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tv   WRAL News 5AM  NBC  November 11, 2016 5:00am-5:59am EST

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?? >> here's adventure. ?? here's romance. here's o. henry's famous robin hood of the old west,
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>> good morning, frank. >> hi, dan. some eatin' establishment you've got here. >> anything wrong? you sound kind of sour. >> that's exactly how my stomach feels after eating one of your cafe specials! >> bad as that, huh? >> it's so danged bave good notion to haul your cook in for deliberate and premeditated poisoning. >> oh, come now, frank, it's not that bad. >> well, maybe not, but doggone it, dan, if you don't get another cook pretty quick, me and the rest of the bachelors will have to get married to protect our innards. >> well, that won't be necessary. i just hired a new cook and combination waitress. >> sure enough? >> sure enough. i put an a in the "county journal" last week, and she replied. >> by gosh, that's the best news i've heard since dewey captured manila.
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going as far as center city, driver? >ep. >> mind if i ride along with you? >> how come you're afoot out here in the mi o minutes ago. luckily, i spotted your stage. there are a couple of hold-up men after me. >> hold-up men? >> yeah. >> well, why didn't you say so in the first place? climb aboard. >> thanks. >> ho! >> look, cisco, his horse.
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someplace, pancho. be careful. >hat do you see, cisco? >> footprints. they lead down there to that road over there. >> this i don't understand. he leave his horse, and his horse can go so much faster than him. >> i wonder. there you are, pancho. there is your answer. >> but all i see is stage coaches. >> yeah, he saw the stage, too. that's why he sent us chasing aboard it. >> cisco, how do you know all the time what i am thinking? >> driver! those are the hold-up men.
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>> keep your eye on 'em, will ya, miss, while i reload? >> they're gaining on us. >> just keep watching 'em. >> >> leave your gun alone and pull
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>> drop your gun. everyone out of the stage. make it quick. >> yes, and when cisco says "quick," he means quicker than pancho can say "robins and jacks." >> don't be alarmed, miss. i said everyone out! hurry up! >> there isn't anyone else in there. >> he's not there, pancho. >> he fool us, cisco. he didn't get aboard the stage coaches. >> were you looking for someone special to rob? >> this is not a hold-up, miss. we're looking for a thief who is a killer. >> and if we catch him, we're gonna let the law hang him if we don't kill him first. >> this is very, very funny. the cisco kid and pancho, planning to turn a criminal over to the law! >> so you know us. >> i've seen your pictures, mainly on the "wanted" posters. >> pancho take a pretty good picture, don't you believe it? that becau pancho is pretty good-looking.
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inside. tata it and go. i'm in a hurry to get to center city. >> ooh, cisco, the se?orita, she's got more fire than t t salsa in the chili pepper sauce. >> yes, pancho. and yet, she's s set enough to kiss. >> you try that and i'll-- >> just a minute, miss. kisses are given, not taken. >> now, tell me, did you see a man board the stage a few miles down the road? >> i wouldn't know. i was fast asleep. >> driver, come on down here. lady? >> why-- why sure. >> well, then? >> don't tell them anything, driver. >> se?or, don't think your head is gonna look pretty good with a hole in the middle. >> uh, put that gun up, mister. it's liable to go off. a gent did board the stage. said you were trying to rob him. >> and what became of him? >> i don't know, he must have piled off back down the line somewhere. >> hmm. well, pancho, i think we betetr take a look around there.
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>> hyah! >i, larry. >> hello, sheriff. >> have a good trip? >> yeah, pretty good. >> didn't you bring any other passengers? >> no, just that young lady in there. were you expecting someone? >> yes, our new cook. >> aw, doggone it, i bet she changed her mind. just like a woman. >> i wouldn't bet on that, shererf. i'm your new cook, sir. >> you? >> disappointed? >> oh, no, quite to the
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older woman, and not such a pretty one. >re you sure you're a good cook, miss? >> best in the west, sheriff. >> i'll show you to your room. >> here's your bag, miss. >> oh, thank you. >> the hotel's right across the street. >> i hope she can cook as good as she looks. >> sheriff, i almost forgot to tell you, we run into that cisco kid and his pal pancho. they stopped the stage right this side of apache canyon. >> hold-up? >> no, they were just looking for some feller. >> oh, well, they better not
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>> well, here you are. now, if you don't find it comfortable, you j jt let me know. >> thank you. >> i'll wait for you down in my
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>> oh, goodness! oh... now look what i've done. >> cisco, we lose the trail on the hill, and you think we find it here. what makes you so sure? >> you remember that girl on the stagecoach? >> yes. >> she was covering up for the man we w we chasing. now, why did she do it? >> i don't know. who knows what a woman will do? >> i'll tell you why. >> why? >> there is something between her and that man. and i wouldn't be surprised at all if he gave her the bonds. >> cisco, you say... (indistinct)
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cisco, the sheriff. this way, this way! >> just a minute, pancho. >> what? what? >> wait a minute. where in the name of little green apples are you trying toto go? >> cisco, this is no time to ask the silly questions, with the sheriff chasing us. let's go before it's too late. >> p pcho, pancho, wait a minute. we didn't do anything wrong. why should he put us in jail? >> since when does the sheriff have to have a reason to lock cisco and pancho up? let's went now before he puts-- >> pancho, wait. wait a minute! then he will think we did something wrong. >> oh-- oh, jailhouse, open your do >> be quiet! be quiet! hello, sheriff. >> hello, boys. >> how do you do, i'm m re. sure is a nice day today, if it don't rain, which is good if it don't. don't t u? >> what? what were you two running away from? >> running away? you're mistaken, sheriff. we were just getting the kinks out of our legs. >> yeah, kinky.
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>> not exactly. we dropped in to have a look around. >> looking for a killer? >> i see. you've been talking to the stagecoach d dver, huh? >> who is this killer? what's he done? >> i don't know his name, but he cheated a a ry close friend of mine of $25,000 in bonds, and then killed him. >> yeah, we are gonna break him in 16 pieces when we catat him, too. >> well, that's all right with me, as long as you do your looking on the other side of the county line. >> hey, what's the matter with you? don't you believe us? >> let's put it this way, cisco. there's hardly any crime in my jurisdicon, and i like ith so i'll give you and pancho st 24 hours to get out of the county. >> and if we don't? >> you'll wish you had. >> hey, cisco, he sound like he mean business. we better went from before he show us what the jail look like. >> no, pancho, i am not leaving here until i get the man i'm after. yeah, but, cisco-- >> you donon have to stay here with me. >> sure i don't, but i will, big fool that i am. aw, i knew it all the time. now, look, you wait here and water the horses.
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i just hope the food tastes as good as the menu looks. >> don't you worry, it will. >> oh, why, vic! >> hello, dan. >> well, it's good to see you around again. where you been? >> oh, here and there. >> hello there. say, you certainly left that stage just in time. the cisco kid was really after you. i've gotta get back to work. >> what's she doing here, dan? >> she's my new cook and waitress. what's all this about what happened? >> he and his pal were hot on my heels, so i ditched my horse and caught the stage. however, ty got wise, so i piled off and caught a ride here in a wagon. >> and the bonds, you got them with you? >> your pretty little waitress has 'em, but she doesn't know it. >> what do you mean? >> i put 'em in her bonnet just before i jumped from the stage. in case cisco and his pal caught up with me. >> well, not i've heard
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he's certainly hot on your trail, and that's not good. >> he's worse than a bloodhound. we've gotta get rid of him. >> wait in my office. i'll take careref him. >> hello, miss. >> oh, so it's you again. >> of f urse. say, what's the matter with you? don't you ever smile? >> why don't you mind your own business! what'll you have? >> cup of coffee. (chuckles) >> i wonder what cisco is doing in that hotel so long. all day long. he say, "wait for me here, pancho, wait for me there, pancho." i think i'm gonna go and see what he's doing in that hotel so long, eh? and listen, i want you boys to stay right here and wait for me. and don't talk about me when i'm
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>> i can't understand a girl like you protecting a killer. you know, i think he'll show up here in town sometime. what do you think? >> i think you're a very annoying person. >> oh, hello. i didn't suppose to find you here. you know, cisco o ink i don't got no brains at all. but i will show him. and while he's talking to the girl, i will look all around the house and find the bonds. and i will prove to him that i am not so dumb, like i am. what do you think? i think you are crazy. hey, holy smokers, who say that? hey, pancho, you shouldn't say those things about yourself.
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i'm not so dumb, like you. good-bye, huh? uh, i will let you know how i make out. ah-- (groans)
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>> you still donon believe what i said about that killer, do you? >> no, i don't. with your reputation, i wouldn't believe a word you said. now, why don't you stop bothering me? >> as you wish. see you later. >> don't hurry bacacon my account. >> boys, come here. get him, but not around the
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>> hey, pancho. pancho! >> hey, cisco, cis-- hey, behind you!
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>> cisco, i think i try to circle around him. >> no, pancho, i have a better idea. see that sign hanging over his head? >> yes. >> it's hanging by hooks >eah. >> you shoot one, and i'll take the other. wait a minute... now! (laughter) >> say, we're pretty good shots, cisco. we hit something every time. >> drop your guns, quick! >> but, shshiff, we are-- >> save your gab for the judge, cisco. i warned you to stay out of my jurisdiction. get those two fellas over to the doc. all right, come on, on your way. >> but, sheriff-- >> you too, pancho. let's go.
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>> well, that oughta take care of cisco.
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>> hey, cisco, why those men they wanna kill you all the time for? >> because the girl, or her stagecoach friend, put 'em up to it, pancho. heh, the girl. the shoe's on top of the other foot this time, huh? >> oh, something. the bonds. >> yeah? >> i got 'em. >> you? >> that was nothing. i use my brains, and even if it did leave my head empty for a little while. you know, pancho's a pretty smart hombre, huh? >> where did you get them, pancho? >> wouldn't you like to know? in the girl's hat in the hotel room. >> well, i can't find them. >> look under the mattress.
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>> we're getting out of here. >> ooh, yeah, getting out. just like that, huh? >> yes, just like that. the same way we got out of the jail in guadalajara, you remember? >> you're telling me remember. we singe our pantalos getting out of there, huh? >> never mind about that. the sheriff is about to be here any minute now. get busy, come on. take the mattress off. >> well, if there's a bonnet in this room, i'll eat it. >> she must've found 'em and hid 'em somewhere with her bonnet. >> we better go see that girl. >> go on, hurry up. here he comes now. go on, hurry! help, help! the jail-- >> the jail's on fire! (overlapping shouting) >> come on, sheriff, help! somebody come here. open the door! help! we're choking to death in here. come on.
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>> come on out, but don't you try any tricks. >> pancho, put the fire out. i'm sorry to have to do this to you, sheriff, but pancho and i have some unfinished business. here, ncho, here's your gun. now, in the cell. >> get in the smokehouse. quick! andale! >> so you tricked me, eh? >> come on, pancho. give me those keys. >> but i haven't got your bonds. i never saw them. >> well, i put them in your bonnet. i told you a dozen times, i threw it in the waste paper babaet after i got some ink on it. i don't know what happened to it. >> you expect me to believe that? now listst, i'm just giving you one more minute to tell me what you've done with those bonds. >> ow, let go, you're hurting
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>> cisco, you know, she's pretty near good a cook as pancho, huh? >> well, eat hearty, boys. this is the last meal i'm going to cook here. >> congratulatiose you know, i didn't ever eat better food nowheres. >> pancho, you took the words right out ofofy mouth. >> well, you know, i could be persuaded to cook for you, cisco. >> really? >> uh-huh. >> oh! oh! oh, cisco, call the padrdr i'm dying! i'm dying. >> hey, whatatappened to you? >> cisco, let's went. >> oh, so you were just faking, huh? >> yeah, but you know, if cisco get married, pancho won't have
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>> oh, pancho! >> oh, cisco! (laughter) ?? >> good-byby amigos. >> see you soon, ha!
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we're gonna give me a chance. he can talk or hang. you don't give us much choice. i'm afraid your plans is not gonna work george. he's not scared. better tell the boys to take him back.
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v.o. "a routine report of the incident has gone to austin.
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ot satitiied with the finding. they ask ranger, hoby gilman to proceed to the town at oncnc and make a throughout investigation to determine, who was responsible for the lynching of charles lopez. the report had been signed the sheriff alvin freemont. and it was to him that hoby went first. sheriff freemont. yeah? you'll be there ranger. this is my letter of authority from austin. they want a full investigation so they can find out what charges are they going to bring if anything. you want this.
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i don't quite understand this business about charges. i admitted on my report, i was the only one to blame. well a man has been lynched, so somebody got to answer it for it. i'm down here to find out if the state got a case they can prosecute. to your report, it was five of you involved, is that right? yeah, that's right. and you stated to failed the mission. why? wanted lopez to talk. we thought maybe we can scared him into it. and who came up with the idea. george. george mason. we all went along with it. he didn't have to sell us anything. why y s this mason so interested? he was carl rainy's boss. carl rainy, he w w a the one that was murdered. that's right.
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charles lopez was a stable boy. well mason knew lopez better than any of us. and he figured the indian canbe scared what he knew about the killing. none of us thought, it would get out of hand. not one of us thought that. well what made you think that this charles lopez knew something about the murder? well, he was out there, close t. claimed he was just looking for straw horse's. but he didn't have any gun. mostly it was, it was the way he acted, when i questioned him. what made you go along with mason's idea? i had to do something. feeling was running high about carls' murder. it's funny how different things seemed when you look back at it. well... i'm in no position now to charge anybody with murder. but ah, those four men, that were with you are gonna
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t know. well, even so, i still gotta get their statements. you know, we better get over there. now russ, everything is going to be alright. what it will be mister? i'm lookininfor tod collins. am him? my name is hoby gilman. texas ranger. i'm down from austin. that's hub rim. he own the paper. ananthat's ted spics. he works for hub at the type center. and this here ross edwards. you know why i'm here.
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doing the sheriff a favor. we got nothing to hide. then why didn't you print that in a column in your paper? i have read every issue since that hanging, and there's not a word about it anywhere. well, that don't make me guilty. in the eyes of a jury every want of you can be consider a complice. if you got n nhing to hide, you'll answer my questions. and if you have, i'm gonna find it out. i'll tell ya' the truth. we were only helping out the sheriff. none of us wanted to hang that breed. what happened just don't make sense. yeah, that's right. you see the whole idea was to scare this indian into talking. where were you when it happened? i was at the edge of craw working and keeping an eye on things. yeah, you see. you see each of us took a section, where we could best keep things under control. none of this seems to get out of hand, we can step in. but nobody stepped in. it was over before we just knew what had just happening. where were you? i...i was supposed to tete up the crowd and give the indian a good scare. but he just wasn't impress.
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as in it too. how about you edwards where is your part in all of this? i was s pposed to hold up the horses head. and i was doing it too. that rope broke loose and sapped out. that's what seemed to you? well to tell ya' the truth, i was watching speas, we all were. the next i knew thatatorse took off. and there was that poor indian tangling there like catfish at the end of the line. ah, you're trying to tell me that this horse, just pulled it, is that it? like i already told you, just make sense. where was the animal from? george mason's liberty stable, is the nearest place. then any of you know this charles? yeah, he was seemed around town when i bring my horse for showing. did he have a family? wife, pretty. she has it, a dada skin, and black hair. she always keep to herself.
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o weeks ago and yet you're only interested in convicting somebody for the murder of a breed. when you are trying to track somebody down, you pick the freshest trail available. a whole lot of people sasa charles armed not once, so rainy shot. you already got the sheriff. he's responsible for charles's death. everyone of you put a noose around charle's neck. supposedly to make him tell what he knew about rainy's killing. did ever strike you that somebody knew what he might say and had to stop it? i'll be back. (knocking on the door) mrs. lopez? my name is hoby gilman. i'm sorry to trouble you, but i' making an investigation for the texas ranger. i'd like to talk to you about your husband. my husband is dead. what's left to talk about?
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thank you. how long did your husband work at the liberty stable, mrs. lopez? two years. ah did he get along alright with this carl rainy? he did what he was told. well how about george mason, the owner of the stable? did he get along with him? d. when they arrested my husband, senor mason came. and he told charles not to worry, he knew about the baby, and lele money to take care of us while charles was in jail. he believed my husband was innocent. did you heard him say that? no. my husband told me. well, did you tell sheriff fremont about it? what is there to tell, that senor mason couldn't tell him? yeah, i guess you're right. i there anything else you want to know?
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say anything about any knowledge he had of carl rainy's death? you said you came here to find out about my husband' death. but your questions only tell me that you came to prove that charles murdered senor rainy. when your husband would still be alive if rainy hadn't been killed. i can't investigate one without the other. goodbye mrs. lopez. vo: "the investigation continued. next on hoby's list was russ edwards. a man who held the horse the night of the lynching.
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the rangererame to realized that mason was regarded as the most important citizen of the town. and in fact the settlement biggest benefactor." now you take carl's funeral, mr. mason paid all expenses. and he didn't spare nothing. of course like i said carl was one ofofhe family. but mrs. mason she was so broke up she didn't even come to the burial. say, you know, them is the best eaten apples in the west of ohio. ah mr. mason brings them in all way from oregon. yeah just because mrs. mason takes a shine to them. well, they are sure mighty good. yeah too good for horses if you ask me. horses? yeah. mrs mason used to tata them down stables for carl to feed the horses. seemed she used him to teach tricks to the horses, and i told mr. mason, i said that's awful expensive for him, but he told me i should mrs. mason anything she ask for. well you are just about odysysy. yeah, yeah so i am.
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as that before or after carl was murder. well,i it seems to me... ah i'll tell you ranger. put it like that, you better ask mr. mason. i will. and if i was you, i'd take it easy.
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but he wasasn the store mr. mason. i told you before we are not giulty of anything but bad judgement. well i'm not sorry it happened. oh you can't mean that mrs. mason.
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my name is hoby gigian. i've been expecting you. this is my wife mrs. mason. ross edwards. yeah we met. i got to get back to the store. inventory. before we go any further, i'd like to make it clear that no one is at fault, but me. it was my suggestion, and i'm willing to take consequences. then you may get a chance. so far the sheriff is the only one who can be legally convicted. prison was his respopoibility. i wouldn't know abou that sir. i'm not a lawyer. they ought to give my husband a medal. charles lopez didn't deserve anymore consideration than he gave carl. he was a friend of the family. we were all very close.
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thinks that charles is inoccent. well then why doesn't he find the guilty one. finding a killer is a lot harder than finding his victim. but that's not why you are here for now. no. if yououhought charles was innocent why did you stage this faked hang? george never believe charles was innocentnt gave money to his wife. well, i fetl sorry for her. i knew the baby was expected. well even if he did, that doesn't mean that he thought charles was innocent. charles' wife seems to think different. oh that's ridiculous. george told himself that the indian was lying. was that your opinion? my opinion doesn't matter since none of us will never know the truth. well, that will make carl rainy's killer real happy. since is not likely he'll ever be found without your free mind. that's one way of loloing at it.
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my wife spoke the truth. i toldlder that i believe charles lied. i didn't mean i thought he did it. it was wrong interpretation. i'll walk you out. is there anything else you want to know? you can always find me here. i'll be running things u uil i get new help. no, i don't think it will be necessary, to bother you again mr. mason. what's the matter with him? he's just scared that's all. most horses shy away when they have been spoked. why it was the match? carl thought him that trick. he was always trying to prove that a horse can be thought to run on a fire. he'd strike a match and the horse would run to him. that's quite a stunt. but... ? what kind of trouble?
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no. not on her, but... george beated up a ranger once who was getting familiar with her in the store. stella is a mighty good looking woman. any man got the right to be jealous. i'm not arguing that. where was mason during the lynching? he was standing right next to me. he couldn't have had anything to do with charles getting hump. he's suggested the whole thing. but he couldn't have done it without my approval. just before the horse baller, was anybody smoking? smoking? yeah. well w wt's that got to do with it? it's important. well i don't remember. what about mason was he smoking? well george smokes cigars, sure he could have been. now that you mentioend it... he lighted the cigar just before charles was hunged. i remember the time thinking it was mighty calm about the thing. what's that got to do with it? alright, let's take it piece by piecec
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about a thing while he was in jail. this counts for charles being so cool on the hanging. she will also testified that mason gave her husband money. you can't make a case out of that. suppose mason has a horse that bolds on command. say when you light a match. you're doing a lot of suppose.. i saw the horse. it came for me this afternoon when i let a match. big white horse. well that's the horse... mason pretended he didn't know anything about the trick. hoby. you got to have a reason for killing a man. charles knew that mason killed carl rainy. and you already told me mason is a jealous man and a violent one. i'm suppose he was jealousy of carl rainy. jealous enough to kill him. charles saw it. he was out looking for this straw. mason gives him money, tell him not to worry about a thing.
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again you are doing an awful lot of supposing. alright the horse by itself doesn't give enough proof for murder indictment but it's a place to start. if what you said it's true, we better get our hands on that horse. vo: "the two men l lt from the liberty stable. right now the white horse was the only possible piece of evidence the ranger had to force mason into a situation where he might hoby knew that without been able to confront mason with the horse there's was little chance that the man would admit his history had been a lie. there was no one on the premises. and the search of the stable failed and turn up the animal. the horse e s all important. there was only one other place to look. gegege's mason home.
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who cares? he's dead. there's nothing we can do about it. you never really liked him did you? now look stella he's dead and buried. you better realized that. where are you going? to bed. (door bell) good evening al, come in. didn't expect to see you gilman. ou. sure, come on in. have a seat. no thanks. this is so social visit. oh?
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(laughing) you can't be serious. susu i suggested the idea but, you can't convict me on that. after all i didn't pull the rope. you supplied the platform. we all know about that white horse of yours. i don'n'know what you are talking about. and the trick he was taught. you might at well tell us where you got him hidden. i'm not hiddden him. he broke his leg in a stomp h he. happened after you left gilman. naturally i had to shoot him. naturally. well if you gentlemen have anything else to say, i'm quite busy right now. i'd like to talk to mrs. mason. that's out of the question. she is in dispose. well, i'll wait until tomorrow.
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i wonder what your wife would sasaif she knew you'd killed carl rainy. and staged this fake lynching to get rid of the only witness. you better have proof before you make irresponsible accusations. i may not have to have. why did you lied about shooting that horse? i did shoot him. yes, but not because he had to be destroyed because you wanted to destroyed him. can you prove that mrs. mason? well you came straight home from the stable. george took his riffle and went out back. now if that horse had broken his leg how did george know it? how did not shoot him then? stella. is that the e oof, you were talking about mr. mason? when a jury hears what he got to say, your best best is gonna be to throw yourself in the mercy of the court. alright stella. i kept rainy from having you.
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put it away. don't do it.
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vo: "the sheriff along with the others was equally guilty of the death of charles lopez. but from the ranger's point of view, any legal action would have to be taken by the authorities in austin. in the meantime, fremont was given back his badge. and he took it with a deeper understanding of what it meant. the ranger knew that the law couldn't prove that mason had engigiering the killing. if he kept quite, he very likely would've gone free. but george mason didn't know that.
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[music] - jeffry billings? - no. (male #1) 'somebody looking for jeffry billings?' i am. cheyenne bodie. wewe, at your service. uh, pardon my glove. i must say, uh, you haven't wasted much time getting here. i figured the sooner we starard the sooner you'll get settled.


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