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tv   Dateline NBC  NBC  March 21, 2016 2:05am-3:05am EDT

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recommended in the community. >> you were told this was the best? >> absolutely. and i talked to several people, and people said he's the best cancer doctor out there. he's aggressive, but he's very good. >> dr. fata's name was on the list of top docs in detroit several years in a row, and the practice was one-stop shopping for cancer care. he owned his own testing lab, pharmacy, and radiation treatment facility. on monica's first visit to his clinic, dr. fata diagnosed her with something he called smoldering myeloma, something that could turn into full-blown cancer. >> it was awful. >> you go to dr. fata, and this is a serious illness. >> correct. >> dr. fata told her his approach would be aggressive. she would be closely monitored with blood tests and painful bone marrow biopsies.
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monica spent hours and hours at the clinic, hooked up to i.v. drs,etng immune boosters to keep the cancer at bay. >> it was a real lifestyle change. i had never seen a doctor that many times in my entire life. >> luckily, monica had excellent insurance that would cover most of the bills, which quickly started adding up to tens of thousands of dollars in just a few months. but monica had been assured that with dr. fata, she was getting the best care money could buy. >> i really felt that, in a sense, he was doing god's work. >> george was dr. fata's office manager. he worked under his wife, samar, who ran the business side of the practice. >> 50 foot ceiling, artwork, grand piano. i thought to myself, oncology
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>> so your initial impression is this is an incredibly successful guy >> incredibly. i really wondered how he did it. >> dr. fata lived here in a ritzy suburb of detroit. one reason he was so successful was that his practice was so busy. at its peak, he was treating 1,700 patients in six clinics in the detroit area. >> it was huge, especially for basically a single physician, the amount of people walking in and out the door was incredible. >> nurse mary saturley worked for him and said he gave higher doses of drugs more frequently. he called it a european protocol. >> it felt like it was way more than patients i had previously treated were getting. >> i would think there's a point
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what i'm used to, but maybe it's not wrong. >> right. and so, you know, having the knowledge of a registered nurse, it's one-tenth of their knowlee being a physician. >> monica was taken aback by how dr. fata was treating her precancerous condition, and was often annoyed she would have to wait hours to see the doctor. did you give him a bit of a pass, the fact that you had to wait for him? >> initially, yes. >> what was your impression with dr. fata, personally? >> he was very difficult to understand. he was very soft spoken. we had to ask him repeatedly to explain. >> monica was frustrated enough to go back to her primary care physician to get a second opinion. >> she convinced me he's the best there is. >> so she continued to see dr. fata. after about eight months, he
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her condition was no longer smoldering. he was sitting and said you now have full-blown myeloma, and this is what you have to do. >> we need to treat it is what he said. >> how did you react to that? >> i was very scared. >> multiple myeloma is a cancer of the blood that can be fatal. but dr. fata explained that he would try to keep her alive with a lifetime regimen of chemotherapy, a toxic cocktail of drugs that can cause irreversible side effects. sadly, we all know people who have gone through chemotherapy. when you were told you were going to need it, but for your lifetime, how did you process that? >> it brought back a lot of -- i
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cancer. and the horror that she had to go through. and then i had a brother die of lung cancer. >> and you knew exactly what chemotherapy was. >> i knew what was in store, absolutely. >> but with those three words -- you have cancer -- she prepared to start chemotherapy, putting her trust and life in dr. fata's hands. coming up, something puzzling inside the clinic. >> he had cameras and microphones placed in the ceiling and walls. >> wait a minute, you're saying there were cameras to keep an eye on what people were doing? >> yes. >> and another doctor makes an alarming discovery. >> he kept looking at me strangely. >> i could not believe what i cking dr) y? i'm g my hmom.
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finh.cascad monica flagg had just been diagnosed by her oncologist, farid fata, with blood cancer. full-blown, multiple myeloma. >> steve asked him at one point, what are our options? and he said, you need to start this drug immediately. >> or? >> or you will die. >> he said you would die? >> absolutely. >> before starting chemotherapy,
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booked a vacation to costa rica. >> we just needed to get away and regroup and come back and start our life of cancer. >> how was that trip? >> it was fabulous. >> wonderful. >> but in the back of your minds was, we get back, here we go, i'm going to be on chemo. >> right. >> yeah. >> monica had her frustrations with dr. fata and his aggressive style of treatment, but decided to stick with him. after all, he was considered the best cancer doctor in michigan. and very hands-on. there were two other oncologists working for him. but monica was always treated by dr. fata personally. >> it seems like it's very simple. >> he worked under dr. fata in an outer suburb an hour away from the main hub near detroit. dr. fata was so hands-on, that he even personally treated
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than where dr. maunglay works. >> he dislocated me from his patients all together. >> it wasn't just under clinical control dr. fata maintained. inside the practice, the office manager said that he went to great lengths to ensure everything was done his way. >> he had cameras and microphones placed in the ceiling, walls, and him and his wife would periodically review that to ensure people were in the ghple d yi the right things. >> wait a minute, a lot of businesses have cameras for security purposes so you don't steal stuff. you're saying there were cameras here to keep an eye on what people were doing? >> yes. >> did you find that at all unusual? >> well, i did find it unusual, but myself and a lot of others thought it was just something
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the kind of person that was very controlling. >> it was under the direction of dr. fata that monica was given her first dose of chemotherapy on july 1, 2013. a nurse delivered the cocktail of chemo drugs, and sent her home to rest. how did you feel afterwards? >> i was sad. i was frustrated. >> when you went home? >> it was really emotional for steve and i. >> given what she had seen her family members go through with chemotherapy, monica was bracing herself for the side effects to take hold. >> we just sat outside to talk about the day. no phones. >> but it started to rain, so monica rushed inside to close the windows, and tripped over her suitcase, still out from their trip to costa rica.
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when i came down, when i came down, i hit the suitcase and fell. when i fell, i then heard, snap, snap. >> monica had broken her leg in two places. and steve, you're thinking, oh, no, now this. >> yeah. i remember at the hospital, i thought i have chemotherapy in the morning, and have to deal with this. it was horrible. just horrible. >> as monica recovered in the hospital, dr. fata left on a short vacation to his country of lebanon while monica recovered. in his absence, a young doctor, who worked in his clinics, was making rounds on all the practice's cancer patients. >> and when i met the doctor, he explained to me who he was. he just kept looking at me very strangely. i found it very strange. >> strange because he had been puzzling over monica's chart, confused by the results of her
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>> just by looking at the chart, i could not believe what i was seeing. >> the information in front of him just wasn't making sense. he asked monica a series of questions, and then -- >> the next day i went to the office to look at all the -- everything, all the blood tests and reports of dr. fata, clinic notes. >> and staring at the records, he came to an unnerving and inescapable conclusion. he went back to the hospital to see her, and told her everything she believed about her cancer was wrong. did he say the words, monica, you don't have cancer? >> yes. he told me, you do not have cancer. coming up, no cancer? how could that be possible? >> i didn't believe him. >> just a wild story, and you're not buying it? >> i'm not buying it.
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>> this is just monica flagg had just gotten the shock of her life.
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a potentially fatal condition, she was told she did not have cancer. i think about that moment, what it must have been like to have someone tell you you don't have cancer. i mean, you want to shout it to the world? >> i did. i called everybody i knew. it was -- i was extremely happy. but i had a lot of anger. >> anger because this young doctor, soe maunglay, also seemed to be telling her that her misdiagnosis was no innocent mistake. after reviewing her charts, he concluded that dr. fata had been lying to monica all along. >> if i see a patient one time and make a decision quickly on a very busy day, anybody can make a mistake. but this patient has been followed for a long time. >> he said to me, you need to find a new doctor.
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records. i don't want you to see dr. fata again. >> why was dr. maunglay so suspicious of his boss? it turns out, he had questions about dr. fata's aggressive treatment style for months. he says he saw dr. fata giving chemo to patients who were far too frail for the treatment. >> i always felt like, you know, some of the patients are too old, some of the patients are getting therapy, and they appear to be too sick. there was a lot of discussion about that. dr. fata was the go-to guy if you wanted aggressive treatment. >> dr. moung lay thought he was overtreating many patients. but monica's case appeared to be more egregious. her treatment was completely unnecessary. at this point, he had already decided to resign. but the idea of publically criticizing such a highly regarded doctor seemed like career suicide.
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over him? >> so at first he said nothing. then the office manager went to see him about his impending departure from the practice. >> i asked him why? he said, i'll tell you, but not here. >> i said not in the hallway because of dr. fata's cameras. >> they went downstairs to a room where they were sure no one was listening or recording. dr. maunglay told george dr. fata was giving chemotherapy to a patient who didn't have cancer. >> i didn't believe him, because quite frankly, i knew of all of the other hands that were involved in patients. >> surely somebody would have said something. and here comes this dr. maunglay with this wild story. >> wild story. this is left field stuff. >> and you're not buying it? >> i'm not buying it. i thought he was trying to get out of his contract. i thought maybe he wanted to take the other nurse practitioners away and start up his own practice.
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anything of it. then i began -- it was a few days later, thinking about all of the comments that other practitioners made while i was there. >> george has no medical training, but he was aware that dr. fata's unusually aggressive treatment was sometimes a point of conflict in the office. >> nurses came to me and said i didn't necessarily agree, or doctors saying i don't feel comfortable with the treatment plan that dr. fata had. >> so suddenly all of these conversations -- >> these conversations come to mind. and i started to think maybe, maybe dr. maunglay has something. >> as monica absorbed the news she was not going to die from cancer, she was looking back at her time with dr. fata and realized she had doubts all along. the news confirmed all those suspicions and all those red flags that were going off in your head.
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>> about him. >> as soon as i heard it, i was convinced that, you know, he was a bad doctor. this is just wrong. something is going on bigger than her case. >> what was going on inside those cancer clinics? if monica wasn't the only one, how many more of dr. fata's patients were being mistreated? coming up -- >> it was crazy. >> i thought, these patients have no idea. >> here's the question, why would anyone treat people for cancers they didn't have?
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know exactly what he's doing. dr. maunglay suspected his boss, an esteemed cancer doctor, was a fraud.
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>> to tell you the truth, i did not know who to trust. >> he had no idea that he was not the first medical professional to have suspicions about dr. fata. >> my biggest concern were for those patients. >> back in 2010, angela swantech, an experienced oncology nurse, first saw dr. fata's clinic. she was there applying for a job, and would spend a day shadowing one of fata's nurses. tell me what that day was like. >> that was the first time i got a glimpse of the infusion room. as she watched the nurses work, she saw potent cancer
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>> she says patients were getting drugs at higher doses and for longer time periods she believed was medically necessary. and she was worried about the consequences to their health. to be clear, the things that you observe, are these things that are just unusual or just plain old wrong? >> they are plain wrong. >> you're not supposed to do them that way? >> no, no. there's no gray area with chemotherapy. it has a specific route over a specific time. >> angela turned down the job, and left as quickly as she could. so when you left that office that day, you're driving off, what are you thinking about this place? >> i was horrified. i remember getting into my car, and i thought to myself, these patients have no idea, the horrible care that they are receiving. >> she never saw any patient files. but came to her own conclusion about what was behind dr. fata's treatment plans. >> so i thought to myself, oh,
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he's doing. he is keeping these patients in the chair so he can bill the insurance company for more money. >> you summed that up -- >> in 20 minutes. >> and now, three years later, dr. maunglay was thinking the same thing. monica's cancer diagnosis looked like part of a scheme to bilk patients and insurance companies. monica's treatment would have cost close to $200,000 a year. >> a 50-year-old, professional woman who is healthy, most likely has good insurance. so dr. fata would have given this treatment until she died, maybe one decade, all unnecessary treatment. he chose her for a reason. >> the office manager was mulling over the allegations he had heard from dr. maunglay, that dr. fata was prescribing toxic drugs to patients who didn't need them.
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me the name of the drugs. he said there's too many drugs. i said just give me one drug. and he gave me the name of the drug called ibig. >> it's a powerful drug with serious side effects that should only be given to patients with spec immunsy deficiencies. given to the wrong patient, it can be dangerous. george went to trusted and experienced nurse, nancy saturley, and asked her what she new about how the doctor was administering the drug. >> she kind of went blank and became sorrowful and then started to cry. >> it was crazy. it was that all these people were getting this medicine and they never qualified for it. >> as it turns out, mary had recently discovered almost none of the patients she was treating with ibig needed it. >> only two people really have needed this out of just one
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>> out of 40. >> she persuaded dr. fata to stop prescribing that drug, but now she was realizing there was much more going on. the office manager recalls you saying, are we in trouble? what were your concerns? >> are people going to think that we had anything to do with what he was doing behind closed doors? people are going to understand that we tried to do the best we could for them. we gave them the best possible care. >> because you were physically administering this. >> yes. >> and so you were worried that there might be blowback because you were part of it? >> uh-huh. >> and monica, who was still recovering from a broken leg, had no idea what her case had set in motion. after your conversation with dr. maunglay, which he gave you the news you didn't have cancer, were you aware of what was transpiring over the next several weeks? >> no. >> but a lot was happening.
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>> george made copies of all the practice's financial records and took them to an attorney who was an expert in whistleblower cases. together, they tipped off the office of barbara mcquaid. >> i remember the case came in on a friday afternoon. we had just received a tip from a whistleblower that there was a doctor prescribing chemotherapy for a patient that didn't have cancer. most of us were skeptical. about whether that would be try. >> just in case those stunning claims were true, she launched a team of investigators. what they found would surprise everyone. it seems like each story i hear is worse than the next one. coming up -- >> i lost all my teeth. >> i had to have a liver transplant. >> he told me i was going to die. >> heart stopping stories, and a staggering revelation. >> i said that patients were being harmed, and he needs to be
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>> could all their pain have been prevented? when "dateline" continues. your dad w call teinor... i caou bac mom? s itsonathise... youa mom, u call at the time it'syou do ifanefteen ent me ar ice, switgeico. it what u do. e u?it vy udhe. you ng a a cl don't use ndex to ma windows spss andar! sy faeek ing 2 learw to uwind right way eituff noon w! o's ticket i do i'm caothpo erything well? cleanike itdded this other vel of to itkindke...wevng c
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to die. >> here at the concord hotel next to fata's clinic, former patients and loved ones gather regularly to lend support to one another. i met with 25 of them who came to tell me their stories. some were sick, but were grossly overtreated. while others like monica never had cancer at all, including patty hester. >> when i got the diagnosis, my world was shattered. he told me that i was terminal and i was going to die. >> your family at one point decided to take you on a trip? >> yeah. >> almost a farewell trip? >> yeah, we went to disney world. and it was really hard. because i knew my sister's little girl, she's 5, i wanted her to remember me well. >> you thought you had a death sentence? >> i did. >> robert never had cancer, either.
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don't have cancer, when the doctor said you don't have cancer, i was happy, but my whole world felt gone. >> tracy's husband david had a precancerous condition, and he had chemotherapy for seven years. he suffered horrible side effects. his quality of life was robbed. >> he was full of infection. his immune system was gone. he lost both his legs. >> her husband passed away last spring. >> he was being poisoned. i don't think he had a chance. as long as he was with fata. >> cindy's mother was also treated too aggressively. she died within a few months of meeting dr. fata. >> i look at my mom's picture every day, and i only have a picture to apologize to. the guilt never goes away, even
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fault. my sister knows it wasn't her fault. but it never goes away, feeling guilty. >> chris almost died of heart failure as a result of excessive chemo. >> i spent close to two weeks in icu, in isolation, and had my heart stopped and started three times. i mean, it was -- my system was shutting down, and it was all due to the poisoning of the amount of chemo. >> like chris, many of the victims are still dealing with lasting consequences of the unnecessary drugs. >> i lost all my teeth. all but one now. and i'm still trying to figure out how to pay for dentures. but everything is just falling apart on me. >> teddy howard is another patient who never had cancer. >> i had to have a liver transplant.
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>> as a result of the chemo. now i'm taking an enormous amount of pills to stay alive. >> all of them were initially taken in by dr. fata's credentials. and what they thought was an impressive work ethic. >> he was at the hospital at 6:00 in the morning. he was at the hospital at midnight. now i know why. because no one would cover for him. and now it all makes sense. >> he had the same business model for everyone how he was going to maximize his dollar amount out of everybody. >> if you don't get the treatment, you're going to die. >> he diagnosed you with cancers with the kind you can't hold up a cat scan and say here's the tumor. the kind you couldn't get, see for yourself with your own eyes. so it was a matter of absolute trust. >> yes. >> they have mr reason to be frustrated.
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years earlier. you called it a chemo mill. what did you mean by that? >> just the volume. so it was like get them in, get them in and get them in. >> it was back in 2010 that oncology nurse angela swantek spent her morning in the clinic for that job interview and left horrified. but she did not go quietly. even though she had no idea some of fata's patients didn't even have cancer, she said a formal complaint about what she saw to michigan's health department. and i read your report. you cut right to the chase. >> i listed specific drugs. i said patients were being harmed, and that this physician was doing more harm than good. i even put he needs to be investigated by medicare and blue-cross, blue-shield. >> this was serious and urgent, because lives were at stake. so i assume you heard from the state right away? >> no, i didn't. >> you didn't get a call? >> no phone call. no follow-up. nobody interviewed me. >> a letter in the mail?
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>> after more than a year, angela finally got a response. what was that communication? >> the letter, first of all, the letter had my last name spelled incorrectly. so i had a feeling they didn't even look, they didn't even do their due diligence. the first sentence was, some time ago you filed an allegation against the above-named physician. we did a thorough investigation and found no evidence to -- of the violation of the public health code, so the case is closed. thank you. sorry. >> in the years that followed angela's 2010 complaint, dr. fata's practice grew by leaps and bounds. how many -- show of hands, how many of you had interactions with dr. fata since 2010? virtually all of you. >> i would question how many people are alive that saw him
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>> if angela swantek had been taken seriously, if the state had acted on her concerns, thought about where that would have left you. >> none of it would have happened. i would be living life like i knew it back in 2012. >> and so would have others. >> absolutely. absolutely. >> but three years later, after monica's broken leg, her chance encounter at the hospital and a tip from the office manager, federal prosecutors were finally on the case. monica and everyone else in this room was hoping for justice. coming up -- >> he lied to everybody. his lies knew no boundaries. >> you call it murder. >> murder. >> would there be justice for these victims? >> i'm so disappointed right
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, osecutorbaara mce's time trying to get to the bottom of what had been going on inside dr. fata's caer clinics. it turns out he was e the medicare billers in the tire country. >> as we reviewed files an tried to make sense of his strategy with treating each patient, each time we looked at , the only sy e hzeis payment. tn wn thns it de e. >>ftusa fedays feraaidr clinics, fro h bank accounts, and put him in handcuffs. you had enough to charge him, u alat t mee y w w gis a w w as the instion ntt becamen re re how egreg depth an i >>t rner hudsvis o re
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