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tv   WRAL News 5AM  NBC  November 1, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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?? >> here's adventure! ?? here's romance! here's o. henry's famous robin hood of the old west,
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>> oh, cisco, i like it here. singing of the birds is like music to my ears. it's like a green paradise in the middle of the desert. why did we never come here before? >> because, pancho, this is the first time we have trailed red kelly. >> oh, forget about him and just think of how nice it is to be alive. let's stay that way, huh? cisco, never before have i seen a man so friendly with a bullet. why don't you throw that one away, and i will give you plenty
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pancho. if i can get red kelly to fire a shot, then i'll know if he's the one that has killed our good friend, the united states marshal. >> oh, so when h hshoots us, then you'll be happy, huh? >> you think so? >> all right, stop 'em. drop your guns! hurry up.. the next shot won't miss.
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why did you shoot at u u >> if i shot at you, you wouldn't be talkin' now. get their guns. >> what is t ts, cisco? these good men who think we are bad, or bad men who think we are good? >> we'e' soon find out, pancho. >> come on, let's ride. (knock on door) >> take a look, miss doran. either one yououman? >> it will give me a great pleasure to be your man, miss. >> cisco, i still don't know whether they arereood men or bad. >> no, shelby, it was neither one of them. >> don't you worry, miss doran, the boysysre out covering the whole valley. we'll find your horse thief. give 'em back their guns. >> oh, cisco, after all, these are good men who thought we was bad, huh? >> i'm sorry you were inconvenienced. won't you have lunch with me? >> eat? pancho is hungry!
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did i hear you call that man shelby? >> yes. >> could he be al shelby, the hold-up man? >> yes. there's quite a price on his head, but i wouldn't try to collect it arod here. >> cisco, i don't get this. this hold-up man worrying about the horse stealers and keeping the pepees. >> perhaps miss doran can tell us. >> why, mr. shelby is a member of our very efficient policece force. >> oh, a crooked man going straight, huh? >> when you were a little boy, hide-and-go-seek? >> cisco and i do it all the timemeith the sheriff. but why you talking about little boys' games for? >> it isn't a little boys' game when men like al shelby and blackikimoran play it. >> i don't understand. >> well, you see, this is their home base. they're free to come a a go as they please, and while they're here, no one can tag them. the sheriff made a deal with them-- they y ep our little valley free of crime, and, in return, he gives them immunity. >> you mean these men can do anything they want to outside of the valley, and then they can come back here the sheriff affords them protection? >> it's just about that.
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>> me? no. my father left me this ranch, that's why i'm still here. >> well, pancho, it seems that we came to the right town to find the man i'm looking for. do you know red kelly? >> good ol' red. oh, of course. he's the head of our social circle-- the life of the party, whenever he isn't out of town on business. >> pancho, i think we have to go to town on business. >> then maybe cisco will have kelly his pistolas at me. then h hwill dig out the bullet, and that will make him happy. he's dead? >> thank you for the information, miss, and for the lunch, too. come on, pancho, we're leaving now. >> but i no finini my dinner yet. >> come on, pancho, i said. >> oh, cisco, i go someplace to get a nice home-cooked stew w ke that, and you don't give me no time for my indigestion. i don't know why you can't wait a little while. my stomach has to... >> good-bye, miss.
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>> that't'bert foster, pancho, one of red's men. red must be inside. >> hey, cisco, l lk, that's a first-class beautiful horse, huh? >> uh-huh. robbers roost-- that's the right name for it, pancho. hello, red. >> hello, cisco.o. meet my pal, al shelby. but it give me g gat displeasure to meet him again. so, you think you are a better shooter than i are, huh? >> pancho! >> say, what's this all about? >> mr. shelby made a mistake. pancho, mistakes are liable to happen to anyone. >> mistakes like this can keepep an undertaker very busy. >> these are the birds i told you about. so you're the cisco kid? and i thought you were a horse thief. >> different people think i'm different things. >> you're wearing your hand
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>> that's because i have a lot of respect for you, red. >> yeah? >> yeah.h. a lot of people say you're a better shot than i am. it makes me self-conscious. >> who say that, cisco? everybody know you are the best shooter what are. >> is that so? i always did have an eye on your horse, diablo, cisco. how do you like my bay horse? >> the one tied outside there? >> that's right. >> that's a pretty good bet, red. let's find a target. >> how 'bout that sign on the wall? >> suits me find, red. we'll put a bullet in the letter "o." give you something to shoot at. >> looks like the best i can get is a tie. let me have your gun, al. i guess this bet will never be settled, cisco. >> red, i'll shoot against you once more, but this time use your own gun. >> oh, no, i never use my gun
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get pancho's gun. who do you think you're kidding, cisco? i know what you're up to. i tried that trick once myself. >> trick? why, red, you don't know what you're talking about. >> ah, don't give me that. you and pancho are g gna need an undertaker real quick. >> cisco, here's your gun. >> thanks, pancho. you're not only wanted for
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murder. >> drop your guns, you two! drop 'em, i said! >> thanks, sheriff. sheriff, eh? who's side are you on? >> i'm against anyone starting trouble. i'm sure you started this. >> i had plenty of reason to. here, take a look at this. besides saying that red kelly's wanted for robbery, that circular was taken from the hand of a maral who was shot in the back near plainville, and that says a lot more. >> about three days' ride from here. >> then it's no concern of mine. plainville is out of my jurisdsdtion. >> what kind of sheriff are you? is this the way you enforce law and order? how could a man-- >> shut up!! >> why, you! >> leave him alone, al! what are we gonna do with 'em, sheriff? >> ride 'em out of the valley. >> that's a good idea. we'll go along with ya. take 'em out to their horses. >et outta here! >> sheriff, how 'bout passing a
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>> that's exactly what i have in mind. >> well, then, why don't we do it here? >> you're forgetting, red, i'v'v got to keep up appearances. there are quite a few decent folks in town, and it wouldn't look so good-- might even start a revolt. >> all right, we'll do it your
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>> what're you spp >> my cinch is loose. do you mind if i fix it? >> go ahead, but d d't get any fancy ideas. >> i've got to cut some leather. have you got a knife? >> maybe you want me to fix it for you.
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>> hey, cisco, this sheriff, he act more like a bandito than a a sheriff. >> pancho, he's worse than an outlaw. shares in their loot also. >> where we go now? >> we're going to go where they least expect to look for us.
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>> looks like they gave us the slip. >> yeah, and i don't like it. with that cisco o d on the loose, we all liable to fall off of that gravy wagon. >> not me, red. from now on, shoot on sighgh i'm not letting the cisco kid or anyone else spoil our business. get the rest of the boys and combmbhe whole valley. i'm going back to the office. >> okay, sheriff. let's go. >> don't move! had a nice ride, sheriff? pancho, get the guns. turn around.
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with the whole thing wrapped around his neck. >> and good and tight, too. >> pancho, take care of him. >> with pleasure. get your big feets over to the cell. andale. hey, don't look so unhappy,
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what are you doin' there, cisco? >> fixing a little trap for red kelly and the other outlaws. >> cisco, you mean you make a trap from a piece of paper? >> yes, pancho. >> this kind of trap i don't understand. >> well, then, i try to explain to you, pancho. what would you do if you were e double-crossededou? >> i'd kill him! >> that's exactly what shelby and the others are gonna try to do when they see this wanted poster. look, look what it says. "wanted for robbery and murder, red kelly. immunity gnted this criminal has been withdrawn. jim turner, sheriff, twin buttes county."." there is a printer in town. we'll have him run a number of these, and then we'll scatter them all over the e untry. >> you know, cisco, that is the best trap i ever think about.
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now, look, go to miss doran's ranch and tell her to bring the united states marshal l om durango.
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>> now, remember, fellas, the sheriff is my meat. i'll teach him to double-cross me. >> i still don't get it, red. what made him switch all of a sudden? >> i don't know, and i don't care. he put up those wa d and that's enough for me. >> hey. did you see anything yet? >> no. cisco, they didn't come yet. maybe they didn't swallow the fish. >> they'll be a long, pancho.
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>> that was pancho. it's a trap! we'll trap him and cisco instead. montana, you, hal and ed go around the back. >> they spotted you, all right. >> hey, cisco, pancho don't got no braims at all! now we are the ones who in a trap. >> you stay here.
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>> where's red? >> pancho would like to know, too. >> and here is the evidence that will hang red. >> nice work, cisco.
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like you as sheriff, cisco. >> hey, well, cisco, you can't do that. what would your wife say? >> your wife? are you married? >> oh, he's married! you should see his little kids! >> pancho! >> he's got five of them, and they all look like cisco-- got same kind of face. >> well, good-bye, cisco. >> well, good-bye, miss. hey, pancho, how many times i've told you not to tell lies? why did you have to say a thing like this to her about me? >> well, you see, she had a wedding in her eye. >> oh, pancho!
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?? >> good-bye, amigos! >> see you soon!
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?? (gunshots) what happened? it's lance, he's getting away with the payroll! lance? come on! ?? you get into town. tell hoby to get some men out for lance. i'm going back to the mine.
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?? (knocking) who is it? lance. lance.
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a doctor? and get hoby gilman. trackdown
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there is no more unwelcomed duty than waiting in a room for a man to die. and when that room is filled with hate and greed and suspicion, then the waiting becomes a tight thing, like a noose around the throat. hehe dead. the bullet hit an artery. never had a chance. (crying) i've got to get some sleep hoby, you know where to find me if you want me. you're not gonna talk to her now. i've got to. can it wait, mr. gilman? no.
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he came to my room and he was hurt. he asked ,me to get a doctor. and then he... why'd he come to your room? we were friends. good friends. nothing more than that. you knew he was married? there was never anything more to it than i said. (knocking) mrs. garth. i'm sorry. he's dead, isn't he? ralph, would you take mrs. garth to her husband? yes sir.
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it's just as well, no one told her i was the one who shot lance. not for a whililanyway. yeah, sure. well, now we know where lance stands, let's find out how he got there. i caught him robbing the safe at the mine. he got off with the ten thousand dollar payroll that't'due to the men in the morning. lance? that's a little hard to believe. as paymaster, he has access to the safe. maybe you ought to talk to bess about that. look, hoby, i have to know what happened to that money. i have to have it in the morning. well we found his horse in the alley behind the saloon, there's no money there. well, where is it? did he have any money when he came to your room? no. did he mention anything about it? no. maybe he lost it on the way in. it's possible, he was in bad shape. or maybe he hid it.
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do you have any questions you want to ask me, hoby? no, they can wait. i'd rather get it over with. alright. why would lance want to rob the banning mine mrs. garth? he was going away. he was leaving me and he needed the money. did you know he was going to do it last night? no. now, you say he was leaving, where was he going? away, with her! that's not true! don't lie! not lying. and i don't believe lance could have stolen anything. it must have been a mistake. she was on l lce like a sickness. he would have done anything for her. even steal! lance couldn't have done it, and i never would have asked him to. are you going to arrest her?
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i can't even hold her, not on what i've heard. well, if you won't do anything, i know someone who will. i take it you're going to send for lance's brother? i am. jed will know what to do. i think it's only fair to warn you. i understand your feelings, and i sympathize. but not jed or anybody else is going to turn this into more of a killing matter. i'll uh, i'll see what i can n to calm her down. but, i don't know. it's a gnawing situation for money to disappear into thin air. money that had no time to disappear between the moment lance robbed the safe, and his arrival at grace's.
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tenner smith of course makes some large deposits occasionally, but nothing like ten thousand dollars. well, nobody's gonna deposit the stolen money, not yet anyway. i just thought you might have heard something about it. i haven't. if i do, i'll let you know first thing. wells fargo might be able to help. you know, somebody might try to ship it out. well i've already been over there they are checking the shipipnts now. thank you. alright. ?? well, we useseto have a good town. you mean grace is ruining the fair name of porter? i mean the people of porter are acting like they have the ririt to push somebody around. you don't feel like the rest of them that she's mixed up in it then ? well, might be. but she's still innocent until she's proved guilty. well, i guess i should have said,
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i'm worried about that girl, hoby. i heard jed garth coming in on the nine o'clock stage. yeah. lance was the rising and setting sun to jeded he'll kill her. maybe. you too hoby? what do you mean? you followed me. yup. i can't lead you to the money. what makes you thihi that i thought you would? why elseseould you follow me? you know where it is? no, and i don't believe lance took it.
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to go for you. now, does that sound like something a guilty man would do? maybe. now you could do me a favor and um, leave town for a few days. and let them believe what they've been saying is true? no. well jed garth is coming in tonight on the nine o'clock stage. i'm gonna need some time to cool him off. would you leave me alone, please? ??
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well jed is coming in tonight in the nine o'clock stage, and i'd like you to meet it with me. what for? well he'll listen to you. if he's got a killing in mind, you can stop it. what have you done about that girl? nothing. have you found the payroll yet? nope. she has it. well there's no evidence that points to that yet. no of course not, their wouldn't be. she's too shrewd and e evil? that's kind of a hard word isn't it? i know that girl, i know what she did to my marriage. do you think she'd have any scruples about stolen money? lance and i had problems, like all couples do, but our marriage was working. until she came along, then there was nothing but coldness andndoneliness.
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i'm sorry. well will you meet the stage with me tonight, mrs. garth? no. she'll get what she deserves from jed. i won't stop him. nobody can. next time announce yourself. sorry, we got a problem. yeah? grace is looking to get herself killed. well, i'm listening. i don't know how she found out, but she's gonna meet the coach, the one bringing in jed garth. i told her he was coming in. well that was your mistake. now, how about figuring out a way to correct it. looks like the only thing thatat going to help anybody is if i find that money. maybe. by a time.
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?? (knocking) do you want to see me tenner? can we come in? tenner says you're gonna meet the stage tonight. that's right. jed's a hotheaea you know what it could mean. i'm tired, i want to get it over with. (knocking) oh, it's probably doc rickers, i told him how jumpy you've been lately, he says he's got a pill that might help. oh, i don't need anything. everybody needs pills once and a while. i don't need any pills tenner. it will relax you, then we'll all feel better.
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?? grace, we wanted to talk to you. i don't have any time. will you please just leave me alone? you're going to sleep grace. you'll find it's much better than being dead. what kind of a ranger are you? the best i know how. you going out to meet jed would be suicide.
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ur mind and you'll find something totoive for. you loved him, didn't you? and d loved you? it never came to anything. i wouldn't let it. i always sent him back to his wife. he loved me, he said. because i was a woman and she wasn't. i don't care anymore. get her over to doc's house, don't let anybody see you.
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it's the nine o'clock stage. i'm hoby gilman. i've heard of you. i'd like you to know the facts about lance. i've heard them. there's nothing for you to do. that girl at tenner's joint, she may not have pullelethe trigger,
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age. grace destroyed it. and in the process, destroyed his brother too. hoby had very little working for him except a long shot. he decided to try it. ?? mr. gilman. she's where you can't find her. i'll find her. sooner or later. now you listen to me. everybody's gonna sit quietly in the background and watch 'til i clear this thing up. if i gotta throw the whole town in jail to keep 'em quiet i'll do that too.
5:52 am
"m"msing payroll found"? is this true? no. "ranger hoby gilman today announced the finding ofofhe payroll of the banning mine." "no further details wewe revealed, but the ranger informed us that the complete story of the robbery and the killing would be made public in 24 hours." alright, i'm listening. well, i'm backing grace. now lance had to give that money to somebody before he reached her. you want me to print a lie? well i can't help her 'til i flush out the party that's got the money. well, i hope it works. it's about time this town got it's senses back.
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so that means last night you knew who had the payroll. uh huh. is that all you've got to say after what you put grace through? how is she? she's still out. i want an explanation n . gilman. well, you'll get one when i'm ready to give it. ?? i'm waiting mr. gilman. well i don't think you'll have to wait much longer. kels gregory read the paper, and rode out. now, what's so strange about that? the paper said i had his payroll. why didn't he come and ask m m for it?
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?? you bungled! you let that nosy ranger in and he found the money. but he couldn't have, he was only here once and then went off! he's got it, it says so right there!
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n't know how the money got there. if he asks any questions, you, you tell him you heard lance out in the shed. now do you understand? oh, stop running scared. before you do something stupid, let's go look in the shed. if that money is gone, i'm'm. you can find a way to clear yourself. you're not running away. if anybody bungled it was you, when you didn't finish off lance that night. ?? wait, it's all here. don't you see? it was some kind of a bluffffo force our hand. gilman tricked us! (gunshot) (scream) i think you got it backwards.
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gilman? you'll make out alright. you sure you don't want to stay? oh, no thanks tenner. it's not that i'm not grateful, but, just too many memories i can't lili with. i'll be better off somewhere else. well i'll be here. writit or just come back if you need anything. i'm sorry you're leaving town. goodbye ms. marsden.
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people sure realize they were too quick to judge her.
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[theme music] yep, them government boys're know this land just like they'd been here. hey, what's this picture of chief crazy horse doing in here? ififou don't want it, stick it on the tree. ah, the indian wars are on again. two bits on a hot bath says you can't hit him in the eye. you're on. [horse neighing] [gunshot]


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