tv WRAL News Saturday NBC November 5, 2016 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT
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you! don't move or i'll shoot. he was a cop and good at his job but he committed the ultimate sin and testified against other cops gone bad-- cops that tried to kill him but got the woman he loved instead. framed for murder, now he prowls the badlands an outlaw hunting outlaws. a bounty hunter. a renegade.
6:06 pm
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stop it! both of you! at once! i'm sorry, mr. black but the lack of hospitality was necessary until your credentials could be checked and your business associate contacted. i'm sure you realize the importance of keeping the kidnapping of my daughter between us. no police, no press. i'm yuki ota. bobby: mr. ota is chief executive officer of the nippon banks of america and he would like our help. you have my help, mr. ota. you daughter reached out to me and i couldn't do anything to save her. i didndn like the way that felt. i'll do whatever i can to get her back. with our network of undercrcer operatives... paid informants will spread the news. not my... paid informants.
6:08 pm
o mamahe be? hiro takata my chief security officer. ota-san, please reconsider hiring these men. it was my responsibility totorotect myzuko. it's my responsibility to bring her back safely no matter what the consequence. your reputation, for whatever it's worth, isn't the deal here. it's the girl that matters. the kidnappers, they'll get in touch with you in their own good time. you can bet on that, mr. ota and they'll want plenty of money. they'll give your daughter back ananmaybe not. the most important thing is finding the girl first. and that is our priority also, mr. black, and believe me hiro will be very useful in bringing my dauauter back to me. i know lupo'o'a royal pain, but, chey, i need him
6:09 pm
tell him anything, okay? tete him it's a matter of life and death but just get me that meeting, okay? glad you didn't dump these somewhere. i'm sure you are. i know how much you americans depend on guns. we japanese put faith in sharp steel the courage to use it. or art in guns. no. the art and courage comes in knowing how to use the bullets that go in the gun. we're a team. can we work together, please? why doesn't this team have a little chat with the limo driver. what's his name, manzo? ( knocking ) takaka-san. any news of little myzuko? no news, manzo but you needn't concern yourself with it. i amamshamed, takata-san. i should have tried to go around the van
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you did your best. now, go home, take a few days' rest. no. wait a minute. before you let manzozoere go and work on his tan i got a couple of questions. ononof them is, who else knew about the route you were taking to the airport this morning? and while we're at it let's take a look at your bank account or are you banking swisisthese days? i don't understand? do you think i am involved with this thing? you think i'm lying? aph test will settle that. enough. manzo's a trusted employee of the ota household. i believe in his loyalty. go home, manzo. ( speaking japanese ) ( ( speaking japanese ) put a net around him as tight as you can without him knowing--
6:11 pm
hai. any other questions? i guess he's the good cop. and we're the bad cop. cute. it would have been nice if you'd let u uin on what you were planning to do. possibly you are right. let's hope we wound up manzo enough so he gets careless. my thoughts exactly. now it's our turn. let's go. where are you going? see what happens when you don't share with your teammates? well, will you look at this? old frank's living pretty high on the hog these days.
6:12 pm
this man will help us? well, that's entirely up to my sister, sir. cheyenne: frank! stop that! lupo: look. chey, baby, come here. ( laughing ) it's about time you guys got here. i've been fighting off that octopus for an hour. looks, brains, and a sense of humor. sixkiller, black you guys got beautiful timing. whatatan i say? that is flattering as hell, guys. i mean, , ally. but you're giving me too much credit for being connected like that. i'd do anything for cheyenne, here.
6:13 pm
look. you know certain people. and those people would never let anybody frfr the outside come into their territory and commit a major felony. not unless they got a piece of the pie. so if that's how it went down, these people know something. maybe, maybe not. why are we wasting our time? this is just the way frank plays the game. right, frank? frankie... frankie. ( speaks italian ) let's cut through the baloney. when it comes down to scratching your back we'll be there. enough! takata! he has information. i'll get it my way. take it easy! takata... take it easy. frank, it's an honor thing with the japanese. you've seen the movies. it drives them crazy, right, bobby? you'd better throw something on the table.
6:14 pm
may know a thing or two. there might be some people i can talk to.o. there's been no contact. all we need is a meeting. please, frank? i'll make a few phone calls. go, frank. what is it? what did you learn? they're taking their time because they want to make somebody sweat. in twowoours, here at the marina.
6:15 pm
6:16 pm
hi, this cindy at reverse mortgage funding, how can i help you? hi, i was considering a home equity line of credit, but since i'm over 62 years old, a friend said i should first look into a reverse mortgage line of credit first. can you tell me the differences between the two? sure, well, when you take out a home equity line of credit you're required to make minimum loan payments every month. for a while, that payment may be interest only. you'll have to start paying back the principal asasell, which means your monthly payment may be substantially higher. a reverse mortgage line of credit also allows you to borrow against the equity in your home. but it has a flexible monthly payment feature - giving you the freedom to pay as much... or as little... as you wish. you even have the option to make no monthly loan payments at all! so if i want to pay, say, $500 a month, i can do thaha yup! or if i wanted to pay just $50, that's ok? no problem!
6:17 pm
since there are no required monthly principal or interest payments while you live in the home, a reverse mortgage line of credit gives you the flexibility to control and manage yououloan. that sounds great. nearly one million savvy americans have taken advantage of the significant benefits of a reverse mortgage, and that number continues to grow. so now's the time to discover how a reverse mortgage from reverse mortgage funding can help you take control of your finances. with the flexible payment feature, you have the option to pay as little or as much as you like each month, home. if you'd like to pay down the principal and interest of your reverse mortgage early, feel free to make monthly payments of any amount you'd like... with no pre-payment penalties. or, use the benefit of a reverse mortgage line of credit a a choose to make no monthly loan payments at all! so if you're 62 years or older, contact reverse mortgage fufuing today to receive a free information kit about reverse mortgages and the flexible p pment feature. just call the number on your screen or go online and visit
6:19 pm
nothing like a bullwhip to get a man's attention. right, bounty hunter? it's old-fashioned but i really dig this black snake of mine and what it can do. i ain't interested in what you can do. what's the deal? 24 hours, bounty hunter, starting now. we want ten million. nippon bank of america user bonds, no c ch. we'll contact you for place and time of delivery. i want proof the girl's alive. i figured.
6:20 pm
you and me have unfinished business one way or another. but you know that now, don't you? i know. anything happens to that girl i'll put you on a plane to hell. we'll see who gets to hell first. one more thing-- iro takata he's part of the deal. the dragon wants the ten mil and takata or the girl's dead. you tell him that. oh, my gosh. reno, what happened to your face? how's the girl? well, what about the deal? they say anything about the deal?
6:21 pm
ours. you know what the kicker is? the dragon wants the money and you mr. takata. that's what sand said. does that mean anything to you? i asked d at you not be hired. i told you not to get involved. yeah, wellll we are involved. quit this case, all of you. ah, forget him. i never liked him anyway. you got any ideas how to get this girl back? for a month, while i was tracking sand it was one good lead after another but now all my sources have zipped up. nada. it's got something to do with this dragon guy that sand keeps telling me about and takata. forget takata. forget the dragon. the mystery of the far east.
6:22 pm
bird nest soup. our job is to find a damsel in distress and get well paid for it. the way he talked... the hard-looking japanese guy wearing a $2,000 suit and a big mercedes with driver. five will get you ten, it's sand's new boss. so he's also one of the slimeballs that set up this kidnap. the dragon. the dragon. but why would he want takata's head as part of the ransom? con, a smokescreen. maybe takata and the dragon are behindndhe whole thing together. maybe that's the connection. whoa. cool female mind in action. but hey, that's a possible could be. takata rides with ten million and vanishes. we think he's doing the dance with his ancestorsrs but he and the dragon are off in cannes having a blast. takata, the dragon... connected somehow.
6:23 pm
don't you fill us in? i'll tell you later. tell us now. can seseno other way, ota-san not with the dragon involved. you're jumping to conclusions, hiro. trong legs. r alternatives to what you're suggesting, hiro. ota-san... my responsibility. no. there's still time and when there is time, there is possibility...
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guards. leave, mr. black. give me a break. i came over here to follow up on a couple of leads. or maybe something came up with that manzo guy you had under surveillance. praying. the limo driver. remember him? what i am doing is none of your business. it is, if it has anything to do with this case or mr. ota's daughter. play your games all by yourself? not a chance. go away. this is something you will never understand. well, i can understand dragon. somebody who calls himselflfhat must think he's pretty hot. and tell me something-- anybody give you a nickname? name you after an animal like tiger o oshark? 'cause there's an organization out there
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