tv WRAL News 5AM NBC November 15, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EST
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>> hey, cisco, i'm all mixed up in my cabeza. >> what's the matter? >> why do i have to wear these monkey clothes when i'm all happy in my old pants? >> i told you before. you're taking the stagecoach to rockport. >> taking the stagecoach? i can't take it. it don't belong to me. i got nobody in the rockport. >> nothing? why i have to travel 100 miles to do nothing when i can do nothing better right here? >> i'm going to set a trap for the fence who makes it possible for these outlaws to operate. the man who buys the valuables they steal. >> why do you want to go on the stagecoach? >> take out your watch. >> cisco, the little bells in it. sweet music, huh? >> yes, pancho. it's a valuable watch and i'm sure it will lead us to our man. >> the watch lead you to the man?
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>> of course not, pancho. but when the outlaws steal it from you... >> oh, the watch. you want the outlaws to steal it from me, huh? >> yes, pancho. that's exactly what i want them to do. >> all right. we do it, eh? >> i'll be waiting for you at rockport. pancho, don't forget. the outlaws see the watch and steal it, huh? >> no, i won't forget. >> here comes the stagecoach. go ahead. good luck. >> drop your rifle. put down your gun. line up the passengers. throw down the strong box. >> you're wasting your time. there's nothing in it. >> throw it down.
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>> i don't got nothing, mister. only two pesos and this watch. oh, i bet your partner -- not much. and this watch. >> no, i don't take junk. >> that is no junk! it got music. little bells inside. listen to the music, eh? it costs lots of money. lots of pesos. and it's guaranteed for 20 years. >> don't look so frightened, madam. just think of me as a sort of a tax collector. your handbag, please. you have excellent taste in jewelry, madam. >> cisco, the bandito leader say he didn't want it. he said it was junk and then he throw it on the ground and now it don't run some more. it don't got no tickers in it. >> are you sure you were not recognized?
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>> what's the matter? >> recognize the dude? >> he was on the stage we held up. >> right. and the man with him is the cisco kid. >> cisco kid? are you sure, pete? >> yeah. and what's more, i didn't recognize the dude in that get-up, but i'll lay 10 to one he's cisco's pal pancho. >> and you think they're up to something, huh? >> i'm sure of it. the dude tried awfully hard to make me steal his watch, a watch that could be easily traced, come to think of it. a neat little trap designed to lead cisco to our contact and upset the gravy train. >> what are we going to do out it? >> plenty. soon as i'm finished with the old man. you stay here and watch the hotel. oh, it's you again. >> no one else. would you tell toby i'd like to see him? >> who was it, martha? >> it's pete. he's waiting for you.
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>> uncle toby. >> yes, my dear? >> must you keep on doing business-- whatever it is-- with pete? i don't trust him. >> now, now, my dear. pete's really a splendid fellow when you get to know him. hello, pete. >> say, this is quite a clock you've got here, toby. does it work? >> work? my dear pete. this clock has a very unique history. it's already claimed three lives. >> that? it's nothing but a toy. >> here. let me show you how it works. you turn this knob. that tightens the bow. now watch carefully. quite the deadly toy, don't you think? >> would want that thing in my neck. >> don't worry. your neck is meant for a hangman's rope, be that as it may. tell me, what have you brought me this time? >> oh, here we are.
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exquisite. look at it. glowing with inward fire. >> that's quite a collection of jewelry, toby. aren't you ever going to sell any? >> someday, perhaps. but what is money compared to the joy one gets from such beautiful --, right? nothing. >> if i didn't know you better, i'd think you were going balmy. >> who k? perhaps i am. here. count. >> by the way, toby, the cisco kid is in town. i think he's after you. >> good heavens. you mean they suspect me? >> not yet. and they won't, if it's up to terry and i. i advise you to keep your back
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>> hey, cisco. the bandito leader, he get away too. >> how do you know it was the leader, pancho? >> his pantalones. i recognize him. >> well, we know one thing for sure anyway. >> what's that? right here in rockport or else the outfit leader wouldn't have come here. >> maybe so, but how we gonna find him? >> i wonder. >> wonder what? >> that clock and jewelry store.
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>> are you sure of that? >> what can i do for you, gentlemen? >> i would like to have this watch repaired. >> yes. it don't run no good since-- >> how soon can you have it ready? >> in just a minute or two. it'll only take a little adjustment, that's all. there you are, sir. >> there you are, pancho. >> quick, eh? listen to the bells, cisco. it run nice and sweet again. i've seen a watch like that. it's really a collector's item. >> are you a collector? >> in a way. but i only collect old clocks. there's one of my prizes. a french antique. or this one. this is my pride and joy. let me show it to you, gentlemen. beautiful, isn't it? yes, it is a beautiful object. it's a masterpiece of the 17th century made by cirotti, the
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artist. why, he spent two and a half years making it. uh, it has a very unique history, you know? >> cisco! >> cisco! that clock tried to kill you. >> oh, this is terrible. it's never happened before. you must accept my most humble apologizes. >> oh, that's quite all right. accidents will happen. now what is it you wanted, miss? >> why, i just wanted to show you this very old grandfather clock. >> yes. it is a very old clock. thank you very much, miss.
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>> i think you'd better see that specialist in st. louis, uncle toby. you're not well. >> nonsense, nonsense, my dear. i was just a little disturbed about that accident, that's all. >> it's more than that, uncle. you're on the verge of having another nervous breakdown. for heaven's sakes, don't worry about the store. i can take care of it. >> i know, i know, my dear, but-- >> please, uncle toby, you must go. for my sake as well. >> cisco, what are you telling my ears? this accident was not an >> no, pancho. that nice, sweet old man tried to kill me deliberately. >> christopher columbus-- why he want to do that? >> because he's the fence, pancho. pete must have told him about us. and if it wasn't for his niece, i'd probably be dead by now. >> well, -- what are we doing sitting on our hands? why don't we go get him? >> without proof?
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>> what are you doing here? >> stolen jewelry? >> i'm afraid this will come to you as a shock, but your uncle is a fence. he's been buying stolen goods. >> so that's his connection with pete. that's why he tried to kill you. oh, cisco, please leave him alone. he isn't quite in his right mind. >> have you any idea where he went? >> stage line office. he was leaving this afternoon for st. louis, to see a specialist. >> hmm. he must have changed his mind because he drove off in a rig.
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>> what are you doing here, toby? >> i'm running away. they want me to go back to that awful place in st. louis. but i won't go. i won't! it's terrible. the doctors, they poke and pry right into your mind, day and night, night and day and the people scream and go crazy! you've got to protect, pete. you've gotta! >> take it easy, toby. nobody's gonna hurt you. sit down. be comfortable. you can depend upon me to help you. somebody out there. >> raise your hands! what the-- >> there you are, pete. >> ed, you stay here.
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don't worry about a thing. we'll be right back, toby. >> oh, thank you, pete. thank you. >> wait here, terry. okay, terry. they're gone! >> get those hands up. turn around. now turn around and face me. >> so, you've got the jewelry, huh, cisco? >> what makes you think that? >> because toby sent us after it. >> where is my uncle toby? >> might as well hand them over, cisco. turn us loose. i've given orders if we're not back within an hour, pancho gets a bullet in his head.
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>> within an hour, eh? >> right. >> well, my friend, you'll be back within an hour, but i'll be with you. >> yeah? >> yes. bring in the -- clock, will you, martha? >> here it is, cisco. >> put it on the table. face it the other way. now get over there. here, martha. keep them covered, particularly our friend pete. if they make the slightest move, shoot. >> don't point that thing at me, it's dangerous! >> it is very dangerous. i'm going to give you exactly one minute to make up your mind about taking me to pancho, or else the little archer will shoot you right between the eyes. >> you're bluffing. >> bluffing, eh? half a minute gone already. >> you can't do this, you can't. it's, it's, it's inhuman, it's--
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15 seconds. 10 seconds. five seconds. >> all right, all right, you win. you win. >> martha, you'll have to show me someday how to make this clock shoot. but i can shoot this one. get going! get down. tell your men to come out with their hands up. >> there's only one. ed! come out with your hands up. ed! can't you hear me? >> drop your guns.
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>> good work, ed. >> all right. head for the cabin. >> oh, uncle toby. uncle toby. >> you lied about the jewels, toby. where are they? >> the jewels. well, you'll never find them. i've hidden them, you see. you'll never find them! >> where are they, toby? >>you leave him alone, you brute. >> ed, heat up a poker. maybe he'll talk after he sees us toast the girl's feet a little. >> right, pete. >> oh no, no. you mustn't, you mustn't. i'll tell you what. i'll show you where the jewels are, only don't hurt my martha. please don't hurt her. >> all right. ed, you and terry stay here. i'll take the girl along just in case he has another lapse of memory. get going. get going!
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nobody's ever gonna get you. >> cisco, please. >> don't worry, martha. he'll not go to jail. we'll take him to the hospital. he needs care, not punishment. >> didn't cisco tell you not to touch that clock? cisco! cisco, help! help, cisco! help! help! cisco, help! >> what now, pancho? >> look, i am de beautiful shirt, she is torn. >> so many times i told you not to fool around with things you don't know anything about. >> cisco, i wasn't fooling around. look, i show you. this little thing was here like that, see? and then i turn this little thing back here to make it go straight-- cisco, look! this clock, it don't like me! it shoots my hat off my head!
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they were truble makers, rustlers, dangerous men with a gun who had so far managed to escape the law. lute borden had been arrested but it looked as though he might go free unless a frightened man could be convinced that he should testify. that was hoby's job. wagner's the only witness to amos judd's killing and he's scared to death. not that i blame him. he's got a wife and two kids to think of. oh, uh... here's some of the notes he got. when i first threw lute in jail wagner was sure he was the one who did the klling now he can't make up his mind. where's wagner now? over at the hotel, we've got the whole family there. why? trying to prove to charley that we can take care of him and his family. we're doing everythign we can to see that rafe can't get to him. you mind if i talk to lute?
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well, if it ain't my old friend hoby gilman. there's an awful lot of people i don't mind calling me friend but you're sure not one of 'em. what are you doing around these parts? making sure you get what's coming to you. you mean you figure i'm going to hang? if you're guilty. well, don't waste your time. hat two-bit sheriff out there to open this door and let me out of here and save yourself a lot of trouble. well, you sound pretty sure of yourself. i might have me a good reason. meaning your brother rafe? i might mean that. where is rafe anyways? why don't you unlock the door and i'll be glad to find out for you? eh, not that interested. hey, gilman! cut ya high card for five dollars. what for?
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his time tomorrow, i'm standing in a bar with a pretty girl on each arm. you are and i'll buy the drinks. (chuckles) what are you wantin' here? i want to talk to my brother. the law says i can't? leave the gun here. sure. i don't wnat to cause any trouble. i suppose you know hoby gilman's in town. yeah, i know. well, what about wagner? he's spooked. i don't figure he's about to talk. and in the off chance he does? i'll be waiting for ya outside the courtroom when you come out. well, i'd sure feel better if that ranger wasn't around, i tell ya.
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i'll take care of him. (sheriff)your time is up, rafe. you can put that scatter gun away. i told ya i don't want to cause ya any trouble. yes, sir? what'll you have? oh, whatever you serve around here that passes for whiskey. you a stranger in town? depends on how long you got to live here to be an old timer. i'm realy new myself. you staying over for lute borden's trial tomorrow? yeah, i'll be around. which way you betting? what odds are they giving?
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sounds like they've already held the trial. as far as the town's concerned, there ain't no doubt he did the killing. fella named wagner saw him do it. well, he could be wrong. nope. lute's as good as hung up to dry already. not that it's any great loss to the community. from what i hear they should've hung him years ago. him and his brother both. well, i'll have to go along with you there. the things you see when you haven't got a gun. you've got a gun. oh, that's just a manner of speaking. i'll buy you a drink. well, why not? give me another glass. bartender, you might like to meet this gentleman. it's rafe borden. i hardly expected to see you here. i got that advantage over you. i expected to see you. you're a little late, aren't you? well, there weren't no reason for me to be here no earlier.
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now, hoby, you know i never could ride a lick. you don't print too good, either. you're not going to hang lute, hoby. no, i'm not going to do it personally i'm going to see it gets done if he's guilty. you're not going to do that either. no? why not? you know what i'm going to do if they hang lute? shoot me in the back? you know i never gunned a man yet unless he was facing me. what do you want for that, a medal? you've hid behind every law there is. you've never fought with a man who had a chance of beating you, have you? und awful high and mighty. i wish i was. if i had my way, there'd be a special law for birds like you or against you, like a rabid dog. you growl a little bit before you chew somebody up but not so's anybody can really hear you coming you hang around this town, rafe and i'm going to do some collecting of my own for all the men you've killed face to face. you running me out? you stay and i can always throw you in jail for threatening an officer of the law.
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going to jail wouldn't do me any harm. wouldn't do you any good? yeah, i know that too. unless i can put you away for a long time. so instead of just getting out of town, maybe you oughta get clear out of the country. now that's real big talk. i feel big. y'know, hoby, there's just one difference between you and me. all the men you ever gunned down, you hid behind a lawman's badge.
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sorry. i bet your pardon, ma'am. i'm hoby gilman, i'm with the texas rangers. i thought... yeah, i know what you thought. i'm sorry. is mr. wagner here? he's gone to get some water for the children. they're asleep in there. what are you doing here? this is mr. gilman, he's a texas ranger. if youcamehere f the reason i thk you did, you're wasting ur time. there's the door. well, i came to help if i can. mister, the only way you can help me is get them to let me out of here so i can take my wife and kids and go home. well, why didn't you leave just now? that guard with a shotgun was sound asleep when i came in. well, he was wide awake when i went out.
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i'm not going to that trial. i'm afraid you'll have to now. what's the sense in it? i didn't see anything. that's not what you said before. everybody makes mistakes. well, i think you're making one now. well, you think what you like mister. lute killed that man, didn't he? and you saw it. well sure he killed him, but i'm not going to tell that to any jury. law's a peculiar thing, y'know, it's made for your protection but if you don't back it up, it's not worth a nickel. don't preach morals at me. if lute borden hangs 'cause of what i say, i've condemned all three of them to death. i'll make a deal with ya. not interested. you'll testify at lute's trial and i'll give you my personal guarantee. that you and your family won't be in any danger from rafe borden. tomorrow or any other day.
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if you can guarantee that, i'd like nothing better than to put lute's head in a noose. well. i guess that's all i need to know. hold on, i'm not saying that in court. i give you my word. neither you nor any member of your family will get hurt. mister, the only way you could keep that guarantee was to kill somebody. well, i just gave you my word. good night. charley, what are you gonna do?
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the next morning, ranger hoby gilman prepared to keep his promise. he knew charley wagner would be called to testify. he didn't know what the witness would say. but no matter what was said hoby had to be ready to stop the violence that was sure to come when the trial was over. you leave me your gun, you can talk to your brother.
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it is the understanding of this court that you were a witness to the murder of mr. amos judd on august the 14th last. yes, sir. (crowd muttering) (gavel bangs) order! order in the court! wagner just took the stand. -what he say? -nothing yet. but just in case, where's rafe? he's down a the saloon. you going to throw him in the jug until wagner and his wife get out of town? one what charge? oh, i can always think of something. well, thanks but, uh... you can't keep him there forever.
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now that you've described the circumstances... could you identify the person who did the shooting? your honor, i came into this court real scared. i'm still real scared. i don't have to tell the truth because there's only one person who could say i was lying. he's not about to say it. but a man's got to have his self respect. you've sworn under oath that you were the witness to a murder. is the person who commited that murder seated in this courtroom? yes, sir. he's in this courtroom. would you point him out? he's sitting right there, wearing handcuffs. lute borden. (crowd murmoring) (gavel banging) trial over? pretty soon.
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or else let him kill me and maybe you'll arrest him but he's not going to hurt my wife and kids. now listen to me... i've heard too much already. all right. you wanted to shoot somebody. go ahead, shoot me. i'm not shooting a ranger. is that all that's stopping ya? you can't prod me into any play like that. not with all these gun toting deputies hanging around. sheriff... have your men throw down there guns. you too. you heard him.
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wagner's gotta leave town sooner or later and so do you. i don't mind waiting. i'm going to give you two choices. you confess to killing wagner's cattle and threatening the lives of his wife and children and i'll see you get twenty years. and why would i want to do any of those things you just mentioned? that was the first choice. what's the other one? well, i'm gonna buy you a piece of ground that's seven foot long. i've told ya before i'm not going up against you here. you might as well, i'm gonna kill you anyways. i've known you too long. you wouldn't shoot me down. i can kill you and there isn't a soul in town who'd even frown at me. that'd be murder. what you was gonna hang lute for. as long as you're wearing that badge, you can't touch me. the badge doesn't protect you anymore than it does me. i think i can gun you cold and take my chances in court without too much to worry about. you've done it plenty of times. 'course, they might hang me.
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sheriff! you asking me for help? your supposed to be the law around here. i don't want any trouble. kind of trouble you've got, i can't do anything about. not 'til one of you draws. you're a big man now, rafe. you've got the people scared. especially the women and children and men who've never had to draw a gun. look around you. you think they're ever gonna take your brag again? i'm gonna make you crawl. then i'm gonna turn you over to them. iding the rail. all right. start crawling.
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