tv WRAL News 11PM NBC November 5, 2016 11:00pm-11:29pm EDT
11:00 pm
11:01 pm
that's what they're saying. who you thinking-- someone you collared? uniform cop, maybe. you're kind of getting sent to i.a.b. on account of me. i don't know, dad. it's just a little early in the going, is all. who's the cop? what's his name? right now, there's a few candidates. lay 'em out for me. i'll go to work. dad, it's being handled. i still got a few connections left, john, and i am plenty available. this happened in-house, it's better we keep it in-house. you mind d i don't think about what your involvement's gonna be right now? i'm locked up. i... yeah. of course, you're right. i can't tell you how it breaks my heart to see you in here. pop... it's all right. i'm all right. officer! you need anything? you need clothes? i'm fine.
11:02 pm
dad, it's being handled. what's the problem?! you still dealing heroin, gordo? no! hell, no! s gonna stick me? no, sir. how you making ends meet these days? just doing my thing, getting by, you know. new shoes, nice chain-- where'd you get the money? working, man. my ass. you still carry dopepe i? no, the dominicans, they run all the junk now. what the hell?! [ grunts ] th-that's for personal use for the chronic pain in my poor amputated leg, man! you listen to me, gordo. some heroin got planted on my friend. each package had a red crown stamped on it. what do you know about i i not a damn thing. ugh! i swear to god!
11:03 pm
11:05 pm
i checked with the property room. all vouchered heroin's accounted for. laughlin wouldn't risk going g there, anyway. he pulled it off the street somewhere. four ounces is a lot of dope. he must have got it off a dealer. are we sure laughlin set clark up? no, we aren't, but he's where we start. you talk to john? yeah, he's still waiting to find out but he's doing all right, considering. i talked to valerie. it doesn't look good as far as him making bail. check this out--laughlin busted a guy last week for possession, but he only vouchered a little bit of pot. i ran his name through b.c.i., f. felony weight. ignacio delgado is connected with the 8th street javelinas. they run a heroin trade on that block. you want us to come with, andy? no.
11:06 pm
night. detectives mcdowell and ortiz. let's go in here and talk about it. i didn't want to say anything out there, bubuit was more than just her being assaulted. the man, um... i'm sorry. behind the bathroom in tompkins park, night before last. coming home from her after-scscol job. did you see the man who attacked you? he had a stocking on his face. was he white, black? i'm pretty sururwhite. about what time did it happen? 9:30. was the park closed then? i go through anyway, 'cause it's a faster way home.
11:07 pm
but you were alone going in the park? yeah. mrs. grayson, would you mind if we got the details from annalise alone? it might be easier for her. okay, i-i'll be outside. [ door opens ] we get the sense you're a pretty good kid, ananlise, about being alone. were you with somebody, maybe your boyfriend? [ sniffles ] were you not supposed to be with him? is that why you made this up? i didn't make it up, i was attacked. i was... he raped me. your boyfriend? [ sniffles ] the other man. annalise, tell us what happened. me and terell...
11:08 pm
've never hahasex. [ sniffles ] but to make out. and this man jumped out of the bushes and hit terell on the head with a gun. and before i knew what was going on, he had the gun in my face, saying he was just gonna rob us. but he wanted terell tied up, so he made me... he made me bind terell's hands with these real strong plastic ties. on it. and i could just feel my legs go out. [ sniffles ] when i woke up, my pants were down, and i was bleeding down there. where was terell? still on the ground, just waking up. we're gonna need to talk to terell. can you write down h h phone number and address? is there anything else you can think of that might help, annalise?
11:09 pm
the man told me he had aids. and he was gonna see i got it, too. officer laughlin and his partner popped you for possession the other day? yeah, you believe that? why wouldn't i? laughlin and me go way back. sounds like you and officer laughlin are buddies. we got a mutual respecec for each other. dealt, as in "not anymore." so why'd laughlin bust you for the pot? he would have let me off, but his partner was there, so we had to g gthrough the whole drill. did laughlin ask you any questions about heroin when he busted you? talk to him. i'm asking you. i got my arrangement with officer laughlin.. i give him a little info, he looks out for me. where's this going, ignacio? why don't you go talk to laughlin about me?
11:10 pm
your teeth out! okay, okay. now, your little arrangement with officer laughlin don't mean xxxx to me, unless heheook some heroin off you. he didn't. or if he asked you where he could get some. i don't know you, man, okay? that's my little problem here. somebody planted heroin on my friend. i'm gonna find out who did.. anybody lies or gets in my way, they're gonna regret it. that's all you need to know about me. said he was looking to take someone down for h hoin. did i know anybody? you point him in a direction? no, 'cause i don't trust his ass. so i took the stupid weed collar and was done with it. hey, you got a minute?
11:11 pm
i sasajohn. it was a uniform that flaked him? that's one place wewee looking. who in particular? there's a few choices. was it one of the cops got a visit from i.a.b. for screwing that auxiliary cop? maybe. i got 20 things in my head right now. i wanna help with this, i wanna be involved. if we need another body, we got your number. i can muddy my hands in ways that you guys can't. you spent 27 years squeaky clean. don't go learning new tricks now. i'm trying to get my son out of jail. you want to, talk to his ex-partner in narcotics. his ex-partner... from two years ago? don't brush me off. if the ex-partner is still in narcotics, he might have heard something on the street. you're doing everything you can... with this, everything to get him out?
11:12 pm
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11:16 pm
have a s st, terell. we need to talk about what happened wiwi you and annalise in the park. she told you guys about that, huh? some reason she shouldn't haha? i haven't talked to her since then. tell us what happened. a guy jumped us. he put a gun in her face and made her tie me up. then he knocked us both out. could you recognize him? he had a stocking on his head.d. so he knocked you out. then what? i woke up with her shaking me. she cut t hands loose, and i walked her home. she woke you up? you weren't already awake when she came to? no. so you didn't see any part of what happened to her?
11:17 pm
but she wouldn't say. she saw a doctor today, and it turnsnsut she was raped. and from the extent of her wounds, it looks like the guy who did it reallylyook his time. oh, my god. and you were asleep for the whole thing. the guy knocked me out! he put chloroform on my face or something. how long you and annalise been going out? two months. two months and no sex, right? so what? you must have been getting frustrated. what is this? you got a record---- ro. ititent down before i knew what happened. crime just falls all around you. are you accusing me of something? is there any chance you had something to do with annalise getting raped? where do you get that? masked man out of nowhere, chloroform--real elaborate. and the fact your story doesn't quite sync up with annalise's doesn't help. she said you were awake when she came to. i don't remember being g ake, and do you think i'd set something up that puts 15 stitches in my head?
11:18 pm
do with it. you don't buy that, arrest me. if not, my head hurts like hell. i'd like to go home. stay available. [ door opens ] anything? we're going full on at laughlin. based on what? baseseon what i've been hearing. his sector, his tour, all radio runs he had the past month, every job he responded to. what exactly have you been hearing? rita... well, you can't just put it out there like that and not give me details. all right, laughlin's been asking around about heroin, which, on its own, doesn't mean much, but we're cross-checking every car stop him and his partner made against this activity, looking to anybody h hlet go without a summons.
11:19 pm
ng in a guy with priors that laughlin stopped the other day. so this is good-- we got progress. we got a direction, th-that's it, rita. let's not get ahead of ourselves. what did the boyfriend give you? he got knocked out, didn't see anything. another rape was reported in the park last night. girl's at bellevue. what's going on? looking into laughlin's activities. i'm on it. i'm doing everything i can, trust me. i never got that ticket. but you were pulled over by a police officer last week. the cop said i rolled the light, but he let me off with a warning. so he never wrote you up. no, no, no. maybe i did roll it, but it's not like every cab driver in the city doesn't do that every day. look, i know that's not the best neighborhood, so what's a guy like you doing down there that time of night anyway? visiting a friend. what, is that a crime?
11:20 pm
i was clubbing with a friend. he had some heroin in the car, and i got screwed along with him, all right? whatever the case, you got a trial coming up, and the last thing you need is to get caught holding again. i wasn't holding anything! here's a scenario-- and that cop pulled you over. that would put you in a pretty tight spot. tight enough that if a cop took some smack off you, you wouldn't say a peep. smack, what is this? do i need to call a lawyer here? and if you do that, we just might be able to make that other drug charge hahaing over you go away. i can't help you fellas. i wasn't buying no drugs. thth why would that cop just let you go?! i don't know, maybe he was one of the nice ones. can i go? did both officers approach you? yeah. they search your car? one did, the other went back to the car. which one did the search? i don't know, man. figure it out! the big guy or the other one?
11:21 pm
no! take off, carl. [ door closes ] what, we can't handle the interview on our own? go tell him. it'll just start something. hi, tonya. i'm detective mcdowell, this is detective ortiz. you all right to answer a few questions? yeah, okay. tell us what happened. we saw some music at the bottom line, tompkins park, and we were sitting on the bench finishing...
11:22 pm
us with a gun.. us? you and... ex-boyfriend james lomax. the guy with the gun, what'd he look like? he had a stocking on his face, but white. did james get a better look at him? you're damn right he did. got a full show. how do you mean? son of bitch with the gun tells us, "over behind the toilet." then he makes me tie up james. then he puts this rag over my face with some gasoline on it or something to knock me out. he does his thing to me with the gun on james, making him watch. james told you that? he screamed it at me-- "you don't know what it's like having to watch that!" try having it done to you. what happened after that? i came to all torn up and bleeding and... james was still tied with the gag in his mouth,
11:23 pm
and kill him, or he's got to kill hisself 'cause his woman got raped and he couldn't do nothing. fool. did james tell you whether or not this guy... ng off? too busy worrying about hisself. where can we find him? i don't know, he ran off. you write down his phone numbers.s. he donon hold me... don't comfort me. you find him... you tell him to go to hell.
11:29 pm
rapes look connected? yeah, chloroform was used in both. we're looking for the second victim's boyfriend, james lomax. the lab called-- er of the rape kits. so he wore a condom? i don't know why he would, if he's been threatening to give these girls aids. special victims came back with an ex-con who got collared for jerking off in a park last week. will porter. they're bringing him in. detective sipowicz? it's someone who says he's a friend of gordo's. when can you meet? no, don't worry about that, i'll take care of you. yeah, all right. i'm on my way now, yeah. guy says a cop took some heroin off him last week. oh, my god. wanna take someone with you? i wanna handle this myself. call as soon as you're done. we're logging that?
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