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tv   WRAL News 5AM  NBC  November 9, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EST

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?? >> here's adventure. here's romance. here's o. henry's famous robin hood of the old west, the cisco kid! ?? >> "and as a guarantee for the loan, all members of the gunniston cooperative association hereby pledge their land and other holdings
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on their behalf." sign here, jim. i'll need your signature, too, sam, as attorney for the association. and here's the $50,000. >> thank you, john. well, this will go down as a red letter day for the whole community. >> the irrigation system sure will be a godsend for us men. >> and for the women, too. it will be wonderful having water piped right into the kitchen. >> you should be very proud of your father, marge, for having sponsored the water project. it will develop the entire valley. >> how soon will the work be started, jim? >> just as soon as i get this money to that engineering firm in st. louis. i'll leave on this afternoon's stage. >> you better hurry up and get packed, dad. you haven't much time.
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well, see you when i get back, tom. >> have a good trip. >> come on, now. >> oh, don't you worry about me. (chatter) >> well, tom, in a year we'll control the whole valley, and we'll set up our own water project. >> are you sure about that stage driver? >> i got him the job, didn't i? see you later. ?? >> what's that over there?
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>> that was a shot, pancho! >> what happened? (gunshot) >> two masked outlaws just held up the stage, they headed out over there. ?? ho!
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(shouts command) >> cisco, why we stop here? you think thebanditosjust hididi under these big rocks? >> i don't think there were any banditosat all, pancho. >> what you mean? >> well, we would have seen them riding off from where we were. and besides, i didn't like the way that stage dr >> then why we didn't grab him instead of chasing him where the wild gooses don't go? >> because i thought it's better to follow him and see what he's up to.
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?? >> okay? of strangers showed up. i recognized them as the cisco kid and his pal. but i sent them off on a wild goose chase. >> what's happened? anything wrong? >> there sure is. jason tells me that the cisco kid and his pal held up the stage, killed lacey and the guard. ththe they are now. >> cisco, my bones tell me that something don't smell so good. >> spread the word.
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get your hands up. ??
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>> what's all the shooting about? >> some men are trying to kill us. >> and for why we don't know. >> get into the house, quickly. >> thank you, miss. >> sheriff, what happened? >> well, i'm sorry to have to tell you this, marge, but a couple of outlaws known as the cisco kid and pancho held up the stage and killed your dad. n killed the guard. a few minutes ago they rode into town as bold as brass, but we'll get 'em. >> sheriff, , eriff! tell your men to come back. those killers are in the house. >> those killers are in the house. surround it.
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>> well, i'll admit it, it was clever of you putting the blame on that cisco kid and his friend but what happens if-- >> they got away. i just talald to the sheriff. >> well, no matter. if anyone hangs, it'll be them. >> maybe so, bututou don't know
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he'll be after me, and i don't like it. >> oh, i wouldn't worry too much about cisco. >> that's easy for you to say, but get one thing straight---- if things blow up, i'm not taking on the chin myself. >> n n, now, jason, don't get so excited. nothing's going to happen. however, it may be a good idea if you did get out of town and laid low for a time. here's some expense money. come back in a couple of weeks. >> thanks. >> if that man talks, he'll put a rope around your neck and mine, do you realize that? >> there's no danger of that, tom. >> no? you heard what he said about not taking it on the chin, didn't you? >> yeah, but that-- >> he's a a nace to us as long as he's alive. get rid of him and quick. >> all right.
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>> we're going to have a little talk with that stagecoach driver. >> going somewhere? >> go ahead and draw,se?or. it will give me great pleasure to blow your head off. >> what do you want? >> all the money you stole
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i didn't rob him. >> search him, pancho. take his gun away. did you find it, pancho? >> no, cisco, he don't got it. >> now look, mister, i'm in no mood to argue with you. either talk now or you'll never talk again. >> you wouldn't shoot me down >> why not? that's the way you shot mr. lacey and the stage guard. >> hey, cisco, we're wasting time, let him have it right through the middle. >> wait, wait! i'll talk, i'll talk. ?? >> let's get out of here. somebody's coming. >> cisco, we are trapped like the fish in the barrel. >> here, come over here.
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>> i know. >> you know? yes, you know, but why don't you do something about it, shiff? oh, this is gonna give my hotel a terrible reputation. he could've gotten h hself killed just as easily someplace else. >> what makes you think cisco did it, foster? >> i don't think, sheriff. i know. i was coming down the hall when i heard jason pleading with cisco for his life. and cisco just laughed at him. >> well, why didn't you stop him? >> without a gun? he'd kill me too. >> i suppose you're right. hey, brooks, help me oveve >> me? i should say not! heheould have died in number 7, the small room with the tiny window, or he could have picked number 9, my cheapest room with the broken bed. but no, he had to die in the most expensive room in the hotel. i should say not. >> come on. (door closes) >> cisco, you hear what that man say? i would kill him quicker if he wasn't gonna run away from here quick.
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>> oh, but cisco-- >> not until we clear up this situation. >> y y know what my uncle tino once say? it's not good to wait around for your own funeral. and beside, from six feet under the ground you can't hear what the party's talking about. >> if there is going to be any funeral, it will be this man foster who will have it. come on, pancho, we have
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halt. i wouldn't do that if i were you. >> look, uh, if this is a robbery you're wasting your time. all my money's in the bank. >> is that where you put the money you stole from lacey? >> you're the one that took that money. >> you know better than that, foster. your friend jason stole it, and you killed jason so he wouldn't talk. (chuckles)
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>> am i? that was quite a story you told the sheriff in jason's room. my friend and i were hidden in the closet. >> you can't prove anything against me. >> maybe i can, after i search your office. turn around. turn around, i said. now put your hands behind.
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?? >> (high-pitched) hey,se?or, se?or! >> what do you want, lady? >> se?oyou want to buy some wood? it's the best wood in the... oh, but,se?or,don't go. you know, it's impolite to leave a lady before she finishes talking, and how about the wood? >> i'm sorry, madame. >> but-- but,se?or, what you may think what you can do with the wood, you can-- >> i tell you, i don't want any wood. >> yes, but,se?or-- >> let me go, let me go! >> (normal) don't get excited. (high-pitched giggle) it's funny how my voice change all the time. (giggles) >> all right. i'll take some wood. >> gracias, se?or, gracias.
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sheriff, sheriff, hurry up, hurry up! >> what do you want? >> there's one of the killers.s. ?? >> cisco, the sherifif let's went. oh, excuse me. >> we'll take care of him later. come on.
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>> throw your guns away, quick! >> cisco said quick. >> pretty clever, cisco, but you and yoururriend will hang yet. >> i doubt it very much, sheriff. here. read this. i found it in foster's office. it's from an eastern engineering firm, written to barton, your banker. barton and foster were
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but when the association asked for a loan to develop one, they saw their chance to get their money back, and thth grab up the whole valley. >> this jason, he's the one who killed the stage guard and mr. lalay, and this barton and foster paid him to do it. it is the truth, sheriff. we a aays told the truth, even if we do have to lie a little bit about it. >> can you prove what you said? >> that wouldn't be very hard to do. gogohead, sheriff, you can
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>> how did you two get in here? >> that is not important,
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sign here, on the bottom. >> why, this is a blank piece of paper. i won't do it, i might be signing my life away. >> maybe you will sign your life away if you don't sign it. >> now what's this all about? >> your friend mr. foster gave us $5,000 to have you sign this paper and then kill you. >> foster? >> yes, foster.. he's going to use this signed paper to transfer the mortgage to himself on that association land. >> he's very smart, i think. >> why, that low-down double-crosser. listen, let me go and i'll double what foster paid you. >> in cash? >> yes. >> what do you think, pancho? >> well, cisco, i think if this lawyer paid us to kill this man we better did it. otherwise, maybe you'd want to get a writ of habeas corpus christis or
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and, on the other foot, heh, $10,000 ain't nothing to sneeze on.. and a bird in the tree is worth two in the bulrushes. (chuckles) >> all right, where is the money? >> right here. >> thanks. we'll see you around sometime, maybe. come on, pancho. >> vamos. >> hey, you think he'll do it? >> i'm counting on him. ??
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>> well, hello, babaon. anything wrong? >> no, nothing's wrong. i'm just going to kill you. >> kill me? what in hades is eating you? >> you're a clever lawyer. too clever. we go into business together and then you hire the cisco kid to dissolve our partnership. >> i haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. >> no? it was your idea to hire the >> mm-hmm. >> and it was your idea that we take over the water project for ourselves. >> that's right. >> but you didn't want me to live to enjoy the benefits. well, now, you're the one that's gonna die. (gunshot) >> that was very enlightening, barton. did you hear enough, sheriff? >> plenty. you're under arrest, both of you. >> i'll be glad when you both hang, and i hope that i'll be-- >> all right, drop your guns. get over there, all of you. you, too.
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?? >> he's all yours, sheriff. >> come on, you. you too, barton. >> well, cisco, our business let's went. and with these $10,000 we can-- >> oh, pancho, i'm glad you reminded me. here you are, miss. >> acisco, you know what you are doing? >> of course, pancho. i'm giving ms. lacey $10,000. >> but i don't understand. >> well, you have to finish the job your father started. >> of course. >> this is a little present from the banker. >> thank you, cisco. and you too, pancho. >> goodbye, ms. lacey. >> goodbye, cisco.
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?? >> goodbye, amigos! >> see you soon! (laughing)
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waiting paid off, hoby. it's the second door on the righgh alright mr. that's enough right. hold it or i'll shoot! hold it! i'll shoot. (gun shot) you got him hoby. you sure got him. is he still breathing? who is he? you better get the doctor, hoby. fast. you know his name? look you're e trouble hoby.
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?? ?? trackdown
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?? i don't know yet. is he uh, gonna live? it could go either way. bullet pierced his lung. t tre's been a good deal of internal hemorrhage. how'd it happen? (sighs) well you know we had this prowler over at the hotel. yeah. and uh, mike and i been layin' for him. it's been almost a aeek now, every night. ever since old man tate got himself pistol whipped. i know about that. tell me a aut the boy. well mike come and get me, and he said uh, there's somebody upstairs in t t hall. we went up, and i saw this party, come out of one of the doors, and i yelled at him to stop and he didn't, and i shot. a sixteen year old boy? well i didn't know he was a kid.
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clothes and all, and he was tall enough. i guess. what'd you expect me to do? you could of waited till you found out. just walk up and ask him, huh? you know better than that doc. i know what's gonna happen when the people of this town een year old boy. he wouldn't stop. for all i know he could of left a dead man in the room he just walked out of. or what he was. yah could have waited till you found out. well i know a lot of men who've waited till they found out. some afternoon you wanna take a walk i'll show you their headstones. if he had nothing to worry about he shouldn't havavrun. maybe he was scared.
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courts will do that. right now we got a more pressing problem. who's gonna tell his family? ?? well sometimes i wonder, who carried the dirt in this town before i came. the york farm was just east of porter. ten acres of rocky sand that produced nothing but empty stomachs and back aches. the thirtytyinute ride from town got hoby there at five o'clock in the morning. (bell rings) yeah? mrs. york? what is it you want? may i, uh, talk to you?
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man's voice: who is it summer? i'll be right there. plplse get outta here. is that your husband? man: who's out there summer? please go. what you want? i want to talk you mr. york. well go on. put food on the table! i'll be right there. i think she better stay. she's my woman, she'll do like i tell her. yeah well i think she'll wanna hear what i gotta say. i think we better talk inside. that badge don't give you no call to come push your way in here. you have a son named gerald? that boy got his self in trouble he can just find his way right out again. if you'll get a coat i'll take you into town. you ain't takin' nothin' less i know what's going on here. your boy's been hurt. what happened? where is he? in doc calhoun's house. appened to him?
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that's a lie. he was told to stop, and he ran. he was shot. oh dear god, no. is he alive? yeah. who shot him? it was an accident. we didn't know he was just a boy. who done it! who shot him? i did. i didn't know who he was. i've got faith, mr. i know my boy won't die. i ain't got her faith, mr. i just know one thing. that boy better not die. ?? hoby knew that under the law he had done the right thing. but in the back of his head, there was the gnawing feeling that morally he didn't have all the righghon his side. and now henrietta porter, editor and publisher of "the enterprise," nudged that feeling.
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is anything i have to say gonna make any difference? think so, i wouldn't be here. now the way i heard it, i heard that it happened at approximately three fifteen this morning. that right? yeah, that's close enough. and there was just you and mike kilroy? hoby. what! i've got enough story to print right now, hoby. but i just thought maybe you'd like me to use your side of it too. now look, there is nobody that feels worse about the shooting than i do. but i am sick of trying to explain myself to this town that doesn't want t tunderstand! well i think i do. and maybe i can prininit so they'll at least stop and listen, huh? alright, where do you wanna start? at the beginning.
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this prowler, wawaworking all the places around the hotel. he busted into tenner's back rooms, the hardware store, and he tried to not the lock off the back door here. yeah i've got all that. well, ralph and i went out every night to wait for him, but where we were, he wasn't. at first he was just satisfied with taking money and jewels. then he went into the hard ware store. when he left, he uh, had his pockets full of ammunition and a couple of single action forty- fours. well i didn't know that. well we didn't'tet it out. well can i priri it? i don't see why not, it's not gonna do any harm now. a week ago he went back to the hotel, this time he didn't have suchchood luck. picked a room that was occupied, and the tenant was in. jonathan tate. doc calhoun put thirty-seven stiches in his scalp, that you know. there were a few other things. most of 'em don't show.
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i tried. but the doctor said they're not letting anyone in to see him. do you know why? well outside of the thirty-seven stiches, there's not much else holding his ears together, he's ah, well, anyway. beatip well are you sure it was gerald york? the one you were after i mean. he was in the hotel and he ran. i've known that boy since he was born, hoby, man. what is the kind? now look. if he wasn't the thief, what was he doing prowling round the hotel? and if you got an answer to that, i'll give you another question. if he had nothing to do with the thefts, what'd he run for? why didn't he stop? well he was a boy. maybe he was frightened. huh? i've been hearing that all night. when i saw whoever it was, or whatever it was, run dowowthat hallway,
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well, for your sake hoby i hope gerald's guilty. my self, well i don't believe it. and i'm not sure the rest of the town will either. you know, i'm starting to caren thinks. i wonder how thehefeel if i had let him loose, it hadn't been a kid, and he would have would up killing somebody. how's gerald? any change? i ought to talk to you alone hoby. anything you gotta say, you can say in front of her. gerald york just died.
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hearing was held. the town waited for the outcome with an angry energy that jumped like summer lightening from person to person. you promome to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you god? i do. present for the hearing were hoby gilman, mrs. porter, the witnesses, and milo and summer york, the parents of the deceased boy. the night manager of the hotel, mike kilroy, gave first hand evidence as to what had happened the morning of the shooting. next up was doctor calhoun. he gave the medical opinion as to the legal c cse of death. as also testified as to the present condition of jonathan tate. and then ranger hoby gilman took the stand. for twenty-seven minutes he answered questions. and for twenty-seven minutes he was faced by a hostile group who had apparently forgotten the times hoby stood between them and disaster.
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well the evidence is in, and it all seems in order. mr. gilman. it is the verdict of this inquiry that the death of gerald arthur york was incurred as a result of gun shot wounds inflicted while he attempted to resist arrest. declare the hearing closed. you're free to go mr. gilman. legally, you were within your rights as a law enforcement officer. there'e'one thing that should be determined by the court, however. and that's the actual guilt or innocence of gerald york. i have no part in that.
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commend to austin, that you be removed from your post here as soon as possible. i see no reason to condone an individual that wears the badge of a lawman, over the heart of a gunman. ?? (door slams) you better start running, gilman. cause i'm coming back for your head. tonight.
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?? ?? (shattering glass)
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hey. better get offffhe street mr. right now you better. how long you been here? there's gonna be lots of trouble.
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milo york is gonna kill... ranger! yeah. that's who milo york is gonna kill. hoby w wt out to milo york's farm. he had to be sure the gerald was guilty of the burglaries. and if in trying to prove it, he ran into milo, well, hoby wanted to get it over with, one way or another.
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i'll take your head now. right there. now really easy like, raise your arms out from your sides. drop your gun. (gun thuds) you got it wrong, york. sure i have. now just as easy,
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do it! do it quickeke alright, outside. and keep your hands where i can see 'em. alright now, mr. big ranger. start walking. go on. ??
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collect for my son. york i think you oughtta know thth he was guilty. i found the stolen stuff where he hid it. is that a fact? yeah, that's why he ran when i hollered at him. nuh-uh. you got it wrong. he didn't stop cause he was scared. then what was he doing in the hotel in the first place? he was lookin' for me. he was trying to keep his daddy outta trouble. now ain't that a boy for you? it does seem like he deserved better than you at that. maybe. but you ain't the one to say. you ain't the one at all. cause you gonna die, mr. ranger. but first i want you to know something. my boy had nothing to do with them robberies. i did 'em. he must of found out where i hid the stuff. he come down the hotel to keep me from taking anymore. but that don't matter none now.
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ou can see it, or just feel it? summer: milo. go home! you killed him. didn't cha? again. now go on home woman! just as sure as if you'd made the bullets with your own hands. you killed my baby. you had your warnini. now i'm gonna make you sorry. the light of day. only thing i ever cared about. in the whole world. the only piece of sosoness i ever knew. and you killed him. (gun shot)
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mrs. york. mrs. york. ms. york! you're wrong. i did it. i'm the one that killed him. i wish... i could go back. i'd give any- (catches breath) anything. it wouldn't help. it wouldn't change nothin'. it'd just happen different. me. him. all this has to be this way. it's supposed to end this way. empty. just empty. but if i just hadn't... oh you didn't have nothing to say about it, mr. gilman. nothing.
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you woulda missed him.
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it was over. and his wife was held to answer for his killing. when the facts were known, the feeling of the town changed. but hoby gilman still carried a weight in his stomach. it's uh, it's not for good, is it, hoby? i don't think so. week or so probably. ah! well uh, where you going? austin's got a couple things they want me t tlook after. mostly i wanna get the knot out of my stomach.
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and in a couple of weeks it't' end up forgotten. thanksksor trying, henrietta. i'm not giving you anything for free. a month frfr now, who's going remember? hmm? me. mrs. york.
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