tv WRAL News 530PM NBC November 9, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm EST
5:30 pm
he gonna take him down. .38. i guess he told the truth. you see ray afterwards? he tell you what happened? no. i see sam in the hall though just now. he took me aside, said ray did what he said. sam bluestone says that ray killed emilio lopez? said he saw him do it. this beef my grandnephew put me in, who's gonna make that go away? you stood a policy collar before, haven't you, sister? i did when i had to. 'cause giving up ray harvey, that's a lot of cooperation to beat a misdemeanor.
5:31 pm
got nothing to do with coalitions fighting over jobs or blacks versus puerto ricans or none of the other great issues. a half-assed shylock worried over his loan murders the poor slob who isn't even the one who owes him the money? returns us to the large uncertainty, did that big blimp tell us the truth? you think bluestone's gonna be of any help, being that he knows the sister? he's got credibility with me fitting in the same room with her. yeah, we might as well reach out to bluestone, let's... take another minute quiet time. [ knocking ] yeah? - can i ask a favor, boss? - yeah, sure. gina's getting her stitches out at 2:00. she asked if i'd go with her. all right, um, give me a 28, take a few hours lost time. - hey, i really appreciate it. - so, um, how's gina doing?
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well, her asking you to be with her gives you a good opportunity to be supportive about that. absolutely. uh, i'm worried if i don't react well-- i don't wanna wince or pull back. yeah. i'm sure your being there is gonna be a help. yeah, just concentrate on her. uh, that's how i'm thinking about it. yeah. so, you'll be leaving around 1:00? yeah. yeah. okay, that's fine. okay. thanks. hey, um, gotta go. hi, geri. hi. let's go into the coffee room. all right, if you think that's appropriate. [ clears throat ] we found tom.
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ankles. was it you tied him up? why are you asking me that? because we wanna know the answer. - well, i'm not sure i want to give it. - have we given you any reason to feel this has to be us against you, geri? we're trying to establish as much information as we can. oh, please. oh, sure. geri, since we found tom dead, hanging the way you described, and i think diane mentioned bound at the wrist and ankles-- aren't you? and i mentioned the landlady telling us about your friendship with tom, and that you had your own key. also, we traced some of the sexual paraphernalia from that room, and the clerk at mother's identified you as having bought the leather cuffs we found on tom. i'm telling you all that because i think you should be more candid. no. geri. geri, you don't want embarrassment or confusion to wind up creating an appearance of guilt.
5:38 pm
so hard for you all to think that a black man would tell the truth. oh, god. yeah, that's it, sammy. that's what we keep banging up against. i didn't see what happened. i talked to lopez, turned to calm down my men, here come a shot from i don't know where, down goes lopez. and we're telling you that that story is bogus, bluestone. well, that's the story i'm telling. are you friends with ray harvey? yeah, he's second deputy. - friends with joe fernandez? - joe fernandez wasn't there. oh. oh, i can't believe she talked to you. say what, samuel? nothing. yeah. you can't believe sister sun ray talked to us, right? what she told us is ray harvey whacked emilio lopez so your friend joe could keep his job running the puerto rican version of the con game that you pull with forever young. - none forgotten. - my mistake.
5:39 pm
you're saying ray harvey lost his temper? that's how he came to shoot emilio lopez? that's right. he lost his temper and took it out on this lopez, which we had some disagreements, but i had respect for lopez's goals. yeah. you respected lopez's goals, and you were stand-up for your good friend ray. all right, sam, we're gonna sit here and listen to you walk us another time through the frame job you and sister sun ray are doing on ray harvey. hey, doc. hi. i'm going to take you in to see gina now. you got all the bandages off and so forth? uh-huh. and the sutures are out, so she may make a little bit of a dramatic appearance. right. act natural, james.
5:40 pm
hi, james. hey. i've explained to gina that her facial and other scars will be less and less visible over time. sure. that's great. she also wanted me to be available for any questions you might like to ask. no, i don't have any. i'm just so glad everything's gonna be fine. - i'm gonna have scars. - oh, i understand. sure. they're gonna be less, but i'm gonna be scarred. - thank you, doctor. - see you soon. thanks, doc. lieu? yeah. come on in. what's it look like? got to a real bad place about diane and me. i thought she'd feel more comfortable talking to you. feels like we think she's a geek.
5:41 pm
she think andy figures her for michelle pfeiffer? she's making herself wrong in this. and i don't know if she's supposed to be. i'd hate to see her get jammed up. all right, i'll talk to andy. now i know how howdy doody felt. if it's a frame, they're doing this guy ray up pretty good. hey, guys. what's up, boss? uh, this isn't going to be a pleasant conversation, andy, - i gotta take a leak. - no, don't do that. what's going on? well, on that auto-asphyxia case, um, geri has demonstrated real reluctance to talk with diane and jill. yeah, and? and, uh, the fly in the ointment on this is, um, specifically, she wants to speak with you. - i'm not gonna do that. - well, the difficulty here, andy, is, um, either she speaks with you, or she says she wants a lawyer. get her a lawyer then. we don't do that often enough. andy, diane and jill both get the impression that geri's painted herself
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or, uh, want us both perched upside down beside each other like bats. well, i wouldn't do that. yeah, you see, this amuses you - 'cause you don't attract psychotics. - it doesn't amuse me. i mean, it does, but i-- i realize it's an awkward situation for you. awkward? yeah. [ clears throat ] this construction homicide, we're getting a perp on a platter. yeah. perfect to pull the job himself. [ sighs ] has she been strip-searched? yeah, yeah. she don't got any weapons. i'm not concerned about weapons. i'm talking about, like, rubber toads and-- [ sighs ] i don't even know what i'm talking about.
5:43 pm
yeah. i had a crush on you because i thought you were a fair person, that you took people as you found them. so what's the situation with this situation here, geri? the situation is tom's dead. if you hung him, that's a legal no-no. - that's not how it happens. - he have to say please? that's not how it happens. his being on the hook excites him. it helps him get off. it helps with his excitement and orgasms. you want to tell me what, uh-- what you did in that room? bound him and put on his blindfold. did you put him on that hook? no. he's bound and blindfolded. what, does he toss himself across the room like a horseshoe till he gets hooked on?
5:44 pm
now, you're in that room. you bound and blindfolded him, - but you didn't put him on that hook? - because i was in the bathroom. did you have your rubber jumpsuit on? must take you a while to do your business. [ sighs ] so he gets on the hook while you're going to the bathroom, is your version what happened? i was crying, and i guess i was in there a long time. done that before? have your eyes covered up every time, some people can take that as an insult. people can get their feelings hurt. we knew each other since high school. you and tom? mm-hmm. we met in new york again last easter.
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when we saw each other. we'd been in high school in saginaw and-- i'd always thought maybe we'd had crushes on each other. but he had a stammer, and he was really shy. turned out we did have crushes. he said so when we started talking. and we got to be friends here, and he was nice to me. he turned you out? i was interested in getting past sex restraints to be as good for him as i could, 'cause i'm not pretty. and he seemed to like that 'cause he was really shy. but then he got into it so much that he didn't even look at me. he wanted to be blindfolded and have, like, private orgasms.
5:46 pm
did you kill him, geri? i was just in there crying, and he started without me, which he was doing more and more. he told me six weeks ago that he was having other people in to dominate him too. i started trying to be friendly to you after that because you're blustery, but in your heart, i think you take people as you find them. and i thought maybe...
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5:50 pm
come back like i said, right? yeah, you kept your word good, ray. that's detectives simone and sipowicz. guys, this is ray harvey. - how's it going? - o-- okay. so, uh-- so, i told you, uh, this morning they just want to go over the sequence with you. i don't know no sequence 'cause i didn't see what went down. so, we got that established now. okay, ray? - your position is you don't know nothing? - exactly. so how 'bout you listening to what we know, so we can all stop running through the grease here. what's he talking about? i showed back up here on my own cause. you showed back up, ray, 'cause you didn't figure your friends
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i think that's sister sun ray. the fat, black broad you hit the number with, ray, then you ask her advice like dean witter? hit the number turned into a crime now? huh? four detectives? sister sun ray gave you up for killing emilio lopez, ray. she said you killed him protecting your loan to his boss. hey. hey. what you coming at me with? and sam bluestone, your other bosom pal? he backs the sister too. the both of 'em put you whacking this guy. see, now the questiothat occurs to us here, ray, is being how this story more or less got laid to us all nice and neat-- maybe you got a competing version on how this man died. i got nothing to say. nothing to say? present circumstances, ray, that translates, "let me bend over and spread 'em real wide." are those people framing you, sister sun ray and sam?
5:52 pm
that's what you want us to tell 'em, ray? how 'bout we tell them, "i ain't being your patsy no more. i'm saying what really went down here." you should put them in there with me. they should get jacked up too. how would that work? were they in on this with you, ray? set me up from the jump. sister and sam okay this guy for me making the loan. next thing i know, he ain't paying xxxx. this is joe fernandez. now they all agitated. joe fernandez short 'cause lopez taking his action away behind that coalition. i wanna look out for my money i loaned. did they tell you to kill this guy? i was at the sister's last night. sam come by saying lopez be at the site tomorrow shaping for jobs. - did they tell you to kill him? - i was drunk! they had me half-crazy. wound him up like the energizer bunny. ray, did bluestone give you the gun? or the sister?
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- my gun. - you sure you don't wanna lie about that? i swear to god i wish i'd never won that money. brought me nothing but worry and misery. the perfect frame. makes me sick. who knows? maybe they break out in hives being around an honest man. such an easy patsy, though, this poor dope harvey. i knew this bookmaker, john riley. when somebody won big, john'd make a big fuss paying 'em off. give him a good cigar, next day's racing form. he'd say to me afterwards, "i'm just letting 'em hold the money a while." yeah, that's the sister and ray.
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yeah. i'll tell you, i'm in for justice here. so, you just trust me. it's one of them. well, look who's a little more speechifyin'. you got a none forgotten in custody? who told you, joe? your bed pals, sam and the sister? people gonna know how emilio died at a black man's hand. there's gonna be employment for boricuas or blood will run at the sites. joe's gonna go to the papers with this phony race homicide, try to scare up some more no-show jobs. hypocrite bastard. you're like monday night wrestling. let me tell you something. when you take this to the papers, you know what you're gonna do? n the works. well, that's good 'cause you're gonna draw a contract up with one of our d.a.'s here, a trust for his widow and children. already in the works. you're gonna write it here, joe. so it's all nice and legal and binding before you walk out, or this whole thing is going to the d.a.'s office on a conspiracy charge. i'm happy to make that commitment.
5:55 pm
how's it going with you? i was, um-- i was wondering about your after work plans. there's nothing on my calendar. hmm. and, uh, would that be for the foreseeable future? how is that they say in your program? one day at a time. leo? andy sipowicz. yeah. could you, uh, just trot on upstairs here for a moment? yeah. thank you. [ handset settles in cradle ]
5:57 pm
boy, that was just great. thanks, james. really. yeah. your mom teach you your cooking? my mom and my aunt. i really enjoy spending this time with you, gina. i could get into being a man of leisure. i really appreciated it. just as far as, um-- . she's not coming back. this is your roommate? said she made another arrangement for the new semester. she's gonna be picking up her stuff. i've been upset on that. financially? financially and-- i know she was upset about my appearance. it disturbed her.
5:58 pm
ially, you're coming back to work. if you need some tiding over, that's no problem at all. that's not necessary. i got my confirmation savings. it's mostly you being here. it's helped me a lot. it's my pleasure. anyways, i know you got an 8:00-to-4:00. don't take this as being forward, but if you wanted some company tonight, if you'd like to stay, i'd be happy for you to. i'd like to. sure. but if you sleep up in her loft, i'd worry all night that you'd sit up in a strange place and smash your head. yeah. i suppose that could occur. sure. and as far as me sleeping up there, i could always fib and say i'm afraid of heights. you don't gotta fib.
6:00 pm
anything from the landing party? they should be sending up a report momentarily, captai ohh. something wrong? a kink in my back. t. a little higher, please. push. push hard. thank you, yeoman. that's sufficient. you need sleep, captain. if it's not out of line-- i have enough of that from dr. mccoy, yeoman. thank you. dr. mccoy is correct, captain. after what this ship has been through in the last 3 months, there's not a crewman aboard who's not in need of a rest.
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