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tv   WRAL News at 4pm  NBC  November 11, 2016 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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operations and assininments at the painted lady saloon. we have detectives larue and washington, initiate a new investigation in their ongoing arson operation. address is 112 rome avenue. i lost that chinese chick's phone number. that is the correct address, isn't it, detective larue? oh, ya, ya, i, neal how much i'm looking forward to initiating the arson investigation, sarge. yeah, tonight in a chinese laundry. that's a section two alert, people. all right, pairings -- engle, you're with altman. daily, you're with silvegi here. court testimony detective belker. also, officer russo and lieutenant goldblume continue undercover in division's liquor racketeering investigation. item eight...
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jail. uncle john's last day of freedom. renko: you know, i think it's a shameful thing, sarge, the papers treating that man like a celebrity. the sentiment's shared at the podium, andrew. yes, sir. but his neighbors are turning out to send the great man off. sergeaea bates and officer flaherty, you are assigned to crowd and traffic control. also you will check with captain furillo for further instructions. item nine, to yesterday's shooting death ofoffficer james sanders. while the fatuous press lionizes the misguided vigilante who took offffer sander's life, i convey the more pedestrian information that he is survived by his wife and child. there is a contribution jar on my desk. have a safe tour, all of you.
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should've wore my dayglo gloves. maybe the captain wants to coach us on arm signals, huh? memeage, lieutenant. i don't know any dottie walker. well she says she's the talent coordinator for "the don chesler show," lieutenant. they want to know if you're available tonight to talk about your friend who got killed. no. at's for a cop's family. i don't know, maybe her number's in my other shirt. this is fair warning, mister, by arresting me you're going to be buying yourself into more trouble than you've ever known before, because i am bilbao, and i have the capacity to gypsy curse you beyond your wildest imagination. if your name's bilbao, how come your driver's license is nathan goldfarb? he is nathan goldfarb. don't listen to him what he says. i tell myself it's a midlife crisis, i should stand by him. who is this woman? saved $35,000 from selling a taxi medallion. all of a sudden he's a storefront gypsy. the landlomade a comp.
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imals. we like at 147th street and decker. we have an apartment, it's very nice. and he sits like a meshugana, on the floor, in a store front, cooking terrible foods without vents. thank god, madam, i am not your husband or i'd strangle you with my bare hands. he puts up a sign, "tarot readings." god forbid someone should ask him to read one. book him! maybe he'll forget about this nonsense. if you book me, mister... don't make me add resisting, sir -- all right, you g ge me no other choice. dark eye of satan, lord of romani. the blood has been betrayed. let 100 demons reign. what did you just do to me? the curse of 100 demons. if there is s worse curse i don't want to know from it. come on! domestic call, renko. he put a curse on me. renko. i can't work with no curse. what makes you so special? dispatch. we have a 911 -- armed robbery in progress,
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office russo and lieutenant goldblume have been on loan to divisions liqr racketeering operation. officer russo is undercover. in the course of her undercover work, she's developed informatatn that there may be an attempt on john petruzzi's life before he goes to jail. what kind of information? tina's been working with dominick donatelli, petruzzi's right hand man. [ coughing ] i'm sorry, i got a frog here. so officer russo has been working under dominick donatelli.
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i'm trying to find d t. we've passed the information to the marshall's office. lieutenant buntz, you'll coordinate by following petruzzi with the man assigned by the federal marshall. t. who is? par for the course. lucy, you two will be on crowd control. i want you to keep your distance from petruzzi. i don't want you caught in a possible crossfire. lieutenant goldblume's preparing warrants here at ththprecinct for the racketeering arrests. he'll relay to the site in case tina develops more specific information. are you all right, norm? captain, thanks. tina... i know it's a rough assignment with donatelli. if i can get time and place, captain, i will. i think the captain means he knows you're walking on eggshells. it's okay. the building we're talking about is on jerome avenue, right? what building?
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we're talking hypothetical, a hypothetical building. hypethetically it's on jerome. hypothetically the freaking bills on this place are putting me under. there ain't a dollar in it for me, unless it's burned. you the guys for the job... hypothetically? a match has been known to drop from our hand. it's happened. how much? hypothetically? i need a phone, 911, i need the police! beat it! there's a crazy guy out there, hurt this old lady. it's a tough city. hey,y,here you going? real public-minded, your friend. a regular boy scout. you asked the question, how much for a fire? i saw him knock an old lady down and take her purse. me and my buddy chased him here. go away, i don't want your blood on my hand. my quarrel is not with you! yeah, hit me, you little creep. i'm no old lady -- i'll crush your head. hold it! hold it, police, all right! hey, your busted. i'm busted? all right, where's the old lady he roughed up? gone -- i think her daughter was with her -- they got on the bus. hey, you guys are cops, huh?
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come on, dwarf, i hope at least there's money in the purse. good thing you came. oh, i'm thrilled -- come on, fellas. i got to go to work -- here, i wrote our names. this is just swell, neal. uh, next time i need a building torched by y ps, i'll call you two guys. what kind of landlord, tenant dispute? i feel weird, you know, lightheaded. where are you going with this, renko? you going for a personal day? i'm not going for a personal y, mr. wisenheimer. i'm just telling you that i don't feel good.. gypsy's curse. a hundred thousand demons reign right into my face. you're a jerk, you know that? the cops. it says very clearly, no pets. here, read the lease. i don't have to read this lease, i don't have to read nothing. sir, there's a complaint procedure if your tenant has a pet violation. not just one pet. wait, what, two petststhree? thousands. [ buzzing ] bees. oh, my lord. the book says they're harmless. what booklet? i am going into business.
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i mean, they still got their r ing. but the book says they don't. [ buzzing intensifies ] aah! where are you going? sir, this is a problem for your animal control, sir, or your landlord-tenant reconciliation panel. you guys just work i iout yourselves, all right? and you, that's what it said. you say the bees don't bite! that's what your book says? it wasn't supposed to happen. it's too bad i don't have a curse on me, robert. too bad i don't feel like my nose is going to explode. woman: look at him, a don, but he always has time for everyone. woman: he's still a handsome man. i remember when n came to angie's confirmation. right, he's a great american, ladies. let's just clear the sidewawa, okay. listen, i knew him 21 years ago. oh, i bet you did. [ car hoho ] look at this guy. he's going to jail and it looks like he's on a picnic. what do you think jail is going to be for him.
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detective buntz. thank you. right there. you think that guy walksks like a federal marshall? that's why they're called flatfoots. federal marshall. anybody shot yet? you'd have been a big help if they were. hudson. buntz. real impressed at the federal building with the quality inforortion you people passed along. your informant come up with anything a little more specific? she's on her back righghnow working on it. canker sore. memey. look, it's moses. that's not the way it's done. cross at the corner just like real people. she's right, jimmy. what's the matter with you, huh? nothin'. i'm sorry, officer. you left your coat at the bakery, mr. petruzzi. oh, thank you. give him 20 bucks. ah, i couldn't accept that. a pleasure to serve. now he's going to ask me if i'm in the knights of columbus. what's the matter? what the?
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someone's a comedian, huh? smart guy, huh? what's up, sal, what's on your mind? yeah, go on, swing on him, that'd be a good idea. that's all right, it's all right, jimmy. the officer can chuckle about his joke on uncle john while he tries to make his mortgage payments. what's the matter with you? nothing. i think i'm okay.
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hey, mick. hey, stan. how you doin'? good. what are you doing here? what, i louse up the date? weren't we going to get together? right.
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what's the case? drug buyuy whitmore bridge area. ah, that stuff's going through that neighborhood like sherman to the sea. it's coming down my way, too. i'm ready for you, detective. you don't mind waiting? no, no, go ahead. you want to watch? yeah, maybe i'll watch for a while. check out your coutroom demeanor. you're back. hi, dom. so how's your mom? i think she knows. what do you mean? i think she knows about us, dom. knows what about us, honey? we haven't dodo anything yet. ever since i was a little girl, she knows what i'm thinking. she knows exactly what's on my mind. oh, dom, dom, you know that drives me crazy. you know that one thingg leads to another and... that's right. dom, dom, no. besides... i think you've got your mind on something else.
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will you forget about it. oh, so now you're the tease, you are. okay, okay. he gets it today. uncle john never sees no jail. i thought so. i thought i heard you and that larry guy talking about it. well, ain't this a red letter day for me, huh. uncle john finally off my back for the first time. so when's it going to happen? it's so creepy talking about it. ted to use it. we got time... stop. all right, close your eyes. close them. come out, come out wherever you are. i'm out four or five g's
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"a," i love you, which is the only time i've ever said that when i wasn't full of it. and "b," you've been right. shacking up is for when you don't t spect somebody. so we get engaged, and we do it right. all this money. it won't break m m engaged isn't married. dom, i'm sorry. it's just, it's the way i was raised. i mean, i can feel my mother looking at us right now. okay. you're right. you're so good. just put the ring on.
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h? arm and a leg to park dodo here. you know, the stones on that kid. he sits there lying through his teeth. they're all made out of ice today, stan. i try not to buy that, that today's perp is -- come on, get off! get off before you're going to get hurt! take him when he comes off the e ame. [ screaming and hollering ] give me that money! get me thahacoat! yeah, be quiet! shut up! police officer! [ screaming ] get out -- back up! back before i kill her! back up, man, i'll kill her! drop the knife, drop it! on the ground, toe jam! do it! you got him, mick? i got him. way to go, stan. we're a month setting up an arson number. this jimock blbls it for an $8 purse snatch. first name max, last name emily. give him robbery and assault. the risk will be between me and god.
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lieutenant goldblume. what language works with you people? well, i'm sure don would take a sympathetic approach, but i'm not ininrested. miss, i got to run up 48 arrest warrants on illegal liquor traffic today. when i'm through tonight, all i'm going to want to do is go to bed. talklkhows want to hear about your friend, henry? they won't let up. hero worshipping fascination with steve merker offensive. one of the people he killed was a police officer. steven didn't set out to kill a cop. he didn't intend that. oh, i'm sure that that's a consolation to sander's widow. i've been patient as long as i can, frank. the man has provoked me beyond toleration. he's the next thing to openly insubordinate. just doesn't sound like ray. what a a you saying, frank, that i'm making it up?
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said if i wanted to see him, i knew where his office was. and like an idiot,t, i go there. and as i'm leaving, i see in reflection... he's making faces at me, obscene gestures. it's ludicrous. chief, he's been under a lot of stress. losing his command, getting an assignment a lot of people perceive as tokinism. oh, when do we get to the part where i give a damn? well, i'm just wondering if he's not having some sort of emotional problem. you want to o ow ray calletano's problem, frank? he wants equal opportunity, till the heat's turned on, the he wants special consideration. they can call me anti-latino or any other damn thing. he's going to act like a cop or he's finished! let me talk to him. pronto, you hear, frank, our friend's just about played out his string. howard, cancel my 12:00 and get me ray callentano, would you. one two, one two. are you sure, the little red light go on? it's working, j.d. may i confess?
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i declined an attorney. wait a minute. we've informed you of your fifth amendment right and your right to have a lawyer. okay, now. i decline... see, because if you're thinking down the road about pulling some n nber with this, getting yourself off... i have taken lives -- i would have taken the life of that woman this morning. sometime it has to stop. what lives have you taken, mr. emily? appleman, carter. it's time for all the names to come out. cool falling rain. weren't you the guy got world war i started? whacked out that archduke over there in europe? i first took life 8 years ago. and then not again for 4 years. i tried to hope it was a dream that would never come again. but it did come again. sonya appleman -- that's someone you killed?
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tommy schneider and... louis whitlock. tommy schneider's that 12-year-old. you killed him, max? my hands... strangled them. yeah, that's what the paper said. i took an ear, a piece of an ear, ah, at last it's coming to an end. the circle... is being broken. s discussing something? why not give you some say?
4:25 pm
liberty mutual righttrack? finally puts you in control. with savings of up to 30%, with an initial discount just for signing up. take control of your rates. visit a local office or call liberty mutual today at liberty stands with you?.
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j.d., neal.
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know we think we might haveveooked a pretty big fish. yeah, the guy's copping to multiple homicides. crediblity? some pretty funky details. he knew about the schneider kid's ear. that wasn't in any of the papers. was he marandized? he have representation? declines. says it's on his conscious, he wants to come clean. our offer of representation is on record? every 20 seconds, captain. i'm telling you, captain, i was a tough sell on this creep at the start, but he's making me a believer. we have a warrant on his residence? just came through. j.d. had it right -- take this by the numbers. i just want to tell you, captain, if this thing breaks the way i think it might, there's going to be recognition for a lot of people. let's not count our chickens. i'm just saying, if i get some ink, i'm not going to forget the people that stood by me when it was tough sledding. and you're on that short list. okay. thank you. dommy, when?
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when uncle john? you're real cold, you know that? rl, my little churchgirl wants to know when the old man's going down. you got me started -- you shouldn't have talked about it. i got you started? you asked me a hundred thousand questions. okay, nevermind, forget it. ooh, kind of rough on me. so what are you going to do for me in return? you're going to give me a little sugar? maybe. maybe? maybe. come here, come hehe, come here, my little girl, what do you say we do it, huh? we do it. dom! let's do it while the old man's getting hit, okay. dom, don't! i got 25 grand that makes him dead before he gets inside, before noon, while he's doing his big shot at the boccie court. dom, don't. come on, you know you want it. you know you want to do it. so, let's do it.
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sergeant bates calling officer flaherty. come in, sarge. ranks, officer, capeche? capeche. proceed? our assignment is traffic control. our assignment is not drdring bullseyes. our assignment is not getting in uncle john's face. we're part of the scenery. that's a copy. we're supposed to blend in and keep quiet. but bullseye, wasn't that a little funny, huh? see, there's a threat on uncle john's life, right, and i made a little bullseye. i understood. i was laughing but i was not amused. not amused? that's a aopy.
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it's russo. give me lieutetent goldblume. go ahead. more specific information is the tab on your uncle will take place before 12:00 p.m. seventeen minutes. possibility the attempt will be at the lawn bowling court. that's here, that's now. man: hey, cool it, cool it. try me -- i'll blow his heart away and everybody else's, too. how's it feel, uncle john, huh? you want to get it right now, huh? come on, come on, don't be crcry, will you. easy, take it easy, kid. don't, don't, i mean it, i mean it. okay, just take it easy. you stand back, me and john, we got places to go. hey, what's the matter with you, you crazy, kid? hey, do i know who you are? shut up, shut up! right on time.
4:31 pm
think it wasn't a mob hitter? just get in the car. ?? know you have a dedicated advisor and team who understand where you come from. ?? know you can craft an investment plan as strong as your values. know that together, you can establish a meaningful legacy with the guidance and support
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come on, come on, let's move it back, come on. we understand your concern, but yoyomust move back, sal. hey, quite calling me sal! why do i think yoyo name is sal? right this way. patrick. kid's got uncle john, second floor, front. he was yelling his head off till a minute ago. he w w threatening to kill the old man. empty promises. he was going on how his sister died from uncle john's drugs. he's got to kill the old man in the exact spot where his sister o.d'd. kids been wathcing too much opera.
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can we get a phone patch? any second. a dozen cracker jack shooters. let's work on the phone. i'm a cracker jack talker. makes 13 shooters, lieutenant, counting the contract killer who so says dom donatelli hired. you think he's still out there, norm? those contracts only pay on delivery. hard to believe a pro would try a hit with cops around. yeah, tell joe columbo. phone's patched in, sir. car's registered to an anthony peruzzia. mention a murder suicide to the kid. you know, tell him he does himsmsf, does the old man, something in that order, huh. hello, who am i talking to? is this anthony peruzzia? woman: i knew that man was trouble. what kind i didn't know. what kind? mr. emily's suspected of a numbebeof crimes. this was a sandwich once. what can you tell us about him, ma'am? what kind of hours did he keep? i didn't watch. he talk about where he went, what he did? never.
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clippings s what, i ask myself. i had a better class of people once. slayer slays six -- california. yeah, closer to home -- ernestine carter, sonya appleman. bingo. he played bingo? we'll be carting out this box and the rest of this stuff this afternoon, ma'am. for that i il have to see your warrant again. neal, look. is that the schneider boy or is that the schneider boy? what's the matter, ray?? what do you mean? daniels describes what you've been doing and i can't believe he's talking about you. you mean because i've been showing backbone? because i have answered back to him? trying to get fired? is that what's behind this? woman: ready, gentlemen? ah, give us just a minute, would you, please? woman: okaka fine. from the day i received my captaincy, i have never once slept through the night. i understand. you don't.
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by understanding the other man's point of view. and when it came time for me to lead, i saw too many sides of every questioio and then i didn't have the courage to quit. when my prison was taken from me, instead of leaving as i should have i, took this scrap, this joke of a job. i don't think that's what the job has to be, but if that's the way you feel about it, maybe you should resign. you don't understand how s to keep any job, to f fr the unknown, but you're right, i should. help me be brave. hey, you're going to wear out, j.d. i hate polygraphs. you know, you ain't the one taking it. how do you think he's doing, neal? i'll only be guessing, man. i'm telling you, even if he's guilty, this max emily's the kind of nervous little twitch
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's a tough read. on 16 different capipil acts, he demonstrates guilt or guilty knowledge. so we're in business. but his reaction to ththtest question was so idiosyncratic that the baseline's bizarre. well, you're not dealing with a flake here, guys. well, where do we stand, mr. bernstein? he either did it or he's a can't-be-tested. your man is definitely a possible, on schneider, wintrope, carter. thanks for all the help. where we going, j.d.? we are dropping a dime to certain journalists in my acquaintance. ththguy didn't exactly give us the full speed ahead, you know. ut the polygraph guy, neal. they're dealing with a total bing-bong, and they want him to test like the man in the street. i think we better wait for forensics and the family witnesses. captain said take it by the numbers. hey, the numbers i'm thinking about all got dollar signs in front of them, neal. yeah, jerry wilmont please. you should have seen this guy out there. this guy was great. well done, stanislaus. oh, i just got lucky out there. after all, it's not like it's the first perp i ever saw. are you kidding. i could barely keep up with this guy. what's the matter, son?
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messiness. you know, armchair quarterbacking. to get used to being on the sidelines, isn't it? message for me? forensics wants you to call them, detective. say, sarge. neal, stan just made a collar. no kidding. yeah, i just got lucky. once a cop, right? jimmy, j.d. larue. it's a business call. career call maybe for both of us. out an exclusive on a possible mass murderer, jimbo. yeah, me and neal washington popped him a few hours ago. what? yes, i did call jerry wilmont before i called you. but jerry wilmont couldn't buy my groundrules for the slant of the piece. so now instead of having his hands wrapped around maybe the hottest mass murder story since that creep in florida, jerry wilmont's got his hands wrapped around the morning courrier express. j.d. in a minute, huh. hang up. just a second, jim.
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yeah, what about it? well, forensics says we've got problems. ah, i'll get back totoou, jimmy. something came up on another case. what problems? they say this pipiure of max emily with the schneider kid, they say it might be a composite. what composite, where's the join? they say it might be a picture of a picture, j.d. well, that's crap. uhuhuh. easy, that the schneider boy's father. mr. schneider. i was told therereight be information about my son, about his killer. well, we have a possible suspect, sir. might recognize him. oh, yeah, fine. we'll set up a lineup. of course, even if you didn't recognize him, that wouldn't necessarily mean anything. i know, the idea's been the killer probably wasn't known by our family. that's right, i mean, this guy could still be a canandate. ludicrous. unfathomable. hope and pray, sal. that's all we can do now is just hope and pray.
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i mean, nothing's happened so far we can't fix. lieutenant, maybe ththhitter's split. lose his 20 g's. who's going to fix things for my sister, doria, huh? forget your sister. is that old man there worth ruining your life over? bubuz: that's russo with her boyfriend dominick. mr. donatelli should've asked me to bid the work. buntz: mr. donatelli's expression is called the oops look. like, oops, did i overplay my hand? o. she plays it out, huh. got to give her credit for her stones. you know, it might do her some good to hear some of that, lieutenant. he's coming out. i want your men on either side of the door. but keep t tm off. tony, put the gun down! i don't know, i don't know what to do. got a clear shot, lieutenant. give him to us.
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come on, give memehe rifle. he's going to jail i promise you. i got him, somebody take -- [ gun shot ] look at that rifle, look at that suit. you see a possible link with the alleged mafia? whew, head first. mr.patruzzi will be going to federal correctional. hall. and local law enforcement for mr. peruzzia kidnapping, attempted murder, reckless endangerment. you didn't have the hair to do it, did you, kid? if you was a man, you would d ve done it! mr. patruzzi, calm down. lieutenant. no questions now. it's not a question. i've got an invitation you've been ducking for "the don chesler show" tonight. you've got to be kidding. no.
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of course you are, dominick, of course you are. yeah, stay healthy, dom. crime scene, sir, come on, let's go. folks, help me out. i'll go to my mother's. okay, go on, go ahead. look at this, tina. look what happened to me.
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andrew, what's wrong with your nose? my word. i almost expired, sarge, i got some kind of intergalactic -- you got a bee bite, sarge. anaphylactic reaction, really. that's right, that's what the doctor said at the emergency room. it is a mistake e understimate the possibile severity of alergic reactions, robert. extreme cases can be fatal. sarge, the only extreme thing about this case is howowuch somebody's been gold bricking all day. that's right, this man's a ratioal man. one's life can change with a dark shadow coming over him. oh, i take it, andrew, that you are referring tohe curse that was inadvertently administered by the gypsie. yes, i am. a so-called gypsie, so-called curse. how would you know about it, you're a rational man. you're some kind of rational man -- careful, renko! [ laughing ] bulb burnt out. i didn't want you walking underneath the ladder. you could get 20 years' bad luck.
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oh, howard, do we have henry's racketeering warrants so i can co-sign them? not as yet. all right, i'll be at division for the rest of the day th captain calletano. just ship them over there or to my apartment. this came from the department physician, captain. ah, 30 seconds, captain? yeah, 30 seconds, stan. i want my reinstatement. stan, i told you, i need a few days. yeah, i know, i just wanted to say you may hear that i helped out on a pop this afternoon. thought you might be able to figure it in. well, i don't know what you're talking about, but i promise you it'll be figured in. catch of the day, captain. a kid who grabbed patruzzi, suitable for stuffing and mounting. how's russo? seems to be okay. good work, lucy, patrick. henry, warrants? on their way back from judge simpson's. they got me to do this idiot talk show. nice work, tina. tina... you have a couple of minutes?
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are you okay? i just received a notification report from the police physician. says he saw your foving been beaten. i'm okay. im is that as far as it went? for the where and when? did i break furillo's law? tina, the doctor speculates you may also have been sexually assaulted. but you refused examination or treatment.. i'm okay. if donatelli raped you, i want to charge him with it when we bring him in. plus you should also get some counseling. just promise me i get to be in on donatelli's arrest. you know you're doing the toughest police work there is. but at least you get the respect of your fellow cops.
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you teach yourselflf to get used to it. but i bought max emily -- i trusted the man. oh, look at here. four years in glenwood psychiatric. that 86s him out of all but two of the murders. i got some more bad news for you, too. forensic found the original of that photo with max and the schneider kid. it was in one of the boxes of stuff they found in the room. glued. glued? thanks, pepe. you want the rest of this? why be a glutton for punishment? eant jablonski -- i misplaced, um... we made an arrest and i used this room for intake on the perp. and i somehow misplaced case notes from an original arrest that was totally unrelated to this matter, anani was testifying to that in court this morning, prior to this other incident. so...
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are they here? no, they're not. um... how'd you get that shiner? a jerk on my undercover. yeah, when do you pop him? tomorrow. i don't know if this will work for you. but i try to think about that, about when i'm going to bust him. i just wish the other cops around here wouldn't treat me like typhoid mary. ah, hey, don't, don't do that. i'm sorry. don't apologize. you don't have to apologize. were you going home? would you like to have a beer? want to go out and have a beer? hey, this guy makes me sick. i agree, detective, i loathe myself. shut up, shut up! i killed them all!
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all right, all right, come on. a jim girardi calling you, detective, from the post gazette. tell him i died. i thought it finally was going to be over. i thought i'd finally know how we lost tommy. look at this, frank -- can you believe this? man says he's leaving. ief daniels. did you know about this, frank? ray said at lunch he decided to resign. bolt from the blue. chief, both of us know i have not been happy, not doing a very good job. a transitional adjustment, ray. you're too hard on yourself. ave been. i have been angry and disappointed. it is better for m to quit look, it's your call. if it's what you want, i certainly won't prevent it.
4:52 pm
hell of a guy, eh, frank? nice take dodo on uncle john. sometimes at night, i have dreamt of killing that man. do you get caught? what is it with you? guys like uncle john wind my watch. patrick. makes the day go quicker. mrs. murphy. what? what you said to me before. i'm laughing but i'm not amused. so now what are you trying to say to me, that i'm so much older than you are? no, no i was just remembering, that's all. i liked mrs. murphy. hey, mr. goldfarb. name is bibiao. oh, right, bilbao.
4:53 pm
uh-huh, uh-huh. where is the afflicted party? right over this way. renko... you got a lot of nerve. i'm here to assist you, officer. he's going to take it off of you, renko, not that anything was ever on you. yeah, yeah, gogo go on. okay. okay, what am i supposed to do? okay. okay, what are you going to do? you ain't going to believe it, neal. i'm in the john, trying to decide not to rip off my a a and beat myself to death with it. i find that telephone number i lost, the chick i went out with last night. see that, lover, every cloud has a silver lining. no, neal, i callll the number. no good? disconnected. maybe she had a social disease.
4:54 pm
4:55 pm
something we should get to about the death of steven mercker, lieutenant, about your involvement with steve. is that a dilemma for you? what dilemma? that he was a friend of yours, a good friend, a close friend. that's right. you must disapprove of this vigilante. wa-wa-wait a second. i don't see steve that way. go aheadd steve had a dream. to see our streets free of terror. to w wte. he wrote in obscurity. he got a lot of slaps in the face and rejections, but it didn't stop him. and that was why steven was heroic. because despite all that discouragagent, he stayed true to his dream. and have you read this brave man's pages?
4:56 pm
worthy of the hero who wrote them, then. yes. i have a feeling steven merker had a very good friend in you, lieutenant. lieutenant goldblume is reluctant to bring this up, but the man sitting here, himself, played the role of hero at the blantant street hostage situation today, involving the famous, or perhaps i should say notorious, uncle john petruzzi. a lot of us feel a lot safer and perhaps a little bit prouder knowing our city has law enforcement officece of the caliber of the gentleman i'm sitting next to. [ applause ] don's guest tomorrow night are health experts dick and laine coppernaul. how was henry? good. don chesler thinks the cici is safer with cops like him on the force. job for you, furillo. how are the benefits? it's a spot needs kneading.
4:57 pm
ahh, mmm, brother. all those years of making dough. [ laughing ] actually he wasn't. who wasn't what? henry wasn't good. i mean, he was fine, but i just kept thinking how lonely and uptight he seemed. you know what henry needs? yep. let's get into that benefit package. nice spot, lieutenant. thank you. his stuff stinks, huh? what do you mean? your friend's writing. i could see you get those scared deer's eyes when i asked if it was any good. night, dot. night, don.
4:58 pm
oh, boy. no, i mean it. you were right there. so many guest get all tied up in the buzz. whereas i don't really know what that means. so don't take a compliment. i still don't know how you got me to do this. well, it's what i'm good at. i know what you need now, too. yeah, what? well, aren't you still feeling pretty wound up, jazzed? a drink, minimum. you mean at least one drink? i'm not sure what i mean. undercover is different. because if you're good at it, most times nobody else knows the inside of what you did. so you got to know.
4:59 pm
it's not for everybody. it's what i want to be. this will l lp. i'll take you back to your car now.
5:00 pm
le rich kids ie phase, their parents are gonna set them up with jobs. your niece is a bright girl. she'll be all right. i said loudspeaker ] pull over.


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