tv Today NBC November 9, 2016 10:00am-11:00am EST
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u heading fer? to california. san francisco. you mean, you're going to san francisco all by yourselves? ( chuckles ) mister, i don't know whether you know it or not, but san francisco's quitita way-- 2,000 miles. 2,000 miles? is it far? far? wewe, it's a lot farther than you're gonna get by yourselves, especially with a comanche war party running around. what happened to your horses? the injuns get 'em? yes, indians. well, they're comanche, all right. train must've scared 'em off. what kind of foreigner do you figure he is? i think they're japanese, bill. he said something about "nippon" and "samurai.i. sakai ito, nippon samurai. i've never heard of either one of 'em. seth: mister, you're not gonna get very far by yourself out here. bill, you'd better go get 'em a team. all right. be right back.
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to california? your names, please. adams.eth adams. ah, so. mr. adams. arigato. s "thanks," why, all i can say is "you're welcome," i guess. n. henry, you hold yours back. the rest get back to your wagons. we'll be pulling out right away. it ain't true. it can't be. you reckon they escaped from the sideshow, sailor? no, not hardly. but i do know where they come from. hey, major! you know what you've got there? ( japanese ) do you know this fella?
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japanese from japan. how come you know so much about japan, blane? what do you thinkk they call me sailor for? i was with commodore perry when we opened japan in 1853. commodore perry? you? why, i iure was. yep, yedo bay, july 1853. i've seen thousands like these here fellass maybe you can find out for me just what two japanese are doing here in the center of kansas. mm, ain't no ordinary japanese neither, major. he was one of those "sam-o-rays." that's a kind of a soldier-like. yes. nippon samurai. yeah, they're funny critters, major. maybe you'd better let me talk to 'em alone huh? all right, go ahead. ( japanese )
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him and his boss were headed for back east, when his boss got the fever and died. is that right, ito-san? yes. prince nara died. he was cousin of emperor. so samurai ito returns home now. yeah, this prince of his was some kind of ambassador, i guess. you know anything about japan, major? very little. well, they don't cotton much to people either coming there or leaving. not even on an official mission. how come they was headed west? well, japan's a small country. if you want to go anywywre, you just head in the right direction and start. couple of days, you'll get where you want to go. well, mr. ito, i guess you're just plain lucky we happened along. ththe comanches around here would sure like that scalp of yours. i do not understand. you don't have to.
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ch further today anyhow, so we might as well make camp. why don't you circle up around that bunch of trees? all right. blane, how about you riding herd on these two for a little while? they've got a lot to learn. be glad to, major. u was so hospitable, sailor. if i didn't know you better, i'd say you were being friendly. ( chuckles ) danged if it ain't so. well, if you'd been around the far east as much as i have, you just might be doing the same thing. i don't get it.. you know that black box he's been carrying around? you take my word for it: that ain't his private papers. these japanese are what you call buddhists, shintoists. so? i've been to japan, china, malaya, india, ceylon, all of them strange places, and all of them got idols, see?
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you're kiddin'. no, i ain't. no. sapphires sometimes. pearls. diamonds. even if they ain't carved out of jewels, they got jewels stucucin 'em. you think that's maybe what they got in that box? oh, i ain't sayin' it is and i ain't sayin' it ain't. but i'd sure like to have a look inside. yeah, so would i. i've been thinking. this here ito was all-fired anxious to get on to california. you think maybe he'll take out by himself? he might, if he thought he'd have company, someone who knkns the country. like us? yeah. and if we was to borrow that black box of his, you couldn't hardly call that stealing now, right? not then. you know, i've been thinking too, sailor. this is the slowest train i've ever been with.
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maybe two, three m mths-- that is, if we don't have any trouble. so long? well, we've got a lot of ground to cover. so. but we keep moving all the time. doesn't pay to loaf around in comanche country. comanche? savava? well, they're just about as savage as they come. i guess that's a ather thing you don't have in your country, huh? indians? oh, yes. we have so-called ainu. they have a bear god, and they fight like bear. hmm. sort of likee our indians over here, huh? i think so. tell me, mr. ito, how come you're in such a hurry to get to california? ah. i have a most important mission. i am samurai. warrior caste. you understand?
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he is my prince. oh, you're sort of a bodyguard for him, huh? yes. bodydyard. bushido says samurai must be loyal to his master always-- through life till death. so, samurai ito return nippon to emperor, telling emperor that prince nara died ininhis country. soso. samurai ito join prince nara. oh. join him? you just told me that he was dead. yes. he is dead. therefore,
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ah, mr. blane. good morning, revere-san. ito, we got more in common thth we thought. yes? that's right. you're in a hurry to get to the coast and so are we. we ain't hankerin' to get snowed in in the mountains. business out there. this train moves so slow it ain't got a chance of getting across before winter. it is slow. so we was thinkin' of takin' off by ourselves. we know a couple of shorter routes anyway. so you get to california much sooner? oh, by a couple of months, we figure, huh? we thought maybe you'd like to come with us. you are kind. well, you're a visitor in this country. anything we can do to help.
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but mr. adams says indians are big problem. oh, he's just an old woman. a few naked savages ain't no problem. in nippon, it can be problem. well, i thought you was in a hurry. of course, if you're afraid... don't misunderstand. no afraid for ito. but ito is a samurai. must return to nippon. most important. if... you understand. we're giving you a chance to get there in a hurry. yes. when do you leave? i don't know. tonight, maybe tomorrow night. oh. so soon? well, mr. blane, i must consider. sure, sure, you do that. but it's probably your only chance.
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( shouts ) bill. yeah? you see anything? yeah, just like we figured. comanche? yeah, but there are only 10 or 12 of 'em. why he didn't spot 'em and get word back to us.s. well, they probably moved in behind him. they won't hit the train, but lord help us if somebody falls out. i was thinking the same thing. an old friend of yours is leading them. who's that? old sharp knife himself. sharp knife? oh, that's just fine. hmm. you'd better pass the word back: nobody falls o o of line for any reason whatsoever.
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i don't know why he doesn't check in with us once in a while.e. sharp knife ain't no dummy, major. he won't hit the train. i'd just as soon have a pack of wolves folllling us as him. i'd rather. let's go. ( shouts ) - [narrator] what if you had a medical emergency away from home? - my chest hurts, i can't breathe. - [narrator] what you need is mobilehelp, america's premiere mobile medical alert system. most systems only work at home, but with mobilehelp, you get help outside the home with coverage nationwide on one of the largest cellular networks at the press of a button. - i couldn't dial 911 because i was out of it.
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( bell rings ) what'd i tell you about them foreigners? i told you they had some kind of idol in that box. sure looks that way. heard about this hindu idol once. had a ruby big as your head right between its eyes. it don't have to be that big to satisfy me. i didn't see it. oh, it's there. don't worry. see the way he was burning that incense? you hear that gong? oh, we'll get it. ito and me, we're old tomadachis now. we pull out, he'll come along. ain't we near fort platte? yeah, we ought to hit the fort platte trail tomorrow or the next day. why? that shoots off north from here. be our best bet for high-tailing. only... only what?
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besides,s,here's four of us. i'm all for hitting the fort platte trail. trouble with you is you spent too long in the water. not long enough in injun country. maybe. but i don't figure injuns to be no worse than malay river pirates. besides, i guess i'd run more than comanches to get a look in that chest of his. we'll talk to him tomorrow, hmm? come on. ( shouting ) well, i'll be dogged. how are you? hi. good mororng. good morning. that's quite a toad-stabber you've got there. yes. samurai sword. very good sword. don't you people in japan have any guns? oh, yes. we have cannon.
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et. but... ( shouts ) this is samurai's gun. i myself, i like the real gun. gives you that safe feeling. ( shouts ) ( exhales ) safe feeling. don't that beat all? mr. ito, sure too bad there ain't somebody here to work out with you. samurai works every day. yes. sword, archery like indian, wrestle. you like rasslin'? yes. that's great. hawks here was the best in the company. wasn't you? oh. mr. hawks wrestle? well, i used to be a pretty fair freestyle man.
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oh, go on. the exercise will do you good. take off some of that blubber too. charlie, we don't have anynyime for wrestling now. oh, ito soft. ito need wrestling. go on, bill. show 'em how those recruits got scared of you when you was a sergeant. well, maybe a couple of fast falls, huh? good. i don't want you to get hurt, mr. ito. ( chuckles ) take it easy on him. hold him, huh? come on, bill. get a hold of him. come on. get him. bill, you're doing something g ong. yeah.
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bill, you're still doing something wrong. i know i am! get out of here! come on, bill. you've got him. you can do it. get a hold of him. come on, rassle. come on, rassle. you and your big ideas. uh-oh. oh. don't you two think you're a little bit old for playing these kind of games? major, if you think this is a game, you can play it yourself next time. mr. hawks... not hurt? nah. nippon samurai does not fall like you. they'd better not, or you'll have a big samurai turnover. if you little boys don't t nd, would you go on and pass the word that we're about to move? with pleasure. oh, mr. hawks, we wrestle again, huh? yeah, sure, but next time with mr. wooster here. he's more your size, mr. ito.
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mr. hawks nice man. yeah. you know, mr. ito, i've been thinking a little bit about something you said to me the other night. huh? you told me that when you go backck to japan that they're gonna force you to kill yourself because that prince died in this country. is that right? oh, no, mr. adams. ito is a samurai. when prince dies, ito must die willingly. u really intend to kill yoyoself? this is nippon custom. well, it's a mighty strange custom. you do not understand? you can bet your boots i don't understand. oh, custom different, but man no different. american, nippon. ito ninion samurai. mr. adams american samurai.
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have honesty. have courage to die in battle. to die for the country. isn't that the truth? well, i suppose so, in a way, yes. so customs different, but men no different. well, you'd better get your things loaded, mr. ito. we're gonna get moving. oh, uh, mrmradams, mr. blane asked me to go with him to california. it much quicker, he said. he what?! yes. he said indian no trouble. he can shoot. but this train go too slow. the snow may come before our wagons get to california. oh, so he's gonna leave the train, huh? yeah, leave the train. we'll see about that.
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there's a comanche war party waiting out there for stragglers. i don't give a gol' darn what blane does, but you listen to me. you stay with this train. blane! oh, hello, major. what's this i hear about you leaving the train? i guess that's my business, ainin it? it might be, if you kept it to yourself. what do yoyomean? trying to talk those two japanese into going with you, that's what i mean. for fort platte, and if he wants to come along, that's his business. i don't know what your game is, but you ought to have better sense. you leave this train, and that scalp of yours will be hanging from some comanche ridgepole. what's a couple of injuns? you do whatever you want to, yoyoand your pals, but ito's not going with you, you understand that? i'll leave it up to him. i'll leave it up to me. he's never had any experience handling people like you, but i have. all right, major. you tell him anything you want.
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be easy going then. sorry. i am not going with you. what do you mean? i must not take chances. what do you mean? there ain't gonna be no chances. maybe. maybe not. but mr. adams said indians are a great danger. adams. listen, don't listen to adams. ain't i your friend? get back to japan. i understand. i amamrateful to you, but... i thought you japanese were fighters. i never thought you'd be cowards. cowards? scared. afraid. letting a few scurvy comanches scare you off. do you think i am coward? well, i'm sorry.
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i am not going with you. you know, i was wrong about japan. i thought all you samurais were brave men, but i guess you u n't. i speak no more. okay, grandma, stick close to mother adams, where you'u' be safe. well? he ain't comin'. adams got to him. i thought you said he'd do what you told him. he would've, if adams kept his trap shut. i might have known you'd botch it. all right, so he won't leave the train. that don't mean nothin'. we get that box tonight and get out of here. just like that? there's only two of them. they ain't big enough to give us trouble. yeah, but adams might. sure. but adams has got to catch us first, and we ain't gonna be easy to catch. we'll leave the wagon here. we'll take just enough gear to get us on to fort platte. now, us and that black box of his-- what do you say?
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phires you talked about? wait a minute. all these oriental mucky-mucks got some kind of jewels on 'em. now, let's break it open. i always had you figured for a blowhard. i tell you, they got 'em. wait, maybe it's in the jar. in a perfume bottle? powderedediamonds, huh? you and your big talk! ashes! nothing but ashes! somebody's coming. well, if it ain't our little japanese friend. you have my jar. give it back to me.
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now no have guns. have tomahawk. now you fighgh arigato. no! you can't do that, ito. that's inhuman! ito-san, tell him. you can't do this. we never hurt you. get on your feet, blane! we was just fooling. we never meant to keep it. honest, we was. you brave man with gun. now you be brave man with tomahawk, huh? get up, you stinkin' coward! no! come on, get up. quit crawlin'. blane, fight. no! shut up! he's only one man! are you ready?
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i die like samurai. what mean him? he's gonna kill himself. hara kiri-- that's what they call it. sharp knife: why this? he small man, great brave. he's great brave all right, chief. that's why, i guess. with knife? here? that's right. why you do this? honor over samurai. ( native ) him your friend?
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where he go? he goes to his own country-- japan. where this? over many watersrs big waters. his own land. japan. major adams, you tell japan this man great brave. this man comanche brave. comanche spirits welcome this man. does that mean you're letting us go? spirits here now. all dead brave come now. him, great spirit... take him. him have four dogs for next world. comanche know when spiritstsome. no killing now. you go.
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( native ) what'd he do it for, major? i don't know, bill. i guess some people have got different ideas about what's right and what's wrong, and honor too, maybe. but i know one thing: if ito hadn't been the kind of a man he was, the three of us would probably been roasting on that slow w re back there. the indians liked him, major. they let him go free. well, charlie, maybe old sharp knife knew him a little bit better than we did.
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? pickin' up a passenger in every town ? ? wonderin' if he's ever gonna shoot you down ? ? lookin' for a pal ain't itit pity? ? ? lookin' for a gal needn't be pretty ? ? if she'll ride ? ? on the wagon train ? ? wagon, ho ? ? gotta keep them on the run ? ? time to go ? ? and follow the sun ? ? wagon train ? ? never had a cabin near a general store ? ? only had a wagon and a .44 ? ? sittin' on a board eye in the weather ? ? prayin' to the lord wewetay together ? ? side by side ?
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