tv Today NBC November 3, 2016 10:00am-11:00am EDT
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there's one thing that makes me e d about this whole business. yeah, what's that? whoever's stealing these things, they don't have guts e eugh to take something big enough so you can catch him with it. it's mostly little things, and half the time the people don't know they're gone. he ain't gonna get my stuff, i'll tell you. charlie, i'm curious about one thing. what's that? what do you have that's worth stealing? well, uh, them i itation pearl cufflinks of mine. you've seen them. how long has it been since you've had a dress shirt and a suit on? you? it's the sentimental value, that's what it is. they was given to me by a pretty widow back in st. louis. you didn't tell me about that. were you kinda sweet on her? no, wasn't like that at all. she ran a boarding house, and you know how i like to eat. hey, is that flint? he's packing something, too. yeah, he sure is. whoa. what's up, flint? i found me a visitor. you'd better give me a hand with him.
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while you're at it. easy. easy, bill. ( grunts ) where'd you find him, flint? oh, about an hour's ride out. i stumbled on him coming back from bringing the mail. no sign of his horse. where's the major? he's been up front for a couple days, looking for a place to cross the murdock. river up? yeah. cavalry troop passed by a few days ago and gave us the word. looks like he's coming out of it some. yeah. lift his head, charlie. easy. ( coughs ) i... feel better? aye, aye. i don't know. i... my horse stumbled, broke his leg. when did it happen? i don't know. four days, a week. i lost track. well, we'll get you a place to rest and some hot broth into you. is this the adams train? it sure is.
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iend of mine, a doctor. we don't have a doctor traveling with us this trip. only wish we did. tyrone, his name would be. james tyrone. we got some irish folks traveling with us. they might know. nothing wrong with him that a day's rest won't cure. let's put him in a wagon. come on. give me a hand. ( irish accent ) buffalo steak. it's enough to turn a man from eating. well, 'tis said some people think they are then. hey, did you ever set yourself down to eat at paddy's pub on connaught street? oh, the very thought of it. corned beef and fresh boiled potatoes! and a glass of stout with a head on it like this! just past the fish and chips shop opposite reagan's saloon, wasn't it? oh, go on. i know your sort. they wouldn't let you in the garbage door. and what were you, one of the dublin swells, eh? oh, go on with ya.
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there! and a grand place it was. none of them king-lovers allowed inside, neither! i'll tell you one thing. it was the very place that they planned the ash wednesday bombings! denny brogan's lads. i was there meself. and i suppose you led the entire bloody thing. well, i done me share, but i had commitments at the very time. ah, stop whistling up me sleeve. i'll fight the man who says i wouldn't fight-- hold on, hold on. the last time i was down here, rook. well, if it's not mr. mccullough, and how's yourself this fine day? i'm feeling fine, but i got a problem i thought you people could help me with. i found a man out on the prairie, but from his looks and talk he's an irishman. i thought perhaps one of you could put him up. sure, and there's no reason not. mr. mccullough, was he hurt? he's tired and worn, but he'll be all right. well, now, if there's anything at all we can do... thanks very much. he'll be obliged. mr. mccullough, sir, that ring of mine that was purloined, who would've had that now?
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report things stolen. i know, i know, but it was given to me by my dear deceased great grand-uncle. an heirloom, it was. don't listen to him, mr. mccullough. an heirloom? i know the very ring. if it's worth six pence, then i'm a millionaire. i have a right to me own property, don't i?! it probably fell off the back end of a tinker's cart! that's about the worth of it. and what were you, one of the lords of london? all right! all right. let me get out of here before the shillelaghs start flying. now, you will take care of this fella? would you like me to bring the new lad back? ks. you're welcome. bah! ? i stood on the banks of the boyne ? ? as some soldiers were going away ? ? ah, brave irish lad with his pale face so sad ?
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? "where we first fell in love, you and i ? ? "where you taught me to love you, dear molly ? ? now teach me to bid you good-bye" ? that was lovely, jamie. that was fine, wasn't it, mr. fitzmorgan? hey, by the way, what part of the dear old place you're from now, tell me that? dublin. oh, the times i've had for myself in that grand city! and when i think of it now, it's just the time of the racing fair, with porter flowing all about. and-- there'll be no fair this year. the english are to town for spite. oh, you don't say the truth. oh, the heathens! the swinish heathens! oh, the shame of it all. but when denny brogan and his lads strike, they'll whistle another tune.
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they hung denny? aye. oh, that the day would come round... when they'd put a rope on denny. it wasn't a rope that finished denny. it was the work of a traitor. that's the trouble with you irish. if you didn't spend so much time fighting each other, you might win one of these rebellions you're always having. there'll be no such talk as that while michael mcdermott is about. he's right. father! it's true enough. three hundred years of fighting, and nothing to show for it but a few pretty speeches from the scaffold. you're not a believer in the cause? what was it you were saying, then? we don't owe explanations to anyone. no, we don't, but maybe you owe us one. where were you when they were hanging denny brogan? i was watching... from me cell in ballymore. you were with denny? uh, no, it was by chance that i happened to be there. you saw him hang? could you tell us what words he had to say at the very end? could you do that, now?
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it was of a wednesday, cold. the priest was with him. it was he that brought them the word there'd be no chance for transport to a penal colony, and not an eye flickered, not a one. not that he weren't afraid. when the cold smell of that final darkness is upon you, it's 'most more than a man can do to keep from gagging on the fear that comes up inside him. but they made their minds up to it, and they vowed to see it through. the priest gave them absolution, all but two that weren't of the faith. and outside... you could hear the marching of the black watch up and down, up and down, and not a sound... as the sergeant walked down the corridor with the captain by his side, and the two guards with their rifles at port-arms.
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, but only doing his duty as he saw fit. and they lashed their hands behind them... and marched them off to their fate. there was only... the faint glimmering of dawn, and a light mist hanging over the scaffold, and the sound of the death march... and the voice of the priest. they didn't say anything? they made their vows, and they died believing in the thing they lived for... with their shoulders back and not a plea or a cry, not a sound but that one shout from denny. "freedom for ireland! ...and death to the informer." who is he? give us his name so we can curse the sound of it! where is he?
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wherever he is, he'll never get away with it. well, as long as he's not on the train, i'm not gonna lose any sleep over it. charlie and i thank you for the supper and the entertainment. if you need anything, fitzmorgan, just give a yell. all right. good night. good night. charlie, how 'bout teaching me this-- eh, laura, it's... time to be going. you can sleep over by my wagon if you've a mind to. oh, thanks, but i'm not tired now. it's an odd and curious thing. why? if i'd've been lost out in the desert, i'd've been as tired as the dead. that is, if i'd be lost in the desert. aye. well, i think i'll take a turn in the air. that'll do you good, lad. uh, which one is the grady's wagon? the one beyond this one. you kind of sparked to the daughter, didn't you? well, i can see it in you! no need denying it. i see you've got an eye for the weaker sex, same as me. you've got a way with the ladies, have you?
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. she's a flighty one. aye. what of her father? what does he do? oh, he's some sort of teacher. latin or some such thing. i don't rightly know, myself. they got on the train at st. joe, did they? the gradys? aye. same as everyone else. why does ye ask? oh, no reason. no reason. is there a man named tyrone on the train? tyrone? uh, what sort of a man was he? what did he look like? what trade was he in, then? he was a doctor. oh, no, no. there's no doctor on this train. that's certain, isn't it. well, are you listening at all? he's asking after a dr. tyrone on this train, but there's none on this train. that's right. none that we know of. this fella, uh, the fella you're talking about, maybe there's a reward for him or perhaps he owes you some money? he'd sell the coat off his back to the devil--
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i promised to give him something if i should find him. was nothing more than that. good night. eh, good night. eh, this fella. what do you think of him with his talk and all? i've got half a suspicion that's he's the very man that's been sent after that informer. or maybe he's the informer hisself. grady. i hope i'm not disturbing you. i thought i'd take a turn in the air. would your father be about? he went to get water. aye. well, the fact of the matter is i came to apologize to him if there was ought i said that sat badly. i meant nothing personal. i'll tell him. and i hope you'll be accepting my apologies, too. sure, i've put it out of me mind already. aye, good.
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thank you. should you be up and about so soon? well, i'm fine now. but there was a time there when i never thought i'd be sharing a sip of tea again. it's an odd thing about the touch of death on you. nt seem to blow away like dust in the sand. and a day later, it's like it had never happened at all. but i guess that's the nature of man, huh? or else how else would he be able to live in the world at all? there's a fine warm taste to this. it's from dublin you are, is it? no. oh, that's the reason i was deprived of knowing you.
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oh, wexford. suppose i'll never be seeing the land there again. you intend to stay in america, do you? well, don't you? well, i'm not sure. well... it's best to be getting back. you'll be telling your father for me, yeah? i will. good night. good night. father! what did he want? just to tell us he was sorry if he hurt your feelings at all. i'm certain we've nothing to fear from him. there's something about him. did you feel it? like storms under the ocean.
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mr. fitzmorgan? well. good morning, miss grady. i brought you some muffins. i didn't know if you'd had your breakfast yet. that's very kind of you. they smell grand, indeed. i hope you like them. there's cinnamon sugar on the tops. i'm not one to be eating alone. would you be doing me the honor of joining me? well, i-i should be getting back mr. fitzmorgan. you might be calling me by my christian name. liam, it is. all right. what is it you were looking at back there? i was looking at the road and land. it's like a sea without an end in sight. aye, it is. you know, there's something about this land. i felt it the day i landed. it's like they knocked down all the fences and left a man free to roam as far as he wanted to go and be whatever he chooses. my brother used to talk about america. oh, did he, now? oh, he knew the whole american revolution, all the battles, all the dates. he used to tell me about it when he came home from university.
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to someday immigrate to america. but he didn't? no, he died. oh. for the cause. no. consumption. it's a green land, ireland, but... there's still many a hidden tear and darkness there yet. aye, it won't be a happy land until there's freedom. if i were a man, i'd die for it. well, it's certain you wouldn't hang. you're far too pretty for that. oh, now. i sometimes forget what a fair creature a woman can be. well, it's clear your standards aren't very high, then. oh, i take no credit for it at all. the merest man with eyes in his head could see the same thing. it's the beauty inside that takes the looking. there's a kind of a golden pride in you. i like that. oh, it's just that i'm someone from home. aye, yeah, there's that. but there's something else.
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sometimes seems like 100 years since i left dublin, never sleeping but afraid of waking up with a gun at your head, changing your name till you soon forgot the one you were born with, on the run, on the run, with never a minute to look at a simple think like a sunset. hmm. or a leaf. or a girl. you were with the ones that were hung, weren't you? aye. what of that? well, it's just i... i was wondering... hung with them? yes. it was a chance thing. we planned an attack on a barracks. for nights on end, we worked on every last detail. it was to strike a real blow, ignite the whole land, but somehow or other, once we got started everything fell apart. half of us were cut down trying to climb the walls. the rest of us made a run for it. i got as far as phoenix park
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hmm. i thought we played a real lark on them, until i heard the next day... that denny and the others had been informed on. they were all of them so, so young... like boys still at... at play in the field. to see them with their hands lashed behind them, walking up to their fate, and the scaffold looking down on them. well, i mean to keep 'em inside of me like a spur, and... eh. well, there's other things to talk about. it's a long way to california. what will you do when we get to california? i don't know. i... i may not stay. well, i better be getting back.
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oh, do you have to go? i'd better. well, maybe i'll be seeing you at the next stop. ( sighs happily ) what a beautiful thing the smell of the morning can be. you know, father, when we first had to leave ireland i felt so bitter, having to pack up at a minute's notice but i explained to you why we had to. i know that, father, but i couldn't help feeling the way i did. many's the night i could almost taste the fog in dublin, and went to sleep crying, too. but things seem so different here. it's almost like i've always belonged in america. liam feels the same way, too. he was telling me about it. what did you tell him? you're hurting me, father. what did you tell him about me? nothing. nothing at all.
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that's all right. but you're wrong about liam. i knew he was one of us. he's an english agent. but he fought in the movement. he's been telling me about it. do you think he'd show up in an english uniform? it's a trick to get your confidence, to make you think he's something that he's not. can't you see that? i don't want you to see him again. but, father... he's one of them, as i told ya. how could you know something like that? i've got proof of it! he's been asking on the sly for a dr. tyrone. tyrone? he can't be. i believed him. i believed everything he told me.
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it isn't fair! it was like having you tell me something and believing you and then finding out it was a lie. laura. sometime... i hate him! i could kill him! don't talk like a child. what are we going to do now? well, we'll slip away from the train the first chance we get, but don't go near him again. do you think i'd even speak to him now? we'll find another wagon train, change our name again, and when we get to california, we'll take passage on a boat to australia. it's going to go on forever, isn't it? no. we'll find a new life for ourselves when we get free from this... laura. what is it, father? my bag. did you move it? no. but it's gone. we've got to get it back.
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rl, no. but someone's stolen it. liam, do you think? no, he'd've come by now. someone else has got it, but who? who? ? ? if you're on medicare, remember, the open enrollment period is here. the time to choose your medicare coverage begins october 15th and ends december 7th. so call unitedhealthcare to enroll... in a plan that could give you the benefits and stability you're looking for, an aarp medicarecomplete plan insured through unitedhealthcare. what makes it complete? it can combine medicare parts a and b, which is your hospital and doctor coverage with part d prescription drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan
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what are you doing? just airing out my blankets, that's all. something was eating the skin off me all night last night. say, you suppose the major's found a river crossing yet? i don't know. you know, charlie, you're gonna have to get wet when we do cross the murdock. sure. what's that got to do with it? well, thinking about the way you and water feel about each other, i just... surprised you're in such a hurry to get there. you're worse than the major is. where are you going? take a walk before supper. don't go far; i'm cooking something special. charlie, that's my favorite dish. i know that. you mean you cooked it just for me? yeah. charlie, i couldn't get along with you. ( chuckling ) he doesn't know i like 'em too. is your father around somewheres, miss? he's over there, washing up. thank you kindly. can i help you? no, i just wanted a friendly word
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oh, thanks. is there something you wanted? uh, no, but there was something i thought you might be wanting. what are you talking about? er, something of yours that was lost, missing? i don't know what you're talking about. isn't that odd and curious, now? 'cause there was something that i felt quite sure was yours. it dropped itself miraculously into me hands. about two-- that big it was. and black. a bag, you might say. but not one to carry clothes in, oh, no. but don't you want to know what's in the insides of it? here, i'll tell ya. shut your mouth. i'm a man that can keep things tight to myself, even if i do say so, so you don't have to worry yourself on that score... once we've made our arrangements. but don't you really want to know what was inside the bag? uh, tools, as you might say, and all of them inscribed as from the dublin college of surgeons.
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i ought to kill you! leave me alone, now! leave me alone! there's a note in the bag where they'll find it. leave me alone-- you wretched, filthy, little slum thief. that sort of talk won't do you any good... especially when there's someone else who'd be very interested in knowing certain things. what do you want? just a little something to tide me over. how much? well, that's quite a question, isn't it? i hadn't rightly given it much thought. but i'm of the opinion-- what's your price? how much? something wrong? well-- eh, sure, no, no, no. we was just settling a little friendly bet. ain't that right, mr. grady? what kind of a bet, mr. carney? oh, just about a man in dublin, as to whether he was alive or dead. mr. grady was backing his word with $100 gold. right?
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i'd be delighted to get it, but make sure you're ready with the money to pay me up when i get back. which way you betting, mr. grady, that the man's alive or dead? he's dead. oh? what makes you so sure? when a man's dead, he's dead. sounds reasonable. mr. grady, if you're in some kind of trouble... oh, no. what gave you that idea? oh, just that mr. carney seems pretty sure that the man's still alive. he's dead. well, i gotta get back to wooster. he's fixed me my favorite dish for supper. good night.
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a man's stomach was not created to be abused by such food as this. it's not too bad. well, not for you... but then, you've gone and found yourself a fair colleen, and sweet as the morning's dew on the roses of kilkenny she is, too. let me give you a small morsel of advice if you aim to marry the girl. i've said nothing of that. but sure there's a glint in your eye says it for you. aye, i can see the same thing in hers, too. but that's the dublin rich for you. i'd just as soon not talk about it. where you going? take a turn in the air. wait up, i-- i got a bit of information for you. what? i was onto you the first minute. oh, that innocent talk didn't throw me off. i've been around a bit myself. what is it you're saying? well, you was asking after a doctor? now, just this morning, now, mark me, i seen carney hiding a black bag,
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. you-you think i'm the informer, but i'm not. listen to me. you've got to listen. seven of them you killed, to save your own filthy neck. i-i swear to god, i'm not the one. you've got to believe me. you've got to. i never had no politics. i never knew anyone underground. i never informed on nobody. that's the truth. i ain't no doctor. why, i couldn't even cut this splinter out. of blood makes me sick. don't kill me, please. where did you get the bag? i stole it. you're lying. i'm not. i-i swear to-- i stole it. i'm a thief, but i never informed on nobody, that's the truth. i stole the bag. i stole it. who from? who from?
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do you want me to scrape it from the inside of you? who from? don't hit me again, please. grady. he's the one i stole it from. grady. yes. he had it hidden on his wagon. if you're lying-- i'm not. i swear it. ( groans ) not after i told you what you wanted. you're not going to do that now? you--you can't tell him. they'd kill me if they knew that i was the one that stole their stuff.
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? that was the day ? ? we said farewell ? ? dear native land, to thee ? ? and wandered forth to find a home ? ? beyond the stormy sea ? about time you trimmed that bird's nest of yours. oh, i'm just shaping up a little bit. say, that's a pretty song, ain't it? yeah. sure tickles me, the way them irish people are always singing. they can do a lot more besides sing. yeah? what do you mean by that? oh, i don't know. i've just got a feeling that there's trouble brewing down there. i wouldn't worry about it, son. if they squabble among themselves,
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r nature. you know, a lot of big talk. all irish are that way. i suppose you're right, charlie. guess i just got a big imagination, huh? maybe. i brought the black feather to you. don't know what you're talking about. i'll be telling you soon enough. i'm talking of the seven men you sent to the noose. you're out of your mind. you've got no idea what you're saying. no? what's this? i found it in your bag. well, who told you it was mine? never mind that. you're the one i've come for. is that all the proof you've got to show?
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if you've any last words... you'd best be saying them now. liam! what is it? what's wrong? your father's the informer i'm sworn to kill. that's not true. father was in the movement, but they found out about him. that's why we're on the run in america. if we'd stayed, they'd have killed him or hung him. you're lying. he's not a believer in the cause. you've got to believe that! liam, i love ireland as much as you do. you believe that, don't you? then you must believe he's not the one you're after. you must believe it, liam! you must! do you swear that?
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i don't know. i don't know anymore. it's preyed on me mind these many months what i had to do, i don't know. this one you're after, you don't know who he is? i was certain he was on the train. the information was reliable. maybe they lied to throw me off, i don't know. but his name, you don't know his name? aye. his name is tyrone. father! father, his name is tyrone. the informer. but it couldn't have been you, father. it couldn't have been you. ah, laura, please. please, girl, believe me. you're all that's ever mattered to me. you know that. your mother died the night you were born, and i brought you into the world
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af of bread you were, and just the two of us to face the world together. and all the love that was in me, i gave it all to you. you know that. and i believed you. i believed all those stupid lies you told me about running away because the english were after you. you don't understand. how could you! how could you! but there was you to think about, don't you see? a man has a right to hold on to what's his, doesn't he? or mine, but what would've happened to you? it wasn't that i was afraid; it was just the thought of you. i don't want to hear it. i don't want to hear any of it. don't you think i've hated myself for it? do you think i close my eyes at night without seeing their faces? oh, if i could change it, if i could blot it out, if giving up my life would bring them back. i know what i did was wrong, but...
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who? the informer. , i wish i was a braver man. i'd set off and help you with the deed myself. be gteful you're free of it. it's not an easy thing to swear an oath to kill a man. i'm sorry i haven't even got a fit horse to lend you, but why don't you ask about? aye. i'll talk to mr. mccullough. i'll see you before you go. aye. i won't be leaving before morning. oh, fine. ( gunshot, screams ) he got him in the back. the bullet's still in him. well, you got to do something for him. looks pretty bad. is he... no, but he's bleeding awful fast.
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anybody see what happened? woman: no. from the angle, looks like it might've come from over there, flint. someone has to do something. he can't die. you. you did it. you killed him. what are you saying, girl? you killed him! do you think that? do you think i could take a man's life in cold blood, any man's? he's fading awful fast. only chance he's got is a doctor. oh. father, you've got to do something for him. get some blankets and quilts and some boiling water, and make him comfortable. what do you know about something like this? you do what he says. my father was the best surgeon in dublin. charlie: where are you going? to get my instruments. sid, give wooster a hand and get him under the light. mcdermott, boil some water and get some sheets. come on, hawkes, let's find out who did this. ( metal clanking ) give me back that bag. there's a man dying.
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no, you don't! ck. he's a doctor. you can't let me stay here to die. i'm hurting bad. oh, stop whimpering. you're not hurt bad. i just winged you, but you better hope that fitzmorgan doesn't die. if he does, mr. carney, i promise you you'll hang. keep an eye on him, bill. try and stop the bleeding. all right. you don't have some brandy? i'll give you some brandy. oh! don't-- hurt-- too tight. now, i haven't anything to give you but this. you'd better take a long swallow of it,
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it's all right now. the bag... i remember the day he presented it to me... the dean himself, so long ago. laura? yes, father. remember that part. forget the rest of it. grave looks so lonely, standing there alone. i know. morning, miss laura. morning. that wound bothering you much? no, not the wound.
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i can't separate his guilt from what i owe him. i don't know. i guess that's up to a power a lot bigger than we are to decide. all i know is you can't spend your life looking back. we heard from the major. he's found a place to cross, so we'll be pulling out soon. i came by to see if you planned to stay with us. aye. i plan that.
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? roll along ? ? wagon train ? ? rollin' over prairie where there ain't no grass ? ? rollin' over mountains where there ain't no pass ? ? sittin' all aboard, eyein' the weather ? ? prayin' to the lord we stay together ? ? side by side on the wagon train ? ? pull along ? ? pickin' up a passenger in every town ? ? wonderin' if he's ever gonna shoot you down ? ? sittin' all aboard ? ? eyein' the weather ? ? prayin' to the lord ? ? we stay together ? ? side by side ?
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