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tv   Today  NBC  March 7, 2016 9:00am-10:59am EST

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the full hour as our special guest co-host. then the assignment that had al, dylan and tamron making a cold splash. then from "blindspot," sullivan stapleton stops by. all that and more now. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today". 2016. nice, big crowd on the plaza. we'd like to think they're here for us but we know why they're here. steve harvey is our special co-host. >> really? >> he didn't know unless five minutes ago. you a check? this. >> al can write you a little something. al's gotcha. we have steve with us. he has the new show "little big
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other things he does every day. we're listening to your jam right now, earth, wind and fire. >> number one song. >> good shot. >> "little big shots," it'll be a hit, first of all, because you're good with the kids but it's not a competition, right? >> everybody wins. if you have a competition, you're going to have children crying. nobody wants that. >> right. >> but they all are so gifted, man, with what they do. >> oh. >> we let them come out and do world. we just have fun with them and we talk. they just do some amazing stuff, man. >> like "america's got talent" meets "kids say the darndest things." >> that's right. the best part for me is the interview. when you sit there and treat children like adults, they have some real stuff for you. >> oh, yes. >> because you can't prep them, you know. they don't have publicists yet. >> do they tell you what mom and
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>> they say stuff about their parents and the parents are in the audience, more fitified. i'm dying laughing. it's the highlight of my day. >> then you have the "steve harvey show," which is killing it. >> i'm blessed. i like jobs because i like options. when people talk about getting rid of one, go ahead. >> is marjorie on board? >> she said, don't sign nothing else. >> you have hillary clinton coming up on your show. >> ain't that big, man? i'm important. >> yes, you are. >> yeah. >> you're a king maker. >> i'm going to have donald trump on there soon. >> you have to have him on. >> i'd pay money to watch you and donald trump. >> you should. >> that's a pay per view event. >> call steve, donald. we'll talk more about what steve is up to in a minute. we want to get to the news that everybody is paying attention to this morning. that is the passing of the former first lady nancy reagan. she died of congestive heart california.
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natalie is at the ronald reagan presidential library in simi valley, california, with more. >> good morning. nancy reagan is being regarded as one of the most influential first ladies. so devoted to her husband, president ronald reagan, but she also made her mark on her own with initiatives. now, we look back at her life. >> reporter: nancy reagan is being remembered this morning as a formidable first lady who was the 5'4" towering figure behind ronald reagan. president and michelle obama said she redefined the role of first lady. former president and laura bush called her influence on the white house complete and lasting. but beneath that sweet and proper exterior was a soul of steel. hardened following the assassination attempt against the president just 69 days into his first term. that changed everything. former reagan chief of staff
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nancy's number one priority became protecting ronnie. >> she was very, very much his protector. she could be tough. >> reporter: she's also being remembered with fondness and affection for the part she played in the twilight of her love story with the president. when he developed alzheimer's disease and nancy took on her most difficult and poignant role as protector and soul mate for what she called the long good-bye. the reagan's son ron spoke to matt by phone. >> they had gone through a lot together. they had looked forward to, you know, what they used to refer to as their golden years, where they could sit back and reminisce and all of that. she was very saddened that their golden years would be few. >> theirs was such a beautiful love story. certainly being celebrated as part of her legacy here. in the meantime, she's been remembered for her work. she was among the first of first
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with her just say no anti-drug campaign. she also became a powerful voice and advocate for stem cell research during her husband's long battle with alzheimer's disease. mrs. reagan will be buried later on sometime this week here right next to her husband at the presidential library in simi valley. back to you. >> natalie, thanks so much. we appreciate it. i was talking to a historian this morning who said, without nancy reagan, there's no governor reagan and there's no president reagan. she was the driving force behind him getting into politics and campaigning and even when he lost in 1976, to try again in '80. in many ways, she shaped this country. >> what's interesting, too, her pop culture influence. for people around her age, i remember her making an strokes." she was in the say no to drugs campaign. whatever people may think of it. it was criticized for being simplistic, but it was a pop culture moment and an education moment. that was my recollection of her. >> i thought she was really classy. i thought she was really classy
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right up there with jackie and michelle obama. they were very, very classy. >> and strong. you have these strong women who keep their identity while supporting, obviously, the most powerful person in the world. >> that's right. >> not to change the subject too much, but we were in chicago yesterday. tamron, myself and dylan dreyer, for the 16th annual polar plunge for the special olympics. >> steve is shaking his head already. >> so you're not an advocate of going in for the polar plunge? you'll write the check but -- >> black people don't polar plunge. >> wait a minute. >> i don't know what made you think it was a brilliant idea. i'm surprised you're here. >> it was -- to be honest, it was tamron's idea. >> it was my idea. >> it was her idea. >> we thought tamron, you know -- >> al went in. >> that was a real plunge. tamron, you tried not to get your hair wet.
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>> that's not true. don't stereotype me. i am sick and have been for three weeks. >> i can stereotype. other black people can't stereotype. you didn't want to get your hair wet. that's what that was. >> how many times in different bodies of water, where my hair -- i don't mind. my doctor at the last minute said i could do it. i can't still hear in my ears. when i went back -- i don't remember going back. i said to al, i think i blacked out. i just remr water touching -- and boom >> and boom. >> you had to get a doctor's excuse to polar plunge? >> she has a bronchial thing. >> lady gaga was there. >> pd, fire, gaga's fiance was there. >> in reality, and we'll have more, there's gaga, who didn't get her hair wet and she's not
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>> once again, count them. >> there were other black people. >> you and al. >> i saw them. >> i didn't see any there. it's not true. no, they weren't. >> they were. >> you're saying they were there. there's no footage. >> we're going to show it. >> no footage. >> it's a controversy. >> yesblack and blue. >> it's not what it is. >> how cold was it, al? was it a cold day in chicagosome. >> 38 degrees. last year was 18 degrees and they had to chunk out ice. >> no ice. >> in the end, 4.3 million special olympic athletes. so you can still write a check. >> i got the check. >> he's ready. >> i'll write the check. i can't write a steve check, but i can write a check. >> white one we can agree on. >> willie will take care of the >> i'll be the dot.
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>> congratulations. >> well done. miami heat mascot, bernie, celebrating his birthday last night. he has a birthday, apparently. during a game against the sixers. here's the dear, it was a stunt for a guinness world record. most mascots flipped over. we're getting specific. mascot. >> that wasn't a gag? >> i don't think so. purpose. >> look at this. oh! >> oh! >> he was happy about it though. >> meanwhile, that guy -- >> don't want to be a mascot no more. >> which would you want, polar plunge or that? >> to be on the receiving end of that? >> polar plunge. >> i'm going to polar plunge then. you can't do it, do a flip on my zig er zipper.
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no, no flip on my zip. i'm an adult. i have plans. >> do you really? >> i have a vacation i'm going on. i wanted to really work out for that. >> marjorie is coming back. >> willie, nothing? just smile. >> i thought we'd have a good time, but there was a mascot. >> al roker, don't you have something to show us? >> excuse me? >> oh, my gosh. >> in the weather world. >> oh. >> well, we are looking at severe weather coming in. we've got this slow moving low pressure system not going anywhere. high pressure is dominating. it's a ridge of high pressure, so this low can't move anywhere. that means we're going to have recurring storms pushing on through. look for the heavy thunderstorms from san antonio to dallas, up to wichita today.
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that's what's >> that is your latest weather. >> thank you, al. steve, for a guy who didn't know he was doing this ten minutes ago, you've done well. let's keep the ball rolling.
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this, including your questions hesweetie, is time ee nncr aft evne.morng ritue spiawhou shat yolo... ..ith who u love.kes frd flak the grrr it's an aning reamit'szingy, t stopt my c roc'formulapts dicat areasmyline, bly reced in 4 weeks.chesk anface cre fromeod notirles. use to s spss and!eeeek weg 2 learhoto u windex rig rd s
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who's ticket i ! i'm e'reing ed pot d add et ohien valleyginal it bes the f thing th rch f ncmash potatoes. ddeny it jane likes to mix things up. that's why she loves new light & fit greek non-fat yogurt mousse. so fluffy and airy it's her new 80 calorie obsession. light & fit feel free to enjoy. peiscoimmyn ghts, ith gg whites, leacut s, andle grains.
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with j deaghts rnings l greatays. s nee thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy switch to make. back with our co-host steve harvey. it's time to ask steve. >> we've lined up wonderful people, steve, from our plaza, randomly selected. let's start out with -- >> okay. >> -- darby and her daughter sadie, 12 years old, and they're from thomasville, georgia.
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hi, steve. >> hi. >> i would like to know, how do you raise appreciative children? >> howo i raise appreciative children? >> yes. >> don't give them nothing. see, if you don't give them nothing, when you do give them something, they have a lot more appreciation for it. it's just tough parenting. you know, you've got -- there's a balancing act you have to do. you try to create a life so your kids have a better life than what you had. at the same time, you can't give them everything. sometimes, withholding the blessing makes the blessing more appreciative. >> sadie, are you cool with that answer? >> no, she wasn't. >> she didn't like that at all. >> mom! >> why are you asking him? he's not my dad. >> thank you so much. next up, we have sophie from montreal, canada. good morning. >> good morning. >> hi, steve.
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>> oh. >> change the locks, yeah. i don't let mine in. yeah, they call. i got all their numbers. i know the numbers. i really have great in-laws, but you have intrusive in-laws. make for an unstable environment when they come over. well? >> not bad. >> stop it. cook badly. no clean linens. >> yes. >> bring in some water that don't look healthy. >> yes. >> don't wash dishes. just set the fork out there with egg on it. people have a tendency to go home. >> they'll learn. >> that's what i do. >> great advice, steve. thank you. >> next up. >> oh, canada. >> michelle and her daughter lexi. she's 24 years old and they're from syracuse, new york. >> good morning. >> morning. >> at what age should your
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house? this is my daughter, alexis. tell her when she needs to leave. >> lexi is 24. >> she should be gone. bye, lexi. yeah, yeah. if you've got to wonder, should they be there anymore, it's time to go. i wanted mine to leave by 12, but by law, i had to keep them around, you know. talking about, i was a bad parent. yeah, i think 24 is the limit. i think once -- do you have a curfew? >> no. >> then it's time to go. once you can't tell your child let them go. >> she's in bed early, so it doesn't matter. >> you have a great kid then. she looks like a sweetheart. >> thank you. >> does she get to stay then? >> my daughters can stay. my sons -- no one can live in my house after 24 years old.
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aea bged the packs. >> kay and her daughter chelsea. >> hi. >> ask steve. >> hi, steve. why does my beautiful daughter keep dating guys that are going nowhere? i had her read your book. >> wow. >> mom, mom. >> she's not kidding around. >> you have got to understand how beautiful you are and how deserving you are. you've got to make a guy pay the price. you should not come into a guy's life to elevate his life unless he's elevating yours. it can't be a one-sided street. get rid of him. i get rid of all losers that come to my house. three words that have always worked for me and boys. i'll kill you. >> oh, gosh. >> i say tha to them, and i mean it with every fiber in my body. i will kill you. that's it. get out of my house. that's it.
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[ laughter ]. >> just rip one off on somebody's head. rip an ear. >> have her dad clean the guns while they talk. >> chelsea, after this, all the boys will see you and i'm sure you'll be getting messages because you are a knockout. beautiful. >> or she'll be left alone. >> only good boys will call now. >> thank you, ladies. >> thank you, guys. quickly, steve, you are a -- the king when it comes to wearing the mustache. how long have you had your mustache? >> probably since i was 22. >> really? >> yeah. >> that thick? >> no, it got thicker. i shaved it off in college. i'll never do that again because i actually discovered the distance from the top of my lip to the tip of my nose is actually four feet. >> really? >> yeah, looked like a sheet of plywood. i can't shave it off. >> we want to see how well we mustaches.
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>> i know that one. >> tom. >> oh, yeah. >> next. >> josh brolin? >> no, that's burt reynolds. i don't know. >> will ferrell. >> that's not a real one, is it? >> ron burgundy. >> next. >> mr. potato head. >> that looked like something else. >> al roker. >> when i had a mustache. >> i looked like mr. potato head. >> steve is hanging out more. up next, sullivan stapleton. ere' one thust taetter. eshe more ful. delis. only eggbett nutr.. ke morvimins, and omega
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only one egg good enough for my family. use why ordinary when you can have the best. eggland's best. the onlygg that gives you so much more: better taste. bettutriti bettggs. i d . t.heure' hr,ndhage,in d't ea'l y yooney bk. diit.. and eliful t reouco for ta iface ur scovard,you n e frt to pve newurases on yaccounecon d ce y fd it you switcht ri aga. u'rek! free froscover. it at scover. one of the cool perks of this place is you can eat as much cereal as you want. it's like i'm going to work to get some. alrighty. we just like cereal. we make it, eat it, love it, live it.
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and now in delicious chocolate. see see me. don'e ate. e me e meow pis t soing that i have. ag me t tha.....i't sto until i find what works. discover cosentyx, fferenkind of er sis he ople filear or almost c ski 8 ou 10 le saw5% leart 3 . whilthe ma saw % cleara do use iare ic tntyx re sg, yuld sted fercu increased risk of infecon wereity them occur .tell octoou h infecti or mpms.. .such everswts,
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tve thi is it.nurly time now is 9:26 in the news this morning raleigh police looking for two suspects who left a teenager girl tied up in a closet. investigators told two men forced themselves into the home of glade astor court yesterday. the mother found her duct taped. this five other nearby units were evacuated. the red cross is helping the displaced resident dentds. the state naacp continues
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they lead a mar in dur ham. they are worried a short voting period will hurt minority turn out. it starts at union at the nc central student union. a beautiful day elizabeth. >> a little cold this morning but warming up quickly with the sunshine. there's a look over centennial campus here in raleigh. that's going to start greening up before you know it as the temperatures continue to climb. 46 in rocky mount and roxboro and 52 in southern pines. temperatures in the 50s by lunchtime at 4:00 this afternoon in the mid 60s and continue our warm up tomorrow. back with another news and weather update at 9:56.
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colts in 07 at thte. at the tde age of 39, manning is the oldest to win a hetht careerars ofnyer ilon iendoen 'snice it wasoot ofce ce vi gckinut bng $7 n.
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>> let a c y >> that is your latest weather. >> thank you so much. time for a little friendly competition on the new game show, "separation anxiety." pairs are put to the toast seeest to see how well they know each other. >> we have the show's host, eliza. good to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> explain the game for people who tune? >> for those that missed the sneak peek last night, it's a show where we take pcouples in any relationship, best friends, brother and sister, married, boyfriend and girlfriend, and one knows they're playing a ge show for $2500 and the other $250,000. one thinks it's a fun internet game show and joke is on them because money is at stake. partner?
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>> tbs was cool about letting me have my dog on set. she's excited to be here, obviously. >> looks like it. >> by the way, your standup is fantastic. >> thank you. >> when's the next one coming up? >> recording it in april. i have two netflix specials. the last was "freezing hot." did one with al. >> that's right. >> all right. let's play the game. >> all right. let's do it the right way. we launch an answer or do we confer? >> oh, no. i'll tell you how it goes. >> welcome back to "separation anxiety." i got up at 6:00 and forgot my spanks. let's get it started. really, this is not the way we play the game. there are no rules here. al, i'm going to give you two categories to choose from and you'll pick for your partner and you answer the question. >> got it. >> reality tv or u.s. history. >> u.s. history. >> you think he knows the most about history?
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>> i think more about u.s. history than reality tv. >> okay. i don't know if that makes you a good american or bad one. if it were reposted by buzzfeed, what would most likely be titled "ten constitutional amendments you have to read"? >> is there a buzzer? >> what is the bill of rights. >> bill of rights is right. >> it's not "jeopardy." >> you win $10,000. >> he knew that? >> right? >> here we go. tamron, i'll start with you. >> what's your name again? >> if i said cameron, would you correct me? >> no, call me anything. >> we call her cameron all the time. >> they don't but it's fine. >> choices are cereal and logos. >> cereal like food? >> i cannot clarify.
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>> or murders. >> when did i have a bowl of cereal? >> as a kid. >> i'll nail it. >> which cereal boasts that it's magically delicious? this is my job. >> lucky charms. >> yeah! >> magically delicious. >> $10,000 on the board. >> you always after me lucky charms. >> you dead, al. >> over to you. something harder. categories, food and mobile games. >> food, please. master chef right here. >> okay. >> popular pastery is the food baby of a croissant and doughnut. >> cronut. >> in the game, they're harder. for morning television purposes, we have one more. >> okay. >> simpleminded contestants. one of the two. steve, to you for tamron.
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>> that's cool. >> she's like, please stop. celebrity couples or u.s. states. >> celebrity couples. >> uh-oh. >> the mississippi was a -- >> oh, my gosh. >> long story. >> okay. >> global warming is a thing. how many children make up the brangelina brood? >> that's a tough one. >> they added a couple. >> stop, stop. >> they have the twins. >> remember, if you get this wrong, someone will be killed. >> six. >> six is right. >> yeah! >> you go, girl. >> eliza, thank you so much. "separation anxiety" premiering tomorrow on tbs. >> what do we get? >> nothing? >> keep your job.
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in icy chicago waters in the increase speed, full throttle! (over intercom) ann, are you coming in? negative! stay on target. what are you guys doing? artoo, thrusters! they're closing in! i'll guard the base. for every family that lives star wars, this is the place where star wars lives. where a galaxy far, far away... closer than ever before. come join star wars awakens. now at walt disney world resort. (from x-wing) hyperspace! introducing the fusion of exceptional taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. new activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. delicious and good for you.
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i inventedtory, anist th whaty mas?so whe abt me? he you'ring to deat. well, this year marks the 40th anniversary of the polar plunge, which raises money and awareness for the special olympics. >> yesterday, al and i took a trip to chicago's lake michigan, hoping to make a splash. >> for the past few years, the biggest stars have taken the arctic plunge and then there's us. wait until you see who else showed up.
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fallon took the plunge in a suit. lady gaga and her fiance taylor kinney made a splash. and actor vince vaughan got more than just his feet wet. since 1976, people across the country have taken the bone-chilling plunge. the polar plunge. to raise awareness and funds for special olympics. and the water temperature is, what, 32? turn. >> helping to raise millions of dollars for the special olympics. 40th anniversary of the polar plunge. why wouldn't you do it? >> polar plunge, 2016. >> architect of this adventure was nowhere to be found. >> it was tamron hall's idea. >> we are obligated now. >> don't see tamron. who is here? my compadre of "today" weather, dylan dreyer. >> i said, if al is doing it, i'm doing it. >> i can't touch my toes. >> reporter: we got ourselves
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followed by a healthy breakfast. >> bow nutdoughnuts. >> reporter: 5700 souls from all backgrounds and all parts of the world. >> new zealand. >> reporter: including the one and only lady gaga. and gaga's fiance, taylor kinney. also taking the dive -- >> how many of you have done this already? >> yeah. >> reporter: the cast of "chicago fire," "chicago med" and "chicago pd." >> i'm not wearing a speedo. it's a federal mandate, i'm not allowed to wear a speedo. >> it was horrible being with gaga, taylor kinney and the past of "chicago pd." >> thank you, tamron. >> thank you for all you do for the special olympics. >> reporter: little did we know, tamron was scheming all along. >> i want to surprise al and dylan. i want to do this for a great cause. >> there's not ice out there.
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were kicking off the event -- >> tamron hall! >> reporter: time to dive in. >> let's go! let's go! let's go! >> oh! >> oh, my gosh. >> it'scold! >> oh, my gosh. i'm alive! i'm alive! >> we did it. >> yes, we did. >> reporter: we weren't the only ones shivering and screaming. all for a good cause. >> it was freezing. >> not as cold this year. >> last year, it was real cold. >> i have to come back next
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>> that's right. >> al, i do apologize because we all had a game plan. i promised i'd get you out of the water. once i got in there, i left. >> it was like a turtle on my back. help me! >> we were running in and dylan was like, we'll do "bay watch." then it was fight or flight. >> you did a face plant. >> i fell down. >> goal of the event, raise $1.5 million. so far, $1.4 million. nicely done. >> thank you, guys. you really didn't know i was showing up. >> had i known -- >> you still would have done it. >> thank you so much. up next, speaking of family, steve harvey has a new show "little big shot," who will put
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peppiscoimmy lits, deith egg whites, leacut and grains. an excellent soute itls her up th e help throher rng. with deadelights ings l gre ds. if you misplacur scover cd, you cause freeze it to p new pases on ycoun secon d ce yd it you switch rit on aga
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free ly froover it aover toouple erin wh good looklike no serisly? givea 6 fo coion. scar wohat aboust ing , noe pr theinw? not noug sometithe bels are plasee. lovthe ame is o. ugtoday thame is out, tomorr matti. yourother. antonio.ntio. que? e stit's worcamp micwaableps. or reaeal .
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d's only bod ...with fragrance release pearls. ur sn to r raup new caress forever collection. now available in 4 unforgettable fragrances. hetie,s time e of anncrod afton ev. moritue spl.wh you sha wt yo... ..ith who ve.kes frteflak theygrrr wow! this toilet paper reminds me of a washcloth! that's charmin ultra strong, dude. cleans so well... keeps your underwear cleaner. (secretly) so could wear them a second day.
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(sheepishly) i said you could... not that you would! ...charmin ultra strong with its washcloth-like texture, helps clean better than the leading flat-textured bargain brand. it's 4 times stronger, and you can use up to 4 times less it cleans better. (to different boy) you should try it, "skidz." we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin? noye t ye not t! not ye pull the peach! mmmm, yoplait. in addition to his day time
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series premiering this sunday on nbc called "little big shots." it features performances from talented kids. >> some will perform for us live in a few minutes. first, here is steve with a pint-sized spelling wiz. >> mr. harvey, please spell connoisseur. >> connoisseur, c-o-n-a c-o-n-a-s-e-w-e-r. >> no, pack it up. >> that kid. huge. >> it's the best. >> tell us about it. >> look, man, if you miss this, you're really going to miss just complete hysterical joy on your
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because kids are pure, man. it's like you said earlier, it's a combination of "kids say the darndest things" and "america's got talent," without winners or losers. the spelling bee guy, it went on so long, it was incredible. i broke all the rules of the spelling bee. he was so mad at me. because i was talking while he was spelling. you know, i didn't know the origin of the words. he was just -- oh, he was through with me. >> we got some of the kids -- one of the performers over here. this is the joyous quintet. a brother and sister team. tell us about these guys. >> they were great. they came in, man, their performance on "little big shot," first of all, we're friends, roo igtight? >> yeah. >> these are actually my kids. it was a long weekend. don't worry about it. can't explain it to you right now. you'll see how talented they are. out of their minds. they came on and they jam. they don't use music sheets.
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>> what are you going to play? >> we're going to play "shut up and dance with me." >> from walk the moon. let's hear it. joyous quintet.
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>> wow, the joyous quintet. you guys are terrific. some of what you'll see. "little big shots" premiering this sunday at 8:00/7:00 central here on nbc. congratulation congratulations, steve. this is going to be huge.
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from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody, welcome to fun day monday, march the 7th, 2016. jenna bush hager is filling in for kathie lee. this song is "no words" which is perfect by eric hassel. you had a good weekend? >> you had a better one. >> we're going to talk hollywood gossip this weekend, including why madonna got emotional on stage during her concert. a lot of people know there's been a custody battle going on so we're going to talk about that a little bit. >> if you can't have the body you want, love the body you're with. it's like a mantra for me. how to choose the right styles. >> and if your spring cleaning to do list is a mile long, we've got the best cleaning products
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>> hoda can't wait. >> i was counting the minutes. so what did you do this weekend? >> i did nothing. i was in denver on friday for work and i flew in on saturday and when i got home i immediately was like -- >> blobbed out. >> did you use that word? blobbed? >> blobbed out. >> i actually did blob out. my sister came over last night. she made carrot cake. she and mila made cookies. >> what? >> and then we had -- she's like, this is gluten free carrot cake. i'm like gluten free, it has sugar. >> it has everything in the word. >> we made home made pizzas. and barbara was like, i have the winner. >> this is mila. we have a ritual which is a dance party. mila had a neon necklace reminiscent of cancun 2001. that's us dancing around. >> cute.
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because mila is the play list. >> she gets to pick? my question is what does poppy like? >> not much. she likes milk. she likes formula. she likes staring at her parents and beginninggiggling. >> so cute. family dance party. >> a funky dance party. >> a family/funky dance party, you have to do it. it instantly lifts your mood. thing. one of the things when my nieces come to see me, when the elevator doors open in the building, if nobody's in there, we have what we call an fdp, funky dance party in the elevator. when the elevator doors open and there's somebody in there, they're all like, oh. the person in there is like, hello, thanks a lot. >> isn't that the most fun? >> it's the best. >> those types of memories. they'll have forever. >> you're right.
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away with some friends and had a great time. i want to show you one picture. this does not look real. that's a sunrise. it was pink and a round ball. look how i got the bird. i seriously stopped and said, this does not look real to me. >> you are a photographer. >> it was nice. >> i was flying back on sunday and i was watching -- i was on jetblue, all the tvs were on, that's when the news broke about nancy reagan passing away at 94. for a lot of people -- for a younger generation, she's probably the first first lady they really remember. she was first lady from 1981 to 1989. every tribute you saw. on the plane, you just kept watching them go over and over and over. she was obviously influential with policy and with her husband in so many ways. but the love story between those two, i was getting teary-eyed watching it. notes. they had notes that wound up in books and -- >> they're love letters.
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like he was writing to her and he writes, when you leave the room, i miss you. you know how when you lose someone you care about, everyone always says the same thing, it get easier. i was watching her. she was getting interviewed by i think larry king or somebody and she said, you know how they always say it gets easier? she said, it doesn't get easier. she said, i loved him that much. it's harder every day. i was imagining her while she was going through alzheimer's with her. but anyway, they had a beautiful, beautiful love story. >> i think in so many ways people can learn from their marriage. marriage. other. the respect he had for her. >> yes. >> i got to meet them a little bit when i was little. i remember -- i'll never forget it, that's a picture of us in the oval office. >> look at you two. >> and, you know, he was -- he
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grandfather and i remember, i remember meeting her and i said -- i have a distinct memory of you meeting her at the easter egg roll when i was little and barbara and i were not that well behaved. she seemed like a first lady. >> she did. >> don't you think? >> regal. >> she had an air about her that was first lady-like and in all the best ways, so i think she'll be missed. >> she will. you can just see the number of tributes and the number of people she impacted and how people have her held up as not just a wonderful first lady but as, you know, a loving wife, a fashion icon. >> she did so much for the white house and restoration. she left a lasting impact but i think the legacy, like you said, that she'll leave is that -- >> the love affair. it was really -- i've never seen a couple who had been married as long as they had who looked at each other the way they did and you hardly saw a picture of them where they weren't touching or looking at each other. no matter what, almost every single picture.
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we can all work on. >> absolutely. >> to have that type of marriage. >> absolutely. >> so, it's -- >> you're so sad. >> i'm a little bit bummed about this next story. >> yes. >> peyton manning is going to announce his retirement today we've heard from many sources. he had an 18-year career. he's a new orleans boy. >> yes, love him. >> so drew brees or peyton manning, if you had to pick? >> that is a terrible -- >> oh, on an island? >> stranded on an island. >> you know what? i don't know. a toss-up. today's peyton's day. but both of these guys are upstanding incredible guys who you would want your daughter to marry or your son to emulate. they're that kind of guy. peyton -- i didn't realize he liked our show. >> what? >> first of all, i'm like, what's a huge cool awesome jock doing watching this show. >> no, he doesn't. >> it came out -- yeah, they were talking about while he was
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was kind of trapped -- i guess he wasn't really. i guess he didn't have a choice. he said he watched us for 35 days in a row. >> straight? >> just listen because this is from his lips. go. >> i did all 35 days. watched hoda and kathie lee. i did all 35 days. for an hour treatment. watched hoda and kathie lee. >> one more time. why did we cut it? just continue. >> you want it over and over again? >> -- watched hoda and kathie lee. >> that's my ring tone. >> can we make that your ring tone and/or your alarm clock? >> there's so many great pictures of him. that's supposed to be announced later today. if you want to see a beautiful picture about the duke and duchess of cambridge, they had their first ski vacation. they bought george and the baby -- >> oh, my gosh. >> is this for real? >> what shocks me. i mean, the kids are obviously adorable. what shocks me even more. >> look at her.
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what mom has hair that looks that fab? >> look at that. >> when they're holding two little babes. she looks so good. >> why is everyone happy? like usually one is not so happy. >> a ski trip. one baby usually. of course he's laughing. where are they? they're in the french alps. secret location. >> they wouldn't give it away obviously. >> this is the first time william and kate have hit the slopes since having kids. which by the way henry and i have yet to go skiing. >> look at them in love too. i mean, you can't have everything. you know what's funny? we were at the pool and we saw this really handsome guy and we were ogling. thank you for confirming. >> i had a lot people say you said it incorrectly. >> okay, we were ogling this guy and this somehow gross it was. we were watching him and he was with his wife and she was gorgeous and they had a baby. he's making her laugh and the baby's bouncing and my friend looked at me and goes, he's got to be stupid. because no one gets everything.
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>> i'm sure his wife appreciated that ogling. >> we couldn't help it. she understood. >> oogling. >> she understood. imagine this, imagine your child goes to school with beyonce's daughter blue ivy and imagine you're at a fund-raiser. >> right. >> at school which is what people do. and all a sudden it's time for beyonce to get up on stage and start singing a whitney houston song and that's what happened at the school. so take a look. don't fade away >> can't mila go to blue ivy's school? >> seriously. doest this make moms across the country feel inadequate or just me. because i'm right in the middle of trying to find auction items for mila's school's auction.
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diner down street, you think they'd do a free breakfast? >> just take a "today" show mug, those are hot. people like those. >> maybe they could come behind the scenes. >> yeah, do a behind the scenes. they could have lunch with hoda kotb. >> and you! >> you're like, and no. >> yes, indeed, i'd love to. talk about our lottery brothers. >> two brothers stopped on their way home from the beach to buy power ball tickets. they both won. >> that's the good news. >> but the bad news is one won $291. >> no, $291 million. >> million dollars! >> so he chose the lump sum. >> and his brother won $7. million. >> can you imagine? >> i bet it always happens in that family. that brother, bob always -- >> i would say bob is me and james is barbara. >> well, james is a judge from
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>> and he was on vacation in the keys when he stopped to get a bag of ice and lottery tickets. >> james says he's going back to florida to celebrate. >> here's the question, is james going to share with poor bob? >> james has got to share with bob. >> if james doesn't share with bob, we feel sorry for bob. >> we do. >> we already feel sorry for bob. >> we do. all right, it's national cereal day. so if you haven't had your bowl of cheerios, we're going to play, you know -- >> with our food, okay. >> what is this? >> cheerios colada? >> of course some sort of alcoholic beverage. >> well, that's the show. >> things don't look like cheerios, these are fruit loops. >> no they're multicolored cheerios. >> they have fruity cheerios? >> oh, my god, try them. they do taste like fruit loops. no, these are fruit loops. >> that is not true. >> oh, they're fruity cheerios. she looks like she's going to hit me.
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>> it's got white rum, tumoric. pineapple juice. >> it's good for colds. i should drink this whole thing. >> anyway, jenna and i are going to share our favorite things. by the way, i want -- for a second. my favorite thing is so off the chain and delicious, it's worth sticking around for. >> and find outch
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the ng i it bettit w tinoexiofrommethods, notirac looking great and stepping out with confidence includes having beautiful feet. my newest beauty routine secret starts in the shower. discover the latest innovation from amop\. the new pedi perfect wet & dry. w get less rd skin rer t skin.plitan r the easy way for touchably soft feet. ndne new amop\ pefe wetry op\. love every step. oh, it's that time we love when we get to make one of our viewers very happy. we get to surprise our fan of the week. >> drum roll please. today, it's landed in lantana, texas.
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who watches us on kxas tv. she watches us on skype. >> are you i school? >> yes, i am. i stepped out of the classroom so fingers crossed they're all on task. >> oh, my gosh. we're going to tell everybody why you were chosen. you're a recent college grad who works as a substitute teacher. >> she watches the show every day and she said it inspired her to be brave and take the leap of faith and move all the way from illinois to texas. good move, girl. >> one of her favorite memories is when she came to the plaza and played who knew with us. ashley loves ambush makeovers and she loves how much we drink. it's so sad. she likes to join in with her full glass of milk. >> okay, ashley, it's time to put your fan dom to the test with a trivia question. 15 questionseconds, one guess. are you ready? >> i think so, fingers crossed. >> this one's about jenna. she often talks about her twin sister who is named after their
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is it laura, ethel or barbara? >> barbara. >> yes. what does she win? >> you won a fabulous resort vacation. you and a guest are going to head to sunny florida. at the seminole hard rock hotel and casino in tampa. >> as well as massages at the rock spa, round trip airfare is included. >> ashley, who's going to go with you, do you know? >> oh, my goodness, yes, my mom, she's my best friend. i'm so excited. she deserves it too. >> oh, ashley, we love you. >> ashley, we love you and you kind of have a texas accent which i love, girl. >> thanks, girl. >> ashley, have a good one, honey.
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coming up, we're going to have your baby's chubby little hand latches onto your finger so hard, it's like she's saying i love you. that's why aveeno's oat formula is designed for your baby's sensitive skin. aveeno . naturally beautiful babies. mmmm
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it is a fun kayday monday. there isn't a woman out there who isn't self-conscious about some part of her body. >> you think your booty's a little too bootylicious. we're about to show you how to turn your so-called flaws into fashion assets. >> here with the styles to help you love your body is "instyle" beauty and fashion editor and large. kalana. >> i'm good, how are you guys? >> we're not quite sure how to dress our bodies and if we start off with someone who let's say has ample bosoms. >> sometimes it's hard. >> it is so hard. i find it to be superchallenging because i actually suffer from this. but it's not really a suffer because i'm embracing my assets. it's all about, you know, finding the right cuts and think when you have a bigger bust, what's complicated is finding the right tops that don't make you look top heavy. >> what are the rules?
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when you go for a higher neckline it kind of cuts you off and makes you look more top heavy so go with a bow neck, a scoop neck, a v-neck. >> you're talking about girls with what size cups? >> d cup. even c cup. >> c, d, e, f, g. >> h, i, j. >> all the way. >> she has a scoop neck top and ateay shows off her skin but it's not too low cut where she's revealing too much. and then emphasize your waist. a pair of shorts are cinched and it brings her in and gives her that hour glass shape. another key is to do a blazer. it's a great way to just polish off the look and it kind of camouflages things. >> thanks, erica. how about the opposite if you're flat chested, you have a tiny bosom. let's bring out anna. >> the word bosom by the way. >> bosom is from the 1960s. >> that's a cute top. >> i think a halter top is really the way.
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it shows a sexy amount of skin without requiring a lot of cleavage. but i do think when your boobs are tiny you can get away with a lot more. you can really do anything. >> you don't necessarily have to wear a bra, right? >> when you do a bra, don't try to go for one that's padded, go for one that has more shape. >> what's great is she can have a backless dress. no bra. you don't need it. >> all right. thanks, so much. so now we got the booty. >> the big booty. >> which is -- by the way, a big booty is a great asset. >> some people try to camouflage this but there are women out there trying to enhance so you have to show it off. when it comes natural, embrace that. >> let's see the natural. >> so she's wearing a pair of skinny jeans. a lot of women are intimidated by jeans because they gap in the back when you have a bigger
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do a pair of skinny jeans that elongate your legs but also have stretch. if you have that gap, make sure you're belting jean so you bring it in. she has a top that's a little bit more fabric so you want to tuck it in and show that waist. >> she has a tiny waist. >> so it's super flattering. >> curvy. we have christina. she's working it. i want to be able to walk like that. >> christina, you look good. tell us what you've done there. >> i think for a woman who has a curvy shape, you want to have adjustability. you want to have a dress that is either a wrap dress that you can cinch at the waist or do a trench coat on top that has a belt. you don't want anything to be too, too tight. again, you want to use the trench coat in the same way you would use a blazer, polish the look and bring everything together. it's bright, she has confidence. it's not too tight and it's not too loose.
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>> we talk about cankles, what should we do with those? >> i don't like the word cankle. >> you just want to avoid the thick strap. it's going to draw attention to the cankle. >> she does not have a cankle. >> no. no, we're looking up there. >> all right, i got it. >> you don't want to draw attention to it and wear a heel with a thick strap. you want to do something monochromatic so do a nude shoe. >> thank you so, so much. we really appreciate it. >> you look fab. >> did you take a break from your career maybe to raise some kids?
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kids dnoti. ithedid dogs aft & cheese. 's ced. but itasn' it is the decision to step away from the career to raise kids but it's even challenging sometimes. >> she's here to share their stories and offer advise for all of us. >> you're about to meet two women who left big jobs for their families and they don't regret the decision for a minute. both are finding that re-entering the workforce is tougher than they thought. >> i have three children and i'm a single mom. i have a son in college and two girls in high school, freshman, twins. >> meet jane. jane spent decades building a successful career for herself in the fashion world but ten years
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made a joint decision for her to take a break from her job to raise the kids. >> i said, i'm going to take a little bit of time off. i just want to spend some time with my kids and play around and a recruiter said to me at the time, jane, be careful, you know, you always want to keep your toes in the water. >> laura had a slightly different path. after more than a decade in the world of finance, laura found out she was pregnant with twins, an exciting surprise. >> i stayed home for three years. and then i was offered a position with johnson & johnson. i was with johnson & johnson for eight years. and as my children grew, i realized i would spending less and less time with them. i was missing out on their lives. >> now that all of their kids are independent, jane and laura are hoping to relaunch their careers. jane is working hard to establish a social media presence and create her own personal brand. >> i'm using linked in to really connect with people that i maybe
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two years, three years, and just be able to figure out like where they are and is there a possible opportunity for me. >> while laura takes on short-term positions in the financial world to keep her skills sharp. >> i recently started taking consulting roles. i've done three different jobs over the last couple of years. >> but one question remains, would they do it all differently. >> i don't regret leaving my job. what i absoluty wish i had done was taken the advice of that recruiter, make that transition out and back in a little bit more seamless. >> things change so rapidly today that three years off may as well be 30. but in the end, it was worth it. >>cy can picture so many women at home right now whatting that piece saying me too. a lot of women do want to get back into the workforce. you're going to help us with mein o practical steps, right. you say first up is reset your expectations. >> look, this is a little tough love.
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found if you've been out of work for a year, only 9% of people get a job within the first 6 to 12 months of looking. imagine what it is for working moms. it's lower than that. so you have to understand, you are not going to re-enter at the level you exited at. you're going to have to step backwards to stepforwards. this is not great news. both laura and jane are at this place. they understand. they've had the interviews. the hiring managers know the world has changed. back. you'll accelerate once you get your foot in the door but step back. >> you say the second step is to fill all your deficits. what does that mean? >> you have skill and knowledge deficits. unless you're the rare person who's kept abreast of all the companies change. >> and fast, right? >> because of technology. i have the three cs. conferences. classes.
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who are in the field now. come up to speed on the trends. there are conferences. you need to bring yourself up to speed so you can go in and say i'm engaged, i know what's going on in this world. >> you can do all this stuff before you go knock on the door again. you can say, i understand how this works. >> i happen to have taken a class on this. i got certified. that might help you get the job, right? >> you're looking for something that shows you are not looking to come up to speed on their car. >> brand of you. >> the first thing an employer will do is google you. if you don't have a digital footprint that shows you're engaged, if you're not on twitter in a professional and engaged and active way, if you're not on linked in commenting on people's articles. if you have skills, they have skilled where they started consulting. really they became the ceo of their own firm. they got some clients. they started doing work which fills that resume. you need to -- you look like
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you know, from your house into the work world, that you've done some stuff, you're digitally online, you're socially networked online. >> that was something you had jane do, right? >> absolutely. everyone needs to do that. >> finally, tackle the elephant in the room. what is this elephant? >> listen, the hiring manager's looking at you and they're thinking, is she ready? does she know what she's about to get into? she's going to be juggling a very difficult transition. is she going to regret it the minute we ask her to work late or take a trip? they can't really raise that issue but you can and you can say, look, i want you to know my family has carefully considered this transition. we're ready. i'm ready. i have the mechanisms in place to make it possible. you're not going to have to pay the price for me learning how to -- >> that's smart. >> really smart. >> before it squashes you. suzy, awesome advice.
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make cleaning a breeze.fort the gry-defy.. iend-conctg... daing. strong... u. new special k noh. multi-grain flakes with quinoa, apples, almoand raspies. new l k h. fo i filldid ew. t arklr to cl up.
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