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tv   WRAL News 5AM  NBC  November 17, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EST

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?? >> here's adventure. here's romance. here's o. henry's famous robin hood of the old west--
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>> hello, flying cloud. >> (speaking foreign language) cisco, pancho. >> hi, flying cloud. say, you don't look one days older than you do three years ago and that don't even seem like day after tomorrow. very much older. >> trouble? >> yes, cisco. that is why i sent smoke signals for you to meet me here. >> what happened? >> i found out that guns and ammunition are being sold to renegade comanche red moon. you know what that means. >> cisco, that means war. >> yes, pancho. war and death, to my tribe and other peaceful indians. bring in military rule. this must not happen, cisco. >> have you any idea who's selling these guns and ammunition to red moon and where they come from? >> i am not sure, cisco.
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from express office in benton. >> benton, eh? we'll see you soon. >> where you been, boss? stage has been in for half an hour. >> i got delayed at the bank. got anything special for us on the stage? >> yeah, a trunk. it's inside and so is bugsy. >> sweep up those shavings. hi, bugsy. >> hi, boss. >> run into any trouble? >> trouble? no, wh >> i just got word that chief flying cloud has sent for the cisco kid and pancho to stop our little game. >> hey, that's not so good. what are we gonna do if they show up? >> well, first things first. let's check the shipment. lock the door. gold weighing this much
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and chief red moon will have his 200 firing stakes. >> yeah, if cisco doesn't upset our apple cart. >> you and the boys will see that he doesn't. >> how? i don't even know what he looks like. >> i don't either. but i've heard that cisco rides a paint and pancho a palomino. >> what do you want us to do? keep a 24-hour watch in town for 'em? >> no, just patrol the road coming in to town. now i don't care what you do to get them, but get them. >> okay, dixon. >> pancho, now, you mustn't lose your temper over a little feather like that. remember, you're an indian. >> chief wa-ho. wa-ho to you with bells and big bells, too. you know, this playing make-believe indian isn't so funny. >> but i thought you enjoyed it, pancho. >> how can you think things like that, cisco, when my pants, they itch and the feather, it tickles and loco is mad because i've
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she's gonna say i don't got one little piece of brain in my whole head. why do you want me to play this wa-ho, why? >> i told you a dozen times, pancho. we can't take chances of being recognized. look out, pancho. someone is coming. pancho, they didn't even give us a second glance. >> we better have a look int a pretty tricky guy. >> they're riding back, pancho. keep your gun where you can draw fast. >> you are telling me. >> keep them covered. >> hold up, peddler. >> professor lombardi at your service. >> take a look back there. >> kindly step forward, gents. two's company and three's a crowd. and professor lombardi will
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now, my wares come from all over the world. from across the china sea, india, south america. each and every-- >> save it, save it. we're not marketing. >> i beg your pardon. when i see customers, i can't help myself. >> hey, what'd ya find? >> not a thing, bugsy. >> let's go. oh, by the way, do you know the cisco kid and pancho? >> oh, you mean the tall fine-looking man and that moth-eaten frijole-guzzler that always follows him around? >> yeah, have you seen them? shop and moving on. >> we may save you the trouble. >> thank you, friend. thank you. (chuckling) >> so... so i'm a frijole-guzzler, eh? >> pancho, i thought you liked frijoles. >> sure, i like frijoles, but the way you say it, it sounds like i am full of moth balls instead of frijoles. >> well, anyway, they're after us and that's good. >> they're after us and that's good, eh?
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>> what's good about it? >> we're getting closer to
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>> and now, ladies and gents, draw closer to your friendly professor lombardi. before we put this fine medicine on sale-- a medicine containing ingredients from all over the world and which will be so you will be entertained by the great chief wa-ho of the susquehannok tribe. at this moment, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you the one and only medical genius chief wa-ho. >> how. >> that's the first time i've ever seen an indian with a mustache. >> my good man... have you ever been east?
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>> have you ever been south? >> yes, i've been south. >> well, uh, have you ever been north? >> never been up north. >> well, had you been north, you'd know that all the indians there have a mustache. on account of the cold weather. take it away, chief. >> rope. maybe you got pony. never tie pony this way... ... because pony, he gets loose. peekaboo juice, good medicine. good for animal and other kind of people. him for "mooses," gooses and papooses. >> can i do something for you?
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at your service, sir. i was expecting a shipment of whatnots and trinkets for sale. >> lombardi? >> yes, uh, lorenzo lombardi. >> sorry, i don't see anything here for you. >> nothing? are you sure? >> look for yourself. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> who like buy this bottle peekaboo juice? one drink, kick up heels. two drink, you kick over teepee. >> let's see you drink some of it. and then may'l >> oh, so you don't believe pancho, eh-- oh! pancho, him descendent from great susquehannok panchohondis, who get recipe from chief hoopahoolahoola. >> all right, mr. cisco kid. >> i told you before, the name was professor lombardi.
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your pal pancho just spilled the beans. >> you must be mistaken. my partner-- >> oh, no, i'm not! >> what's going on here? who fired that shot? what's all this ruckus about? >> this is the cisco kid. >> so? >> maybe i can explain, miss, uh... >> benton, sally benton. >> oh, benton? you have the same name as the town. >> this is my town and i run it, from the barbershop to the lumber mill. now, start explaining. >> well, miss, i came in here looking for rifles. they are being smuggled and sold to the comanche indians. >> here in this office? >> yes. >> and where do you expect to find those rifles? >> in that trunk over there. >> so i'm selling guns to indians, now-- >> well, i didn't say that-- >> well, you might just as well have. that trunk happens to be mine. give him the keys, dixon. let him look for himself. >> thank you, miss. you're very kind.
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>> what happened, cisco? >> nothing, pancho. >> you better be careful. you might get shot by one of those rifles in that trunk. >> my apologies, miss. do you mind if i take a piece of this? i'd like to match it to a shirt someday. come on, pancho. goodbye, miss. >> let's went. (door closing) >> what's the matter, dixon? can't you run the business without my help? >> cisco, what's the matter? what you thinking? tell me what you wanted. >> pancho, here. take a look at this piece of cloth. >> what's the matter with the cloth-- ooh. got a little spot on it, that's all. >> smell it. >> say, where-- where i smell that smell before, cisco? where i smell it? >> on your new gun, pancho. this was left by grease that is used to preserve the inside of a gun barrel. >> yeah, but the gun
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>> maybe. but i'm sure that this dixon has something to do with it. otherwise, why would he try to shoot at me? >> cisco, i'm glad they find you out. now we can give the wagon back to the man and get back in our own clothes, eh? ?? >> what do you make of it, pancho? >> i don't know, cisco. look like they're taking some of those-- what do you call them? those sticks under the rail-- >> the ties. >> yeah, the ties. to the railroad man. those ties must be from the girl's lumber mill. >> yeah? >> let's follow the wagon and see what happens. >> hey, we're being followed by
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you take the wagon on through. i'll go on out and cover you from there. >> giddyap. >> look, cisco. the man on the horse, he has went. maybe he has gone home, huh? >> and maybe he saw us, pancho. you follow the wagon and keep your eyes open. i'll catch up to you later.
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>> hold it! >> hi-yah!
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>> get off of that wagon. keep your hands up. get off this wagon, get off. ??
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my brains is all jumbled up like scrambled eggs and bread. >> well, i'm sort of mixed-up myself, pancho. it's very strange. why should these people who carry railroad ties shoot at us? all we wanted to do is ask them a few questions. >> are you asking me or telling me? >> neither, pancho. (tapping) (hollow thudding) >> nobody home, cisco. >> try it again, pancho. >> that's funny. these two are solid. (hollow thudding) that's hollow, all right. they must have something inside of it. >> hey, cisco! they are using the railroad ties to smuggle the guns to the comanches!
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we go after that fellow dixon. >> yes, pancho, but first we'll have to have a talk with the girl. >> ay, the girl. (knocking) yes? >> miss benton, please. >> who is it, cheewee? >> a tall man dressed in black. he's been riding in hills. him called cisco kid. >> now what is it? >> those guns, miss. >> oh, the guns again. >> yes. >> you may get lunch now, cheewee. >> for two? >> for one. >> a comanche, right? >> yes. >> and in your house, miss benton? >> what is that to do with your guns? >> my guns? whose guns are they? i've been watching them being smuggled out of your town. >> oh, the guns you found
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this time i have proof. come in, pancho. >> ha-ha, look,se?orita. i am the strongest man in the whole world. i can hold it up with one hand and one eye closed. whoa-oh, look at that. i am so strong, sometimes i can't stand myself, huh? i was having lots of fun out there, cisco. >> watch this, miss. these guns were being smuggled to the comanches in these fakey railroad ties, just like this one. >> that's unbelievable. >> ah, but they'll never get this shipment. >> you said a full of your >> now i'm beginning to understand something that's been like a puzzle to me. >> there's no puzzle to cisco and pancho. >> quiet, pancho. please go on, miss benton. >> i should say more like the pieces of a puzzle and now they're all beginning to fit together. i've known for some time that dixon has been trying to buy my holdings in benton. i've also been wondering why he was buying my railroad ties. >> they all fit together. >> what are we going to do, cisco? >> well, miss benton, first of all, pancho and i will turn over all these rifles we found
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the army post in kerville. and then we'll look into this dixon matter and if we can find him-- >> so that's how you repay my kindness! spying on me. >> but, miss benton-- >> who put you up to this? dixon, red moon? >> me mean no harm. me only curious. >> you're lying. >> no, me speak truth. >> why, you talk or i'll-- >> please, miss benton, let her go. i don't think she's lying. >> but, cisco! >> it's only human nature to be curious. >> that only reason me listen. me curious. >> all right, run along now. >> thank you, tall man. >> cisco, i think you make a big mistake to let her go. >> i did, eh, pancho? well, take a look out of this window. >> what i told you, cisco? i bet she's going over to warn this dixon and red moon, huh? >> that's exactly what i want her to do, pancho.
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we can't prove anything against dixon. now these railroad ties come from your lumberyard. he could easily lay the blame at your door. i knew the girl was listening. that's why i said that we were going to take the rifles to the army post. now dixon is certain to try to get them away from us. and when he does that, we'll have him just where we want him. >> yeah, but how you gonna do this little tricks? >> pancho, you're going to drive the wagon with the guns. >> i will not drive the wagon with guns. >> pancho, you're going to drive the wagon with the guns. >> no, i will not drive i will not take the wagon with the guns. hmm. you are a little nervous, eh, pancho? who, me? hmph. hey, mr. cisco, i am a little nervous. but i'm gonna told you one thing. if they kill me this time, that will be the last time i ever talk to you again some more.
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(men whooping) >> they don't like that little surprise. naughty little gun, huh? what are you trying to do? kill me, huh? >> i guess we better help.
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give me that rope. get off those horses. >> good little guns. >> don't worry, boys. i'll be back for you. >> bueno, cisco. (men whooping) (laughing) that do it, cisco! they're on the run!
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flying cloud? >> on my way to reservation, i heard shooting and rode over to see what it was about. >> it was a good thing, cisco, 'cause he killed the indian who wanted to kill you. >> there will be no war. red moon is dead. >> let's pick up the wounded and take them to town. >> and there i was, all alone together by myself when 60 comanches come charging at me from the left and 600 from the right and 6,000 from the front-- >> how many, pancho? >> well, it was a half a dozen anyhow and, ooh, they was big gun, so what i did-- i took each one together by himself and bumped their heads like that, see? (laughing) pancho is the most strongest man in the whole 48 american states. >> there's only 46 states in the union. >> yeah, well, when they get the other two, i will still be the strongest. you see this railroad tie over here? that's very, very heavy, but pancho will pick it up with one hand and hold it on top of his head. >> you can't even do it with both hands. >> oh, i can't,
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>> if you had another shirt-- hey, i will prove it. >> just a minute, pancho. i wouldn't try that if i were you. that railroad tie is very heavy. you may hurt your back. >> don't worry about that, cisco. >> well, it's your own account. >> this is only the commencing. don't go away. >> hey, pancho. you're not very good at playing indian, but you sure made that fake railroad tie look heavy. >> fake, what do you mean fake? that's a real one. somebody doubled-up crossed me. you know, cisco, you can't trust nobody nowadays. (laughing)
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>> goodbye, amigos! >> see you soon! ha! ??
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?? (horses trotting) can i help you, folks? are you the law here? that's right. we wanna camp, uh, nearby for a few days. someplace where we'd be no bother. well, if you turn right down here and keep on the edge of town, you'll find a dry creek bed hoby: that should do ya. what about water?
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is it maude turley? it is. and you're henrietta porter. maude: i'd know ya any place. you've come back, after all this time. i've come back to die. made my sons bring me back so... so's i can be buried maude: longside my husband. so you're the law. maude: well, mister. the corbett's run me off 17 years ago. kept me from raising these youngins in porter. maude: but they'll not keep me from being buried here. maude: my boys promised me. let's go, matt. obliged, mister.
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that's trouble. trouble come home to roost after 17 years. ?? trackdown
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well what were they fightin' about? three yards of dress goods. phil corbett sold one of the turley women three yards of calico. and she claimed claimed it was sun-faded and wanted her money back. she said phil insulted her. her husband went to see about it and...shot phil. hat. maybe. but it was a dollar's worth of dress goods that touched it off. in three days, the turleys and the corbetts nearly succeeded in wiping each other out. well, this maude turley and her boys are the only ones that got away, huh? mhm. verg corbett and his wife are all that's left of that family. didn't the law try to do anything about it? the town was young, hoby. we... we had no regular officer of the peace. verg: gilman.
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nothin' he can do about the past. well, knowin' about it might help me to do a better job now, hoby: mr. corbett. you seen the turleys? verg: what'cha plan to do? well, there's not much i can do now. you mean you're gonna wait until they kill me. henrietta: oh now verg. they just may have come back to humor more than their dying wish. i heard they were pretty heavily armed. well they had no way of knowin' what they might run into here. seems to me you're seein' things pretty much from their side. i'm not takin' anyside, mr. corbett. i just think we outt'a trust the turley's until they give us hoby: reason not to. the last time i trusted the turleys, mr. gilman, cost me an arm. (sighs) don't look so troubled, luke. i'm fine now. i still think we should've found a room in town for you.
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matt, we should get a doctor. will do no such wasteful thing. but, ma. no doctor could help me now. but, maybe he can ease the hurt. i want no more of our money spent on me, beyond what it takes for the burying. there's a little 'nough left, to give you three maude: your start. in'. i can give you a hand now. they can manage. you set with me. let's get some firewood. ugh, later matt. now. i wanna go into town. you lookin' for trouble? no, i thought i might get me a corbett. are you crazy? i was only jokin', matt. well, that kind of jokin' could get us all killed. now, you listen to me.
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but till then, you take orders from me. i said to get some firewood. (gun shot) i'm sorry. you and that hair-trigger. matt: i outt'a take that gun away from you until you grow up enough to take proper car of it! let's get some firewood. it's true then? maude's here, with her three boys. three boys. she has three sons, verg, and we-- you talk to mr. gilman?
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(banging) i talked to him. what's he mean to do? nellie, gilman doesn't understand. you know, you've been wanting to visit the druman's. verg: right now might be a good time. you'll come with me? i won't run, nellie. then neither will i. ?? maybe we ought to get word to charlie grant and his son. you know they'll stand by you in this. n't want to involve nobody else unless i have to. i thought i'd clean it just in case. ?? maude: matt? where are the boys? oh, just down the creek bed away. want me to go matt: fetch 'em?
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?? (gun loading) nellie corbett. maude: what're you doin' here? i came to ask you to take your boys and leave porter. i've come home to die. they leave when i'm buried. there's more to your comin' back than that. maude, please. i'm asking this for your boy's sake nellie: as well as my own. i'll look after my family. you look maude: after yours. that's just it. verg is all the family i've got. you were carryin' a child when i had luke.
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nellie: i've never been able to have anymore children. there was bad hurts on both sides. so why start it all over again, maude? verg hasn't fired a gun in 17 years. but if you force him to do this, some of your boys nellie: are gonna die. if verg wants to run us off, he has to do it his self. you go back and tell him that. ma, we don't want no fightin'. you won't let him run us off? maude: you promise? don't let her do this to you and your brothers. you get outt'a here. go on, get out! maude! you better go now, ma'am. yes? well, your ridin' into porter this morning sure has stirred up hoby: a hornet's nest.
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but i'm not blamin' you for it. it's what they remember hoby: that's upsettin' 'em. nothin' we do can change their memories. (sighs) no, that's true. but i was thinkin' it'd help if you'd, uh, turn your guns over to me hoby: until you're ready to leave. no! well ma'am, it would prove to the town that you're not lookin' for any trouble. i can see that. why should my sons turn over their guns unless corbett maude: does the same? your sons have turned-- (gun shot) (gun shot) (gun shot) ??
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luke's dead. what happened? what happened? mark: from up there. matt. so that's why the corbett woman came to our camp. to keep ma and me busy while her husband slipped up and killed luke.
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and you had no warning? not till i heard the shot. seen luke fall. ah. after the first shot, what'd you do?
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ouldn't help him. and then there was another shot. how many shots were there altogether? mm, three, i guess. yeah, yeah. three. didn't ya fire back? well, sure i did, ma, but this corbett was mark: hidden behind them rocks. you don't know it was corbett. course it was! he sent his wife here to camp as a decoy. there's nobody else in porter who has any reason to ambush my boys. well, even when i did fire back, ma, my shots fell short. een usin' a rifle, i figure. he won't catch us off guard again. i'm gonna ask you to stay in your camp for an hour. what are you going to do? check on corbett. i guarantee ya, if he's responsible for hoby: your brother's death, he'll be arrested. don't listen to him, matt! just one hour. we can keep our guns? maude: no, matt! all right.
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what do you think he means to do? matt, you disobeyed me. let's give the law a chance, ma. chance to help corbett? you can't trust 'em, matt. we'll wait an hour. ?? ?? ?? (knocking at door) is you husband at home, mrs. corbett.
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you got somethin' to say to me? yeah. where were you hoby: when your wife went out to visit maude turley? well, i was doin' some work around here. were you alone? that's right. why are you pestering verg with these questions? well, it'd had be a whole lot easier on all of us, mrs. corbett, if your husband had been with somebody hoby: when luke turley was shot. is--is he dead? yeah. well, he can't blame me for it. i never left this place! mrs. turley is tryn'a get the other two boys to come after ya. hoby: they promised me they'd stay in camp for an hour. one hour won't change a thing. well, it's time enough for me to get you to jail. arrest me? oh, no! no, for your own protection. all right, let's go. wait! i'll get your hat. what happens when the turley's rush the jail? well, i'll hold 'em off, if i can. put your hands over your head, mr. gilman. oh, come--
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take his gun, verg. now ride out to the grant's so you'll have help if you need it. nellie, are you sure-- i can nellie: keep him here! you're makin' a mistake. the turley's are gonna hoby: think i broke my word. hurry! (door closes) (door locks) ?? it's been more than an hour, matt. maude: he lied to ya. i think we outt'a clear out. and let the corbett's run us off again? we ain't runnin'. i'm goin' in to town. maude: to get corbett? not just yet. you shouldn't go alone. i can take care of myself.
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(gun clicking) why you lookin' at me like that? there's somethin' about you i don't understand. i wished we'd never come here. if i thought it would mean luke's life. ma! ma, lemme load up the wagon so's we can leave the minute matt gets back. you can leave when you've buried me and luke. and the man who killed him. ?? i haven't left this office in two hours and mr. gilman ain't been back yet! well, what do ya suppose could've happened to him? well, i can't figure. unless them turley's jumped him when he went out there. you think i outt'a go out and check? that's a good idea, ralph. and i'm goin' with you. mr. gilman went to talk to verg corbett, too. oh, well, we'll look in there on our way.
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?? gilman? (horses trotting) ?? (knocking at door)
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(more knocking) verg? (unlocks door) nellie! what in the wor-- henrietta: hoby! don't turn around, mrs. corbett. just hand the gun to ms. porter. nellie: verg has had time to get help. that's all i wanted. you seen the turley's? no. well, keep an eye on her. you don't have your gun, hoby! matt? matt! want to live till luke's killer was dead. don't try to talk now, mom.
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i promise, ma. ?? matt, u gonna do? keep the promise. matt, listen. what good would it do ma or luke for you and me to get ourselves killed? you can stay here if you want. you really mean you're gonna start a shootout with those boys? seems like the corbetts and the turleys can't live in this town without trouble. we've got to decide who stays. but, verg! don't get in our way.
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wait, matt. we've already waited too long. we're going matt: after corbett. well, you're not gonna have to go far. get out of the way, gilman. you're not gonna stop us. well, there was no point to have feud then and there's even less now. why didn't you tell that to corbett, before he killed luke? i haven't fired a gun in 17 years. lyin' ain't gonna save you, either. hoby: mark, why don't you tell your brother the truth hoby: before somebody gets hurt. i did. what is this?
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shot at him and luke. no empty shells. no sign hoby: anybody's ever been up there. he's lyin', for corbett! how many shots did you say were fired at you? i--i-i don't remember. he said three. in a few seconds. and what kind of gun did you say hoby: the killer must've used? he said that it had to be a rifle. well, take a good look at corbett. he couldn't reload a rifle and fire that fast. if he didn't do it, who did? well, there were only two people in the creek bed: luke and mark. are you saying it was mark that killed him? well, he's stallin', matt. makin' alott'a crazy guesses! that's all! mark: j-j-just guesses! did you do it? matt, now listen.
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it was an accident. you and your rotten hair-trigger. i was afraid to tell the truth, knowing how you and mom felt! mark: i was afraid! for you to trick me into killing an innocent man. ??
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(gun shot) i wish it had been me instead of luke. i wish it had been me.
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