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tv   WRAL News 11PM  NBC  November 12, 2016 11:00pm-11:29pm EST

11:00 pm
ready? sure. detective, where do you keep your handgun at night? on top of a bookcase out of reach of my son. locked up? no, but completely out of reach of my son. has your 6-year-old son ever held your gun? your kids see it, they get more curious about it. you show them the gun -- unloaded, of course -- you let them hold it, and then the mystery's gone and they don't go looking for it. how many times have you let your son hold your gun? i got it, dan. if you're getting impatient now, how are you going to react when you're being questioned by the colahans' attorney? i have testified more times than i can count. not in a child-custody hearing. [ sighs ] andy, we need to do this.
11:01 pm
you ever get physical with anyone? i'm a detective, so yeah. confrontations when arresting people? stuff like that. you ever beat a suspect you were questioning? what's this got to do with the kind of parent i am? if the question's objectionable, i'll object. if using appropriate force makes me an unfit parent, then there isn't a fit parent in this department. don't say things like "if it makes me an unfit parent." it's not worth putting that idea in the judge's head. how often have you had confrontations with suspects not a lot. more than 10 times? yeah. more than 20? okay, enough. i get it. let's finish the questions. then we can run through what your responses should be. my responses are gonna be my responses. let's get that straight. i'm talking about your delivery more than the content. this is who i am, okay? i'm not gonna all of a sudden turn into jimmy stewart by 5:00 today. you hired me to help win your case. practicing the cross-examination
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ave, i will. we have to be as ready as we can. [ sighs ] all right. detective sipowicz, are you an alcoholic?
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him and connie are meeting their lawyer. any developments on that front? i don't know. what do we got? lisa checkie, 41. blow in the head with a blunt object. presumably that hammer. the blood's still wet, so it happened this morning. any signs of sexual assault? not that i can tell. no sign of forced entry. there's nothing ransacked. doesn't look like anything was stolen. we got the neighbor who called it in -- carla howe. this is terrible -- just terrible. now, you knew miss checkie? just say hi and bye -- that's it. how'd you come upon the scene? i was taking a load of laundry down to wash when i heard lisa arguing in her apartment with someone. it sounded like a man. when was this? 8:00, 8:15. could you hear what they were arguing about? no, and i stopped and gave it a good listen to make sure it wasn't anything too violent. couldn't make out any words. went down and put a load in, came back, the door's open.
11:05 pm
ing this guy -- stan. my guess -- it was him -- him who was arguing with her. not saying it was him who killed her, although he's somebody you could start with. got a last name on this stan? no. just stan. he was younger, good-looking guy. almost like he was a little out of her league, 'cause lisa was a little on the mousy side, if you know what i mean. but that's none of my business. thanks for your help. d.o.a. might have been dating a stan somebody. we'll dump her phone. andy. hey, diane. don't get up. how's theo? doing great. connie and the baby? [ clears throat ] great. how are you doing? good. you know, i feel good.
11:06 pm
we got this, uh... when connie went for the permanent adoption, the parents of the baby's father showed up in family court, contesting it on the grounds that we're unfit. the father who killed connie's sister? yeah. they showed up with this high-price lawyer who looked under every rock and found a lot to use against us. and all we got on them is that -- is the possibility that their daughter adrian admit. how certain are you the rape actually happened? evidence-wise -- pure speculation. but when we brought it up, her reaction said it happened. but then she shut down on us hard, and she won't let us talk to her again. and even if we could, i don't know if it would do any good. you being in special victims, i thought maybe you'd have another angle. is she married? yeah. kids?
11:07 pm
because if she's got a whole life built up, it'll be tough to convince her it's worthwhile. that's what we ran into, which could have been because of how we put it to her -- connie being desperate and me you think i have a better shot of talking to her? you got a lot more experience with this kind of case. you're hoping she'll open up if i tell her the same thing happened to me? that's not why i called you. it's all right if it is. where can i find her? [ sighs ] when's your final hearing? 5:00 tonight. diane, we're desperate.
11:08 pm
why? you got a lot of calls to her recently. what about? her needing to get her life straight, pretty much. is she okay? she's involved in something. how does she need to get her life straight? she's a nice person -- don't get me wrong -- but, uh, kind of a doormat. doormat -- that's what you call your girlfriend? ex. breaking up -- that's what the calls were about. did she try to kill herself? is that what this is about? no. why'd you go there? she was pretty shattered about us busting up. o their separate ways. what ended it? instead of dropping crumbs, why don't you just lay it out so it doesn't take all day? she was boning her brother-in-law, which is unfaithful to me and disrespects her sister. how'd you find this out? i come over to visit -- unannounced. he comes walking out the door -- his hair all mussed up, his face all flushed. she thinks the only way to preserve her youth is by going slut. rip cord. i'm out of there.
11:09 pm
get out. it might have been a robbery. maybe not. what? wait, wait, wait, wait. you're just dropping this on me? she's dead, she's killed. like i don't have feelings for her? your doormat ex. yeah, but we still -- oh, my god. where were you this morning? you gotta be kidding. if you weren't a cop, that would get you a pop in the mouth. well, i am a cop, and i'm asking. did she suffer? stan, where were you? when did you get back from atlantic city? 7:00, 8:00. i don't know. your dad will confirm? yeah. can you think of anyone else who might have done it? i don't know. what's her brother-in-law's name? pete kezerian. if we're done...
11:10 pm
11:11 pm
11:12 pm
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11:13 pm
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11:14 pm
have a seat, mr. kezerian. i hate to resort to a cliche, but my time here is literally costing me money. where were you at 8:00 this morning? couldn't this be discussed in my office? can anyone confirm your whereabouts at 8:00? a couple of hundred people on the number 4 train with me -- will they do? what's your relationship with lisa checkie? she's my wife's sister. are you close? not particularly. is lisa in trouble? her landlord says you've been helping with the rent. why is that? why do you care? go ahead and assume we have a good reason. lisa's had some money trouble over the past 6 months. i've offered to help out.
11:15 pm
not 'cause you're sleeping with her? what?! sleeping with her? are you out of your mind? when's the last time you were at lisa's apartment? i haven't been to her apartment in months. sleeping with r? did lisa tell you this? we have witnesses who put you at her apartment repeatedly over the last few weeks. why have you been there? okay, guys, did lisa tell you that i've been sleeping with her? even if she did, what am i doing here? i need answers now, or i call my attorney. lisa's dead. she was murdered this morning. you're joking. we're not. i have a relationship with my assistant. lisa's apartment is near the office. we've met there occasionally. lisa let you use her apartment to cheat on her sister? i told lisa i would help out with the rent in exchange for access to her apartment.
11:16 pm
sleeping with lisa -- that's a little more believable. i have never slept with her, and i didn't kill her. then talk us out of it. lisa was a really needy person with low self-esteem. she had bought the affections of a string of boyfriends, who were all basically deadbeats. stan -- that was the most recent guy, and he really took advantage of her. like you did? i'm not perfect, but i had nothing to do with lisa's death. , that's not okay. we're gonna need to talk to your assistant, your wife, and your co-workers. [ exhales deeply ] as soon as you're done being heartbroken. i got everything. all right. thanks. what's the brother-in-law saying? that he wasn't boning the d.o.a., that he was renting time at her apartment so he could bone his assistant. very classy. we believe him? we're gonna call the assistant and find out.
11:17 pm
cashed a $10,000 check from the d.o.a. a week ago. he mention that when you talked to him the first time? no. we ran his phone calls to a bookie and 1-800 handicapping lines. did we check his alibi? he said he was in atlantic city with his dad, who we're still trying to get ahold of. let's haul stan's ass back in here. you got it. [ sighs ] where have you been? [ clears throat ] e's in sex crimes now. is she gonna talk to adrian? she's gonna try. when? she knows we got court to 5:00. that's great. that's a great idea. we'll see. nothing's for sure. but diane seemed confident? she said she'd try and talk to adrian. that's all it was. okay. you a gambler, stan?
11:18 pm
a lot of calls into a loan shark named vincent ficano. yeah, okay, i gamble. didn't i tell you i was in atlantic city this morning? i wasn't there to look at the ocean. you addicted? no, but thanks for asking. what's up, guys? lisa checkie fund your gambling? no. she wrote you a lot of checks over the last six months. $100 here, $200 there. which i paid back. and i have the canceled checks to prove it. hmm. got one for ten grand from last week? that was a special loan. she didn't want that back. your, uh, doormat ex didn't want her ten grand back? that was for a partnership in a business. ? on-line sports memorabilia. signed cards, jerseys, baseballs. her end was the cash. mine was running the business. so this is something that's up and running? almost. any paper work to prove that it exists at all? a part of the ten grand was for the attorney to draw up the papers -- who i was on the phone with when you barged in. what a coincidence. come on. i-i told you before -- i was in atlantic city this morning. hotel doesn't have a record of you. my dad booked the room and paid the tab.
11:19 pm
ack. third table from the end. i'm the guy with the big stack of hundy chips. all right, stan, this is where the tide starts to turn -- either for you or against you. will you just check with my dad? we've been trying. he's not returning our calls. well, keep trying! in the meantime... a little benefit of the doubt? not a lot to base that on, stan. am i under arrest? hmm? may i leave? yeah.
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[ knock on door ] adrian caffee? detective diane russell. can i talk to you? about what?
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is afternoon. did the other detectives send you? they thought you might be more comfortable talking to me. i handle sexual abuse cases. look, i have no interest in being part of this. if you give me five minutes... i can explain why you might. five minutes. thank you. you have a very nice home -- family, too, i understand. that's right. i really appreciate you giving me this time. why don't we just get to it? this isn't something i talk about very often, but there's a lot at stake right now, and sometimes you have to stand up and be as courageous as you can even though you'd rather hide from it. my father sexually assaulted me. it started when i was five years old when he would wash me in the bathtub.
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nds. then things got worse. by the time i was 12, he was making me do... sexual things. well, i'm sorry to hear that, but it doesn't apply to me. i had a very hard time with long-term relationships. lot of fighting. i could never explain my side of things because of my secret. till i dealt with it, it nearly killed me. um, i need a glass of water. can i get you something? [ glass clinking ] [ liquid pours ] [ sighs ] um... because of what happened, i, uh -- i turned into a drunk.
11:27 pm
i was 36 years old before i could talk about it. but when i finally did, i was able to get my life back. what's your point, detective? adrian... ...if your father did to you what my father did to me, and you can live with your secret, that's one thing. but if he's gonna do the same thing to your niece and you don't do anything to stop him, that's on you. and you won't be able to live with that secret. i have a husband. i have two wonderful children. i have a life. i am not some drunk! no? 'cause if you were, i'd suggest switching to vodka, saving yourself the gum. what are you talking about? in know what you did in the kitchen, adrian. i used to do it myself. i can't help you. my children will be home from school any minute.
11:28 pm me. martin diedrich -- someone called me in. detective jones and medavoy -- they'll be back in a minute. [ scoffs ] appreciate it, diane. yeah. bye. she got shut down. yeah. excuse me, sweetheart. the message said "urgent," and i got a job to get back to. what did you call him? i didn't mean nothing. you want to call me "sweetheart" and see what happens? hey, what's your problem? all right, come on. martin diedrich. get him in a room. come on. let's go.
11:29 pm
i don't want to hear it, all right? i just need a minute to cool down. take all the time you need. ugh, these grandparents. what did they do, huh? what did that old lady do? have the girls over for high tea, go to the charity ball? and how about him? what did he do when he wasn't molesting his own daughter, huh? working on his golf game? buy low, sell high? i served my country. i served my city. and thieves off the street. i've done good in my life, but they're gonna paint me out to be a bum, a drunk, when i spent my whole life protecting them. they're gonna take connie's baby, john,


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