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tv   Today  NBC  March 9, 2016 9:00am-11:00am EST

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atisov iy. allnd moreinno fmne th itake"l ker, natmoraleli t ,iv fro sta ifellaz wel a beautifulngere ty. ch2016. gettg upe m s in new york today. >>ah. tamr natalie is on assignment. morning jam this morning, "loving cup "by the rolling stones. we haveolitics to talk about and good guests. we have breaking news on matt lauer. in case you m l 2 orte s es? haaronla to have of how t b dc with b and a r cl knewe tfs
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>> ioi ty ier but ery seedhat thing si t. it wnmak. yr is >>no te the te. li >>no no. ome he. >>no , inohe tck youo n knoheick.wr >>hat d- iav get theaper cd thbuer. y. where ougo>>o p clie tter met'li buertoap hogo>>now ma- ct ltnight. >>ou try to -- >> this e a ma o - >>oh loo a at ty sur hanick. s! >> areouding ?
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>> ie my, si fr >> leald ds tf ndffank you, you'regele hat s ve >> >> al c you rd is? >>ntra, l's itmos. tng abo . eanli off stninguptrilla clin imiig takg hs. of cory w bi i mippiit 88 de th pon o eve e dat nded tkeominatio1,3. f dald tr mis an mhiga and waii,s uz a all eads 6.
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marc rullmb fhi head tbl nhtt 3. pelebis w a rence - ec. >> ois mn sp deilginsal hemr.umssrebutt w a didn't do if theyidn' welllynen did well tot, and thaal tr mp eaks if you te on w geyo,teak no,th wan b uecse ntiod a. itarge in the east cot. ru w viald. eth xe >> thaght. e >> stea. two butcherlocks o w steaks
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veigateork done on isan saks do of busiss s ago.i sethehis a soldropend lik afaci the ist t clonhink yan parately >>reou achleng al? , m cruzinhes wit cruz. marc o,rida m b h lastst very idt. a o up a ayg a. you are cru or m ru a rt o usaratch t me, wh g tgh yourmind>>ou he merchandise. >>etmerc brs czse team uph aruise rio y. okay
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th him ostver tt d ma r goes persoit allst takes a pltakes pmtr pl him hairce lthind d f in fou i t stat runoh, i id, but met make mist >> statehand with al. >> tuesday i theigac in ohio>>erhe re tha fanbo yours t clud a wa "sp"bnersus surm wn ofju" onie'en t ? ro so
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>>t'th y'llxpnceci fectsot ted kindfikehaha ivsal. >>t dish >> yl win, gh ensmel >> whoa >> i d k h i fl at ng. eve d id rid univsal? rngt >>shees ev zing . pay era? >> don't ow >> i wond i'mngo payor t if i 0?>> igreat. antse4d? j w tt. o. don't like 3d. lik t a mth , aig s ther6" was spcula
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ressesav heache s "kfu a" an it sic it'ul mtn u go tg, w fo bde wngn the sle. r a wed ield, a ar-o stole. yes! oo hi ,y lesnca ni in t andlimbin . 's nhew. she him. we p iga d? hea hisap. . lehet' ady. canrhi
9:08 am
>> w p h off l -- >> proy t's - >>e got aunar >>unningjust oh,n. >> tha. >>nd h sckhela people t toavtlolvedec ose. is th day day lik whi w. apa >> you com running hind. list,'mptightnow.w myamchild. loong we h susff gng solo me wvesh hes severe twarn its fact, l this miion rkor s oo. re f illino t d a ora. weainsay. severesie the alo
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urayt m i w toea butn sot, as t rallnts. th iserm talkiose taphic floodi in fli t rf 2 incs per ex4 ur we cldse toinches allle f gve le roc down te 1 inc ora is -ng ait
9:10 am
tht's weathe don'fo/"y'take" li us. of y sofar?0, lesryet5,000 fo hrsou by y k"bind, wh?arulting the bigee -- , >> -n yethy." caress presents a fine fragrance breakthrough. the world's only body wash agra pe touch your skin to release fragrance up to 12 relen.
9:11 am
there'methin be sa for oring worldaround. why ould sing be dient? scover nine ors of cr chees and tap into your curiosity. the laugng cow. reinntnacking. (politely) wait, wait, wai you in lihat...... yove to e it fir. that's baked- onalfredo.baked-it'ver gowork. tryour dwith cde platinum. it power ..ou. ur ughest stuc food. better thanish. ade. lcome rd my stship. oy, ma! it'sl of ts i lo. d freethingson't. juike chexereal. it's fof stuffwe pirat need. no aicial flors, d it'sten-free eat up heartie keep it down!
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if you misplace over card, u can freeze revent purchas on ur acc in ses. once yind it yocan sw it ght onin. you'rek! eeze iom discor. it at over.c never pn on al hous it jt...has. ke my h dip. two of soream, ttle thi a litthat, a packf hiddalley iginalch. radip. hiddenley it.y one one ick live gn oose oeliciontr\e our pla d anothefor your arting$12.99
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ive garden ngie'st, we anteea farice, ity see, that wgoes d don't al come ba up. [ to flushes sohen yoed a per, we canp you the jo doight, anteed. gearted y atngie'st, cause homeis w our h is. wow. so much to talk about with you, mr. paul. aaron paul, best known for his emmy-award turn as walter
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of the great shows of all time, "breaking bad." >> in ye in the sky," he plays steve, a pilot who has been ordered to fire a missile into enemy territory. >> the sud anneden appearance of a young girl has him second guessing himself. take a look. >> we have this one opportunity. let's not lose it. >> ma'am, she's selling bread. disperse. engage now. >> ma'am, i understand we have clearance. i would fire if i see them of the radius. i want to give her a chance to get out of the way. >> lieutenant, you have clearance. there is a lot more at stake than you see here in the image. >> ma'am, run the collateral damage estimate again with the girl. >> the situation has not changed. you are cleared to engage. >> gosh, helen mirren there. aaron paul is with us now. the cast, exceptional. the whole time i was watching, i was thinking about what you had
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>> yeah, i mean, it's a very, very heavy, rev viheavy film. heavy story to tell. i talked to a military drone pilot, did a lot of research with him, learned how to fly drones. just, you know, learning all of that info is very -- it's a scary world. very scary world, yeah. >> when you work with somebody like helen mirren, do you get star struck? >> of course. she's such a legend, you know? i look up to her in so many ways. when i first met her, they'd already been shooting. we had dinner together, and we just shared some whiskey and -- >> oh, that breaks the ice. >> breaks the ice. >> how cool is that? >> this woman can hold her liquor, and she's fantastic. >> fun to party with. >> she is. >> helen mirren. >> dame helen mirren can hold her liquor. >> it's great.
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>> no, it's awesome. it's a compliment. >> it confirms why we love her. >> exactly. >> love her even more. >> the movie is relevant now. just yesterday, there was another drone strike and it was supposed to be a cleaner way to have war, right? than have our troops on the ground in harm's way. can you talk about what the tension is that goes through a drone pilot's mind in these operations? >> it's crazy. i play a pilot who is in the safety of his bunker, just outside of las vegas, nevada, flying a drone over kenya. it's just such a strange thing, that this pilot is in control of this huge drone that has missiles attached to it. dropping them on buildings that, you know, could hurt innocent civilians. there's a lot going on. this guy, chris, who is a drone pilot, he'd fly four drones at a time.
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>> all different places of the world. it's so crazy. >> gosh. >> and you just jumped it back to tv. hulu, you have a show called "the path." >> it's a family in the middle of a controversial, religious movement. yeah, i play a guy, a father, father of two in the middle of this movement who is having doubts in the faith. >> you have intensity around you, from this tv show to the film. what are you doing for fun? >> oh, man, lots. >> you have to say hi to your mom. >> my mom and my dad, hello. where am i? here. i love you both very much. they get so excited when i come on to this show. they want me to give you a hug. all of you, yeah. this is for you, mom and dad. >> love you, guys. >> "eye in the sky" in select theaters this friday. hotel safety, with the erin
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before you pack your bags for ogni-w...8 layers.. and one that's sweet. to sat the adu and itious wheat for adultu've g into deliciousweet fothe kiyou'ller out... ed youner ki with fsted minwheats new keg's mini-wheats harvest delights
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curing a yeast infection can take days. relieving the itch... can happen instantly. vagimax stth -itch wis lieve itchinstan tcl feel ortabl t vagi the number one we for . d at pessive we l you cre progree direate...great s for s! ...aur comtors' s de-by-, so you know you'reettinga grdeal. ving toolah.[ chuces ]as you see,somes progiven't thwest. not ys the l win'm beiour hypean. right you id i wonna b the pe man. no, aidwe wout do i i'm sorr ere talkg abouvings. ked hiy. a-chinalking aut ing thoneeee lking t gett th moneeee ngs wothe hy
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have aa... ...of many pces in li so whe asthmmptomst co back on mng-terntroldicine i talkedo my dr andund a ing pi in my ma treatnt. once-d breo ents asta symptoms. breo is for adultsthhma noll conled a lonrm astcontromedi, like ahaled icoste. eo woneplaceescuehaler for su breat breons up ays top improve eathinr a fu4 hours. breo cins a of medine that increases theisk of dth from aa proble d may inease theisk ofospitalition i ildren a adolets. breo is t for pele whose asthmas welltrolled a long-terasthma ctrol dicine, like an haled coicostero. on your asma is we controed, your docr will dide if y can stopreo and escrib differenasthmatrol cine, like ahaled icoste. do nake brore thprescred. see youroctor ifour as does n iro oge wse ask yooctor 4-houro could missiiece fyou. see iu're eble fo
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on monday, a jury awarded $55 million to sports reporter erin andrews after a man admitted filming her through her hotel peephole. >> with many people heading out on vacation soon, we wanted to share some tips on how to keep your family safe and secure. anthony is the host of travel channel's "hotel impossible." good to see you. >> good morning. good to be here. >> there's a lot to consider. even before erin's case, there's a lot to talk about. i won't take rooms near a staircase orel vat spr elel elevator. i feel insecure as a woman especially traveling for work. >> make sure you're going to a hotel that has access only for guest s
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some, you need a key to get into the elevator. >> those are typically more expensive, right? >> you're seeing it more and more, even in the low rise buildings. >> let's talk about checking in at the beginning. >> ask for two keys. if you're a woman traveling alone, you get nervous, so ask for two keys. that way, people think you're in the room with someone else. >> good point. >> you've checked in, you get into the elevator. >> when you go in the elevator, sometimes you're the last one to go in and sometimes the first. always be the last person to push your floor button. wait until they get off and then push the button so they don't know what floor you're going to. >> fantastic advice. now you're inside your room. what do you do? >> something i do all the time is get my cell phone, call the front desk and i ask for
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i check out. i won't stay in the hotel. if they're not going to allow that kind of security, i need to leave. >> that's a basic. >> it's an absolute basic. when you're in the room, one of the things -- actually, i did this the other day. it's on my website. i took the peephole and unscrewed it. i was able to take it out. >> something else we can do. >> easy thing to do in order to ensure you're safe is most peepholes don't unscrew. >> right. >> the one i had yesterday did, but most don't. take a band aid and slip it over the hole. i'll put it right here. okay? >> that blocks someone from being able to see. >> if somebody is trying to see into your room, they can't. >> on the other side, you like the do not disturb sign, right?
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the do not disturb sign, whether you're in the room or out of the room, always put it there. so people aren't coming into your room. a lot of people don't like housekeepers in their rooms. when you're out, you put that in and people don't come to your room. when you're in the room, most importantly, you don't want to be disturbed. nobody is knocking on your door. >> great advice, anthony. love that stuff. "hotel impossible" returns for a new season monday, april 18th on the travel channel. >> thank you. >> that's news you can use.
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news and weather. i get out of work and i go to the store, and somebody's, smellin' around, "mmm! i smell cookies." i say, "oh no, you just smell me. i just got out of work. that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." and now in delicious chocolate. pain from your day can haunt you at night, don't let it. advil pm gives you the healing sleep you need, helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest.
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struck time is 926. donald trump is in north carolina today and he will be in fayetteville for a rally at 7:00 pm. trump one in michigan, mississippi and hawaii. he beat out the gop rate in our state. the final group of airborne troopers to deploy to iraq is back home today after transferring authority to the 101st airborne division in baghdad more than 100 division in baghdad more than 150 paratroopers and their families were reunited at pope army airfield. struck an important lesson for schoolchildren severe weather awareness week by learning what to do during a tornado warning. the drill has kid taking shelter in hallways. it is important to practice although we have quiet weather today.>>
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you can see how gorgeous it is with all the sunshine. fayetteville is 64 degrees. a very quick warm-up this morning. 63 roxboro and rocky mount and 63 in goldsboro. lunchtime at 72 degrees, a very fast warmer. 79 for error high perception. nearly 80 degrees turn we'll probably hit 80 tomorrow and it will be a degree away from the high. normal record the federal temperatures this year now is
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ing a athe o ceal ince youf canc? sse w sugastay r o d cancenhey d
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eatgs of900un caeraymes with t 00eople witutca thos wteoo tha evpe lwee lel to in th crgrou kpp sonnook ew findsy pasre notngnough hechildr rdinupea oud 15 teewhan ha of aenut loo tir c d% dor a 1 day.%ay sometimea okso tn bee, but% books lt other k ingh tendve me >> p mcctn i remembering producer george martin as a great man who is like a second father. known as the fifth beatle, main signed the fab four and punche the ticket to ride in musical history.
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into the rock and rol hf fame in 1999. died last night at the age of 90. vacn t eu abo t apa comnyec to lhe hest flnt n uerin sp d dnteouidf se fodemazon ofe exestn ign >otal sarse bedone w moon, aerctuee i ethnha it eten t ear a sun.a potn cist pl fngers co
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e time, mr. rockker, i thinki clse of hear" veeng, i'm eathro g th w re weather ng ydnd rain i c norwest to north cali high surf advisorie sthn fomorrow for s and down t easrn se eo agn,he tthints w f n cot. th h rain reic northwest with windy conditions into
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nohe rattat tbookomtos ke" andike usyou' ry gbecaha t g ln geerrming what,eo edible. >> i ndr >> lopng. ey ro. egh belton, reinir n sgl iswe-pli aeln ani. so,hi yestdaith heaeak aneeomneneo
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in ptal r feeed od h by w cridthe cture wa aear ago n h pty n tw bo le pasd. isbo >> , cteene r,s on nalunowo eiv er lit g ap thmogp her and hn gend'stists. it you t hh lo d w tetes up coseou wit re noriedbout the ttineen wiha a dia fo and wde m s day dth nd o wt yeed. goth
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l'so it. g bha lls i viwa't . tii aled h much r ste stemhanduring wier ssfulayjugglihes. 40 ofomforted wonr n up. so t tiv ll! ying activ daytweks ucethe frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. try it! it works in two weeks or it's free. dannon i'm lucky toet thr a shiftwithoua disa. argainergent coul't kee. i swid to tpods. the supencentr... get ater cl vo2016 pct of year. if it's got to be ean, i got e tide. eat upddy. yl get this t ah not tuick n't le untilay you.
9:38 am
u're d it! ole graiquaker os. anf you yorgot tilk! at's lid . righ 100% rl milk, justhout tactose
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mmm,is realk. lad . 0% realk. noiscomfor announnt: is stormromise be the bit of tecade. wi totalumulatio ofto threet. ros willshut wn inditely. anhoare cl. cabell's sps go t th a cand a red. made feal, realife. ou discover card, u can freeze revent purch on ur acc in secos. once youind it yocan sw it ght onin. you'rek! eeze iom disr. it at over.c t star me. see me. see . se to knowat pso is just someg ie.nocoag. see o know tt... won'tptil i rk er cty a dient ki medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people
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ile thjority 90% clnce. not uf you allergo cose. beforetartinou shobe testedor tublosis. anreas roftions and lod abilitto fight may o... ...telyour dr if yave anection osympto. ..h as f, swea chillsscle a or co or if have recved a ine orn to. if youe infltory b disea your or if sytoms dep or wn. seriallergeactio y occu se. se. e me.on my wa find clekin... and a clearer path forward.
9:41 am
hi. we arerit t rnecsee'nef rave arth us e pride o f rth, te id hiretr r snd mad star.rst, a loogoto e. >>epor texas niv brid a tely look can whao bourt >> reporr: bno usic sneleasde,d vgenvirme
9:42 am
cond releaeb um baby baby rtrs titomg me" was feeurespot si,n haser on rep ate t orinong "sloor t e eenide road orter: in20,s for b r& aseet m know ror no ant man of aew rehy revivas the n fiur. e tor rir, wanna dg w in goodo u. ooo seyou. ouin the timrd "cingme i tht
9:43 am
th gedound hiy. where dshe sndome ? yorers ol youook snd t way wouayas 21 twan start t it ng that w up the guitar. u goint to e ite t back toy rita ite that ou ow i feel that that te of snd notva t inrendomething mysionatou iovouc anntre crte iyy. >>s 'sool.ay bld it theyil co t mindustry,eo y yo udnc f youtntico th cou. inib >>t's ae inou
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rds, forll me ,ou kn remylf pelerawn tat. >>ouehisreat taid lo a sarf style. how did yth? >> was d,d tld pto acen,ow sted upn d s ow eve ah theker. tc i abwatching, you saihe so mitorane cause she wants y it classy. >> mama, youknow, sheps up with everything. sh knows everything i post on instagram, all myinterviews. she points out, y, i don't know what youalki about damn on the interview -- >> you said i again. >> sorry, mama. >> she gonnaet me. >> she'll b happy like the rest of us when she en i group, want to a tea,
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maybe aancer. t learni is hardhen yore hungr at's whyor years llogg's s helpedrovide llions obreakfas kids whstart scol wit it. d withr help can arow inur dream don't windexmake windowotless a clear go see my big fat grweddin and n how tose wiex theht way on weituff! not indows! whgot tis?
9:46 am
(cluck) evnets ty becae hbrindeoucadby e .oteey eaerbetterhan caur yogurte fromur mils delis. mmmm, yoplait. i'il micon, psoatic aitis used j pain.
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and s worrie abjoint ge. doctoid t painm ra n be an of existing int da th could only get e. he prebed en to hp relipain help sfurthemage. enbray lower your ability to fight infections. ses, somes fatal evenncludiinfectns, tuulosis lymp, othencers,vous stem alood dders anlergicctionshave ored. tell ydoctor yo been place e funginfens aremon, or iu're p to nsha sores, have h hepatit b, haeen eated heart ure, or if have pstent fer, brng, blng, oreness. dostart el if yohave infec like and.. n goby side. ask hobrel canelp lieve t pain help sjoint dage. enbrelthe numb one rhtologistrescri biic. rning unmited back rchase at's a but ine eag it t.
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it lets u earnh back twice. oncen you and agas you it'sh back thenh back againanat's ah back-win. the citi double cash card.thly carat lets u earnsh bacice onrypuse withwhen youuy andas you two wto ear it m a lot oother s seem-sided nnouncerthti crt rin i p enteo you b citi. > b bridges.his"comg reached numb och isis elnspid siv." liid
9:49 am
tan m g , come and g ya part m bsod han and lreclean i mne i remem momma' words re rrdero thd ldnd he'l we stele
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ee toour river, i wanna know tip me in your smooth waters, i g a wany crime come as m ss n jordan i n a give ev par oe but t is blood o my hands, a my lips are unclean
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go g ter r naw nago w g nakn,na
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kn,annakn wna as le g ak toou wan k apse ] >> n genkou s ch
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bc ain't it fun >> we are staying. we want to stay. >> all right. there you go. >> beauty right here, you know. >> oh! us today.
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we got read by him yesterday. incredible. >> we got read, what? >> palms read. >> leon, you are the talent. >> thank you. we want to check the facebook page. see how many likes. hit it. >> 331,000. we're moving up. >> if you love leon, like us.
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>> if you're doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together, we can make a political revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all
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llywoo di here they are.e momentsife you mh tt jic t fro amhem . hi we' allha feeling i wh msomre e with em anay ian lee fuest. bft at >>aygi live eveen lles nk tt's wt t rien me we should poi e re spclntit eryone ioi toake the b sw th
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we'reebes om the myld oe o tour . wxaly -th is like aecke it'son onndks like patty en to 'tnk i'v had e. >> a fed mato? et k ith bi cb is-ld. noing bter reanse ieden. l t patty bottom>>. ohness. gu,t'sin dnes ys weo the wine t.
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tag m je or khie e, and i dinghi jea. >> >> hheon. ll with a. o d y -and quic o d b ll ce othlor" is going to s g to beauren s think, ojo i i b re reot exact sur s said jo wri ee- >> like her aereen beito dyeai b ren. yo e
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tellou ur ing o t s ts happ>> w comesat se ppin jenna. epgo >>pe -nd ain ve a feeling tnows 's g t. >> om d,an i re >> sa eromeastnit, maou wvo"th h bnditions thatntinued. thge and h "iut a you,"nd gotn na and thow.he didti. look wed wchristart ghting over take ais omyif songsn the whole wor t .
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>>on you? u? ouean, ake. b ou'r mineou betterto ov ri s on ou put one ause'rine ba now apau yknow
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>> don't you wis couin li that? tust en lff sly,itte a. 't feebleed a agopdtnight. ikth ikehelton anstefan reti wks 'slycs s was meike u." d erinou akd, lyric li, iket,nen le b nee you. now blake shn's singl i he e here tet," ic helsirectook iny. >>n. ooes j u tgh we'reet thr
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g i on kting et enit him befo tht is omimesea eri reatic >> likit jt me you falng i lo eo it wettingthug >> k tm song ep g. ang oer ke in en hnd w m bor t i ov.the lohit. w tt wetep kpit k. f >> .anywet hpofor th . lily to theor oh at? wait tveeady wa,wa,wa. h ->> wa.
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ok at t prna as ze meoeon ksoing to be jo. thtw, t en d mteau jonghe ai >>his ooing ie >> l ny lik usllate cake oohag.look hhapp >>. >>oh d. . anyw, tot mi ne bots you' do you wk i a a wou'rethe? d heod. sometimes youal - ornhereiger ce >> t i aame fth it'scien sayctio tha has tbe tou mule lev if toryutcces vefrgng the whole point of it
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it happens when we change both physical and mental environments. moving from room t room. this is the thing, the doorway effect happens to hoda -- it should be calle the purse effect. >> it happens in my purse. i opened it up and say, where is it? then, what was i looking for? can't be my id because i'm at home. can't be the keys because i'm in the apartment. as i'm sifting through all this, eventually, y're like, did i want to write something down? >> aithat y found in your purse the other day. >> my home pho? >> her home phone was in her pue. >> iust have dropped it. >> you have a dressing room efo. need it togeer >>ouemember this,na wking cleanse a s loo otheageshe drercl honylo? >> 0. te largeifesaver y're popcorn a h h o i . wh0r -
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wondered aut calorie . >> pme ryoaed madam e,three,ur,, eigh analies ts? >> 110. >> 120. 300? >> 200 for this little cup of eight nuts. that's n enough for nuts. >> 200 calories. what's next? half cup of is i loveraisins. >> you do? >> yeah. i'll go with 300. i don't know why. >> i'd say 150. >> go. 220. >> okay. ght in the middle. >> five kit-kats. >> five minis. >> five fingers. >> gross. >> five fingers. i'd say -- >> how many? >> 350. >> 220. >> 0. at
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y.t , 210 at >>hat' go. td' brkf wots, it wh hh n and t. w mu dou thin 1, 1, >>1,05caha lo'ron that's a >>ut t btean ci o fitops h areroht ywineyo twein yeery. >> i'm ye. t king n you,isurore 're tit w a bi a loten on diets alme he 1/3f >>iell the t >> all tme.
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andou acatffon eat. >>'v bdi>> r tnd >>t' do. e. aw this, tel mom, iante t fou un's resoti. ve been d since92 i a big mp s every. e trli tra on om asnbo. ant s u. > cnd
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trisha n biggestoject,er we you atnanews ensaonal scious mcallyork. oil-infused formula softens. fanning brush reveals layers and layers of denser lashes. the full fan effect goes luscious! lash sensational luscious. make it happen.
10:14 am
not. not pull peach! mmmm, yoplai es)yoe dby bu becausonly hs em eetryi nonnsterdbwish yskin uld bo baike it used to? utrogenaydro t watel. hyaluc acid itmps cells wh nshyatlocks n. for su, hyated s hydrboost. freutrog naturs, now therare lof things u're ssed do tohealth t natuade ad gus are part of ur he routiou'llactuallyook fod to. mmmmngo. naturee adulmmy tamins supplts. but grandma, we use charmin ultra soft so we don't have to wad to get clean. charmin ultra soft gets you clean without the wasteful wadding. it has comfort cushions you can see that are softer... ...and more absorbent, and you can use up to 4 times less.
10:15 am
es, doave ay it agn? urisheir, be color this is garnier nutrisse. it noushes w it co. plus it has avocado, oliand shea o foch, rat, color zero g! garnier trisse
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seems like thesedays, live tv musicals a the rage. with viewers tuning in by the millions, it's easy to see why. >> nbc kked off the trend with carrie underwood and the "sound of music." then "the wiz" and "grease." >> later this month, live performance of "the passion." jesus christ'sinal hours on earth will air on fox. >> the production featured an
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and my crush since fir grad isha rgin ou an a ho tran >>t s ior bo . rehea a esnt . ieever done ag lthis. ody doeifntin. allecdeusicor thdtseparate. no eotr. metfore but n for we gns aplysefore andt fi do a fo t th iiv o ay >>ow n on nervous. i'm fre needhe .nef ygs thaaopng this inntime the mus h a way
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the lang cow reinvent snacking. we're celebrating women with who knew? which woman holds the record for the fastest selling book in history. harper lee? j.k. rowling? mary higgins clark. >> google it. i'll head acr what brand of makeup is better for ur ski an wea no make at al neutrogena cosmetics. powd nceale anundatiin newdes more stones. with vins and antioxid. yourkin willook beauful when year it
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at's possiude. new the rock nudes palette from maybellw york our 12-shadow palette is edited for edge. from quietly quartz to heavy metal. maybelline's the rock nudes. rock it like no other.
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it's winesday wednesday, and we're celebrating women's history month with a game of who knew? all about the famous females. i'm jenna bush hager in for kathie lee. hoda is at the shop at nbc studios at 30 rock. they're getting after it. ready to hand out $100 to anyone who answers the question
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those who don't, well, they're still winners because they get one of hoda's fabulous signed books. here with me is "glamour"'s editorial director. >> talking about the ladies. >> let's talk about the ladies. >> we asked this question, which woman holds the record for the fastest selling book in history. a, harper lee? b, j.k. rowling? c, mary higgins clark. >> it's b, j.k. rowling. she had the biggest selling book. she sold 11 million copies in the first 24 hours. it was the last book, the last "harry potter" book. of course, it almost didn't get paid. the whole series was rejected by publishers before it got made. themselves. >> can you imagine? >> hoda, what do we got? all right. >> lauren. >> where are you from?
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>> let's play, lauren. finish the lyric to this song by the first woman inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame. ready? forever and ever, stay in my heart >> do you know it? forever and stay in my heart >> so sad. but here's the good news! you get a book. >> yay! >> turns out, everybody is a winner. we were singing it. stay in my heart and i will love you >> areetha franklin. she's had an okay career since inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame. sang at the inaugurations of three presidents. >> not too shabby. >> hoda? >> casey.
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>> which of the following items was created by a female inventor. windfield wiper, lego bricks or a toothbrush? >> i'll go with a. >> going with a. >> you won. >> i can't believe you'd get that. >> i would have never have gotten that. >> i wouldn't either. mary anderson from birmingham, alabama. not probably a name you heard of. the tragedy is, she never made a cent off her invention. she had the patent but the patent expired before windshield wipers were standard. in this case, it didn't pay to be ahead of your time. >> hoda? >> there was a movie about that, i think. what's yr name? >> mary lou. >> from? >> new jersey. >> let's go. which is the highest grossing movie directed by a woman? "sleepless in seattle." "pitch perfect 2." "frozen"? >> "frozen." >> yes! >> you have to go with "frozen."
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it's the song that your child is probably singing right now watching the program as she saw it. that song is amazing. the highest grossing disney animated film of all time. beat "the lion king" and it was directed by jennifer leagueigh. hopefully there will be more. >> you're one of the fabulous woman. coming up next, hollywood medium tyler henry gets ready to blow your mind when he connects with our lost loved ones, after this. sargento people are re cheese people, ree generations spanning over 60 years.onelieve iartificial this or superfl that. they know that in a world of over-processedno subl. real ce peopelieve erole rves aed ofauthenty, ery sach a slice of legit. naturacheesehe-blo
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sato we're cheesople. many sleep-aids have pain medicine but zzzquil is different because why would you take a pain medicine when all you want is gooeep? uil: a-habitming eep-aid at's nor paijust fleep your baby's chubby little hand latches onto your finger so hard, it's like she's saying i love you. that's why aveeno's oat formula is designed for your baby's sensitive skin. aveeno .
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your bwas maor betterngs th rheuid artis. re you your rheumagist move tbiolog ask ifjanz ight fou. anz is amall pil r adultsith deratesevere r for whom methotrexate did not wo well. xez can ce t pain inlittletwo we anlp storther joinmage. ljanz calower aby to f infecs, incling tuulosis ous, somimes tal infeions, mphoma, another ers haappened. don't t xelj if yave anection. s in ttomach or intesnes, low bloocell cs, and high liverts and cholestel leve have hpened. your dr shouldperfblood tes beforeou sta d while taking xnz, d monitor certain ver te tellr doctf were iregion whe fungalinfectns aremon, an you hhad tb titis c, or proneinfect. ljanz reduce
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even wut methoexate. your ratolog abxeljanz. lcome rd my stship. oy, ma! it'sl of ts i lo. d freethingson't. justike chereal. it's fof stuwe pir need. no aicial ors, d it'sten-fr eat up heartie keep! rrr. don't let a cracked windshield ruin your plans. trust safelite. with safelite's exclusive "on my way text" you'll know exactly when we'll be there. giving you more time for what matters most. (team sing) safelite repair, safelite replace. (recca) struggl withression. i ght i ed rettescope. i was to qumoking and th startunning. no i feel lot bett. nnouncou cant. help, ca 1-800-quit-now. g is notust t wrin. skin d be ng vol taliftume fi l'ore with hyaluron acid.
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can see diffce and h vitaliftolume fier from lreal. h cannyo nno thosepa -year-ol t has beenceieds eriewooded thnr >> we wa, a d, wd
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u ind. he dideand inkf, audhe wasnll ths p sglday that goes bha thkhiilw wim iy a if srr me. thiin myading. >> thrnd inin>> >> t a th amo ofovatas r so im imy, wti oisughtispaed? ye o
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'sng, ty daughter, i t t si sdid. ud ofr. eheed y cakmiene i ti's ditelyf udou ok heasjoen huking oh, md. nng. >> now, i d r erde mtiye. ol inn? >> my ni d ts ug? brr,gh
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dyonsan the' g. c ifed upna isk wha t dyg ti ssther rsonto chy ch tomen passedfre c c ug one isng. anooosoon. >> a young friend of mine who recent -- mean, it was so recent. her name is jill conley. in her 30s. i loved her. i loved her. >> she showing me sl atight thi o rgassli a feel'm inpica. un becid her
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al t you on the a hithan lo the lf wasfing apuffin ke yousometi grandpa wellen you he copd it ce hardbreath can brd to air ou which can makehard to get air in. so i talked to my door. she ... symbicort could help you breathe better, startinghin 5 mites. symbicort doesn't replacea re i for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide signift imprent of ylung fion. syort is copd, including nic bronchitis anit snoaken mo te a da icort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems symbicort ease yoisk ofg infens, teopor, and some e problems. u shouurto e arcoord init symb a withter bring. watct, piggies! (chigiggle symbort. breabetter ting witn 5 mis. or goine torn mor
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cowith ad-aid d flexibab adhesive bandage. laes, do iave ay it agn? urisheir, bett color this is garnier nutris. it nshes w it colo. plus it has avocado, oliand shea o for ch, rat, col zero g! garnier trisse. urished hair, beer col life as spesbox isreat.peopme f saving em half and en theitch togress so i'mbling ew vens. it board-ge nigh wihe dalama.great tele pla go rless dontress, gl got tiscoun thou need 's a bcing a but t to gthe pe they -- more b. y words for e crit
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dparents still living. but in 1995, i lost my dear grandfather, herald, who i was very close to. it's been so long since it's death, so i didn't know if this would work. here's what happened. >> i'm going to go to your mom's side of the family, i think. for some reason, i feel i'm pulled there. i have an older man coming immediately. >> grandpa. >> yeah, he comes very strongly. mom's side, correct? >> mm-hmm. >> immediately, he is so sweet and so connected to you. first thing he's saying is, i want her to know i'm clear mentally. okay. i don't know why this is coming
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>> he had alzheimer's. that's the picture i have right here. we've always thought if we had a boy, he'd be named after him, but we haven't had a boy yet. >> this is a dignified man, proud man, proud of the family, proud of -- hard working man. he's saying, to have to go through the process, slowly part. >> yes. >> he's referencing to grandma. making a connection to her. i don't feel her on the other side so is she still here? >> yeah. >> nice. great. he's making a special connection to her. he'santing it to be known, showing them dancing. he's acknowledging -- >> one of their first dates. >> acknowledging that they'll be able to dance again someday, and when it's her time to go, he'll be the first person to hold her hand and help her on the other side. there's reference to two girls. talking about -- since he's passed, clearly, so two girls.
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>> references to one, seeing him. there's an instant where he's sitting there and coming through and talking with them. little girls ss babbling and looking behind you. it's him. connection to the youngest strongly. as far as children, he's referencing there is going to be a little boy that will be born. >> oh, my gosh. >> tears are a release. it's a healing process. >> we loved him so much. >> of course. that love continues on. he's still around. he really is. >> i'm going to have to baby boy? >> there's the headline. >> tyler! >> we should point out how tyler does what he does. you hand him an object and you hold it in your hand. both jen and i want to say, when we first came up to tyler, we were both kind of spectacle. though we liked your show, we said, it's not going to work for
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i think we were equally surprised. especially just watching the buttons you were hitting with jenna. >> right. >> do you hear someone speaking to you? what is it? >> you know, i would say my sixth sense goes to the other side's senses. i generally see information, usually, but i can hear a voice, might get the scent of perfume or a physical sensation that corresponds with how one passed. >> skeptics can say, you'd find the information on the internet. >> google or whatever. >> two of the things you said to me aren't found on the internet. one is you saw him on a roof. my grandpa fell off a roof. he was a house builder in midland, texas. and she was with babies my grandma had lost. how do you see? you see him on a roof? >> right. in this particular case, i had a vision of him and got a reference to a fall. seeing that, i saw him being at an older age working on a roof. that was the vision that came through. i had no idea i was reading either of you when i went into this.
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>> i think the funny thing is, there were facts, again, talking about spectacles, but you can read online. other things you capture, which is the essence of someone. you talked about how funny my dad was. you thought, this is not something that you would google down and see. you also said in there, my sister majored in international relations and you said, who has been in international relations? i'm like, weird major. my sister. but the fact that you could pick up on details. when i hugged you when we were done, you were sweaty. >> yes, very. >> what happens? is it like a physical thing? >> definitely can be. readings are different but it can be a physical process. it is draining sometimes, but when i'm connecting to an individual, because i take on physical symptoms, often of how they passed away, it can be physically draining so i sweat. >> i have to say, one of the things you've said privately is
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you give comfort for those who passed away. for me, you gave me great comfort. >> for me, too. i think when you started off, you said, i believe in god. i think everyone goes, okay. then everything else that comes is just from the -- so it's from the spirit. >> right. absolutely. i believe our loved ones are connected to us. when they come through, it's making that connection. >> i talked to my mom on the phone after we were done, and my mom is a stoic woman. she felt so much relief. she said it was so sweet to hear. it's nice to know that the people that we love, you know, are still around. >> absolutely. about. >> some people are speck kl skeptics and i called my mom and she said, it's on google. >> it's easy to be spectacle. >> you have to be in your
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that's why i skeptic, sit down and tell us afterwards. >> congrats on season two. >> i know, i saw it coming. >> how many seasons do you have ahead of you? >> actually, i did see that coming. >> how? >> talk about our show. are we going to be cancelled? >> job security. we're fine. >> be sure to watch hollywood medium with tyler henry sunday nights at 10:00 eastern on e.
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nbc. iimve reerin whoingn the he icked pd laen. so sad for you.
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my pbr tkstax loople d them payir share. n nd hre to,anove ivsal coll willy like.ll tgi py t ri'm es you better believe it. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. ou: yn an all-"d >>usme
11:00 am
>> hest ttimes. dr.ouathe veimivg ocuinurif?'so >>a ve >> pis saf tabhahing>>ta il cot you . pl:emioass anpoint ection.our r.hil:'motin on heplause >> dr.owou do hey, gs thanks verymuch. well, if yo parent, i'm sure you have experience that dreaded teen phase. raging hormones, explosive anger, back talknd defiance. f you haven't, you probably will.


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