show? >> host, samantha bee. >> she would have been a terrific host, yes. yeah, absolutely, but -- >> why not? >> you are going to have to ask the powers that be at comedy central that question. >> frustrate you, though. >> it is a tough thing, i would say impossible thing of replacing the irreplaceable. >> these days, along with raising their three children, they are both executive producers of jones upcoming tbs
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>> a spirited young man. >> see, somebody likes me. >> he's an idiot. >> and they both produce "full frontal". >> is that a jort joke? >> it is a funny word. >> what do you want to bring to the table to help her make her mark? >> i think i see my job as a sounding board for her. i am not telling her what to do. i never put words in her mouth. i suggest, hey could this be sharper? could this be funnier is. >> she often ignores me, which is to her detriment, but whatever. >> it's fine. >> johnny carson and david lettttman ruled late night for decades, chelsea handler lasted seven years, joan rivers, only one. >> my dreams are all panic dreams from when i used to waiter. they are all terrible panic dreams. >> how do you measure success?
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success by how much i am enjoying the experience quite honestly. maybe that is selfish. but i feel like if i don't contain it to whether i enjoy doing it or not i will go crazy. >> so far, so good. looks like she is just one of the boys. >> could i put my hand on your knee? >> absolutely not. >> i have never felt more beautiful. >> you look hot.
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lock ttect ces.. toug out,knk out. ab corleone. >> osgood: it happened this past week. the loss of two veterans of the public stage. buddy cianci was the mayor of providence rhode island for a total of 21 years. >> i will support the constitution. >> a natural politician, cianci was first elected in 1974 at age 32. >> he was forced from office twice over the years, the first time for pleading no contest to assault. >> did you punch him, hit him? >> the second time, for a racketeering conviction that sent him to prison for four and a half years. >> the demographics of the city have changes. >> when our mo rocca caught one him in 2014, he was making one last futile bid for mayor, minus his trademark toupee. >> why did you get rid of the toupee? >> well, you know, i didn't feel a need for it anymore. there was no need to wear it
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>> a small role in the hit series "breaking bad" is a big break for actor bob odenkirk and it put him on the road to his own show, a show very, a road very different from the one he had been traveling. >> lee cowan has our sunday profile. >> i have an ability to put myself out there. >> yes. >> it is called poor boundaries.
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broken inside that man. >> professionally, there isrtaithinenutb rd you know you have rights? the institution says you do and so do i. >> as the smarmy underwo lawyer,in smriesould hway jus abo anything. >> lee dioegardless of ou de. minut agoon.the laws,e the kindergarten tcher r ou, grab a juice box, hp, ge two somuest anchords wriete greathe character basically as a one off, odenkirk was sure he wouldn't last past a few episodes. >> when you initially took the
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amry, ill never it again. >> your honor, i am very sorry and i will never do it again. >> i don't know why people decided i could do this, but i am not going to look at it too closely. >> there is something, there are some real argument somewhere who is not working. >> it is pretty remarkable given that odenkirk wasn't known for doing drama at all. >> for 25 years, he had been making his living as a sketch comedy writer instead. >> did you won wither what kind of argument you would be? >> we were -- that's a darn good question. we just took a flying leap. >> comedy is in odenkirk's blood, he has been a rapid fan of monty python since childhood and made a career out of elevating the absurd on stage. >> in fact -- >> i am in the midst of being interviewed by the ill lsu industries cbs sunday morning news program. >> he decided nothing would be
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our interview during his performance. at the famous improv comedy club the up right citizens brigade in hollywood. >> how are you doing, man? >> you have never done anything like this? >> never on stage, never done an interview in front of a live audience before. >> odenkirk is well into the unexpected and i am here too tell you, this was certainly that. >> how often do people come up to you on the street and ask you this, say "better call saul". >>, you know, too much. >> one time, is too much. >> but also people get the name wrong which is so weird to me. >> got to get sal. >> it is like, if you saw somebody's 60 minutes and it is like 38 minutes, right? >> i am close. >> he thinks fans scabing his identity take him from the improv group. >> you will see. it will be good. >> which reluctantly also included me. >> thanks, bob. >> you guys get it right, and i
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>> paul -- >> the paul diaries. >> let's face it, he carried me. >> odenkirk started writing comedy sketches when he was in high school, when he was 14, he saw a show at the famed second city theatre in chicago. >> and it changed his life. >> man, that was an inspiration. >> because why? >> man, the energy in that theatre was with so great. >> he eventually got a job at second city himself, where he met comedian chris farley, soon, both were at saturday night live, farley on stage, odenkirk in the snl's writer's room. >> i i was able to write the sketch for chris, the motivation >>ill be doing a lot of n lby river! it is funny, the
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llawde wyouilruir nt s j iye wal t b aar s, brky>>delongderucen hiscar nominated febska. ome looking at reality and you better start too, the home is in his best interest. >> bobby bob odenkirk has become an acting powerhouse, even as a former comedy sketch writer, doesn't necessarily believe it himself. >> i still don't entirely trust this performance thing.
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>> next, a story with bite. >> this he is, ladies and gentlemen. >> osgood: this coming tuesday is groundhog day, the day which has its origin in the christian hollywood of cannedness church goers traditionally celebrate that day with a blessing of candles, hence the name, and beginning centuries ago they looked to this midwinter day as a sort of long range weather forecast, cloudy weather meant an early spring, they also
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nateing animals such as hedgehogs, badgers and bears, some of whom briefly interrupt time. immigrants to pennsylvania settled gone groundhog as their creature of choice, a punxsutawney newspaper first declared february 2nd to be groundhog day back in 1886. the next year, true believers made their first pilgrimage to a now famous clearing outside of town known as gobbler's knob, so we are won with derg just how often has function's predictions been right over the years? according to most sources, just 39 percent of the time. >> a lot of towns celebration groundhog day as well, or try to, here is steve hartman. >> reporter: when you think of groundhog day, you probably don't think of sun prairie, wisconsin. but there is as much passion
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they have got a wooden woodchuck in the town square. the local bakery sells groundhog cakes. in fact, the only thing they are missing is a real groundhog. this was the sun prairie groundhog. you may remember him from last year when then mayor john freud lent him his ear, and he took it. >> he -- >> he didn't see a shadow. >> shortly after chewing his way through the mayor's ear, the sun prairie groundhog chewed his way through a metal cage and escaped. naturally, the town wanted a replacement woodchuck, and who wouldn't, if a woodchuck could be found, which apparently is easier said than done. >> you cannot capture it to exhibit it. >> ti gauge search sun prairie's ground hog day event planner. >> she says they started celebrating here in 1949, using groundhogs they caught. >> it has been a tradition ever since.
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>> it becomes very complicated. license? >> oh, yes, there is more than one type of license. >> she said you need one from the state, from the federal government, and if you can't find a certified groundhog breeder in your area -- >> so then you would need an import license. >> we are going to be talking about the groundhog ceremony t new mayor, a guy named paul es search says it is hardly worth the effort and not just because of all the red tape or because he is concerned about his own ears. >> after last year -- >> he says it is simply not humane to hold up groundhogs like we do. >> yeah, i don't like that. >> no. >> his proposal? >> he is a wild animal. >> to chuck the live woodchuck idea entirely. >> maybe we will have somebody in a groundhog costume. >> what about a gerbil? would you have an issue with a gerbil. >> he is domesticated so i would not have. >> february 2nd is not jerry gil day, it is groundhog day, we need a groundhog because he's the way it has always been and that's the way it should be. >> in ground. >> the consensus is clear.
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groundhog day celebrations with no groundhog? >> it just would be winter. >> ah. >> you are worried about climate change. >> fortunately, ti did find a loner groundhog for this week's celebration which gives her another year to find a permanent replacement. >> you shouldn't be doing it with a groundhog. >> and gives the mayor time too. >> how would you propose celebrating thanksgiving? >> to find a way to balance. on his soapbox. >> mayor, any time. >> i have to work on that one. >> that is a good point. >> >> osgood: coldplay next. >> and later --
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>> osgood: coldplay made clocks a hit back in 2002. >> fast forward to next sunday when the band plays at halftime in the super bowl. right now, though, they are stuck with anthony mason, for the record. >> on the lot of sony pictures studios in los angeles, in soundstage 14, coldplay started rehearsals this past week for their super bowl halftime show. >> this is the super bowl stage, without any of the gadgetry? >> right. but you basically created a is a super bowl stage? >> yes. >> >> for the band's four principles, guitarist jonny buckland, drummer will champion, bass player guy berryman, and front man chris martin, it's the biggest gig of their career. >> reporter: what's the audience for this?
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>> i think it is 3 gazillion, actually. >> if something goes wrong, it is going to be a big part of it. >> reporter: my daughter said the sweetest thing yesterday, she said how are you feeling about the super bowl? of course we are a little bit nervous, she said, dad, worst that could happen you will get turned into a meme. >> that's what she said. and after a month or so people will just forget. >> their biggest show will also be their shortest. >> i messed up. do it again. >> i loved the whole concept of trying to present your entire musical life in 12 and a half minutes. it's a great challenge. >> have you figured out what you are going to do yet? >> we have possibly got 11 good minutes. so we have some special guests and they will cover the rest. >> they are going to be like fans all down here, right? >> yes.
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>> those guests have not been officially named, but there have been plenty of hints. >> this may be beyonce's footprint. >> i'd say she was here about four hours ago. let's look for a bruno one. >> beyonce who is in cols ideo forhe song hn foend, expec t joi them. with another halftime show veteran, bruno mars. >> the i spoke to one of the other artist whose did it a few years ago and he said, you got to be muscle memory. >> really? >> it is just all down -- >> after bruce springsteen i remembered i realize i was staring his gruff accent, you got to know every note, man. >> that's what bruce said. >> 12 minutes, it ain't long,
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>> look at the stars, how they shine for you. the british band that broke through behind with their hit yellow in 2000 and has sold some 80 million records. will celebrate its 20th anniversary this year. >> does it feel like 20 years? >> no. not at all. more than half our lives. >> one of testaments is that you guys are still together. >> yeah. >> will and guy said you guys are as close as probably you have ever been. >> did they? that's good. whatever they say, we do, i find it is a weird limbo. we are not an emerging band anymore, we are no longer a new band, and we are certainly not quite that sort of heritage value. >> we are entering a new phase of denial about how old we are. >> it is a midlife crisis. >> they are as one critic cald
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band going. >> youngish, i like that. >> we only just added thish. they are we arish. >> do you feel youngish. >> i am happy to be called youngish. >> feels good. >>ish is a compliment? yeah. >> it is far from the worst thing coldplay has been called. "the new york times" once branded the mellow rockers the most insufferable band of the decade. but martin says the insults don't sting anymore. >> i feel like we sound the way we always wanted to. and we feel at peace with what we have done to get here. >> which implies there was a period of time you weren't entirely at peace with it. >> well, i think anybody when you start a band, your purpose is never to offend anybody, and when you get to a certain level of success and it's apparent that you have offended some people -- >> yes.
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took us a while to let that all go. >> and if some people don't like you, that's fine? >> yeah, i mean it really is. i would prefer to have a. >> the plan is now ma, the band is now planning a new stadium tour for this summer, their first in four years. >> >> do you like being on the road? >> i love being on the road. >> when we are all on stage, i feel like i am saying what i want to say in the way i want. >> when i am with my kids, i feel like that's really me, and when we are on stage, i feel that too. >> what do your kids think of your music? >> i think we make it on to our kids play lists still, which is good. >> there is such a high threshold for them, you know, because they are not impressed with -- >> anything.
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your kids, are you a little nervous? >> yeah. >> >> especially this album. >> martin's children, with former wife gwyneth paltrow, moses who is now 9 and apple 11, sing on coldplay's latest album a head full of dreams. >> we have got a lot of guests singers on a head full of dreams. >> including your ex-wife. >>up. >> how did that happen? >> just naturally. >> in the song ever glow, the actress is barely auditable in the background as martin sings. >> how come things move on? how come cars don't slow when it feels like the end of my world? >> that is something that she said to you? >> yeah. >> and so you wanted her to sing it? >> yeah. >> that's generous, i think.
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>> >> reporter: when we first talked this month, it was just a week after david bowie died. >> when the news came through about david, that's so -- i don't even know how to talk about it yet. it's very strange to me that he is not here anymore, but he was in my experience just lovely. >> reporter: martin says he once asked bowie to play on a song that had come to him in a dream. >> he was so wonderfully humorous and kind in his dismissal. we were on the phone, and i said, what do you think about this? >> he said, oh, it's not one of your best, chris. and that was it. >> and what were you thinking? >> i was like, you know what, he is right. this is (bleep).
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sort of worked together. >> reporter: next sunday, the best selling band of this century will play before what could be the biggest tv audience ever. >> item -- it's a very different kind of performance, isn't it? >> i think i'd be more nervous if they said you have to play in that would be way worse. >> like the title of this coldplay song, it's the adventure of a lifetime. >> >> sealy takes us back, next. >> somewhere between my child
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rules. let me say, i am a maniac. and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly. and then you are a terrible, and ben, you are a terrible surgeon, now that we have gotten the donald trump portion out of the way -- >> there is the you can't say that rule. donald trump breaks it almost daily. >> isis is making a tremendous amount of money i would bomb the (bleep) out of them. >> no oval office vacancy for socialists? >> bernie, bernie! >> tell bernie sanders. >> the next president. >> a democratic socialist certainly can be and will be. >> and armada of campaign cash and a famous last name have never meant less. >> i am in the establishment because my dad, the greatest man alive was president of the united states and my brother, who i adore as well, is a fantastic brother was president. >> when my husband was president we had 23 million jobs and income went up for everybody. >> good morning, folks. >> and sitting vice presidents
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>> unfortunately, i believe we are out of time. the time necessary to mount a winning campaign for the nomination. >> then there is the all men rule. clinton has the best chance in history to break a 240-year-old glass ceiling. >> i cannot imagine anyone being more of an outsider than the first woman president. i mean, really. >> how about the rule of vulnerabilities, pounce. >> and the american people are sick and tired of hearing about your damned e-mails, thank you, thank you. >> sanders didn't. in presidential politics, governors and former governors are supposed to have built in advantages. >> for woo 9/11 and years afterwards i had to make these kind of decisions. >> it worked for pt george w. bush, bill clinton, ronald reagan and jimmy carter, but not
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perry and scott walker, they have all dropped out while democrat martin o'malley struggles in single digits. >> we need more debates. >> with montage of earlier president debates over years, and most bizarre of all, attendance at a prime time mandatory. >> sit for me a good thing, a votes? will i get less votes, nobody knows, who the hell knows. >> what about governing experience, politicians with the least experience, ted cruz, marco rubio, trump and even ben carson have turned that question upside down, it's. >> it has hurt hillary clinton as much as it's helped. >> i will not need a tour of the white house. >> the only rule that seems to apply is the old rules no longer apply. >> hi, how are you? >> new ones are being written daily and the improvisational results in iowa and down the
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> withrt,x (vlinerove to hpeop qt smchdefiredu murgeoke. me phad s behr, thior mility,tionpresse mo suithou or a whiing afteoppingix. me hzure whtakingix. if have the cha and cur ctor awa ll ydoctor y hi mtal health problems, whiuld get worse seizes.t takeix if you've h a s al orskinion have, hantix and cal doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you haveheart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. dica rigy yousympms
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perry makes his debut as a playwright while also starring in the world premiere of "the end of longing" at a theatre in london. >> wednesday, sees the annual empire state building runup in new york city, 86 stories, one with thousand 576 steps. thursday is world cancer day, aimed at raising awareness of a disease that kills more than 8 million people around the world every year. on friday, national weather person's day is in our forecast. it marks the birth in 1744 of early american weather observer john jefferies. and next saturday night, the nfl holds its annual awards show just ahead of sunday's super bowl. both, of course, can be seen right here on cbs. >> and with that we go now to john dickerson in washington for a look at what is ahead on "face
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>> good morning, charles, just a day to go before the voting in iowa, we are going to talk to donald trump who is at the top of the polls and senator marco rubio who is finishing strong. we will be watching. >> and next week here on sunday morning -- >> i can see you are in japan when there is a s -- >>home, every cat. there's a tidy cats for that.whencold.. couy... .in ....eed wer therxpressmax.
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