tv Meet the Press NBC March 14, 2016 1:05am-2:05am EDT
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could finally relax after the worst two weeks of his life. >> honestly talking to you guys distracts me from all the thoughts that eat me up of late. so actually i do better in this room. >> i did little talking. i did very few questions. we basically let mr. seacat go and he talked for multiple hours. >> brett knew the rules, of course, had to know he was very but he was content to chat back and forth for something like seven hours. didn't bring a lawyer with him. didn't ask for one. even when the investigators zeroed in on what they saw as holes in his story. >> things just aren't adding up. i think you know that. we want to make sure we get all of the facts right and get to the truth. >> what do you want ton? -- to know? >> brett willingly answered almost every question they had. like why there was no real
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his story of what he did the night vashti died. >> you had no blood on you when you supposedly picked her up in the bed and held her to you close. >> no, i didn't hold her to me close. >> you had no fire on the bottom of your feet. if you walk through fire, you should have some kind of injuries besides a small injury on the top of one of your feet. >> i don't know why the bottom of my feet aren't burnt. i had a weird black charring but you guys have pictures of that. did i know that i stepped in any fire? i don't. >> the investigators were also starting to think that the note in the journal was forged. >> to be honest with you, when i looked at that notebook, i'm going, this ain't right because, well, it slants one way part of the time and slants the other way part of the time and these are different. >> looks like her handwriting to me but it's not my handwriting. >> why on the friday before she died besides destroying hard
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spent time in his office with the door locked, which was pretty unusual at the training center. >> oh, my god. you know why it was locked. oh, screw you. i was crying. >> you had the door locked and what was you looking at? >> at my divorce papers. >> problem is, brett, you're in love, still in love with her. >> yeah, i am. >> and she was going to leave you. there was no doubt about that. >> that's not why you kill people. >> some people do. >> you have no idea how impossible it is. >> well, the reason you killed her -- >> could he answer the central question? explain the thing that didn't make sense to anybody? why vashti, even if she was intent on suicide, why she would destroy the house too, why set it on fire. >> she really did not like that house. we were going to have to fix it up and we didn't particularly have the money or resources to
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and she -- she started really hating that house. >> but at its heart said brett, vashti's reason might well have had more to do with vanity. >> she was a very, very beautiful girl. and always thought about what people would see. i think she might have shot herself and then assumed that her face would be really messed up so she lit a fire and charred herself. >> sitting just a couple of feet away, agent falletti, all but shook his head and said he didn't believe it. >> we asked him if he thought if he was sitting in my shoes interviewing me and saw the things that we saw and heard what he had told us, would he think that things just didn't add up? >> oh, god, yes. >> but you see where we're coming from? >> yeah, i see where you're
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this is a hundred times worse than what i had pictured in my mind. before i just thought i lacked any evidence and now you're saying there's a lot of evidence that i never knew existed. >> well, the hard -- >> it looks real bad. >> things are not looking good and they're adding up that you had something to do with this and we need to know why. >> oh, no, there's no why, okay? i didn't do this. i loved vashti. >> i'm sure you did. >> do. >> i'm sure you still do. but people do things to people they love.
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like this, ever. i wouldn't do it [ bleep ] to her family or [ bleep ] my family. i don't -- i didn't want to give up vash. i fought hard to try and keep us together. >> in fact, said brett, if he had murdered vashti, he'd have made a better job of it. >> i'm smart enough, if i wanted to kill my wife, it would have been a lot -- i could have come up with something better than this. this is [ bleep ] insane. this is what a crazy person does. >> no, not necessarily. crazy in love, crazy for his kids. >> don't try and twist it around. >> no, i'm not. >> then falletti got to the point. >> did you hurt her? >> no. >> did you pull the trigger? >> no. >> did you kill her? >> no! >> brett left the station then, went to be with his boys and whatever his thoughts may have been. but not for long because no
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denials were, they just didn't add up to the kbi. however depressed brett said vashti was, it made no sense she would have lit the house on fire with her two sleeping sons in harm's way. the next day brett seacat was taken into custody. he was formally charged three days later. >> brett p. seacat did then and there unlawfully, feloniously, intentionally, and with premeditation kill vashtif. seacat. your bond is $1 million. he was also charged with arson and endangering his children. brett could not make bond and so remained in jail to await a jury's decision about what really happened in the seacat home in kingman, kansas, in the early hours of april 30th, 2011. >> the note.
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you'rek! eeze iom disr. geit at over.c as kingman coped with the tragedy in its midst, the smallest victims of the vashti and brett seacat story endured what horrors we can't all imagine. kathleen left her home in oklahoma to help care for vashti's young sons shortly after her sister died and perhaps more than anyone she was learning what violent death could do to a family. >> we held those babies all night. they would wake up, they were traumatized by the fire. >> sure. >> so to rock the little 2 1/2-year-old begging you, please ask jesus, please bring my mommy back, i'll be good. i need a mommy, that breaks your heart. this went on for a long time at night. sobbing for hours. >> those poor kids.
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that mommy is gone forever and these people over here think mommy killed herself and these people over here think my daddy shot my mommy. >> the trial to decide one way or the other finally began in may of 2013, two years after the fire. two years in which the local media covered the seacat case in a big way. >> it's looking like brett seacat will finally face trial for the death of vashti seacat. >> brett was entitled to ask to have his trial moved to another county, which might have been less saturated with news of the case against him. but he elected to keep it here in kingman's historic courthouse, a mere two blocks from his ruined home. >> the defendant intentionally and with premeditation committed the murder of his wife, vashti seacat. >> for all the talk around town, assistant attorney general amy hanley had precious little hard evidence to draw upon, not even
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around, because the coroner hadn't labeled vashti's death a homicide. no, the evidence was not hard. it was circumstantial. in other words, hanley will be asking the jury to look at the circumstances and then put two and two together. >> he got his .44 magnum, ruger revolver, he approached her in bed while she was sleeping, he shot her in the head, he set fire to at least two places in the house to cover up his actions. and he did all of this while their two young sons were in the home. >> the motive? quite simple said the prosecution. brett did not want a divorce, but he did want custody of his sons and he would do what it took, even kill vashti, to keep them. their marriage counselor took the stand. >> he said that he felt like
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could just feel it. that she was going to leave him. and that if she divorced him, she was divorcing the entire seacat family, including the children and that he would take the children and she would never see them even if it meant leaving the country. i told him it was not legal, that it wasn't going to help the children. it would hurt them a great deal. that they needed access to both their parents. >> did you talk to them about divorce, couples having two households? >> yes. >> and what was brett's comments about that? >> he said he had seen children of divorce and he didn't think it was worse for them to have just one parent or one household. he thought it was better. >> as for brett's claim that vashti committed suicide, the therapist said she didn't believe it for a second. >> i asked her whether she would
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for two reasons. one her religious beliefs and her faith and the second was that she couldn't do that to her boys. that she just loved being a mom. she couldn't leave them. they needed her. >> the prosecutors showed the jury a photo of the contents of vashti's purse, which contained that post-it note listing various costs, including funeral expenses. >> vashti seacat, as all of her friends and family testified, was a very organized person, as both a mother and in her career at work. and that list is simply somebody planning out what they might do in their future when they're going to get divorced, which we know vashti seacat was doing. >> prosecutors also showed jurors the powerpoint papers found on the dining room table, the presentation about homicides, suicides and fire. true, brett was a law enforcement trainer said the prosecutor, but those were not his subjects. >> he was not teaching arson.
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he wasn't teaching wound evidence. >> no. but those materials proved, said the prosecutor, was premeditation. it was brett's deadly homework. >> but what about that last entry in her journal, the one that read like a final farewell? forged said the state, by brett. the handwriting expert said it wasn't well done. look closely, he said. that slight shakiness, he called that -- >> the term we use in documents is tremor of fraud. >> the tremor of fraud. it appeared, said the prosecution, that brett forged that note the day before vashti died, the same day he was torching hard drives. the same day he asked a staff member at the training center where he could find an overhead projector, something so outdated, it was in storage. the prosecutor said it appeared
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to recreate vashti's writing in the journal. >> some of his actions were reckless because the clock was winding down. >> vashti had told brett he could stay in the house until noon sunday, the prosecutor said. she was planning to go out saturday evening in wichita and spend the night there. >> it's friday, it's friday evening. this was his last opportunity while they lived in the home together to kill vashti. >> then there was the lack of evidence where there should have been some if this were a suicide, that is. >> did you find any soot in the airways? >> no. >> any soot in the lungs? >> no. >> the autopsy findings that vashti seacat had no soot in her lungs, in her airways and that there was no carbon monoxide in her blood, that was a key piece of evidence for the prosecution because what it showed, what the jury could infer from that was that vashti seacat didn't breathe in any smoke. if she didn't breathe in any
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she was dead. >> after she was dead. >> and something else. weird little detail. yet according to the prosecution, it was telling. when she died, vashti's bladder was quite full. >> there probably would have been a urinary urgency or the need to go to the restroom. >> the importance of that for the evidence is that the claim from brett seacat is that vashti is walking around the house, setting these fires, holding her breath, not breathing any smoke while she has a strong urge to urinate. that doesn't make sense. that's something that the jury needed to decide whether or not in their common sense and experience, whether they thought that made any sense at all. >> just another point to add to the unlikelihood of this whole story that he was telling? >> that's right. >> the claimed suicide weapon didn't make sense either said
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.44 magnum ruger redhawk, such a big heavy gun. >> if she killed herself, how was she able to get that heavy handgun up to her head and pull the trigger and do so in just the right downward angle that it slices right through her spinal cord. there was some kick, some recoil to the gun. how did it end up completely underneath her body when she was sleeping on her side? >> the prosecutor said the angle of the bullet proved one thing. >> that's consistent with someone standing over her while she was sleeping shooting her. >> because, said the prosecutor, because that's what he said he would do. brett not only woke vashti up one night to tell her he had a dream that he killed her, but friends and colleagues testified about what they told the kbi, that in the weeks before she died, vashti told them that incredibly, brett threatened to kill her and burn the house down and make it look like suicide.
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would burn the house down with me in it? and i was taken aback by that and i said, not with the kids at home. >> tragedy was, said the prosecutor, vashti didn't believe him either. >> so when those threats didn't work, he had to kill her to maintain control of her. >> in other words, said the prosecutor, planned, premeditated murder. looks bad for brett, doesn't it? but then you haven't heard the bombshell the defense had in store. >> vashti had confided in brett that she had rekindled a romantic relationship that she was having with one of the executives. at cox communications. >> an affair? that wasn't the only surprise
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for a diffent kind medic k yourmatologi ouse. brett seacat, unable to pay a lawyer to represent him, was lucky in one particular way. brett seacat no podia pasar, his court appointed defense attorneys just happened to be veterans of murder cases. the attorneys who opened. >> my grandmother used to love to put together jigsaw puzzles. >> men who understood perfectly well that the puzzle didn't always go together the way the prosecution tried to make it look. >> there's a second side to this story. and that is that vashti seacat, depressed and confronted with either losing her career or staying in the marriage, decided instead to take her own life.
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here came the bombshell. >> vashti had confided in brett that she had rekindled a romantic relationship that she was having with one of the executives at cox communication. >> vashti, claimed the defense, was having an affair with a cox vice president and the evening before vashti died brett gave her an ultimatum. stay in the marriage or he would expose her affair. that threat along with brett's vow to take the children, said the defense, were the triggers that sent an already depressed woman over the edge. >> she suffered from absolute depression. what can depression lead you to? among the various things that can go wrong, suicide is one. >> under cross-examination by the attorney, the seacat therapist testified that vashti had a history of what she called depressive symptoms starting when her brother died in an accident when she was young. >> major depressive disorder
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than once for a longer period of time. possibly in a pattern. >> and with regard to what you wrote down regarding mrs. seacat, were you describing an episode or a disorder? >> i was describing that this was an episode, but there had been others prior. >> a lot of folks think that if you were depressed a week ago but you ain't been depressed since, you are cured. now, i got the expert to say that isn't the way it works. >> nor is it possible to anticipate if or when a depressed person might commit suicide, admitted the therapist, even when someone is making future plans, as vashti was. suicide is still possible, the defense argued. they're about to say it also wouldn't have been the first time for vashti. or at least brett was ready to claim she had attempted suicide before. >> brett wanted to testify about
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had made on herself. some while they were married, some before. judge said, well, show me the evidence of this. and we had looked and looked and looked and could not find -- >> high and low. couldn't find anything? >> couldn't find hospital records that far back. but that should be no surprise to anybody, because hospitals don't keep records anymore. even so, by judge's order, brett would not be allowed to make that claim in court. what about the post-it note found in vashti's purse, the one that listed funeral expenses. >> it could very well be that that is her figuring out what things cost and whether or not insurance is going to cover it. that's what i think it could be. >> who knows? >> who knows? nobody knows. prosecution doesn't know. i don't know. >> but it has some significance, you think?
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it as being significant. you could also portray it as being a load of hog wash. >> remember how the prosecution argued that vashti's suicide note found in her journal was a forgery, probably committed by brett? the defense had a handwriting expert of its own who concluded that vashti did, in fact, write the note, and brett asking for that overhead proctor at work hours before vashti died, the attorney cross-examined brett's co-worker, the one who helped him find it. >> mr. seacat was not the least bit secretive when he asked you this question? >> new york city -- no, he was not. >> he goes and asks someone to help him find an overhead projector? takes him to where it is. he carries it down in full view of anybody who is possibly in that place, and he carries it back. that sounds like somebody who didn't have anything to hide. >> and what about the state's point that no soot was found in vashti's lungs?
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coroner allowed that it could be possible under the defense scenario that vashti lit a fire just before killing herself. >> if someone lit a fire and shot themselves within seconds, would you expect to see soot in their lungs? >> not necessarily, no. >> as for the powerpoint found on the seacats' dining room table, the one that discussed homicide and suicide and fire investigations, meaningless, said the defense. >> what the prosecution would have you assume, right, is that this really, really smart cop was stupid enough to be looking at all of this stuff the night he tries to burn the house down? please. i certainly wouldn't try to hide evidence by setting a house four blocks from the fire department
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and praying, right, that they would not get there until the whole thing had burned to the ground. that's silly. it's just silly. >> what's more, brett said, most of the powerpoint printout had been in a tray in another room as scrap paper, that the kbi must have moved those papers to the table just to make it look suspicious. like they made brett's use of an overhead projector suspicious and his destroying cell phones and computer hard drives seem spicious. ridiculous the defense said. >> the state wanted you to believe he was trying to destroy evidence of a crime. what evidence did he try to destroy? they never said what evidence he tried to destroy. this guy is such a super criminal that where does he go to destroy that? he goes to the kansas law enforcement training center, which is full of, what, former cops. and he gets somebody to help him
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now, if he wanted to destroy those things, there are innumerable farm ponds. if you wanted to get rid of that, you throw it into a farm pond and nobody will ever find it. >> in fact, the state's whole investigation, said the defense, was at best incompetent, maybe worse. brett and the attorney claimed that vashti's car disappeared from the crime scene for three days even though the entire seacat yard was supposed to have been sealed off, a crime scene. they showed the jury a series of photos taken from different vantage points which made it look like the car had been moved in the days after the fire. this neighbor lived right across the street from the seacat driveway. >> when you first observed the driveway, was the volkswagen there? >> no. it was not? >> no. >> do you remember seeing it in that driveway ever again? >> three days later. >> three days later. if i understand your testimony, you didn't see anybody bring it
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>> no. >> i think he was telling the truth. if i thought he was lying, i wouldn't have put him on. to me it implies that the investigation is faulty. how do you let somebody get into the crime scene and drive it away? >> so it was either gross incompetence or intentional? >> my opinion it was both. if that happened, what other mistakes did they make? there's something about the investigation that stinks. >> just smelled bad, said the attorney. the state claimed that it found gasoline on brett's pants, when the defense expert says -- >> i would not make a determination it was gasoline. >> worst of all, he said the kansas bureau of investigation did not even bother to check for gunshot residue on brett's hands, a test that would have revealed if he had actually fired that gun that night. >> if you've ever seen what that gun looks like, it comes out the side of the cylinder.
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and onto your skin is where you would look for it at. yet, they didn't look. >> they didn't look. >> he's a cop, they're a cop. brett seacat doesn't have much faith in the kbi. >> the defense called brett t. seacat to the witness stand. >> but the star witness for the defense would be the last witness, brett seacat himself. >> i didn't think it was appropriate to be dragging my wife's name through the mud. >> his story from the stand. his life on the line. >> my heart of hearts, i know that brett wanted to testify. he wanted to. he had to.
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e r th reste inhe neine? d >> shi tny t, seetyel but of courhe e prut tt the on.hanley? she wd expla how asossie for to dohat she tht impole, ma t911 ll d staythe phone while trying to get vashti's body out of a burning house. >> my wife is upstairs. i'm about to go upstairs and try and get her out. oh, oh, there's smoke everywhere. just a second. i have to get a wet rag. >> how he was able to make that call and talk to a dispatcher while he was supposedly running up and down the stairs twice in smoke and fire, wetting a rag, holding onto his phone, how he
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cough, gasp. >> turn the water faucet on, grab the dish cloth. >> yes, ma'am. >> you're holding your cell phone, too? >> i don't think i'm holding it to my ear, but it's certainly still in my hand. >> well, you're talking to 911 at this time, right? >> you're correct. it must have been to my ear. i just don't remember that element of it. >> and then she asked him about the divorce. >> vashti wanted the divorce, right? >> depends on which ten minutes you talked to her. >> and when she told you that she was thinking about divorce, that's when you would threaten her? >> i'm sorry? >> when vashti told you she wanted a divorce, you would threaten her, wouldn't you? >> no, vashti never -- we talked about divorce a lot. but the first time that i found out vashti wanted a divorce was when she told me that she had filed. >> and then, then point-blank, she accused him of murder.
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make it look like she committed a suicide. >> i absolutely have never said anything even remotely like that. >> you never made that threat to vashti? >> absolutely not. >> you killed your wife, didn't you? >> no, ma'am. >> you shot her in the head. >> impossible. >> you burnt the house down around her. >> i would never burn our house. >> and did you it while your two kids, 2 years and 4 years old were in the house. >> absolutely not. i would never expose my children to any situation like that. >> the investigation was thorough in this case and the kbi agents looked for any sign that would lead us to a different conclusion than that brett seacat killed his wife. and all of the evidence that was uncovered and all the evidence presented at trial by both sides led to that conclusion. >> vashti's family was upset about things that brett said on
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but they said they found his testimony revealing. >> i was almost embarrassed that he was still claiming he was innocent when there were just so many things that would have had to have lined up perfectly that would have had to have been a fluke. >> but brett's brother bobby felt the trial only confirmed what he had always believed. >> i left that courtroom 100% convinced that he didn't do it. >> up to the jury now. >> your head is spinning at that point because you realize this is it. it was scary. >> double drama in the courtroom. the verdict. >> ladies and gentlemen, have you reached a verdict? >> yes, we have, your honor. >> and something even the judge
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allow a person to successfully predict a jury's verdict based on the time it takes to make it. brett seacat's jury deliberated six hours. what did that mean? brother bobby was nervous, of course. but had a good feeling. >> i think that the state in every respect failed to prove and make their case. >> ladies and gentlemen, have you reached a verdict? >> yes, we have, your honor. >> we, the jury, find the defendant brett t. seacat guilty of murder in the first degree. >> guilty on all counts. the reaction in the courtroom was muted. >> it was a strange mixture of emotions because there was this part of you that thought when they say guilty, i'm just going to get all this off my chest and i'm going to feel good. but then there's this big part of you that realizes at the end
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back. >> the truth is, everybody was just as hurt. no one won. so you think why am i not feeling better? because what got better? he is behind bars and he needs to be behind bars. but the lives that it affected will forever be affected. >> his lawyer all but said i knew it because -- >> i don't think mr. seacat got a fair trial in kingman, kansas, and i will never think that. >> but it was brett who insisted on being tried in his hometown and in his lawyer's view, he paid the price. >> certainly not blaming the jury, right? it just, to me, became patently obvious that this jury did not exactly look kindly upon mr. seacat. >> it was going to be an uphill battle. >> an uphill ballots before we even got started. >> agent falletti saw things
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>> i believe mr. seacat believed that whole house was going to go up in flames and law enforcement and fire were not going to find very much there and that he knew this local police department and they probably would just think it was what he said it was and go on about their business. but the kingman police department and the sheriff's office called in other agencies to assist. fortunately for vashti's family we found evidence to convict him of these charges. >> but brett seacat is an unusual man, adamant that he is innocent, certain that he was set up by the state, which was out to get him, by in-laws who didn't like him, and even by the judge. in fact, particularly the judge, which became abundantly clear at brett's sentencing, when seemingly out of the blue, brett lashed out with a truly remarkable incendiary, venomous attack against judge solomon. >> this day belongs to you judge
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this is your day. this is a day you get to take your place in front of the cameras and pass sentence on a man you worked so hard to convict. a man you know was innocent but a man you had to help convict so you could get this day. your day. so go ahead and collect the 30 pieces of silver, judge solomon, go ahead and sell custody of my little boys to vashti's family. go ahead and pass sentence you think will land you a spot on the kansas supreme court. go ahead and pass a sentence that guarantees your spot in hell, just like amy hanley and the 12 jurors, you're going to hell in this case. your corrupt decisions will be appealed. evidence will be presented and i will be freed. with that, i'll step aside and let you have your day. after all, you purchased it with your soul. so you've earned it. >> what did you make of that, of
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>> i liked the fact that he said what he thought. when you believe you are innocent, why not say you are innocent? why not say what you think was wrong? say it. because it isn't going to make any difference. >> did it? here's how the judge responded. >> i heard a few things i didn't anticipate. i won't bother addressing them because they're so bizarre, they don't deserve a response. they merely affirm to me that a jury of 12 kingman county citizens made the appropriate decision in this case. you claim to be vashti's protector and in the next breath on the stand said the evening in question you would destroy her. at trial you made every effort possible to drag her name and
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through the mud. vashti was not indecisive about divorcing you. she was not depressed and she was not suicidal. the family's hit it on the head, so did several witnesses at trial about you being arrogant, about you being controlling, about you being self-centered and narcissistic. you live in some sort of bizarre alternate reality. you haven't admitted guilt, you haven't admitted responsibility. you didn't this morning even express remorse that vashti is no longer on this earth. >> and with that, he sentenced brett seacat to the maximum allowed under kansas law. he'll serve 30 years before his
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and now, now their once graceful home has been torn down. the reputation of brett's family, a family of lawmen, is tarnished. the seacat sons are growing up without either parent and will have the heavy burden of knowing their father was convicted of killing their mother. vashti, the woman named for a queen. >> i miss her every day. just dumb things, like seeing a dragonfly or fireworks or something. it will not go away. i hope that i figure out what my new life is going to look like at some point and i can accept it. but with time, they say it gets
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>> tim: as an armchair adventurer, i have become intrigued by many of today's action sports, especially rockclimbing. it's tremendous surge in popularity can be attributive in part to duties today's guest, the overall female world champion and three have an time women's national champion who, at a very young age, has literally become the face of the sport. with her image gracing more than two dozen magazine covers, and her climbing being featured in jaw-dropping television ads by her sponsor, adidas. it's my pleasure, believe me, to welcome sasha digiulian. how are you? >> i'm so good, thanks for having me. >> tim: you're going to educate kate us. how did it all start, you and
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