tv WRAL News 5AM NBC November 14, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EST
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>> can i help you? >> no thank you. >> how do you do, sir? what can i do for you? >> and you must be miss parker. i heard that baxter center had a very good-looking postmistress. >> oh, thank you. >> i'm sam harris. postal inspector from washington. >> well, i'm certainly glad to see you, m harris. we've been expecting someone from washington for some time. >> anything for me? >> no, jay, not a thing. well, it's quite all right, mr. harris. this is jay willoughby, who owns thehetore. >> oh, i see. >> a post office detective, huh? i've read and heard a lot about you fellas. i suppose you're out here to investigate the mail robberies and hold-ups we've been having in thihidistrict, huh? >> that's right. >> i'm afraid you're up against
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>> jay is right, mr. harris. these outlaws seem to know when and where to strike. swift and sudden. and then disappear into thin air. >> so i've been informed. well, i'll be seeing quite a bit of you, miss parker, but right now, i think i better pay a visit to the sheriff. susu didn't lose much time. come on. >> he's dead. who is he? >> sam harris. a united states postal inspector sent here to investigate the hold-ups we've been having.
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>> i wonder who shot him? i was sitting right there in front of the store and i didn't see anybody. >> doggone strange. killed by someone who disappears into thin air. >> maybe it's one of those outlaws. they discovered somehow who he was and why he was here and shot. >> i'm included to agree with elaine. poor fella didn't have a chance. >> those crooks won't stand a chance either if i ever get my hands on them. keep your hands away from your guns. >> think we did it, huh, sheriff? >> you act like you still believe we belong to that outlaw gang. >> i do,cy in jail? >> i will when i can prove what i suspect. give me a hand with him, will you, boys? >> well, pancho, isn't breakfast ready yet? >> no, breakfast ain't ready and i don't care if it never get ready. >> wt's the matter? did the coffee pot boil over? >> no, i am boiling over. all day long, i am standing over this hot fire, cooking the breakfast, cooking the dinner, cooking the supper, cooking, cooking, cooking, cooking, cooking!
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didn't you tell me that you loved to cook? >> si. >nd didn't you tell me that you were the best cook in the west? >> well, even the best cook, he gets tired of his own cooking. >> oh. so that's it, huh? >> oh, what wouldn't i give for one of those nice dinners cooked by mama maria. the albondigas soup, the chili rellenos and the de leche. and when she cooked those frijole beans with the skins on the top, ooh, when you eat that, you just-- (laughing) >> well, pancho, if it makes you visit, huh? >ou mean that, cisco? >> of course i do. >> oh, cisco, you are a true companero. i will go get everything ready, huh? >> hey, pancho, pancho. not so fast. first we're going to have breakfast, then i'm going to write a letter to mama maria telling her when to expect us. >> no, cisco, no. writing the letter, that means the post office. the post office means going to town and going to town means getting in trouble. >> oh, pancho, don't worry. we'll only be in town long enou to mail the letter, then we'll leave. now let's eat. come on. >> no, no, cisco.
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in trouble. ay! ay! now the trouble begins. >> good morning, miss. >> how do you do, sir? what can i do for you? >> would you please tell me how much it takes to send a letter to mexico? >> yes, it's 65 cents. >> here you are, miss. what's the matter? is my face dirty? >> no, uh, you reminded me of someone, that's all. you'll have to pardon me while i get some change from the store owner. listen, jay, try to act casual while you change this bank note. take a look at the man over there. >> all right, what about him? >> he's the cisco kid. >> are you surur >> i'm positive. i've seen his face on wanted dodgers. he's possibly one of those outlaws. maybe the one who killed mr. harris. >> that could be. here.
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here's your change. i'm sorry you had to wait. >> oh, think nothing of it, miss. waiting for you is a pleasure. >> what a pretty speech. you' a stranger here, aren't you? >> yes. i'm sorry to say, just passing through. >> that's not veryryomplementary to our town. we expect visitors to stay over for a while. baxtxt center is noted for its hospitality. >> it must be if the rest of the people are as pleasant as you are. >> now what's this all about? >> as if you didn't know. lock him up, sheriff. >> but i-- >> you can talk all you want in jail, cisco. mosey along now. >> some hospitality. >> you had enough water. now let's -- before cisco gets all into trouble. what i told you? we in town 10 minutes and
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>> well, loco, we're going to wait here for the sheriff like cisco said. and besides, i don't like to get shoot t anyhow. >> put your hands up. >> why? what for you chase me anyhow? >> why? what do you mean by shooting up the town, you one-eyed jasper?r? >> me? i didn't do nothing. i was just feeling good. >> maybe you won't feel so good after mount up.
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>> you tricked me good, cisco, but you'll be back in jail soon. and yoyo pal too. >> i doubt it very much. pancho, take him to the shack. >> andale. >> i hate to leave you like this, sheriff, but i have a little job to do. i don't want you getting ininy way. >> you know, i think sheriffs is the nicest people tied u no, not that. come on. >> what are we going to do now, cisco? >> we're going back to town anan call on a young lady. >> you see, i knew there was a senorita mixed up in this somewhere. cisco, let's-- before we get there too late to have some of mama maria's tortillas, eh? >> pancho. can't you think of anything else except tortillas? >> yeah. arroz con pollo, chili rellenos, frijoles con queso. cisco, forget all about the
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>> pancho, you don't understand. a postal inspector was killed a little while ago in baxter center and they think i did it. >> oh. is that why they threw you in jail? >> yes. now i can't leave town until i clear myself. >> oh, cisco, trouble, trouble, trouble. always trouble. ?? >> there you are, debbie. give my regards to tom. >> good morning, miss. >> what are u doing out of jail? >> your sheriff is a very charming man. very easy to talk to. when i convinced him he didn't want me, he turned me loose. >> oh, the sheriff is a very
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no trouble at all. >> well, i'm sorry, cisco. >> if apologizes are in order, i'd like to offer mine. i had a hand in your arrest too. >> oh, that don't make no never mind. ciscscs always like this when he sees a beautiful senorita. >> you know, miss, getting involved in this murder has rather interested me.. who else besides yourself knew what the postal inspector was doing in town? >> w wl, only mr. willoughby, the store owner. >> anyone else? >> not as far as i know. >> hm. chinese puzzle. well, come on, pancho. you and i will go to the hotel, get ourselves a room and look into this puzzle after we get some sleep. nice to have met you. >> me too. much obliged. >> right. >> cisco, hotel, sleep, chinese puzzles. what kind of simple talking is this? >> you'll soon find out, pancho.
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>> i told you before, pancho. i think either the man who owns the store or the girl or maybe both of them are behind the killing of theostal inspector. >> yeah, i know, i know, cisco. you told me. but-- >> if it's true, we'll soon have >> well, cisco, if we' gonna have the visitors, i don't know why we have to play the guguea pigs. >> because, pancho. they are going to try to come in with their guns and their hands to kill us. >> kill us? kill us? what do you mean, kill us? you know i don't look pretty good when i'm dead. (speaks spanish) >> all right, boys, we've got work to do. >> what is it this time? >> cisco kid and his pal pancho. they're holed up in a room at the hotel. boss wants us to get 'em. >> they're a couple of tough hombres. hope the boss knows what he's doing. >> he has so far. come on, saddle. we'll pick up dave and lefty on
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>> cisco, ain't nobody here. what that, cisco? >> a clue, pancho. one that will hang the killer of the postal inspector. >> a little thing like that, a clue? it's a little piece of rubber. >> yes, pancho. but it smells of burnt powder. freshly burnt powder. i think the shf coco on-- >> bueno. we go. the sheriff? hey, cisco, what are you saying? >> well, you messed things up beautifully, didn't you? >> can i help it if ciscsccarries a rabbit's foot with him? you're pulling out, huh? >> only fools stay to the last t nute. here, give me a hand.
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>> i guess this is the end of the mail hold-ups for me and the rest of the boys. >> only for the time being. we'll be in bubuness in a little while. i'll get in touch with you as soon as i get located in some other town. well, well. >> i never w h you, the mastermind of the gang. >> i'm sorry you found this out, elaine. you've suddenly become quite a problem. >> well, cisco, i suppose you've come back to kill me. >> on the contrary, sheriff. pancho, get busy. i'm going to give you back your gun.
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>> you are going to arrest the head of those outlaws, the one who killed the inspector from washington. >> you know who he is? >> yes, and i have a little plan how to prove it. >> let's have it. >> i'll tell you on the way to town. >> she'll talk. better get rid of her. >> i intend to,, just before i leave. in the meantime, we'll put her in the closet and she can holler her head off in there and no one's going to hear her. >> tell the boys what i said and i'll contact them later. >> just a minute, willoughby. i'm the one that's leaving. i'm taking your little bag with me for company. hand it over. >> but, uh--
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found a clue to the man who killed the postal inspector. >> oh, that's very interesting, cisco. who did it? >> you, mr. willoughby. >> i? well, what do you know about that? maybe you can tell me w i killed him? >> that's very easy. you'u' been cleaning up as the head of those outlaws who have been holding up the mail. you wanted to protect your interests. >> now i've heard everything. now perhaps you can tell me how >> that little matter i expect to prove very y on. see you later. >> did you hear enough, sheriff? >> i sure have, cisco. >> good timing, pancho. you're very clever, willoughby, but not clever enough to get away with murder. no one is that clever.
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and here's another one. >> it's coming from the office! >> move, willoughby. let's see whwh else you've been up to. >> dan, he's the one who-- >> i know, elaine. cisco set a little trap for him and he fell right into it. >> he also killed one of his men. you'll find him behind the desk. >> get over there. >> i've been very stupid, haven't i, cisco? >> more stupid than pancho when his brains don't work and that happens quicker than sometimes and also before, don't you? >> what made you suspect willoughby? >> it was the rubber tip from a cane. it smelled of freshly burnt gunpowder. suddenly it dawned on me it was the tip from a cane gun. >> yeah. and since the shot came from the store and willoughby used the cane, cisco and i mixed our braiai together and figured it out just like that. >> right, pancho. just like this. you know, you are positively brilliant. >> you got brains too, cisco. >> oh, pancho.
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are you the sheriff, please. well not exactly. i'm kind of a first class assistant you might say. can you stop a robbery from happening? robbery? yes sir. it's got to be stopped beforees killed or something. sure, sure it does. now, uh, where is this robbery going to take place? i don't know. well, would you know when it's going to happen? no, only it's probably real soon. well that don't give us much to go on.
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porter, texas. august nineteenth. it looked quiet and peaceful that hot dusty afternoon. but inside theheffices of the porter enterpise, a young frightened girl was telling a story that would soon turn that piece and quiet into a storm of violence. that's why you have to stop him mr. gilman. well now debbie you, uh, you don't look like the kind of little girir that's father is going to do something awful. he wouldn't. he's wonderful. well, but you just told me that... it must be those two men mr. gilman. they must be making him do it. those, uh, two men debby, you never saw them before they rode up to the ranchchouse? - no. - you don't know who they are or what their names might be? no ms. porter.
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how did your folks take all this debby? mom was real scacad. and your father? i don't know ms. porter. he's always so calm and all. he just kind of looked at them and shooed me out of the room. but you listened at the door, huh? i couldn't hear everything. but i know they are planning on robbing somebody. my father wouldn't do anything bad if you could help him mr. gilman. tha's why i came to see e u. you've got to stop it before it's to late. i tell you, you go with ralph here. afe, they've even got some flavored ice down there. and you have some of that and i'll see what i can do about your father. ( sighs ) thank you mr. gilman. it's my pleasure.
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( knocking on door ) can't think of anything the sheriff might want to say to me. i'm a texas ranger ms. mccallan. i am not a sheriff. i'm just acting in a sheriffs capacity. ( water running ) and it is what you might have e say that's important. what could i tell you about? well maybe about your husband. or, uh... about a couple of strange men that rode up here yesterday. ( sighs ) i don't know what you're talking about mr. gilman. snooping around and asking questions. we're honest god loving folk y. i'm not trying to. just trying to help. thank you, but we don't need any. that's not what debby told me. what about debby? what's happened to her?
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she told me she was just going for a little ride. what was she doing in porter mr. gilman? what did she tell you? a whole lot more than you have ms. mccallin. now about her father? and, uh, these two strange men. and the possibility of a hold up. i'll only tell you one thing mr. gillman. when my husband got out of confederate army, he swore on the bible that he'd never again bare arms against anyone. he's never worn a gun since. bart mccallin is a good man. and you have no cause to bear him doing anything wrong. and i'm swearing to that on the same bible.
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( horse galloping ) well i never saw you move so fast. better start doing some e st moving yourself mr. gilman. alright, what is it? sam traver just drove his buckboard into porter. he's all shot upup the doctors don't know whether he'll live or not. you know what we heard, uh, what we was s lking about earlier? yeah. ( sighs ) -well five thousand dollars of cattle money driver had on h h is missing. alright ralph. i'll see you in a minute. now w w about it? you want to tell me now? word of sam traver's shooting spread swiftly throughouou porter.
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the man who's daughter had ridden n to town. who's story about her father and two strangers planning a robbery, had already become common knowledge. debby: mr. gilman he didn't do it. there all say my father shot mr. travers, but he didn't. well debby, you told me your dad is going to get mixed up in something like this. but he wouldn't shot anybody. i know that. well i hopopyou're right. doc! be righthtith you. should've known it wouldn't be another patient. well you got your hands full as it is, i understand. plenty of full. sam is no condition to talk now hoby. he may never be. you get anything out of it?
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they got one double eagle for their trouble. i thought he was supposed to be carrying five thousand dollars cattle money. ah, killers must've thought that to. chad stevens over at the banks tells memeravers forman deposited that money this morning. twenty dollars. don't seem like a man's life is worth very much. plenty have been killed for less. yeah. -did travers see who did it? -nope. but he figures he knows. how? he regained conscious once when someone was going through his pockets. managed to see the man was wearing confederate calvary boots. well that's not very much to make an identification from. travers won't agree with you. sais there's only one man around here. them. works on his ranch to. name's bart maccallin.
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uh... those people outside know that? worried about a lynching party? no. no his daughter is... standing out there is all. well not yet debby, but t 's very badly hurt. poor mr. travers. what about my father mr. gilman? well i'm going to have to find him and talk to him. but i told you he didn't have anything to do with it. he doesn't even wear a gun. i'm still going to have to find him. you won't have to wait long hoby.
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bart: hi darling. up you go. please tell them you didn't do it daddy. now you better calm down and tell me what this is all about. your name is bart maccallin? that's right. mine's hoby gilman. i'd like to talk to you. well what about? sam travers has been held up and shot. daday tell them you didn't do it. please, please. that can't have nothininto do with me mr. gilman. well we're looking for a man who wears confederate calvary boots.
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now rudely awaken by the shooting of sam travers. it's fears and alarms centered an angry hatred against thman believed responsible and hoby gilman was questioning that man. you can do whatever you want about me mr. gilman. i've told you everything i can. well that's not very much mccallin. i didn't rob or shot sam travers. you were at the time of the hold up. or who those two men where that debby said showed up at your place. . i'm sorry mr. gilman i can't. daddy you know they were there. i heard you talking. why don't you tell mr. gilman? i'm afraid you'll have to leave this up to me deborah. but if there's nothing to hide, why don't you... - that's enough deborah! this is my business not yours. i guess you don't believe me either?
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er my questions. a man has to live by his conscious mr. gilman. i have nothing more to say. alright, i guess we have nothing more to talk about. you going to jail me? now. but if travers dies, i'll l me looking for you. ss charges against mccallin, spread through town quickly. several of the more inflflntial citizens objected loudly. one of these, banker jeb stevens, called ranger hoby gilman to defend his position. and i'll you gilman, there's a band of thieves and killlls on the loose around porter. this town is bulging with monene and what do you do? let ringleader free as air, that's what you do. free as air. you got any proof?
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mccallin's refusal to tell where he was at the time. to identify those riders who came up ththranch house. everybody knows about all those things. well that's quite a list, but it doesn't prove anything. doesn't it? well if that isn't enough. take a look k this telegraph message i received from austin. you wired ranger headquarters to check about mccallin. i did. and they told you he served three and a half years for attempted baba robbery before the war. that's right and they told me they... you--you knew about this? mm-hmm. i try to do my job. and you still let mccallin go? most men make a few mistakes. he's paid for his. i dodot believe it. how can you have the nerve to call yourself sheriff of porter. i don't. i'm a ranger. i'm just acting sheriff, you know that... for my money you're not.
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porter needs protection. it certainly isn't getting it from hoby gilman well he certainly has his back doesn't he? well he has a right to hoby. money is pouring into porter from those cattle drives and whoever shot sam travers is after some five thousand. yeah, i guess. ( sighs ) well doesn't it stand a reason he'll try again. and if mccallin is guilty, well it's just the same as giving him the key to yes, it's possible. you don't think soo no, i just don't know. ( scoffs ) henrietta. hoby you know jeb stevens is running off about a citizens commitee. yeye, i'm not too much worried about it.
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no bararyou can't. you can't take up the gun again. you swore to it on the bible. a man has to do what he feels must be done. but there's no need. if you forget this, we can tell mr. gilman all about it we can start over again. it's too late jenny. oh please bart don't go, please. ( sobbing ) oh bart. don't hold back information now ms. mccallin, not with the town stirred up like it is.
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( whispers ) here sit down here. alright now, who are these two men that came riding up here that debby was telling me about. who are they? one was bart's brother, rave mccallin. he's the one who... who got bart into o oubles years ago. bart hasn't seen him since what didide come back for now? he and that... that killer who's with him praeger. they were running from the law. they needed food, supplies, and money. and bart's been helping them. he gave them food and a place in the hills to hideout. and he tried to get them money. we didn't have any to give. but he thought sam travers did. no!
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( door knock ) jeb: you all heard what ralph said. mccallin is in town wearing g gun. ralph here was on the job. as usual. getting a us all together. but where's the man who is supposed to be protecting us. where's gilman? oh, you know as well as weweo jeb, he's out of town somewhere. sure. he's out of town and maccallin is in. well he's not getting away with anything this time. even if i have to go out and shoot him down myself. if you gun was as big as your mouth jeb,
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or are you forgetting sam travers so soon? oh keep your britches on jeb. any action we take is going to be legal and proper, as long as i have anything to do with it. mr. gilman, , ere is he ms. porter? where's mr. gilman. well he's not here right now debby. but he's just t t to be. what's the matter child? my father and those two men, i heard them up in the hills. they're going to rob the bank here. hoby: nice job. must've had lots of experience.
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bart: everything alright mr. gilman? i heard the gunshots. yea fine, i'll take the gun now. daddy! it's alright debby. everything's alright. well hoby do we get an explanation? oh, hold this will you? well you know your bible pretty well dont you henrietta? yes, but what does the bible have to do with this? well i spotted mccallin on the rode and i persuaded him to
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