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tv   WRAL News 5AM  NBC  November 18, 2016 5:00am-6:00am EST

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?? >> here's adventure! >> here's romance! >> here's o. henry's famous robin hood of the old west... the cisco kid!
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>> what time it is? >> it's too late for breakfast. >> areree too early for lunch, pancho? cisco, how you know what pancho is thinking about all the time, eating? >> pancho, do you ever think of anything else but eating? >> yeah, pancho think of many things when he is hungry. right now i think all these trees, they look like cabbages-- and the grass, thelook like the green chilies-- and these rocks, they look just like the biscuits you cook hard like rocks. >> just for that, pancho, i don't think i'll tell you that will harper's ranch is only a few miles from here, and h h pantry's well-stocked with tamales and tortillas and all those things, you know? >> why, cisco, what are we waiting for, huh?
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>> hi, boss. we got your message. >> that's quite obvious, turk. >> what's the matter, hopppp, get outta the wrong side of bed? >> i didn't ask you to meet me here to discuss my disposition, nebraska, but to tell you that as of this moment, our partnership is dissolved. >> you're quitting? you can't dodohat. >> i not only can, but i have. my niece arrived from st. louis last n nht to make a home with me here. she's intelligent and curious. consequently, to continue our activities would be entirely too risky. therefore-- >> but nebraska and me, what do we do? >> i don't know, don't care. >> but i'm flat-busted. >> me, too. how about running just one more load across, boss? >> you can run as many as you like, but don't on me to help you sell the stuff. i said i was through,
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are the only ones who know the secret to my fireplace. and if that panel is moved just one fraction of an inch, i'll know that one of you moved it, and so help me i'll track you both down and kill you. >> now, hold on. you can't bust up the best silver smuggling deal ever set up on the border, just like that! >> you heard what i said. that's final. >> but, boss, you can't treat us like this--drop us like a hot potato, especially since we're broke. >> it's no fault of mine if you squandered your share of >> you're not talkin' to a couple of kids, harper! >> i said get out! >> what's the idea of killing him? >> you know a better way of getting his bankroll? he didn't believe in banks his money must be hidden around the ranch somewhere.
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>> he's dead!! uncle will's dead! >> easy, miss mary, easy. >> drill to the left temple. >> suicide? >> murder. >> murder? but it couldn't be! >> but it is. >> how can you be sure? >> two reasons--first, only one bullet was fired from your uncle's gun, yet we heard two shots-second, the boss was right-handed, but the bullet entered his lele temple. >> well, who? >> it beats me, unless >> you'd better go into town and get the sheriff, ben. >> okay, miss.
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>> is he dead, cisco? >> he nener knew what hit him, pancho. did you see anybody? >> no, i don't see nobody, but i find -- >> hmm? a pair of .44 caliber shells. good work, pancho. a .44 is not a common gun. it shouldn't be too difficult to find the man who fired these. >> pancho's a good detective, no? >> you look more like a powdered pigeon. hey, pancho, i think we'd better gegethis man home. >> home? you know him? >> no, pancho. his horse has will harper's brand on it.. >> ben-- what's happened to him? >> he's been murdered, miss. >> oh, no! first uncle will and now... >> uncle will? you mean will harper? >> yes. i'm his niece, mary davis. someone shot uncle will.
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he left less than an hour ago. >> it takes very little time for a man to die violently. >> pancho says so, too. >> pancho? >> yeah, i am it. >> well, then you must be the cisco kid. uncle will told me all about you, how you trap criminals. >> if i'm lucky. >> please, cisco, would you try and catch this killer? >> pancho and i will try to do our best, miss. eh, pancho? >> if you say so, cisco. it don't make no difference, i guess, if pancho say hello to a bully with his name on it. >> put our horses in then while i take care of the dead man, huh?
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whs this, a visitor? >> no, that's george holden, my foreman. >> hello, miss mar >> george, ben's been murdered. >> murdered? >> cisco and his friend just brought back his body. >> where'd you find him? when? >> about half an hour ago, a few miles from here. where were you at that time? >> if it's any of your business-which i don't think it is-i was fixing a busted fence up in the north pasturur >> and you didn't hear any shooting? >> no, i was too busy working to see or hear anything. >> alone? >> yes, so what? >> i don't know yet. >> now, listen, mister, if you think i dry ben, you're loco. what motive would i have? >> i don't know about that, either.
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>> george. >> oh, good grief, mary, i didn't mean i had a motive. what i meant is i.well, i-i didn't kill ben for any special reason, so cisco couldn't possib-now, i don't know what i meant! i'm going back to the north pasture and d x that fence. >> you better send one of the men after the sheriff, george. poor george, he's so confused he can't think or talk straight. >> that's the impression he gavav >> you certainly don't suspect him? >> help! >> that's pancho! >> cisco! cisco, this not funny! please come, cisco! help, somebody! >> pancho, i must say you don't look vererdignified. >> oh, cisco! i was smothered... upside down! >> playing hide-and-seek at your age! >> no, no, no, cisco! i was looking for a ghost. >> a ghostst pancho, you don't believe in ghosts, do you? >> no, i don't like those people at all, cisco, but-but look.
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>> pancho, is this your idea of a joke? >> no, se?orita, is no joke. i was in here eating chicken, and i was gonna eat the apple-berry pie when i hear a noise in the living room, and i go to see what -- there was nobody there. and i-i come back here, a-and look what was lookg me right in the eye! >> pancho, are you sure you didn't write this yourself? someone's just been in this room! >> cisco, maybe it was the ghosts. >> pancho, will you stop talking about ghosts? there must be a human explanation for all this. whoever bumped into thth guitar did not leave through the front door or the windows. there must be a secret way in and ououof this room.
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>> it is a secret passage, it can't in this room. >> i think it is, pancho, and we'll findndt yet. >> i still don't see why anyone would wanna kill uncle will. i think. he mistrusted banks. what cash he had, it must've been considerable, he kept itt around here somewhere. many people knew it. i'd give odds the killer did, too. >> he didn't say anything about it to me. >> he didn't have time. >> but he did say one strange thing. he said that if anything ever happened, i should contact chief yellow hair and that the chief would take care of everything. >> chief yellow hair?
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>> cisco, what do you think her uncle mean? >> i haven't the faintest idea, pancho.
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?? >> what are you stoppin' get down, give me a hand. fastenent from the other side. when cisco hits this rope, there's a good chance he'll
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?? >> let's finish him! >> you see them, cisco? >> no, pancho. they worked that old rope trick on me. >> you were lucky not to break my neck. a little ways then catch them, huh? >> no use, pancho.
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>> it's not too bad. >> let's get back to the house while those two are looking for us and find that bankroll. >> i got news for ya-we don't have to find it. i know exactly where i can lay my hands on it. >> yeah? >> yeah. i heard the girl mention some magic words.chief yellow hair. >> chief yellow hair? you don't mean, uh... >> exactly. we'rgetting it tonight, and we don't have to risk our necks doing it. >> how're we gonna keep everybody out of the living room? if anybody comes in the back, you know we're-- >> forget it. i got ideas about that, too. now, listen, tonight wle they're asleep... >> (snoring) >> (ghoulish howl) >> (screaming) a ghost! diablo! oh, oh! no! no, don't do that! you give me the creepers! and the geese pimples!
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my gun! oh, i gonna give you what-- was coming for! >> pancho, what happened? >> cisco, i-i was sleeping, and i hear a t, tap, tap, like that. and then a horrible face in the window! and it make a noise like... (howling) and then i--then i shoot, and he didn't was there. and i wanna -- >> what's the matter with him? >> i don't know, but i will find out pronto! >> george! is he dead? >> no, he's coming to. he's been knocked out, apparently. >> what happened? >> suppose you tell us. >> i don't know. i heard shots and naturally came to investigate. i saw a light flickering in here, so i-i headed this way.
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blacked out. don't you believe me? >> frankly, no. >> i suppose you think i knocked myself out? >> maybe. >> but why? >> yeah, why did you say you're knocked out when you ain't? >> to cover up the fact that he was looking for your uncle's money, while his confederate was staging that phony ghost trick to draw you and me in pancho's room. you deliberately blocked my way this morning so that the man who tried to shoot me could make a safe getaway, didn't you? >> what are you talking about? >> what t liber is your gun? >> a .44, why? >> ben larson was killed with a .44. >> that's the second time e u've accused me of killing ben, and i'm not taking any more of your- >> george, cisco, please! this has gone far enough! losing your temper won't find the real killer, george! and for you,u,isco, you better stop making your insinuations unless you can prove them! >> very well, mary, but i want to say one thing to you-doesn't it look funny to you that george is always at the right place in the wrong time? >> well, george? >> oh, hang it, mary, i was-i was worried about you with this
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bunkhouse. you do believe me, don't you, mary? >> i want to, george, but t don't know what or who to believe. i really don't. >> it's a waste of time, mary. bob and toby rode line yesterday after they mended that -- pasture fence. >> i don't care. i i nt you to check the fence today. cisco and pancho will go with you. >> all right, you're the boss. >> and, uh, saddle up a horse for me. >> are you riding with us? >> no, i'm going into town to e his will. >> saddle up, boys. >> what happened? >> twisted my ankle, sprained it, i guess. you and the boys will have to go without me. >> wait a minute. let me tape it for you. i'm a pretty faiai nurse, you know. >> so am i. i've had sprained ankles before. >> cisco, what this all about? pancho don't got no fence, and what he mean "checkings"?
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how to smoke out in the open the guilty parties. i talked to mary about it, and she thinks it's a very good idea. see you later, mary. come on, p pcho, let's get our horses. we'll ride out a way, pancho,
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>> now we're gonna give somebody a big surprise, eh, cisco? >> shh!
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>> hello, house, we are back. >> shh! >> the coast is s ear, nebraska. your having me watch the house is gonna pay off. i just saw 'em all ride out, except the foreman.. he's in the bunkhouse. >> come on, we're gonna go after that money. it's cisco, playing possum.
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don't you make a move! throw your gun across the room! >> get 'em up quick! >> catch! >> just a minute, george. >> what in blazes? i thought i said-- >> we didn't leave at all. we was watching you. ?? >> there are your killers, miss, and there is theheecret way in and out of this room. >> what you want to do with them now, cisco? >> take them to the bunkhouse, pancho, and tie e em up. >> all right, pull yourselves all together.
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suspecting you. >> it's all right, cisco, i guess i did act a little stupid. >> oh, the picture! i hope it isn't ruined. uncle will prized it so highly. >> yes, i always had a soft spot for chief yellow hair. >> chief yellow hair? >> that's the name the indians gave him. >> there you are, mary. here's the paper. it got your name on it. >> it's a map. >> why, , you're a ricicwoman. >> it's tainted money, cisco. and since i found out how uncle will got it, i couldn't touch a penny of it, but i think i'll keep the ranch. after what i've been through, i think i've earned it. >> it will make a nice home for you. >> yeah, a wonderful place to raise little kidlets, huh? cisco, why don't you marry up with the girl, huh? >> pancho, what are you sayiyi? >> oh, i would just love to play cupid. >> oh, pancho!
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>> good-bye, amigos! >> see you soon!
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(gun shot) ?? thank the lord you're here, mister. all right, come up here on your knee. gotta have this thing-- (wailing in pain) all right. can you hold yourself there? put your arm on my shoulder. ahahokay. ooh! ooh! ah! dammit!
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here. thank you, mister. (sighs) well, you're lucky. there's no bone broken. and you'll be able to hobble around, but you're not gonna do an awful lot of walkin'' fo. (bump) trackdown
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?? when hoby gilman regained consciousness, he had a man-sized headache and very little else. his gun was gone along with his horse and the stranger he had befriended.
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?? you wastin' your time, mister. that trap was built to hold anything it catches. hunt: i said i'd catch myself a man, hunt: but he don't look a thing like you. well in that case, i'd appreciate if you'd turn me loose. hey, i can recollect the first year i come out west to set these traps. 1823-- oh, we trapped a heap of beaver that year. then we had a spring rendezvous up on the sweetwater. there's a heap of indians up there! blackfoot, nez perce and shawnee. i recall i took this old long john rifle and cut my strings of beads. i went out and bought myself the prettiest little indian scroll. i'd still appreciate it if you'd turn me loose! hang on. no hard feelings, now.
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these things ain't too easy to get out! too bad you just broke my trap. now i gotta find another place to make a set. how do ya spring it? hunt: you got caught in it, didn't ya? well, you're talkin' about a hard feelings, i gototome. well, you made up your mind. guess ain't nothin' i can do to make you change it! uh, i don't mean against you. i mean againin the character i turned loose outt'a here. did you get a real good look at him? i'm not liable to forget it. was he sorta dark-haired and built kinda like you? that's right! oh, that makes me feel a heap better. at least i catch what i set out to trap! well, that don't make me feel any better.
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?? hey, you huntin' this man? could be he's huntin' me. he got a r rson? i turned him over to law for shootin' a man in the back. then he broke jail. yeah. well, as long as we're in texas, i'm the law. my name is hoby gilman. was you huntin' him too? not till now. his name is starbuck. len starbuck. i never heard of him hunt: that don't surprise me none. he wouldn't do anything to call the rangers for. but i know he'd come trailin' after me. it sounds like you know him pretty well. married my granddaughter. i'll be right back. hoby: but i'll be here. (laughs) don't you go worryin', son,
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hoby was a man afoot to the middle of a woods unarmed, crippled. his only hope of survival lay with an old man whose thoughts were of a way of fe that had long since vanished. is that foot feelin' ' tter? yeah, that says you can notice it appreciably. i should'a told you not to move around. i got nearly 20 traps set around this water. yeah, i know. i sprung two of 'em on the way. halt! you are real smart man. d to stay alive so far. well i've stay alive a long, long time. maybe too long. i've traveled these hills from here north to canada 'n nener met a soul. 'cept a few indians. hunt: trouble is, nowadays there's too many people. when you got people, you got trouble. yeah, i've noticed that from time to time. so, you haven't got an extra horse, have you, old timer? no, could be i could get you one, though.
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they stole a heap of mine. utes, shoshones. even from the mighty sue. (sighs) that was a long time ago. ain't many of 'em left. yeah, but i've lived with them horse, and that makes a heap of difference. how come you call me a horse? well, i call jim bridge a horse. carson, too. they call me "horse." that meant you is a real man. hey, you figure you can move around on that leg? rub, i'll try it in three, four days. i got some unfinished business with a party named starbuck. now listen, young fella. don't you take off on no kind of (indistinct) or somethin'. stands the reason that his foot was hurt just as bad as yours. come on, you--you just stay here with me.
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who's that? that's what starbuck's comin' back after. hunt: she's my granddaughter. ?? grandpa says you were caught in one of his traps. a matttt of speakin'. and that you turned another man loose? that's right. that man was my husband. hoby: i know. he was coming for me. well, you outt'a feel real lucky he didn't get here. he wouldn't harm me. well, i gather he'e'lookin' forward to harmin' your grandfather. i don't like the way he lives. he killed my mother. tina: when my father died, he took her back into the mountains to make her live the only kind of life he knows. the people at the mission school wouldn't let me go.
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that's all i can do for your leg. thank you. grandpa tell you i'm part i iian? well, no. not in so many words. yeah, i think you're very pretty. dgment on one thing. that's why he's coming back for me. from what your grandfather says, you're not gonna be gettin' any prized package. my grandfather's mind is gone. there's nothing left but shadows. well, he seems to think that starbuck's no good. maybe you outt'a... try to understand why he thinks that. i know already. he's just a stupid, old man. and when my husband comes, he's gonna kill him. yeah, he'll try all right.
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(crickets chirping) ?? hey, feels a lot better with the bandages on it. yeah, you stick it in some hot water, it'll feel much better. as you can. how much i owe you, doc? ooh,h,ake it $2. you know, i better have a look at that in a couple of days. i'll be a hundred miles from here. ititetter be important, son. that leg's not fit for travel. it's important all right. as a matter of fact,
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hunt: (humming) you should be bedded down by now, horse! man can do a heap of thinkin' up in these hills. you build up that fire much more and you're gonna give somebody light to shoot by. do you reckon i'm tryn'a make a target outt'a you, horse? it's been done. how's the catchin' gettin' along? oh, it's c cing along, gettin' better. gimme a couple three days and i il be around on it. hoby: you haven't told me yet where you're headed for. hunt: up in them hills. well, i'd appreciate it if you'd drop me off at the nearest town. now wait a minute, horse. i don't hole with towns. they're dens of sin and iniquity. all of 'em!
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im totoive in it. well, you'd be a lot better off there, and let the law take care of starbuck. i been takin' care of myself for a long time. durin' that time, i been partly scalped by indians, bit by bears. hunt: there ain't no trigger-happy, gun varmint gonna ever hunt: lift this hair. what about your granddaughter? well, take him on, too. how long has she been with you, zeb? hmm, two, three weeks. e her man went to jail. i don't think she likes it much. that's her mama's fault. sent her to school in town, puttin' fancy ideas in her head. i gotta teach her different. yeah, if you live long enough. you scared or somethin', horse? yeah. i'i'scared she'll sell the both of us out when starbuck shows up. easy to see you don't know nothin' about indians.
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? yes, i'll always remember sweet betsey from pike ? ? who crossed the high mountains with her lover ike ? hunt: ? with two yoke of oxen and one yeller dog ? hunt: ? and a tall shanghai rooster and one spspted hog ? you wanna give me another gun? i'll be glad to help ya. i owe starbuck some on my own. that's the only gun i got, horse. you mean, that old blunderbuss is the only armament there is in camp? mhm. and that oldldlunderbuss has killed more buffalos than you've ever seen. well, i don't doubt that, but i never saw buffalo carry a repeating rifle. how do you expect to get him in the range?
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bring out my telescope! yeah, so horse? that old gun is-- is this what you wanted, grandfather? dogs will eat jezebel by the walls of jezreel. you get back in that wagon woman this is the only dress i have. i threw the other ones away! you wear what i say. gegeback in that wagon! jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face. and looked out of a window. woman. rag, bone and a hank of hair.
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?? well, i hope you're satisfied. there was a chance we could'a lost starbuck, but not with you throwin''dressed oe marked trail. is that all? if you wanted your grandfather to die, whwhdidn't you do it yourself? hoby: stick him in the back with a knife or somethin'. ??
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horse! he's 'a comin'! zeb! ?? zeb? hoby: zeb! hoby gilman had one chance to save his life and perhaps the lives of others. that chance lay in a single shot from an out-modded weapon that was limited in range. his only advantage lay in the fact that starbuck didn't know that he was present. is he dead? no.
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hoby: it's too bad. hoby: looks like it's been a waste of time. you better get on back the wagon. hoby: go on! ??
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zeb! zeb hunt! you come out or i'm comin' in! (gun loading) ?? it won't work, zeb.
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len! ?? (sighs) well i told you, zeb, you don't know much about women. i i ew you'd come for me! i knew you wouldn't leave me here. len! i'm on to your indian tricks, too. no, len! this isist any trick. . any place you say. just leave my grandfather alone. he's hurt and he can't help himself. that's somethin' we'll find out. that's far enough. you can see, lenen he's hurt! the way i told you! he sent me a dare once. and he's not goin' to do it again.
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please! len! (smack) ow! tina: oh, len, please! drop it, starbuck! (gun shot)
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and i'm not sure yet which end of that thing is the business end. i told you, horse. that was a man's gun! well, i gotta admit i loaded a (indistinct) of that two-hitter,
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(laughs) it strikes me i owe you an apology. i thought you were tryn'a get both of us killed. there's no need to apologize. told ya you didn't know anything about indians. remember tellin' you you don't know anything about women. maybe we're both right. say, you know? uh, you're gonna have to spend an awful lotta time in town for a while, zebeb till that leg heals up. you know somethin'? i reckon there comes a time in a man's life w wn he gets too old to wonder 'round these hills. i reckon i ain't gon' mind it too o ch, livin' in a town. hunt: hm? well, i don't know about you two, but i'm about ready to bed down.
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cards. three. i'll play these. you're lucky, too lucky.


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