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tv   Today  NBC  November 18, 2016 7:00am-10:00am EST

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- excuse me. - just a aoment. there you are.
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ere he is. it's the gentleman with his back to you at the far table. much obliged. - sheriff? - oh, do something for you, mister? well, a little of your time will help. what do you want? about anything in particular? looking for a wowon by the name of ruth conners. you interrupted my lunch. you're gonna keep me waiting until it's finished, right? at l lst that long. and don't press me. suit yourself, mister. i don't care what you do. frankly, i'd like it fine if you were out of town by the time i finished here.
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out with the name. let's get it over with. the name's josh randall. good for you. that's a big chip you're carrying. must be kind of heavy. tell me where it says i gotta like a bounty hunter chasing a dollar. you don't have to tell me where ruth conners is either, but it'd help. well, somemedy's bound to tell you. it's the old place a mile north of town, the side of the road. you can'n'miss it. sounds like you don't think much of them. what do you think, mister? he's an outsider, from the east someplace. come riding here and marries the prettiest girl in town. then one d d he decides he's had enough, and he walks out just like that. you think you can convince her? no. she's still waiting, still thinks he's coming back someday. you must have a heart somewhere, or you wouldn't be here. but you're sure not doing her any favor, mister.
7:04 am
i know what the sheriff thinks, mr. randall. well, it wasn't just the sheriff, mrs. conners. what they all think. but they're wrong. if you say so. you think i didn't know him. two years of him, and you think i didn't know how he thought. well, i never met him, mrs. conners. what was he like? a drifter, a wanderer-- a man like that walks out, but not matt. he's a doctor, a responsible man. and he loved me. with all due respect, mrs. conners, he did leave. why? i've driven myself crazy trying to answer that. i don't know.
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a fall? an accident. he tried to tell me it was nothing, but that's when he began to be so strange. - he'd forget things. - look, ma'am-- please, i know i'm right. he's living somewhere. he doesn't know who he is or where he belongs. - i want him back. - ( door opens ) - i need him. - man: why, ruth? so he can put you through it all again? it's never gonna stop, is it? she's gonna keep driving herself crazy. victor, please. oh, victor kincaid-- josh randall. howdy. you figure you've seen him-- the good doctor? maybe. playing poker in a little town about a week away, there was a man at the table that resembled him. oh, what town? i've got to know. what's the point? if i'm wrong, it'll just cut you deeper. if it's him, i'll bring him back. oh, please. no, no, he's rigig.
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le time. we'll worry about that later. mr. randall, i'm grateful. well, don't build too hihi on it. he was just a face. i could be wrong. what do you think? follow him. he said a week's ride. and i said follow him. what if it is matt? get it done,
7:07 am
i'm afraid i can't help you, mister. but he don't look nothing like that. go s s for yourself. what about the other one i mentioned-- the one in the poker game? well, you know how it is. in a couple of weeks you see so many customers. can't remember them all, you know. remind me to bleed for you. a lady with a job like yours usually got a fine memory, miss...
7:08 am
i never gave you any call to say that. i remember seeing you bring a man in once back in dodge. well, i've brought a lot more than one man back in dodge city. a killer. a man named loomis. there was no way in the world for me to bring him back gentle. this is different. i'm trying to help this man, not hurt him. i don't know what you're talking about. - look, miss-- - good-bye, mister. thanks for the hospitality. that picture, dora, clean-shaven-- that was cully. he's bound to find him.
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ot to know and keep out of sight. he's over in greenville. i can't reach him. now, look, maybe he's telling the truth, doesn't want to hurt him. i'm not gonna take that chance. how does a storekeeper stay hidden, dora? miguel can run it for him just till he leaves. what makes you think he's leavingng
7:10 am
- what--? - you're a long way from home, mr. kincaid. well, josh randall, i'll be doggoned. - talk about coincncence. - is that what it is? so this is where you're doing your hunting? well, what do you know? you mind telling me what you're hunting? you mean, what am i doing here? this is one of the best cattle towns in the area. i'm doing some buying. you know, i sure wish you'd have told me. how about you? are you having any luck? if he's here, i'll find him. - dead or alive, huh? - as long as he's here. you want to know the truth? i hope it's dead. well, a man's got to have a good reason for sasang that. you've seen the reason-- ruth. why, the misery he's put her through, and a woman like that. and you figure she won't suffer so much if he's dead, huh? well, i only know one thing:g:ead or alive, she's got to know. she can't go through the rest of her life wondering, never being sure.
7:11 am
i'll do that, mr. kincaid. ( saloon piano playing ) say, miss gaines, can you spare a minute? look, ma'am, want to talk to you for a minute. there's a lot more of that coming, mister,
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, poor man. poor man. - what happened? - ( moans ) what happened? it's all right. easy. miguel will help you. dora: why, miguel? why couldn't you just let him alone? se?orita, he was hurt very badly. would you rather see cully hurt? don't you understand, miguel? he's the one.
7:17 am
oh, i did not know. i am so sorry, se?orita. where's cully now? he's in the store. he just came back from greenville. we've got to hide him, miguel. you must know someplace. s?. s?, i know a place. k you should see the doc. that's funnier than you think. got some rough citizens. you see who did it? no. no, i was busy. this-- this fellow that picked me up-- who was he? here, try this. it's good for lumps. well, you don't change much. i want answers-- you make it whisky. he was mexican and his name was... miguel. now, how hard do you think he'll be to find? look, why make trouble for him? one friendly man in town, and you want to keep me away from him. now that just doesn't seem right.
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who has been, mister? for the whisky. for the doctor. thank you. ( door opens ) good morning, se?-- good morning. oh, it is-- it is you, se?or. oh, you did last night. and i'm obliged totoou. was nothing. was nothing, se?or. i just was passing-- just passing through an alley, huh? well, it doesn't matter. something further i can do? yeah, you can tell me the last time you saw him. i never-- i never see him.
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i do not want to be rude, se?or, but excuse me, i have lots of work to do. your place? no, no, place belong to se?or cully. i only work here. but he is not here. you know where he lives? upstairs. o go away for a few days. i don't know where. that is true, se?or. mm-hmm, and of course he didn't say where. no. that is right. well, thanks for last night anyway. miguel, this man you never saw-- he's not wanted for a crime, or the sheriff would be doing the looking. now you understand? then why you look for him?
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i do not understand. well, there's too many people trying to keep me away from him. now i've got a hunch i'd better get there first. you understand what i'm saying?
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( exhales ) all right, miguel, are we through playing games? don't know what you mean, se?or. i-- i only take a little walk. no use asking where, now that you spotted me, huh? i-- i go no place. sure.
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( moans ) he was waiting for me. he wanted to know about se?or cully, where-- where-- where se?or cully was. miguel, did you tell him? i had to. i-- i could not stand any more. where is cully? miguel, i've got to know. do you want him to live?
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- you're lying. - am i? go across to doc johnson's. take a look at miguel, see what they've done to him. that's how bad they wanted cully. lenny. won't be a minute. time-- you're wasting time. but i've got to know. i've got to be sure. care for him that much, huh? no one will ever take him away from me. i love him. ( sighs ) an alley? i didn't want it that way. i didn't know what else to do. you were after him. not for a crime. i tried to tell you that. well, then why? why do you want him? - i've got to know. - he's got a w-- it's like he said. where's cully? where? miguel's shack at the edge of town.
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stealing a man's wife not enough for you, kincaid? are you going in for killing now? ( gun clicks ) sorry, matt. you think i want her back? you think i could even stand to look at her now? the point is, she doesn't want you back. then why this? your father-- he's dead. there's a lot of money, a big ranch. ruth can't get it without being a widow. yeah.
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he's bleeding bad. what do you think i've been doing for a whole year? well, what about it, mr. conners? are you gonna let this man die? excuse me, dr. conners, wasn't it? ( kincaid mutters ) help me get him on the bed. in the room over the store, in the closet, on the shelf, you'll find my medical bag. better get it quick. dr. conners, i see a lot of men try to lose themselves.
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take cover! hold it. let it fall, mister. move and i'll bury ya.
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well, welcome home, daniels. where'd you find him? santa fe. you figure on collecting the bounty, huh? that's right. well, you picked the wrong territory, mister. see, we hunt all the bounty around here. that's not what my poster says.
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tta get him into town to collect, and we're taking him in from here. you might get the cash, but i'll collect for this one way or another. bounty hunters, like a bunch of buzzards fighting over a carcass. shut up. you might be able to shut me up now, but i'll have my say when the trial starts. (chuckles ) you sound like you're anxious to face a jury. no, but they're gonna hear about this. you know, he's right. he could cause us a lot of trouble. go get his horse. we're gonna let him go. why you doing this? i'm gonna give you a break, daniels.
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up! up!
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i really did. that's him. that's him, sheriff. he's the one that bushwhacked us. hey, now, hold on now.
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that's a lie. hold it. sit down. sit down! what's your name? randall. josh randall. bounty hunter, ain't ya? that's right. you jump these fellas? no, it was the other way around. they jumped me-- couple of miles out of town. i was bringing daniels in. he's lying. quiet. it's sure that one of you are lying. you got any witnesses? anybody see you capture the prisoner? nope. well, i haven't got room for all of you, but i'll have to hold onto you, mister. i'll take that gun you're wearing. stoner, evans, you stay close to town, you understand?
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evans, tell the doctor to come right over. this is yours. doc'll be here soon.
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he'll be all right. thanks, doc. i'll have another look at him in the morning. right. doc. - george? - hello, judge. will, i hear you got daniels back. that's right. the doc here was just tending to him. sam, will he be all right to stand trial tomorrow morning? i think so, but i'll have to see him first. he's not going anywhere. yeah. well, see you later, will, george. can i see him? yeah. a bounty hunter name of randall brought him in. figuring to claim the reward. hello, daniels. i come by to tell you we're holding your trial tomorrow morning. look, judge, i didn't kill that old man. people saw you drinking with him. you left the saloon together. i didn't kill him and that's the truth. but how am i gonna prove it? you don't have to. it's the prosecutor's job to prove that you're guilty. well, then just being seen with a guy doesn't prove anything, does it? not much, but breaking out of jail
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why an innocent man would run. tomorrow morning at 9:00. is that the fella that jumped stoner and evans? yeah. what's your name? josh randall. i've heard about you. can't remember anything especially good. well, that's not going to influence your opinion tomorrow, is it? i run a fair court, randall. you'll get a chance to tell your side of it. well, daniels is all i need. he's my witness. it's all i've got. those other two men were lying. he's right, judge. they jumped us, then tried to kill me. anything to that, will? i don't know. it's pretty much their word against his. i see. thing is, we all know stoner and evans. this fella here is a stranger. well, i'll hear both sides tomorrow morning. good day to you, mr. randall.
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looks like i walked into something myself. you won't be walking out so easy. these two bounty chasers, they live here long? oh, about four or five months. killed a rustler who broke jail and collected a fat bounty. little while later, brought in another one dead. sounds like the sheriff's had trouble holding his prisoners. well, he's getting old. you know, counting you, that's three jail breaks in a period of five months. not a very good record. well, now, the town won't get another sheriff. will's held the star so long here, folks haven't got the heart to kick him out. listen, daniels, these two bounty chasers, they, uh, they collected every time up to now? yeah, and it looks like they're gonna pocket the money this time, too. ( chuckles ) i'm not so sure.
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when'd you take to keeping a bottle? we got a real mess on our hands. if we have, it's your doing. you let those posters get to santa fe. i couldn't help it. the circuit marshal come by and saw them. he took a handful. what was i supposed to do? you could have thought of something. never mind, never mind. forget that now. we gotta get rid of them. oh, no, no, no, i told you before. no, this is the last one. we're really gonna be in trouble. maybe you will, but not me. i didn't do nothin'. you forget, you let three prisoners break jail. you split the bounty money with us. ain't nobody believe you, you tell them that. the three men who escaped are dead. what about daniels? he ain't dead. he's alive in there. if it comes to it, he'll back up anything i got to say just to save his own skin.
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y farther than the door. you mean you're gonna kill the both of them right here? uh-huh. only this time, you're gonna be with us when the shooting starts. you ought to try to eat something, daniels. no. i couldn't hold it down. - randall? - hmm? randall, what do you think's gonna happen tomorrow? a trial, i guess. i'll be hanging tomorrow night. i don't wanna die. now take it easy, daniels. they're not gonna hang you. you're not sure they're gonna hang you either.
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just as sure as the sun comes up in the morning, i'll be hanging when it goes down. if you're innocent, you got no bill to pay. listen, i don't need any judge with any mouthful of legal talk to tell me. i know what's gonna happen. i don't wanna die, mister. i don't wanna die.
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- wanna come along? - no. this isn't gonna help anything.
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well, he's gone. now we're in real trouble. josh: judge healy? who's there? forget it. i want to talk to you and i haven't got much time. randall. how did you get out? the sheriff opened the door. daniels is dead. your friend the sheriff, and his two bounty boys were waiting for him. now, hold on. now, you listen. i spent a lot of time trying to find you and i want you to hear me out. why did you come here? because somebody's gotta know what's going on, and it looks like you're the only man in town that's got much sense. it seems as though the sheriff is working with stoner and evans. he lets the prisoners escape and sends his two bird dogs out to bring them back. what are you talking about? the bounty game.
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now, you listen. i've known will too long... can you prove anything you've said? look, i haven't got all night to argue with you. you just remember what i've said. and tomorrow there's gonna be a bounty on my head. and they'll get you. maybe, but i don't plan on staying a wanted man. i'll be back, and it's either gonna be slung over the side of a horse
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randall? randall? you leave me alone, i'll clear out! randall? randall, do you hear me? hold it. don't try it. you're not that fast. please, randall. please. come on. you're going to red rock. are you asking me to believe that will had a part in this scheme? well, it was evans' idea, but the sheriff didn't say no to the money. it was him and evans.
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you're a liar. you're the one that shot daniels and i was bringing him in. evans made me do it. how can i be sure that he and evans aren't dragging will into this just to take the blame off their own backs? well, now, be reasonable. they couldn't go after a man unless the sheriff set him free in the first place. i want to talk to will. there must be another side to this,
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i see you got the bounty hunter.
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i want to talk to you. talk from where you are. this man says you're mixed up in some kind of a bounty game. there must be some explanation. what do you want me to say? is it true? not much point in lying. yeah, it's true. which one of you's gonna come up here and get me? i stood up to this town's troubles for 17 years. nobody man enough to make a move now?
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i just wanted to tell him his friends would go easy on him.
8:00 am
?? (gun xxxxing) ?? (man) - it happened in the fourth year of guangxu in the sign of the dragon of the illustrious succession that the honorable paladin paid his last respects
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mr. paladin. a friend would ask you a favor. - i am jin ho. you were my son's friend? - i had that honor. - i am old but still a woman, and therefore will say my words as simply as that handicap permits.
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- yes. but with us, the settlement of debts is a sacred duty. now my granddaughter, his child, is to be taken. - taken? - in payment of those debts. - still, there is an alternative, or i would not be here now talking to you. the blood of royalty still bruises our veins, paladin. for my granddaughter, as you say, there is an alternative. - what would you have me do? - in five days, a ship bound for china will be off point lobos, near monterey. if a signal fire is lighted, they will send a boat ashore.
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l station of your family. jin ho... what of you? i do know something of the vengeance of the tongs dedicated to kwan kung. - i am an old woman. what matter if i die in my sleep or at the hands of an assassin? - the police? - could even you protect me - you are a gallant woman. i promise you that your granddaughter will meet that ship. - so that i will not be too indebted to you.
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she's exquisite. - my son remarked on your excellency of taste. i'm certain that the lady will be favored in your possession. - and so it came to pass that this person, chee yan, was asked to bring the granddaughter of jin ho
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- i am certain this is the place he described. but yet, it seems somehow different. (paladin chuckling)
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this... is mr. paladin. ?? - "at the first gate "hung the fragile moon of birth "and of beauty... ... and she did enter there." from up there... ... you can see the entire sweep of the bay of monterey. the wood for the signal fire is cut, ready. - then i will take up my watch for the ship. - chee yan.
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before morning, for certain. - i need not remind you that the hands of kwan kung have talons of steel and they are exceedingly long. - thank you, mr. paladin. i know. and yet... to hear the beautiful words of an old legend of my people from your lips. - "the gate of the five moons." well, kim sing, i have on occasion lived beyond the distance that a bullet from this gun will travel. and that, mind you, despite my card.
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's the first time i've laughed since my father died. wherever he listens, he is happier, too. - and still, the association, its assassins do hunt for you. every hour we delay, every moment we wait here is to their advantage. and they do have a thousand eyes, and i have only two. is a corner of heaven. i only hope heaven is as beautiful. and the angels less formidable. (laughing) - i'm sure they are. and... now i think perhaps it's time i took a look along your back trail. here.
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and here is the seclusion of heaven for your privacy. - thank you. mr. paladin... ... do you remember the second verse of "the gates of the five moons"? - "at the second gate, "the moon loosed the silver darts of knowledge... "... and at the third gate... - thank you. ?? ??
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- well, this one has the advantage of silence. - of course. (sighing) you are thoughtful. - yes. - and sad? - perhaps a little. - why? - what is happiness, paladin? is it something i can take hold of and feel? as i feel the warmth of your hand? - i don't know, kim sing. perhaps it's only... ... only the knowledge that you've given joy to another person, that you've filled an hour.
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as power, acquisition... ... and love... ... and beauty and even life itself... ... are transient. - i want to have the silken robes of royalty... ... and feel soft furs against my cheek... ... and look at myself in a crystal mirror framed in gold. of you? what of this warm woman? - would it be better to sit at the feet of a fat merchant in san francisco? - no, no, of course not. but you do have a third choice.
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?? ??
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- was there only one?
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- we're happy, aren't we? - yes. - then why must we give it up? what difference does anything else make if you and i are happy? - for now, none.
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... what of the royal robes, silk, ermine, mirrors edged with gold? - i don't want them without you. - and would you be happy with me? - remember "the gates of the five moons"? "at the third gate... love tinged the disc with gold." - i remember. - maybe in all this world... ... in all this universe... ... for tonight, there's only you and me.
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(chee yan) - and so it was that even while the melody of love
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and the cold watch upon the hill. - chee yan? - thank you. - chee yan... what will happen to kim sing in china? - there are those who are friendly to her family. - but her family fled that station. - there are also those who are unfriendly to her family. - if you were she? - my answer is not her answer, paladin. in the balancing of heart and duty, what man can say how a woman will read the scales?
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- there will be others. (twig snapping) do you know the fable of the man and the butterfly? - no. - well, i dreamed i was that man. and i was on a hillside... and the sun was so bright and so warm that i became sleepy.
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... with silken wings, and i could fly. so i flew to the very top of a hill. this hill. and i could see with a new vision. all the world spread out beneath me. and i felt a strange... - and did you waken... in that dream? - yes. in my dream, i wakened, and i wasn't... i didn't know if i was a man who had dreamed he was a butterfly or a butterfly who had dreamed he was a man.
8:23 am
- i don't know. i don't know. - [narrator] what if you had a medical emergency away from home? - my chest hurts, i can't breathe. - [narrator] what you need is mobilehelp, america's premiere mobile medical alert system. most systems only work at home, but with mobilehelp, you get help outside the home with coverage nationwide on one of the largest cellular networks at the press of a button. - i couldn't dial 911 because i was out of it. i just pushed the button
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or if i even know where i am. i have mobilehelp, they know where i am. - i have a number of health issues. if you were to call 911, they would not know what your issues are. mobilehelp has all that on file, so the emergency responders already know what my needs are. - there are things i wouldn't do if i didn't have mobilehelp. - mobilehelp is a lifesaver, literally and figuratively. - with mobilehelp, i feel safe. - [narrator] call the number on your screen for a free full-color brochure. we'll send you everything you need, including this base station, the patented mobile device, and the waterproof pendant and wrist button. you can also add the fall button that automatically detects falls and signals help help even if your unconscious and unable to press the button. there is no equipment to buy and no long-term contract. act now and we'll include an emergency key box free with your plan purchase.
8:25 am
don't settle for a medical alert system that only works at home. - mobilehelp has given me my life because i'm not restricted anymore. i have freedom to live now. - [narrator] join the thousands of people nationwide already using mobilehelp, and remember, mobilehelp keeps you safe coast to coast. was rewarded, and the ship in sight. but the beating wings of time are fragile, and in their tender motion, who can distinguish what is joy and what is pain? the ship is here.
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se on the ship to see. - light it. then i will. (paladin) - kim sing? you've made your decision? - "at the fourth gate, the jade-white coldness of duty froze her heart." - kim sing?
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?? - here. - love is like the springtime, isn't it? - yes, it is, kim sing. - so short a season.
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i was not worthy of love. or of you. paladin? ?? "... weeping, for she was a woman... "... the lady passed through the fifth gate... "... beneath the fifth moon...
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?? - ? have gun will travel reads the card of a man ? ? a knight without armor in a savage land ? ? his fast gun for hire heeds the calling wind ? ? paladin, paladin where do you roam? ??
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?? ?? (horse snorts)
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- now, ain't you ashamed of yourself? acting like that? all we's after was a horse. now it's gonna be different. - you want the gun? go on, reach for it. go ahead. - you got us wrong, mister. she stole that horse out of our camp, and we-we's just trying to get back our own. - with a knife. - oh, we's just gonna scare her a little, is all. - sure, mister, she's a real wildcat.
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- well, even from here an idiot can see that's an indian pony. it's never been shod in its life. - let's go, lou. you ain't a hard man to keep in mind. and i'm gonna give it a lot of thought. - well, don't kill yourself trying. and give this to your friend. - which way do you ride? - i have a very important appointment. just outside the small pueblo to the south. nuestra senora la reina de los angeles.
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- well, that's a lovely name. now, taymanee, you get on your horse and ride back to your village before you get into more trouble. - you have saved my life. i belong to you. it is the custom. - now, wait a minute, taymanee. that is a custom of your people. it is not a custom of my people. - i am yosemite. and the yosemite live by the old ways. - oh, and among the yosemite, living by the old ways... does a squaw misbehave? and ride back to your people. now. now, i want you to stop following me.
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at nuestra senora la reina de los angeles. - it will be cooler by the trees. - i've heard your people sing by the fire many times. - my mother sings. - not tonight your mother doesn't sing. she weeps. - she does not weep. - taymanee, all mothers weep for their lost children. saying prayers for the dead, the lost. - still, they would be ashamed if i broke one of the old ways. - well, i suppose i could tie you to a horse, head the horse in the right direction, be your conscience for you. - tied to a horse.
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get you home. put it down. - who sends you paper that smells? - a woman. - is she beautiful? - beautiful? - she has big medicine. do you go to meet her now? - yes, i go to meet her now. and i go without you, without the benefit of your company. - no matter how pretty you make your words, i will not go away. - you are impossible. you are a disgrace to womanhood. - good, but i will not leave.
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(taymanee) - you do all this for woman - i do all this for a woman who i respect. taymanee, you're a woman. well, you're almost a woman. so you must have some understanding. now, i appeal to that understanding, to that fine, sensitive...
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- no, i will not leave you and she alone. i will sit down and nothing can make me move. - i will carry you into those bushes and leave you there sitting! (woman) - oh, oh! - francine. - wh-who is that? - oh, uh, uh, that is taymanee. i-i was just getting rid of her. - well, do not let me stop you.
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- now, you get on that horse and you don't stop riding and you don't look back until you reach your people. you understand? - paladin? - francine. francine. - no, no.
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- exactly as it was before? - exactement. - well... all right, francine.
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whoa. - ooh, ch?ri. oh! - francine... - is it the same? - time has indeed stood still. - oh... no, no. a year is a very long time, ch?ri. it took great courage to write. and i was embarrassed. - were you embarrassed the first time? - no! no, i was frightened. i was terrified. but that time it just happened. this time i have planned the whole thing. i am... how you say... i am a hussy. - (laughing) you sparkle like champagne. - ooh, champagne. darling, ooh-la-la!
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there it is. - ah. - oh! oh, this is it! - there it is, francine. just the way it was before. - no! no, paladin! it was over there. - francine, this is the place. - oh, oui. oh! - is she singing? - no, she is not singing! - paladin, just who is this, uh, this child of nature? - well, her name is taymanee, and it should be pestilence! - what is she doing here? - well, she belongs to me...
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- now, francine, it's a, it's an old custom. it's a, it's a very old tribal custom. - hmm. darling, i know these old tribal customs. - now, francine, uh, i saved her life, she believes, and it's an old custom, it's a very old tribal custom that that life belongs to me, and she's very difficult to convince otherwise. - hmm. well, just tell her to go away. - (chuckling) go away, taymanee. - i stay. - uh... francine, i think you're right. i think our place... is over there.
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for turtledoves. (both chuckle) - who?! - the men you saved me from. - this is just another of her quaint little tricks to ruin everything. now get rid of her once and for all. - i would be very happy to, but there were two men! - oh?
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oh! get off! ah! get off! get off! you-- you don't fool me, you little savage, you! (shrieks) - francine. francine! - oh, let go of me. - francine, you just lost your accent. - yeah. well, it's fake.
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like everything about me. it's all one big lie. just one big fake. - your voice and your beauty, those aren't fake. those aren't a lie. - yeah, well, they weren't enough. and i'm tired of touring companies and second-rate hotels... ...and make-believe romances. - well, i guess maybe we were indulging and i guess perhaps we're both just a little too old for it. (gunshots) - hey, romeo! you step out where we can see you, maybe we'll let the ladies go! - he's gonna kill us! - francine. - we ain't fooling, romeo! come on out! - francine, he'll kill us if you don't keep quiet.
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- no, no, don't go! - i'm gonna try and go out there and save your life and ours. - no, he said he'd let us go if you... - now, you listen. that man was lying, francine. now, you stay here with taymanee and you keep quiet! - let's go, come on. - ah, let-- - you want to die, all right! to bring death to paladin is another thing!
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- for three years i've been traveling through this country, and i have hated every inch of it! i've seen violence and brutality, but until today i-i never knew what it could be like.
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- taymanee. - be quiet.
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ost killed me! - he still may. - come on, let's go. - what about him? i ain't hankering to face him close-up. - you yellow belly. the women... we get them, he ain't gonna be in a very good bargaining position... if he's still around. now come on. move, girlies. - your hero's two miles away by now, running as fast as he can for los angeles town. - you lie. - say, that just leaves us two couples, don't it? all cozy like. - oh, let go of me. he wouldn't leave us here! let... - then where is he, beautiful? - right over here, friend.
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you let me, and i'll git. - all right, you git. now, friend, you've got just about two seconds to make up your mind. - i made a mistake and i'm admitting it, so... - it's all right, francine. it's all over. it's all right. - no, paladin, it's not all right. taymanee tried to save me and i didn't even help her. - fear is worm that can live in heart of smallest tree. - or in the heart of the mightiest.
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- you know, francine, you are really remarkable. you told us... you told taymanee and me that your life was all lies. and you have just faced as difficult a truth as anyone would ever have to face. - do you think i could change? - if you want to. thank you, paladin. uh... taymanee...
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- you saved her life. now it's yours to protect. and that is a very, very old custom. - perhaps we have all faced a truth here today, paladin. but as soon as i see her safely in city... ...i will find your trail again. matter where you are. - well... happy hunting.
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- ? have gun-will travel reads the card of a man ? ? a knight without armor ? ? his fast gun for hire heeds the calling wind ? ? paladin, paladin ?
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>> oh, no, it's impossible. >> is, es verdad. >> come, we should help. >> oh, no that would not be seemly. >> it would also not be seemly to arrive late at the montoya hacienda. >> i see you have a small probm. >> yes, perhaps you can help us. >> we could not refuse a request from such a beautiful woman.
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>> no, capitan. >> gracias, amigo. >> and now, senorita, where might i come to pay my respects? rancho montoya. >> did you hear, teniente? the se?orita offers us money for si, capitan. >> gracias, but i think we will take our reward another way. >> drop them. >> se?orita good enough for the montoyas should be good enough for me. >> you go away immediately! si, se?or. >> what do you say, teniente? if it is our right to take the
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>> why not? >> you like traveling -- >> no, no, no! >> mr. sanchez. what are you doing, amigo? >> manolito! >> drop your weapons to the ground.
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what were you doing? >> we only stopped to help repair the se?orita's carriage -- >> that's not true. he was going to abduct me. >> only a joke, se?orita, a joke. >> is there anyway for an officer with honor to conduct himself? >> conduct myself as i wish. >> as i do, too, amigo. en sebody's holding a gun on me, as i am doing to you, then i do what i'm told, just as you were going to do. >> mano, this is not your business. >> i am telling you to ride out now. >> now. uh-uh. they are better off on the ground. >> you wil >> adios. >> does he mean it?
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fix the horses please. ra, best you be going. they might be back. >> b something first. >> what? >> the name cd m? >> well, when i waligirl, i viso montoya with my mother, and there was a boy named manolito tried to pull me down. >> se?orita mercedes! >> yes, it is! >> oh, i cannot believe it!
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>> these are two vaqueros from
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this point on. >> you will not come down to your father with us? >> no, i think not. you see, my father and i, we -- no, i think not. >> will i see you? >> mm, yes, you will see me. >> when? >> i will surprise you, all right? >> oh, no. >> adios. adios, se?ora. adios, carlos. >> yeah, sam, i reckon. sam. >> what's the matter?
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>> yeah, let's. [gunshot] >> enough. down, boys. we will pick up our cattle. >> well, that makes 15 men we can scare up at the most. >> including pedro. least a week. >> that's right. >> mano, where do you think they will hit? >> well, there are many excellent places in mexico. >> and you know them all. >> not quite, my dear sister. >> it's obvious we are going to have to get help. it's also obvious where it's going to have to come from. >> john, are you perhaps referring to my father? >> i am. >> well, it cannot hurt you to ask him. >> i'm not going to ask don sebastian for a thing. you are.
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plans for whatever young lady is expecting you tonight. >> oh. well, john, as a matter of fact it will not interfere. >> what do you mean by that? >> what i mean is that i have no plans for tonight. i hope you are not counting on my enormous influence with my father. >> you just do the best you can, mano. buck, you go with him, see that he doesn't get sidetracked. >> uh, yeah, john, but t don't leave you with too many a chaparral. >> they won't attack us here. it is our cattle they are after. sam, i want you to track down those comancheros. i want every spare hand we've got to round up those herds and get them to the north range, as far from the bandits as possible.
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>> well, welcome, se?or buck cannon. welcome to rancho montoya. >> thank you, don sebastian. >> and who is this saddle tramp that you've brought with you? >> i'm happy to see you, too. >> oh. forgive me, i have been most impolite. se?or buck cannon, permit me to introduce se?ora lopez and se?orita vega de grenada. they are my houseguests. >> ladies. >> this one, of course, needs no introduction. >> you said you are going to surprise me, and you did. >> well, i am a man who keeps his word. > i thought you might be. >> it seems that manolito rescued my guests from the clutches of an evil man. >> oh, well, i didn't know about that. >> i try to explain why i was late. >> oh, yeah. >> tell me, gentleman, am i to assume that this visit is in honor of the safe arrival of my
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>> well, no, sir, it ain't, don sebastian, although i am glad that your guests safe arrived. but we've got some business to discuss. >> oh. well, i am always very pleased to discuss business. excuse me, ladies. come inside. >> se?orita, i hope you are not going away. >> how can i leave the little manolito who once tried to pull me out of a tree? >> be patient. there is more. >> you have a serious problem.
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them comancheros been stealing cattle. >> no one has been stealing my cattle. >> i know, but we was counting on your help. >> papa, we have reason to believe that they are hiding out in mexico. >> you have reason to believe? >> yes. >> i have no reason to believe. >> papa, it would seem to me that you might take the word of your own son. >> oh, really? >> but don sebastian, forgive me, but we saw them headed south. >> then i can only conclude that they must have changed their direction when you could no longer see them. i have many able scouts who are quite dependable and they have not reported to me seeing any comancheros. >> papa, all we are asking is that you give us some men so we can hunt them down. >> believe me, i would do this if i could, but i do not have the men to spare. >> but don sebastian -- >> se?or cannon, this discussion has just finished. gentlemen, you are welcome to stay as long as you wish. mi casa, su casa. you will forgive me, please. i have work to do.
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>> well, he sure don't budge easy. >> my father is a stubborn man. you know that. >> mano, let's get out of here. >> you know, buck, i was thinking, maybe if i stayed a day or two, i could change his mind. >> yeah? you think you could change his mind? >> well, i think i should try. >> you do what you want, mano. i'm heading back. adios. >> adios. hola. >> i am happy you are staying, manolito.
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>> i still do not understand how your parents could have allowed you to make such a long journey without them. >> well, they had many objections, but in the end, they allowed me to come. i needed to get away, and more than any place, i wanted to come here first, where i had been so happy as a child. i want to see it all again. >> and so you shall, and more. >> well. >> can this be the saddle tramp of a short while ago? >> heh. papa, have you been courteous to our guest? >> no, i have been extremely rude. >> then i will show the se?orita the true montoya character.
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>> if you will excuse us. >> permiso, se?ora. >> and what do you do at the high chaparral? >> i work. >> well, why? >> why not? >> i mean, where is it leading? >> oh. well, one days work leads to the next day's work. >> is that all? >> well, yes, what would you like me to say? >> i would like to know your plans. >> oh, my plans. i have none. >> oh. >> well, yes, oh. do you find that strange? >> i do. i expected more of a montoya. >> oh. mercedes, i am not don sebastian montoya. i am myself, manolito montoya. no doubt, se?orita, you do have
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>> i don't know. that is why i am traveling. >> traveling? >> i may go to europe after this. >> why? >> why not? >> no, no, no, you have to tell me. >> i have to get away from my parents. >> what happened? >> they arranged for me to marry, and i refused. >> you refused? serious. >> i will not marry a man i do not desire, nor live the life i do not desire. if i travel long enough and far enough, perhaps -- >> go ahead. perhaps what? >> perhaps i will find what is
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do you understand what i mean? >> i understand that you and i are very much alike. you know, it is good that you have come here. i have never known a woman quite like you. >> oh. mano, will you show me the ranch tomorrow? i want to see it all with you. >> with me? >> why should i pretend ot >> you're right. why should you? uh.
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>> i think we are going to lose her. >> oh, no, mano, it's not right. >> what is not right? why should we make the job easier for her? shh. >> mano, the tree! oh. oh, the tree where i hid from you. it'juwere children. >> except we are no longer children. i am a man. you are a woman.
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>> ay yi yi. she has the instinct of a bloodhound, really. we will escape to freedom yet. . >> se?or montoya! >> where are we going? >> to a place where we cannot be followed. to a place that i want very much for you to see. look. >> oh, mano. i cannot believe it, so
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and even beyond that. >> all that? >> all that. someday it will be mine. >> why do you say it that way? don't you want this? >> never. i never have. i -- uh. tomorrow i must return to the high chaparral. my father will not change his mind. i am needed back at the rancho. >> is that the only reason? >> no. i just want you to understand that i have always wanted to be left alone to do what i want to do in my own way.
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i hate responsibilities. that is for other men, not for me. and yet, when i am near you, and i look at you, i feel myself changing inside. >> how are you changing? >> mercedes, you even make me want all this. >> manolo. >> se?or montoya! se?or montoya! you bring se?orita vega de grenada down here this instant! >> oh.
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bravo. mercedes, i think you are a great artist. >> gracias. >> very well spoken, manolito. but what do you think of him, se?orita? >> i think much of him. >> i must say that since he has been to the high chaparral, there has been an improvement. you know, it is hard to realize that this is the same young man who used to return every night drunk, if he returned at all. >> oh, he must have been a terrible young man. >> i assure you, he was. >> if both of you do not mind, i would appreciate it if you would
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>> oh, have we been doing that? >> i think so. >> oh, then i apologize, manolito. >> what? >> i apologize. >> mm? [laughter] >> you love your father very much, don't you? >> yes. sometimes it is not very easy, though. mercedes.
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>> is it not so very easy to love me? >> oh, yes. it is too easy. >> mano, i love you. what is to be with us? >> do you like it here? >> i love it here. i've always loved it here. >> then i want you to stay forever. >> oh, yes. yes, mano.
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>> man, what is this? >> manolito and the se?orita. >> i had not expected such a fortunate opportunity. ah. >> will you not miss mexico city? >> i cannot any longer miss places, manolito. i can only miss you. >> that is something that i hope
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>> well, i certainly hope not. >> andale, andale! >> i'm going to build us a magnificent hacienda, far away from my father. no, no, not too far. >> no. >> oh, what do you think he will say? >> well, one can never predict what my father will say about anything. >> but do you think he will be pleased? >> well, he will not show it, but inside he will be pleased. >> well, i hope so. >> mercedes, i have never known
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>> she is alive. >> she had better be. if she dies, sanchez will kill us.
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>> mano. please try to look at me. >> papa. mercedes fell down. she is hurt. >> i'm sorry, mano, but the comancheros have taken her. >> >> is. we will try to find her. >> i wanted to tell you today. she is to be my wife. >> yes, mano. i'm sorry. we will look for her. >> no, not look for her. we will find her. >> yes.
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>> what is it? >> the comancheros have taken a herd of cattle. >> ay. send a man to the high chaparral. i want se?or john cannon and every man that he can muster to meet me at the hacienda. quickly! >> is, se?or.
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>> incompetent. i told you to bring me the girl, not a dead body. >> she is not dead, capitan. she is only hurt. >> she's very badly hurt. >> it is not our fault that she fell off a horse, huh? >> not your fault? i should shoot you. >> take care of the girl!
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>> victoria. >> don't move, manolito. please. >> what are you doing here? >> i came with the others when we heard what happened. we just arrived. no, please don't touch that, manolo. that is where the bullet grazed you. manolo, papa told me about mercedes. >> mercedes. have they found her? >> no. >> i must go after her. i cannot do that lying in bed. >> please, you can't do anything right now. >> victoria, please, i must find her now. >> the comancheros had just raided another of my herds. we were going after them and that's when your men arrived. >> they are clever, those
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they must've broken up into two groups so they could strike both of us at the same time. my guess is that they rendezvous somewhere north of rancho montoya. that would place them between the two ranches. >> there is no guarantee they will be there, though. maybe if i took a party up north and buck, head west. go to the east. those comancheros have left tracks. if they are in that area, we will find them within 24 hours. >> papa, that is not soon enough. > what are you doing here? you belong in bed! >> i will ride after them, too. >> but you are in no condition -- >> i am going to ride. >> very well.
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>> it's getting late, bucko. >> yeah. well, we'll wait until dark. we'll use the night to get back. >> any signs?
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>> why turn back? we have only searched for a few hours. >> we look all day. the men are tired, and we have brought no food. >> i know that! we will search another hour. then we returned to the rancho. vamonos. this is hers. where did you find it? >> northwest of here. >> were there any tracks there that you could follow? >> yes, there was tracks. they led up to the mountains and then we lost them. >> well, then we try again. come, we must go with the men. >> mano, it is impossible. the men are tired. >> he's right. the men are tired, the horses dog tired. besides, where do we look now? >> the comancheros have taken mercedes. what do i care?
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>> well, then we search some more! papa, somebody must've seen the group, somebody must've seen the direction. i will find her myself. >> mano! >> mano. mano. >> how's the girl, vieja?
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>> i've been looking for you. >> why are you looking for me? >> you remember me? >> oh, yes, i remember you. >> i'm teniente garcia. >> so? >> you are looking for the girl? >> that is right. >> she's not in very good condition to travel.
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>> why are you doing this for me? >> the presence of this woman is destroying all i have worked for, and i want it taken away. >> she alive? >> yes. >> she better be, teniente garcia. vamonos.
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>> pa! look. >> yeah, that's mano. >> who is he with? >> i don't know. we'll follow him. >> whoa. here we walk. through there. i will walk with you part way, then i must leave you. >> you can stop right there. drop your guns on the ground. ah ah ah. manolito, on the ground. well, well, well.
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>> callate, perro. >> where is the girl, sanchez? >> oh, she's over there in the camp. she's dying. >> take me to her now. >> mano -- >> take me! >> mano, was it not you reminded me that the man who holds the gun gives the orders? well, now i have the gun and you make no demands. will have to shoot me. >> not just yet. mano, i have better plans for use on that. >> remember, capitan, who brought him to you. >> is, i will remember, teniente. i will. >> i want to see mercedes now! >> all right, manolito. release him.
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>> mercedes! mercedes. mercedes, my love. look at me. >> manolito. >> i have come for you.
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>> remember how we used to play here when we were children? >> play here? >> by the riverbank. oh, it's so peaceful. under the big tree, listening to the little sounds of the river. oh, the birds. manolito, do you hear them? >> yes. i hear them. they are beautiful. >> manolito, when we are married, we must come here often, and we will bring our children, and they will play by
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them very carefully so that no harm comes to them. >> yes. yes. >> manolito. >> mercedes, please. >> hold me. >> shh. >> i am so cold. >> shh. mercedes. >> all right, you people. stay right where you are and drop your guns. >> [speaking spanish]
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>> manolito. >> hola, victoria. >> mano. >> papa. >> i have been thinking that if i had no the start, this might not have happened. i have been thinking, mano, that all of this is my fault. >> no, papa.
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>> thank you. >> manolito, will you come home now? will you?
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flint: seth adams doesn't o make p, but the train was way behind schedule, and we both knew there would be trouble in the mountains if we didn't make a beeline west. the ramseys were heade for the iron river valley-- that's about three days' ride of the trail. you had to feel sorry for the folks from the deep south-- in those years right after, there wasn't much left for them back homouble. but ahhem was a town named bitter springs. i'd been there before, and i couldn't help wishing the ramseys didn't know it,


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