tv Early Today NBC November 11, 2016 4:00am-4:30am EST
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ir survival school some place a little more accessible? well, it's supposed to be secret. an uncharted island 700 miles off the shipping lanes. yeah, that's pretty secret. open channel r, please. cutter here, station r. it's kuryakin here, sir. i would like a break in security to allow me to come ashore. verify identification. code marlin 12. deactivate all perimeter explosions on section charlie. i thought solo was coming. yes, he was, but he was given another assignment at the last minute. all right, you're cleared. there'll be a man to meet you on the beach, kuryakin. thank you, sir, it's been a long time. i'm looking forward to a pleasant visit. don't count on it. you've got exactly 10 minutes to clear out on security perimeter. out. not exactly mr. personality, is he? yeah, well, mr. cutter takes his job a little too seriously.
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moving to shore. that's all? you saw nothing from the jungle or the rocks? no, sir. by the time i could get close enough to investigate, mr. kuryakin was bending over agent phillips and phillips was dead. do you often take moonlit swims on lonely, deserted beaches? trainees are permitted time off to do as they wish. yes, i'm familiar with the rules there. there'll be maximum security in this matter, you're dismissed. class of '59, wasn't it, mr. kuryakin? -no, '56, sir. -oh. do you remember you kept me here an extra month to instruct the explosives in demolition class. oh, yes, i recall you were moderately good at it. from you that's a rare compliment. are these the assignments for the graduates? yes. security didn't want them sent by radio. let's stop waltzing, mr. kuryakin, waverly doesn't send his top agents out as messengers. you're here because of suspected thrush infiltration.
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ndercover agent several weeks ago right after the codebook was stolen. he's here now posing as a trainee. yeah, but since graduation is so near and you haven't learned anything yet, mr. waverly thought... what does mr. waverly know about running a school? he's sitting in a desk 2,000 miles away. he's the man that takes the final responsibility... yes, i know he takes the final responsibility but this school means a great deal to me, mr. kuryakin. everyone at u.n.c.l.e. is aware of your dedication... oh no, they're not, not everyone. not the man that was killed on the beach last night. five and a half seconds. you should have done it in four. you still like to spring your little surprises. oh, it's always interesting to see how much our older students have retained of their training. john saimes, one of our advanced students,
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asure, mr. kuryakin. throw a nice flip. i've applied for section two, we might be working together someday. i'll look forward to it. that'll be all, sir? you're dismissed. your star pupil? on the contrary, his status is questionable. you still haven't told me where we're going. why don't we find someplace to talk business where there isn't a possibility of a security leak? still wasting live ammunition? of course, in our kind of work the element of death must be constantly present. well, crawling under the guns does sharpen the reflexes.
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i assume you've notified mr. waverly about the murder. reluctantly. i wanted to try to find a possible suspect myself. you don't have very much time, a thrush agent. all the trainees knew what happened. i'm certain all the men will be of help. you can only track one. we don't know who that one is. now, look, this is my school, and i'll find him. you're not finding a one-man operation here, mr. cutter. they're the normal procedures, chains of command. don't wave the flag at me, mr. kuryakin. my wife and her unborn child were killed in angkor by a thrush bomb with my name on it.
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te thrush with a constant supply of trained agents. on this island, the chain of command begins and ends right here. anybody hurt? must have shaken itself loose, sir. aren't you supposed to be in class? i was just on my way, sir, when, uh... when you accidentally noticed this defective machine gun mount. considering what's happened recently, i think we all try to anticipate trouble when we can, sir. your initiative is appreciated.
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mr. kuryakin, isn't it? -section two? -that's right. andrew hague, sir. trainees have heard a lot about you, mr. kuryakin. rumor has it you're here because of the... we don't deal in rumors at this school, mr. hague. you're dismissed. yes, sir. he's good, he's too good, he's too sure of himself. there's got to be a flaw somewhere. two days from graduation doesn't give you much time to find it. he's cocky and he's overconfident. that can be more dangerous than incompetence. did he have access to the stolen codebook? mr. kuryakin, every trainee had access to that codebook. why should a thrush infiltrate or bother to steal anything. he'll be graduating in a few days, within a year he could have all our secrets. but mr. kuryakin, that codebook just didn't blow away.
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love. and that's not in your manual of training. certainly not at this school. andrew hague you know. former u.s. army sergeant, he's got an excellent combat record, aggressive, eager to please, seems to be overconfident. might be a glory seeker. highly questionable. john saimes, your friendly adversary this morning. a five letter man at minneapolis. former naval intelligence officer, excellent leadership qualities, one major weakness, women. however, good record. i have bad news for you, mr. cutter. well, that's just about the only news i've been getting here lately, mr. waverly. i've just received this directive from our security committee. the last paragraph may interest you. unless the crisis of the survival school is resolved before the forthcoming graduation, the entire class is to be dismissed
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you'd close the school, punish the entire class because of one member? that one member is obviously working for thrush. mr. waverly, we're doing everything we can. that apparently isn't enough. even the undercover agent you requested has failed to turn up any substantial information. i will contact the man at the first available opportunity, sir. good. this is a very serious situation, gentlemen. the school must be closed unless the thrush double agent is found immediately. with just a little more time, mr. waverly. oh, mr. kuryakin? yes, sir? you will share responsibility with mr. cutter for ending this threat to our very existence. of course. well, that's all. good luck. oh, mr. solo sends his best to you. the truth, i'll get it if i have to sweat... turn this into an inquisition and you'll totally destroy morale. if that doesn't work, i'll use truth serum, maybe hypnosis, polygraph tests... i don't think it will be necessary
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well, she's efficient. just look at that, perfect reflexes. almost too perfect. excuse me. miss hargrove. i come in peace. is this a social call, mr. kuryakin, or a casual interrogation of the number one suspect? you? i was at the scene of the crime, now wasn't i? but so was i. there's a difference. i'm a trainee, you're a respected and trusted member of section two.
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johnny, i... relax, melissa, i'm all right. we were concerned about johnny. when you said yellow alert at sentry post five, well, we all knew that he was on duty here. did you see him before he hit you? not enough to identify him. and he was wearing one of our uniforms, sir. he could still be in the area. deploy and search.
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all right, mr. kuryakin and i will take care of things from here on, get back to your assignments. go on. let's revive him and i'll get a confession out of him. afraid not, mr. kuryakin. you ever seen this man before? no. well, we work for a pretty big company. harry williams, from u.n.c.l.e. id 079.
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take the prisoner into my office. you think ms. hargrove and the other trainees brought our act? possibly. doesn't make much difference. i got myself a top undercover agent and he blows his cover. he's certainly no good to me now. what happened? harry williams, looks like he's turned out to be a thrush double agent.
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cutter was awfully anxious to get rid of johnny and me. williams could be an undercover man for u.n.c.l.e. sent out here to spy on us. is that so bad? it could be for one of us. i owe you something for the clout in the head, williams. that'll be all, saimes. sir, i'd like a chance to talk to this man myself. that'll be all, you're dismissed. yes, sir. i'm sorry we didn't meet under more pleasant circumstances. my name is illya kuryakin. erly said you were gonna be here. all right, we can just dispense with amenities. what the devil are you doing out there, williams? well, i was looking back over the murder site. any luck? there's one spot where the sand has been sort of stirred up as if maybe someone's been digging, buried something.
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it's, uh, right about here. at the base of a large rock formation. then i started poking around, that's when saimes showed up. did he see what you were doing? yeah, played hide and seek for a while, then i shook him. after that i guess he rang the alert, huh? a violation of every basic rule of survival. you got away from him and you return on purpose, risking everything just to knock him out. how stupid. i agree with you, mr. cutter. i didn't. if you didn't, who did? sorry, illya, from where i was hiding i couldn't see saimes or anybody else. if this mess isn't cleared up, you know we won't graduate? cutter knows his business, he'll settle it.
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last week the codebook was stolen, last night phillips gets murdered. your reflex is slow, i almost got one shot off. thanks, i'll work on it. if williams is a thrush double agent, he wasn't very smart getting trapped on the beach. more importantly, what was he doing on the beach? you should have adjusted the homing control. that way the pellet will reach the grenade, on top of its arc. i vote that we do a little private investigating of our own. if you mean the beach, that's off limits. anyone caught there would be instantly dismissed from school. won't make any difference either way
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