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tv   WRAL News 5PM  NBC  November 2, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

5:00 pm
[ lock clicking ] - hey, who's thehe? - it's me, bobby. you okay?
5:01 pm
oh! [ moans ] oh, god, bobby. any problems with that? mm-mmm.
5:02 pm
i'm wondering if you changed your mind. i wanted you to hold me. i wanted to mama love with you. uh-huh. if i gotta marry you to get back into bed with you, let's get married. [ chuckles ] bobby, don't push me away now. i don't want to push you awayaydiane. y yes to getting married like it's us going to the dentist. i didn't mean it-- i didn't mean it that way. you didn't mean it at all. god forbid we just enjoy ourselves for r minutes. don't come here looking to get laid, diane. that's not why i came here. we had too much going. [ sighs ]
5:03 pm
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5:05 pm
andy. [ chattering ] - those are males. - yeah, huh? mmm. i know angela and peaches from vice. a cop in a sector car saw them working the corner a couple minutes before this happened. - we know nothin' about this. - are you angela or peaches? - peaches. - we got a sector car that puts you here. 't do nothin'. -so you dress like that for comfort then. charge us for solicitation, you gotta catch us in the act, pretty boy. i don't know. who is he, peaches? i don't recognize him. you don't, huh? i don't recognize him. see, now, i can check that out, peaches. 'cause i know this guy's name is willie lopez. and i will ask every single person on this stroll here if they have ever seen you and him in conversation. first yes, and you're a collar for impeding a homicide investigation. why don't you guys bother someone else? 'cause we wanna bother you two. i told diane we didn't see it. we heard the shots, we turned around the corner and saw the guy over willie with a gun.
5:06 pm
evil ho! we're going to the station house. we told you what you wanted. now you're gonna help us put a name to the guy that you saw standing over willie. you know why? because underneath those skirts, we know you got hearts of gold. - and johnsons in your underwear. - [ simone ] let's go. diane. make me take this ride with you. girl, who said work 3rd street? did i say 10th avenue? - don't start with me, peaches. - girl, you are making me sick. i'm about ready to-- hey! hey! - no arguing. in the car. - come on. get inside. don't muss my wig. excuse me. i'm looking for an officer cooper. i'm cooper. yeah. arthur fancy. you have a maceo williams in custody? call you. i just collared him in the terminal.
5:07 pm
today he gets off this bus from florida. he's reaeanervous. i interdict him, ask to see his gym bag. a key of smack. - what's his story? - he doesn't know how it got there. had your card in his wallet. you found it, or he showed it to you? i found it. then he asked me to call you. he's back here. come see me when you're done. yeah. maceo. it's a mistake. i don't how that got in there. someone must've put it there. i didn't know about it. why would someone put heroin in your gym bag? i know, but that's the only thing that could've happened. you want me to believe you? don't talk to me like a chump. i'm just telling you what happened. and i'm telling you you gotta do better than that. i don't have to do anything. what are you here for anyway? i didn't ask you here.
5:08 pm
when the court gave your mother custody, maceo, you cut us off. you didn't want me. i didn't see a point staying in touch. you know we fought to keep you. i don't have to talk about this. 't get me out of here, i need a lawyer. okay. okay. you're 16 years old. yoyogo with a lawyer instead of cooperating, you'll get tried as an adult. the kiki of weight you were holding buys you 10 years. were you running that smack for your mother? i'm not talking to you anymore. i'm not talking to anybody. hiya, abby. hey.
5:09 pm
- you lay the course out, i'll run it. - yeah. see you at 12:15. 12:15. -your pros come up with anyone? -mm-mmm. wewe, wanna give 'em a pep talk? yeah. o recognize anyone off of these likenesses? yo, listen, diane. before, on the street, you said, "tell these cops about what happened, and they'll treat you square." and here we are, locked up like criminals. i don't see cuffs on you, peaches, and i don't see you in a cell. i think they know the guy who shot willie lopez. they just don't want to give it up. ou we don't know the guy, and we didn't see him do the shooting. - balls. - peaches, you can trust these detectives the way you do me.
5:10 pm
her times, i never hassled you. i got everything pushed through as fast as i could so you could get back on the stroll. - i always treated you with respect. - we don't know any names. - well-- - and don't you be making any noise. don't screw yourself up here, angela. her man's phesians. and she concerned this guy's phesians's cousin, but phesians didn't have nothing to do with it. this man and willie were beefing all week about money or something. arthur cartwell. but his cousin phesians didn't have nothing to do with it. - thanks for nothing. - thank you for dragging me down here - when you could've said i was in the lavatory. - shut up a second. - i'd like to be dismissed before this gets ugly. - you late to beat ugly. shut up. you talking about arthur cartwell that went away for murder? - i know nothing about that. - looked to take down a dealer on 9th. - two kids got killed in an apartment. - i don't know.
5:11 pm
and if you question arthur's cousin phesians regards to this, i will have a cut throat. and i can testify that phesians was laid up in bed with a stapho-something infection in his left calf. don't mention phesians no more. we're not interested in phesians, peaches, you understand? we're interested in arthur that was standing over willie with a gun in his hand. - bobby? - what's up, greg? yeah. last beep came back to an arthur cartwell. cell phone records are gonna take a while. can you check to see if this gy cartwell is still in the system? i think he was up in plattsburgh. yeah, sure. - can we please go? - don't take no vacations. i'm gonna take some coffee, and i'm gonna take some pastry too. - you guys got a minute? - yeah. [ peaches ] ooh, look, they got doughnuts. what do you got on your d.o.a.?
5:12 pm
artmtmt? - yeah. - these prosses, they said that they saw arthur cartwell, who was in that apartment when the murders went down, standing over the d.o.o. this morning holding a gun. which has to be wrong, right? cartwell's inside. - released september 18th. - [ scoffs ] look, i've got a situation. that boy that lived with us for a while a few years ago-- that kid maceo? yeah, yeah. cocoared at port authority muling a kilo of heroin. i got a line on his mother. i'm gonna go see her. we got cartwelels address. okay, let me know. maybe there's a mix-up on cartwell too. let's go. these people are ruthless. but the tall one is cute. i'm wondering how phesians got his staph infection.
5:13 pm
unbelievable. xxxxxxx does six months behind acting in concert on two child homicides. don't forget, arthur was doingngard time. that's a maximum-security facility, plattsburgh. yeah. is this it? yeah. the entrance isisown there. we'll take the back. be careful. hey, cartwell. where are you going, huh? wait a minute! wait a minute! against the wall! i didn't do nothing. i don't know how you got out. i didn't do nothing the last time either. shut up! upside with our penal systemem arthur-- locked up repeatedly for crimes you don't commit.
5:14 pm
james,s,reg, we got him out here in the front.
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5:18 pm
. how you doing, sherilee? fine. can i come in and d lk to you? uh, well, it's a little messy since i didn't know you was coming. so is maceo here? no. why? he in trouble? no. my wife bumped into him on the street a couple of days ago. - he told her he quit school. - yeah, yeah.
5:19 pm
lieutenant fancy, you the last person i'd call. so when did you come back to new york? you were so set on south carolina. yeah, well, it didn't work out down there. yeah? seems like you're doing okay here. mm-hmm. - this is a nice tv. - yeah, maceo bought that for me. see? he don't need to go to school. he got a good job without it. - yeah? what's he doing? - i don't gotta tell you that, but i will. u back on the stuff? - i don't gotta tell you that either. you're just trying to take my kid again. come down here insulting me! - yeah, you're using. - and you're in here without a warrant or my permission! you're using, and that's a big television set, sherilee. big microwave. how are you putting that together? get ouou i'm not having this. - you get out! - [ door opens ]
5:20 pm
i hope you're ashamed.d.i l have that in you. he's raping me! okay. man, you two ruining in my existence. i was present when it happened. i wanna hear this story about how you got out of the joint, arthur. sit. guard got killed on my tier. i was a witness. - you ratted out the guy who did it. - [ scoffs ] i had no problem turning that con in. and as far as them kids, y'all both know that was all rickie's doing. i was in the wrong place. wasn't nobody supposed to get shot.
5:21 pm
that ain't right. ifife find a gun in your apartment, that's not gonna turn out to be the murder weapon, huh? if it do, it don't mean nothing. no? match it to the bullets in willie? - don't mean nothing.. - , thinking that's evidence. i had the gun, but i picked it up after willie got shot. - ohohafter. - i'll tell y'all what happened. the guys come around the corner in a chevy or something, ananthey start shooting at willie, who i'm talking to. what color chevy or something? yellow, i believe. i mean, it's hard to remember. one minute i'm standing there arguing, and then it's, like, bullets. ay-yi-yi. what were you arguing about? he owed me $600. i just got out of jail, man. you know, i needed that. so i call him up on his beeper, and then he say that supposedly he gonna have the money today.
5:22 pm
and then he tell me they didn't pay him the money like they're supupsed to. i'm, like, man, this ain't good. then here come these guys in this yellow chevy. - arthur-- - we got eyewitnesses saw you do the shooting. they didn't see me, because i didn't do it! we collar you last year. you're hiding under a pipi of clothes in your buddy's closet. you tell us that you're up there borrowing a book. r? well, then, lock me up for false reasons.. it happened before. i'll let him know. - hello, hello. - hello. leo cohen. i remember. hope anticrime got some draft choices along with that other civilian aide.. someone else said that to me. i really don't follow the meaning. that's the last sports reference which will cross my lips in your presence, gina.
5:23 pm
administrative judge says next perp we don't get down there within 24 hoururof arrest walks out the door. oh, that makes sense. this even on a homicide charge? - we gonna make that with cartwell? - we're thinking we'll keep him out of the system till we get the ballistics back. you do what you want. i'm advising you get him down to central booking. - okay, so now you're on record. - thanks for the advice. prophet's never known in his own country. last old testament reference too. i tell you, abby, the endorphin release subsequent to these workouts has gotten to be the high point of my days. so, if it feels this good, it's gotta be illegal, huh, greg? oh, yeah. i feel subject to arrest. [ laughing ] listen, on-on another subject, abby,
5:24 pm
uh, the one thing you should know, greg-- you did say yes, right? absolutely. but i wanted to tell you that if you're thinking in terms of romantic possibilities, i, uh-- i should let you know now that i'm gay. i see. i always worry if f say that too late or too soon. of course. if-if you wewen't, excuse me for being presumptuous. [ sighs ] what-what night woulddbe g? why don't i let you know, greg? certainly.
5:25 pm
i saw w ur mother. [ sighs ] that stuff, it was just too hard for her. you need to stop laying it off on sherilee now, maceo. it was you on that bus, you who had that smack. and it's me in this cell. i know that. you want a lesson on being a man? skells lay fault somewhere else for doing what they did i was the one who did it. these e ys from the redrum gang give me 1,500 bucks a trip. - that's the puerto rican gang? - i go to miami and pick it up for 'em.
5:26 pm
- say what? - - ah. on the gate.
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5:29 pm
- ray. - lieutenant. i understand you're looking for us to help you out with some skell, huh? this is s good kid, ray. uh-huh. you want me to deal with someone else? lieutenant, my recollection--
5:30 pm
- this is a different matter. - usually is when you're asking for a favor. your group's working on the redrum crew, correct? - and? - this kid can help with that. how is that a favor? he's willing to make a controlled delivery. in exchange for walking on a kilo of smack. - has that ever happened? - well, that's up to the u.s. attorney. no, it's up to you talking to the u.s. attorney, saying you want it done. on the collars, the kid gets another chance. yeah, kahlins, nydtf. is he in? thank you. detective, someone's here about that homicide. thanks, gina. excuse me. i'm detective simone. how can i help you?


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