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tv   WRAL News 11PM  NBC  November 8, 2016 11:00pm-12:00am EST

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character sketches for possible stories. a bolian tries to impress a dabo girl by wearing a toupee. a thief disguises himself as a monk so he can swindle a ferengi. alone a woman... .
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( sobbing ) lwaxana? oh, hello, odo. you've been crying. i can't help it. why? because... i'm pregnant. [captioning sponsored by the u.s. department of education
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it's a miracle. i never thought i could have another baby. then those were tears of happiness. i won't let him do it, odo. who? what? my husband jeyal. he wants to takekey baby. that's why i ran away. please, lwaxana, try to be calm. now, tell me why would your husband want to take your baby from you? he's tavnian. and..? they believe in strict separation of the sexes. boys are raised by men, girls by women. why, those poor children aren't even told the other sex exists until they're 16. and your child is male. uh-huh. and the day jeyal found out he said that he was going to take my baby away from me as soon as he was born. well, i told him that that isn't what we agreed--
11:05 pm
but he changed his mind. during our wedding ceremony he spoke so beautifully about why he wanted to marry me but afterwards... it was as if i had become a piece of property in his eyes. so you ran away. and it wasn't easy, believe me. toward the end i was practically a prisoner in my own house. well, now that you've shown your husband how determined you are to be part of your boy's life perhaps he'll reconsider his position. oh, no, not jeyal. he's the most willful man i've ever met. oh! i'm so tired. i've never needed a friend more than i do right now. ( sighing ) i... appreciate your situation and i would like to help... i knew you would.
11:06 pm
oh, believe me, odo, the last thing i want is to become a bururn to you. i know how you value your privacy. all i want is a quiet place where i can have my baby in peace. i was about to suggest the very thing. i'll find out when theheext transport leaves for betazed. oh, i couldn't possibly go there. that's the first place jeyal will look for me. i know him. he won't give up, not until he finds me that's w w i came to you, because i knew you'd protect me.
11:07 pm
you're a writer. i could see you werereomewhere else-- someplace you were inventing. i'm, uh, working on a story. i can spot a creative soul a galaxy away. my name is onaya. jake sisko. do you live here? i love cardassian architecture-- kell used to say that every element had to be of a piece yet have a beauty all its own. tavor kell, the architect? i knew him when he was in exile. what was he like? shy. unsure of himself and his talent. most people would never notice someone like him he was shy from his design s.
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when i first met him, they were as t tid as he was. i was always telling him to stop censoring himself. he must have listened to you. i've found artists have a weakness for me as well. at least, i hope they do. i, uh... i've always wondered what kell would have designed if he had lived longer. than most people could in a dozen lifetimes. his name is known throughout the quadrant. his buildings will stand for centuries to come. isn't that what an artist wants-- to be remembered? isn't that why you write? i don't know.
11:09 pm
no reason to hide your ambition, jake. it's nothing to be ashshed of. i think it's what makes artists so compelling. all right. i-i guess i do want to be remembered. so, what are you doing to make sure you will be? well, i'm thinking of going to the pennington school on earth. you already y ve the talent inside you. i can see it. you just need someone to help you bring it to the surface. how? there are ways. exercises. techniques. can you show them to me? come to my quarters tonight.
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are you packed? kasidy's ship is going to be here any minute. dad, i was thinking about staying home. i know. you really want to pass up three days in the bajoran outback? maybe you and kasidy would have a better time without me. oh, lay off the matchmaking, jake. kasidy and i are doing fine. it's not just that. i'm also working on this story and i don't want to losesem. you can write on the trip.
11:14 pm
and i was looking forward to the three of us spending time together. me, too, but... i really need to focus on this. all right. good luck with it. see you in a couple of days. my marriage was a sham. what i'd m mtaken for love... so... tell me. where are you girls headed? oh. a holosuite. king arthur's court. camelot. love betrayed... dreams... shattered. look at them. you'd think somebody died.
11:15 pm
as soon as she walked in here, things started getting quiet. well, what do you want me to do about it? either cheer her up or get her to leave because if you don't, i'm going to throw her out. ( clearing throat ) odo. won't you join the party? actually, i have some free time and i was wondering if you wanted to take a walk. i would. i meant lwaxana. i would love to. sorry. maybe next time. i'm so depressed. kestra was six years old when she died. my sweet little girl.
11:16 pm
but nothing... nothing compared to losing her. uh... i'm sorry. no, don't apologize. i think i finally understand why you're so determined not to let your husband take the baby from y y. these are your quarters, aren't they? yes. right next to yours. so i could get a cup of gavaline tea? of course not. uh, the replicator is right over here. i'll let chief o'b'ben know about yours. oh, i already did. he said he'd get to it as soon as he could. gavaline tea.
11:17 pm
yes. actually, most people think it's a sculpture. well, what do most people know? thank you. may i ask you something, odo? are you over her? don't worry. i'm not going to throw myself at you if you say yes. major kira and first minister shakaar are involved now. how sad. not at all. i'm happy for her. well, just don't go do what i did-- look for someone to fix your broken heart then end up pregnant and on the run. ah...
11:18 pm
what is it? the baby kicked. may i sit down for a minute? i, i... i don't have any furniture. the floor will do. oh. uh, how are you feeling now? g who's had to hold his shape too long. ah. well, i, uh... i think i know how that feels. oh... he's moving. here. you want to feel? there. yes. oh.
11:19 pm
ht's sleep in weeks. sometimes with betazoid babies you can actually sense their thoughts. nt. ( sighs ) yes... i can feel it too. you know, someone once said "life is a search to find the peace you once had when you were safe inside your mother." i didn't have a mother. oh... don't worry, odo. you'll find your peace... just the same.
11:20 pm
hmm. your replicator isn't really broken is it? no. i'm sorry if i made you feel unwelcome. it's... it's just my way... lwaxana? yes? it's jake... jake sisko.
11:21 pm
come in. i, uh... i brought some of my stories for you to read. i don't need to. oh. i thought maybe... it's what you're going to be writing next that interests me. you seem nervous, jake. maybe a little. well, that's understandable. u should be nervous when you start something new. although maybe not this nervous. haven't you ever been alone in a woman's quarters before? whatever you're thinking, put it out of your mind. you're here to work. now... what's the most ambitious s ory you ever wanted to tell? i have an idea for a novel.
11:22 pm
. it's not about that, really. it's about a lot of things. so many it all seems so big to you right now. you're afraid that you can't do it justice? yeah. but i'll bet you know what the first line is. how did you know that? i have something i want to show you. revalus used it when he wrote the wait. you knew himim? i have a weakness for artists. i told you that. i want you to have it. i don't know what to say. thank you. there's more. here...
11:23 pm
i've never worked on paper before. revalus used to say that "a writer shoulul put pen to paper as if he were a painter putting brush to canvas." it's a part of what he called "visceral writing." what's that? it's one of the techniques i told you about. can you teach it to me? that's why you're here. isn't it? the openeng line of your novel... write it down. now, k kp going. what do you mean, "keep going"? writitwhatever comes to you. the idea is to create a stream of consciousness and see where that takes you. you can edit later.
11:24 pm
i won't look. let the words tumble out of you. don't censor them. feel the pen... in your hand... the texture of the paper. let yourself fall into a rhythm. you feel where my thumbs are? that's your foramen magnum. it's a focal point for the body's bioelectric field. there's another one... here. the vulcans call them qui'lari. the indians of ancient earth called them shakras. i know how to stimulate them to make you feel restful... or energized...
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i told you i could help you. let the words... flow, jake. let them flow. yes... that's it.
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there you are. bleep. ( chuckling ): got you that time. that's not fair. i didn't know you could do surfaces. well, now you u . shall we try again?
11:31 pm
oh, absolutely. i haven't had so much fun in months. really? neither have i. security to odo. go ahead. a transport just arrived from umani sector. the man you asked us to look out for was on it. acknowledged. it's my husband, isn't it? stay here. i'll handle this. you'd better have a good reason for dragging me in like this. i'm chief of station security. that's all the reason i need. well, well. you're the changeling. odo... if i remember correctly. and what of it? lwaxana told me all about you. how you broke her heart. strange she'd come running to you for protection.
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she doesn't want to see you so you might as well turn around and go home. i've come a long way. i'm not leaving here empty-handed. she is not going back with you. i am not talking about her. i am talking about my son. i intendndo see that he is raised by men-- not by the pampering foolishness of women. i hate to disappoint you but lwaxana has no intention of giving him up to you. her intentions do not concern me. as her husband, i have a legal right to my son. i've been familiarizing myself with tavnian laws. it's well established that the male child is considered the property of the mother's husband. exactly. not the child's father. the mother's husband. by the time lwaxana gives birth you won't be her husband. we're getting married?
11:33 pm
and he'll lose his claim to the baby. i... i... i don't quite know what to say. i'm... well, i'm just touched by your willingness to do this for me. well, it's not so much, really. we'll remain husband and wife for a few months long enough to satisfy tavnian law and then get an annulment of our own. it's not as if i was planning to marry someone else. even so... thank you. there is one thing i don't understand. jeyal insisted o ostaying to witness the ceremony. he did? is that a problem? in a tavnian wedding the groom must stand before the bride and tell her why he wants to marry her.
11:34 pm
and convince her to accept him as her husband. well, i trust i can count on you to accept me even as i just stand there and read last week's criminal activity report. um... no, you don't quite understand. if anyone present doubts the groom's sincerity they can challenge the validity of the marriage. you meanan. i have to convince jeyal that i want to marry you? ( sighs ) ( sighs ) i've never been able to write like this. ideas are coming so fast. i can barely keep up with them.
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( gasping ) jake... it's okay. it's just a nosebleed. you should rest. i'll be all right.
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i didn't know odo was getting married till this morning. i'm not sure he knew either. who's he? nerys: i think that's lwaxana's husband.
11:39 pm
well... so glad you could make it. i'm sure you are. it's not too late to call this off. your dignity's important to you. i understand that. i would not want anyone to see me go through a charade like this. if you don't mind this is a very special moment for me. ( door opening )
11:40 pm
i stand before you here in my home among my worldly possessions and declare my wish to add this woman to that which is mine. she is as kind as she is beautiful and i want her to be part of my life from this day on. marry me, , axana. am i the only one who finds this a pale declaration of love? you could be talking about any woman! lwaxana is not just any woman! not to me. then prove it to us. ( ears throat ) ( sighs ) before i met her...
11:41 pm
i kept to myself i didn't need anyone else and i took pride in that. the truth is... i was ashamed of what t was... afraid that if peoplplsaw how truly different i was they would recoil from me. lwaxana saw how different i was... ( laughs ) and she didn't recoil. she wanted to see more. for r e first time in my life... someone wanted me as i was. and that changed me... forever. the day y met her
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and i want her to be part of my life from this day on. marry me, lwaxana. let me into your light. lwaxana? i give myself to you... forever and always. at this woman is mine. if anyononchallenges my claim to her let them do so now. i present to you... my beloved wife.
11:43 pm
oh... congratulations. ah, odo. well done, odo. i... cherished you, lwaxana. you were my most treasured possession. take care of our son. when he asks... ( chuckling ) ladies and gentlemen, please do me the honor of accompanying me to my humble establishment. i'm throwing a party for the happy couple. quark. what can i say? i'm a hopeless romantic.
11:44 pm
we did it. he's really leaving. it would appear so. oh, odo, you were wonderful. you know, for a minute there i really believed you wanted to marry me. i suppose that we should tell them the truth... but let's wait till after the party. jake, you should rest. i'm on to something. your father will be home soon. you should be there. i'llllee him later. enough. what'd you do that for? you're pushing yourself too hard. no, i'm not. my mind has never been so clear. everything is coming together. at this rate, i can finish this novel in a few days. and you will.
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all right. i'll go home. maybe get some sleep. you'll come back later? of course. ( whispepeng ): i need you. ( door opens and closes ) promenade.
11:46 pm
bashir: something has stimulated jake's brain functioning i i a way that i have never seen. the capillaries in his cerebral cortex have dilated 20%. neurotransmitter production is up by at least that amount and neural activity is off t t scale. do you have any idea what caused it? not yet. it's a good thing we got him here. his cortex was on the verge of synaptic collapse. but he is going to be all right. mmm. i'd like to keep him in the neural stabilization field for a while. onaya. jake. where is she? jake, what happened? i'm going to talk to odo see if he knows anything about this onaya.
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i'll be in the lab. ( loud grunt ) come with me, jake. it's time to finish...
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i'm picking up concentrated traces of some sort of psionic energy in the bulkhead. the tests i ran indicated that jake's mental activity was stimulated by some kind of psionic phenomenon possibly telepathic in nature. then this entity nurse tagara saw we have to find it then get jake back in the neural stabilization field before it's too late. i'll tell odo to have his search parties reconfigure their tricorders for psionic energy. psionic residue decays within minutes. then we'd better get moving. onaya: keep going, jake. ( sighs ) the moment... i saw you... i knew you were worthy of what i could give you. but i can't stay with you forever.
11:51 pm
to create something ne . there... it'll stop in a minute. i'm getting something-- about 20 meters in this s rection. i'll go this way. you swing around and take tunnel 61-g. what's wrong? i-i can't... let me help you.
11:52 pm
get away from him! dad, don't-- don't interfere. i i id get away! sisko to ops. nerys: go ahead. lock on to my signal and stand by to beam jake you're too close to the reactor core. there's so much interference, i can't get a lock. get a medical team down here immediately. what are you? it's notothat i am that matters. it's what i do. you don't know the minds i've touched: catullus, tarbolde, keats... a hundred others. i unlocked their potential. is that what you did to jake? look at him! they all die in the end
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s will live on forever. and you-- what do you get out of it? what i n nd to survive so i can go on, find others and unlock their talents as well. he was the youngest i ever found. so eager... ready to give everything he had in one great burst. what a waste. i will never forget you, jake. ng anywhere. i have wonderful news. there's a transport for betazed leaving this afternoon. i'm going home.
11:54 pm
if i did i'i'end up staying for months and that wouldn't be fair. i've imposed on you enough. lwaxana... you could deliver atatny time now and it's a long way to betazed. you really should stay. i'll miss yoyotoo. then why leave? you've gotten used to having me around haven't you? oh, you dear sweet man. don't you see? what you want is company, someone to take care of. is that so wrong? no, of course not. the problem is i want much more than that from you. you see, i can't help it. i'm still in love with you.
11:55 pm
i know you're not. i could stay. i could try to make you fall in love with me but we both know that won't happen. then i'd end up resenting you and our friendship is far too important for me to let that happen. that's why it's better for both of us if i leave now. good-bye, husband. good-b-b...
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11:57 pm
( door opens ) how you feeling? okay, i guess. you've read it? i just finished it. what do you think? you've got a good start on a novel here, jake. the dialogue is sharp, the story's involving the chchacters are real. the spelling is terrible. i especially like ththfather. remind you of anyone? a bit. it's really good. i know. i just wish i wrote it. you did. how can i be sure? i mean, without onaya... listen to me. you wrote these words, not her. but she got them out of me.
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ve to do is to learn to find them for yourself. you're right. but i got to tell you. i don't feel up to writing just yet. that's understandable. take it easy for a while. you'u' get back to it. and then, someday... when you're ready, maybe you'll finish it. sounds like a plan. i've got to get to work. i'll check in on you in a couple ofofours.
11:59 pm
[captioning sponsored by the u.s. department of education and paramount television
12:00 am
lieutenant, ensign. hey, seven. have some dinner. the potato salad isn't half bad. i do not require nutrition at this time. okay. ensign kim, what is your place of origin? you mean whererem i from. well, i was born in south carolina... lieutenant torres, explain why you became a member of the e quis. um, it was through chakotay. i met him... well, acacally, he saved my life. list the sports you play. i've dabbled in quite a few: tennis, parisses' squares... but my favorite is volleyball. specify the foods you find enjoyable. seven, what is this?


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