tv WRAL News at 4pm NBC November 7, 2016 4:00pm-4:56pm EST
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>> come on, make it quick. let't'go. lt. hunter: get down. >> come on, man. let's go. come on, give me the money. i don't got all day. >> take it easy. i will givivit to you. >> make it quick. let's go. come on. lt. hunter: police officer. drop the weapon. >> come on, man. let's do it. ? lt. hunter: he's only a boy. >> call 911? lt. hunter: yeah. call the police. >> detective larue and washington continue their boutique surveillance. >> you guys are coming up on your first anniversary over there? >> are you going to real that in pretty soon? >> this is why they had to go back in on the president's nose. >> excuse me.
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they didn't do a thorough job the first time. we are trying to document the full spectrum of fencing activity over there. >> let's hope you get the full spectrum documented pretty soon so we can get the full spectrum of suspects. last, this is the first ofofhe month. we have an expectation of muggings and assaults in the vicicity of the michigan branch of the post office. black male, six feet tall, 30-35. if the last two months, this creep has been beating up on old people, robbing them of their pension checks. all patrols have been alerted. detective belker has been assigned. let's nail him. >> what about this pd business? >> it's my understanding that the council vote on whether to restore funds to keep the public defender office up -- up to its present complement, that vote comes up this afternoon. >> are they going to go on strike if the money is not restored? >> i am not in the fortune-telling business >> why should they be able to go on strike? >> they are going to do what they have to do.
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with the captain like to get in a word? ok, let's roll. let's roll. >> i didn't get an answer. >> listen, you check out -- capt. furillo: what in the hell are you doing? >> what do you mean? capt. furillo: i just got off the phone with your doctor. he said you are supposed to meet him at the hospital thth morning. >> franca, howard just walked in on a 211. he had to put the perp down. capt. furillo: i will be up in a minute. >> it may be a problem shoot. capt. furillo: in a minute. >> that has all been taken care of, captain. capt. furillo: he says he saw you twice over the weekend. he says you need a bypass. >> i got a second opinion. it was a false alarm. capt. furillo: give me the name of the second doctor. >> look, if you have to let me handle this my own way. capt. furillo: i can't do that. >> you've got to. i ain't leaving. capt. furillo: stan?
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>> i guess we are going to be up to our neck with the pd thing. capt. furillo: would you keep an eye on stand. . norm? can you afford to lose a day in yoururnvestigation. lt. buntz: i'm going to see the wife and the bondsman again. capt. furillo: i want you to follow up on the shooting. lt. buntz: i need to make one call. capt. furillo: make your call. howard? lt. hunter: frank. you heard i wawaofficer involved. capt. furillo: i heard. >> captain? i need to take your statement as soon as possible. lt. hunter: all right. capt. furillo: i expect you want totoatch up a little and take a few minutes to collect your thoughts. lt. hunter: yes, i guess i should. >> would you use this, lieutenant. it's for a urine sample. lt. buntz: go in his freaking hand.
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stan? >> i'm busy now, captain. capt. furillo: we are going to have to face this. >> ok, fine, but after we finished the shift, ok? we will take care it then. i promise you. capt. furillo: we will talk about it then. >> yeah. ok. fine. i am busy now. i have a lot to do. >> hey, mr. pd, how soon can you get me out of here? it's my mother's birthdada >> wrong guy. i got fired. >> with you mean fired? >> the city coununl just did to w joyce: it's got to be saber rattling. he can't really expect us to operate at two thirds of present strength. >> you are kidding yourself, joyce. that is exactly what they expect. and they are going to make it stick. unless we go out. joyce: we still have other cards to play. >> oh, yeah. what hand are you looking at? joyce: a strike. >> a strike is illegal. what the council is doing g a crime. >> interrogation be. joyce: thanks. see you at the strategy session.
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>> howard. lt. hunter: henry. >> you ok? lt. hunter: yeah. i've discharged my weapon in wartime. i've given orders. i knew it would probably result in a perpetrator's death. it's just that i have never -- never actually shot someone at close range. seeing life leave someone's eyes , there's nothing awesome about it, henry. >> i'm sorry. lt. hunter: ththe was no choice. he brought his gun to bear. there was no question he was going to kill me. >> howard, you want to take a little bit more time before you see iad? maybe talk to a counselor? lt. hunter: i'm pretty in touch with what happened.. i see it clearly.
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hey come i think i would be better able to do it without an audience. >> r rht. >> this is a no win situation. yesterday, i took prune juice. i never left my bathroom. i haven't had a single peep from that area. >oesn't care if your regular, hilda. >> you know what happened to tessie last month? a hoodlum followed her home. >> from here? >> stole her check. >> what did he look like? >> hoodlum. what else would he look like. >> i should go. >> he won't touch you today. >> are you sure about that?
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remember about the man who robbed you? >> tessie, sweetheart, it doesn't do any good to dwell on the e st. >> you mind. i want to know what he looked like. >> can you tell me, darling? >> he covered his face with a stocking. he grabbed my y ney, then he pushed me, so i fell. >> yo-ho? >> what? >ou new here in the neighborhood? >> relatively. >> all, yeah. oh, yeah. please, hurt me e me more. >> save some of the film for when she makes the by. >> i brought extra roles. >> the only new evidence we have is what radio station she listens to. i'm telling you, i ithey put this undercover for man our review, we are up. hey, here come her friends.
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>> man, she bossa nova's to this tune. >> the stuff they are selling along to other people, jd. >> all right, ok, look. we do it this afternoon. going g have to interface with the police, sweetheart. and it is that mean neil's fall. lt. hunter: for a brief instance i felt a flicker of pulse in his carotid artery, then he was gone. i instructed the store owner's assistant to call 911 and paramedics arrived. >> i'm now going to begin questioning you, lieututant. you decline your right to counsel? lt. hunter: yes, correct. >> are you sure you want to do that? lt. hunter: mike concern about this incident do not involve the propriety of my professional conduct. >> lieutenant, your
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>> she hasn't been sent to arraignment yet, ma'am. we are having some delays. i suggest you gogohead and serve the birthday cake. the same to you. capt. furillo: counselor? i thought you would be at the courthouse by now. joyce: the meeting was pushed back half an hour. capt. furillo: i hear there's
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everything they can to make it happen. they sent out pink slips this morning, fired 18 ps's with the leeson yorty. capt. furillo: the last titi i checked, strike was legal. joyce: i don't need a lecture. capt. furillo: i'm not lecturing. joyce: i worryry strike would be self-contradictory to protect our clients right to effective counsel, depriving our present clients s representation. i would hate for us to become one income family. capt. . rillo: especially on my income. joyce: maybe they will restore the appropriation at the council meeting at four cl capt. furillo: he's still in with iad. joyce: poor man. i saw him just after he came in. he did not know what planet he was on. see you. capt. furillo: yeah. >> ballistics just came in on howard's at shooting. the piece was defective, malfunctioning firing pin. capt. furillo: hard could not have known that. >> i got to press inquiries asking me if burette is our department issue. capt. furillo: note statement pending iad findings. >> i know. i'm just saying it's not going
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lt. buntz: you got a witness list? >> hey, lieutenant. >> following the officer identifying himself, is movement away from the offers position? >>rned when his friend me in,hen he turned right back. he woing to shoot the officer. >> are you sure that was his intent? lt. buntz: he just said so. how many times are you goingo ask him? >> stay out of this, lieutenant. >> i gave my statement three different times. lt. z: that is too freaking bad, pal he stood up for you this moing. >> i would like on up aga sometime. so what about it? i kn you guys want another cop for your mantelpiece, but this guys but he is still on the stre >> go ahead. >> i didn't see the other guy. lt hbout you?you wh that. >> i got a look. >> iht y tug didn't see him.
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description. don't mix in with something unless you know what your doing. lt. buntz: you take your own advice. >> i can help. i know where he hangs sometimes. lt. buntz: good for you. come on. >> i want you to understand one thing. city council is deciding nothg at four clock. they already made their move this morning. either you or a person on either side of you was fired today. ing strikknow why are we thanks, danny. >> vote. joyce: what did say about thibility of restoring these positions at the beginning it, said they would not consider it. >> it was worse than before, joyce. they feel like they have got the upper hand andre not willing to give it a chance. joyce: i still wonder if there isis way short of striking that we can dramatize the seriousness. >> i say the time for gestures is over with. >> let her talk.
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>> [humming] 87 fm, my favorite station. what do you think? >> really and truly? you look better in red. >> it's amazing. same size and everything. you have a remarkable resemblance to my girlfriend. >> no. >> no what? >> no, i won't try it on. it's all i got. >> your boring me. -- you are boring me. >> i got cameras. >>ou need to get hit by a truck? i don't want to try anything on. i'm not interested in a photo session. >> come here. >> cameras, totoell, high-quality, slightly worn. >> no kidding?
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>> did she bite? >> where on for 3:00. >> i was beginning to think i would be on this until retirement. hey, what't'wrong, man? >> poor kid. >> poor kid? hey, jd, the chick has been fencing stuff for a week now. >> p pple can be victims of their environment. i think maybe i had her wrong. maybe i i n help her with a plea bargain. >> thanks be praised. >> our case is third up on the dock any idea when it will be calleded >> i thought i was waiting around like this when i was mustering out of service. joyce: i would not hold my breath waiting for your case to be called, gentle man. >> there are moments, robert, when i like that woman better than other moments. >> at ease, private. >> good ofou to join us, miss devonport.
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>> b 62578, people versus pedro rodrdruez, possession of two ounces of marijuana. >> people wave reading of the complaint. >> defense request to reading. >>xcuse me? joyce: defense request reading of the plaintiff, your honor, and the rights. >> counsel approach. cut it out. joyce: defense intends to avail itself of full entitlements. >> defensive sending a message >> this court is not a message service. joyce: due process and titles -- i intend to get through it. joyce: then may we proceed, your honor? >> go ahead. >> and the crime of possession of marijuana in violation of health & safety code's -- >> what are your thoughts about remarriage? you think it complements the original spouse? >> no, yes. >> not that my ruben was such a day at the beach. >> they just got the checks. we should be in the next batch. sgt. belker: excuse me.
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>> i am walking off a cramp it . sgt. belker: moody. >> get in the car. sgt. belker: what? >> taking you to court. >> you've got a case -- sgt. belker: that's two ounces of marijuana. there arpeople being robbed here. i am an established undercover here. >> it's the da's order. if i can't pop this guy, i want him discouraged. >> ok. i'll stay. i will be the deterrent. >> the newcomer has been arrested? >> no, ma'am. just ring dropped off somewhere.
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>> coming through. nice and easy, pops. >> i want a lawyer. >> pick a number. >> keep it down. >> their backing up in the cells. >> hey. >> what is this? that's enougug >> i'll kill you. >> separate them. >> what's the matter? capt. furillo: what's going on? >> we have not been able to ship out the morning arraignments. capt. furillo: can we use guard level? get him over to medical for evaluation. >> anything?
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five people got that wrong, didn't they? refused to attend a press briefing? capt. furillo: i sent lieutenant goldblume. lieutenant goldblume is community relations officer. >> cut the crap. capt. furillo: you cut the crap. >> 14-year-old kid shot in the back. capt. furirio: in the side. >> you don't think we go the public acc capt. furillo: i think we e it when the facts are in. until then, acknowledged community sentiment and ensure a fair inquiry. >> let me tell you sething, and you bett believe it. ringer.n's butt is in the you understand that? i want that mamarial ohunter fast. >> i received lieutenant
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lieutenant hunter now has th right to amend his statement before i submimimy findings. capt. furillo: are you suggesting that is what he should do? >> if the lieutenant were to what he was saying.t cognizant capt. furillo: explain in what regard? >> i will turn in mymyeport at 6:00 p.m. capt. furillo: lieutenant. lt. hunter: furillo: ho. how do you feel? that gentleman is pretty thoroughly. i mustay n fso of his qiont. he would lp abou load owe?-on or did i consider myself on duty. jesus, that is hardly the hear of what happened. capt. furillo: you couatld be risk here. lt. hunter: frank. that death is an instance fo regret, but certainlnot home and get some rest.go sit on it and write a self-serving statement. lt. hunter: what are you talking about? >> i want you to write that you considered yourself off duty. lt. hunter: a police officer is never off duty.
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-- we off duty. that will take some of the ququtions off of the unauthorized ammunition you used and the piece. lt. hunter: i'm finally gegeing the ea. capt. furillo: i do think you have civil or criminal liability, but you could lose your badge. lt. hunter: this department. before the economic of the sphinx, they would discuss the heat. i will draft the appropriate -- capt. furillo: do it, howard. lt. hunter: thanks for your concern. >> was there something about the location of this particular dumpster that caught -- >> schwarzman is refusing a plea to drunk and disorderly.
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ridding himself of the evidence. sgt. belker: inside the dumpster. joyce: where inside the dumpster? sgt. belker: in the corner. joyce: besides yourself and the allegedly deposited evidence, was there anything else inside? sgt. belker: yes, rotting food, rotting green vegetables. joyce: rotting broccoli, asparagus, brussels sprout? >> other to the city vote at 4:00, is thiline of questioni ng leading anywhere at all. sgt. belker: [growling] joyce: i'm trying to lay a foundation -- sgt. belker: i need a recess. >> five minutes since were not accomplish link -- a cop pushing anything anyway. unless defenseel c demonstrate the relevae of this line of questioning and hyper specificity, i will ask her another -- to find another way to trivialize and obstruct proceedings. joyce: that is hardly my intention. >> i think it is exactly your intention. sgt. belker: you a a supposedly watching the old people. >> we got called in. sgt. belker: so there's nobody
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>> no choice. sgt. belker: two ounces of marijuana. you couldn't wave prosecution? >> it's my third day on the job, detective. sgt. belker: excuse me. could i talk to you for a second, please. excucus. joyce: what is it, detective? sgt. belker: it is a mail deliliry of checks for all people who might get robbed. i am asking you to play your games with someone else. joyce: they are hardly games. 32,000 indigent defendants every and mine. sgt. belker: i had to get out of here. joyce: talk to the city council. they are the ones who put t th of us in this position.
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unsatisfactory. where appropriate, you will receive follow-up. detail, attention. double time. dismissed. dismissed. you may not recall, frank. i told you yesterday that i was going to spring a surprise inspection. i think it is important to be consistent. i think it is impot i think it is important to keep your word. ? capt. furillo: howard, go home.
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honor. just a minute, your >> don't you get it? mr. santana is thatng city council voted no. feeling pretty chier? looking forward to the strike? >> lookingorward to what has bdone. joyce: defense request adjournment.>>whatrounds.yc pso liell.t emererncy? >> be more specific. joyce: may it please the c, section 1010.2 of the civil code st thaaftethe commenment oheing of the criminal action proceeding in any court, thettornefor e defense or the prosecuti for reasons sudden illness or proceed, the presiding judge to shall grant an adjournment. >> you have that memorized? joyce: i request actio mon, you. sgt. belkege. >> i'm s t casualty, but mrs. davenport for
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of us. clnt.nk not in tea you e going to enjoytaying appoied, mrl your new couns . drwhere aryou goin >> you are not conducting cour siness. yc i make that teination. >> turn around, joyce, our i will hit you with contempt. joyce: you're the one whose behavior is can temple. -- is contemptible. >>en joyce: you basta >> you may have to dip into the trust firm. start a new firm for diletttes. contempt. site her for battery.
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lt. hunter: please lieutenant hunter. >> i'm clean. i'm totally clean. yoask my parole officer. lt. hunter: i'm here about your brother.>> iidn't have nothing o with that. lt. hunter: i'm the police officer that shot your brother. may i comemen? >> amos is dead? lt. hunter: yes. >> tried to show you? lt. hunter: he would have, yes. i want tedge to you,u,ames, that for the rest of my life i will try torthof the deed i did today. >> say what? lt. hunter: before the white man me, thhabitants thi continent would they there young
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>> wch you get out of here. james, but it was not wiout -- >> getut. lt. hunter: i had hoped that it might be of some consolation --. lthunter: >> you give me $50. lt. hunter: you don't understand my intentions. out. you're going to have to pay to keep your rap going in here. listening to your talk so you can feel better, i'm a busy man. i ain't got time to listen to you talk about how you killed my brother. yeah, get out. next time you come, you bring paper. you got the dime, and i got the
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lt. buntz: no good? around here about noon. maybe he will come back. lt. buntz: he's dead. >> what you mean? lt. buntz: not the guy were looking for. the lieutenant. en a cop puts a perp down, he better be wearing a tie and clean underpants. downtoto is always saying they are behind us. look at this.
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lt. buntz: you sure that's'sim? >> i'm sure. ltltbuntz: come on, you piece of garbage. >> would you waiting for? lt. buntz: i want to c cch and dirty. he made it. lie down. -- he made us. lie down. police. do something wro. come on. >> it's all over. capt. furillo: all intake interviews will be conducted there. try to note in their file folders all those close to the 72 hour detention limit. >> righthtcaptain. in terms of new arrests --
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>> it will be disneyland out there. caca. furillo: stan? >> hi. >> look which are leaving me with here. >> yeah. captain, i haven't had a twinge or anything like it since before 3:00 this afternoon. capt. furillo: you're e t the first cop who tried to die on the beach. i've watched you drink 15 cups of coffee and lift cartons of files. this. >> is this when i get the lecture? capt. furillo: no lecture. if you come e to work tomorrow, i will have you retired for physical impairment. >> listen up, everybody. listen up.
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i'm not going to be here anymore. it's not that i don't want to be. it's just that my body won't permit. i'm going in for surgery. i hope to see you all afterwards. no farewells. it has been a privilege. everybody get baba to work. >> miss davenport on 27, captain. capt. furillo: thanks. >> 50, heart of gold. you want a receipt for that. >> she's good for it. i promise. lt. buntz: gerald smith. book him. >> lieutenent. can i talk to you for a moment? unless it is a class a felony, were giving them some room.
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>> norm, how much can you spare? the captain'n'wife got arrested. lt. buntz: you sure you want us to get her out? >> just how the public defenenrs strike will affect the city is uncertain. experts are predicting long court delays and much confusion throughout the legal system. >> i swear i would throw them in jailil >> no room. they make less than we do. >> still again, they swear a solemnath, which they have now broke. bunch of cops kicking the flu bug all at the same time a couple of years ago. >> i just don't like people who wear suits. >> at least we picked a good time to screw up. all this heat coming down because of the pd's going out, maybe nobody will notice we blew the undercover. hey, she really got you, didn't she?
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i felt like was kmet, something that d not have rules or sense, like sustary materialized and that ore to sr >> man, i don't believe this. >> you call meomorrow,k? >> you got the guy? ? >> sorry, suite out. i'm a cop. you're busted. if you've got a piece, slide it under. you're a cop? >> i'm a cop on a by staying - y stfr >> detective j.d. larue. >> officer tina russo.
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going to s sike, i tried to think of a plan for those e o i had not defended yet, so they would get quality representation because of what i was going to do. all i coulsee was my clients eyes, and i kept trying to tell myself that i i s not betraying his trust. >> the vtim just died. white male, mid-70's. capt. furillo: thank you. >> i told her, let m mgo. she had to play games. capt. furillo: that's enough. sgt. belker: maybe it would not have happened, captain. capt. furillo: no proof this was connected with your undercover. sgt. belker: maybe could have stopped it.
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capt. furillo: you take the car. i will have to stay herere while. why would howard tried to intimidate him? hihibrother had nothing to do with the case. he went there because he was trying to explain what happened. [knono on door] it. i don't know if he will submit one. look, i don't want to lose my cop. i hope any personal animosity between us -- ok. beforenyone else -k yo stan? >> thanks. is that about the lieutenant? i justelt i needed somebody to talk to. capt. furillo: you feel all right?
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funny thing is, i don't feel so bad, except it grabs me. capt. furillo: you have to have it taken care of. >> i'm gon i'm going to. i used to be so afraid of hospitals. before helenotick, never went there. now you know what i'm scared of, captain? i'm scared i'm going to live. i'm scared i'm going to go in,n, sit by myself in that apartment. i will be an old man sitting by myself. capt. furillo: that's not going to happen. everybody cares for you. >> can i keep on working? please? sorry. i did not mean to put you in the position. ca. rio:hat's all right.
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- morning. - hi. it's the version you can take the kids to. why? who you lookin' to hurt? diane, jimmy liery died at the hands of a crook and a killer like he was. from my point of view, that's the end of the story. i'm sorry that it caused complications in your personal life. you told me... that your relationship with bobby was at a difficult point.
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