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tv   Today  NBC  November 3, 2016 2:08am-3:00am EDT

2:08 am
she's so young and pretty. and she's got this beautiful little girl. doug? hmm? weren't you going to come over here to complain? yeah. well, come on, complain. i owe you. oh, it's just that... if you don't complain i'm going to get real mad.
2:09 am
just... nobody believes me. that's all. come on, penhall, that's not all. i thought this guy addabbo was like the best cop you could be. he's the guy i wanted to be. ...or not. and i've got hanson riding around with him and he probably thinks i'm crazy, too. fuller thinks i'm crazy. i.e.d. thinks i'm crazy. maybe i am crazy.
2:10 am
well, okay. do you think i'm crazy? um, that doesn't matter. doug? what are you doing? i'm sorry. i just thought i needed to do that. i guess not.
2:11 am
lieve i'm kissing doug penhall.
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hey, douglas, how you doing? i was worried about you. why? i'm fine. you left last night and didn't say anything. i called you all night. you weren't home. yeah? did you get lucky? hanson: hi, i'm doug penhall. i'm so depressed.
2:14 am
went home early. went to sleep. i didn't hear the phone. you got a sick mind. morning, hanson. hello. penhall. hey, jude. you getting anywhere? i got to meet addabbo in 15 minutes. watch him. i know he did it. i hope you're right. i hope he didn't, but... that's what i meant. yeah. just cream? i have work to do. i think we should talk. there's nothing to talk about. we got to talk.
2:15 am
look, last night... yeah, last night. i just wanted you to know i didn't plan for anything to happen. i just came over to drink those beers. come on, penhall! mr. white knight arrives to console me. and then i... look, i feel like i got taken advantage of here. whoa, wait a minute. i came over to be consoled. my friend's driving around with a murderer. everybody thinks i'm crazy. i thought you'd be sympathetic. you didn't plan on getting me in the sack? no.
2:16 am
i always have condoms in my wallet. yeah? yeah. like when you drive you bring a a are in case you get a flat. that's just great. judy hoffs, roro hazard. kind of. this is silly. will you go to dinner with me? no... no, i will not go to dinner with you, doug. this was all a giant mistake. walk into work and have you hate me because you think i tried to take advantage of you. okay, it was my mistake too. we were equally stupid but i'm not having dinner with you. okay. and another thing... if i hear through anyone that you mentioned to anybody-- to blowfish, hanson, anyone--
2:17 am
so upset about. i'll make you miserable for the rest of your life. you chickened out at the last minute. we didn't do anything. and it's staying that wawa fine. so? what happened on the roof? what do you think?
2:18 am
i don't care about the 500 bucks. i was in on that, too. i don'n'care about you. i want to know what went down. what went down is exactly what went into the report. which it is! we went up there. addabbo went left, we went right. he flushed them. we saw nothing. it was over when we got there. so he could have pushed him. anything could have happened. mr. policeman... all dressed up so fine. what did you do? get in trouble because i walked? that why you're back in uniform? too bad.
2:19 am
7 series body, 3.5-lilir engine. hey. you don't look so slick now. you look like just another punk cop. that's because he is just another cop. how much will you make this year? about 30 thou? i'll make that this month. cheers. you'u' back. you bring me snapshots? no. i want to pull addabbo's file. you're a captain. you can pull a personnel file. i can pull a file with a reason. okay, what's the reason? i've got an officer i'm real worried about.
2:20 am
give me five minutes. did you or didn't you? don't you lie to me. it ain't even worth it. i threw it in the alley. if you lied to me, you'll die. get in. hanson: what the hell are you doing? he swallowed the rock trying to hide it. it passes right through. other times, it hits the stomach... wham! breaks down in ten seconds. all that rock kicks in. it can take a half hour to get his stomach pumped. you hear what i'm saying?
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the kid went into convulsions five minutes after we left t e hospital. pumped his stomach-- six rocks. this one's on me. how did you know? and he'd be dead. yeah. ever been n a raid? there was this one back when the were a lot of rock houses. broke down the door, tore off the bars. it was rough. a rough bust.
2:26 am
finally got him out in the yard, in cuffs. he goes straight into convulsions. i gave that kid c.p.r. for 15 minutes waiting forrthe paramedics to get there. he was dead by the time he got to the hospital. swallowed a bunch of crack? coroner did an autopsy. ruled that the cause of death was drugs and outside forces. course ththe were bruises on his heart. i was beating on it for 15 minutes. now there's a $5 million lawsuit filed by his family. the city shouldn't pay a dime. they'll probably settle out of court.
2:27 am
i don't know. sometimes that stuff just gets you down. i've got an hour's personal time. what's up? you've got to hear this. i pulled addabbo's file. he's not the boy scout he's supposed to be. there's reason to believe is this the kid from the rock house that o.d.'d? yeah. yeah. i don't know about that but i heard this from addabbo. he claims the bruises were from 15 minutes of c.p.r. does that match? it might. there were a couple of broken ribs as well. that sometimes happens with c.p.r. ere
2:28 am
actually, it came up pretty naturally. come on. we just took a kid to the hospital who o.d.'d and wouou have died. if he had gone into convulsions i would have beat on his chest to start his heart. there was never a coroner's ruling clarifying that case eithereray. you don't want to see what's in front of your face. your records wouldn't look too clean either. you need me? we're back to zero? you tell me. well if i'm riding around with a murderer, i don't know it. i don't know what to think. he's kind of brutal.
2:29 am
i can see how penhall migh have gotten confused but-- i don't think addabbo killed anybody. i think wewee back to the first case-- who killed ozzie? and i think the answer rolled in front of me today-- ronnie siebok, behind the wheel of a brand new 735. hey. doug, you're my friend. i trtrt you and i trust your instincts. but so far with addabbo, all i've seen is a good cop. yeah? looks like everything's tutuing against me. that's not what i meant.
2:30 am
darlene: why don't you loan me some money? ronnie: loan you some money? darlene: you owe me. you owe me! i don't owe you nothing. why are you being so uppity? hanging out wherever ozzie went, always trying to look good. hinting and sniffing around. well, i don't think so anymore. come on, just give me 20 bucks. you know, it seems to me everybody on the block
2:31 am
then why don't you buy something? sweetie, i remember you were so hot dripping all off ozzie's arm. you were really something. at up. i don't think so. you want some of this? nah. what about you? i'll front you the cash. no?
2:32 am
learn anything? yeah.
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what? go home. i got work to do. go home. you don't understand. yeah, i do. you know what i do when the toilet stops up in my house? i can't imagine. i call the plumber. you can't work all the time. well, you want to have a drink? who, me? i'll buy you a drink..
2:37 am
all ririt. so this is where you guys come to all the time. uh, sort of. this is not what i pictured. i got it. this place's got character. be cool, will you? ronnie. tommy chapman. officer tommy chapman.
2:38 am
i was in the neighborhood. hi, sal banducci. yeah, you a cop? no, i'm a maintenance engineer. what are you doing here? have a drink, maybe e oot some pool. this isn't official business? this isn't an official call? no. seems like whenever you're around it's an official call. i just wanted to see how you were doing. i juststanted you to know i was thinking about you and your new car and i was thinking about ozzie's old job. i was wondering if all this doesn't fit together somehow. you know, you must want to die 'cause there's no other reason you should be in here.
2:39 am
i didn't come here to bust you. i'm came here to talk to you. yo, cop! it's cool. let him go. what are you going to do, huh? you're cooked. i've got five witnesses in here who say you hit me first. if i ias you, i'd take your little gun put it back in your pocket, and walk out of here while you're still ahead. come on, sal, let's go.
2:40 am
what do you want? we've got to talk about this. we're adults. our working relationship is too important. we made a mistake. we won't do it again. okay. i'm a janitor.r. i'm a good janitor. i don't want to be a dead janitor. don't do that again. that wasn't funny. why did you take me there? you know what's great? you don't look like a cop. that's because i'm not one.
2:41 am
yeah, i do. he went pretty crazy when i brought it up. enough. quit working! we're here. where's penhalal have you seen him? he's got some e t date again. penhall? how about t 're both just forgiven? then we don't have to apologize anymore. that would be real nice. me on over. ( groaning ) i won't bite. who would have thought
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or i tell them you snore. i don't snore!
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2:44 am
that was stupid. you may think ronnie killed ozzie but until you get something solid it means nothing. tell me about it. sometimes you don't feel like you make a dent. never will. you ask a fourth-grade kid "what's a drug?" he'll say something his mommy y ves him when he's sick. you ask that same kid in the seventh grade "what's s drug?"
2:45 am
and d ey stay lost. but lots of kids never get on that track. not down here. nobody cares down here. north of avenue l, the homicide rate doubles. there's less cops down here than over in sheldon. it's a different story when it's black kids dying. air assumption. no? n crack is? one of containment. we're supposed to keep it here with the poor and black people. you don't really think that. you can't contain this stuff. anyone can make it in any kitchch.
2:46 am
s right through your fingers. ( knocking ) hi. i heard you were here. yeah. what do you want? i wanted to see how you were. yeahah why? this is ridiculous.
2:47 am
oh, darlene... yeah, i've looked better. i'm not real good at this. there are girls who know how to do this right. i just don't know how. but it's like the stem talks to you. "come back-- spend your money." so i have to make more money. that's not good enough. that's just not good enough. the drugs make you be a hooker? uh-huh, they do.
2:48 am
they make you have kaillee? don't tell me you were doing crack all that time. you wouldn't have lasted this long. you don't understand... do you want to die? do you want to die? because, girl, you're going to die. have you ever been high? ( sighing ) it's like... i don't want to do this anymore. why did you come back to see me?
2:49 am
it's so funny-- it always looked so easy. you see those girls on the street. you go over to a car. you lean over. you talk to some guy in the car for a little while. some money. i'm just not good at it, i... i get hit. i don't want to do this anymore. no.
2:50 am
hello! over here. what do you want? i don't know what you're doing or why you're doing it but i got something to tell you. here i am. what i told you about the roof, that's true. if anything did happen, we didn't know about it. but i ain't so sure you're wrong. i thought you said you didn't see anything. about a year back
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there was a kid... he died. yeah, i heard about this. i never been sure addabbo didn't beat him to death. the c.p.r.-- that's true. but addabbo educated that kid pretty good first when he couldn't find any rock. educated him with his fist. educated him with his nightstick. you're not crazy-- that maybe... maybe it wasn't the only time it ever happened. hey...
2:52 am
hi. a kid was brought in with three keys of cocaine... real long hair? yeah, lots of gold-- ronnie siebok. i just slapped it on the desk. came to bail my man out. ronnie: 150 grand. oh... it's officer tommy. are you following me around? ooh. just listen to one thing. i'm all ears. good. for whatever it's worth-- for a guy like you in a job like this... so you can sleep good at night--
2:53 am
nt to write this down. try to prove it. i didn't do it. you won't believe me and it doesn't really make a difference but i didn't do him. i may have done nasty things in my time. i might even have killed somebody. but i didn't kill ozzie. you did me a favor. really. yeah. see, the word on the street is that i'm a shooter. and you put it there. i'm a killer. i took ozzie out. got all his turfrf it's because they're afraid of me.
2:54 am
two shots were fired on the roof before the kid fell. they recovered the slugs did test firings on the officers' guns and then filed everything away. then i thought about what you said. i had them pull the slugs. maybe i didn't believe you but i never stopped believing in you. it was from addabbo's gun-- regulation nine millimeter. this is one of the bullets that killed ozzie. ozzie? yeah. throwing kids fromomoofs, shaking down dealers-- civil rights be damned. it rang a bell. it said street justice to me. so i checked. they match. i'm sorry.
2:55 am
the boy who fell... there were three people on that roof. but i'd lay my money here. he was probably a a al good cop once. i wish i'd known him then. ants for questioning have gone out on silva and boyd. a pickup just went out on addabbo. if no one stumbles across him tonight a warrant will be out on him tomorrow. won't he know? if he doesn't know now
2:56 am
penhall. douglas! jimmy addabbo here. where are you? it doesn't make any difference. it makes a lot of difference. no. it doesn't. you're a good cop, douglas.
2:57 am
i'm sergeant james addabbo. been with the force 18 years, 6 months, 13 days. i was responsible for the death of osborn ezekiel hudlin. and you were right about the kid on the roof. it's been a lot of things.
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one child. no criminal record. no previous enrollments. i think you'd be a successful applicant to the program.
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in four months. [captioning made possible by fx networks
3:00 am
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