tv WRAL News 5AM NBC November 10, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EST
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>> whoa... elaine, what are you doin' here? >> what do you think? >> ain't we got enough trouble without you stowin' away? >> it's about time i found out what's happening to the wagons. >> they've been gettin' ke it's dangerous. >> i'm here and i'm staying. hyah, hah! >> that's what we want, a good, fast run down that hill.
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>> cisco, they are throwing wheels at us! >> come one step closer and i'll shoot! >> look, cisco, the wagon still got three wheels. let's went. >> the cisco kid. i might've known you'd be mixed up in this. >> what is that over there, cis-- se?orita, it's dangerous to play with guns, and my friend cisco, he won't look good with a holes in his head. >> give me that gun. >> just a minute, miss. we heard shots, and we thought you needed our help. now, if you don't need any--
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>> what are you doing in there? >> nothin'. i'm just layin' here in the shade. well, there goes another wagon. >> has this happened before? >> we haven't been able to get a load through yet, and we only got two weeks left on the contract. dad-bust-it. they ain't satisfied with breakin' up our wagons, but every time we go back to pick the ore, it's gone, swiped. it, even if i have to carry that ore to the smelter piece by piece. >> hey, cisco, don't say it and don't did it. >> don't say what, pancho? >> don't say we're gonna help carry this ore. >> i don't have to say it, you just did. that is, if you'd like our help. >> i would very much, but you'll be sticking your necks out. >> yes, and pancho's neck is very tender. >> what about this contract you mentioned? >> well, you see, elaine's pa made a deal with the mining company to haul a thousand ton of gold ore to the smelter
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>> dad had to put up a $20,000 cash performance bond in order to get that contract. >> yeah, and the way it looks now, he's gonna lose that 20,000. >> maybe not. pancho's a very strong man. and with him driving one of the wagons, things may be different. >> cisco, what a way to die-- in a wagon. >> (laughing) ?? >> what happened? >> we lost another wagon. if it hadn't have been for cisco and pancho here, they might've gotten me and elaine, too. >> caution again. i've stood enough of this! >> now then, caleb, watch out. don't get excited. remember your liver. >> oh... (mutters) >> who is this carson? >> he runs the smelter. he and dad have been feuding for at least 20 years. >> but why were they feuding? >> they were both in love with mother, but dad won out.
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and keep your eyes open. >> what did you do with my shotgun shells? >> i hid 'em. >> but, mr. wilson, maybe there is a better way to-- >> hello, mr. jarrett. >> i see you're still having trouble, wilson. >> we are. >> we'll make the grade. cisco and pancho promised to help us. >> i'm glad to hear that, because carson was over to see me this morning. offered to organize a freighting company and take over your contract. >> why, that conniving-- >> now, now, i told him nothing doin'. >> come on, dad, get a wagon ready for cisco and pancho, and let's see how much we can do today. >> that's my girl. from now on, jarrett, you're going to see results. >> we'll get your ore through in time, just wait and see. won't we, cisco? >> no doubt about it, miss. >> cisco!
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>> what happened, pancho? >> cisco, it's my gun, my gun. when i come get my gun, i'm undressed! this girl's papa take my gun and run away like a jackrabbit. >> he's gone for carson after all. >> come on, pancho! ?? >> i'll tear you limb from limb! >> you will? >> stop it, stop it! >> break it-- break it down! break it down. hey, somebody's gonna get hurt. you're too this over reasonably. >> listen, you whippersnapper, you're monkeying in something you don't understand. >> this is my office, and i'll give you just five seconds to clear out of it. >> i said we'd talk this over reasonably. >> wrecking my wagons, then sneakin' over here and tryin' to get my contract. >> don't blame me for your wrecks. >> just a minute, just a minute! pancho and i are gonna take one of your wagons through this afternoon. come on, pancho, let's hitch it up. >> cisco, but my gun.
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i don't mind when somebody steal my pantses, but when you steal my gun, that's a different population. >> all right, pancho, let's go. >> you two. (all chuckle) >> vamanos. ?? >> whoa! >> cisco, you know, i don't like this. every time we meet some beautiful se?orit >> it's her father i want to help, pancho. >> hey, cisco, don't tell a lie what ain't the truth to me. cisco, you know these rag people, they lk exactly like us. >> yeah, but this one looks better than you do. >> oh, yeah? >> give me a hand with this one. that's you and that's me, huh? from now, pancho, you're going to do the driving, but from under the seat. >> from under the seat? that ain't big enough for a pigeon. besides, what're you gonna do?
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that certainly was silly of you, pancho, to get out of the wagon and spoil our plans. >> oh, cisco, i couldn't help it. the lines got all mixed up. >> ah, your head is all mixed up. >> we lost 'em >> did you recognize any of them? >> never seen 'em before. >> no, but they were lem carson's men. i know that. >> they always say carson do it. why don't they put him in jail? >> well, that's something we have to prove, pancho. anyway, you two go back to the office. pancho and i will get the wagon through.
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>> sign this, please. >> we may be back today with another load. >> looks like caleb has finally got someone to do his work for him. give him my congratulations. >> he loves you, too, huh? (all chuckle) was you joking about what you were tolding him? >> about what? >> about the other load. >> pancho, we have a job to do. and, besides, i want those outlaws to try to hold us up again. >> with pancho driving, they don't do again.>> worrying about? you're perfectly safe. >> so, i will, eh? >> (laughs) >> this cisco guy's too smart. we've gotta get rid of him. >> that's easy to say, but i don't wanna tangle with him. >> all right, quit your beefin'. it's his neck or ours. now, get goin'.
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either one of you know this man? >> no, never seen him before. >> you better get a doctor. >> lem carson! attackin' me in my own yard! and stayin' to watch! >> i came here to help you, caleb wilson, and almost got blown to kingdom come for my trouble. now, this is the end, the final en what's all this help you're talking about? >> it's this. >> that's plain rock. what about it? >> what about it? it's rock. >> oh, he never could talk straight. stop makin' riddles, lem carson. >> they wouldn't be riddles if you'd keep your eyes and ears open, caleb wilson. i always did say you went around with your feet in the clouds. >> what a funny place to put
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we brought you this afternoon? >> yeah, and it's all just like that. >> lem carson, if this is another one of your tricks... >> mr. wilson, i don't think this is a trick. pancho, you and i are going to take a ride. >> cisco, these rocks, they don't got no gold inside? >> no, of course they don't. come on. it's locked, pancho. >> it's locked? hey, cisco,
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sometimes this works and sometimes it don't work. this time it don't work. well, what're you gonna do now, huh? it's open. >> (laughs) nobody home, eh? >> no, it's locked, all right. hey, pancho, you better search that thing over there. >> hey, look like a pigeon house. >> i'm gettin' hungry. i wonder where elaine is. >> she'll be back at 12:00. >> back from where? >> the mine. >> well, jumpin' jehosaphat, if lem is right, there's bound to be trouble out there. >> that kid's got a talent for trouble.
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>> ah, don't get so stirred up. you'll get your liver all outta order. >> you keep my liver out of this! hurry! >> all right... >> what's she doing >> no wonder jarrett didn't want wilson to complete the contract. >> why, was he robbing the company? >> no, pancho, there is no company, and there isn't any gold ore. >> no company, no gold? i don't know, cisco, i'm all mix up. i don't understand. >> look, pancho, the only gold he was after was the $20,000 mr. wilson put up as a performance bond.
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very smart, cisco. judd, get their guns. you know, cisco, you might've gotten away with this if your girlfriend hadn't have gotten so enterprising. >> as in always, it's a woman. >> we've lived through your other accidents, mr. jarrett. we'll get through this one, too. see you behind bars where you belong. >> not with a bullet in your head. >> tie 'em up. >> i'm so sorry i got you into this mess. >> i've been in worse. >> yeah, and it's always with a beautiful se?orita. someday, cisco, when it's too
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beautiful se?oritas, there would be no romance, no adventure. >> yeah, well, this kind of romance and "adwenture" i can do without. >> if you don't like it, you can always cut my ropes. >> cut the rope with what, my teeth? >> there you are. you can cut my rope with that piece of glass. >> i don't want anything to go wrong with this job. >> it's gonna take a little while. >> come on, pancho, hurry up. >> hey, i'm takin' my time to hurry up. >> it feels more like you're taking a siesta. come on. >> i can't cut good with the glass-- it ain't no knife. >> haven't you ever cut rope with glass before? >> no, i shaved with it lots of times, though. >> now i'll untie you, pancho. >> yeah, now i know what
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andale,come on. pronto. andale. go ahead. whoa, whoa, whoa. what's the matter? come on up. get up. you sleepin', eh? look, look. >> well, i see you got 'em. >> yeah, i got 'em on a string like fish. hey, get in the wagon. make a wagon out of yourselves. pronto. andale... >> shall we collect him, too?
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>> that jail will never hold all these birds. >> if it doesn't, we'll hang you instead. >> and she'll do it, too. that's my girl. >> all right, pancho, let's get our horses. ?? >> they don't need us no more, cisco. let's went. >> for once you're right, pancho. i don't like to say good-byes either. ?? >> hey, cisco, they're throwing wheels at us again. >> go after it, pancho. we'll take it back and give them a hand.
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anger. hey what's he in so kind of trouble? no, no trouble. i just want to talk to him. well you come to the right place for all the good it will do you. come on. (man singing) i locked the old man here to keep him from getting trampled on. hey. hey, ranger here wants a word with you. mr. perkins. you ain't going to reach him. not when he's off like that. he had a son, jim. there was a ranger stationed here two or three years ago. then he got drunk one night and killed this boy.
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ruined abe, just pure rode him. jim got life state penn. jim perkins, maybe you heard. how long does it take to sober him? abe? i don't know. i just usually let him hollow off. i want to see if you can straight him up by the time the evening stage gets in. well, let's see. eight fifteen now, it gets in at 9:45 give or take, ten minutes. an hour and a half. well i, i guess if i worked at it. well work at it, will ya'. i can get a bite to eat, be back in about an hour. it's important that i talk to him before the stage gets in. well sure, who's on it? a long lost relative? you might say that, yeah. he's only got jim. that's right.
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lookin' for betsy? where's caldwell? office the morgue is full enough without adding a good sheriff to it. not as full as it's gonna be. what is that suppose to mean? weren't we, george? ah. the whole thing figured perfect. what are you talking about? killed a boy, fixed the blame on jim. get him sent to prison, out of our hair. what's has happened? what have you heard? there's a ranger in town. what ranger? the name is gilman. came to my office, wanted to talk to abe. abe was so stoned, he couldn't hear him. the ranger told me to sober him.
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he says it's important. abe's son's is on it, george. he's on that stage. he's coming in tonight. jim perkins is coming here. it cannot be, he's in prison. not by this ranger. but he is, for life. and no parole. they said that never no parole. it can't be parole or i'd a heard. escape then. no, not from that place. nobody has made it out of there in 30 years. but if he did. he wouldn't be fool enough to come here with the stage. he's still well known. then what? and i don't mind saying it's a pretty fair one. they're sending him down. they? who? prison officials, rangers, somebody there. why? because he remembers something from that night, the killing. and they are sending him down to figure this ranger is in town to help him. it's a pretty wild guess. not so wild considering jim was once a ranger, and they'll go pretty far to clear a ranger.
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now, i don't have to tell you, that jim perkins is one man, i'm not exactly doin nip up's to see. i can still see his face at that trial, being in that box and him sittin' there staring at me, with his eyes full of hate. george if he's let loose on us. this ah, ranger. this gilman... what else did he tell you? well just what i said. jim's on that stage. why abe? what could he know? nothing. he never has. but, suppose he does? just think's he does. maybe he has something to tell. he doesn't. i know it. he's just an old fool. a great chief dead from the wisdom of fools.
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i didn't mean that, it just slipped out. what have i told you never to say? i..i know you've said that george, but listen, please, i was just... (door opens) you better come out. it's hector. you say i cheated you boy. that's man's words. what i say is do the man's thing and back it up. i ah... i..ah, i don't want to fight. just words boy. is that it all you want? please. (dragging chairs) now, we'll do it on three.
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one. no. two. all right that's it. get your hand away from your gun. up. with the left unbuckle it. alright son, how much of this money is yours? fourty bucks. three months. well, pick it up. really? just what's yours and get out. not just out of here, out of town. yes sir. sheriff. i'm sure you want to keep this until the boy gets out town. yeah.
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you're not the first ranger... hector. you have fat mouth like that. a very fat mouth. ll you. an old friend of yours is coming into town on the stage tonight. what friend? you'll remember him best for your nose. he reshaped it often enough. (woman laughs) i want to thank you for your intervention mr. gilman. naturally, sheriff waterman was about to... naturally.
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oh. you seem surprised. well i've been wondering who had his brand on all of the real estate around here. sheriff, what waterman tells me you are in town to see abe, the favorite of mine. think so. yes, i give him drinks and he does odd jobs. i hope you bring him good news. ah by that i mean, he has had so much grief. his son you may know, he was the ranger here. a wild boy, irresponsible. yeah, i've heard. still likeable for all his faults. the fact is, that we were close friends. that's interesting. interesting? since it was your testimony that sent him to prison. i only told what i saw, mr. gilman. it was my civic duty. oh well, as long it was just civic duty. besides, i was not the only one. there were other witness. yeah let's see there was you and sheriff waterman and hector wasn't it? the three of us. here in this room that night with jim. it was late, past closing.
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'd been there for hours heavily drinking. there was this boy, he worked in the stables across the street. i sent him for waterman, jim's deputy then. waterman tried to take jim out. jim fought him. insisted that the boy have a drink with him. the boy refused. jim shot him right in the back. yeah, let's see he always claimed that hector did the shooting, wasn't that it? well, naturally he would claim anything. naturally. besides, who would ever believe that hector do such a thing? if you'll excuse me mr. gilman. but i have to work on my accounts. i ah...hope you enjoyed the rest of your meal. if i may, i recommend the black cherry cobbler. well i'll be sure to try it. so he's coming back huh?
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get your feet off my desk. wouldn't do it my way the first time, would ya? hmm? oh no. kill the kid you said not jim. eight forty five. one hour. we are going to do it my way this time. i figure from the hotel down the street. when jim gets off that stage. jim later. first gilman. he'll be going to the jail as soon as he finishes eating, get there. sure. thirty minutes. thirty minutes? until i talk to abe. i thought we are gonna... thirty minutes, hector. can you keep him away? why are we wasting time? you know we're gonna have to finish him. not until i have talked to abe. not until i know what he has to tell gilman. ok. alright, you want me to hold him, i will. you ask me this is pretty dull.
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get up. well hector this is a nice friendly time, you got here. real gentle people. where are you taking me? where i can keep an eye on you, after the stage gets in. ah, it's no use, he don't even hear. he hears. we don't want to do anymore abe, but we have to know you understand. what is it you have to tell the ranger? what is?
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again oh, listen... i said again. tell him abe. what did you see that night? you saw something, we know it. ah... again. no. again. no one small hector, the stage is due in 15 minutes. you know what you have to do? i go to betsy's room at the hotel. i can see the stage from up there when it pulls in the hotel.
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and you? no... you will take gilman to abe. shoot him. one shot, it will be all you need. you will say that abe do it. the ranger went to speak to him, and abe was drunk, grabbed his gun. but if abe tells what he knows, it was hector that killed the boy not jim, and how we did this to the ranger. then we will simply be what you said he was, a drunken old fool trying to alibi his way out of murder. george, i don't know. you had better know. you got money, we all got plenty. what would i do with it? start again some place else. a half breed mother comanche father white. accepted in no world but which i make for myself. no, this is my world. i made it. they have try to take it from me many times jim among them. chasing people from my place, putting up restrictions, curfews, closing down my tables. well, i fought him once and i won and now i'm fighting them again
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[birds chirping] well, you'll be getting some money from the state, mr. perkins. i don't want money. i want my boy. yeah i know. just my boy. only thing i got left of him is his name on that tombstone. well maybe more than that. it's a lot of people around here, that hated coldwell. they were just afraid to fight him the way jim did. first thing they decided was to burn down everything in town that had coldwell's name on it. ah...even to that sign post at the outskirts of town.
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