tv WRAL News 11PM NBC October 27, 2016 11:00pm-11:36pm EDT
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there it goes again. that's the seventh time in the last two hours. still no idea what's causing it? it seems to be opening and closing completely at random. no unusual readings. no ships coming through. for all we know, the bajorans are right. maybe it is a message from the prophets. emissary. e. maybe the prophets don't recognize you with the new beard. there must be a scientific explanation for this. dax: here we go. something funny, old man? hmm? no, nothing. worf: ops to captain sisko. sisko here. captain, we're receiving a priority one message from starfleet security.
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then the andorian says, "that's not my antenna." why do i bother? quark! what can i do for you, constable? dax... where is she? she's not here. is there anything else i can do for you? you find all this very funny, don't you? you and dax probably planned it together. planned what? moving my furniture. is that what this is all about? someone moved your furniture? not someone, commander dax. that's the fourth time she's done it this past year. she breaks into my quarters while i'm regenerating and moves all my furniture. shifts one piece three centimeters to the right the next four centimeters to the left. not one object in my quarters is where it's supposed to be. and... is that a bad thing? everything i own is carefully and painstakingly arranged.
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in throwing my quarters into chaos. i'd hardly call three centimeters "chaos." maybe you wouldn't, but i do. you humanoids are all alike. you have no sense of order and dax is the most humanoid person i know. sisko to constable odo. odo here. please report to ops immediately. acknowledged. uh, when you see dax say hello to her for me. ( growling ) how many people were at the conference? 27, including the tholian observer. 27... it's unbelievable. federation president jaresh-inyo has declared a planet-wide day of mourning. constable, take a seat. odo: of course. ten minutes ago, we received a recording of a high-level diplomatic conference that took place
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on earth two days ago. computer, begin replay at timdex 5-9-11. a bomb. of unknown composition. a crime like this hasn't been committed on earth in over a hundred years. go back and show him what you showed us. computer, restart recording at time index 5-9-1-6. one-tenth normal speed. freeze picture. rge section f-3 and isolate. keep your eye on the piece of pottery. computer resume one-tenth speed. that's a changeling. worf: no sign of a changeling was found in the aftermath. we must assume that it escaped unharmed. i was hoping that this would never happen but it finally has.
11:06 pm
how's that? another centimeter to the left. shouldn't you be on the lakota? the lakota won't depart for another hour which gives us plenty of time to repair the damage you've done to my room. and while i'm gone, i want your solemn word that you'll stay out of my quarters. you've got it. how long will you be on earth? i have no idea. i just hope this trip isn't a waste of time.
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about my people that hasn't already been in our reports. believe me, odo, with changelings on earth starfleet's going to need all the help it can get. there. how's that? a little more to the left. whatever you say, constable. wait until you see the size of the eggplant i'm getting out of my garden this year. as big as cranshaw melons and twice as heavy. so, how is judith? she still helping out in the restaurant? no, i sent her home to portland. your sister's got her own life to worry about. besides, she never puts enough cayenne pepper in the jambalaya. just like mom. which means she has no business in the kitchen. it'll be good to have you home again, benjamin. jake too. dad, you know that this isn't exactly a vacation. i'll be spending most of my time in san francisco
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whatever you do during the day is your business. but at dinner time you better get yourself down to new orleans. no son of mine is going to eat that replicated slop starfleet calls food not if i have anything to say about it. you won't get any argument from me. so, dad... you feeling okay? oh, let's not start that again. it's just a question. you look a little tired. how's the new aorta holding up? edical marvel. i won't have an original organ left in my body. they'll write me up in the medical books. but you're feeling okay? just point me in the direction of a party and a pretty girl and i'll show you how good i feel. make sure you call me as soon as you and jake get in.
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i know that, dad. we'll be there before you know it. jako. dad. you just missed grandpa joe. did you tell him we're staying in san francisco? i didn't quite get around to it. ah. dad. you know if we stay with grandpa he's going to put me to work in the kitchen. is that so bad? isn't my idea of a vacation. well, jake, you're not a child anymore. grandpa will not expect you to chop vegetables. he'll want you to wait tables. barkeep. so, what can i get you two flyboys? a scotch, neat and a pint of your finest bitter for my mate. make it quick. the cabbage crates will be coming back
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strafe that green and pleasant land while you were taking time out to get a drink. no choice, man. ritual, you know. to clive, the best bloke ever to prang s kite into the channel. going to keep a stiff upper lip. hear, hear. down the hatch. ah-ah! so, you want to go back up and have another crack at the jerries? oh, i don't know. to tell you the truth, my heart isn't in it. aren't you taking clive's death a little seriously? he was just a holosuite character. it's not clive. it's earth. you probably wouldn't understand this but when you care about a place
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u want to do something about it and you can't it's very frustrating. i know exactly what you mean. when the great monetary collapse hit ferenginar i was hundreds of light-years away serving as a ship's cook on a long haul freighter. i can't tell you the heartbreak i suffered knowing that rampant inflation and currency devaluation were burning like wildfires through the lush financial foliage of my home. it still depresses me even today. i remember thinking my accounts needed me and there was nothing i could do. i felt so... so helpless. so you see... i do understand. somehow you telling me that doesn't make me feel the least bit better. humans. all you care about is yourselves. odo
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of britain has been won yet again. there's a spitfire with your name on it waiting in the hangar. when you get back from earth you can take clive's place in the squadron. somehow i doubt it. look, odo, do me a favor. if you get a chance, visit my folks in dublin. just make sure they're okay. i'll try to find the time. i'll let them know you might drop by. anyone i can look up for you, doctor? no, that'll be fine. i just wish i was coming with you. or i wish both of you were going with me. i could use the company. i doubt that a shapeshifter will be welcome on earth at the moment. no one can hold you responsible for what your people are doing. oh, really? well, i'd better get over to the lakota. we'll be leaving shortly. good luck. i don't believe in luck.
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the lakota has gone to warp. when was the last time the wormhole opened? 12 hours ago. perhaps it has returned to normal. i suppose so. you sound disappointed, major. i guess i am. part of me was hoping that the prophets were behind it that they were finally going to show themselves to the bajoran people. i prefer klingon beliefs. your gods aren't as cryptic as ours. our gods are dead. ancient klingon warriors slew them a millennia ago. they were more trouble than they were worth. i don't think i'll ever understand klingons. don't worry about it, major. nobody does. that's the way they like it.
11:14 pm
. good to see you again, sir. captain sisko. this is my adjutant, commander benteen. benjamin was my executive officer aboard the okinawa and a damn fine one too. i did all right. admiral leyton has had his share of executive officers and you're the only one he speaks fondly of. present company excluded. admiral leyton recommended me for the job on deep space nine. one of my better ideas. you must be odo. that's right. forgive me for staring but you're the first changeling i've ever met. that you know of. i sympathize with your problem. uncovering changeling infiltrators is no easy task. well, with the help of the two of you i trust it will be a little easier. what exactly do you want us to do? we'd like to see if there's anything about the founders you left out of your official reports. i'll help in any way i can
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sisko: admiral, i doubt you brought us all this way just for a debriefing. of course not. ben, earth is in danger-- maybe the greatest danger it's faced since the last world war. something has to be done about these shapeshifters which is why you're here. you know more about the dominion than anyone in starfleet. and so, effective immediately i'm making you acting head
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of simply looking at it. well, go on, take a bite. it won't bite you back. now, i don't want to see anybody studying the dessert menu. if you order anything but the bread pudding souffle you'll be making a mistake you will regret the rest of your lives. you should listen to him. the man knows his bread puddining. benjamin! dad. jako. when are y y going to stop growing? if you keep this up, you'll be bumping your head on that alligator before too long. you used to tell me that alligator was in stasis and you let it out at night to guard the restaurant. oh, i had to stop doing that. it got to be too much trouble wrestling it back up to the ceiling every morning. come on, i'll get nathan to bring you both something to eat, and we can catch up.
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-shifting fellow you were coming with? with things the way they are, odo thought it would be better if he stayed at starfleet headquarters. i don't blame him. i haven't seen people so nervous since e e borg scare. me, personally i'd like to meet him. though i have to admit, i-i'm a little suspicious about anyone w w doesn't eat. well, aren't you going to eat anything? i ate beforereou got here. ( utensil clatters ) son, don't look at me that way. you've lost weight. you think so? the doctors saididto keep your . don't you start too. i've a vat of crayfish in the back to clean and it's got your name on it. now, i'm going to say this one time and one time only. i am fine. i'm happy, i'm healthy and i'm planning on celebrating
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satisfied? mmm... gumbo a agood as i remember. starfleet must be taking the shapeshifters pretty seriously to have you come all the way back here. it is serious, dad. 27 people murdered right here on earth. never thought i'd see e e day. but now that my son's on the case i feel a lot better. jake! nog? captain sisko. what do you think? you look good, cadet. you think so? i thought i'd see you tomorrow at the academy. you are. i'm just here for dinner. nathan, the usual. sisko: i didn't know you liked creole food. i don't. i like tube g gbs.
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who can get me live ones. i've been thinking of adding thth to our menu. of course, i'll have to cook them for our human customers serve them with a nice remoulade. cook them? what good are tube grubs if they don't wiggle on the way down? so, how's everything at the acadede? jake, they call it the academy, but what it really is is school. tell me about it. it's a lot of work-- lots of classes, lots of studying-- i'm doing okay. now, where are those tube grubs? good night. you come back soon. come on, ben. i've got a nice bottle of cognac i've been keeping for a special occasion and i think this qualifies. i think you're right. ah, nothing like a full stomach to make life worth living. so, you going to tell me what's on your mind or not? what do you mean? i mean, you didn't stay here until closing just to get one more root beer.
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if you don't want to tell me, don't. it's nothing. it's stupid. all right. forget about it. it's just... the academy's different than i thought it would be. different how? some of the cadets they're kind of standoffish especially the upperclassmen. because you're a ferengi? i thought that at first but then i heard some of the other freshmen complaininggabout t. complaining about what? little things. made up of all the top students. they're always going off on trips getting special training. none of them will even talk to me. you've only been in the academy for a month. you can't expect to fit in right away. who knows? one of these days, you might even be in red squad. if you let them get to know you show them you're a good guy to be around everything'll work out. i am a good guy to be around, aren't i?
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captain, i've seen your record most exemplary. thank you, sir. captain sisko has several suggestions on how to combat dominion infiltration. i think you'll find them very interesting. hmm... i i derstand the need for increased security, but... blood screening, phaser sweeps? they've proven very effective on deep space nine. i'm sure they have but i hope you'll keep in mindnh and not a military installation. we have to take precautions. precautions may be advisable but i will not disrupt the lives of the population despite what happened at antwerp. i believe the changeling threat totoe somewhat less serious than starfleet does. mr. president i i sure you, the threat is real. for all we know, there was only one changeling on earth and he may not even be here anymore. but if he is here, we have a problem.
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ling can do. forgive me for saying so, captain but you sound a little paranoid. do i? forgive the intrusion, mr. president but as you can see starfleet has every right to be concerned. allow me to introduce odo my chief of security. a very effective entrance, mr. odo. one that never should have been allowed to take place. admiral leyton and captain sisko walked in here thout being searched or blood tested and without having their possessions subjected to phaser sweeps. sisko: if odo was a dominion infiltrator, he could've killed you. or replaced you-- the way security is now a changeling could get anywhere on earth replace anyone,,even you. sisko: sir all we want is your permission to i irease security at federation and starfleet installations here on earth. blood tests will be limited
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the average citizen won't even notice the difference. i wish these security measures were not necessary but the safety of earth and the entire federation depends on them. you present a convincing argument, captain. it seems i have no choice but to accept your proposals. thank you, sir. don't thank me. if i could think of another solution i would use it. it took centuries for earth to evolve into the peaceful haven it is today. paradise, mr. presiden who destroyed paradise. t.
11:30 pm
no tickets. no accidents. that is until one of you clips a food truck ruining your perfect record. yup. now, you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack. right? no, your insurance rates go through the roof. your perfect record anything. perfect. for drivers withth accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. and if you do have an accident, our claims centers are available to for a free quote call liberty mutual at switch to liberty mutual and you could save up to $509. call today at liberty stands with you?. liberty mutual insurance.
11:31 pm
that's enough. how do you feel? well... that time i definitely experienced discomfort. what was the setting? three point one. if we set the phasers at 3.4 we should be able to stun any changeling we hit and force them back into a gelatinous state. i'd push it to 3.5 but, if you want to do any more tests you'll have to get another guinea pig. i've been shot quite enough for one day. 3.5 it is. i want these units installed in every room at starfleet and federation headquarters. then start working on t t orbital stations. we'll have them in place by tomorrow night. i want to thank k u, captain. thank me? for what? for convincing the president to implement these security measures.
11:32 pm
i'm the one who got shot 13 times today. captain sisko. i hope i'm not interrupting anything. we were just about finished. can i speak to you for a minute? in p pvate? captain, i just want to say i apapeciate everything you've done for me so far, and... jake says you're having difficulty in school. he told you that?! he tells me everything. i don't want you to get the wrong idea! you and i both knew thth it was going to take a while for you to adjust to the academy and for the academy to adjust to you. i know, but it turned out to be even more difficult than i expected. just stick with h . i intend to. i think i've come up with something to help me make some newewriends. good. but i need your help. i want to join red squad. red squad? what do you ththk?
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you know, the best of the best. they get special classes, simulated missions off-campus training sessions, all kinds of thihis. a group of elite cadets? they nevev had anything like that when i was at the academy. oh, it's pretty new. it's a way of rewarding excellence among the cadets. i have the grades to qualify but i need to be sponsored by a high-ranking officer. ah, and you want me to put your name in for consideration? myself. i... i'm kind of busy right now, nog. but if i get the chance, i'll see what i can do. thank you, sir! this means a lot to me. i can see that. dismissed, cadet. yes, sir. ( door opens )
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well, look who's here. come in, stranger. sorry. i haven't been around much lately. things have gotten a little busy. you want to tell me ababt it? i'm afraid i can't. you'd think that admiral could spare you for a few hours a day with you in san francisco and jake off visiting that school in new zealand it's like the two of you arenen even here. you know, dad, you could come and visit us at the station once in a while. don't start that again. earth's my home, it's where i belong. if i went gallivanting around the galaxy? you think nathan can handldl this place on his own? nathan will be running things here
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i talked with your doctor. you haven't been in to see him for eight months. the man's an idiot. he's lived in new orleans 20 years and can't tell the difference between creole food and cajun food. maybe not, but he can tell the difference between a healthy body and one with progressive atherosclerosis. he says if you don't come in for vascular regeneration therapy that this restaurant will be looking for a new owner. ben, at my age and i am too old to work two jobs. now, how long until you're due back at starfleet headquarters? i've got about an hour. just enough time to take a walk to audubon park. you up for a stroll with your old man?
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