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tv   WRAL News 530PM  NBC  October 31, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

5:30 pm
5:31 pm
- so, what's your real name? - rick ousley. couldn't be any more simple, rick. we've got a murdered limousine driver. we've got a witness that puts you and your friend billy in back of that limousine. et. the only way you improve your situation is you tell us everything went down... between you, your partner and that driver. - then what happens? - well, that depends on who did what. plus mititating factors like remorse. i didn't shoot that driver. - billy shot him. - what's billy's real name? - bill lynch. - why'd he shoot the driver?
5:32 pm
be significant. there was. there was. billy had some speed. and he was snorting it in the backseat, and the driver pulled over and he said, "get the hell out." billy was like, "no way. thatto take us where we wanted to go." so, me and billy, , wouldn't get out of the car. well, finally we did. i got out first and then billy. i thought we were just gonna talk it out. mm-hmm. and then what happened? billy said, "well, you're not gonna drive us like the old guy said. he gave you." then the driver started name-calling. and that's when billy took out this gun that he's got and he said, "okay, how about this?" that shut that sucucr up. he gave up the $100 that point. no shooting at that point, though? absolutely not. and i thought it was settled. but billy must've had trouble on his mind, huh? billy told the driver to m me away from the car. so, the driver, he steps away, but billy--
5:33 pm
now, i swear, i didn't know he was s ke that. - he just fires the one shot? - the driver goes down. but the guy, he starts groping for his ankle and billy pumped a few momo shots into him. reached down, he took the guy's gun out of his thing. he said, "let's go." i'm totally numb at that point. how's the driver's gun get in your pocket? billy said that you need something on the street to handle yourself. he knows more thth i do. i've only been out there, like, a couple of months. he's been out there, like, a couple of years. so, he gave it to me. - where's billy now? - he was headed for jersey. a, but he said he'd get himself picked up... at a truck stop and leave the limo there. what was he gonna go to florida for? he's positive. you know, the h.i.v. bug. he's got this guy in daytona he was screwing for his s ds. some kind of new inhibitors. - you know that guy's name? - no, i-- i got the guy's phone credit card. - you're gonna have to write all this down for us. - we got in the limo...
5:34 pm
plus i didn't shoot anybody, so i don't gotta run. so, you want me to stress how shooting that guy-- that that was all billy, right? and that i was trying to settle the argument? we're dedeerate to have you do that. i'm glad i told you what happened. i feel a little bit better. i feel less remorse. that's nice of you. i'll think about it. lieu, morning. morning. how'd you do with missing persons? one possible. a black woman checked out... of roosevelt hospital last week with a newborn. her mother reported her missing three dada ago, but now she thinks she might've gone to north carolina. - okay. - no more social work for this guy.
5:35 pm
bernard rolled up on me in his raggedy-assssontiac. slammed me up against a brick wall wanting to know why did i bring the cops into it. he would've killed me right there if i didn't say i would marry brenda. when you broke up with brenda, she didn't say anything about being pregegnt? you don't seem too impressed about me getting slapped up. he choked me by my neck. i'm gonna look at that. far as being pregnant, i ran into her two months ago, she didn't have two words to say. how did she look? didn't look pregnant. she's so damn big thohoh, who's to say. are you willing to press charges against bernard? sister. - we're gonna pick him up. - you think they're scamming? - that baby ain't even hers? - - m not sure what's going on. make yourself comfortable. where did the kid come from then? 4:00, henry. that's right. you don't show up here, i'm coming to brooklyn. i'm gonna padlock your apartment and your ass is gonna be out on the street. hi, bobby.
5:36 pm
jill, uh, kirkendall. came over from department of investigations. what's she like? i don't know. i haven't gotten a chance to work with her yet. so, how's your stuff going with jimmy liery? he's expanded his circle of friends. i guess hanging around the airport will do that for you. i don't know what that means, diane. he's not just hanging out with rusty stickup guys anymore. me crazy here? i don't know how to talk to you about it, bobby. it's n n a lot of fun for me. you should tell that to the boss. - i'm on the guy for reasons. - you screw their reasons. thisisuy liery's not setting up to dynamite the world trade center, is he? i'm not sure what he's setting up to do yeye i'm not drinking with him and i'm not sleeping with him, okay?
5:37 pm
[fancy] go out with jill. pick a guy up. i gotta go meet liery. okay, everyone but diane. - diane russell. - jill kirkendall. i'm sorry, i'm on a case. look forward to working with you. [sipowicz] all set? i got the keys. acts like she'd just as soon be changing a tire. so, how's diane liking that undercover she's on? i'm not too sure. she's not too comfortable talking about it. yeah, i don't know how comfortable i'd be working like that. guys putting their hands on, so forth.
5:38 pm
[bernard] what you doin'? i'm trying to put this-- you gotta cover the baby's head, man. oh, i don't-- well, cocor his head for me. nning. - freeze! put your hands flat ainst the car. pupuyour hands on the car! - now, bernard, do it! - put your hands flat on the top! what are you doing to him? why are you all landing on me? aries said he gonna marry her, so there ain't even a issue no more. what somebody says with your hands around their throat, that can't be held to them. ot back out.t. - shut up. - brenda, we're taking you in also. - bernard. you don't wanna know what i'd do you didn't have that badge and gun.
5:39 pm
5:40 pm
people talk about deals on their aututinsurance.
5:41 pm
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5:42 pm
right this way. i'd like to talk to you, detective. just hang on a second. - coffee room? - yeah. let me just talk to the boss. [kirkendall] okay. any problems? there might be some thinking that this baby got stolen. there's a real weird hit coming off this girl. so why is this guy who hired the limo back here? rought a lawyer for the perp, asked to talk to you and andy. lawyers up the kid who does the murder. you should've heard this guy in the interview. he's all torn up the d.o.a. got murdered. looks like he got over it. don't spend too much time with this xxxxxxx. i want you i iwith kirkendall. - what do you want? - i engaged a lawyer only on the sis... of luke having nothing to do with this shooting.
5:43 pm
now. - - e you saying you didn't believe luke's story? - you know i didn't. that's absolutely not true. luke told me... it was billy who pointed the gun and billy who shot it. now, under those circumstances, i wanted to make sure... luke doesn't get used as a patsy because he's in custody and billy got away. nah, us evil, lazy cops don't need to use luke as a patsy, mr. curr see, 'cause billy's banging a scumbag a lot like you down in florida. we got ways to reach out for billy. and you're not here to protect luke. you're here to get off on him. to sit there all excited in the visitors' room, really coming to understand luke's awful life growing up. no wonder he turned out to be a murdering whore. he seems to have captured your imagination as well. hmm. well, there you go, mr. curry.
5:44 pm
rate don't leave. where's bernard? some other detectives are talking to him right now. i'm asking about your baby. i'd think you'd be more worried about him. [cooing] i'm asking where he was born. what hospital? beth israel. what day? last week. how long was your bor? brenda, me and detective sone both got kids. it's written all over your face this is not your baby. when can i see bernard? tell me abouthe baby. that's the only way we can keep you together. me and bernard? that's right. oh.
5:45 pm
tell me his plan. out the entrance. um, uh-- and when the girls would comeut with their babies, i'd say that they could ride in bernard's cafor a dollar to where they lived. and this girl wanted a ride. so, bernard lied in the car. he said i couldn'tave babies and she uld have $500 for hers. and then she wanted to get out of f e car. th ts gistarted yellg. so, he got her around the throat in the alley so she'd be quiet. and you took h baby.
5:46 pm
all[sffs]in t you gotta take us to the alley. then i can see him? absolutely. okay. i thk i can fi it. is that henry? yeah. sure.
5:47 pm
5:48 pm
5:49 pm
i was saying, is someone using the coffee room? nope. so, what did those brooklyn detectives think of those guys? what did they think about the shylocks you owed? solestri and leone. they weren't involved in the homicide. you sure about that? yeah, they're sure and i'm sure about it, henry, so shuyour mouth about solestri and leonene who are you, the bad guy in hogan's heroes? who else should we be looking at, henry? you want to give me my glasses back? who else should we be looking at for killing this girl? i've told everyone i c cld think of including those shylocks. you want, i'll pick some names out of the phone book. no, henry, what you said first... was that you didn't know anyone that could've been involved. that was i ithe hallway when that girl was lying there dead. then you give detective savino about a half dozen names. people you cop reefer from.
5:50 pm
so, now you're humiliating me? you take my glasses off my face? what, you want to make me feel bad? i look like a mole. i know what i i ok like. see, what i'm wondering, a guy who can't keep an appointment until he stiffs on a few first, maybe he can't come up with the right suspects... until he stiffs out on a few of them too. i don't even understanwhat u're saying, and i think you're a total xxxxxxx. i'm done playing with you, you twitchy little creep.. i've told you everything i could think of, you son of a bitch! now, give me my glasass! i will break your glasses in two, henry! i will take your shoes from your feet... and i will kick you out of this building barefoot. i don't know who it could've been! oh, yes, you do. you do! you're looking for the guts to come up with it.
5:51 pm
i will humiliate you, henrnr i will put you out there naked in the street. it must have been some crazy off of her living up there. who? she used to live there before her. who did? my mother. before sara moved in the building, my mother lived up there. when she got sick, i moved her downstairs. how does that fit in, henry? i don't know. i don't know. if there was, like, this junk letter addressed "super"... with my mother's old apartment number, cks that up. who would have known you lived in that building, but not what apartment you lived in? how the hell would i know? someone i was being a big shot with! someone i told i was getting that building, and then maybe i backed out. on what? on the deal. tell me what happened, henry. please give me my glasses.
5:52 pm
t there. tell me. i was supposed to front money for coke off of selling the building! and i wanted to be a big shoho and i'd already borrowed money against the building. i was supposed to be a big shoho but maybe when i backed out, that screwed the guy... and the bastard came after me how he said he was gonna, but t had the wrong number... from the junk mail and d shot sara through the door. maybe that's what happened. hey, gina. hi, james. what's up? do you know why i'm supposed to see him?
5:53 pm
. well, go ahead in. he won't bite you. might as well see what it's about. yeah. hello, lieutenant. oh, hi, gina. thanks for stopping by. sergeant lorenzo said i sd stop in. yeah, i, um, spoke with sergeant lorenzo a little while ago... about your possibly working in the squad. us and anticrime exchanging p.a.a.'s. what would be your feelings about that? ? he thinks your work's fine. he told me a few weeks ago he thoht my rformance was satisfactory. this doesn't reflect badly on you at all. under those circumstances, wherever i'd be most useful. there's a big overlap betweeee your responsibilities in anticrime... and what you'd be doing in the squad. and i'm a good learner too, i think. i'd hope i'd pick things up. i'm sure you will. well, that's great.
5:54 pm
lieutent fancy said work my sw unless i'm told different. i'm really delighted. wonder where geri's going? into anticrie like an even. at not an even trade. we ought to have to buy anticrime's coffee.e. good nighttent. good nigh. - i ouldn't stanherealking to you. i'll see you tomorrow. - yeah, u bet. i'll see you behind that desk. geri. what is it? good night. good night. geri, i've thought about this more... and i'm not satisfied you can successfully work in proximity to detective sipowicz. i'm certainly capable of it. i've spoken with sergeant lorenzo in anticrime...
5:55 pm
i'd prefer to do this in-house, but if you'd like, we can approach thihiofficially. meaning what? meaning i could write up your behavior... and we can see where that comes out. i'i'really having a lot of difficulty believing... adults can't deal with something like this. - are you willing to accept the transfer? - yes. okay. that'll be effective tomorrow morning. good night. good night, lieutenant. you can come out now. your boss has done your dirty work for you. are you leaving here? i'm transferred upstairs, effective tomorrow morning. good. - hey, andy. - hi. simone's got your guy in interview 2.
5:56 pm
m here for the by. i'm detective kirkendall. this is the child. [baby cries] [medav] come on. got him? yeah.
5:57 pm
just give us a second, henry, huh? bobby, i appreciate the consideration, letting me take it on paper. the guy you're looking at is jimmy cortez for throwing the shots. that's the name he'll come back to.
5:58 pm
they won't send me to jail, will they? you just answer detective savivi's questions, henry. was trying to. i wasn't... letting myself remember. all right. i can still live there? yeah. i'll talk to you, henry. so, you're batting a tho? i heard you did a good interview yourself. go. i'm so glad being back in a squad. - it's a good one to be in. - yeah. - good night, andy. - good night. night. guess you held up your end today. yeah, i got lucky. we generally clear at least one homicide a detective per shift. - don't be lousing up our percentage. - i'll try not to, andy.
5:59 pm
6:00 pm
all sections-- security check in n ogress. report. we're entering standard orbit, nurse. forward scanner to bridge. i understand you gave up a career in bio-research to sign aboard a starship. i know he's alive down there, captain. scanner to bridge, status report, please. it's been five y yrs since his last message. roges a very determined man. he'd find a way to live.


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