tv Today NBC November 15, 2016 10:00am-11:00am EST
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( infant c everything's gonna... be all right. looks like they overlooked you. what am i gonna do? i sure can't leave you here. but if i take you back to train, you see, we were visitby som. that's right. blackfeet. and they did us no good at all. you know, picking up little red orphans, that's a little bit out of my line. you might grow up one day and take my scalp right. you win. oh, you think that's funny, do you? we'll take you back to the wagon train and just place you in major adams' lap. he's the one that makes cisions around here.
10:03 am
well, major, after what you're heard, you're still gonna let her stay? i knew what she was the minute she joined up with us! why, no decent woman would have a wagon full of them fancy dresses! nd doodads all over them! y and i knew what she was, even if she fool major! well, sairy hogg, i didn't realize that you's so easy corrupted. ( ( ughter ) i can take care of myself, seth adams. m thinking of the innocent little children we've got with us, how they can be influenced by the very presence of a womthat, how they can-- how their little minds can be tainted and warped by her! mamam, that ain't true at all. kitty ain't nothin' like you been sayin'! she's a wonderful dancer, and all us fellas
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all right. all right, slim. major. yes, missus-- miss angel. i own my own wagon, and i pay my own way, and unlike some people, i mind my own business. now, if i promise to stay away from the little children, cawith you to san francisco? sonny, where did you know miiss angel from? just runnin' into the train an you here, was so darn glad to see you again tht run off at the mouth, owin' that them two old crows would... answer the major, slim. i knew her of places. i-i just kept runnin' into her. sairy: why, of c he knew h of places. women like that don't stay put. they get asked to leave,
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now, if she stays to herself, as she's promised-- as i've been doing. then what's the harm in letting her stay? what's the harm? that's what i said, what's the harm? you're what's the harm in lettin' her stay! about our menfolks that's unattached, and even some that's said their vows! i wouldn't put it past 'em to succumb to temptatiwhen it's, ( cackles ) isn't it about time for you to start supper? all i gotta do is peel spuds. why don't you go peel 'em, then! yes, sir. safe, huh? my boy ain't gonna drive her no more! we don't want her kind of money! that's exactltl right!
10:06 am
what's going on over there? it's a convention of old battle axes. you got here j jt in to cast your vote. ( in chatter ) it's time to take this thing to a vote, major, since you find it so hard to make up your mind! mrs. hogg, i made up my y nd a long time ago, the first time i read the constitution of the units, where it says nobodydys guiltyt. and as farow, this woman has bothered nobody on this train. it also says in the constitution that people have to vote, and the way they vote proves what they want! majo all right. we'll take a aote. everybody that's in favor of her leaving this train, raise your hanan. ( mirthless chuckle ) we kitty, it looks to me like-- hold on, n on! there might be some folks around here wants to vote agin'just for the record.
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just for the record. those that w wld like her toth the train, raise your hands. four votes, just for the record.d. bill. kitty, just ask me to cut out my tongue, and i'll be glad to. it's a little latethat. i guess we'll have to send her there now. major, how soon before i have to go? well, miss angel, here is a military post. h of here, and i don't know if they'll take a single woman in. fort sonora. i'vethroroh there. i've passed through there. they w anyway, i've lost my driver, and i'm not strongngnough to drive myself. i'll pay anything to stay. i'll keep to mys that's what th. or i'll help the women. i'll look after the kids.
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we did! yes, you did. you voted her out into hunger and thirst and rain and drought and wild beasts all by herself. flint: and maybe the sioux on the rampage. sioux? sioux? yeah, sioux. i got a little one here just tcan happen. the sioux killed its relatives, its family. i guess that's who they were. it's a shawnee. i found it crying, so i thought i'd betterg it alo. the only other thing i could do wou to leave it to face rain and hunger and thirst and drought and wild beasts. now, you now i'm not against killin' injuns, but t never started witht. well, who's gonna take care of him! as a matter of fact, major, he was hungry, so i didn't stop to classify him. you're the wter here, you'rerehe one that keeps tabs of the people. ( protesting ) no, no, no. you gegeall-- you get all the - he just sips t of that hole.
10:09 am
major, i'd like to. no, cassie. oh, ben, it's a helpless little baby. you know we lost our benen in that blackfoot raid a couple of months back. cassie ain't takin' of no in. i guess i un how ben holden feels, er all, thth is... just a kid! i don't care whether it's red or white or ! some of you women are mo! it's because we're mothers that we ain't takin' in no little indian brat! so maybe i'm colorblind... ...but i'll take care of t sairy: it's a trick! ( angry chatter ) it's a trick! she ain't supposed to take care of this kid!
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'least ways till we get to a tyou all want,t's what now, shut up! be quiet! i'll have you people know that i'm the one at's supposed to be runnin' this train, and if any of you ththk i'm gonna run it, then you'd bet out of the line right now! well, since my boy ain't gonna dr how's she gonna take care of the baby and still keep up with the train? i'll find a for her, tha. i'll do the driving for her! and i don't reckon none of you scandal- mongerin' biddies thin' onto us, seein' a i'm pushin' 80! and in't scared of injuns, much. not-- not when they're this little,e,nyhow, i-i feel all safe and sound. there. there you be. anything i could do, kitty? haven't you done enough? hey, kootchie kootchie kootchie kootchie!
10:11 am
where's the baby, papa? oh, shut up! what are you grinnin' about? i guess i'm justy fella. so the sioux are out they're feelelts. too bad. what are y sittin' here? just admiring that little family group ov. go on out here and do your job! all right, pop. ohh! rying ) ? rock-a-bye baby in the treetop ? what do we do for milk? a herd with the train, you know. i reckon i can b bor. well, how do we feed it? i mean, will it drink out of a cup? well, maybe. i couldn't rightly say. yomiss kitty, we're forgettin' somethin'. you know, baby's need changin' once in a while. diapers! what do we do for diapers? anythiught to do.
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oughta see that poor gal in there t feed that kid. how's she doin' it? he can't take it that way. he's much too young. i know. that's what i tried to tell her. your white sweater, ben-- i washed it today. ssie, what are you gonna do? rry to disobey you, ben, but i'm going over to the enemy. l be all right. ( infant crying ) oh, h-he doesn't want anymore. oh. whatn' about? well, he takes in ai. soon as it comes up. ( soft burp ) was he'll feelbette.
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at else do i have to know? quite a lot. a baby's a chore, ppy one. the train won't like that. then they'll just have to lump it. and your husband this afternoon? not me him, not after i knowed that beautiful kid you-- well, ben is a good man. he'll come to understand. and e to keep busy so's i won't keep remembering. taof a baby's what i'm used to. ( softly ) he's asleep! aah. he hasn't got any worries. lucky kid. milk man's here! both: shh! you know, i-- i been thinkin' that we give him a name. how about buck? that's what grow up to be anyway.
10:17 am
let's see now. mr. mccullough brought him to us... well, saturday. yes. saturday! anrs... angel. that'd be ame. sure! saturday angel. satuel. major adams: wagons, ho! we're makin' camp here. how's saturday been? well, he's been a little fretful. you know, he wke his milk this mornin'. oh, well, sometimes they fret for no good reason at all. just look at that diaper. ha ha! did you ever see anything like it?
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ke he's got spotted fever! you know, it might be a good idea to boil the milk from now on anadd a little syrup to it. they're just like us. they get tired of ood all the time. he don't take his milk? he's perfectly a mrs. hogg. all children get ety over their food. mine don't, unless'n they're sick. what's all them spots all over his belly? is morning, but i thought it was from all the heat having. i'm sure it is. my little onhave it. or it's measles. and if it is, it's gonna spread. my kids had it, but st be folks on this train ain't, and they's the ones could sicken. looks like the injun kid's got some kind of plague. what's it look like to you? it looks like it's catchin'! we ought to warn n train. well, it's measles or scarlet fever or somethin'.
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i don't much mind what you call me, but you keep your nasty tongue off my baby. your baby? that filthy little sick injun? he's not filthy, and he's not sick. you're a worthless, brazen-face baggage! ( onlookers shouting approvingly ) t easy. take it easy. ( shouting approvi aaaahhhh! man: all right, kitty! look out, kitty!
10:20 am
good, miss kitty, whamp her good! ohh! ( onlookers shouting approvingly ) the sioux are on their way here. i managed to jump a raet a head start on 'em. it's about that kid i picked up. therind of ruckus-- what abod? they want the papoose. seems his father was a shawnee chief the sioux have had a grudge for a long time. they managed to kill the chief in the raid, but thooked the son. ted me pickup, so they're coming to collect him. what for? sioux believe that their own dead w until they have complete vengeance. ohh, indians! do you think a war party? no. no, but there's enough of them to give ty of trouble if you decide to fight. major! yoissed it! you missed it! what? a catfight! a what? catfight-- kitty angel and sairy hogg. greatest fight i ever saw. ohh, more trouble. well, who won? well, sairy's got a bloody nose. old sam's tryin' to stop it. she'black eye too,
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he matter? were you no, but i thought mine were loose a minute. any damage to miss angel? got her ha mussed up a little bit, that's all. ( sobbing ) ohh! she started it! she hit me first 'cause i told her that kid was sick! sick? he's all over spots! u folks go on back to your wagons. nod still. cassie, will he take it? oh, he's awfully fretful. what's thi about the baby bein' sick? maybe i'd better take a look at him. excuse me, old-timer. well, let's see this little fellcassie... ben was lookin' for you out get his supper. maybe you'd betteroh, all . here, cassthat. i-i'll be back after supper, kitty. and, cassie, uh...
10:22 am
oh, all right. it's about time you start your fire too, isn't it, old pop? i don't need-- i got-- i got-- ( mutters ) miss kitty, uh... mccullough just rode in. hee that the sioux are comin' to pick up this baby. huh? what for? well, after all, he's an indian. maybe they want to raise him their way. yes, but he's from an indian tribe. said-- they want to murder him. no, major. no. i may be all the things miss hogg e, but i don't help kil they may start a fight. no. he's little and sick and helpless. nobody's take him from me. nobody. no. no. even if we're lucky enough to drive 'em off and save the baby for you, miss kitty,
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he says the injun baby has smallpox! smallpox! cassie! she won't know what to do, ben. obadiah won't either. i gotta help 'em. nobody can do anything about smallpox. cassie, i can't afford to lose you too. i'd-- i'd just die. you'llre. it's smallpox. it's a killer! i seen it back in ohio! nearly died from it! and them thaie-- mrs. parker! what are you gonna do now? the first thing i'm gonna do is clamp down on a that tries to start a panic on this train. you understand that? i told you not to take him in. now you got to get rid of him! flint: major! again, major, but they want that kid. what do you mean they want the kid? ere they are. who chief here?
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poose. no give, we take. you no-- papoose-- unless i say so, so don't you get tough. papoose sick. maybe him not too sick. we'll that. you come with me. i show you. here. well, that'll taof him. and with him gone, the major will have no exceping her with the train! ah. oh. papoose in wagon. what do you want? chief say baby sick. all right. we mak
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10:31 am
mr. finch, what the first thing you're gonna do is start me obadiah. next thing you're gonna do is eat some ofre stew. come on, now. i couldn't. come on, look here, it's got everything ncluding my thumb. it'll keep your strength up so you can take good care of him. what must i ? the first thing you do is to keep him clean, and i'll get you some cold water and you can sponge him off, the fever hits him. aw, shucks, i don't know. some gets it, and some don't. we just have to take our chances, that's all. oh, no... no, you mustn't stay with us. you're not as young as you were. no. no, i surely ain't. yes, very few not even little sae. ( chuckles ) i'd better--
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ing kind oa powwow, you know, and i'd better get ready to spit in some folks' eyes. ( indiment ) own in the valley ? ? hang your head over ? ? hear the wind blow ? ( indistinct angry chatter ) just a minute! hold on, will ya? talk one at a time! you seen that injun! he burnt his own hand after he touched the kid! that's how scared he was! sten, this time you've got to get rid of him, or thi they're gonna kill us! now, there's nothing to decide! we leave 'em here and we go on! man: that's right! no! no! that's-- that's cruel! that's murder! if we leave 'em hereey'll !
10:33 am
( chuckles ) why don't you shoot 'em... hang 'em.... poiso that would get them heir troubles, and would also solvs here wagon train. you're an old fool, obadiah finch! sure. sure i am. but that's just one jump ahead of being a young fool. ( laughs ) now, you, if you desert us, , them injuns might get over being scared after a while, then they might come in to us and ngs in their own way. ain't a pleasant way. you said you stayin' with 'em? well, so got to do the drivin'. but you'll die too! sure i'll die. ( chuckles ) you. and you... and him and her and the whole doggone passel of you! we all die our time. that being the case... ( chuckles )
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a sin on my soul kitty angel:n in the v? ? the valley so low ? ? hang yoer ? ? hear the wind blow ? ? roses love sunshine ? ? violets love dew ? ? know i love you ? ( chuckles ) hear that? hear that? she's got a pretty voice, ain't she? yeah, yeah. mighty pretty. you know, wh heal that poor little injun baby was sick, never raised that voice of her'n once
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when you've made up your minds what you're gonna do, let me know, will you? just a minute, obadiah. yep? ( angry protests ) thatt's gonna be! they can stay a hundred yaor so i'm sure that far back, none of you will catch anything. we'll leave supplies for 'em on the trail for 'y morning. bill, charlie. make sure there's milk and brthat kid, and anything else they be a pleasure. that's all. so we won't rile up thesy more than they're already riled up. i'll keep my distance... for more reasons than one. you.
10:36 am
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if i ever get close enough! heh heh! looks like you've let yourself in kiss. good! it'll chase the of mine away. that's the... that's the only way i know h coffee-- strong enough to eat your innards out. ( chuckles ) it... ain't no good otherwise. no i'll read it to you. "darling kitty, obadiah, "and darling saturday, "my thoughts and fond hopes are always with you, "and i pray for you constantly. st love..." uh... "cassie holden." ah, that's sweet.
10:41 am
yeah. to warm me up, though.seem must be this wind. i'll get you a shawl. no, don'hat! 'aye. you just take it easy, now. you have a good, t 'cause i'm gonna look after everyt oh, i'll be all right. ? this is the first timey life i'd to mind a kid. my brother jimmy took care of me back home in scranton 'cause there were 11 of us, and everybody took care of everybody else but me. jimmy did that. sure was a sweet brother to me. you know something? i talk too much. no, you don't. i li you talk. well, my pop was a coal miner. oh, he worked hard.
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coal dust in his lungs. and, you know, and sort of went to pieces, so jimmy had to be both papa and mama to me. do you ever hear f yeah. he came to a place i was workin' he saw me. left without finishin' his drink. yeah. look here, how 'bout... how 'bout some more coffee? my ma man. another miner. only this one drank. well, i stood it as long as i could, then i lit out. what was i? sixteen? taking care of a sick little baby nobody wants. and i'd better go see thanks, ob
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adiah... you really got your work cut out now. i don't mind. i'll go and get the milk. dear lord and you know, i ain't never asked you , but you know, lord, i'm an o, long past my... my thrnd ten... but if you could just please, sir, if it's your will, just grant me one-- one more favor before you take me, just let me stay here a little longer
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l hawks out and had him check. how are things here? well, miss kittyshe t last week. oh, good lord. how 'bout the boy? well, the boy had it, you know. he seems to be getting over it-- i mean, the worst is over, but i don't know about them things. you know, cassie has been just dyin' to come back here and help. i think i might let her no, don't you do that. this here is the most dime. you got your rifle with you? sure i have. i've got two of 'em. plenty of ammunitionmunition? well... mcculloue that the sioux are still on our trail. they may jump us. aah, let 'em come! we'll give 'em what-for!
10:49 am
thank you for the warning. ( infant crying ) jimmy'll take u. jimmy'll take care of you. jimmy'll take care of you. at's saturday, kitty. lean back and rest ynow. take it easy, honey. saturday? saturday? satur--? mmm-hmm. what i been sayin'? oh, noch. you just been kind of ramblin' on, that's all. ever all right. now, just take it easy, honey. how sick am i? you ain't hale, that's for sure. but i... i can't be sick. i gotta take care of saturday.
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now. sound-- sounds like he's hungry. i been out of my head? 'bout a week, i think. well, but don't you worry. i'm taking care of everythindo. yes, but... what if you get sick? what happens then? honey... don't y about me. i got an arrangement gonna take care of me. powerful fella. . could i have my baby? why, surely.
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take it easy. ( infant crying ) ? you're just a poor ? ? wayfarin' stranger ? ? travelin' through ? ? this world ? can you hear that? yeah, she ing, can't she? sn't talking 'bout the singin'. ( war whoops, gunfire ) come on, let's go. bill, get somen. ( gunfire continuing ) it's all right, honey. you like stealin do you? well, let's see how you like' lead. my little angedy's gonna hurt y.
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miss kitty. they're both completely recovered. there's no reason to be afraid. doc, would y waiting for us in the buggy? kitty! cassie! cassie. you don't have toe us no. major adams said we could go on with the train... but the sign says "welcome." if you behave yours it says th. i read it. and so does saturday. you keepin' him? well, i th sort of earned each other. where'll he be while you're "working"? with me, all the time. sairy: that'll be a fine life, even for an injun. he'll have a good life. you can be sure
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i don't know how to say goodbye to you, obadiah. all day i been... i ' to find the words, and... they just won't come. oh. you-- you be happy in california. we'll be t about you. why should i go to california? i don't know nobod. what am i gonna need innia? so... e i'll be too doggone old r it. i-i thought you were looking forward to it. al is just... is just to be with the folks i love, that's all. iah! will you kindly hush your and let an old man speak his piece? now, you done said before that you thought that maybe you and th done earned each other. well, now, don't you think it might be likely
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i tried to find the word"please" saturday, you go to your grandpa. ve! sure! i feel just wonderful. hey, doc follow you into town! miss kitty... i'd like to that kiss you owe me, for the coffee. ma'am. here, son, here, son. all right, i got up. can you make it? sure. here you go, little feller. all right. come on up here. hah!
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? roll along ? ? picking up a passenger in every town ? ? wondering if he's ever gonna shoot yo? ? lookingal, ain't it a pity ? ? looking for a gal, needn't be pretty ? ? if she'll ride on the wagon train ? ? w? ? gotta k on the run ? ? time to go ? ? and follow the sun ? ? roll along ? ? wagon train ? ? never had a cabin near a general store ? ? only had and a .44 ? ? on a board, eyeing the weather ? ? praying to the lord we stay together ?
11:00 am
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