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tv   Dateline NBC  NBC  March 7, 2016 2:05am-3:05am EST

2:05 am
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hianad a t, s t re >> reporter: ray kotomski was dead -- and his wife teresa believed it was suicide. but law enforcement thought this
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that someone had poisoned ray with anti-freeze. detectives looked for his killer among the thousands of the worst of the worst criminals ray had spent a career guarding in pennsylvania's maximum security prisons. raymond was not the corrections officer that all the inmates hated and, you know, vowed to get even with once they got outside? >> quite the opposite, that -- raymond and the people that raymond associated with during his time at the prison were generally respected and did not run into a lot of problems with inmates. >> reporter: so to cops, it didn't look like anyone from back in the day had it in for ray. but there was someone from his and teresa's recent past who had once wanted ray out of the way, if not dead. detectives learned that in the winter of 2003, when ray and
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know one another, she was also seeing another man she'd met online -- a fellow by the name of robert reichard-- and she left ray for a few weeks to be with robert. when teresa went back to ray, robert did not take that well. not at all. >> robert was infatuated with her, and wanted teresa to leave ray. to leave ray for him. >> reporter: reichard stalked the couple. he vandalized teresa's car. and then it really escalated. >> robert decided to try and remove raymond from the equation, sent raymond a letter bomb. >> reporter: a real bomb? >> a real bomb, a functional, working bomb. raymond went to his mailbox, found a package that looked odd and//brought it to the state police barracks. the bomb squad detonated it. >> reporter: if raymond had opened that package would he have been killed? >> he would have been severely injured if not killed. robert said-- at the time that
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and that he thought that raymond was in the way. >> reporter: now, when i look at teresa i guess i don't see the femme fatale that guys wanna kill for. >> neither do i. >> reporter: but it's there. >> in some fashion, yes. >> reporter: ray's daughter monica remembers a phone call from her father about the bomb. >> his voice was shaky, it was something i've never heard before. >> reporter: what'd you say? what'd you think? >> i didn't know what to think. i-- i think-- at first i couldn't believe it. >> reporter: robert reichard pleaded guilty to manufacturing a firearm and was sentenced to five years in prison. he was paroled just months before ray kotomski became mysteriously ill. did you wonder whether he had anything to do with it? >> yeah. absolutely. i mean, teresa was the last one with him. but this man sent my dad a bomb.
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only one wondering about that. when you discover that somebody else tried to kill your victim, and is now out of prison, that changes everything. >> it does. we had one of two options in this case. either it was a wife killing her husband, or some elaborate plot to finish what mr. reichard had started and was unsuccessful with. >> reporter: detectives tracked down their new suspect. >> he was living what appeared to be a normal life in western pennsylvania. >> reporter: you or other investigators probably spoke with his employer, coworkers, family? >> investigators from our office spoke with a lot of people associated with robert reichard. >> reporter: could you track mr. reichard's movements? >> he was not on gps monitoring at the time, no. >> reporter: so, if he was going to see teresa or if he was gonna stalk raymond nobody would've known about it? >> be a fair assessment. >> reporter: he certainly
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antifreeze. everybody has access -- >> everybody has access to antifreeze. >> reporter: while detectives were trying to find out if teresa's ex-boyfriend turned letter bomber had anything to do with ray's death, they dug deeper into teresa's past. but the investigation went slowly. weeks became months. ray's family counted the days. >> it just felt like we were gettin' swept under the rug. >> reporter: some people woulda given up in that instance. >> how could you? it's your father. your father was murdered, you're not gonna give up. >> so what'd you do? >> i pressed on. i did what i had to do. i made sure that there was justice. >> reporter: that was easier said than done. hard times were coming to ashtabula county. >> coming up, the case goes cold, because instead of looking for killers, detectives are looking for work. >> all kinds of things go wrong in murder investigations, but
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of the things you think of. >> no.w they move,... and created degree with motionsse the world's first antiperspirant activated by movement, it hniqumioc thriction to release bursts oesal keepinu evee. tionse prtion to ke itow thinhoulakenlefte ri knowhe tarz tarzannot here rzano. hexcuse
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all? , me tn, kijung why you to juask dy? youcoup you ght ovecti itt yo. if you wanto sav fiftpercenore car iurance yoch tico. ohh hat yodo. hhh! youto do rit my r? g onet a gavme mr banow,p on ma and get my n h mahemy dr.choll'scust f ortinsert now i t immedie relief fromot pn. ower back pain. nd ane at drholl narr: eakfas di er. es. marriashes e. d slee (s) putterg) diss. nopinges. li. di deat dhes. existeishe didishshes ery y ti onlyh hapower ball
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ruth 20, yft r deat oicsurrnd ou>> wknocked on d in mngtolda at nt for her arrest re f erf raymkoki loorprid.>> ke s ing. st saw, but mething --odov h d waay i w wna gosomewh epr: fasedn bo w ens knew thad pems. orral dpeopavra reinc >> we to them althis toughas be pred. be pa ss." rorr: wnowi.
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ha nonc >> reporter: stuck in a bad marriage, most people swallow only their pride. it turns out, they're the lucky ones. thursday, july 30, 2015. judgment day in ashtabula county. judge gary yost had reached his decision. the families of accused murderer teresa kotomski and her dead husband ray made their way to the courthouse. >> by the time i got to the
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literally shaking. i was so afraid, like, i worked up to that -- almost six years. and i was -- i was so afraid that she was gonna get away with it. >> reporter: it looked as if ray's daughter's fears were justified. >> the court finds the defendant, teresa kotomski, not guilty of contaminating a substance for human consumption. >> the judge reads the first unt, tampering with food. >> yeah. >> not guilty. >> um-hm. >> and you think, "well, that's it." >> yeah, we're done. she got away with it. >> reporter: it is a moment monica will look back on for the rest of her life. >> were you lookin' at teresa -- >> yeah. >> and thinking what? >> i had hate. i did. >> the court finds that the ate has proved beyond a
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defendant, teresa kotomski, is the person who administered the antifreeze to raymond kotomski. the court finds the defendant guilty of murder ms. kotomski, do you wish to make a statement at this time? >> your honor, i want you to know i did not hurt my husband. i did not give him poison. i did not give him anything to harm him at all. i loved my husband. i swear before god. i never, ever, would hurt anybody, especially my husband. >> reporter: the sentence was mandatory. >> which has an indefinite term of imprisonment of 15 years to life. >> i love her. i want to be with her. i have faith in her. i don't think she's guilty. >> reporter: while teresa's attorney appeals her conviction, tim shumaker, teresa's boyfriend of five years, is standing by his woman. he's raising her grandkids.
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serving her sentence, tim asked her to marry him. teresa said yes. >> you meet this woman. she's already a suspect in a murder investigation. and then she's arrested, and tried, and convicted. you could find somebody who wasn't locked up. but you don't want anybody else. you want her. >> yeah, i want her. >> why is that? >> because i love her. and i wanna spend the rest of my life with her. i think -- i think she's -- she's an awesome woman. she's everything that a man looks for in a woman. >> reporter: while we were talking with tim, he got a call. >> she went into detail -- [ phone ringing ] oh, can i get it. >> reporter: it was teresa calling from behind bars. she and tim caught up for a few minutes. then he put her on speaker. >> oh, i -- hi. teresa, it's josh mankiewicz from "dateline." >> hi. >> hi. how are you? >> could be better. could be worse. >> okay. >> i understand you and tim are engaged.
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ain't that awesome? >> congratulations. >> thank you. thank you. i appreciate it. >> is there anything you wanna say? >> well, i just -- i just want everybody to know that, you know, i'm innocent. i didn't do what they're accusing me of doing. i loved my husband. someday we'll know why -- why he did what he did. >> you think he killed himself deliberately. >> i think it was an accidental suicide. i think he took in that antifreeze enough to make himself sick, and called me out there thinking that i would feel sorry for him, because that's the type of person i am. >> this call is originating from an ohio correctional facility. >> i just wanna be clear. you think ray took the antifreeze deliberately, to make himself sick, and get you to come back to him? >> yes. yes. i believe that his intention was to get me to come back. >> do you think you'll be outta there one day? >> i believe i'm gonna be outta here. i believe that the truth is gonna set me free.
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goes over this and finds out that i had no part of that. 'cause they have no evidence on me. they have none. because there's n -- no evidence there. >> i love you. we're gonna get cut off, babe. >> thank you for using -- >> yeah. we got cut off. >> okay. well, thank you for letting us talk to her. >> reporter: we wanted to interview teresa in person, but our request was denied by the department of corrections. teresa's hypothesis -- that ray took antifreeze so she would come back to him -- is one that her family and friends to a person are on board with. they see teresa as a decent person who somehow attracts men who, through no fault of hers, become obsessed with her, >> let me make sure i understand. one guy, mr. reichert, wants to kill to have teresa. another guy, roy, makes up a story that she's a murderer because he doesn't want anybody else to have her. and ray tries to kill himself to
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>> yeah. >> do you know anybody else of life, who drives men to do those kind of things? >> no. no. not at all. >> what's her secret? >> i have no idea. no idea. i think she's just a good woman. >> reporter: that's pretty much the opposite of what ray's daughter monica thinks. for her, this was all very personal. >> this was my dad. this was -- this was justice. this is the way it should be. you killed my father, somebody's gonna pay for this. and damn well right she's gonna. >> that's all for now.
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thanks for joining us. this sunday, have the republicans found their anti-trump? ted cruz has himself a super saturday and donald trump, who won louisiana and kentucky, seems to agree. >> i won ted one-on-one, okay. >> cruz wins kansas and maine and wins the day on delegates. >> donald trump is not the best candidate to go head-to-he with hillary clinton. >> meanwhile, whatever happened to marco rubio? three thirds and a fourth on a rough night. also, bernie sanders scores wins in kansas and nebraska, but hillary clinton takes louisiana and the most delegates for the day. >> you just want to pull your hair out when you see that insult fest that goes on among the republicans. plus, the republican dump trump movement. >> he's playing the memberings of the american public for suckers. he has neither the. >> mitt romney is in, but
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>> if mitt romney thinks that about mr. trump, he must think about that of every o of th suppo. tr. and think republican ranasty? >> i had tghtor everyhitie. >> president frank underwood, or should i say kevin spacey? one of them will be with me this morning. and joining me for insight and analysis are, david brooks of the "new york times," kelly o'donnell of nbc news, republican strategist mary matalin, and stephen henderson of the detroit free press. welcome to sunday, is "meet the press." from nbc news in washington, this is "meet the press" with chuck todd. good sunday morning. if the dump trump movement needs a candidate to rally around, his name just might be ted cruz. cruz and donald trump each won two contests yesterday, but it was ted cruz who emerged with the most delegates and perhaps some renewed momentum.
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caucuses beating trump by a better than two to one margin. cruz also took the main caucuses with 46% of the vote. 13 points ahead of trump, another double-digit win there for cruz. but trump also took two states last night winning the only primary in louisiana, but he won that by a much smaller margin than polls had indicated. and trump won the newly created kentucky caucuses, but again, it was by just a four-point margin over cruz. predicted. overall cruz won 70 degals last night to trump's 61. so cruz won the night on delegates. although overall trump still count. but as important as delegates are, cruz won some momentum and hope last night. >> maybe right now you're supporting marco rubio or john kasich. what is becoming more and more clear is if you want to beat trump
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united as one. >> i want to congratulate ted on maine and kansas, he should do well in maine because it's very close to canada, let's face it. i mean. >> on the democratic side by the way bernie sanders won two out of three states, but hillary clinton won the most delegates. let me walk you through it. sanders beat clinton by better than two to one in the kansas kau sus caucuses. sanders also won the nebraska caucuses but by a smaller margin, 56-44, the clintons spent a little time in nebraska, they didn't campaign much in kansas. but despite the sanders kansas, nebraska, see what we did for the history teachers, clinton won the primary by a huge marge 71-23, and that gave clinton the majority of delegates overnight. so overall with her support from superdelegates, clinton's lead in the delegate count has expanded to over 600 now over sanders. but as we said the big news was
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and even as ted cruz's wins gave hope to this growing never trump movement, donald trump had a message for republican leaders who think cruz has slowed his momentum. >> i would love to take on ted one-on-one. that would be so much fun. because ted can't win new york, he can't win new jersey, he can't win pennsylvania, he can't win california. >> republicans desperate to sink trump's presidential bid for months are finally speaking out. on thursday the party's last nominee denounced its current front-runner as a phony and a fraud. >> think of donald trump's personal qualities. the bullying, the greed, the showing off, the absurd third grade theatrics. >> and yet his speech only seemed to cement trump's support. >> if mitt romney thinks that about mr. trump, then he must think that about every one of us supporters of mr. trump. we are not phonies and frauds. >> i think what's damaging the
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front-runner at this stage. >> and trump crudely reminded voters that four years ago romney accepted his endorsement. >> i could have said, mitt, drop to your knees, he would have dropped to his knees. he was begging. >> romney has joined what is now a growing republican never trump caucus. >> he's attacking all of the core tenants of the republican party's platform. >> i reject trump and i'm encouraging other republicans to do the same. >> i will not stop until we fight a man that chooses not to disavow the kkk -- >> these were donald trump's -- >> and donors are pouring millions into a last-ditch effort to defeat him. >> donald trump made millions while hard working americans got scammed. >> republican leaders aren't just worried that trump would lose to clinton, they worry that trump at the top of the ticket would put the senate and even the house in jeopardy. according to the "new york times," the senate gop heeder has assured republicans up for
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ads against trump if needed, quote, we'll drop them like a hot rock. >> i don't remember saying anything like that to all of you. [ inaudible question ] >> i don't remember saying anything like that to all of you. >> some republicans are so desperate to stop trump they're ready to bury old rivalries and unite behind whoever is best positioned. >> if you nominate trump and cruz, i think you get the same outcome. you know, whether it's death by being shot or poisoning, does it really matter. we may be in a position where we have to rally around ted cruz is the only way to stop donald trump. >> reporter: but trump's republican rivals. >> i will go anywhere to speak to anyone before i let a con artist get ahold of the republican party. >> reporter: even one who calls him a con artist undermine the idea that trump is unacceptable. >> i'll support the republican nominee. >> yes, because i gave my word i would. >> i'll support whoever is the president. >> so in the end it may be that


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