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tv   WRAL News 5AM  NBC  November 4, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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?? >> narrator: here's adventure! ?? here's romance! here's o. henry's famous robin hood of the old west, "the cisco kid"! ?? ?? (cows mooing) >> hey, tom! we'll rest the herd here
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(cows mooing) >> oh,h,isco, first it's rest the cattle, then feed the cattle, then water the cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle. holy smokers, i hear "cattle" till it's running out from my ears. liked cattle. >> i do like the cattle, in a plate in front of me, with plenty of salsa and chili verde, frijoles and tortillas. >> there you go again, tnking of nothing but your stomach. >> why shouldn't i? what i'm gonna do without it? hey, cisco, when you're gonna get this railhead? >> tomorrow. >> holy smokes! the sheriff.
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>> good morning, sirs. whose cattle are these? >> they belong to ben farley of the diamond d. ranch in durango. >> well, do you mind if my boys take a look at 'em? >> not at all, sir. go right ahead. >> all right, boys. >> what's this all about? >> well, there's been quite a t of rustling going on here lately. i'm just checking after all the herds in my territory. >> well, these cattle didn't was was rustled, and besides, we didn't did it anyhow. b to deliver the cattle at the railhead and pick up the money at the tri-stata company in fargo. (horse approaching) >> sheriff: well? >> you were right, sheriff. the brands have been c cnged. >> get his gun, blackie. >> i don't care what your deputy says, sheriff. these cattle haven't been stolen. i've known farley for years. he's not a cattle rustler. >> oh, i say he is and so do the rest of you. you're under arrest. >> why b bher running 'em in,
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and save the county a lot of expense. >> yeah, that's not a bad idea, blackie. get a couple of ropes. >> yououlways have a big fool to listen to you. yo soy tonto como un burro. >> all right, all right, stop that kind of talk. if you've got to talk, talk english. >> don't you like spanish? >> yeah, when it comes to the gals. but i don't like things i can't understand. now get over there over here! >> preparat pancho. >> i said cut it out!
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>> you and buck stay here! come o o ?? >> we've lost 'em, blackie. where in the name of smoke did they get to? >he boss ain't gonna like this, letting them two get away. >> maybe they doubled back to the herd. come on. >> let's went, cisco, and get
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we wouldn't have a chance. >> what about the cattle? >> we'll get the cattle back. i think the best place to reason with that sheriff is in his own office. we'll first go to town and get a couple guns, then we'll pay him a visit. come on, pancho. i wouldn't try that, mister. pancho, get his gun. we're not going to harm you. we're only looking for the sheriff. >> what do you want with him, cisco?
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around here and there. >> ooh, you see my picture, too? i'm pancho. >> you haven't answered my question. >> this sheriff is a no-good crook. he steal a whole load of cattle from us. >> what? >> that's ththtruth. >> if he don't bring this cattle back, pancho gonna kill him until he die. >> now look here, i won't have you calling me a rustler. i didn't steal your cattle. >> don't get excited, mister. we said it was the sheriff, not you. >> i'm the sheriff. >> you? >> yes, me. now will you tell me what this is all about? all about? cisco, i'm all m med up. the sheriff is a rustler, instead of being a rustler, he's a sheriff. oh, gee, whiz, i'm all mixed up. (horse approaching) cisco, what do you see over there with my eyes? hey, it's the crooked sheriff. >> sheriff, come out here quick!
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>> there's that man i was telling yoyoabout. >> man: how'd things go, al? >> well, we got the cattle all right, but pancho and cisco got away. >> you dunderhead. i tell you how to make an easy $20,000 and you mess it up. >> ah, what you beefing ababt? we got the cattle, that's all that matters. >> with cisco and pancho on the loose, anything can happen. >> don't get excited. they're not bulletproof. (door opens) d mister. papaho, take his gun. >> now would you mind telling me what this is all about? >> how you like those, cisco? this mornini you play make-believe sheriff and take all our cattle and now you say what's this all about? >> i didn't take your cattle. you're barking up the wrong tree. i was in town all morning long and i can prove it by mr. kelly here. >> (gasps) cicio, how can he tell such a crooked lie with such a straight face? >> now, mr. shelby's telling ththtruth, gentlemen. it couldn't have been him. >> you're sure of that, sam? >> of course. >> this is the second time i'v'v been mistaken for that crook.
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even your clothes are the same. >> and so is your horse. >> that doesn't prove anything. if mr. kelly says this man was in town all morning, then he was. he's not in the habit of lying. >> gentlemen, this is my fianc?e, miss lacey. >> well, miss, if you say so, we must be mistaken. come on, pancho. >> you know, sam, i think they still suspect me. >> so would i if sam hadn't
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>> i know this plain like my nose on your face.
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sheriff, but when a pretty girl look at you, you don't know what time it is. >> no, pancho. i wanted them to think that we believed shelby's story. >> well, then you think like pancho, that he is the same man, eh?? >> of course. >> oh, then why this fellow kelly, why he-- he's a cattleman. why he make this cover-up? >> he could have a very good reason. he knew we were going to deliver the herd to the railhead because we were supposed to collect the money from him. >> then you think he is mixed up with these rustlers? >> i'm sure of it. >> well, whae ananmake him talk? >> first we'll see if we can locate the herd. >> how you gonna do that? >> we'll let mr. shelby show us the way. >> keep your eyes open, blackie!
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tell the boys to get a move-on, pete. i want those brands shaved
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>> hey, shelby! >> what's the matter, blackie? >> i just spotted cisco and pancho heading around walker's point. >> get on your horse. >> there they are. >> we'll send them back to durango in a coffin.
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they're trying to block.
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>> take care of them, pancho!
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>> miss lacey, you gotta help me. he's after me. he's gonna kill me! >> kill you? why, who? >> that cisco kid. i was riding along minding my own business when he started shooting at t . he's mistaken me for that rustler again. >> well, hide in the kitchen. ?? what's the meaning of kickininin my door? >> this man shelby, he just came in here.
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>> but i tell you he's not here. >> i suppose that horse outt there is not his? >> that's far enough, cisco. i'm not going to let you shoot an innocent man. now drop your gun. >> why are you doing this? just b bause your cattle-buyer friend is mixed up with the rustlers?
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>> stupid numbskull. can't you ever do anything right? >> stop that name-calling, i don't like it. >> they've got blackie in jail and i'm supposed to like that. >> don't worry about blackie, he won't blab. >> how do you know he won't? >> if it'll make you any happier, there's one way >> you'll probably botchch that up, too. let me handle it. you just keep out of sight
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>> have a piece of apple, sheriff? >> no, thank you. >> hey, cisco. i take care of your crooks like you told me. >> nice work, pancho. has he done any talking yet, sheriff? >> complplning about the food, that's about all. >> don't worry, pancho will take good care of him. >> none of that, pancho. >> oh, cisco, i won't hurt him. just a couple little digs. >> i said none of that, pancho! >> oh, thoseseonkeys can have >> sam: hey, blackie. >> no! (gunshot)
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you see who did it? >> no, he got away, but he left his calling card. don't shoot, pancho. we need him alive to lead us to our cattle. come on. let's get to our hor ?? >> shelby! cisco and pancho are after me! get the rest of the men
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>> look, pancho. that must be their hideout. come on, be very careful. drop that weapon! well, mr. kelly. i have brought you back part of your boot heel that you lost. >> they must have slipped into the shack. (gunshot)
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>> here. take care of yourself. i could have shot you right between the eyes. >> here come the others, cisco. >> pancho, come here. tie him up. pancho, remember what we did in tucson? >> s i remember.
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>> ciscocothey hit me! don't move. >> throw your guns away! now get your hands up. keep your eyes on them, pancho. >> i got 'em, cisco. >> thanks for leading us to the cattle, mr. kelly. the sheriff will be waiting
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>> ah, cisco, everything so wonderful. the cattle is shipped and the crooks has been put in the jail, and we keep the beautiful se?orita from marrying up with a crook. oh, i feel so wonderful! (gunshot) >> cisco! wait! >> uh-oh, the sheriff.f. >> pancho, wait. >> not pancho. that's what you told me the last time. >> i've been chasing you for more than ten miles. >> what happened now? >> nothing. the rustlers took your guns, didn't they? >> yes. >> well, here they are. >> why, thanks, sheriff. >> keep your hands up, sheriff. you can't do this to cisco. >> why, pancho, the sheriff was just returning our guns. >> (laughs hysterically) i knew it all the time! >> oh, pancho! >> oh, cisco! let's went!
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?? >> good-bye, amigos! >> see you soon! ha! ??
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(laughing) well, i'll be. look who's come to town. who? joe sunday, that's who. you meananhe sunday from abileen? same feller. killed jake potter and five of his friends. six men dead in the space of three minutes. i heard it was more.
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hey! hold on, cindy! what's the hurry? i don't know. she was standing by the window and all of a sudden she acted as if she'd seen a ghost. not a ghost, joe. more like the devil.
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mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb... yes. what in the world? he's here. here? whose here? where?
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he's going into the sherrif's office. mrs. porter, i'm not going to let him have my baby. well of course you're not. i mean it. i mean it. i'd rather see h h dead first. cindy! look, i don't want a scenene major, i just want my child. i just happen to think that she's not a fit mother well, that may be but it's s sll your problem, not mine but you're wrong. it is your problem. i've got a court order to prove it is. that's signed by judge henry. i guess you've seen his signature many times. yeahahi'm afraid i have. i'll be stopping at the porter hotel tonight.
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ralph? ralph? yes sir? i'll be gone for a little while. you, uh, hold down the fort, will you? yes, sir. oh, come on, henrietta don't get sentimental and go giving me trouble. i saw her bring her baby in here not more than an hour ago. my advice to you, hoby, is to stay out of this. the baby is with it's mother where it belongs. well i got a court order says that baby belongs with its father. oh sometimes you're so young and innocent. don't you know yet that you can't change human nature with a silly manmade law? i'm not about to argue law with you i just enforce it. hoby. don't you ever have times when you don't enforce quite as hard as you do at other times, huh?
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lace is with its mother and you know it. it's one of the eternal verities. don't get high and mighty with me. this mother works in a saloon for a gambler. she plays a piano. and that is all. well, what else is a woman going to do in a town like this? we can't all of us be printers or take in washing. but that isn't the point. the child's father is the point. and you know what he is? i've heard rumors. how could you possibly turn an innocent baby over to a like joe sunday? well i don't know, henrietta. but i'll sure try. you do hoby gilman and i'll never speak to you again. nor mention you kindly in print! take it from a man who knows, honey the best way to fight the law is with silence. keep the baby out of sight clam up and admit nothing.
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thanks, joe. now you get back in there and stop worrying. go on! well, mr. gilman. isn't often that we're honored by you t ts time of day. first drink on the house. what'll it be? coffee. two cofffees, joe. yeah i'd like to see miss cindy. oh, she's not ininet. i'll wait. care for a bite of lunch? i can recommend the corned beef, joe pickled it himself. no thanks. what's this about cindy? oh, it's a personal matter. that's vague enough to make me wonder, mr. gilman. i mimit be jealous, you know. oh? that so?
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well then you know about it. i'd susu hate to see anything happen to that child. well, your sentiments are not exactly unpopular. hm. i take it then that you stand behind the sanctity of motherhood? four square. as long as it doesn't interfere with the law. excuse me. hello mr. gilman. miss cindy. may i have a word with you? well of course mr. gilman. your husband's in town. want to see him and i don't want to speak with him. well he didn't want to see you, he uh well he can't have her. it's not right. well that may be, but he's got a court order. i won't let him have the baby. are you...he didn't abandon you, ma'am.
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have you any idea at all what kind of a man hehes? no i don't. but the point is that the law's on his side and if he wants the child it's his legal right. now please have the baby in my office by 1:00. i won't have her there at 1:00 i won't have her there ever. be reasonable mr. gilman. you've winked at bad laws before. have i? well everybody has at some time. there are certain laws that just run against nature. now give her a break. i'm sorry. 1:00. you hold out, cindy. this is one time the whole town
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any time now, boys. get ready to duck. tom.. what room is joe sunday in? oh, mr. sunday, room 103, mr. gilman. (knocking) come in. ranger. mr. sunday. well, where is she? ? well it seems like i'm meeting with a certain amount of resistanan. do you mind? if you're just going to sit down there to tell me that you didn't bring me my baby
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you keep on pushing me, mister and i'm going to start to believe everything i hear. you ever read the good book, ranger? no man. well it says being kind to people and doing good works, that's fine. but the greatest of these is charity. now as far as i can figure charity means giving the other fellow an even break. does it mean the same thing to you, ranger? yeah. it's close enough. what are they saying about me? you killed somewhere betwewe six and fourteen men. you're a common land drunk. and you u eat at cards. now you see? part truths. and they build a big lie right on top of them. yeah, i've killed some men. two. jake padres and sam maststs. wagered down on me in a card game in abileen so i killed them. but even the judge said it was self-defense. and set up wanting to hang me.
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but i didn't earn the reputation i got. it was built for me just b bause i outdrew jake padres. now all of a sudden i'm a...a jesse james, billy the kid and doc holiday. a drunk, card-cheatin' mean killer. now that's pretty uncharitable, don't you think, ranger? well, what about your saying cindy is an n fit mother? that's not charitable, is it? i'll give you four more hours. 'til sundown. that'll be six. mmm. what happens then? if i don't have my baby in my custody by then i'm just liable to go out and earn that reputation i got.
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narrator: hoby spent the rest of that afternoon inquiring about the baby at one house after the other. he found no welcome anywhere. to draw up search warrants for every house in town was impossible. and hoby knew it. that searching was essentially futile, maybe now? isn't hoby off on a wild goose chase? wouldn't that be somethin'?
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could i have a word with you? some place in private? there isn't anything that you could possibly have to say that you can't say here. sunday: i don't want any trouble. well then don't make any trouble. why don't you just leave town? get out right now! i want my child. well you can't have her. i came to you direct 'cause i didn't want to cause him any trouble or the town. if there's any trouble, joe, it's not going to be on my conscience. don't look at me like that, cindy. oh, joe, don't talk like that. now because i just don't believe you now you gotta believe me. sunday: i haven't had a drink in three months. sunday: i haven't gambled or played cards in any way. i don't even carry a gun anymore. i would like to believe you, j j but i can't.
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cause i love you. i want you to come back to me. don't do that again, please i just canan go through that again give me a chance. let me explain-- lady says she wants no part of you now get out! (cries) oh look, cindy...wait, wait! is that the way it is with you and her? that's the way it was before she met you. you still want her? if she'll have me. as if you didn't have her already. boy, you miserable-- sorry, ranger. i didn't expect to get in trouble this early. this is your chance, mr. gilman. lock him up for disturbing the peace there are plenty of witnesses. i told you i'd bring the child to you there. it's still an hour and a half til sundown.
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and if he ststs out of that hotel with his guns on, i'll kill him. well i'll tell you, taylor i'll be in the street with a shot gun you step outside armed and i'll blow you back inside now the same goes for you. you know i'm learningg som. i'm learning it hard and fast. once a man's wearingng the mn is he? narrator: bad news travels fast of course. as the minutes tick relentlessly on the town gossips made sure the pace didn't slow down. you're w wting your time ezra! come monday, you won't have no windows! narrator: as the sun dropped lolor and lower in the western sky that day
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thought you'd crack the showdown. oh now, don't jump to any false conclusions hoby, i haven't budged a fraction of an inch since my original position. all right, what do you want? better make it quick. arrest joe sunday and jail him. i don't arrest a man without cause.
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suppos locked up tight shaking in its boots. n from getting that way. you know, it seems like everybody wants the law on their own terms i'm sorry i can't serve it up that way. now your turn loose of that child and u'll have l kinds of law. it's no use,hoby. i can't do it. what if, uh, you were to learn that this, uh sunday's not the man you think he is? oh, would a decent man threaten a whole town not his way, his child. or do women have a monopoly on loving their children? you men, ugh! you're all alike. admit that another man was wrong. i'm telling you right now, i wish you were a man henrietta, so i could take a poke at you. and then i'd hit you right back and when we got tired of hitting one another we'd go totohe nearest saloon and drink to each other's long life and future happiness? but i've just about given up hope of of ever seeing you men
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he's going to the hotel. is he going to arrest joe? i don't know, honey. it depends on him. (knocking) ralph!
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am i doing the right thing? please, tell me i'm doing the righghthing. you're right, cindy. you're right. but now is no titime to doubt . (baby crying) gee, i'm sorry hoby. but uh... isn't she the sweetest thing, hoby? so young, so innocent. so trusting. oh, hoby, leave her here with me. now why don't you go in my office.
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what are you doing here? joe, you better get out of h he. not without my daughter. i'd like for you to come with us, cindy. if you want to. joe, don't. don't, please. because i just don't know what to d d i want my child. you're not going to get her. oh, look smith. now i've been stepping over you ever since i hit town. now you stay out of my way, you hear? do i get my little daughter? joe. joe, don't, all i've ever wanted is a little peace and quiet with it. that's all i've ever wanted. smith. this is your fault. well, you're not going to bother us again. joe! don't! (gunshots)
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't stand there, go get the doc. (baby giggles) you know, mr. gilman. i finally learned what they mean when they say
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mr. gilman? yeah?
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you're not far wrong. guess you don't want me to come around and work no more. well i wouldn't want to keep you from anything that you think is more important. well i didn't mean that, mr. gilmanan well, what is it then? well, you know. hidin' sunday's child and all. and goin' behind your back when you put your trust in me. well, maybe you're right ralph. maybe porter's not big enough for the two of us. when are you leavin'? right away? i kind of liked the town of porter and i liked the people. and i kind of liked working here. right away. ralph. yes sir? you like working here?
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you mean to o ll me you like to live in a town with a dirty sherriff's office? no, sir. well, get a broom. well, get at it, the place looks crumby. yes, sir! i'll have her clean as a whwhtle. ralph? yes sir?
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[orchestral music] [trotting]


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