tv WRAL News 5PM NBC October 27, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
5:01 pm
5:02 pm
we're-we're policemen. - is your dad kwasi olushola? - mm-hmm. - what's your name? - i'm hanna. - hanna, huh? - well, my dad calls me aisha. uh, is your moms around here? nah, she lives in the bronx. my daddy's taking me to my baseball game. hanna, we were supposed to tell you that your dad's involved with something else just now. do you know your mom's phone number? you can write it down here. what's my dad involved with? you know, hanna, we actually didn't get to talk with him. right now we have to call your moms and then she'll explain to you what's going on. well, uh, you want to come in my dad's apartment and use his phone?
5:04 pm
some skell wino saw a late-model car pull up to the car kwasi's in. guys in that car start blastin'. kwasi tries to pull away, drives into the stoop. skell says two black guys in the hit car, three guys in the car kwasi's in. three guys? yeah. he also says the hit car was green or red. so i don't make him that reliable.
5:05 pm
si's car. it could have come from the hit car. d.o.a. in the backseat's, uh, marcus cameron. street name's "prince." three collars for sale. one pending's an "a" felony, so it had to be a decent weight. narcotics is coming up with the guy's associates. kwasi you know. [ phone rings ] - yeah? - i guess the one d.o.a.-- he's now the dealer formerly known as prince. [ fancy ] okay. yeah. got it. bodega shooting on avenue "d," one d.o.a. [ martinez ] i'm up. okay. narcotics'll be helping with theirs. - you want to work the bodega with james and greg? - sure. hey, boss, you mind very much if diane stays on ours? we were with his little girl till the mother got there. we didn't really tell her kwasi was dead. she might not want to talk to us no more. no problem. just give me a second. okay. let me know if you need help on canvas. - okay, lieu. - can you give us any help with kwasi's wife?
5:06 pm
she left him early? maybe she's got some sense. wait a minute. that's the last ball-breakin' about kwasi. you had this guy up for sainthood. i never had him up for sainthood, and i don't know that he's coming out of this wrong. i'm telling you, you're done xxxxxx' on hydrants till we find out. nobody's looking to make him wrong if he's not. [ man ] work together on this, guys. hi, hanna. mrs. torrence. what do you want to ask me? well, we wanted to tell you how sorry we were about your dad, first thing. and we need to talk to you about what your dad was doing before he left the apartment. and there's some other things. we also need to talk to your mom. we wanted to give both of you a little bit of time to yourselves before we did that. so you lied that he was alive? we talked about that, hanna. we thought your mom should tell you about your dad. i found out who you are. i don't want you talking with her.
5:07 pm
you want me with you while you talk to her? you weren't with daddy. hanna, um, why don't we talk back here, all right? i don't know if you're hungry, but we've got some things in the refrigerator. - [ hanna ] okay. - would you feel comfortable talking in here? - or would you rather go into an interview room? - we can talk here. - right this way. - [ door creaks ] you want me to excuse myself? i've dealt with people like you before. it's hanna we were trying to protect. ma'am, right here. do you have any idea why this happened to your husband, mrs. torrence? - no. - do you know marcus cameron, the man who was shot with him? we didn't have many friends in common, and we'd been separated three and a half years. his street name was prince, this marcus cameron. i didn't know him. do you mind if i ask you about you and kwasi not having friends in common?
5:08 pm
we found a note in kwasi's pocket about, uh, your daughter's baseball game. he called her aisha. what do you want to know about that? well, actually, i'm interested to know why you both call her different names. don't play detective games with me, please. people separate for reasons. none of the things kwasi and i disagreed about had anything to do - with your investigation. - you sure about that? - i'm sure. - is that 'cause you know why he was murdered? i know he wasn't murdered for any of the reasons you'd like to think. my husband was an honorable, good-hearted man, d he was brave enough to believe in people others wanted to keep in the junk heap. that's what got him killed somehow-- trying to help. [ simone ] what work was kwasi involved with most recently? he was involved with hanna. that's what i know about. okay. hanna wants to say something to her mom. i'm sorry, mom, for what i said to you. and i'm sorry if i hurt your feelings.
5:09 pm
please don't be mad at me and go away too. come here. it's all right. i understand. i'm not going anywhere. hanna wanted her mom to know that. - uh-huh. - and she was telling me about her uncle, too, and how her dad was trying to help him. who was daddy trying to help? uncle jerome. - he called daddy. [ sniffles ] - jerome's kwasi's brother? - no. - my brother. hanna, did your dad say what he was trying to help your uncle about? no. he just said he'll be back. where are we going to find your brother, mrs. torrence? i don't know. i haven't been able to reach him in two days.
5:10 pm
hey. what do you got? 911 from an anonymous male. place is empty when we get here except the d.o.a. and some four-year-old kid wandered in from next door, and this guy, some kind of juicehead. this guy says he saw a woman run off right when the shots went off. clears throat ] hey, champ. how's it going? [ grunts ] ah, who'd you see? lisa. does this. yeah? was she in the store when the shots went off? i think she was doing this. couple guys in nice clothes. that's the first he said about the guys. - who is this guy? is this the owner? - 'swaldo's the owner. oswaldo mendoza. we got his number off the beer license. no answer at his house.
5:11 pm
i'm not looking for trouble. i'm ill. [ coughs ] - yeah? how are you ill? - i need cough medication. got a scrip and no money. okay. ten bucks for the scrip if you take us to lisa's stroll. i need the full charge on the scrip, $14. all right. so there's $14 in it. let's go back inside. let's go. all right. you stay here. okay? stay right here. hey. nothing on the shelves but condoms, garbage bags, sweet pickles. what more would a shopper need? we get here, there's a four-year-old standing two feet from the bod, three feet from the gun.
5:12 pm
he's very good about his responsibilities. he's worked at this building for six years. i don't know where he would be. you, uh, said your brother had that one problem a while back. that was 22 years ago. they asked him to be a lookout. he didn't know what they were doing necessarily. if jerome was involved with kwasi getting hurt-- i don't know. then i don't know anything. [ sniffing ] [ whimpering ] bobby. , god. oh, don't kill anybody. it's the police, and it's your sister. i'm gonna open this door. - [ mrs. torrence ] jerome. - [ sipowicz ] come on out of there. - come on. - [ crying ] i messed myself. jerome, what happened? how'd kwasi get shot?
5:17 pm
he didn't give you anything in the car? josh is with him in the locker room until he gets together. narcotics says, uh, marcus cameron, the d.o.a. in the car with kwasi, was in gerard markham's crew. this is prince? yeah. markham's street name's "fat cat." they gave us his usual places. you run jerome through b.c.i.? six months for burglary when he s 18. clean since. he's been a super at the same building for the past seven years. from what his sister says, he's a regular at church. anything pass between them in the car?
5:18 pm
she oughta take that girl home. she, uh, don't want to leave until she finds out what her brother has to do with it. how's it going, jerome? you want a soda or something? - you sure you don't want anything to drink? - no. we gotta know what your part in this was, and we need you pulled together. okay? now, hanna, your niece-- she puts you with her dad just before him and another guy got murdered. there's a witness on the scene that said there was a third guy in the car past the two victims, so we gotta make that guy you. why did the shooters let you get away? were you the setup guy? - no. - jerome, say something past "no" here, okay? i'm afraid to say.
5:19 pm
gonna happen-- - you got kwasi killed? - yes. tell us how you think you got him killed. i had found some drugs in my building. they were hidden in a boom box under the landing, and i called it to the police attention. when was this? four nights, which later i found out was cocaine. and i left a note to tell 'em where to find it. this was at the 27 you left the note? i couldn't-- i couldn't look to see what happened after, 'cause i'm downstairs. but next day it was gone. then here come the drug dealer looking for me, say he gonna kill me either if i don't give him his drugs or money, $37,000. say he knew it was me 'cause of the storage area. what was his name? he didn't say. he's the guy that was in the car with you and kwasi? yeah.
5:20 pm
i was supposed to meet him today at fourth and "b." wait a minute. this is prince, the guy who wanted his drugs back? or either he was gonna kill me. i been afraid to tell him that i had told the police, and i didn't know what to do. and i called kwasi. did he know prince? uh-uh. i just wanted kwasi to tell what happened. and he did it for me. the other guy met you? eat. kwasi said that i called 911 to take the drugs away, and that that was the right thing to do. and that if he harmed me over it, kwasi would call the police himself. then he said that he had been fronted for half those drugs, and that who he owed was after him. kwasi's saying, "well, that's between y'all." then hell broke loose.
5:21 pm
closing 'em, opening 'em weird. then the shooting started. kwasi drove off, but he just drove into the front of the building. he must've already been shot. then they came over and shot the guy in the backseat from close, then drove off. but they didn't try and shoot you. [ snorts ] kwasi fell over me in the seat. i don't know if they even saw me. did you get any kind of look at them? - not much. - jerome, what does that mean? i don't know how much a look i got. i got a look at 'em, but i don't know how much in terms of recognizing. i'm not trying to lie to you. i'll help you if i can. you know someone named fat cat? no. but he said something about him-- the prince.
5:22 pm
could i get a soda? yeah. [ on speaker ] yeah, we'll get you a soda. you buy that? do you? sounds pretty good. take him home, josh. let him know we'll need him back to try to make i.d.'s if we come up with fat cat's button guys. all right. says he wants a can of soda. i'll get it on the way out. ther? yeah. get her to go home.
5:23 pm
5:24 pm
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5:27 pm
[ door closes ] it's all right. your brother turned in some drugs to the police that he had found in his building. when the dealer who had stashed the drugs figured out it was jerome who'd found them, he started threatening jerome. then jerome asked kwasi to talk to the dealer. kwasi-- he, uh, stood up for your brother. he told the dealer to leave jerome alone, and while this all was happening it looks like the people who the dealer had gotten the drugs from came and they shot 'em. so my dad was being a good person. that's right, hanna. all right. all right. well, i know you probably want to get home now. i want to know my husband's killers are gonna be arrested. we got a good idea who to look for, and we're gonna notify you when anything happens. do you have someone to be with you, margaret?
5:28 pm
any more than my husband would. bye. sure hope we get this fat cat's places from the boss. probably no use looking till midnight. anyone got some sleeping blankets? i don't think we're going home tonight. [ man chattering ] [ phone ringing ] i'm giving you full cooperation. whatever you want to know. that's great, lisa. i don't know nothin' about what happened. come on. sit over here. lisa, a guy who hangs on the street outside a bodega says that right after the murder,
5:29 pm
d-- you're saying you weren't in the bodega? no, i'm just telling you what lonny is. and i happened to have been in the bodega to get a female product. lonny says you were doing some guys in there. yeah, well, lonny wouldn't know sex from an uptown bus. you don't make yourself a witness, lisa, we're gonna make you an accomplice. so stop bum-rapping lonny and tell us what went on. i was in the bodega to get a female product. two gentlemen asked to ask me something in the basement. so i go down there with one after the other one, and the other one yells, "it's him." - which was oswaldo mendoza. - not oswaldo, the first gentleman in the basement. lisa, the guy you were down there with that went back upstairs-- - i'm asking you: who was he talking about? - not oswaldo. they were waiting for someone to come in. the well-dressed guys were waiting for the guy who got murdered? that's what i would gather. and what did oswaldo have to do with it? oswaldo said i should party with them. so now you're done partying with the guy, who already went back upstairs, and he shouts out, "it's him."
5:30 pm
then there is shots and cryin' and moanin'. and he runs upstairs, and i gather that they both run out the alley door. - and where's oswaldo? - oswaldo's gone. and the two well-dressed guys oswaldo had you party with-- they were gone. it's just the guy that's whacked that's left. yeah, bleedin' and cryin' "madre"in spanish. - and you book? - yeah, and that turd lonny gives me up. i cooperated fully. i want to go. you're staying here till we find oswaldo. oh, brother. can i at least get some stuff from my girlfriend's? who're you kidding, lisa? forget about your crack pipe till we get oswaldo in here. [ sighs ] well, under those circumstances, oswaldo's probably over at his numbers room,
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