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tv   WRAL News at 4pm  NBC  November 10, 2016 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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[ man snoring ] ah! ow! ow! dotty, come on, aw, cut it out. cut it out, dotty, that -- no roughhouse. aw, that pinches. aw, that pinches. it's not my size dotty, i can't -- i can't fit in it. [ groans ] i don't even know. whose is that? tell him to put it on the hose, dotty. put it on the hose, dotty! ah, oh. i don't got them. stay w-- that's not mine. i can't eat it that light. i can't bend it that way. ow! ow! ow, dotty! ow! ow! rub it. rub it on.
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just rub it on. oh! oh, dotty! women -- oh, very funny. [ door slams ] [ snoring ] ow! mm-hmm. not where i come from, it's just the opposite. mo-- motown, dotty. motown. no, i'm not gonna be the bunny, honey. i can't. i don't even know. aha. you tell me when. you tell me when. oh, is that so? oh, is that so? well, i happen to have an amigo. uh-huh. item 7 assignments -- sergeant bates, officer flaherty to lieutenant buntz. also, uh, people, division vice is initiating an undercover operation at the eden rock health club,
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rson russo, detectives larue... all right! washington and belker. item last, people -- this is a memo to all precincts from chief daniels. 4 days ago at the polk avenue precinct, 2 white officers failed to support 2 black officers in the field, resulting in an officer being critically wounded. i have today dismissed officer brian gritch and roland mahoney from the force and have turned over our i.a.d. findings to the district attorney with recommendations to file criminal charges. ring 4 officers from polk avenue to other precincts. finally, command of polk avenue has been transferred to captain stan williams. captain ray calletano will be assigned to division as my adviser. this police force mirrors the society it serves. this means we have race problems. it will never mean toleration of any officer's failure to perform his duty, particularly in regard to the support of his brother officers.
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excuse me. uh...we have a late arrival -- a transfer officer james sanders. transferring, uh, from where, sanders? polk avenue. i see. welcome. dismissed. yeah, great to have you aboard. go on. no, you go, pal. you ain't seeing my back. all right, that's enough, gentlemen! officer sanders, go ahead. dispatch. we have a 911 -- armed robbery in progress, surplus store, corner of peebles drive and 124th street. [ slow piano music plays ]
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anyone but flaherty. well, the other availabilities are officers hill, renko... good. great. ...and sanders. sanders? yeah, he's riding with hill and renko on an orientation tour. is there any particular thinking for puttin' sanders with a black cop? who can familiarize him with the precinct. well, great. either i ride with the judas, or i get to watch "mandingo" revisited. you ready? we understand each other, right, kid? you wanna drive? perfect. come on. renko: yes, sir, i know that. yes, i'm totally aware of that. i'm sorry, bobby. hunter assigned us one of the guys from the polk. good. listen, yeah, lieutenant, look, i'm a police officer.
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uh, yep. no, i'm just asking you this -- i'd like to have the professional courtesy of being able to file the report in my own precinct rather than going all the way down to the heights by public transportation. they got your chevy? yeah. yeah, thank you very much. i need a 547. personal or incident report? personal. they stole my car. bobby? andy? captain? is captain furillo in? yeah, i believe so. the man lost his command this morning. yeah, well, i lost my chevrolet. is this this guy here from the polk? mick, vice operation's computer kicks out names of undercover cops who haven't yet been used in a given area. i don't like that kind of work. they need fresh faces. captain. mick. captain let you out, mick? no. hey, relax, belker, we'll have a couple laughs. ooh! don't do that. i'm sorry.
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i was told there was a panel. you were on it? yes. and you voted to have williams replace me, to take away my command? the precinct had gone renegade. an officer was shot. that was not my fault. that's not what was at issue. what was at issue was how to bring the precinct under control. i could have done it. maybe you could have. i just thought stan williams had a better shot. are you sure, frank? are you sure your panel didn't just feel -- give the blacks one of their own to lead them?! you're upset, ray. you're saying things you don't mean. i have given the story to the latin daily signal. done to me! i think that's a mistake. what could happen, frank? what is left that i could lose? ray! a reporter will call you for your statement. you can confirm or deny it as you see fit! the male detectives will be looking to pop the masseuses. we'll be clients upstairs. you be a hooker to see if any entering patrons solicit. what's my price? rates upstairs are $40 and up.
4:09 pm
eddie donuts, right. that's eddie donatelli's place? all right, card room is. let me bust his taillight and give him a ticket. attitude problem. everyone in sync? coordinated pops 10 minutes after we're in the rooms. c-note minimum. not today, okay? i really appreciate it. how you figure, neal? could i get out? yeah. yeah. hey, nobody bats 1,000, lover. the stories i'm hearing, this chick will sleep th mud. wanna give us a hint, lieutenant? guy, encourage him to relocate. got a description? just search everybody and look mean. police! all right, everybody, up against the dock! come on! you too, pal. come on, everybody. this is an occupational health inspection. all right, up against the dock. come on! come on, move it! hey, hey, hey! hey, what's the shock?
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got an employee -- ace shanks. where is he? half a day off. how's the inspection coming? a little white powder on this one. aw! now, you see here? this here is meat. people eat this here. you can't have dopers handling it. ace shanks give you this stuff, huh? just say the word. look, could we talk about this? you got a problem with shanks? that's your problem? all right, you just consider this a warning visit, all right? everybody gets off with a warning. come on. if i got a health problem, i deal with the health department. i'll bet you do. this side of beef stinks. . aged! aged, not old! it's, uh, probably ace's fault. come on. i'm notifying the health department. he don't mean it. come on. come on. would you tell the patrol officer the purpose of this visit was to put some stink on this guy shanks, not report some health violations? plus, didn't he get the drift that the owner pays off the health department?! so maybe we'll pop who in the health department the owner pays off!
4:11 pm
[ car door closes ] man: you said it would all be taken care of. now, the thing of it is, i can't wait the 2 weeks. i've got to be out of town to see my daughter. man, what you got -- coming on telling me what i can and what i cannot do? any -- any idea, sir, how long you're gonna be here? goldblume: hey, steve. henry, hi. i was just waiting to make a call. well, come on in. e, so, uh... i figured i-i'd get him before he got on the commute train. hadn't heard from you in a couple days. yeah, well, i've been busy, uh, trying to get more publisher's appointments and, uh, rewriting those pages i lost when those kids beat me up, you know, when they, uh, threw my novel up in the air. how many pages you lose? i found all but 5. i-i had to keep going back and prowl around,
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pretty much rewritten. is that a gun belt? yeah. um, i'm passing as an undercover cop. it's -- it's my only way of getting the people up here to leave me alone. it's loaded. those kids beat me up, hank. they, uh, destroyed my manuscript. steven, what's going on? you okay? yeah. i'm upset. i think i'm naturally upset. i'm just trying to get those pages rewritten, and i just hope i'm getting them right. okay. okay. look... i don't want you holed up in here all the time.
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can i take this? noon okay? sure. hank?
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why we can't talk about whatever it is you want to talk to me about at lunchtime right here on the telephone. you know, for what it's worth, i got bum-rapped getting tossed in with those other cops. my partner didn't like your color, and they disciplined both of us. that's an action corner there, starting around lunch hour -- weed, pcp, you name it, they sell it. i'm just saying if you give me half a chance, i think you'll find out i'm okay. uh, could yoexcuse us? what do you mean?
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yeah, i'll be across the street. uh, the theft of my auto may turn out to be a more complicated matter than i first anticipated. how's that? remember last week when i went to the radiator repair place, and i was saying how the car was becoming a losing proposition? uh, this guy, down there at the car repair place, and i were talking, see, about how even if i sold it, it would be, uh, less than blue book 'cause of daryl ann's fender bender. uh, well, it was a totally innocent conversation, robert. this guy mike says to me -- how would i like to get what the car was worth, the insurance company. and i said, of course, "hell yes." and that was it. it was the end of the conversation. well, what did he just say to you on the phone? that, uh, we should talk at lunch because we had... he stole it! check out sanders. sanders: walk straight to the car.
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hey, man, what is your problem? you know, things don't usually get active around here until near noon. early riser. sorry, we're so popular, fellas. it's all right. should be just a few more minutes. she don't know how right she is. sorry. [ growls ] ooh! all right! ohhhh! hey, uh, this cousin of mine told me a good tip gets a deluxe massage. [ chuckles ] what do you mean by that? what do you think i mean? you mean the total body massage? maybe that's what he meant. total body's 40 bucks extra.
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[ laughs ] top down's an extra $10. oh, so that's -- that's 50 bucks altogether? uh-huh. before. eck my left pants pocket. [ chuckles ] you're a cop! yeah, you're busted, sweetheart. oh, there's no extra charge for the topless. [ chuckles ] ! you're busted, lady! no, way! you don't get your cake and eat it! you're popped, rhonda. i have a chronic lower-back problem. girls, we're going in. hey, this guy got what he came for. what's s talking about? nothing. we'll straighten it out at the station. where i come from if you do it, it's entrapment. you did it?! i didn't do it. did so. sure. come on. jerk! i can show you the x-rays. it's a displaced lumbar disk.
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i was ju kidding. and this is play money, right? good morning. hi. joyce, uh, can i talk to you... 30 seconds? don't worry. it's not gonna be a protest of my undying love. could you file these under clarence monroe? joyce... i just wanna say -- what happened on tuesday, as far as i'm concerned, it happened. it's in a time capsule. all right. because i want us to keep working together well. and we can't if you think i'm looking at you weird, which i'm not going to be. deal. no weird looks, time capsule. what have you got on clarence monroe?
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he takes a "c" felony and a nickel, or we go to trial. 5 years? irwin, he hasn' been arrested since '84. okay, we go to trial, mr. d.a. mr. tough guy. frk? did you get a call from this spanish daily bugle. latin daily signal. i've been ducking it. meaning you know about se?or calletano's grand-stand play? ray came to see me. he said a reporter might call about his losing his command. e stones on the guy! if ever a captain deserved to be relieved, it was him. in some part of him, i think he knows that, chief. his pride's been hurt. i'm not running a therapy group. this department's got enough race problems without someone turning up the heat under the latins. i want you to call your friend ray. tell him i don't think the media is the proper forum for airing his grievances. tell him i'll be very, very disappointed if that story runs. truth is, frank,
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got a minute for a broken-down, old war horse? stan. hiya, captain. you look great. that's the way i feel. life of leisure agrees with you. no, no. no, no. that's not it. it's this thing i had, this bypass. i feel 20 years younger. they say it's a miracle operation. up at my cabin, i was rowing out to my fishing spot. i was even chopping wood. could you believe that? i'm glad. no, i mean it. i mean it. i feel like a new man. so, uh... how's sergeant hunter coming along? oh, he's settling in. mm-hmm. it's a hell of a thing for him, that demotion. he's settling in all right, though, huh? listen, now that you're back, can joyce and i get you to dinner? sure. sure. there's no policy against it, captain. against what, stan? as long as my doctor gives me a clean bill of health, the department got no policy against my coming back. it's a stressful position. i can do it.
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a 35-year-old with 25 years experience. you're 16 months from mandatory. don't be automatic. don't shut me down without thinking about it. please? if i call your doctor, he'll back you? uh, ah, i swear to you. he'll give me 100% clean bill of health. okay. you mean that? i'll think about it. sure. sure. i understand. look, here's, uh, here's my doc's name. captain? thanks. no promises. no promises, right. no promises. i'm sorry all the guys are out on the shift. why don't you stop and say hello to howard? yeah, i'll, uh... i'll do that if he's at the desk. when would i hear from you? i don't know. soon. thanks, captain.
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woman: can i help you, sir? so, uh... what do you guys think of this new kid lane the bombers got? he's a hell of a broken field runner. them boys sure can run, can't they? that's mike. that's the guy that was working on my car. ha ha ha. [ chuckles ] thank you. uh, burger, fries, coke. and we need some more ketchup. so sorry about your bad luck -- getting your car stolen.
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nt out to you that i am an officer of the law. who is about to get full blue book replacement for a car that needed $3,500 bodywork. look, i don't want to talk to you about this, okay? as far as i'm concerned, the theft of my vehicle has nothing to do with you. we had a conversation. it was a coincidence. i put a fix in to your claims guy. everything else -- [ humming ] you can hum all you want to, guy, but you are in this. your blue book -- $6,000. i cash the settlement check. mike: forget the food. you got a call at the station from an insurance adjuster. khaki officer's got the number. thank you. what's the matter? oh, the most horrible things go on. what do you mean? well... this poor man was down in the alley,
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this is near your hotel? [ sighs ] so how are you? [ chuckles ] i'm okay. i'm a little worried about my buddy. i-i keep having this dream. i'm camped outside a walled city. i keep trying to get in. i just think maybe i should go home. no luck with the other publishers? oh, it's like a... broken record. 6:00 to 7:00, i try to call the presidents of publishing houses and, uh, rice krispies and grapes. and, uh, i catch the subway. 9:00 to 11:00, i try to get an editor to see me and then back here and get jostled. henry, you just wouldn't believe it. these kids are like mangling jackals. [ sighs ] [ exhales sharply ] tell me the truth.
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i did. there's a whole lot of good stuff in it... a whole lot. come on, up against the bar. everybody, everybody up against the bar. spread 'em, everybody. that means you, too, horseface. you want a special invitation? come on, get up against the bar. all right, what do they got? come on, let's see what the ladies got in their pockets. come on, let's help the policemen. e are trying to make a living here? have you got a warrant or something, officer? have i got a warrant? yeah. have you got a felony offender with an ongoing parole problem frequenting this establishment? why don't you just save the roust and tell me who it is? well, look what just crawled out of the can. hey, lieutenant, thanks for costing me my meatpacking job. i show up from the dentist, find out you had me fired. what, had you fired, ace? we inquired for your whereabouts. you eighty-sixed me, man. come on, ace. one more step.
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that little twitch is stinkin' up my apartment and keepin' me awake all night yappin' in his sleep 'cause he thinks you're gonna ice him. i don't want him in my apartment, ace. so you get me fired from my job. hey, hey, your job is breakin' into places. this, uh, meatpacking gig is just a jolly for your parole officer. now, ace, flamingos, jai alai, gulf stream park -- you see a pattern here, huh? i think the man's describing florida. buy a ticket, ace. 'cause as long as you're around here, you are a definite minus to every establishment that gives you hospitality. over your forehead. safe trip. that little jerk better hope you keep running interference for him. forget about him, ace. eliminate him from your mind. come on, look out. look out.
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this in the manual?anual? it's there, flaherty. chapter's called "loyalty to someone you work with." they must have left it out of your copy. oh, yeah. you as tough as you think, lieutenant? hey, how 'bout let's find out, huh?
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captain furillo, antonio robledo.
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send in luis limon, please. i just spent 20 minutes on the telephone with mr. limon. i'd hoped this could be a private conversation. that's not how i run my newspaper. this is captain furillo from the hill street precinct. how are you? i was just entering captain furillo's "no comments" in my word processor. i hope you don't think you have a news story here. i mean, what you've done is strung together a series of inaccurate speculations by a man who is emotionally distraught. so you deny captain calletano's statements? i have no comment. if you had your captaincy taken away, ? yes, and maybe i'd be tempted to say some things i didn't mean or hadn't thought all the way through. it was your panel that removed captain calletano from his command. my self interest is to see that my department doesn't split apart along racial lines, but i also happen to be ray calletano's friend. i'd hate to see him victimized by one moment of poor judgment. he said the racial tensions in his precinct weren't his fault. that's not the bad judgment i'm talking about. captain calletano's precinct had gone renegade. it needed to be brought under control.
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or if stan williams had. you feel captain calletano's poor judgment is using the press as a forum to express his grievance? yes. and i publish a newspaper to provide such a forum. i credit your good intentions, captain, but i don't choose to decide what is best for se?or calletano. it'll mean his badge. maybe he wants to do other work. maybe this'll get you a promotion. thanks for your time. that insurance guy. um, sarge, w-what did he say -- w-what did he say to you? he said, "is officer renko here?" and then he said "i'll wait." transit authority requests assist. robert, will you and officer sanders take that call? that was not a question. bobby hill, i'm starting to see myself in stripes.
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keep it to "yes," "nos," and a whole lot of "i don't remembers." uh, andy j. renko, sir. i understand you were looking for me. harold sturkoll, officer. nice to see you. glad i caught you. what? caught me? i mean i'm glad i caught you here at the precinct. i was in the neighborhood and had some routine questions about your theft this morning. what do you mean, "theft" -- by "theft"? i meant the theft of your car. car was parked outside your residence? yes, sir, i live at 1400 block carlisle. i like to keep my car parked right out in front where i can see it all the time. and, uh, the vehicle was locked? yes, sir, as a police officer, i'm well aware of the precautions one can take to keep a travesty like this from happening, but nevertheless, the thieves did break in. uh-huh. when did you notice the car was missing? what? when did you notice the car was missing?
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at, officer? 5:45, 6:00 -- whenever i got up. if you'll sign here, i'll have the check cut by the end of business. somewhere i can give it to you this evening? mallory's -- 98th and decker. see you at 8:00. yes, i'll see you there at 8:00. gentlemen. something i can do for you, your swami-ship? very funny, guys. listen, is lieutenant buntz really out or is he just ignoring my calls? wait a minute. sid? shh! yes, sid, also known as a person in grave danger. hey, lieutenant ain't here, sid. man, listen, could one of you guys let me hold a 20? what do you got? what i got in terms of information is nada. what i really got is lieutenant buntz is letting me stay at his place until this heat wave i'm involved in blows over,
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unfortunately i cannot circulate, therefore i cannot ply my trade, therefore i'm tapped out. woman: effects on your massage parlor pop, detective. thanks, doris. sounds like a vicious circle, sid. good luck raising the jackson. you know what you guys are doing, don't you? you are driving me to shoplift. [ mumbles in foreign language ] ask him yourself, jack. okay, you guys can go. will there be any record of this? with your back. larue: mr. bernstein, we're in sort of a delicate area here. i wanted to get your advice. one of our cops had a little accident at this massage parlor bust, mr. bernstein. do you follow what i'm saying? no. an accident... down there. number one or number two? when he was in the room with the girl,
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you're saying he consummated the sexual act, detective? the arrest is defective. no, he didn't consummate it. the guy had his party before anyone else arrived. kick it. just his bust or the whole operation? the other busts are technically salvageable, but it would be a pretty embarrassing prosecution. okay. thanks. has this gentleman thought about getting into other areas of police work? yeah, right. hey. how you doin'? we get them booked? what are your charges on your arrest, detective? just talking about that. hold off on that a second. just talked to this a.d.a. who thinks maybe we oughta take a pasadena on this bust. because of me. hey, everybody's got an off day. maybe you had too many oysters last night. not that it's any of my business, but doesn't working vice kind of put you on the spot? i'm up for promotion. i'm up to be put in charge.
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what do you mean? i mean, you know, at the crucial moment you start thinking about baseball averages, try reversing your street address? no, i think of capitals of foreign countries. n.g.? n.g. are we popping those hookers or not? not., uh, you open to a suggestion? anything. call her. sonya. cousin of mine, uh, went to her with a similar problem. you talk baby talk, but she helps. so how long you been on the force? 12 years. how 'bout yourself? 11. huh. we must have just missed each other at the academy. did you have hoover for weapons training? major tube steak, man. the worst. both: [ imitating hoover ] don't shoot your foot off!
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s now an all-units. must be in the subway. larue: it's been a while, right. actually, that's what i'm calling about, sonya. i gave this guy your number. hey, don't mention it. i'm glad to get you the action. uh, one thing -- if it comes up, i, uh, told him you helped my cousin. . gotta go, sonya. huh? no. no, no recurrence. [ baby talk ] same goes for baby johnny. baby johnny misses you, too. lieutenant. we're getting more particulars on this subway incident. i'm afraid it involves that friend of yours. steve merkur. what happened?
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he's been asking to speak with you. woman: ...2008. get off this frequency. all units please stay off frequency three. frequency three is clear for detective goldblume. anything? nobody's moving, lieutenant. tell them to back away, keep him calm. i'm six blocks away. copy, lieutenant. all units at the original 516 call, decker and 117th street subway station, lieutenant goldblume's eta is 30 seconds. decisive action. [ siren wails ] [ horn honks ] come on. come on!
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?! tell me! shots fired. officer down. oh, god. we now have an officer down and suspect down, lieutenant. get out of the way. get out of the way! what happened? the guy just started shooting. i don't think he knew what hit him. look, i'm fine. just see what you can do for him. who is it? appened down there? the guy freaked out, lieutenant. he pulled out -- babbling about some pages or something and just started blasting. he was just protecting himself against those punks. the man shouldn't have been shot. man: yeah, he was protecting all of us. why did he start shooting? we just asked the dude for some change. you got what you deserved, you bastards! celeste baldwin from channel six. we have a report saying that the shooter was asking for you right before he was killed. he was my friend. did you know he was carrying a gun, lieutenant? the people on the subway claim he was defending himself
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, vigilante? come on! stop it! stop making up your own stories.
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unit three needs serviced. specifics, sarge? everything. brakes. patrick, you gotta do something about your problem -- you and buntz, and i don't mean a fistfight.
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i can't let that be my problem. so what's your problem? you and your squad lieutenant can't be in the same room without throwing rights? talk to him. there's gotta be more to it. he lists two sisters, captain, but i don't know which would be called sanders' next of kin. i'll just call them both. officer hill has a superficial bicep wound. oh, he already should be released. i have had a raft of inquiries with this unfortunate merkur fellow from the vultures in the press. just take their numbers out. i hope i was permitted a disapproving tone. captain. howard. ray. the newspaper story will not appear in the spanish press, frank. i've requested them not to publish. i know how painful this has been for you. i think you're showing good judgment.
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don't you agree? so now i am chief daniels' advisor. i have my job, and all i lost is my self-respect. yeah, person to person to miss eugenie sanders. none of my business, i just wanted to say, though, that you shouldn't let all the talking upset you. i slept with sonny capalito in my undercover. people take things out of context. they look for easy ways to think about other people. everyone used to call me "belker the biter." ha ha. just keep doing the job. good night. night.
4:51 pm
what do you need? ranks? why are you on me so bad? you don't gotta ask me that. oh, 'cause i turned in andy schueler? let me tell you something, flaherty. if you're lucky in your life maybe there's three or four people that you're friends with. now, i just don't dig somebody that would give up his partner. did you know andy schueler? do you know what he was like? hey, i don't care how crooked this schueler was. ou know i was even friends with him, lieutenant, huh? how do you know if he was even a nice guy? look, i hear you had a partner you shot. is there somehow this figures in? shut up! you keep your freakin' mouth shut! come on, you wanna go, huh?! would you let go of me? don't you let me hear "tommy donahue"
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tommy donahue was the sweetest guy you'd ever meet, and the nicest, before he got all screwed up. he had the most guts, too. the kid took a bullet for me. he showed up at a pop he wasn't even supposed to -- it was easier for me, lieutenant. i didn't love andy schueler. renko: well, there you are. woman: ...near the decker avenue subway station ended late this afternoon... and there's sanders. you think he got bum rapped?
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yeah. no, no. i don't think you know what's in a guy's heart till you get to know him. we ain't gonna know sanders. oh, bobby, there's that insurance guy, and he's got that guy mike with him. don't make me bust you. oh, come on. don't jibe me, man. i'm on the verge of insurance crucifixion. mr. sturkoll. how you doin', mike? officer, step into my office. i, uh, have your settlement check here -- $6,000. if you'll sign it, then for a slight fee my friend can cash it, we can all go home for supper. well, yes and no. "yes and no" what? well, yeah, i want the check 'cause my car got stolen, but, no, i'm not gonna avail myself to your check-cashing service.
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no, you don't get it. see, i'm not gonna be party to a felony 'cause this guy here mistook an innocent conversation. so what i suggest is you both go home to those hot meals you were talking about before you get charged with insurance fraud or grand auto theft or i don't know what all. cops think they can get away with murder. check, please. vaya con dios, mike.
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about done in here? why? i was told the room would be vacated.
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for him. for him. [ sighs ] [ clears throat ] what? you say grace, norm? are you kidding me? i'm in rome. i don't know.
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where'd you get the vino? oh, nice chianti, huh? i stole it at sulley's. hey. sorry. did i talk as much last night? [ chuckles ] worse. oh, jeez. i don't know what i'm gonna do about that, norm. i am not gonna impose. you're not gonna impose? no. i'm not gonna ask you to switch beds with me, let me sleep in a more comfortable bed. no, 'cause that would be an imposition, and i'm a guest. i'm lucky to be a guest. anyway, i think maybe your ace shanks problem's about to ease off. i think ace is about to migrate. well, ace shanks is not a seasonal creature. hey, sid, let me know what i know, all right? you handle being a creep.
4:58 pm
sid. sid, sid, come here. sid, are you hit? no, i think i knocked myself unconscious. that's ace shanks, huh? it used to be. okay, you're okay, huh? yeah, thanks, norm. okay. don't you die, too, all right? just don't you die, too. i ain't gonna die. mornin', bobby hill. boy, i sure appreciate your taking the time to come out of your way and pick me up like this. no problem. no problem. i just don't understand why you won't drive yourself. what? [ laughs ] did you cash the check, andrew? [ laughs ]
4:59 pm
who would have given those boys 20%, and had $4,800 in cold cash in their pocket. yeah, yeah, but they wouldn't have this beautiful chevy to drive to work. two to one it don't start. think positive. positive. [ engine sputtering ] -- captions by vitac --
5:00 pm
hey. what do we got? a female d.o.a. in the trunk of an abandoned car. mid-20s. who called it in? - this guy william keho. - we're gonna need to talk to him. all right. hey. keho, the detectives are gonna need to talk to you. yeah, no problem. [ sighs ] - no tracks, decently healthy. - we got ligature marks over here. - what the hell is that on her chest there? - it looks like candle wax.


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