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tv   Today  NBC  March 3, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EST

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tel arriv fm t t rwi h faly. t ireatee te cknt eart abeoro g hoto thvetormnd tapovernight. and launching a desperate search for more suspects and those apons. pressure? what prsure? an 11-year-old boy tests new golf course designed by tiger woods in the most perfect way possible. and even tiger is in awe. today, thursday, march 3, 2016. from nbc news this is "today" with matt lauer and
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studio 1 a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning everybody and welcome to "today." >> a lot going on in politics. if you are a certain front runner on the gop side you are getting a lot of attention today and a lot is negative. >> our top story is about mitt romney set to launch an all out assault on donald trump. the 2012 republican presidential nominee is planning to unload on the current front runner. we will talk about that with donald trump live in a moment. let's start with peter alexander in salt lake this morning. >> reporter: we just got our hands on excerpts from that speech and it is a harsh and blistering attack on donald trump and hillary clinton. it is clear that mitt romney didn't think twitter was enough
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he will call trump a phony and a fraud and will threaten america's future. harsh words romney slams donald trump writing here is what i know. donald trump is a phony, a fraud. his promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. he gets a free ride to the white house and all we get is a lousy hat. the former governor and 2012 candidate not holding back adding his domestic policies would lead to recession. he has neither the temperament nor judgment to be president and his personal qualities would mean that america would cease to be a signing city on the hill. trump tweeting just another desperate move by the man who should have easily beaten barack obama, misspelling the president's name. >> i will preserve and protect a
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>> reporter: signaling new urgency in the stop trump movement. several top republicans soliciting cash from donors, highlighting trump's comments on race. >> i don't know anything about what you are talking about with white supremacy. >> and his past business failures. >> he hides behind bankruptcy laws to duck paying bills. >> reporter: trump's opposition remains divided. >> everybody get together to keep the front runner from winning and destroying the republican party. >> if you are at home and supporting another republican candidate i would tell you we would welcome you with open arms. >> reporter: the next show down pitting trump against his rivals and moderator megyn kelly, their first face-to-face meeting in seven months. >> i have been nice to you even
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>> reporter: romney will not announce his own candidacy nor that he is endorsing anyone. the "time" magazine cover has donald trump on the front cover, bully, showman, party crasher. the fifth one is unchecked. that one says president of the united states. as of tonight's debate ben carson will not be participating, hasn't suspended the campaign. >> the co-host of "with all due respect" on msnbc. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> we know what mitt romney is going to say today. with this speech does he become the defacto leader of this fractured movement to stop donald trump? >> the next two weeks are
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but for the country in choosing who the republican nominee will be. mitt romney is choosing this moment. i think this is the wrong choice. he is the distinctive voice but part of a movement and effort to stop donald trump which is not going to happen just because mitt romney says so but the other candidates, john kasich, marco rubio, ted cruz will have to step up at this debate to be part of this effort. >> there are different strands to this stop trump effort going on. what do you know about efforts to raise money to that end, to spend money particularly i florida on ads? some republican leaders openly talking about running a third party candidate with today's knowledge would all but assure a hillary clinton win. >> the effort is not to think about the third party win. the logistics are difficult.
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some richest members of republican establishment are thinking about it. the focus is to slow him down. they know donald trump is far and away the best position to be the republican nominee. what they are trying to do is win enough delegates for the other three candidates to keep donald trump from getting the majority. can you stop him at the convention. the effort from mitt romney and others today and next two weeks is can you get enough delegates to stop trump. >> it seems to make no sense for the other three candidates to be attacking each other tonight. donald trump. which donald trump replies? the guy who likes to insult people or the guy who was on the stage the other night? >> the guy on stage the other night was being a big figure
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if they go after hard after donald trump which i suspect they will, how does he respond? based on tweets against mitt romney you think he will drop the big reaching out figure and go to the tough fighter which his supporters do like. >> the money being spent, mitt romney trying to stop trump. is there a risk to that in the sense there are trump voters thinking the party leaders and a bunch of rich guys are trying to stop trump? i must be on the right track. >> the establishment will not stop trump. it has to be the voters. this has to be about the appeal to voters who say this shouldn't be who we nominate. in the end it is not done here in washington, d.c. it is going to have to be based on advertising and persuasion can you appeal to voters to say go with one of the other three guys. don't go with donald trump. trump is in a commanding
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>> thank you so much. as we mentioned we will talk to donald trump live in just a minute. first we want to talk about democrats. hillary clinton taking aim at the republican front runner and held a star studded rally here in new york. crist kristen welker. >> preparing for this weekend's democratic debate and it comes as the drip, drip, drip over e-mails won't let up. hillary clinton celebrating her strong super tuesday. >> yesterday was super tuesday tonight is superwednesday. >> reporter: with a star studded fundraiser. katy perry, elton john and more. a new spot light on her use of a private e-mail server.
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granting -- he helped set up the private server clinton housed at her home when she was secretary of state. last september called in front of a congressional panel he refusing to answer any questions. a clinton spokesman says the campaign is pleased pagliano is cooperating. >> i have started on hillary yet. >> reporter: political opponent donald trump is already vowing to play the e-mail card if they face off in november. >> i guarantee you one thing we will be talking about those e-mails every moment of every day. >> reporter: clinton has win taking aim at trump painting herself as a unifying. the "washington post" reporting the fbi could interview other clinton staffers about her e-mails. the campaign says they would welcome that in hopes of putting the matter to rest.
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not return our request for comments. >> kristen welker, thank you. this morning in houston we have our astronaut back. scott kelly is back in the u.s. after a year aboard the international space station. he was greeted by close family and friends. kelly says he is just happy to be home and back here on earth. >> when i left here in february i don't know what day it was in february. i was 50 and now i'm 52. but it feels great. >> one interesting note, kelly grew two inches during his time on the international space station because the spine elongates in space. the growth spurt is expected to be temporary. joined now on the phone by
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>> mr. trump, we just got excerpts from mitt romney's speech today. he calls you among other things a phony, a fraud and playing americans for suckers. your response? >> he begged me four years ago for my endorsement. literally begged me and he is a failed candidate. i backed him. he failed. he was a horrible candidate. he disappeared in the last month before the election. in all fairness obama is doing all of the shows and jay leno. this guy disappeared and got killed, decimated in the election. i will say this. if you look at what is happening and you see i won a lot of different states, maybe more importantly, millions and millions of people are joining the republican party. on the democratic side they are down 30%. the republicans are up higher
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people are energized by what i'm saying. the american worker is making less money now than 12 years ago and losing all of our trade, jobs. >> i want to go back to mitt romney for a second. do you fear that he could now become a unifying voice in this fractured and frantic effort on the establishment side to stop you? >> mitt romney is a stiff. mitt romney will not get elected. mitt romney failed twice and really failed last time. he was going against a president that should have been beaten. the president was not doing well and should have been beaten. that should have been an easy election. nobody came out to vote for mitt romney. i'm talking about republicans. it is well documented. i'm not just saying this. they didn't come out to vote for mitt romney. >> you may have just answered it with that answer. tonight at the debate it seems highly likely that the three other candidates left on the
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they are going to save their fire for you. how will you respond tonight? will you be the guy who just called mitt romney a stiff or will you be the guy who tried to appear much more presidential? who is the real donald trump? >> it's different. i have these guys like this lightweight marco rubio who doesn't show up to vote for the people of florida. he has defrauded the people of florida. i can't imagine anyone from florida wanting to vote for this guy. if you take a look at what is going on, i can't act overly presidential because i will have people attacking me from every side. ben carson is not there any longer so now more time for the fighting. i can't stand there and act presidential. >> why can't you say i'm above this? >> because when people are hitting you from different angles, unfortunately, you have to hit back.
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presidential demeanor when i win, but until such time you have to hit back. when you hit back you are no unfortunately. >> on another topic, a lot of republican leaders have said the final straw for them was this controversy over the weekend about david duke and the kkk. you have since disavowed david duke. >> not since this. i disavowed him many times over the years. >> people were surprised at that. >> he was talking about different groups and couldn't tell me who the groups were. >> you, yourself, said i don't know who this david duke is three times. >> what i meant is i never met david duke. i know who david duke is. >> that's not what you said.
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you don't know, i know. i never met david duke. i don't know him from the standpoint i never met him. i wouldn't have anything to do with him or the kkk. everybody knows that. how many times do i have to disavow. right after that i tweeted that i disavow any endorsement of david duke. >> that was just my question to give you the chance to say and convince the folks that this is not something you want. >> let me say it again for the 20th time. i disavow david duke and the kkk and anybody else who preaches hate. are you going to ask me about it in the next show? i disavow david duke and the kkk. i have been doing this from the time this question has been asked. >> right except for that one time which is why people were wondering about it. >> i don't know. >> i think we settled it.
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in all fairness to groups there may be a group that shouldn't be disavowed. i think it is fair to a group if that is the case. he talked about as i remember the word groups. >> if they are a white supremacist group you don't want their vote? >> i don't want their vote. i think i said it several times and maybe better the fourth time and ninth time. i disavowed right from the beginning. >> donald trump, thank you for being with us. we appreciate you calling in. new developments in the story we brought you on wednesday what could now be a piece of wreckage from malaysia airlines 370 found off the coast of africa. tom costello broke the story. >> next week is the two-year anniversary of the disappearance. this would be only the second piece of debris washed ashore in
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if you look closely there is something odd about the most recent piece. photographs of the piece of debris that an american tourist said he found off the coast. on one side no step. but look closely. there is no sign of any marine life which raises the question, how long was it in the water? >> overnight australia's transportation minister confirmed the discovery. >> found in the water. it is of interest to us but i can't confirm that it is a piece of plane or anything to do with it. >> the confirmed piece of debris was covered in barnacles found not so far away on reunion island. blaine allen gibson is the american tourist who made the most recent discovery. >> this is definitely from an airplane.
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this could be from a 777. this could possibly be from malaysia 370. we don't know yet. >> gibson is a self-described wealthy adventure traveler. he admits he has been fascinated with mh 370 since it disappeared and meeting with families and exchanging theories. gibson says he figured there was a chance some debris could have drifted but insists he did not go looking for it. i talked to him on skype. >> i didn't think i would be finding a piece of airplane that day. i don't know what airplane it is. there have been other planes that have crashed in the indian ocean. and it could be one of those. >> reporter: sources close to the investigation say based on photographic evidence there is high probability it is part of
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only missing 777 in the world is malaysia airlines flight 370. the australian transport minister said the location of the debris matches the drift model for where debris should end up. it won't tell investigators where the rest of the plane is. the search remains focussed on australia which 3,700 miles to the east of where they found this piece of debris. >> thank you. we turn to al and checking on winter's last -- >> that is the way we should go. >> let's show you why we are thinking this. we have the system, heavier showers and thunderstorms to the southeast. snow breaking out from chicago into lexington. we right now have winter weather advisories, winter storm warnings stretching about 600 miles and 20 million people at risk for this. we watch this low pressure
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washington, d.c. late. this evening heavy thunderstorms around atlanta. as we move into the evening hours we look for snow spreading further. by tomorrow morning's rush hour from washington, d.c. to new york light snow to richmond and intensifies. we see snow for the eastern end of massachusetts. snowfall amounts two to four inches from south hill to richmond. washington, d.c. one to three.
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community and civil sites leaders will meet today to discuss their next steps
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akiel denkins by a raleigh police officer. the officer shot denkins while trying to serve a warrant. early in-person voting begins today for the primary in north carolina. this is first time voters will have to show identification. early voting ends march 12th. let's take a look at the weather for today. >> we're starting to see the clouds thickening up a little bit. it is a very cold start out there. there is a look at our raleigh skycam. you can see a little filtered sunshine. the temperatures are down into the 20s and 30s. we'll see a high this afternoon of 51. tomorrow morning, we'll see a temperature in the mid-30s. we'll see rain tonight that may mix with a little snow in places up near the virginia line. at this point, we don't expect
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something we are watching closely. we'll see cloudy skies friday and 52. over the weekend, highs in the mid-50s and partly cloudy. >> we take a look at our live commute map right now. we do have an accident on the south side of raleigh at lake wheeler road. you can see the backup there. a 39 minute ride from the 440 split out to u.s. 1 because of the delays. as you are headed towards downtown durham, things look all clear right now. >> thank you so much. north carolina's virtual
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my skin definitely feels much more radiant.atense ongmon only dove has 1/4 moisturizing cream for smoother, more radiant skin.doveyo y treatment for radiant skin. cove ing. becae veri hefaster eal water, rt aerms, vewither blk clr ndag
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to keep things unbiased, we removed all the logos. feels like a bmw. reminds me a little bit of like an audi. so, this car supports apple carplay. siri, open maps. she gets me. wow. it also has teen driver technology. it even mutes the radio until the seat belts are buckled. i'm very curious what it is. this is the 2016 chevy malibu. and it sells for? it starts at twenty-two five. what? oh wow. i mean with all this technology. that's a game changer.
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like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plad les major bleeding thade ing eliquiright fo. ask ur doctoif it'st fo nounceme thistorm pmis toe ggesof the dad with tot acculion up to three f road be dondefinit and schools e osed camp's sougreat wiold d nice. or real,eal cove ising. becavering hester toeal ter, rt aerms, withater k clr ndag bd-d and.
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tecfidera is not an injection. it's al for ing that has the power to cut relapses in half. imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. idera cause serious ffec suchalleeactions l,hichs rare infectio usulyeadsde orere disali and decreas in your white cell the most comde e are ng amach prms. ll your ctor about y lowhe blll cs, fectio her cal coions, oryou arnant or p bece pregna re breding or plan to breastfeed. learn more about the most prescribed pill for ing n the talk t docout tecf an anoook atsings. d soreing abreva n hein a
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vo: at'sood sonomalectio only at kohl's. good morning. bill leslie here with your top stories. governor mccrory's campaign and the connection nc committee are asking state elections officials to dismiss a formal complaint suggesting the committee improperly feature the governor in a commercial essentially giving him a corporately funded contribution.
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governor are both on the primary ballot. the complaint was filed by the advocacy group progress nc action. our weather is not getting too many complaints. >> it is cold out there. so, you know, bill loves the cold temperatures. we are seeing a mix of sun and clouds across the area. there is our solar farm seeing some nice sunshine right now. last time we checked in at durham, we were seeing clouds. 34 in clinton. temperatures are just either side of freezing right now. we'll see a high of 51. rain tonight into early tomorrow morning. it will be a messy commute. maybe nicking with a little snow in spots but most of us will just see rain. >> tara? >> still tracking an accident on i-40 westbound at lake wheeler road. the good news is all three lanes are back open but we are still seeing very heavy traffic in terms of your drive times. it will now take you 23 minutes to make your way from the 440
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morning. we have a couple other trouble spots around the triangle one on the beltline, this one is between the new bern avenue exit and capital boulevard. this is on the westbound side. as we take a look at the traffic camera, you can see the congestion that is building because of that accident. we will let you know as soon as it clears. >> thank you. community and civil rights groups try to find a way forward after a deadly police shooting in raleigh. next on fox 50rbg the actions they plan to take today. ha to gegrt ap this... i can do easily. benefiber healthy shape helps curb craving itlear taee d supplement.. haalprovo he keep fuller longer. fibe healthy shape. thisi can do.
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gel. k he eey ha ieed c i my nd. > p s john topsby dpharrell williams is her li with a preview of the new season of the voice. today thuday, march 3, 2016. >> t all o a,ad . a t way pean.
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getacker soe d wm i en >>omm aun rn lus ol f. >>em s b outhyo uger ] coul haveen a g i ther >> wree ing ? coming up next, a new device that promises to help you avoid the dangers of texting and walking. one of hollywood's biggest stars ready to give up acting? what george clooney is revealing. and willie as an intern at "snl." first these messages. thciouble ca meiny hath cck on pases. earnncwhen buy,anagai you pay
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hitum clldar ls f hses ti g forll ho" loenta thoued sn o. id te . nother huge star h the lowown ew seaso o "the voic" ch tremesaly. oo littlne >> . your startinof d the g lake ittleight s along so as rdeaai touout foia suykies rnheas chilly,roenal grsu t rn moves intornliia e h around
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aleayow>> taking ur,inle re ha tt bacyou. >> thank you vch.
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than 2 yrsin fin fulouseoratg wh th texed inclind ue in lerus >>k i yit 00 ot hav w rude. come back. aromise l g icchr. >> yppe next ti. i goo to ouhere. >> ts wledleraked. werouragey itiaeaion i il the sam dhe weet acute. t tipatilly bp fr tim fini irendgryer newed foecn.
8:33 am
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8:34 am
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y hling out s >>elierak evythingooamaz ou usemoau p intop. this i dh wher n p the in dish waer. th way eaba hdanaref that >> a b ines . >>ubblaks abtu f s >> tnk you m >>are gid le tbout the ar se rn >> w he elir er 5olds. un them the gu a ge
8:40 am
og re. andr wd ndndha g toghe s is aic cay. e elin tt >> you need m jar ghts. thanse ght. hlibeth >> y edmahmilriletn tnd add s gra. ay but ac el do ai likn ona eresesnd
8:41 am
rs a mshmallows a ntth o wee. b rf omu thaou guys thank yo s fu gackosavaah >> ltea a e 10 old birthy rty emos sec uage. de big p wall. wlre ebans cionap an tyoing phose thernd thi ithlv a these reallyun emi ic we i i ey a g gb fun pps
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fr t s fnger can t eate and theholl sur. >>ely f em we mdwic allsit he thankmuch. >> yro t
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8:45 with "the voice" on "today" pharrell williams has found tremendous success. >> how will team pharrell fair on season ten. >> something special about you. we can't offer you prime spot in the county fair. >> what does that mean? >> anytime anyone says nashville it's like who do you think is your coach? >> nashville. >> anytime nashville they think team blake. >> it doesn't matter what it is that they came on there they are planning to do. when they say that word. >> do you have a secret weapon like the thing that you have over the other coaches? >> no. just please come on my team. >> he plays the nice game. >> we had a great moment where
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she did a gretchen wilson song. you guys all turned for her and she goes to adam and gives christina a kiss and the look on your face was priceless. >> i heard people kept saying some face i made. i can't watch myself. >> i was noticing we played this clip and you were looking everywhere. yourself. >> do you like hearing yourself on voice now? >> i do not. >> how does it make you feel? >> embarrassed. >> welcome to my world. i'm a producer. in my mind when i hear my voice it's like don't say that. and it's like if you called somebody and left somebody a voice mail about giving them advice you cringe. >> you wouldn't want to hear it. >> you are a producer. what is it like when you hear a
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who is like 16, young girl singing "good bye yellow brick road." when you realize that voice is coming from a 15 year old what does that feel like to you? she is so young and talented. >> i think emily is 17. she is something else. like being on the show has reminded me that as humans that it is special. every once in a while you see someone like 15 or 16 or 17 and they are emotionally not asthma chur as the voices are but the voices have depth. why are you able to communicate and convey it so well?
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that is the ability to find these people. i don't know where they are finding these people. you watch x men? like some catch on fire and put it out. >> voices from god. >> you are like where did you get that from. singing -- >> to cows on a farm. >> and you are going you never heard of robert johnson. i don't know who or what that is. >> where does that come from? >> upstate new york singing like folk music. >> we have christina back but then gwen is on blake's team as an adviser. >> what is it like? are they like -- is it fun on the set? are they lovy dovey? >> it is popping off. and it is so beautiful because being there i watch the both of
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you hate to see your friends go through something so heavy. it's like a miracle. watching that and i had no idea. and then blake sends me a text message and i'm like whoa. >> awesome. >> carson said he didn't know either. >> you would never guess it. >> thank you so much. we're so happy to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> catch the next round of blind auditions. "the voice" monday here on nbc. coming up next, more music
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first this is "today" on nbc. state cabinet ... linda coleman, our next lt. governor. i'm linda coleman, and i'm running for lt. governor because it's time to fight back, so our children
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i've fought to improve schools all my life. and now, i'm going to fight against the republicans in raleigh ... because we're in a fight to save everything we believe in. the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi.
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writer and actor troye sivan has been performing since he was 8 years old. he recently debuted his album. nice to have you here. you act, you sing, you song write. you are going to sing a song for us called "youth." is it a little auto bigraphical? >> i wrote the song about a year ago now and being young and having no idea what i'm doing with my life and how it is completely fine because i am young. >> having fun at the same time. >> basically. >> are you going to sing it for us now? >> yes. i'm going to do it.
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what if we lost our minds and when the lights are flashing and the stars exploded my youth run away now forever my youth is yours
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what if we close our eyes when the lights are flashing at the photo booth and the stars exploded we'll
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he will be back with governor mccrory's campaign in the connection nc committee are asking state election officials to dismiss a formal complaint suggesting the committee improperly featured the governor in a commercial. the connect nc bond and the governor are both on the primary ballot. the complaint was filed by the advocacy group progress nc action. we had a cold start this morning. we do have clouds starting to thicken up just a little bit. that will be gradual as we get through the day. temperatures range from 32 in roxboro and 34 in rocky mount to 39 in irvin win and 35 in fayetteville. we'll see our lunchtime temperature at about 35 after 8:00, rain and we'll start
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>> we have a mess again on i- 40. here a look at i-40 at south santa anas are -- saunders street. emergency crews are trying to remove the cars involved in an accident. we are also following an accident that is almost clear here on the beltline, i-440 at new bern avenue. let's take a look at what that means. more than an hour to go from the 440 split out to u.s. 1 westbound f you want to travel on the beltline, that will be your best bet. >> that is a mess out there. thank you. early voting is now under way in north carolina for the march 15th primary. from adillsal early voting sites to identification requirements, wral has you covered. we'll break it down today at noon. >> and that is our noon newscast for today.
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>> lromew iur night. iilou be t h et aitnt you whaha t familyet ckya spris o e rl oeste e and s towda
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ay'sithl r, lie les, wile d tron ll >>co todars rn mch 16. chill b here. lie alo withnali alndmron. >> in. iot tout me ? onorria. a tngher.ers a ich can ay foregre i'm loongton m ph elanng tphone. its m s. its kidrio on e moon dancing t "work". >> your team tel me three nds before the shothat we


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