tv Today NBC November 3, 2016 7:00am-10:00am EDT
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hello. what can i do for you? uh, my name is randall. you mr. lawton? well, i'm very happy to see you, mr. randall. thank you for coming. won't you sit down? no, no, i've been sitting on horseback for about six hours. that telegram said $500. yeah, that's why i'm here. i want you to stay here till this matter's settled. robinson escaped from the territorial prison
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and as i said before, mr. randall, my weakness is your business. this is no time for nicety. you know, when i was six, i ran out of a schoolyard where i'd been challenged to a fight. well, i've been running ever since. the only arena i'm not afraid to enter is a courtroom. well, everybody gets afraid now and then. not to this extent. you're kind of hard on yourself, aren't you? well, now haven't i just hired another man to protect my wife? uh, but this robinson fella, how'd all this come about?
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my wife made the positive identification that sent him to prison. robinson swore he'd get even. well, that's ordinary kind of hard talk. you've heard that before, haven't you? well, now, robinson isn't exactly an ordinary man nor is sarah an ordinary woman. when the sheriff asked her to testify, i begged her not to, but she insisted. when robinson broke out of jail, i begged her to get out of town. she wouldn't budge. i suppose i could have tried to protect her, but... have you ever seen a man who wasn't a preacher for a long time i told the town it was against my principles. for a long time i thought they believed me. well, here you are. cash in advance. i wasn't gonna run anywhere. i know what you mean. that's not what i meant. yeah. i'll tell sarah you're an--
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yeah, that's good. come on. my ranch is a couple miles out of-- oh, i'm sorry. you shouldn't have done that, lawyer. anybody can say i'm sorry. look, i didn't mean to hit you. excuse me. well, i won't excuse you. well, you sue him then, huh? what? you know, go to court. he'll be your lawyer. but that doesn't ke sense. neither do you, pal. mister, i don't even know you. who is he, lawton? now, why are you being nice to him for? a minute ago, you were mad at him. - who said so? - you did. mister, i'm warning you. oh ho, don't hit me. i'll get my lawyer and sue you for every cent you got, pal. you know, you're crazy. whoa. now, why couldn't i do something like that?
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last summer. when was the first time? when i was seven years old. how did you learn? i didn't learn. i just jumped in with the rest of the kids and started swimming. right. let's go. well, sarah's a fine cook, isn't she, josh? yes, she sure is. thank you. whiskey? yeah. thank you. here's to you, ma'am. hmm. sorry. please sit down, mr. randall.
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i can't remember my husband ever mentioning your name as among his old friends. yeah, it's been a long time. oh, come on, sarah. you wouldn't remember his name if i mentioned it every day for 10 years. you know your memory. am i giving away family secrets? i didn't know we had any secrets. now, what's a house without a skeleton in the closet? a happy house, perhaps. why don't you sit down, james? in the dining room and in the living room. now, if you don't mind, sarah, i think i'll have another drink. why should i mind? it seems to give you what you need. i don't need it. i like it. different men like different things. well, that is what makes the world go round. i once thought it was love. everyone's entitled to his opinion. you don't seem to be convinced
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are we making you uncomfortable? you're ringing a bell. then why do you stay? sarah, that's no way to treat a guest. tell me, mr. randall. just where and when did you meet james? it isn't really fair of me. after all, you're only doing a job. job? come on, sarah. josh is an old friend visiting. at how much a day? you see, mr. randall, i know about you. your living. i also know that you came here because clem robinson is at large. that's it. well, there's no harm in being practical. you didn't have to lie to me. i didn't want you to worry unnecessarily. you're the one that's worried, unnecessarily. oh, i'm sorry. it's only spilled whiskey.
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do you hate me, sarah? it would be easier if i did. i'm only thinking of you. why can't you understand? you must think more of yourself. i am what i am. because of fear? don't you mean cowardice? what makes that word so enjoyable to you? oh, you don't know what you're talking about. more than you do. y time the chips are down, i fail you. you fail yourself. well, now, do you really expect me to handle clem robinson all by myself? i didn't ask you to. there's more to be afraid of than clem robinson.
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wouldn't it be funny if robinson didn't show up here at all? for all we know, he's a hundred miles away. chances are, i'm wasting my money. well, after all, it's i'm going to bed. i don't blame you. i'm not the most brilliant company. good night, mr. randall. good night, ma'am. there's some coffee warming on the stove if you like. [ hoofbeats ] there's somebody hoopin' it in here on horseback. i, uh, think it's your town sheriff. i'll see what he wants. evening, sheriff. just checking, lawton. everything's fine. don't want to worry you but-- there's nothing to worry about.
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you work pretty good. you a hired gun? yeah. oh. i shot low. yeah, you did. get up now. now just keep your hands behind you. your leg's not busted. didn't hit the bone. right now, you just stand there nice and easy so i can watch you. you understand that, don't you? i understand you. all right. you can relax your hands now. too bad about his leg, isn't it?
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what do you think about that, ma'am? i say you're an animal. that's your trouble, lady. you always say the wrong thing at the wrong time. that's why i'm here. you know that, don't you? randall, we live by the guns, but you're on one side and i'm on the other, so don't make me kill you. yeah. what's the matter, lawyer? you're shaking. you nervous or something? nah, you're not nervous. i know your trouble. i know all about you. you're just plain yeller. randall. it's cramping. what's the matter, don't you feel good? how would it feel for you to have a slug in your head about right now?
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might as well have a little fun here first. now, i got to wait some time here till about sunup. i'm gonna meet another one of my guns then. you wouldn't mind having me as a house guest, now, would you, mrs. lawton? what do you say about that, lawyer? thank you. that's right friendly of you. heh. hey, come here. come here. come here!
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you got quite a reputation, lawyer, and i don't mean for practicing law. i'm gonna give you something. here. go on, take it. but be careful, lawyer. it might go off. bang! [ laughs ] well, you wanna use it on me, don't ya? well, sure, you do. go ahead. go ahead. here, i'll help you. [ mocking laugh ] it's got four shells in it, lawyer. any one of them will do the trick in the right place, in the right place here. [ mocking laugh ] i'll bet the lady would like to have this opportunity. how about you, randall? oh, no.
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what, do you think you're taking advantage of me? you think it's unfair play? well, i'll try to help you. i will if you will. well, i'm hungry, huh? i'm hungry. ill ya? get me a cup of coffee. no, you get me a whole pot of coffee. it's my kitchen. he...he doesn't know where anything is. but you do, huh? including the back door, huh? now, you listen to me, lawyer. just in case you decide to become a man, you step one foot out that back door and i'll shoot her on the spot. you understand that? yes.
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don't bother. i don't believe you're afraid of anything. you ain't like that husband of yours. too bad you didn't meet a man like me sooner, a man with some nerve. you'll pay for your kind of nerve. well, that's where i think you're wrong. you won't get away. huh. well, i got this far, didn't i? i'll be down in mexico in the morning when i...finish up here. you wanna go with me? it'd be better than dying. something probably you don't know, mrs. lawton. i'm a reader. read a lot of books. history's my favorite subject. learned a lot about people reading in the history books.
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a strong leader, people are nothing, absolutely nothing. pigs, cows, cattle, so forth. only trouble is, we're on different sides the fence. i tell you something else. there ain't no brave men on the muzzle end of this. ain't that right, randall? yeah. yeah, i reckon. you see? my leg, cramping again. huh.
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you're in my room. can i get you something? get me a doctor, please. a doctor can wait. you know who i am, randall? uh-huh. well, then i guess you know how i run my town. i got a good record, and i don't want no trouble. i weren't lookokg for no trouble. you already did. now, who gunned you? i don't knowow well, then, what do you know? i came here on business, nothing more. what kind? a guy named newcomb offered me $500 for a job. to do what? didn't say. so you just came?
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go ahead. that's all except he said he s... whoo-ee. except he said he was staying here at the hotel. ferris. he says a george newcomb is registered here. first i heard of it, sheriff. you u ld me room 9, mister. i couldn't have said that. room 9's empty. all right. i'm sure sorry to cause you all this trouble, miss frazer. no trouble, sheriff. now, you get out of this lady's room just as fast as you can. and when the doc finishes with you, you ride straight out of town,
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i can bring a doctor here if you like. ( groaoa ) i really don't mind. easy. if you're-- if you're ever in wilcox city... you, uh... that's your home? well, it will be. i'll be taking the morning stage. they're opening a new school there. you're a teacher? a teacher. well... mr. randall. it's a cold night. mr. randall?
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you can keep that shirt. i've seen too many of these. i brought a lot of lives into this world only to have a little piececof lead like this end them too soon. next time, you might not be so lucky. yeah. and i gotta find him. take my advice. forget it. can't do that. he won't forget. you can't leave a job half done. leave town, not because the sheriff ordered it but for your own good. best to stay here. i know how these things work. but you don't know who he is. i'll know him when i see his face.
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that's q qte a gun. yeah. you're fast? you u ve to be in my business. i suppose you've used it a lot. when i iave to. now, that was sensible. now, why aren't you sensible now? let me see you handle it. ow. go ahead. and you'd never be able to raise that arm again. as it is, oh, ybe two or three weeks.
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mr. randall. i was waiting for you. i just wanand to find out if everything was all right. i'm good as new. alst. i guess some people woululsay i was a fool acting like this, i've always cared what people said. somehow it doesn't m mter now. where will you be going now? i don't plan on leaving. where will you stay? i don't know. somebody tried to gun me. they're gonna try again. right now, i got my hands full taking care of myself.
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it's all right. i'm glad you're here. do you mind my saying that? i've never h h much courage myself. i admire brave people. why didn't you leave? i would've cleared out a long time ago if i thought running would do any good. it'd b bbad for me out in the open and worse the way i am now. you're honest, aren't you? just practical. when somebody starts gunning for you, it don't sp till somebody's dead. excuse me. but why does it have to be that way? i don't know. carol. my first name, carol. ght you'd like to know it. yeah.
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mr. paladin? uh, you won't reconsider changing the ratio of carbon to nitrocellulose by just a pinch? - no. (door slamming) it took me eight months to work out that formula. - your usual amount, mr. paladin? - that's right. - that will be $4 a dozen. - the usual guarantee? if this s wder explodes in your hands, $10,000 for the loss of each limb and 15,000 for the loss of your eyesight. of course, you don't stand a chance of, uh, cashing in. as long as you don't overload the cartridges, this powder is as stable as the rock of gibraltar. (knocking on door)
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(speaking chinese) - (speaking chinese) - i always feel that when matters have deteriorated to a point where a man reaches for his gun, only the finest quality smokeless powder is good enough. uh, don't you agree? - of course, there's always those e rgain hunters. you know, men who continue to put black powder into their cartridges and bad whiskey ininheir stomach, and by these false economy measures, make doubly certain that their lives will be nasty, brutish, and short. now, about bullets... now, here is an absolutely top-quality
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just the right weight for maximum range without loss of accuracy. - now, you know i always use a burden primer. - that, mr. paladin, is an unnecessary luxury. - well, shooting a man creates a rather intimate relationship, and i hate to be thrifty at another man's expense. - it's your money. - hey boy, pack the bags. - yes, sir. - have this ready in an hour? - impossible. there are some things in this world, mr. paladin, that cannot be hurried. - well, how long? - three hours, perhaps five. what's your hurry? - well, i have to leave for santa fe now.
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- oh! i'm a dead man for sure now. why didn't you warn... why didn't you warn me? - is there a doctor in this town? doctor! doctor? - yeah? - a man out there has had some poisoned water. will you help me get him in here? - who? would you look at your face? (laughing) you sure fell for that! (laughing) - huh. you're about the third one this month that's tumblededor that poisoned water joke. - well, i'm very happy to have furnished you with some amusement. - i'm m t amused that easily.
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he used to send me out on so many sleepless errands. one night, i... i refused to go. the patient died. - "a jest that gives no pain is no jest." - cervantes. that and five cents will buy you a glass of beer.. you look like you could use one. i tell you, he like to die! (laughter) - he was a good one,e,uh? (laughter) - no hard feelings, neighbor?? oh, don't be sorehead, mister. i'll make it up to you. (laughter) man's got no sense of humor whatsoeverer come on.
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well, i'd d tter get back to my horse before something happens to that urn of mine. - (gasping) are you carrying someone's ashes? well, i'll have a clean bed ready for you - here's your jug, mister. i just thought i'd bring it over now. oh! oh! (laughter) - i'll buy you a beer. you like a little green around the gilil. two beers. aw, takes less muscle to smile than to frown, i always say. - oh, you do, do you? - i don't like to brag, mister, but if it wasn't for me to put a little ginger into things, this town would shrivel up and die of tedium.
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ok for appreciation ininhis world, mister, you're bound to die a disappointed man. no, sir. i get my satisfactions out of a job well done. - such as? - man's a poor sport... ain't but two things you can do with him. keep playing them cute little tricks on him until he learns to laugh along with us, or... - and if that doesn't take? - make things so hairy for him he'll be glad to leave town. - don't t u find that a little risky? sooner or later. anyway, you gonna stay here for dinner wititus? - don't you have a home? a wife? - wife? sure, i got a wife. what's she got to do with it? - well, doesn't shshcook dinner for you? - why, sure. sure, she does. but you just wait until you taste mrs. kafka's stuffed cabbage. oh, you'll see why a man
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mrs. kafka, i'd feel right insulted if i was you. seems like mr. blessington ain't taking a liking to your cooking. - not at all, mrs. kafka. it's just that, in my sedentary occupation, a man tends to put on weight much too quickly. - uh, have some beer, mr. blessington. ice cold. (laughter) - if you ever again play m m any sort of a trick, prank, humbug, or jest...
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- (laughing)g) nora, did you see what i pulled on that greenhorn? (laughing) he likikto die from shock! (laughing) - i waited dinner for you until now. - well, now, honey, you didn't expect me to seriously pass up a capital opportunity why... why, i'd never forgive myself. well... well... well, ask them. that... that... that flame shot up just like a volcano. we all like e have died laughing. (laughing) - caleb, he didn't'taugh. - well, he's on his way to learning a lesson out of life... not to take himself so blame serious. - nora, will you take him home and lock him up? - oh, now... now... now, wait a a cond. i got to think me up a topper to this one.
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why... why, he... he... he dared me. now... now, yoyoseen that, didn't you? mister, he... he offered a challenge to me in the presence of my wife. now, do you think i could ever hope again to hold her respect if i backed down on it? what kind of a man do you take me for? - a man devoid of one of nature's most precious gifts... - come on, honey. ?? (knocking on door) - come in.
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mrs. kafka says this is yours. will you help me? - do what? protect your h hband? - i don't expect you to endanger your own life. i'm sure mr. blessingtonon u as easily as he could caleb. all i want you to do is find my husband and stop him - and you have no idea what that might be? - well, some elaborate piece of foolishness, no doubt, with half the loafers in town staked out for his audience. mister, if you don'n'stop him somehow, blessington will kill him. - which is blessington's room? - 21.
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- what is it? - it's a love letter to blessington. - a love letter? - "dear handsome stranger, is evening, "and since my husband will be away at the ranch overnight, "i wonder if you will do me the honor of p ping a visit to your admiring and anxiously awaiting..." - well, who's it signed by? - nora musgrove. - let me see that.
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- you set this up to trap me, didn't you? okay, i'm in the trap now. let's see you spring it. - no, please, no! - i ain't no gunfighter. never said i was. but a man's got a right to act - absolutely. well, leles see you do it now. let's see you act in defense of your own home. or isn't your wife's honor worth defending?
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all right. come on. put 'em on. ah! come here! now, i am gonna tell you just one more time. put 'em on! - how come you don't shoot me? - for one thing, the stage company wants its money back. and for another, there's more reward for you alive than dead. - that didn't stop that headhunter who shot my horse out from under me. he was so all-eager afire to kill me, he didn't set long enough to draw a bead. - well, he was probably worried about your reputation, didn't wanna take a chance. - and you ain't worried? - let's just sayayi'd r. now, my horse has hobbled up this canyon. let's go. come on!
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(paladin) - good morning. well, i trust you slept well. suppose you fix us some breakfast. - get it yourself. i'm not your dog-robber. what makes men think that women were born to wait on them? - probably the same thing that makes a woman think she can get away with anything, just because she's a women. i'd have killed a man who tried what you did last night. how'd you kill that stage driver? - i guess he figured i'd faint or something before i pulled the trigger. - many men make that mistake?
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will look for us here. - you're gonna be a big hero bringing me in alive and all. what are you gonna do with all that reward money, huh? marry one of them fine san francisco ladies? - well, you can be sure that i'll give the matter my strictest attention. - that's what your kind go for, ain't it? - my kind?
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- ceceainly-- a man likes to have a woman who'll help him have a good opinion of himself. - i ain't met the man yet who needs help with that. - well, now, you don't think much of men, do you? - they ain't never give me no reason to. - when i was a kid, all i ever got from my brothers was whippin's. then when i got my growth... well, one day i decided i'd had my bellyful of being a woman! to do a whole lot about. - well, who told you that? it's just as easy as strappin' on a gun. you give a woman a gun and she's the equal of any man. no, you couldn't get me to stand still all that paint gumming you up and thoswhale bones sticking you in the wrong places. no, that ain't for me.
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just ease your iron out, mister. put t right over there. - yeah. that's her all right. - $5,000 worth. - oh, wait a minute. you want the girl? - that's right. you ain't in trouble, so you just take it real easy. - (laughing) well... well, you're welcome to her. (laughter) - get her up, floyd. give me that key. (gunshot)
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- you're wounded. (fabric ripping) - well, ititould be a whole lot worse. - i'm all right. - you'll never make the door. - what have i got to lose? you just got that stingy thing. i reckon the odds ain't too great. - you're gonna kill me, and i'm sure gonna hit you. you'll be wounded and alone. bounty men, posse, they'll pick you up. - stay there. i left a trail for them. that's how come they found me. - oh? - i fired, if you and them tangled,
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and now... listen... you and i, we could make it together, i know it! i never knew. i never wanted. how abououit? we'll go away together. we'll go away whe nobody knows us-- mexico, maybe! with you to help me, i know i could make it, i know it! - and what would we do then? - i know a place outside sonora that's like a green carpet. this grass is green-- it's not like here. it's warm there. the sun's shining on the sea. the nights are soft. well, they could send in a whole army of f ople and they wouldn't find a hair of us. well, is it the money you want? i've got plenty of money. the bounty they're offering's not a tenth as high to what i took off the stage.
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i know i'm just the start of being a woman. but if you wait for me, i can learn! (sobbing) - (crying) it ain't so bad. (man) - hello in the house! - who is it? - the sheriff! we heard shots. i'm coming in. - i'll kill anybody thatatakes a move at this place until i can see them! - that won't be before morning. - that's right!
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- this the one we're after? - that's the one. - all right... lace her up, boys. - hey. - yeah? - i'll bet she ties up into a real pretty little package. - you think she's pretty now, nd of a rope-- "agh!" (men laughing) ?? - now, sheriff, you just tell them to get the job done. - get her on a horse. - what if... if i say that...
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[speaking in french] >> i cannot wait until those i can almost feel those new boots right now. >> and they look good. you did not tell the e ory about that new water trough, did you? >> no, no. >> it is good imitation gold. you will have to takakmy word for it. just read that, if you can read. >> it says "alarm watch,
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your point? >> the alarm. say you need to take a pill at 4:00. you put the handight there, at 4:00, it rings. >> you do not take pills. >> yeah. >> suppose i need to take a drink at 4:00 0 >> hold it. you don't need no alarm to tell you when to take a drink. >> [speaking spanish] , the order for me -- the heels -- are they truly read? >> they are as red as the last sunset we watched. >> how high are the heels? three inches qstion mark >> let me see. just high enough for my lips to
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>> i never figured those apachch would drive in there. mr. charot, are you all right? >> it does not matter. i have three men dead and buried. and michael klein in is destroyed. -- and my cook wagon is destroyed. some pop charot, how many apaches does this make in the last three months? >> i am not a clerk, mr. cannon. i do not worry with figures. >> you are pretty good with them when it comes to raising prices. >> i have an announcement to make. because of the losses sustained and the increased risk
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the prices. be gratefufui did not decide to dribble them. >> let me tell you something. i waitededix months or that alarm watch of mine and i am not paying one penny more than $17 .50. you little pipsqueak. >> regis? >> don't stop him. i will knock his block off and then i will knock it off again. >> you are a formidable original price. i wish them doubled. it can be settled quite simply. your friend here -- >> wait a minute, charot. i ain't his friend. i am his brother. his blooded brother. >> yr friend will -- you're
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double. if you win, the original price. >> don't let them do it, john. >> i will save you money, john. just one punch. >> all right. >> come on, mon petit. >> here is my last $22. >> do you know anyone with monon we can bw? money we can borrow is you, mano. >> $33 right here! >> $22. >> $10 on my uncle. one punch. >> i feel bad, john. he is a little. look at the way he is standing. he ain't a fighter.
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he has got to be pretty good or charot wouou not have made the offer. >> let the fight commence! >> you go get him! [cheering] >> he is half asleep, john. >> wake him up. >> i cannot hit a sleeping man. >> go-ahead. >> we got money on it. >> uhh! >> watch h h, buck! >> hang on, hang on! [sighs] >> your hat.
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>> he was almost right. and he said it would take one punch. i counted four. >> it appears my man has one. as agreed, the price of all merchandise has doubled. it only remains for you decide how many of the goods you will purchase. you will naturally by the surprise for madame cannon? john? >> your husband knew how much he wanted the latest model sewing machine, madame. its new price is $370. >> all right. you unload it, i will take it. >> oh,o, no, john. >> victoria, i got that sewing machine for you. it is yours.
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arguments about this. >> i can promise you this, se?or . that sewing machine will be the very last thing we buy from you. >> that's right. the next things we buy will come from an honest freight line. >> oh, yes. >> they will put you in your whole thieving operation out of business. >> it was bonaparte who said- which means, i thrivivon competition which enables me to display my superiority. >> it was also bonaparte e o got whipped at waterloo. >> all right.
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it is only business, gentleman. >> i'm not sure. john cannon is not one i would pick to tangle with. >> he has a lot of friends. >> what makes you think thehe stage will not come in with cannon pushing it? >> will its ownene be anxious to come and if cochise and the savages warn him off? >> well, no. >> i have a feeling there will be such a warning, coincident
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>> apaches. right in the neck one of our cows. >> the heck you say. >> what is all the yelling about? >> you figure cochise is trying to tell us something, john? >> i don't know. us. >> let's figure he heard about is trying to get that el paso stage line right through his land and this is a friendly warning? >> maybe. we can't back out now. those el paso people will be in tucson tomorrow. we have got to have that line, even if it means i have to go see cochise myself. here. pedro.
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buried in it. >> [laughter] >> my associates. john cannon. general tirrel. tirrel. may i present robert morris, the president of the el paso stage. my wife victoria. >> i hope that you will let us greet you more properly at the high chaparral, gentleman. >> believe me, we will be glad. >> if we cannot get things
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minds. >> it is not made up to lately. the general does not share my enthusiasm. >> this route was approved worthwhile years ago. >> and got stuffed by cochise for his trouble. >> times have changed, general. >> times, but the apaches have not changed. gentlemen, the same thing that happened to butterfield cod happen -- >> klees, i may we freshen up somewhere before the meeting? >> yes, i will show you to the hotel. >> that is not necessary. we will see you later. mrs. cannon. general. >> i have very important purchases to make. >> all right, vivioria. >> mr. cannon -- >> what? >> mr. charot would like to see you in his office, if you can
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just a little old minute. we have some unfinished business. you must have thought old buck was some kind of sucker the last time we met. i ate forgot that you charged me $35 for that watch. >> you are lucky you did not have time to get a bet down on yourself, ain't it? >> you got something on your mind, charot? separate no, i will stand, thank you. >> as you please. i for myself and the unique position of apologizing to a man who called me a liar. the trick of one's destiti is to raise oneself above the level of the herd. >> it seems the last time we met you gave me a lesson in that fancy fighting of yours.
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>> i surely do. we will make it interesting. if you knock me down, you get to keep this watch. but if not, you pay me 55 whole dollars. >> you are on. >> watch his eyes. watch his eyes. they are going to pop when they get a load of my defense. >> come on now. several anytime you are ready. we ain't got all day. >> my grandfather was the valid to napoleon -- was the valet to napoleon. i was the p psonal assistant to the emperor maximilian in 1865. >> maximilian was finished in 1867. is it your destiny to put another emperor on the throne in
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and this, mr. cannon -- i am prepared to lay down my life. >> what has this got to do with me? >> i offer you riches, mr. cannon. you cannot conceivivthe wealth that can be derived from controlling shippingngnto tucson, but you must see to it that they return to el paso, unsuccessful. >> if i don't? >> you will be coug it is your choice. >> you know, charot, yououre bad for arizona. i am going to do everything i can to get you out.
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>> come on, buck. chair up. >> no thank you, >> you are upset? >> i be upset, yeah. >> regis had a defense to your defense. he had mighty tricky fate. >> you shut up, blue boy. i still l n't see how you do it. you know? >> do you remember that man who came through a while back? >> which one? >> the one with the shell game? >> yeah.
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>> i don't see what it has to do with fighting in the street. >> you forget that you are that wordrdor a good long while, blue y. i ain't fooling! go on. >> do you remember -- the men had three shells. see? >> yes. >> i can express myself. >> the shells move so. >> [whispering] i got it. yeah. is speed up my eyeball action. >> bravo. >> eyeball action. that's good. >> beer and more beer, bartender. >> what happened to you? >> i had to walk for miles in. man, my feet are killing me. uhh.
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me -- repeating what you just said? >> if it is any of your business, i set my feet are killing me. >> all right, blue boy, let's go. >> i'm sure most of you remember the route that was followed by the butterfield stage, from el paso on through apache pass, tombstone, right through tucson and on the coast. business is growing, and freight was honestly priced. [crowd murmuring] >> gentlemen, history can repeat itself. but we need more if morris gives it the go-ahead. if we want these stage to come
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are going to have to dig down deep. >> mr. cannon is a aolutely right. you will not be throwing your money away. i have brought a prospect that will show the exact amount of money required and the chances for ultimate profit. >> we're are not interested in any get rich quick scheme. what we need is an honest freight line. >> have you worked on this? >> i have looked at the perspectives. >> waiaia minute, mr. cannon. puin thinking. >> i agree.. i wish you all would think it over very carefully. >> gentlemen! as the operator of the only freight line into tucson, i thought my presence might be valuable. >> charot, you are wasting your time. mr. morris here has already been told about cochise. >> have you also been told that
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the apaches four times in the last three months? and has he told you of the slaughtered cattle and the apache war lance? >> i did not know about that. >> how did you know about thaha lance? >> people talk. it seemsmshat you are less than open with your friend. >> gentlemen , not less than one hour ago, this man offered to make me a rich man. >> you are a liar! >> don't press your luck, little one. >> it is quite clear what he hopes to accomplish. by discrediting me, he hides the dangers of the apaches. gentlemen, why would i asked john cannon to be my ally?
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plans? cochise will do that very nicely by himself. >> this changes things. >> that man is a liar. >> you say he is a liar, mr. cannon. i say the apaches are capable of far worse than j jt killing cattle. >> give me three prove the apaches' goodwill?l? >> john, how can you speak for the apaches question mark >> i can't, but i can speak t tthem. >> you mean cochise? >> yes, i mean cochise. how about it? >> if you are willing to risk your life, john, the least i can do is invest another three days. >> thank you.
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in peace. that should be the first thing. then i will speak to him about the us and we wiwi go from there. >> se?or cannon? >> mr. cannon? >> cochise, you speak to him and -- you speak for peace. >> i made some of those little cakes that you like. >> thanknkou, victoria. >> i don't know how i let you talk me in set on going. >> because i have to find out once and for all if charot is behind all of this or if there are renegades or -- >> or maybe it really is
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>> nothing. no cavalry, no guns, no war. >> are you sure it was not just a trtrk? >> cochise does not give his word lightly, mrmrmorris. >> that puts a different complexion on things. >> i don't care what mr. cannon says. you can't trust an apache promise. >> after the risks he has taken, general, i think i will go a can meet with the other men in town. general. >> we won.
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>> thank you, thank you very much. before i sit down and shut up, i would like to say if it was not for mr. morris's fate in the future of tucson, my visit to cochise would have been absolutely worthless. thank you. [applause] >> very touching. by chance, mr. cannon, did you ask cochise about your slaughtered >> cochise had nothing to do with those. said he kept to the treaty. >> of course you took his word, the word of a savage? >> a savage, mbe, but also a man whose word is sacred, charot . >> charot. >> those peaceloving savages of mr. cannon's just burned down charlie oakes' place.
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-- >> wait a minute. how do you know it was apaches? >> that is an apache knife all right, mr. cannon. i ought to know. >> there could be some doubt as to who put it there. >> more accusations? >> maybe you're right and maybe sent in the el paso stage line. >> neither of my. -- neither am i. >> let me see that. i'm, uh, sorry, john. i wish it could have worked out. >> would you like a chance to prove you mean that, mr. morris?
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there is still a way in which we can raise the money. we can put up the high chaparral as security, and if we are successful, the group from tucson will comment. >> if we fail, we will lose everything. >> if you can risk your life, you can risk also the ranch. >> well, all right. i as security. >> no, mrs. cannon's offer and yours, john, it is very touching. it is not a question of money now. we cannot risk lives. >> we will not have to. we tked about a trial run of the stagecoaches. >> that was before all of this trouble, mr. cannon. you cannot run a stage through
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i will meet the stage and take it through the apache pass and on through tucson. >> this time i am going to help you. >> no, i gave my word that i would bring the coach through with just one driver. bob, how about it? you risk a coach and for worse is. if i get through, we prove thehe root is safe. >> it is no real test without passengers. >> what about one passenger, general? my husband. >> no, you won't. no. >> oh, yes. if your dreams are mine, your dangers are mine also. >> victoria, you can't. bock, tell her it is crazy. tell her it is dangerous. >> john is right, victoria. it is too dangerous and it is crazy. bubui think you are kind of
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>> made this successful conclusion of all our struggles be toasted in the grand manner of napoleon. ah, mr. cannon! we are drinking to the defeat of our friend. >> you might be premature, mr. charot. canada has persuaded morris to run one stage through the canyon into tucson. >> if he can bring it in, you know what that means. >> yes, only too well. >> well, regis? >> just waiting for you.
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gentlemen. >> just a minute. >> well? >> you are planning to do some killing. >> my deal wasor merchandise. you did not say anything about killing. >> that goes for me, too. >> get the horses. observe the jackals, regis. drooling with eagerness to share joining the hunt. one could wish that they were the quarry, no? [speaking french]h] we are fortunate that my enemy is john cannon.
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>> smoke signals. i suppose those happened six years ago, kilo? >> no, cochise is just watching the run. he does not plan on any trouble. >> why do you keep defending that savage? i have had enough. we're turning back. >> get in the coach. >> this indian territory here is still a part of the united states and you are going to face a felony charge, mr. cannon. >> i will worry about that later. right now all i am worried about is the apache pass. we are getting near the crest now.
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>> well, you have one, mr. cannon and i have lost. >> that reminds me of appomattox or someplace. >> or more likely waterloo. >> victoria, would you -- >> thank you, mr. cannon. >> i will go back to town with you. n't that accommodating? >> charot, you must figure we are the lesser of two evils. if you had your way, you would've stirred up another apache warar >> i would do it again. >> i believe that. you get your horse. we are taking you back to tucson.
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gaggle of gawking peasants? no. i deserve better than that at your hands, mr. cannon. consider my lineage. >> i will tell you what, charot. i will give you a choice. you can stay here and try to deal with cochise or come back to tucson and face all of the people you lied to and cheated. >> it's your choice. are you ready, brother buck? >> i am certainly ready.
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