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tv   WRAL News 11PM  NBC  November 6, 2016 11:30pm-12:05am EST

11:30 pm
what's going to happen to me? that's up to the arbiters. but i imagine the penalty would be severe. your program could be decompiled. you've got to believe me. to you, this may be ancient historyr. to me, it's yesterday. you called me a living witness. well, at least give me the chance to set the record straight. i want to see your version of what happened. we've drained two phaser banks; he hasn't hit anything. if you looked at y yr console instead of chasing e otherwise. kim: he's right. this wararas supposed to be over in five minutes. you have a better idea, lieutenant? as a matter of fact, i do. fightershuttles-- a direct assault. led by you? good luck. watch your mouth, hedgehog. i havevet heard a good idea. well, then propose something, first officer. earn your rank for once.
11:31 pm
ntlemen... gentlemen! save it for the holodeck. we've got a war to fight. wewee only been attacking the kyrian military installations-- a mistake. we should target the general popolation. doctor: excellent idea, captain. i have examined the kyrian genome and they would be vulnerable to any number r biological weapons. janeway: how soon could you have one ready? the houour. dismissed. pure fiction. this is absurd. quarren: haha re-creation. this is a reasonable extrapolation from historic record. but if you'd like to point out any inconsistencies... inconsistencies? i don't knowowwhere to begin. granted, this looks like the briefing room but these aren't the people i knew. no one behaved like this.
11:32 pm
we weren't at each other's throats. we didn't talk about how to destroy planets. we helped people. we were an enlightened crew. are you denying these events took place? yes. are you saying you never got involved with the conflict between my people and the vaskans? yes. well, no, we did get involved but it was nothing like this. elaborate. therewasa meeting in this room but it wasn't about battle tactics. it was about a dilemma we were facing. with the vaskans. we were dealing with a representative ambassador... ambassador daleth. daleth. exactly. everything was going according to plan... until... we were attacked... by your people, the kyrians. they'd picked that moment to start a war
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ans were the aggressors? no, that can't be right. from the conflic captain janeway met to figure out t and maintain the trade agreement with the vaskans. we weren't'tn their side; we never attacked you. save your objections until you see the entire re-creation. let's continue. (sighs) we will prevail. ambassador. this is what you wanted, isn't it? somewhere-- halfway across the galaxy i hope-- captain janeway is spinning in her grave. you've portrayed us as monsters. the captain's a cold-blooded killer; the crew's a gang of thugs; and i'm a mass murderer.
11:34 pm
t commit. tell meyour version of events. i remember this man. tedran. he was a martyr to our people. some martyr. he led the kyrian attack againstvoyager. you're lying. i was there. you're tryryg to protect yourself. and so are you. from the truth. isn't it a coincidence that theheyrians are martyrs, heroes, saviors. obviously, events have been reinterpreted to make your people feel better about themselves. revisionist history... it's such a comfort. we were not the aggressors in the great war. we were the victims. the proof can be found anywhere on this world. the kyrian people are being oppressed to this day. the problems in your society are none of my b biness. i'm just telling you what i saw 700 years ago.
11:35 pm
your program. wait. please. i... cal tricorder- i can prove to you i'm right. - the artifact you have on display. if you just let me...
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begin dictation.
11:39 pm
and from what i can tell, the doctor was telling the truth-- at least about one thing. he is a hologram, a backup program. we always knew he was an artificial life-form but we thought he was an android. ritself if we were mistaken about that... . estion: why would a hologram designed for medical purposes be programmed to lie so readily? from the moment i activavad him this doctor has insisted that he's innocent. at first, i... didn't belelve him.
11:40 pm
activate re-creation. thevoyagerencounter. display medical chamber. please state the nature of the medical... oh. it's you. you've given me a lot to think about. really? i thought you'd heard enough of my... lies. i judged you too quickly. i'm sorry. what changed your mind? time to think. for your information, i don't appreciate
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ngs back... unpleasant memories. it won't happen again. good. because if you don't stop treating me like a second-d-ass hologram i won't cooperate with your investigation. i'm perfectly happy to lie dormant in that module for a few eons. i didn't come here to argue. then whatdoyou want? i don't know. to talk, i guess about what really happened 700 years ago. are you sure you're willing to listen i'm willing to keep an open mind. that's the most i can promise. try to understand my point of view. all my life, i thought i knew the truth. there was never any doubt. i never meant to throw your beliefs into doubt but i can't deny whatiknow to be true. know the truth i realize that now... . and i want the arbiters to know it, too.
11:42 pm
but i'll have to rewrite the characters and rerese the plot a little. i'm quite adept in the art of holographic programming. if you'll give me e cess to your technology maybe i can create a simulation of own... showowou what happened. janeway: don't worry, ambassador. don't worry, ambassador. we've got plenty of medical supplies and we'd be more than happy to share them with you. then we agree. in exchange, we'll provide you eed. that's very generous, ambassador. i'll transport the canisters immediately. it would be in yoyo best interest to make this exchange quickly. oh? why is that? with the neighboring species, the kyrians. they've been threatening to attack us. war could break out any day. we've tried every diplomatic option but the kyrians are a a olent, stubborn people. no problbl. i understand what you're going through. i wish i could makeyou
11:43 pm
you might have better luck resolving this situation. under didierent circumstances... janeway to sick bay. this is the doctor. ambassador daleth and i have reached an agreememt. assemble the medical supplies. done, captain. t t supplies are in cargo bay one. once we transport the supplies to the surface there e y be a... tuvok: red alert. captain janeway to the bridge. we're being fired on by three ships. the kyrians. this is captain janeway of the starshipvoyager. we are not your enemies. please break off your attack. they're not responding. i'd advise you to retreat, captain. shieies down to 86%. break out of orbit-- put some distance between us. four intruders. they are in engineering. janeway to engineering. b'elanna, respond.
11:44 pm
take as much of their technology as you can. you will fail. drop your weapons. back away. tuvok to janeway. the kyrians have killed three of the engineering crew; they took seven of nine they're now on deck two, section 32. acknowledged. remember your offer to make me a diplomat? well, it looks like i don't have much of a choice. tell the doctor we have casualties.
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janeway to tuvok. we're approachchg section 31. the evacuation of deck two is complete. send three security teams to this deck then seal all the access points. acknowledged. how typical of the kyrians. what do you mean? they fight the same way they live-- deviously. (footsteps) janeway to tuvok, the e rians are in the mess hall. we're going in. yoururrew is heroic, captain. i happen to be invulnerable to phasers but i appreciate the compliment. captain? go. daleth: tedran, this is between us. leave them out of it. i know what you're doing-- an alliance with these aliens. janeway: we were trading with them, nothing more. you expect me to believe that? you plan to use this ship to destroyus.
11:48 pm
now, lay down your weapons and i promise you won't be harmed. (door opens) no! (grgrns) he's dead. doctor: computer, freeze program. a tragic, needless death sponsible. after tedran was killed voyagerwas attacked by nine kyrian ships. my program was disabled most likely when they stole my backup module. the next thing i knew i was standing next to this gentleman seven n nturies later. very entertaining. your holotechnology is new to me. i had to extrapolate in a few places but this is an accurate re-creation. perhaps. or perhaps it's the fabrication of a war criminal who's afraid
11:49 pm
vaskanan do you have any evidence to support your explanation? in fact, i do. i've confirmed that this is the same tricorder i used to scan tedran at the moment of his death. if i can access the bio-readings inside i can prove he was killed by a vaskan weapon not by captain janeway. can this be done? i've been trying to decipher the instrument for years but with the doctor's help... i fail to see what this would prove. tedran died onvoyager a victim of a conspiracy to oppress my people. this is all beside the point. was there a conspiracy? didvoyagerreally help my ancestors to start the great war or were kyrians the aggressors as my people have a aays believed? this casts doubt on everything. but it doesn't change the fact my children can't attend the same academies as yours or that we are forced to live outside of the city center. today's problems are e t at issue here. this is about history.
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esponsible. i can't believe that you would cooperate with this murderer. you of all people-- you built this museum. the facts are turning out to be more complex than i expected. we shouldn't be listening to this hologram. i want him arrested and charged for the crimes we know he committed. that's not your decision to make. no, it's not, is it? i'm only on this commission because you needed a token kyrian. please. this isn't about race. it's always about race. y to keep yourselves in power. i'm sorry you see it that way. i think we are obligated to hear what the doctor has to say. proceed with your investigation. yes, arbiter. you'll pay for your crimes. 700 years and i'm still caught in the middle of your little dispute. one might have hoped
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change never comes easily for us. hmhm. that's an understatement. i've entered the specifications that you gave me. let's givevet a try. close enough. this diagnostic tool should help me get past the initial encryption sequences. too bad we can't re-create b'elanna torres. torres... the chief transporter officer. chief engineer. you might want to make the correction in your history books. what was she like-- torres? . starting to believe me, are you? well, let's just say i'm trying to keeeean open mind. b'elanna torres... intelligent, beautiful and with a chip on her shoulder the size of the horsehead nebula. she also had a kind of vulnerability that made her...
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. and the others. from m mperspective i saw them all only a few days ago. but in fact, it's been centuries. and i'll never seeeehem again. didithey ever reach home? i wonder. i've always wondered that, too. from as far back as i can remember. really? ever since i was a small child the first time i heard the namevoyager it conjured up my imaginationon. even though we were the bad guys. that didn't matter. i was too young to understand the implications. the fact you were so far from home traveling across the stars. oh, i found it all very heroic. i supposevoyager is what made me fall in love with history.
11:53 pm
you would have made a fine member of our crew. i hope that's part of the simulation. no, it isn't. (people shouting) (breaking glass)
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11:55 pm
no! stop this! we know about the hologram! this museum's filled with lies! stop! listen to me! we've listened long enough! they're using photon grenades. we've got to take cover. this way! what's happening? i've been hearing weapons. it's getting worse. protests, vandalism... two people have been killed. don't worry. they've cordoned off the museum. we're safe for now. that's not what i'm concerned about. two deaths, a race riot, all because of me? you were only the catalyst. the pressure's been building for years.
11:56 pm
have you found the tricorder? not yet. it's crucial that we do. the kyrians are demanding you be punished for your crimes but the vaskans want to hear your version of events and continue the investigation. what's going to happen? but the kyrians areveryangr i don't know. y. they're talking about another war. then there's only one solution. delete my program. i've become a kind of symbol for this conflict. your people are going to keep on f fhting. i'll show you how to decompile my program. you can say i was damaged in the attack last night. no one will hold you responsible. i can't do that to you. thth i'll do it myself. no! i'm a medical hologram... programmed to do no harm but i'm doing harm on a global scale. ever since you reaeaivated me, i've been concerned with clearing voyager'sgood name. but that's not important now. there's more at stake.
11:57 pm
etatio facts be damned! n. who's to say what really happened? and ultimately, what difference does it make? what matters is today and the future of your people. doctor, you were there. you can't deny what happened. i can... and i will. tedran was a martyr for your people, a hero a symbol of your struggle for freedom. who am i to wander inn700 yr and take that away from you? history has been abused. we keep blaming each other for what happened in the past. if you don't help usnow, it could be another 700 years.
11:58 pm
it was a pivotal moment in our history. as a result of the doctor's testimony a dialogue was opened between our peopleles. eventually, we found a new respect for our divergent t ltures and traditions. the efforts of people like quarren and the doctor paved the way for unity. quarren died six years later but he lived long enough to witness the dawn of harmony. and the doctor... well, he served as our surgical chancellor for many years until he decided to leave. he took a small craft and set a course for the alpha quadrant attempting to trace the path ofvoyager. he said he had a longing... fofohome.
11:59 pm
[captioning sponsored by paramount television and upn
12:00 am
gatlh tuneh? hyingaomoh! lohzi' visuch a'zipaq'. zlmuhlu' nai zuqha'. ( gasping )
12:01 am
? it's been a long road ? getting f fm there to here ? it's been a long time ? but my time is finally near ? and i will see my dream come alive at last ? ? i will touch the sky ? and they're not gonna hold me down no more ? ? no, they're not gonna change my mind ? ? 'cause i've got faith of the heart ? ? i'm going where my heart will take me ? ? i've got faith to believe ? i can do anything ? i've got strength of the soul ? ? no one's gonna bend or break me ?
12:02 am
? i've got faith ? i've got, i've got ? ? i've got faith ? faith of f e heart. captioning sponsored by paramount television and upn captain's starlog, november 27, 2154.
12:03 am
columbia. on a personal note, i'll also be saying good-bye to one helluva chief engineer. ( door chimes ) yeah? she's a thing of beauty. columbia's virtually identical to enterprise. a good engineer can see the differences. you coming to the mess hall later? my "going away" party? i don't understand the logic behind this transfer. you're not being promoted... you think i'm doing this to advance my career? you wouldn't leave captain archer without sufficient reason. well, for one thing, this is a new challenge. it took me a year to fine-tune enterprise. i figure i can do the same for captain hernandez in half the time.
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has the experience. are you leaving because of me? starfleet's approved the transfer. you didn't answer my question. this may come as a shock, but not everything in my life revolves around you. i'm glad we got here early. there never used to be a wait to get in. orever, did you? you didn't think madame chang's there are a lot of starfleet people here. that's probably my f flt. i told a few friends about the place. a few? i'm a com officece if there's one thing that i know how to do, it's disseminate information. you didn't tell me how your meeting went t day at the ime. they asked if i was interested in becoming director of xenobiology.
12:05 am
are you going to accept? i'm considering it. i'm not certain i'm ready to leave them just yet. what would you suggest? i'm the wrong person to ask. i've got a vested interest in keeping you around. you, denobulan, come with us. what do you want? maybe you didn't hear me. dol'sha t'ununnev'rleel. hoshi... i'm all right, sir. who did this? that's what i'm trying to determine. commander collins, starfleet security. jonathan archer. this is lieutenant reed. there were three men.


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