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tv   WRAL News 11PM  NBC  November 13, 2016 11:30pm-12:05am EST

11:30 pm
safety protocols have been disengaged. warning: atmospheric pressure is exceeding tolerance levels. re-route power from secondary systems to structural integrity. acknowledged. micro-fractures are present in zones one and four. the malon are venting a theta radiation cloud. our shields are down to 89%. vrelk is hailing. ( sighs ) on screen. that was rude, wasn't it? but we still have quite a bit of antimatter waste to expel. i hope we didn't damage your shields. our shields are fine. mmm. well, we only ejected a small amount of waste this time. we still have much, much more to get rid of.
11:31 pm
i've already told you we're not going anywhere. let's stop playing these games, captain. you've scanned my ship; i've scanned yours. we each know the other is building a vessel to retrieve the probe. what you don't know is that my vessel will be ready to launch in less than two days. you're too far behind. well, if you're so far ahead the embarrassment of losin why bother trying to scare us away? g. you think they're really two days away? he's probably bluffing but we'r'rnot going to take any chances. we've got to speed up construction somehow. we'd also better find a way to shorerep our shields in case vrelk decides to do anymore venting. good idea. janeway totolieuten. computer, locate lieutenant torres. computer: lieutenant torres isisn holodeck one. get down there. warning: hull micro-fractures are present
11:32 pm
repeat: hull micro-fractures are present in zones one, two, three and four. hull breach is imminent. computer, freeze program. b'elanna.
11:33 pm
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11:36 pm
what am i doing here? you had an accident on the holodeck. how long was i out? almost 12 hours. i'd better get back to work. not just yet. why? the captain's asked me to keep you here. ( door opens ) would you excuse us, please, doctct. captain, what's going on? when the doctor examined you... he found evidence of internal bleeding fractured vertebrae contusions, cranial trauma. i guess the accident was pretty serious. the injuries i'm talking about
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ks even months old. well, i'm an engineer. i've had my share of bumps and bruises. but you didn't seek treatment for any of these. i don't run to sick bay every time i stub my toe. some of these injuries were life-threatening, b'elanna. do i look like i'm dying? the doctor says many of the wounds were treated... by someone with the medical expertise of a first-year nursing student. ( exhales sharply ) is it? we investigated today's accident. you turned off the safety protocols during the holo-simulation. why? we have a micro-fracture problem. with the safety protocols on, there's no way to be sure what would happen during a real flight. you don't really expect me to believe that, do you? are you calling me a l lr? according to the holodeck logs, you've been spending
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if i were to check... would i find that you've been running other programs without safety protocols? would you like to look at my personal logs as well? b'elanna, i'm worried about you. if there's something wrong, i want to help. nothing's wrong. okay? no. it's not okay. more forthcoming you'll remain under the doctor's supervision which means you're off the shuttle project. i'm sorry. i'm not.
11:39 pm
seven's got her new weapons system on-line and if we can just solve that m mro-fracture problem we'll be ready to go. keep on it. now... let's talk about b'elanna. tom, you had no idea about these injuries or how she got them? she never complained about being hurt. but then again she's barely speaking to me lately. intentionally trying to hurt herself. you think all these injuries have been happening on the holodeck? well, where else? if they'd happened while she was working as she claims, somebody would've filed an injury report. any idea what sort of programs she's been running? you're thinking the same thing i am. ( sighs ) in someone's p psonal holodeck programs
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e much choice. tom, what do you think? he's right. start digging. ( door chimes ) i'm sleeping. oh. hi. hi. i thought you were the doctor makingng house call. he let you out of the cell block, huh? he thinks familiar surroundings will help speed my recovery.
11:41 pm
he thinks i'm suffering from clinical depression. are you depressed? what are you? the new ship's counselor? ( sighs ) no. just a friend. this whole thing is so ridiculous. i don't report a few scrapes and suddenly janeway thinks there's something wrong with me. typical starfleet, huh? been running holodeck programs without safety protocols. a few. but i haven't put anybody else at risk and it's nothing that i can't handle. tell you what-- what do you say you and i pay a little visit to the holodeck? you can show me some of the programs you've been running. right now? sure. maybe if i see what you've been up to
11:42 pm
holodeck privileges. consider them restored. computer, activate holo-program torres zeta one. computer: the program is actcte. what are you doing? what...? ( gasps ) computer, freeze program. computer, belay that command! ( grunting and gasping ) turn it off! not until you tell me what it is. you know what it is! who's this? li-paz.
11:43 pm
meyer... nelson... sahreen. you created a program to watch all our maquis friends get slaughtered. what i want to know is why. i thought we came down here to talk about safety protocols. this has nothing to do with that. i'm not so sure. the logs show you only ran this program for 47 seconds-- started runnin the day after i gave you the news about the massacre. g the most dangerous programs you could find with the safeties off. why?! this is ridiculous. computer, seal the doors. you can't do this! the hell i can't. you're not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on. b'elannana. why are you intentionally trying to hurt yourself? i don't know. are you trying to commit suicide? ( exhales s arply ) no. then why? because...
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i'm not trying to kill myself. i'm trying to see if i'm still alive. i don't understand. when you look at t tse corpses... how do you feel? sad. angry. y that i wasn't there to die with them. not me. i don't feel anything at all. b'elanna, the maquis were like our adopted family. i can understand you trying to block out thth kind of pain... you don't understand. it's not just the pain. i don't feel anything-- not about t dead friends not about tom... you, my job.
11:45 pm
s, b'elanna. sooner or later... you're going to have to let yourself grieve. why? just so i can go through it all over again? what are you talking about? when i was six, my father walked out on me. when i was 19, i got kicked out of starfleet. a few years later, i got separated from the maquis. n i start to feel safe you tell me that all of our old friends have been slaughtered. the way i figure it, i've lost every family i've ever had. b'elanna... you u ve a new family now... here on voyager and you're not going to lose us. you're stuck with us. you can't promise me that. no, i suppose i can't.
11:46 pm
but i can promise you that the people on this ship aren't about to let you stop living your life or break your neck on the holodeck. you're goingngo have to find another way to deal with this. i don't know how. then we'll figure it out... together. janeway: commander chakotay, we're under attack. report to the bridge immediately.
11:47 pm
i believe they're attempting to distract us, commander
11:48 pm
11:49 pm
the malon vessel is 42,0000kilometers from the probe and closing. we can still catch them. bridge to lieutenana paris. paris here. we've got to launch now if we're going to get to the probe first. are you ready? yes, ma'am. i'll begin the pre-launch sequence. what about the micro-fracture problem? we're keeping an eye on it but we sure could use an extra hand.
11:50 pm
chchotay... let me go. b'elanna, i'm in a hurry. i am not out to get myself hurt if that's what you're thinking. i just want to do my job. i thought you weren't interested in your job anymore. if thahahull breaches, i should be there. i'm still the best engineer we've got. not lately. i need to do this. 40 seconds to launch. powering impulse engines.
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on-line. ( door opening ) b'elanna. i heard you might need some help keeping this thing from falling apart. welcome aboard. vorik, you're in my seat. excuse me, lieutenant. 20 seconds to launch. get that hatch closed. hatch sealed. give me aft thrusters. aft thrusters enabled. ten seconds. all right. let's see what this baby can do. five... four... three... two... one. is away, captain. how long till they overtake the malon shuttle?
11:52 pm
we're in. torres: structural integrity's at 92%. there's the malon shuttle-- 200 kilometers off the port bow and 3,000 kilometers from the probe. we'll catch them. b'elanna, how's the hull? structural integrity's down about 12%. they're launching spatial charges. shields holding. they want to play dirty. let's show them what a little borg-inspired weaponry can do. acknowledged. loading photonic missiles. we've lost power to secondary systems. fire. three direct hits. they're losing attitude control. they're pulling up.
11:53 pm
harry, get ready to grab the probe. still out of transport range. we're losing integrity. 50%... forty... if you can hold us togetetr for another half a minute we'll be within range of the target. we still need to survive the ascent. one thing at a time. we're losing structural integrity. it's down to 25%. harry, prepare to lock on. we've got micro-fractures forming-- aft starboard hull zone two. beaming the probe into the cargo hold. got it. initiating rapid ascent. harry, i need those secondary systems back on-line.
11:54 pm
( grunting ) lieutenant, what are you doing? patching a hole before it opens. that'll never hold. ititl hold a minute or two and with any luck, that's all we need. seven, take over here. i need an e.p.s. relay. uh, there's one in the transporter control circuitry. the panel is sealed. good. get away from it.
11:55 pm
watch ouou i don't know ( sighs )
11:56 pm
and the malolon. they're a little preoccupied. seems their shuttle craft's having a problem climbing out of the gas giant's atmosphere.
11:57 pm
b'elanna. i heard you did a hell of a job. so? how are you? you mean am i back to my old charming self? i don't know. ( sighs )
11:58 pm
ay. what you did down in the holodeck today... thanks. but if you ever do anything like that again i'll break your neck. one stack of banana pancakes with maple syrup.
11:59 pm
( chuckles softly ) [captioning sponsored by paramount television and upn
12:00 am
previously on enterprise... today we have assembled representatives of numerous worlds to forge an unprecedented alliance. it's almost possible to forget what she represents. according to every analysis, this child is the offspring of commander tucker and commander t'pol. we think terra prime's s volved and it has something to do with the child. i've never been pregnant, trip. then how do you explain all this? she's not here to do a story on enterprise, travis. reed: she's a spy. i'm returning earth to its rightful owners. i've just taken over the verteron array on mars. i can now fire on any ship or facility in the system. i have no intention of using this weapon againn
12:01 am
leave immediately. i know there will be questions. we've been dealing with non-humans for almost a century. block that transmission. he's on every frequency. the signal's going system-wide. target his ship. take out their communications. he's tied his warp reactor into the array. if we hit him, it'll take out half of utopia colony. open a channel to starfleet. judge the evidence for yourselves... everything's jammed. ...the citizen soldiers of terra prime will act to protect you against the most dangerous enemy that humanity has ever faced. ? it's been a long road ? getting from thererto here ? it's been a long time
12:02 am
? and i will see my dream come alive at last ? ? i will touch the sky ? and they're not gonna hold me down no more ? ? no, they're not gonna change my mindnd? ? 'cause i've got faith of the heart ? ? i'm going where my heart will take me ? ? i've got faith to believe ? i've got strength of the soul ? ? no one's gonna bend or break me ? ? i can reach any star ? i've got faith ? i've got, i've got ? ? i've got faith ? faiai of the heart.
12:03 am
do not be deceived. this is no ordinary, innocent child. this is an alien-human hybrid; living proof of what will happen if we allow ourselves to be submerged in an interstellar coalition. our genetic heritage... i want that transmission blocked. man: we're trying. we can't break through the signal. then find some way to contact enterprise. i want to speak to archer. terra prime is dedicated to the protection of life
12:04 am
urs, we guarantee safe passage to all aliens leavavg our solar system. so long as non-humans keep to their own worlds, scan paxton's ship for vulcan bio-signs. get a transporter lock on the baby and t'pol. ...but if any alien-- if one single alien remains after the deadline-- terra prime will defend the sovereignty of every single human being. and we will begin by destroying the institution whose blind arrogance and moral cowardice arfleet command. we d dnot seek war, but if the aliens do not leave, and force us to fight, i make this solemn p pmise to all of the sons and daughters of earth-- our future will be secure because humamaty will prevail. he's targeted us with the array. apparently they don't like being scanand.
12:05 am
damage?! massive power surge! we've lost half our relays. that beam was only 2% of the array's total output. he could have vaporized us. a course to earth. we'll consider ourselves warned. if you'll excuse me. ambassador? spontaneous demonstrations have already begun around the vulcan compound. isolated incidents, i'm sure. there are protesters chanting outside the andorian embassy. and they're using words that aren't in the universal translator. it's obvious paxton's ultimatum is part of a coordinated plan. why are we all still here? we could be obliterated at any second! paxton's a fanatic, but he's a man of his word. he won't act before his deadline's up. the deadline aside, the fact that paxton has the support


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