tv Meet the Press NBC November 6, 2016 10:00am-11:00am EST
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[ mumbling ] jeff, what are you doing? come -- i'm sorry. i'm practicing my communication skills. i'm going to become the world's greatest dolphin trainer. in fact, i'll become the world's greatest sesecreature trainer. i'll be known in all the seven seas as "aqua-lad." a bobod and hold it underwater. then how do you train a dolphin? why do you want to know? for no reason in particular. this has nothing to do with a get-rich-quick scscme that i just made up a couple seconds ago. you can't get rich training marine mammals. of course not, but once they are trained, they can go down into the water to the money, have them come back up to the boat -- stop, stop, stop. i think you need to check out
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hold on. hello, chuck, this is melody. i was wondering if i could bring jeff with me to come and check out your job? great. we'll see you in a little while. who was that? chuck cureau. bamboo? cureau. u2? cureau! he works with dolphins every day at sea world. you want to go? yeah, but sea world is really far away. hohoare we going to get there?
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where's chuck? is he around here? i don't know where chuck is. whoo! hey,y,uys! hi, chuck. how are you doing? i'm good. how are you? great. nice to see you. you must be jeff that i heard so much about. my parole officer tends to exaggerate. you really get into your work, chuck. being an animal trainer is a wonderful, wonderful job. what kind of animals are these? these are beluga whales, so they're naturally found in the arctic region. and they're also known as the sea canaries because they can vocalize. take a listen to this. [ whistling ] oh, that's right! i hear you are really interested in becoming an animal trainer. how do you train these animals?
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ner. in order to qualify, we look for several things. we look for people who absolutely love e imals. we look for people who have strong college backgrounds in psychology. aside from that, you also have to be an excellent, excellent swimmer. didiyou always want to be an animal trainer? i originally went to school to study to be an anchorn or a reporter. i wanted to be on camera and report the news to people, so i took a job at sea world as a tour guide kills. at sea world, i fell in love with the idea of training animals to educate people. we're swimming with the best swimmers in the world. we swim with whales and dolphinsns and sea lions and otters. we put all of our training applicants through a rigorous swim test. hmm. can i, uh...
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let me tell you what's involved. from this slide-out all the way to the other slide-out, turn right back around, swim back to this slide-out. these guys are doing pretty well ououhere, but remember, the adrenaline is flowing. they're nervous. and d e water is 58 degrees. why is the water kept at such a low temperature? beluga whales are used to cold water out in the natural environment. we need to simulate those conditions here. do you have to drain the pool yourself? yes. actually, what do you think i'm drinking right now? mmm, delelious. we don't have to ever drain the pools. we do a lot of freestyle swimming, underwater swimming, and then we'll get out, put a microphone on. chuck: you have to demonstrate an underwater breath-hold swim. you're going to have to dive in here,
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is your job dangerous? as with anything that's large, be it large vehicleses or heavy machinery, working with large animals does have the potential to be dangerous. but we take several safety precautions to make sure that the animals, as well as the people, stay safe. it's only 25 feet deep. ready, jeff? sure you are. go for it, buddy. go, go, go, go. it's important for all of our applicants to be able to swim to the bottom of this pool because what if something falls into the pool?
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woman: i rescued toast from a shelter in 2011. i love toast because she's a lazy diva. laugh. [camera's shutter clicking] [snoring] [laughs] when i walked into the shelter, i knew she was special. [toast snoring] i want to be able to impact a community, to reach back to where i came from, and i am your dividend. have you ever wanted to quit? not really. a great part of our job as animal trainers is performing. we entertain thousands of people at every show. so, when we dive, we have to have a somewhat decent dive. have you ever had stage fright? [ rattling ]
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art of our physical-fitness test is to be able to demonstrate some strong upper-body strength. he's on the outside of the pool. we need him to getetinside of the pool. he's going to have to pull himself up over that glasss and into the water. strong upper-body strength is extremely important because, during the showow we have to pull ourselves over the glass. we look for people who really want to train animals. we want our applicants to want to do this for the animals, is training animals rewarding? every day, i get to come in and play with six beluga whales and 10 papafic white-sided dolphins. i get to swim with them, i get to teach people about them. it's a great job. i'm ready to train those dolphins. well, you're looking good in that wet suit, but hold your horses there, buddy.
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r and swimming with them. you have to do what we call "breakout." we have to prepare the fish that we feed to the whales for the entire day. that's over 300 pounds of herring and smelt. i'm ready to go train some dolphins. melody: there's more to it. the animals have to know who you are. chuck: put your hand out like this. rub her down on the top of her head. get really clolo in her face. than i thought they'd be. remember, they're mammmms, they're not fish. do you have to go to college to be a dolphin trainer? we like for our trainers to have at least two years of college. for example, if you want to be an animal trainer, a psychology background is helpful because psychology deals with behavior modification. other college backgrounds that are excellent to have would be zoology, which is the study of animals, and biology, which is the study of life.
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a reinforcement history simply lets the animal know, "hey, jeff is okay." how long does it take to build a relationship with these animals? there is no clear-cut answer. it just depends on the amount of time that the trainin takes to bond with the animal. sometimes, it takes as long as a few years before you're actually able to get in the water with the animal, but it is worth the wait. it's a lot of fun. do these animals have their own personalities? not necessarily personalities, because they're not people -- they are animals -- but they have their own distinct dispositions. i know that sikku here is very, very playful. she often splashes water unexpectedly. she'll jump up and down. she'll shake her head. whereas a.j., one of our other beluga whales, is very mellow, very relaxed. why don't you go ahead and reinforce her, there? reinforcers are anything that the animals like. fish is a type of reinforcer,
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of her head. this animal weighs 1,800 pounds. how much do you weigh, jeff? on a good day, abobo 135. there is no wa you are going to make this animal do anything unless i iwants to do it. so, by building this relationship, it's going to want to react with you. we're going to do what's called a lineup now. we'll ask them each to line up. jeff, reach on out there and rub her down on her back. 's one of the ways that we bond with our animals. melody: how long did it take you to become comfortable with the animals? it takes a minimum of two years before an apprentice trainer like jeff here can actually swim with the animals. within that 2-year period, you're building a relationship with the animals,, but you're also learning about the animals.
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you can tell by their body signal what kind of mood they're in. we have to find out what motivates each individual animal. sikku and kia here like a lot of tactile around their face. but we have other animals who really don't respond very well to thaha so i have to read the animal, take those cues to say this a amal is responding to that reinforcer, but this animal is not. can these animals ever be released back into the wild? it would be unfair to release these animals is has been their home for an extended period of time. they have become dependent upon us. whoo-hoo! remember, that's that 58-degree salt water. she's got to hold her breath for a long period of time. there's where that strong uppebody strength comes into play -- to hold yourself on those dolphins. now she's going to get out of the water, and she's going to use her reinforcement skills.
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just like you and i. if we go to work every single day, it's kind of a boring lili. so, in addition to doing husbandry behaviors and shows and swimming with us, we allow them just to have fun. i know that sikku loves to do those jumps. ththway that i know that is because i can look out here in her spare time, and i'll see her out here doing jumps. so, as a reward or reinforcer, i'll ask her to do that jump just like that. go! sikku would not do this unless she responded well to it, unless she got some sort of enjoyment out of it. have any of the animals ever tried to escape? no, none of the animals have tried to escape. we like to feel that our animals are very content in this environment. they have mental stimulation, all the food that thewant to eat, excellent care, the company of each other. could this be dangerous? that's one of the reasons
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for at least two years. can girls train dolphins, too? of course girls can n ain dolphins. we're going to ask him to vocal right now. hold two fingers out like this. shake them up and down like you're conducting an orchestra. [ whistling ] and this vocalization is my favorite. kia, when you go to the doctor, he says, "open up and say..."
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i'm anne. i'm a scientist. why don't you let me... and me... help you out? ? you're gonna hear what i say... ? i love taking stuff apart and building new things out of it. [gasps] this is awesome. ? oh ? anne: you haven't seen anything yet. announcer: give your cardboard box another life. now, all whales and dolphins can vocalize, and they each have their own distinct calls. as far as us being able to recognize or know what they mean by these calls,
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same rate? no, they certainly don't. they each have their own different learning rates, depending on the species and on the individual animal. what's the most important thing about your job? chuck: it's the animals. i'm here to train animals, to care for animals, and to educate the general public and the scientific community. these are beautiful animals, but i think sikku here needs a mint. for that comment here, i think kia's going to give you a kiss. jeff, just pucker up. mmm. tastes like sushi. how long did it take you to learn how to train them? it takes the animals two years to learn. it takes trainers -- i'm working on my ninth year, and i'm still learning. it's an ongoing process. jeffery: do they ever teach you things? oh, the animals teach us stuff every single day. they teach us what reinforcers they respond to. they sometimes teach us new behaviors.
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racting on their own time, and they'll do something that we think, "hey, that's neat." probably, the most important type of training that we do is husbandry, and we train our animals so that they will cooperate with us so that we can give them routine medical physicals. four times a year, we do physicals on them. it is a complete physical. one of the most important behaviors that we do is a fluke present. this is their tail fluke right here. from this position here, one of our veterinarians can actually draw blood. they'll stick a needle into the vein. and from that blood sample, we can tell plenty of things about the animals. melody: why is it important to know the health of an animal? it's our responsibility. when we have animals in a controlled environment, we have taken on the challenge and the responsibility to provide the best possible care for them.
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there has been one that's been quite challenging to work with, and that has been the beluga whale. their top swimming speed is only 14 miles an hour, and because they're so low on the food chain, they're afraid of a lot of things. that makes it, at times, challenging to train them. we've passed the swim test, built a relationship. when do i get to swim with them? patience is crucial when working with these animals. we have to find a mutual language. we do that by being patient, and also by finding things that they like. when we interact with our animals, we use a positive-reinforcement system, meaning when an animal does something correctly, we reinforce them, give them something they like. what is something that whales and dolphins like? food.
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an animal does a behavior that we appreciate, we can throw that into the water. we have another environmental-enrichment device. it's not a ball. it's not food. it's a teething ring. it's just a big piece of rope. they pull this around and swim with it, rub up against it. these are different ways that we can reinforce the animal. do you find that any tools work better than others? yes, and that's going to depend on the individual animal. o be scratched on the tongue. but he doesn't respond well to that rope. i'd scratch him on the tongue rather than use the rope. i kind of like that. melody: this is fun, but i know there's got to be a lot of paperwork involved. as with any job, there is a lot of paperwork. the reason we have some of this paperwork is communication. everything that we do with the animals -- from feeding them to training them to interacting with them, swimming with them --
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s down in the name of science and research. it's also good communication so that when i come off from days off, i know exactly what doug did with one of our dolphins. we have to be in agreement of how we're going to interact with the animals. otherwise, it can be confusing to the animals. this is our show-setup board. it lists all the different roles that we have, plus all the different people that will be playing those roles in that particular show. we can also choreograph a show and decide where the animals are going to be. r one of our communications tools is our memo board. this lists all the different memos from all the different departments that we work with, including the animal-care department, the entertainment department, the water-quality department, even the accounting department. other important paperwork that we use -- the material safety data sheets. one of our trainers, who's our safety representative, she's responsible for teaching all the trainers
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we have area meetings. we will decide what we want to train the animals to do. do we want to train them to do a forward flip? a backflip? maybe we'll work with cassie and teach her to do that simple but important lineup for a fluke present. the basic principle that all animal trainers must remember is if an animal does something, and you give it a reinforcer, it's going to do that something over and over and over. we're going to have a training session right now. we're not going to use the dolphins. we're going to use you. hello, jeff. i'm going to pretend to give you $5. hello, jeff. there's a pat on the back. hello, jeff. i'll let you drive my car. hello, jeff. very good. hello, jeff. oh, my goodness! the first thing i did when i wanted jeff to jump
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every time i touched his hand, something interesting happened. i said he could drive my car. jeff, in his mind, figured out, "every time that my hand touches chuck's hand, something interesting happens." the next time, i held my hand away from his hand, he went towards my hand. i trained him to come to my hand by pairing my hand with reinforcement. repetition is crucial to training animals. it's harder whenever there's a bigger group. pretty much a good day for me would be people leaving their hands off of me.
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um, everywhere that i go there's always someone calling me names, calling me gay. i've been choked. thrown up against a wall. punched. nobody's ever tried to help me. i'm anne. i'm a scientist. why don't you let me... and me... help you out? ? you're gonna hear what i say... ? i love taking stuff apart and building new things out of it. anne: pal's my most advanced annedroid. [gasps]
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are dolphins naturally playful? we like to think that dolphins are indeed playful. they do seem to exhibit play behavior here. it's easy to train me, but how about these dolphins? this is jump here. he's one of our male pacific white-sided dolphins. they're found off the coast of california. remember is, whenever an animal does something correctly, we reinforce it. we're going to touch them on the rostrum like that. then we reinforce them. and you're going to use some fish. why don't you grab a fish, and just toss it right into his mouth. i'm going to touch him on his rostrum again and reinforce him. put your hand out like that. now reinforce him. we've done that repetition over and over.
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that every time a hand touches your rostrum, something good happens. hold your hand two feet above the water. maybe i need to reinforce lower. absolutely. we took too big of a step. remember, when you train the animals, you train in very small steps that we call successive approximations. it has to be gradual. before we can ask them to jump 20 feet in the air, [ whistling ] yeah! these pods hunt and migrate together. chuck, thanks for teaching jeff that being a marine mammal trainer isn't as easy as he thought. yeah, chuck, we really learned a lot.
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ohh! that's the worst sandwich i've ever seen in my life. mine's okay. [ mockingly ] mine's okay. how hard is it to mess up a sandwich? cooking has got to be the easiest job in the world. that's not true. what's not true? that cooking's the easiest job in the world. you give your order to the waiter, he takes it into the kitchen, then he gives it to the chef, who takes it -- okay. he or she takes it to the chef, then they turn right to the grill, they slap it up, flip it, rub it down, hand it back to the waiter, who runs out to you and gives it to you just as it's getting cold. real hard. look, i'm going to a hospital to see what it takes to be a medical technician, but i'm going to give you the address to a very good restaurant in town.
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talk to valerie. she's the chef there. she'll show you it's not as easy as you think. ah, we'll see. it's one of the best restaurants in town. inside is valerie rovira-rooney. she is a chef. chef is a french word for [french accent] get out of my kitchen. we're going to go find out what it's like to be a chef. hello there. jeffery gardner to see chef valerie. mr. gardner, we have your reservation.
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shirt and tie. good. i got it covered. right this way. all right. [ gasps ] valerie? hi, you must be jeff. good to meet you. it's a little... it is. it's very hot in here. why don't you change out of that? that's so much better. a little cooler. how long have you been a chef? i've been executive chef in charge for the last year. this is the kitchen. you just start getting ready, and you just go at it? complicated than that. are some recipes hard to follow? mainly because of the ingredients -- some ingredients might not be accessible to you, so you've got to change those. and, also, the directions -- you have to read the directions and be able to follow directions very carefully. the only cooks allowed on the line are chefs that are prepared for the heat. this is very hot, so if someone comes in and doesn't know that,
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s? yes, it is. it does get very dangerous. you have to worry a lot about safety. there's getting burned, cut, falling on wet floors. we also have kind of a rule on the line that if you walk behind someone, you always say "behind," so someone doesn't turn and throw something hot on you. i love the smell of bread in the morning. are we close to some? yummy. can we take a look? it's excellent. of course. this is sourdough bread. melody told me that there's all kind of chemistry involved in making bread. there actually is a lot of chemistry. really? yes. especially with baking. it's all about your ratios and yeast-growing and using sugar to activate the yeast. you're actually feeding a live element.
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with recipes. you have to measure things -- decide how much you're going to make -- whether you need one recipe or two recipes, and use your multiplication and addition to expand the recipe for more people -- if you're making for 50 people or 100 people. i want to sample some bread later, but what's next? our line -- our actual cooking line. what's the brigade system? valerie: your salad station, saut? station, grill station, sandwich station -- that's stations that are all part of the brigade. the line -- what does that mean? the line is where the orders take place. you mentioned the executive chef. isn't there something called a sous-chef and a saucier? sous-chef is the second in charge. the saucier makes sauces. it's french for "making sauces." and is there a person who does just the desserts? that's a p?tissier. p?tissier does just desserts, bakers do bread. it's all broken down into sections so that each order and each item is cooked at different sections.
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trying to fit all the different things i need to do in one day in the time period i have to do it. do you have to sort of be the traffic cop in there? you are. you're right in the center. being in the center is called the "expediter." this is the fry station and the sandwich station. sandwich station? we make sandwiches, we make hamburgers, fry french fries. we have a flattop for different sandwiches, and also cook our burgers on it. we use the oven to do prep, cooking sauces. we do have a microwave. we don't do a lot in there, but we do heat a lot of things up, because lunch goes by very fast -- an hour and a half, and you could do 200 people. wow. how many people do you do a day? it's called covers, and that means how many people you serve and how many items actually go out of the kitchen. lunch, we do about 200. dinner, we can do anywhere between 200 and 300. what do you like most about your job? valerie: i love creating things and tasting different flavors.
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this is our cooler. this won't lock on us, will it? no. it feels so much better in here. obviously, this is where you store everything. right. and there's a lot of safety rules. there are guidelines for the health department. why is it important for chefs to know biological hazards, like things in oysters or meat? that would cause illness. it's very important you don't make anyone sick. so you have to be really up to date on that -- aws and the rules and regulations. you mean like keeping food at certain temperatures? temperatures, keeping all animals separate -- beef, fish, poultry -- you know, the whole thing. when did you know you wanted to be a chef? valerie: i enjoyed cooking, and i wanted to learn more, and really wanted to be creative and actually be in the kitchen and cooking all the time. does food preparation play a part in all of that? yes, it does. some of the items need to be cooked to a certain degree so you can actually purposely kill the bacteria
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that are formed in the meat. where do you learn that? sanitation courses. you guys are probably washing your hands all day. always. washing hands, using bleach, sanitation water so you can clean your station. if you've had chicken on a cutting board, you don't want to cut vegetables on that cutting board you've had raw chicken on. that will cause contamination. where are we now? this is my office. aren't you supposed to be in the kitchen? half in the kitchen and half in the office. what do you do in here? i do paperwork. right back to the ordering. your vegetables, then we have seafood and meat -- how much you've used and what quantity you need to order. what happens if you run out of ingredients? first, you panic. then, you decide what you can do to correct the problem, whether it's go to the grocery store, substitute an item, or discontinue that item. are you responsible for ordering all the food? yes, i am. does the computer help you with that? it does. i go through and figure out
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week -- either one. and i can see what item sells the best. it's called keeping a par. what was that? keeping a par. it's par stock. okay. keeping the things that keep coming up. then there's the schedule. i schedule the employees. you make those yourself? wow. you do do a lot. do you have to work with other people? i have to work with a lot of people. i have 20 to 30 people in my kitchen in a day's time. there's a lot of different personalities to deal with. as far as doctor's appointments, and also, the parties that we have. we usually have several parties each day. we do to-go parties, so we do a lot of catering. anything outside is really considered catering. what do you do in here on your computer? on this computer, i do everything from type recipes to type specials. we've got different specials that we go into. do those happen every day -- the specials?
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how do you decide the special for the day? each day, you go into the cooler, see what you've got, see what seasonal vegetables, what fish is in season, what vegetables are in season, what fruit is in season, and then it's just creating. how did you come up with this menu? i went to the pacific northwest, did some research. i kept some of the items we had on the menu before, the favorite items of the customers, and a lot of reading. a lot of pacific-northwest cookbooks. seeing if they worked, meaning if people enjoyed them, if the flavors work together. how do you know what food goes with what? do you just taste everything? the flavors have an impact on it, the texture has an impact on it. if you're going for a meat-and-potatoes kind of plate, you've got to be careful that you make sure the items actually go together. there's nutrition and dietary guidelines you want to follow. you want to have a certain percentage of starch, a certain percentage of vegetables.
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you want to add a vegetable to it. we're building the food groups. you've got the food groups. it's just like the pyramid. you've got that, and you may want to add tomatoes to that. tomato is actually a fruit and a vegetable. so you've branched right out into something else. and then you extend into flavor, adding herbs to it. when you eat something, you feel the texture in your mouth, but you're also tasting a lot of different flavors, different flavor groups on your tongue. you've got bitter and sweet, salty. hit those different areas. you can't have all salty items or all sweet items on a plate. hmm. so chefs get to be creative? doesn't anybody tell you what to cook? they basically give you an idea, and it depends on what type of restaurant you have. this is pacific-northwest restaurant. we base everything on smoked items, pacific-northwest styles,
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t? oh, always. i just redid the menu, and i'll be redoing it for the winter season. how does that happen? do you get input from other people? input from other people. you fix a special, you fix a food item, and i've got a boss, who is the owner of the restaurant, and a general manager, and i get their opinions on it. don't you get tired of cooking all the time? when you go home, is the last thing you want to do is cook? no, i like cooking. i enjoy it. in fashion design, actually. i cooked a lot, i loved to cook, but i never thought of being a chef. how closely do the chefs work with the wait staff? very closely because we have to meet their needs, which are meeting the needs of the customers. do the waiters have to know how the food's made? to a certain degree. they don't need to know any chemistry, but what ingredients go in it, so if anybody has an allergic reaction, they don't have any problems.
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? so you want to here on "so you want to be," we've shown you what it takes to become a doctor. we've also shown you what it takes to become a nurse. but say you don't want to be a doctor and you don't want to be a nurse, but you'd still like to work in the medical profession. well, there's still career opportunities for you. they're called medical technicians. this is zohre nayeri. she works at an outpatient cardiology center.
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iran. you're not a doctor, and you're not a nurse. no. what do you do? i'm a cardiac technician. what did you want to be when you grew up? i actually wanted to be a flight attendant when i was little. what does a cardiac technician do? a cardiac technician does different types of tests for heart patients. do you have to know as much as a doctor knows about the heart? we provide information for a doctor. we provide tests for the doctor. if i want to be a cardiac technician, what should i study in school? you should take a lot more science courses, like a lot of anatomy and physiology. this patient was seen by a doctor, and he was told that he has heart murmur. so we're trying to investigate to see if the heart murmur is associated with any problem that he may have with his valves.
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this is the left ventricle. this is the left atrium. this is the right atrium, and this is the right ventricle. there is an aorta in there, and you can actually see the whole thing in one view. these are like rooms, and the valves function like a door. what's in the middle functions like a wall. it separates the right from the left. is a murmur some upset in the beating of the heart? no, it's just an extra sound that's made opening and closing. how long have you been a cardiac technician? about 16 years. this is the echocardiography lab, or the echo lab. and this is the machine that you work with? and the name of it? it's an ultrasound machine. this is an image of the heart, am i correct? uh-huh. and how do you get that image on? this is a transducer. and you put the gel on top of the transducer,
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is there, like, a little camera inside there? there are crystals inside the transducer here that are sending signals, and the computer is actually transmitting those signals to an image, so you can actually look at an image of the heart. how long did it take you to learn how to use the machine? a few months, probably. we try to look at all different parts of the heart. this is the lung-axis approach of looking at the heart. these little things here that's opening and closing -- that's his aortic valve. it's like a fish mouth here -- this is his mitral valve. the valves are opening and closing, and so basically, we look at everything to make sure that there is no problem. are the patients ever scared? no, they're really not scared when you're doing the procedure.
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here we can actually throw some color in there, and look at the blood flow inside his heart to see if there is any kind of leakage inside his valve. when did you know you wanted to be a cardiac technician? when i was in high school i worked in a medical facility. i had contact with several people doing this type of work, and i became interested in it. melody: what do the different colors mean, the blue and the yellow and the red? the color actually helps us to find out that it's supposed to be traveling. so the blue is going away, and the red is coming back toward us. is there any sound you hear from the heartbeat? you don't hear the heart rate, but you do hear the valves opening and closing. [ valves opening and closing ] so, that's the valves opening and closing. you can actually hear it. is the machine hard to use? it can be hard at the beginning,
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ike a keyboard from a computer. you can use it like a typewriter. it has different buttons to try to help you optimize the image that you're getting -- how to bring it closer to you, or how to take it farther back, or how to make it brighter, and how to add color to it. can you record what you see here? exactly. it is a vcr. and it's just like any other vcr. it's just attached to the machine, and it helps us to record everything that we do so the doctors later on can come back and look at it. can you get a picture of it? yes, there's a little color printer attached to the machine, so you can basically put it in the memory and push print, and it prints in the little printer down there. and here is a printout of his heart. that's his left ventricle, and that's the left atrium. this is a 4-chamber view of his heart. did you have to go to a special school
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ols that you can go to to learn how to do ultrasounds. can you make a diagnosis from this machine? it helps doctors make diagnoses. that's probably one of the most important tools if somebody comes in and complains of chest pain, they like to look at the heart to see how it's pumping, how it's functioning, and if it's functioning at full capacity, or because of some problem, it might have lost some of its functional ability, like patients that have a heart attack. what's the most important thing about your job? finding out a patient's problem to help doctors diagnose the problem. for instance, they wanted to know where his heart murmur is coming from. that's why we're looking at different valves
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every valve makes a different sound. right now, we're at his valve called the aortic valve, so it sounds a lot different than when we were listening to his mitral valve. do you own your own machine? i sure don't, but there are some technicians that do own their own machine. how can you pinpoint which valve you'd rather listen to? do you just move it over a little bit? right. you look at the image and let the image guide you to where to move your transducer. and they're very small movements, actually. ultrasound field is so expanded within the last few years it was great! you're welcome. ? so you want to be ?
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[page tearing] [grunt] [music] hello. hi, how was valerie? oh, well, once again, you were right. i didn't realize how demanding it was being a chef. they have to know about science and chemistry, they have to write down and record their recipes, and they have to know what kind of food is available. it's unbelievable. by the way, how was the hospital? it's really an echo lab, and it was very, very interesting. you know there are some technicians who perform one specific duty for a patient?
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an education in that area. oh, so they treat the patients then. no, but they run tests and they gain information they give to the doctor, and the doctor treats the patient. i get it. are you getting a little hungry? why? i, uh, got a little inspired by the chef, and i created this masterful culinary concoction. i like to call it "the jeffery." have a bite. okay. i'll try it. that -- that looks really nice, but i have to close the show.
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